Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 11, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Inaaoui 4e,ral Banking' Bualneaa.
To Introduce Th Morning
Enterprise Into a large niJr-
of I ha bomaa In Oregon
" Jty and Clarkamaa county tha
VMiagement baa decided lo
Aka a special price for tha
laaus, for a ahort tloia
sly, where lha subscriber pays
f year In advance,
f By carrier, paid a year In
Jvanr. I.(M).
f lly mall, paid a year In ad
nc. IJ.0.1.
llPeopI whosav our canvaa-
r a trial subscription for oua
r mora montha, at ten centa a
r we-k. ran hav tha dally dellv
,wd for a year for 1300 bjr
lying a year In advance,
.people wbo gav our canvaa
yr a trial atibarrUtlnn. by
tl, for four montha al a dol
W, may have the 'paper for a
far for .oo. If paid a year In
1 Subscriber to the Weekly
jatorprts may chaug tbelr
aberrtptlona to tha dally, .re
viving credit for half time ou
be dally that the weekly la
Id In advance When tbey
ihs to add caab to tba ad
anre payment equal to a full .
aar'a advance4 payment tbey
)ay take advantage of tba 1
5-, Wa make thla anerlal prlc
- that pnopl who bava paid
t advance on aome other dally
Bdwteh to take the Moraine;
' Jntcrprlae. may do ao without
jDo great eiponae.
ed Bate, who resides near Eats
s. waa transacting bualneaa In Ore
CUf Monday,
. and Mra Oeorge Card nor, who
been vlalllng frlenda at Carlton.
yon, returned home Monday.
1. Elmer IHion left Monday for
louver, R C, where ha. goea to
)a Judge In a poultry ahow.
O. Daugherty, repreiwmtatlva of
,rclflo Taper Company, waa In
;on City on bualneea Tueaday.
T B. Foater, of flarfleld, and Will
t' Blnkee, prominent fruit-men of
ld. were In tbla city Monday on
Vnk Mulvey. of Taooma. Waah.,
baa been vlaltlna; bla mother, Mra.
art Mulvey, returned home Mon-
5 Newell, of Damaacua. one of tha
valaetlo frultgrowera of Clacka-
county, waa In Oregon City Tuea-
II. Lucke. ona of tha prominent
alaalon merchanta of Canby, waa
(rgon City on bualneaa yeaterday
way home rrom portiana.
ba rulUm. of Vkila. waa In Ore
City Monday receiving medical
kicnt, aa he la Buffering wlih a
B attack of blood polaonlng.
or nrownell la atill confined to
jeldenca, auffertng from aa attack
yip. Tha aorry condition of the
Jier makea It Imperative that be
Oln Indoora until ha baa recovered
V. T. M. Dya, aon of Attorney C.
Vye, la now aaaoclated with Meaflra,
ieraon Reed and J. H llell, Port
I lawyera In tba Kenton building,
fbaa an Important part In tha work
firm. He la living at tha T. M.
I. building, which la a very popular
(e with aome of the better claaa of
log men In tha Rosa City.
Lloanae to Marry. 1 .
icanaa to marry waa laaued yeti r-
to Ida May Hepler. and.Wllllura
T6 Calabrata Dawey Day.
Wtland propoaea to celebrate
ray 4ay, May 1, Hit, In a mannor
t to be remembered. Tba crulaer
om, blch la credited with having
1 tha first gun In tba Bpanlah-
vrtoan war. will ba In the harbor,
'X ga a training ahip for tha ure
1 Naval Raaerve, and tba aame gun
X first on tha.flpanlarda In Manila
r Will bopm out a salute to Admiral
iray. That great aea fighter la to
t Invltad to atund tha Portland cele-
Ulon. '
Finest Roast Coffee -
Best Butter in 'the State
r. J. MCYKK, Cabi
Open I rn I A. M, U I f . I
t(l1. HOME, B 14.
Next Door to Postofficc
Uve Wlrea era booked fur a good
time tomorrow evening. Metnbera of
thla organisation are aura getting a
run for their money.
Mr. Welle, well known aa the Wil
bolt aawmlll man and who operated
a mill. there until about a year ago,
waa In tba city Tueaday on bualneaa.
A friend of John J lloylan says that
It waa K. I'arker that atrurk IWiylan
and not Doylan I'arker, and that our
typa became Iwlated and reflected on
the wrong man.
Tburaday night will be annual roll
call nlgbt at tba prayer meeting at the
Congregational church. Tba offlrera
of the church are aniloua that tbere
be a full attendance.
. Cbaa. W. Hlaley, of Itlaley Station,
waa a bualneaa vlallor to the city Tuea
day. tie la a prominent farmer-In
Clackamas county anc la alwaya wel
come In Oregon City.
The Mcccaltee Inatallatlon laat night
waa a vary pleaaant affair. State
Commander Rherwood did the honors
of the occasion, aud a feaat of oyatera
followed the work of tha evening. .
Revival meetlnna at flladatone are
becoming Interesting. 8o far there
bava been threw -baptisma and adher
ents to tha churcb two men on Sun
day night and a woman on Saturday
Marvin Hart, wbo waa hauling gar
bage and rubblab to the river In a
cart belonging to the city Tueaday, al
lowed the cart to get away from him
on Fourth street and It ran rapidly
down Into tha river and dlaappeared.
Quest Ion T Wbo la to rescue the cart?
Odd Fellows of Gladstone met Tues
day evening and passed a bunch of
new membera through tha Initiator?
degree. Tba first degree ba
worked In the home ball on Saturday
evening, tba Iortland degree team do
ing the work. Tba Oregon City team
promises to work the second and third
degrees later.
E. C- Dya to Lead tha Negative Forcaa
In Debate.
Kvenlng Star and Woodlawn Orang-
ea, of Portland, have arranged for a
joint debate between membera on Sat
urday evening, at Woodlawn at S p.
m. Tba Evening Star la tba banner
grange In tha State and Woodlawn
laya claim to atandlng ahoulder to
ahoulder. with It. Then fore thla event
calls for mora than paining attention
at thla time.
Tha Question to be discussed la.
"Resolved. That tha Federal Govern
ment Should Rotalu Tula to all I un
appropriated Mineral Landa. Timber
Lands and Water Power."
R. F. Petera. a Vnlveraliy Law
Scbnol debater of reputation will lead
the affirmative. Messrs. K. c. Uy.
Hon. J. I), twee aud Fred Melndel will
apeak to the negative.
Our townsman. Mr. oye. ana nr.
Petera are old schoolmates and frlenda
but will In thla Instance ba pitted
against ona another.
Coat County 170 to Punish for Theft
. of 12.50.
W. 8. Alderaon waa yesterday after
noon aentanced to izv aaya in me
county Jail, lie waa convicted of the
larceny of a cord of wood valued at
$2.60 and It coat Clackamas county
about 170 to convict him. The follow
ing Jury tried the case In Circuit Judge
Cwinpbell'a court: A. J. Harkenrlder,
It hn F. Rckeraon, 8. R. Green. O. M.
II. Jonea, Fred Gerber, Dan Watts. J.
T. Drake, Fred Gross. Ole Mlkkclaen,
F. F. Seely, K. K. Judd and W. F.
Stanton. N
First National Wins Case.
The case of Doles va. First (Com
mercial) Natlobal Dank waa heard
thla week. The case waa heard before
Judge Campbell without Jury and ver
dict waa found for defendant. Judge
Campbell gave defendant thirty daya
In which to file 'bill of exceptlona.
Case will likely be taken to tba Su
preme Court on appeal.
Fined 2 90 and Costa.
El Reed, who-waa arrested for
drunkenesa Monday, by Chlof Shaw,
waa In police court Tueaday and drew
a fine of $2 60, which he paid.
Go to gecreat's for that hot lunch-
sucoessor to Lenta, 610 Main atreet
Trio Must Make Their Own Way to
Win the Big Wagsr Held Up as
4 " arUe By a Rich
Miaa Alberta Claire, of Duffalo, Wy.
"iiiiiik. wno is irsvinng on a wager
rrorn Duffalo, Wyoming, to Ituffalo,
New York, by horseback, reached this
city Tuesday afternoon, and attracted
no little attention, when It became
known what ber mission was. This
young horsewoman, who baa lived
most of ber life on the cattle ranch of
hir father and uncle, Is atandlng the
trip remarkably well, although aba his
met with many hardshlpe since she
atarted out In April. Tbe wager waa
put up by her uncle and a friend of
bis, and she la to receive ftooo In cash
besides one of tbe finest cattle ranrbea
la Wyoming, which la wortb several
tbousanda of dollars, provided she
makea the trip by horseback In two
yeara. .Thla little woman la confident
of winning the piixe. although she
knowa that It will he bard earned. It
was understood that while on tbla trip
she la to make her own living and that
of I be horse, "Mickey" and ber pet
dog, "Hud." the latter of which la part
Newfoundland and part Dane. On
many occaalona baa the dog become
aorefooted from tbe travels over the
mountainous roada, but Its feet are
nor becoming accustomed to travel
ing, and does not suffer aa when first
atartlog out, and la alwaya ready to
atart on tbe Journey after becoming
rested. The horse waa presented to
tbe young rider by a young' cowboy
In Wyoming, and tbe dog, wsk also a
gift. While vlHltlog at a frlend a bouse
one day tbe dog became attached to
the young Woman, and the owner In
formed her that she might bave him
Ithe dog) provided he followed her.
The dog seemed to understand, and
aa Miss Claire atarted to leave for her
home the dog followed, and haa been
In ber possession for abgut one year.
Tbe dog. which la four yeara old. la an
Intelligent animal, and when tbe horse
Is placed In tbe atable at night or dur
ing the daytime the dog never leaves
Its aide, "riiid had. m narrow escape
with bis life In Portland on Monday,
and had It not been for tbe big bean
of a motnrman on one of the street
cars "Hud" would not bava had a'
chance of sharing tbe $1000 that Is to
be given Miss Claire or to retire oa
th. Wyoming cattle ranch "Rud"
spled a dog that looked like, an old
pal of his In Wyoming, and forgetting
about the atreet cara and automobllea,
made a diva across the street to greet
him. When In the middle of tbe car
track a car came suddenly around the
corner, and the motorman In charge
of the car heard Miaa Claire exclaim
"My dog; don't run over him." The
car atonoed suddenly, and the motor-
man told the young woman that he
had heard of her dog and would not
harm a hair on hta bark. I'pon reach
ing thla city the young woman waa
loud In her praise for the man'a Be
lli ma.
Miss Clair atated that she haa be
come recuperated from her travels
over the mountalna since ber week'a
atay in Portland, where ah haa been
appearing at the Lyric, and la now
ready to start out again to ae so ins
of the Oregon country, which 'la all
new to her. Miss Claire has been lost
many times since starting out on ber
trip. In the mountalna and In the aage
brush nlalna. On one occasion aha
became lost In tbe woods In the PJue
Mountains, where much game aWinds.
She built a large fire and ber pistol
waa ready for use bad she found It
necessary to use It. Thaday she
could aee tracka of animala In tbe road
ahetd of her. but tbla daring young
woman never gave up courage and
proceeded on ber trip. On these
mountalna her dog became aorefooted
and moaned In pain. She sounded an
alarm and men at a distant on a cattle
ranch came to the reacue, and aha re
mained at the camp over night, where
tbe women made her comfortable.
On another occasion ahe came to a
little horn on a desert, and asking If
ahe could remain there for the night
she waa given a cool reception by the
mother, who at firat refused to let her
atay, but the children Imploring for
the young travelers Bake, the mother
finally consented, and apologlred toe
following morning for her actlona.
At the next atoplng place" Mis Claire
At the next stopping place Miaa Claire
for the children and sent them, which
no doubt gladdened their hearts on
t'hrtstmas morn.
while nn the tr u from Wyoming 10
Oregon Miss Clair made 47 mllee In
one dav. The weather waa hot aa ahe
traveled over the aanda of the desert.
Many houra they wer without water,
and after passing through a deep ra
vin. ier waa discovered. 1 ne aog
remained behind, but Ita owner think
ing It waa following her ahe proceeded
on until ahe came to Green River.
Wyoming. Overcome with raiigue
and heat she waa unable to tell tbe
proprietor of tbe hotel where ahe waa
going or who ahe waa. She aoon be
came revived and the first thought
was of her faithful dog "Bud." lie
had not arrived, and ahe aet out to
hunt for h Im the following morning
Rh had iron a aeveral mllea, and had
about given up hopea of ever acelng
Kim mln. when ana aniea nor pei ou
the opposite side of the river, where
she had crossed the aay previous.
rt,e animal bearing her vole plunged
Into th river and awam serosa. Since
that time the animal has never left
v atile while traveling.
Already Miss ciatr naa ra'n
1000 miles, sad expects to cover many
more thousands before completing her
b Ithe states that she will reach
bar destination In Nw York before
the required time. 8he .-pacta
reach Saoramanto, Call focal a. about
January It. In crossing th Tama
desert she will purchase pack horses
to carry her camping outfit. which win
k nnre-hased before atartlng. and by
anlna- an aha will b able to make the
trip alower tha U th only took her
riding horse, in aeaing imiaa viaire
if aha was not timid of passing through
the lonely mountainous regions, she
avelalmad "WIT DO. T hT mr IJ-CBU
bre and plenty f ammunltfdb, and
know how to as If 8b has uaed
It too while on her trip. While)
ng along a lonely highway aha waa
met by a young man, wbo grabbed tbe
horse's reins, and told her to bait
Rb refused, and the man made anoth
er attempt to catch bold of th reins
wbeo she pulled out her revolver and
shot half of bla ear away. He Inter
fered no more.
Miss Claire waa tbe only child, and
ah waa born In England. When four
yeara of age ah cam to America
with her parents and to Wyoming.
Her father purchased a caltla ranch,
and the young girl waa aoon lb pet
of all 'th cowboy. It waa on ber
father's ranch that she learned to ride
the bucking bronchos, and she de
lighted In saddling ber own horse.
Her father wa a scholar, and the only
manner In which be amid coax bis
child to study waa to tell her that she
could rid a certain horse. She wasn't
long In getting at ber studies.'' When !
IS year of sue her mother took her'
to Gloucester, Kngland, wher shnj
wished her child to. enter- p achooL j
She attended college for two yeara,1
and returned to Wyoming wben 17 1
yeara of age. Mlsa Claire aays that
aba embodies tbe characteristics of
ber father, aa be loved the. way of th ,
West, while her mother waa .of a ,
quiet and bom loving nature. Mlssj
Claire's parents passed away about :
eight years ago, and after tbelr death j
she msda her home -with her uncle, i
her father's brother. The young worn-
sn baa a charming ersonallty, and
many who, listened to her talea of ad-
vonture were very much Impressed
with her, and wondered how a little
woman could brave the hardships
with such courage aa ahe baa alnc
atartlng on her tour serosa tbe con
tinent. !
Several moving plrtur show com-
pa pits are already negotiating with
Miss Clair to appear in some of her
riding stunts, but she baa not decided
a to th. future. One company has
offered a good price. She will decide
when ahe completes the trip to New
Mis Clair statee that ahe haa been
treated kindly In most of tbe placea
ah baa visited. 'When In thla city
ah wore a handsome pin given hnr
by one of tbe prominent wool growers.
ho la a member of the W oolgrower a
Association that convened at Portland
last week. At Lewlston, Idaho, ahe
was presented with gold nuggets form
ing a locket. Around her waist ah
carried a belt HI led With cartridges
and a 32-calibr revolver, and anyone
holding her u will bo doubt receive
what la coming to them.- Mlsa Claire
carries wlH ber a supply pf souvenir
postal cada of herself, and these are
presente-t tber friends she makea In
the dlfferVhl placea ahe vUlta, and do
doubt thos receiving- them will be
Interested In ber travels until she
reaches her destination across the
continent. - - - -
Ballsy to Honor Momery ef
' Ssvsrtn.
Hellcy, a little town In tbe south
east of France. Is a lout to raise a
monument to the glory of one of Its
sons. nrillst-BsTsrln. The author of
"The Thyslology of Tast" n tbe
alsiolnte reallxatlon of tbe typlrsl good
liver. Tbe revolution confiscated bis
property and removed blm from bin of.-,
floe aa civil Judge. He fled to Switzer
land and then to the United IMalea.
where be played a fiddle In a New
Tork theater to gain a living.
Ilia property waa afterward return
ed to him, aud he rn made a coun
selor of the supreme court, an office
he clung to aiiccessfully through
chsngca of empire and kingdom. Ills
rhyslology of Taste shared th fate
of many celebrated book s. It waa re
fused by several publishers and even
ruallv waa publjobed at tbe author's
expense. Dot witnout nis name aiiacu
ed to It, as he considered the nature
of the work Incompatible with bis ju
dicial functions.
It waa Ilrlllat-Savarln who declared
that "the discovery of a new food does
more for the happiness of the human
race than the discovery of a star."
Roto of th axioms from his book
Th man who rsn cok .Is madei the
man who ran roast Is horn.
To tnvlt anytxxly lo one's houes Is to
undertake the reiinlblllty of his well
belna during the whole time he to one's
Animals fer.1: man eats. The man of
sens alnnq know how to edt.
Tha d.fttny ef nations depends upon
how they are TeJ. . . . "
The table la the only place wher on ta
not bonrd for the first hour.
"Monsieur the counslor., a hostess
asked him one day. "which do you pre
fer, burgundy or bortleauiT"
"Madame." replied th Judicial au
thority, "Hint Is a lawsuit In which I
have- so much pleasur la taking tbe
eldenc that I alwaya postpone Judg
ment" "
Nonpartisan Organization Under Wsy
ta Advsnc Insurgent Policies.
A few weeks ago James A. Edger-
ton, tbe newspacr writer, BiiggeNted
tb formation of a uonartinn pro
gressiva league to iiMh forward pro-
gross! v principle. II has Just re
ceived word of tbe first league formed
under the plau. It la lo San Joaqulu
county. Cel., In whk-h Stockton Is lo
cated, la organised aa a county league
and meets every month. Tbe secre
tary, Msry F, Merrill, suggests that
speakers be sent out to push tba propa
ganda of tbe movement and believes
that "such orgnulsationa will do a vast
amount of good." ,
' In tbe original enggestlon of tbe pro
gressive league tb plan waa to hav
tb pt-opl organise tbemselva with
out waiting for outside help and wben
a aufllclent number of leagiiea In a
atate had been formed to organise a
stste league, thus continuing till a na
tional body could be formed. The
well known progressive principle,
such as tariff reduction, direct nomi
nations, popular election of senators.
Initiative and referendum, control of
corporations, elimination of apcclsl In-
teresta from politics and other use
policies aboukl form the platform of
th movement. It Sbcakl be In we
sense a new party, hot should contain
tnembers of all parti and aeek only
the promotion of tb people' rights.' -..
Mr. Edgwrton, whose horn Is In Nut
toy, N. X. now begins to bellv thst
something msy come of bis suggestion
sad hopes to hear from tbe formation
f other leagmea.
' Qo to Bee rest's for that hot lunch
su boss or to Leans, 10 Main atreet
TTKe IP(iDpllo
January Clearance Sale
MS Values Spsclil Price.....
2 00 Valusa Special Price it.49
S2.7S Value Special Price.. 11.98
3M Values Speclsl Price 92.49
M SO Valusa Special price $2.98
$5.60 Valuas Special PHc . . . . . H 98
$6.50 Vslues Special PHc TM.85
An Annual Money Saving Event
Qroon Trading Otampocvory each purohaoo
The Improvement of. 'intn, stret
baa drifted Into more or leas compli
cation over the widening of the street
and th consequent assessment of
damage and benefita. Tbe atreet
waa originally opened up to but'hajf
width on the tbre aquarea "between
Harrison and Taylor streets, the north
half of tbe atreet never baring been
vacated. Itut In the present .improve
ment it waa Imperative that the atreet
be Improved Ita full width or not Im
proved at alL Hence the Improvement
waa decided upon, the ' damagea and'
benefits assessed, and tbe work start
ed forward. :
Tbere were three blocks on which
the half atreet had not been vacated.
Half of one waa owned by the Congre
gational church but not tbe half of
tbe street and aasessment waa made
down aa far aa Centre atreet The
city decided to pay the owners of the
half streets In the two blocks esst of
the church- block, end assesa tbe
church about $20 along with other
holders. In the meantime tbe church
scoured possession of the half atreet
and then offered to sell to the city at
the aame rat as the othera $100
and pay for Ita Improvement aame aa
othera about $20. But aa the city
had banked on the vacation of th half
street In question thla new move cam
in tbe natur of a Jolt; and tb matter
atanda In abeyance.
It looka much as If the church waa
In possession of aomethlng that the
city must buy, and aa If Ita title waa
good and In holding it for trade the
church would be able to car for Ita
Improvement assessment and have a
little change to apare.
In the meantime the City Fathers
are wondering- what will be the next
anag run op agulnst, and from what
source the Jolt will come.
On Sunday evening Mlsa Clara
Fields entertained a few of her friends
at the home of her parenta. Mr. and
Mra. E.T. Field a on Twelfth near
Main- The evening waa devoted to
music and carda, followed by refreah-
Present were Miss Dollle Pratt.
Mlsa Wolfensteln. of Portland, Mlsa
Rather Levitt. Messrs. H. E. Bern
stein, F. W. Newton. Zoltan Kaiser,
G. C. Ftelda, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Fields.
On Saturday nlgbt a aurprlse" party
waa tendered Mr. and Mrs- Grant by
a few of their frlenda at Meldrum.
With dainty refreshmenta the party
anneared at the Grant home, wnicn
waa aoon In tbelr possession, and a
moat enjoyable evening waa spent In
music and game.
The guesta were Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Seeley, Mr. snd Mrs. Power. Mr.
and Mra. P. G. Wamblad, Mr. and
"Mra. Alex Gill, Mr. and Mra. William
Mr. and Mr. Shwman Entertain.
The membera of the Tuesday Night
Bridge Club, formerly the . Frway
Nleht Bridge Club, were entertained
last night by Mr. and Mra W. A. Shew.
man at their home on wasmngton
street, between Eleventh and Twelfth
streets. The evening waa devoted to
bridge, and a most enjoyable evening
waa apent In this amusement. The
beautiful handpalnted prlsea were tbe
handiwork of W. A. Bhewman. Re
freshmenta were aerved.
The following wer present: Mr.
and Mra. John Adama. Mr.- and Mrs,
Eber Chapman. Dr. and Mrs. A. L,
Beatle, Mr- and Mra. M. D. Latourette.
Mr. and Mra. a T. McBaln, Mr. and
Mra. O. W. Eastham. Mra. unwood
Jonea, Mra. Nleat Barlow Lawrence,
Mlsa Sallle Warren, of Oak Grove.
Mlsa Grace Shewman. of Rlaley. Miaa
Cla Pratt, Charlea Warren, of Oak
Grove, Roawell L. Holmans
Two Thousand Application for Mem
bership During Dcmbr.
Mr. S. 8. Walker. Mrs. jl L. Wsld
ron and Mra. A. F. Parker, a commu
te annotated by the Sola Circle.
Wnmen at Woodcraft, to meet with
committees of IB lodges of Portland
Monday a ft ernorm. arranged for th
hi. meet ins- that la to b held by the
ordr In April, tbe final meeting of
th dav to b held In tbe Armory.
Thla committee Is termed the "Good
Fellowship Committee." During Dec
amber tker wer 2000 applications
for mmbrablp into th order. Th
guards of th local order will assist
with th floor work at th meeting to
b held In April.
B aur and attend the Clearance
Sale at th Popl s Btor. Thie 1
aa anawal tnoaey-eavtng wnt.
Masonic Temple
Oregon City Quotations.
Dried prunes-r-Oood stock of Oregon
prunes Is becoming scarcer fancy
stork brings top prices 6c to Sc.
Grain Little movement In local
markets with prices firm. Wheat
commands 90c; corn selling by 100
shelled $i:75, crushed 12; oata bring
27c a bushel.
Poultry No great demand and local
market shows little fluctuation: all
classes bring 12c lb.; no movement In
turkeys, geese or ducks
Flour, local wheat, bbl..... $3.10
Flour from bard wheat 6.6J
Bran, by sack...... .
Shorts, aack 1.20
Barley, aack 1-15
Timothy hay. ton J7.'.......20.OO
Clover hay, ton.......... J40O
Beef hldea 05
Calf aklna 10c
Sheep pelta 65e to $1
Egga. dot..'. .........33c
Butter, roll 6ae
Cheese, selling Z2c
Pork, d ressed .". ....lie
eai, ureaseu .itjc u u
Mutton, dressed., .'....8c to 9cT
Lard, eelllng. ............ .... 13c
Applea, hox........
...&0c to $1.25
, lc
7c to 8c
Potatoes, lb........
Onions, lb... ,
Garlirh, lb
Dried applea, paying
80c to 84V4c
$29 to $30
...$28 to $28.50
,. .123 to $25
Wheat, bu ,
Corn, ton
Oata, ton.
Barley, ton
Flour, barrel
.$ 10 to $5.00
Mill Stuff, ton bran $23.50. midlines
$31, shorts $25.50, barley $25 to $26.
Hay timothy $20; clover $14
Wool, Eastern Oregon.1 18c to le
Wool. Willamette Valley 13c to 17c
Hldea. dry . ...15c to 16c
Hldea. green 6Hc to 7V4c
Poultry Fancy hena 18c to lc, bid
roosters 14c, turkeys zzc to z&c.
Egga, dos
Hope, home grown.
Butter, pound .......
Cheese, pound ......
Lard, pound
Tallow, pound
Potatoea, 100 lbs...
Onlona, 100 lbs
Walnuta, pound
Gssoline, gal
Coal Oil, sal.-.
...35c to 3Cc
. ...28c to 35c
..16HC to 17c
..50c to $1.75
.$1.35 to $1.40
16c to 17C
....18c to 25c
Try Dunn for Clgara and Smokers'
Goods. Next to Poetofflce.
Judging from the number of people
attending the Clearance Sale at the
Peoples 8tore, It must certainly be
a success.
Wants, For Sale, etc
Notlcre under theee claaalfled headings
will be Inserted, at one wnt a worn, iirai
1.,., air m wnt additional Inser-
tlona. Ont Inch card. 13 per month; half
Ini-h rmrA (4 lineal 11 Dr mnnth.
Cash mini tcrnmpany order unleaa one
has sn open socount with the paper. No
financial responsibility for ernira; where
error occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum cnmre j.-.
WANTED Old Rubbers. Copper and
Brass, for Which I pay hlghcat price.
J. H. Mattley, Seventh Street
WXNTED To buy Oregon Beaver or
' other rare gold colne. Inquire S.
D. Klger, 33 M tdison apartmenta,
Portland, Or.
WANTED Small advertlBetnenta for
this column. Prlcos very reason
able. See ratea at bead of column.
FOR SALE Space In thla column
Sell that old plow or harrow; you
dont us It alnc you purchased
your new one.
FOR SALE Span bay maroa. 6 and
7 yeara .old, weight 1300 pounos;
both sorel and broken; both double
and alngle drivers : will work any
where; also wsgon and harnee.
Will aell or trade for real eat ate.
W. N. Prlc, 307 Fifth atreet, Ore
gon City. '
FOR SALE A good $10,000 farm for
aale. John W. Loder. Owner. Atty.
at Law, Stevens Bldg
FOR RENT Liner space In thla col
umn. rA few tinea may rent that
house, store or farm: they will cost
but few cents.
Real , Estate
C. T. Tooss,
Lawyer and Notary
- . ' : : ..'
Real Batata Bought sad Sold.
Room l. Beaver Bldg., Orwgoa OUy
$3.50 Valusa Special Price. .... ..$2.10
X7i Values Special Price $2.33
-$4.50 Values Special Price. ..... .$3 28
$5.00 Values Special Price. ..... .$3.25
$6.00 Values Special Price $3.95
$7.00 Valusa Special Prlc $45
$900 Valuss Special Prlc $6.35
I 1 -
LOST Strayed or atolea: a black
muley heifer, two yeara old; waa
last aeen at Viola; any party know
ing whereabout of same will pleas
Inform John Egger and recelv re
ward; lost alnce June 1. Address
at Sprlngwater, Oregon, Root 1,
Bog 23
0. D. ' EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
title examined, estate settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
U'REN SCHCEBEL, Attorneys-at--
Law, Deutscber Advokat, will prac
tice In all courts, make collections
and aettlementa. Office In Enter
prise Bids., Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE. Abstract Olfice
. Land tltlee Investigated, conveyan- '
clog, -notary public.
Room 7, Barclay Bid-, Oregon City.
Investment Co:, Stevens Bids.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on all classes of building
- work, concrete wslks and reinforced
' concrete. Res. phone Main 11L
DR. L. G. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4.
5 snd Beaver building. Main St.,
Oregon City, phonee: Home A-198
and Pacific States 122L
MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at-Law, Stevena Bldg.
Farm, Timber, Grazing, Agricultural
Lands, City Property, Small Fruit
and Poultry Rancbea for Sale, Wal
nut Land. Room 9 Beaver .Bldg.,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Farms, Timber Land, City Prop
erty and Renlala. P. O. box 173;
office, 71 Noble Bldg., Mala St..
Oregon City, Or.. Main 1382; B-131.
E. H. COOPER. For Fir Insurance
and Real Estate. Let ue handle
your properties we buy, sell and
exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon-
tate Dealers, bav cholc bargain
In farm landa, city and auburbaa
home, good fruit landa and poultry
ranches. See- ua for . good buys
Near S. P. depot -
All good farm land, laya level, 13
acrea under cultivation, balance pas
ture and timber; timber enough on
place to pay for land, good 3-rooni
houn and barn; good well, two living
streams of water; saw-mill across the
road from place; 30 roda to atore;
half mile to school; mile from'
Oregon City on macadamized road;
raw land In thia locality cannot b
had for lea than $60 an acre, and
improved front $100 to $160 per acre.
We dont ask, yon that for thia. WhyT
Because thla man haa two farms and
Is anxious to aell thla one. Prlc.
$1,500; 11000 down, balance four years
at 6 per 'cent.
Oregon City, Or.
Near Supnifi rldaj.
SECOND HAND Furniture, Carlo sad ,
RHc bought, sold snd exchanged.
Anything from a darntsf adl lo
a ablp's anchor. YOUNG, Tb
Second Hand Man,' Mala St. Ore
gon City. - , - - -:
Electric Hdfcl
411 Mala, ktwass 4th mi M t
J. J- TOSIN, Propr1ie.
If you want
. tUY A HCtfC
An) If yea fl frvt j
lot e
- i