Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 10, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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0. LATOURBTTE Preaideot T. J. MKYKH, Cash lei
tniKU a eAr tanking Sualnsaa..
Wlaa tllbha'rd. of Hllverton, la
jdlng a row daya In this city.'
nn Clllett. of Mountain Vlaw, ta
..lued to hla room by lllnaaa.
'ay morning oh business, return-;
I. n tha evtmlug
'. Moray, one of tha prominent
T aula of IJberal, waa In thla city
ualnes Monday
ck Woods,, a former raaldent of
t cltyJ)gt . now of lurtUndV waa
ala city on Monday. ,
titer Want worth went to Rua
C.Hls on buaineaa Sunday, wbara
ka feut tba day wltb friend.
. . f 1-TruJlluger, after aeveral daya'
I a, baa resumed hla poeltion aa
' ,! dellvrry clerk In tba poetof-
. Martha K. llolman. mother of
r townsman, Mr. Hoewall U Hoi-
I. t vlalt .
' irtln Ansel,- who waa a raaldent
f jrgon t'lty about 30 yeara. ago,
hero ytateruay vUltlng old
Mia. He la now a prominent frul(
rar of Joaepblna County.
T. and Mra. (Tyda I'lckard. of Hell-
were at Maldrum Sunday, tba
la of Mr. and Mra. L. II. Miliar,
lattar haa aold tbair place, but
V I Dot decided upon a location.
'' If. Jaffrlea, rapraaantlng tba
C. Dn City Kutarprlae, laavaa Tuaa-f-
avanlng for Aabland on buaineaa.
will Tiail ureuie 1 wruiui w
Hoaeburg before returning bare.
" i.-Wllltam-Mtllnkln.-of-8ratUr
h., haa arrived In tbla city to viait
" f alatara, the Mlaaaa Uadka, of
elfth and John Adama atreeta
Mlllakln waa formerly Mlaa Uana
' . ... ,kl. 1 a a.
i. XL Htafford. who recently ra
rnad from Katacada. where be haa
n with a aurvaylng party, will
ftalal ak. aaaa l In aneitl at njufMnH
" " " w " a r"'"""
h(rumni man uh m urvylnc j
Tty for tha O. W. It A N. Company
jf. R. Charman, of Seattle. Waah.,
yo haa been vlaltlng wltb relative
. Portland. Waa In thla city Sunday,
1 on Tueaday returned to HealU.
.9ra be la connected with a aurvey
I party for tba O. W. R. A N- Com-
llaa lirayra Marahall, who haa
tn connected with tb J. Iavltt
re for tba paal four yeara. haa ra
ted bar poaltlon, which will take
Kt on ' Saturday night Mlaa
rahall apent Sunday at Ruaaellvllle,
ting, with her brothera, William
I Ralph, who ara In buaineaa at
I place.
Ir. and Mra. B. R. Wllllama. of
tile, Wkah., hava been vlaltlng In
I city tha paat week at tha home
lie latter'a parenta, Mr. and Mra.
f. Harding. Dr. and Mra. Wllllama
I reeervatlona on tha at earner Gov.
T, and will aall for Loa An galea,
Jornla, where they Intend to "to
( permanently.
r. Doraey and aoo. who have been
orlda for tha paat two yaara, hava
tied and will probably locata at
Main View, where tha former 'Will
ga In the blackamlth buaineaa
1 Ralph Oroaa. Mr. Doraey waa
jerry In thla Una of buaineaa -at
jcada, and left for that place Sun
to bring hla toola here.
ee J. Caufleld and party, who have
n aurveylng for tha Portland Rail
f Light A Power Company at Rata
a alnca September, returned to
iron City Friday evening. Thoae
ompanylng Mr. Caufleld from thla
f ara J. R, Stafford. Will Btroh
yer and Charlea My era. Caufleld
J leave thla weak for tha Spring,
tar country, where ha will do eonie
m aurveylng-
Ira. Lawrence Ruconlch, who haa
Igned her poaltlon aa atenographer
tha office of Dtmlck ft Dlmlck, at
ny a,' and her vacancy haa been
ed by Mlaa Elale Telford, of Ga
la h. Mr. Ruconlch will leave in
3w. daya for Salem, her former
.a, where aha will make a brief
t with frtenda before leaving for
,11a Walla. Waah., where aha will
n her huaband, who haa bean there
r aevaral montha.
Judging from tha; number of people
tending tha Clearance Sale at the
sople'a Store, It muat certainly ba
1 aucceaa. . ..
. tefOURll023Y
. .... '
FmzziRoizi Cdizz, - - 35c
Best Butter in the State 80c .
OM" fran 1A.M. to t f. M
Next Door to Postoffice.
Ilorn. Sunday nktil. to tba wife of
John IS. Jacobaou. tl Third atreet, a
Thar waa a llttla anovr fall Monday,
noticeable on tha. bill. Tha grouud
waa ao warm' however, that It mlted
aa faat aa It fall.
I Adama made a bualnnaa trio to
Canby Monday to look after hla mar
rant Inlereat In that village.
Juatlea Hamaon waa Monday- aulv
poenaed on a caaa of State of Oregon
ra. Auguatua Walker, to ba tried In
Hrtrnd Thuraday. Iiofendani.ln the
ault waa Iliad before Juatlea Hamaon
a year ago on a larceny charge and
dlecharged from lack of evidence.
The preaent caaa' la a damage ault.
The annual ball of tha Oregon fity
Commercial Club will be the chief ao.
elal event of. tba new year, and will
taka place aa aoon aa tha new Huaeh
hall la completed. I'realdent Randall,
of tha club, and lha entertainment
committee, compoand of John Adama,
PjvU A. .Morrle, r. Clyde Mount. K.
T. Ftelda and Harry H. Moody, will
meet nekt Thuraday night to arrange
tba detalla of lha affair.
Portland Aeeoclatlen Holda Beaalon
In Local' Church.
Tha Portland I'reabyterlan M Ma
terial Aaaoclatlon mat at the Traaby
terlan rhurrb In thla city at It o'clock
yealerday. It waa tha regular weekly
meeting of the aaaoclatlon which
meet a each Monday, and generally at
tha Ft rat Church In Portland, meeting
In thla city on thla occaalon to lnaect
the raroodalad adUlc of -that, denomi
nation bare.
Thara wera twelve mam here of tha
aaaoclatlon preaent,- and a good pro
gram waa enjoyed. At tha conclualon
of the morning aeaalon tba ladlaa of
tha local church aarved luncheon.
aVIMaiai alA..ilt mmA aVaVataa Vaaaaal Will
t " , ' '
the ault of Mra J. K. M. Black
agalnat Clackamaa county to prevent
tha ojienlng of an 'old road running
through her property waa not con
cluded In tha Circuit Court Monday,
owing to the abaenctr of one of tho
wltneaaea. Aa aoon aa thla peraon la
heard, the teetlmonv will all ha. In
and Judge Campbell will .announce
hla daclalon. Mra. Illack coiitenda
that tha way. waa never laid out or
var opened aa a road, and waa never
created by uaer or preacrlptlon. She
brought ault when tha county court
and aupervlaor threatened to open
thla way over her land after aha had
fenced It, and 'enjoined tha county
from opening the road. Tha County
Court contenda that lha road la one
created by uaer or preacrlptlon.
Editor Vlaltlng paper Mllla. ..
Among tha vlaltora In thla city Mon
day were Mr. and Mra. Will W. Slmp
aon, of Dillon. Mrmt. Mr. Slmpaon la
publlaher of tha Dillon Tribune, and
whlla here he waa an admiring vlaltor
to tha big mllla-of tha Willamette
Pulp ft Paper Co. Mr. Slmpaon re
ceived a letter a few daya ago from
Dillon, advlalng him tha thermometer
regtatered It degreea below aero at
hla home town and ha la In. no hurry
to return.
Clark va. Howell InlClrcult Court.
Tha ault of Mra. H. U U Clark.'et
al agalnat R. M. Howell, truatee, at
al, waa triad In tha Circuit Court yea
terday and went over until thla morn
ing. It la contended by tha Clarka
that Howell haa not lived up to an
agreemennt made whan ha became
truatee for five fractional block a on
tha Abernethy, owned jointly by tha
partlee to tha ault. Tha caaa will ba
concluded today. - . .
.Funeral of Mra. Telkadorf
Tha funeral of tha lata Mra. Chrla
tlna Tolkadorf, who died Saturday at
tha home of her daughter, at Clalr
mount, took place yeaterday morning
from St. John a Cat hollo Church. Rev.
A- Jllllebrand officiating. Interment
waa In the Cathollo cemetery.
Woman'e Club Maete Thuraday.
Tha Oregon 1 City Woman'a Club
will hold one of Ita Interesting meet
Inga next Thuraday afternoon at I
o'clock In tha parlore of tha Comraer
clal Club. Mra. C. D. Latouretta will
tell of "A Trip to tha Orient," and
refrcahmonta will ba, nerved. 1
Owner Refuses ta Pay Salvage te
J. W. Rivera haa sued Fred gcbaef
far In Justice Samsons court to re
cover money (or salvage on runaway
loge. Tha claim la mada that logs
of defendant wars escaping on I ha re
rant flood a In tha Willamette aiU that
defendant authorised plaintiff to catch
and bold them. This waa don by
plaintiff at- much expense to himaolf,
and (ha logs turned over to tba da
fondant. Than, when- plaintiff aakad
for settlement, It la alleged, dafandant
rapudlatad (be bllf end averred tbat
ba had neVar authortxad ha saving of
lbs log la question.- .,..
Trial haa been aat for today at
10 a. m. -and wltncaaaa subpoenaed
for tha occasion. - .
Juatlea Samson Wlahaa Caaa Agalnat
Lucas Brodsnylch. Triad.
Officer Ml lea and Juatloa Ham son
ara putting forth afforta to locata and
bring Into court aa a prosecuting wit
haaa Mra. Ronnie Nelaon, In tha proaa-
,cuiiou oi iicaa uroaanvicn, . wno 19
'charged wltb assault. Rrodanvlch la
I allll undar bond and aa Juatloa 8am
1 aon la of tha opinion thara la Juat
rauaa for hla proaecutlon an effort la
balng pat forth to flndLhir and tnalat
on proaecutlon. Tba police of thla
city ara unanlmoua In tbelr with that
something ba dot. a to convince for
eign with lai morale tbat thara
muat he no molaatatlon of women and
glrle on the atresia of tha city. .
Martin Rooa Choaan Captain and
Harry White Manager For 111."
A banquet waa held In honor of
the Oregon City football team at the
heme of Martin Rooa laat 'Saturday
evening. The early part of the even.
Ing waa epent with mualc. The houae
waa beautifully decorated for tba oo
Caalon and the election of offlcera for
tba next aeaaon waa held. Martin
Itooa waa' elected captain, Gilbert
long treaairrer, and Harry White waa
rhoaan aa manager. After tha elec
tion,- the boya were aeated at tbe
table, airwhtc lrinauy gooqrrlhlnga
were aVrved. Tboaa preaent were J.
Weber, Jr., Harry White, -Martin
Rooa, Walter Moore. Gilbert Long,
Oacar Smltbi Charlea Ptaeman, Mai
villa Green. Wlllard Montgomery,
Martin Sailer, Harry McClure. Louie
Smith, Oliver Proof. Ralph Caraon,
George and Walter Rooa. Mra. Rooa
wit aaalated In tha entertainment of
hr eon 'a guaata by the Mlaaea Mary
Rooa, Dunnle Ownbey and Ella White.
Local Horaamen May Inalat That Re
quired Imprpvementa In Track
and Bulldlnga Be
Mada. . ,
CANBY, Jan. 9. iSecUt) The
horaamen of Canby ara receiving
cnormoua (ettera from horaamen from
different parte-of the country Inquir
ing about Canby aa a training quar
tera, but can not give much encour
agement aa the track and grounda are
not In good ' ahape to accommodate
tha number of boraea that would like
to winter hare.-' Rut ara hoping the
management will reallxe their oppor
tunity "Ynd tblnga will be arranged
ao training atablea can be accommo
dated here during winter montha,
And tba Clackamaa County Pair
grounda will ba the big winter quar
tera In the future. Tbe few horaa
men wintering hare are more than
pleaaed aa tha climate and aoll can
be"fdtind no other place In Oregon.
R. C. Kyta of Perrydale. Oregon la
here with about 15 head of the flneat
bred horaea In Oregon. Including Hol
ly Brand, the great three-year-old by
Tidal Wave, that worked a mil laat
year In 1:15. Mr. Kyte haa eeveraj
colta he la giving their early leaaona
at tba trot and pace, and they look
Ilka real race horaea for aura, and
they auraly hava a right to be aa they
ara by auch noted alrea aa R. Am
btiah. Tidal Wave. Red Seal, and tha
great Tolock- Mr. Kyta la alao tbe
owner of that good pacer King Seal,
which he haa aent to North Yakima
by tha requeet of the breedere there
to make a atud aeaaon, and be pre
pared by Mr. Sebaatln, the able Yaki
ma .trainer, for the big atakea next
year. K. Wood a, of Independence,
Ore., haa aeveral head of good proa-
pacta ha la preparing for 1911 cam
paign. - Hope, that grand looking
atalllon by Tombro, la looking fine
and will be a hard one to beat thla
year, Mr. Wooda haa a green trotfar
by McCloaky Wanwrlght he thlnka,
la lha beat thing aver happened, but
the king pin of bla atable la tha two
year old Robert Ambuah by R. Am
buah. belonging to Mr. M Roblna of
Canby. Thla colt haa had little work
hnt ahowa all Inclination of balng a
high claa horse. Mr, LB. Uddaey
la working a couple of green horaea
and they ara doing fine. Tha Vanghan
Broa. bava three head they are pre
paring for the racea thla year, Mr.
Pred Brooker, tha talented young
writer for tha Rural Spirit, la tha
proud owner of Bonnie Antrian, the'
beat ahort distance horae In thaaa
parta. Bonnie waa eUrted at tha fair
at Spokane, a full mile, which la a
llttla over hla distance. But never
ttr'"l ahowed hla gamaneaa by
k:..-j.t- flrat aeven-atgbtha of . a
ml'.. Ml tn mada a game fight to
defeat t. r.aj-which he did bf a
half a lecrth. Mra, Brooker.' a good
horeewcaan heraali, waa In doubt
about th home' gananeaa tha early
(art of tha aeaaon. but rtad euoceed
ed In convincing her U Lpokmne, a4
aaya had thara been any ahort dla
taneo raa on tha valley circuit, Bon
nie wou-Jl hava been a big money
wlonar. -- - '
D. C. Bly'a II 60 8111: Skirts equal
any aold at 6 andt v ,
Fresh Candlea and Confections at
Dunn'a. Matn itraet, near Postoff).
. -t . " COUNTRY! v. : ,
Oregon City Real Estate" Men Say
Preaent Movements In Realty
Premonition of Big Business
.In 1911.
During the winter a creat many
Important aalea of real -aetata have
heen neffnllateil hv 1w-al fftlera vain.
' ' . wm - J ' , a.ww
nlnv tnfn rninv fhftiivanHa r H,,l1nr
The moat noteworthy of theea are
Hated below:-
B. P. Elliott ft Son have aold with
in the paat six weeks the following
places of land: 160 acres on tha Mo
lalla road, which , waa sold to Mr.
Read, of Spokane, Waah.; 35 acrea at
Carua, belonging to N. Van Metre and
which aold to Mr. Schrader, of Port
land; one lot on Main street, Oregon
Cltv. to the Caacada ljiundrv belong
ing to Mra. T. M. Croaa. Tbe price
of this land waa 91325; 80 acrea, or
land at Reaver Creek was afild to J.
Maloy, of Eastern Oregon, the con
sideration balng fC50o; 20 acres on
the West Side to J. A. Boeebee. con
sideration being 9SO0O; 80 acrea on
the Abernethy road belonging to
Mark Howell, conalderation, $10,500.
and 20 acrea of MackrlioweH'e proper
ty to Mr. Boardman, of Jennlnga
Lodge, conalderation being $2500.- -
Th. rmml .alata flrnt t.t tl P Mlfrli.
ell A Company baa majl several sales
during the paat week)vwltb several
other pieces of land to close In during
tbe coming week- A tract of land
belonging to George Gill, of Redland,
to Mr. Wade, of Clackamaa connty.
Thla ta a' cood niece of land, and la
excellent for farming purposea.. .
cooper at lompuy nas aoia g
lota on Jackson atreet to Mr. Trimble.
Thla lant halnnreri In Mra Krank
Rlgler. of Portland, and waa only re
cently, placed on tba market. The
land Ilea In a sightly location: There
are other amall deala that will prob
ably" be closed within a - few daya.
Cyrua Towella real estate onice
hia made aeveral Important land
deala within the paat month. An 80
acre farm belonging to Mra. Parrtsh,
of tbla city, and which la located on
Uucknar Creek, waa aold to Dan
Greavea of Molalla, the conalderation
being I2CKX). Part of thla. land haa
tlnhr nn amall houae bealde an
orchard; six acrea to Jullua Robinson
of Kentucky belonging to Jonn uaher.
located on the Moiana roaa anout sva
mUai- - (mm - Oreao- Clt v,- conaldera
tion being $6000; 41 acrea belonging
ta A. Brunn to Krneat tjaae, ot i-ara-niao
Part nf thla waa a trade In
cluding two housea and two lota be-
aldea a. consideration of 5oo. ine
land, which Mr. Caaa baa justpur
rhi.oH lUi nn ' Ilnrkner and Milk
Creeks, east of Mullno, 15 acres be
ing under cultivation, wnne tue re
mainder la In timber. Thla firm haa
alao aold 160 acrea on Milk Creek for
ICOOO. A deal will prob-bly be cloaed
within a few daya. when a man or
North Dakota Is expecting to locate
In Clackamaa county.
The following are the aalea that
have beeb made by W. F. 8chooley
A Company, 612. Main aireei:
pa' in xt nulla - ico acrea . In Can
ada; 7 acrea. Clackamaa Heights: 40
acrea In Molalla; 8 acrea on Highland
Road; 10 acrea In Willamette; 12 1-3
acrea of William Beard, land on tha
Molalla road; confectionery atore of
McFarland: 8tt acrea. Highland
Road: ik acres, Molalla Road: S ac
rea for Mra. Wllllama on Molalla
ra,,!' ha acrea at Redland: 40 acrea
on Molalla Road ; city property. 2 lota
of Rouen MCA-nniocK; ouw "
lota. C. H. Wllloby. Oregon vnj:
acres Molalla Road: 114 acrea of J.
W. LIUoU. Molalla Road; 17 "acrea
of Kuppenbender property In 24 ac
re tracta; 61 acrea. C. T. Tioxe. Mo
lalla Road; houae and 2 lota. Green j
Point; one block ana nous in v
nemah; 10 acrea, Carla, Molalla Road:
2 lota and house, home property, u re
gno City: 4 lota .ana nouse, wesi
Oregon City.
rr.vt a Rwafford report a num
ber of good aalea during tha laat two
weeka, and have naa more wquin
for property than tor me laai six
weeka. and have a good aale or two
now nondlng. They have a aplendld
exhibit of the producta or ciaeaamaa
county conalstlng of grains, grassea,
frulU and vegetablea, which they are
alwaya pleaaed to show to new peo
ple whether may warn to ouy or
Th rhaa t Tnoze Real Eatate Co.
haa Juat purchased tha Fred Ely tract
at Elyvllle wnicn tney arw nm
platted. In lota and acre tracta, which
they will aoon place on the market at
very reasonable figure ana on
terms. "It reporte quite a aemana
r..r .m.ii tracts and lots In Oregon
City and are negotiating for a larger
tract, cloae in. wnicn may wm
have platted, Into five and 10 acre
traa This firm haa recently cloaed
deala on a 61 acre farm, alao a 7-cre
tract, also one or 40 acrea an wunm
a limit nf a miles from Oregon City,
alao hava under way one of 1100 acrea
of timber, and one or looo acres oi
fruit land, all within H mllea of Ore
gon City. ". '
The latest aalea negouaiea ut o.
navla ara g farm of 6tV4 craa
near. Beaver Creek Store 'to A. W.
Baits, a new arrival from Kanean,
and a three-acre traci in me j. .
fiwafford D. l C to,xrantt iu,
drewa of thla city. - 1 "
Croaa ft Hmmona. wno are
In tha Beaver Building, have renorted
v.- fniinarin ulna within the paat
month, with othern pending, that will
probably ba closea aartng ma .
week: Two fccrea or me r. w
r n t tvank Croaa. conalderation
1700; 80 acret In tha Mathew Rich-
trdaon D. U C vaiuauon- w.
waa aold to Henry Harkaon: 79 acrea
r th Rank nlace. to a Mr. Valentine,
for 88OO1 three loU at Gladstone to
rr. KO-T fw t-0. t. Kellogg
aiii Ki.iid i.nmadiau i. and tltla firm
haa alao aold to John Anderson, of
Gladstone, five acrea.
Red Man May fM U Building,
. Thara la a possibility that Wacheno
Tribe, No, is, improved oraer oi naa
Man. will erect ita awn wigwam
Tha Knlghta of Pythlaa and tha Elka
ara alao looking forward to the time
when they will meet In their own
' " r " ' fim J- ar" '
Jantiaiy, CIeaiiice Sale
An Annual Money Saving Event
Green Trading Stamps every
By Mrs. R; L. Badger
In your laat Issue occurs an article
under- the heading, "Beaver Creek
Manbowa Fine ProfltLJn Iwhlch
there are soma mis-statements which
I would Ilka to correct, and perhaps
I can beat do ao by a tabulated report
of our chicken business last year. -Number
of hena Jan. 1, 1910....... 64
Number of pullets raised.. 135
Number of cockerels -raised, r. v.... S5
Tfirraber of chlcka hatched about 250.
Coat of feeding hens and chlcka $111.00
Income from aale of tggs, cockerels
and aome hena 203-25
Value or additional atock (above tbe
i original number of 54) at 75 cents
each ,...$93.45
Croaa returns.......... 1296.70
Nat returns...:...... $185.70
Net returns per hen....."". .13.43
Had I made account of tha egga
used in tha family, tbe net proceeds
per ben would amount to more than
$3.50. - .
I consider this a very good ahowlng
aa I had neither Incubator nor broodar.
I aet a number of hena at a time
and gave the hena Urge brooda to
raise. Once I gave 79 chicka to two
hena and the brood thrived fine, 'tho
It waa a little troubleeome aa the
chlcka dld not know one mother from
the otBer..and' were Inclined to over-,
crowd one coop and ao had to have
attention every evening at brooding
We received a letter today from an
Inexperienced young man who wished
to go Into the poultry buaineaa and
who desired a few pointers. As there
may be others like him. It might not
be amlaa for me to say a fewworda
about the things that Insured my auc
ceaa while some others lost many
Tha first requisite for poultry rais
ing la a healthy place where no dis
eased chlckena have been kept, then
one muat bear In mind that poultry
ralatng doea not bring In large profits
without care and attention and work.
Chickens should not ba expected to
thrive if lousy or housed In filthy quar
tern, or If they are hungry or uncom
fortable In any way. Perhaps the
hardest problem the poultry man haa
to solve la that of keeping hla chlck
ena free of lice and the quarters free
of mltea. The Creso Sheep-dip dilut
ed with water la one of the beat sprays
for the .henhouse, and the rooata may
be gone over with coaloll every week.
Be aure to saturate the under aide or
the roost aa It la there the mltea con
gregate moat thickly- . The dry lice
powder la excellent for tho nests, and
Daceaaed Haa Been a Resident at
Baavar Creek Four Yaara.
William Jennings, residing- about
four mllea from thla city, near Beaver
Creek, died at tha family home Sat
urday night at 10 o'clock. Deceased
had been a resident of that section
for tha paat four years, having moved
there from Butte Creek, near Silver
ton, but In Clackamaa county, about
four yaara ago. He leavea a wife and
eight children, four daugntera and
four sons. Tbe remains were taken
by train Monday mortting to Silver
ton, where they wera .Interred.
Small Sunday Morning Fire
A fire alarm waa aounded Sunday
morning, and upon investigation It
waa round that s ahed at the rear of
the Portland House waa ablaxe, and
prompt work ot the firemen prevented
tha fire from spreading to adjoining
bulldlnga. The loaa waa nominal.
Will Rejuvenate Brotherhood.
The Presbyterian Brotherhood la to
he reorganised and a meeting with
that end In view la to be -held In tha
church on Tuesday evening, January
17. at 7 p- m. . A banquet la to follow
tha business aeaalon of the evening.
Alt men not otharwlae affiliated ara
invited to attend and taka an Interest
In tha movement .'
Bible Claaa Will Debate.
' Tha Friendly Bible chtsa of the
Preabyterlan church will , hold Ita
regular lhonthly buaineaa meeting
Wedneaday night In the church par
lors, a program - Is being prepared
for the 1 occaalon. Principal among
Ita featuraa will be a' debate on, "Re
solved, That Bacheror jOi-la 25 or
Over Should Pay Taxes." . The irf
ftrmatlve will ba aupported by Ralph
Eddy, Jamea Burrows and Clarence
AUdredgs. Negative Joe -Altdredge,
Panl Burrors sad John Meade. . "
Looking For an Organ,
: A committee haa been appointed to
arrange for the purchaslns of an
organ for the St. Paul's Riplecopal
church. An Eatay organ haa been
placed In. the chnrch ror trial, but ao
far there haa been no decision .aa to
tha . make that will ' be - purchased.
The committee la composed of. Rev.
Charles Robinson, rector, Miss Msr
Ion Lewthwnit from! the King's
Daughters Society; Mra. R- J- Good
fellow, of tbe ladles of St. Paul a
Guild; F- T. Barlow of St- Andrews
Mftsonic Temple
to dust setting; hens, also the mother
hens. A ben should be dusted s nam
ber of times -while setting to Insure
freedom from lice when tbe chicks
come .out, as countless numbers or
chicks perish every spring from this
peat, unlesa the subject recelvea pro
per attention. .''.'
Most poultry raisers agree that the
chick requires no feed for the flrat
few hours of Ita Ufa- I tike to feed
breadcrumbs for s few daya. then bo-
gin feeding chick food. When the
chlcka are large enough -to awallow
the gralna readily I feed aome boiled
wheat, and when about three or four
weeka old they may be pat upon an
entire diet or boiled wheaL -
Llttla chlcka ahould never have op
en drinking dishes, until they are a
few weeka old. , The aanitary onea
are obtainable or one can have home
made onea. Cut a hair gallon pall
down to the depth of an Inch and a
hair, and invert a smaller can In it
leaving apace between the two for the
ebicks to drink.'
To keep bawka away tack bright tin
on the fences where the chlcka run;
new tin cana may be hung on the pal
Inge. Tbe coops ahould be nnder shelter
and be rat-proof. - One aide of coop
ahould ba wire screened to Insure a
plentiful aupply of light and air. ' One
must bear In mind that chickens re
quire a great deal of fresh air and not
have the quarters too tight, tho they
should not be in a draft Keen the
coops clean.
I consider April the Ideal month for
hatching chlcka, tho March and May
are also good.
Altho feed Is high It pays to crowd
your chickens right along. There la
no economy In letting your chlckena
go hungry to bed- Give tnera all they
will clean np. -
Aa to breed we have formerly raised
Brown Leghorna quite extenalvely and
liked them much better than either
pure bred Barred Rocka or White
Wyandottea. , We think we are. going
to like the Buff Orpingtons, which
have greater size altho they dont
mature ao quickly as the Leghorns.
I once bad a Leghorn pullet batched
March 1. begin laying at 4 ma. 27 daya.
Our Buff Orpingtons, hatched In
May. I believe, have-now begun lay
ing. Let one apply the same buaineaa
principle to poultry raising aa to any
other buaineaa, and he may reason
ably expect tbat time will bring him
bla reward.
Wants, For Sale, etc
Notices unier theae classified heading
will bA Inserted at one cnt a word, first
Insertion, half a cent additional Inser
tions. One Inch card. II par month; hair
Inch card. (4 lineal tl per month.
Cash must accompany order unlesa one
haa an open account with tbe paper. No
financial responsibility for errora; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for iwlmn. Minimum charge Ita.
WANTED Old Rubbers, Copper and
Braaa, for which I pay hlgheat price.
J. H. Mattley, Seventh Street.
WANTED To buy Oregon Beaver or
other rare gold colna. Inquire 8.
D. Klger. S3 Madison apartments,
Portland, Or. -
WANTED Small advertisements for
tnia column, rricea very rwnwr
able. Bee ratea at head of column.
FOR ' SALE Space In thla column.
Sell that old plow or harrow; you
dont use It a! nee you purchased
your new one. .
FOR BALE Span bay mare. 6 and
7" yeara old, weight law pounas;
both eorel and broken: both double
and single drivers; will work any
. where; alao wagon and harness.
- Will aall or trade for real estate.
W. N. Price, 307 Fifth atreet, Ore-
gon City. '
FOR SALS A good $10,000 farm for
sale. John W. Loder, owner. Atty,
at Law, Stevens Bldg;
FOR REOT Ltir emaoe In thla col
amn. A turn Unfa 'may re that
bouse, atore or farm; they-coat
you but a fsw cents.- , j ,-
C- T. Toose,' t
Lawyer, and Notary
Real Estate Bought and" Sold.
Room 2, Heaver tdx, Orartw C.ty
. . r:.
LOST Gold wreath pin. Keepsake.
. Leave at Enterprise and relve re
ward. LOST Strayed or atolen: a black
muley heifer, two years old; waa
last seen at Viola; any party know
ing whereabouta of as, me will plaaae
"" Inform John Egger and receive re-.
' ward; lost al nee June 1. Address
at Spring-water, Oregon, Route 1,
Box 23.
O. D. EBT, Attorsey-at-Law, Money
loaned, abetractr furnished, land '
titles examined, estates settled, gen
eral law buaineaa. Over. -Bank of
Oregon City.
DTtEN SCH VEBEL, Attomeys-at-Law,
Dentacher Advokat, will prac
tice In all courts, make collections
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Afcstr act Olf tee
Land tltlea investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Games ctot
ootio copy
Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City.
TntMtmAnt Ct Gtamvsnnai DHa
HARRY JONES Builder and General
srVvntfsrk Vattlaaaanas ta u. ... lies
given on all classes of building '
work, concrete walka and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main 111. '
DR. L, O. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4,
6 and 6 Beaver building. Main St,
Oregon City- Phones: Home A-198
and Pacific States 1221..
MONET TO LOAN John W. Loder,
Atty. at Law, Stevena Bldg.
1 H. U1U, LU., KGAli ESTATE '
Farm. Timber. O raxing. Agricultural '
. Lands, City Property, Small Fruit
and Poultry Rancbea ror Sale, Wal
nut Land. Room Beaver Bldg.,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Farms. Timber Land, City Prop
. erty and Rentals. P. O. box 172;
uiiiro, 4 jo riDvn twuR., main bi.,
Oregon City. Ore., Main 1382; B-131.
E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance
- and Real Estate. Let na handle
your properties we buy, sell and
exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tate Dealers, have choice bargains
In farm landa, city and anburban
homes, good fruit landa and poultry
' ranches. See ns for good bays-'
Near S. P. depot - - -
' 80 ACRES '
All good farm land, laya level. 13
acres under cultivation, balance pas
ture and timber; timber enough on
place to pay for land, good 1-room
houae and barn; good well, two living
streams of water; saw-mill across the
road from -place; ,30 rods to store;
half mile to, school; ft miles from
Oregon City on macadamized road;
raw land In thla locality cannot be
had for lees than $60 an acre, and
Improved from f 100 to f 160, per acre.
We don't- ask you that for thla. Why?
Because this man has twe farms and ,
la anxtoue to aell this one. . Prtw.
$4,500; 11000 down, balance four yaara
at 6 per cent, , . i- - .:. . ;
: Oregon City, Ore.
Near Suspension Eritfc.
SECOND HAr? FurnitureCurios "
. Keucs oou; -t aoia ana ar-
, Anything fytjn a darr- r
a ahlp'a ancho. V ..J,
. Second Hand Man, I CL, C
gon City. ,
Electric c:
a -
411 Mafe a -
J. J. TCSIH, Prc.':r, t
' If yeif want
. fcilY A
. s .
t, t
m n a a
And if yen -x I) r