Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 08, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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TO T-JCo, VtHjindJViaia St.
it VLl'mJi Oregon City, Oregon
Stfspensloa Bridge
Qfj?glnjQty,V Oregon
t BbbbbbbbbBB1 BSBBBBBBj
The Most Powerful Bargain Giving Event Ever Attempted in this
A I I II I I I I II I I wv"N ! - fXN I
j ;
1 i
. . . . ' . .' -' ' - n j
JSale Begins 9 fl. Iu3it Saturday, Jan. Tth and Ends gaturdayj Jan. Jlst
5 I ' aT , . - :-' . . - . .. - - ' - -
Why We Age Making This Great Sale
Qg? F&st Annivegsagy & New Stoge
WE believe in proCTesaivenes, in keeping abreast of the times, in being to the front and never
falling behindthis in short is the main cause of this Great Clearing Sale. We believe it the
best policy to have a new stock each season, and we are sure you will agree with us. We. -can
make much more with the cash thanjwcanbylke
-That is why: this store7aI ways has the newest and best, we are willing to sacrifice at the wind .up
of the season so that the incoming season finds us prepared with the newest and best the market
affords. Right now during this great sale you may expect the biggest and greatest bargains you
have ever bought Thousands of Dollars worth of staple dependable merchandise will be slaugh
tered at prices heretofore unknown. Every article in this store is merchandise of merit, we do not
andUe sale Oregon City has ever known.
. et
j Cw1 o it f V
I I grad. trl ad
j I wtM caf Jtln. ah m
I tyt f leathee, aateai
I - ntd. light bog cart, vi,
K M tM
iQt m nn
The Most Powerful Bargains Ever
Offered in LadiesSuits and -Coats
TaM your chotc of our rntir lint oT coots.
11 2s, a largo lino of pattern, U tn
rew shade, exceptional, good valvo at
I12S0 and S15X0, now going
during thi grat bargai
event . at the low price
2 $ 5.95
. THeoe-high grade suits are very pretty, we
""warrant every suit In the store selling at
I 120, 122.50 and (2) to be made ot. strictly
I ail wool fabric. The materials are this
season's pattern; take your
choice during this Clearance
I Sa at, while they last, only.
This Is a bargain that anypne at all wanting
a new up-to-date coat cannot afford to
mis. They comprise all the Vsding. New.
ton. Gray. and.Brown-shade and neat con
servative pattern. The model ar the
veiy latcet. All 20 to 125
coat during clearing up si I
at the tremendously Jow prt
Bargains in Shoes for Men, Women and Children
We carry a very large stock complete in Every detail
S2.M Men's Shoe, warranted all ootid, very suit
able for ordinary use. , now aacrif iced during tH
Great Clearance Sale at ,
Ladies' neatly tailored suit mad of good
worsted and, cashmere- fabric,' nice, model
and pattern, all this Mason's make, not all
size in on kind but all sizes in the dif
ferent model, all good sel
lers at f13 50 to
great snapr-durinj
The best suit in the store ar guaranteed
strictly-man-tailored. Every garment i
mxu of he--bt1fnpo rt ed and domeetlc
f abVrtf," Thr-fl-styte" adrwdrkmaneh'p"T
-celled. " In mosstrtt "he.r S30, (35
and MO suit sell at much
higher prices; your choice
, during th. great sal- at
ng this sale
The alteration department
rill be especially enlarged
for this sal, eiperienced fitter will see
thatvery6ne is given a perfect fit.
94.00 Dress Shoe for Men, ail th newest models.
all site and widths, patent c af, boa talf. veiour and
vicl kid,'yeir choc
Men s liWand 14 00 heavy work oho, th kind
that will stand th wet weather, tan or black, now
sacrificed at
-tt-Wlt nfgh 6p walSfroof hoesraesriuatityTay"
I lsdt caif skM, our b'9 oelior at M-m now goo dui
jng this. Great Clearance Sal at ........... .
lVnch ,jgh cut waterproof shoes, regular price jBtsa f
U.&0. very beet quality, atrtctly hand mad, now P lM
Ladies' high gr finest aality d)ro Mo,.atl the
very new style In lace or button, regular pu
and M-00. now p. 7....
All SI 00 Lodiee Snoee aHf4 at .. .....
f 1M
One let of Ladles' fus Trtnwnod Siipoor, to 1J0 grsies.
ail from 2 i to S; now sacrtrieed at tJK
during this sal
)ne lot ef Children's hos far girl and boy, sites
to 2. all ' In the lot. ranging in
price from 74c to S2.50. Ther la on big lot and
while they last take your choice during thi al at
75 c
Boys-andY ouths-Suits
IJtUo rrllo' Sdtt. aJte 1 lo yoar. ety flM aJt
tlo. ooaily made . iuUr io grade, at....: (3 ()
lvrs' ujlta. sited iu 7. a gou4 assorts!. ry gn4 14
vatiMM. to be aamfk-od at tki aalo foe. ........ 39
Ikis' high frsdo Iso aa MU alt la all tbo sw
shade,. aa well aa blao , arnfW4 at....... ,1
Youths' Ijmg pl Unit, gnnd rolUbl veoiiag fabrle.
siaea it to 20, oar reguUr fid gradoa, ow t...i.f43
YiMiths aa4 Tooat Ma fialta. aijuta l 10" SO. all vool
fabric, Uiest dee Urea, a:i flS gradoa M... .(102.1
Read these Men's Suit and Overcoat Bargains. Eaclrand Every one of Them is a
: : : : 1 . : -
jl0.00 Men's All Round Suits $6.45 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats $13.95
Good ail aroaad Men 10.00 suit in several different
eat patterns ; all sixes from 3i to 42; very well tai
lored la ptaia cat, conservative designs. - We warrant
every one of oar 10.00 suft to give full tin.0.) worth
( wear or we will refund the money. Baying tbee
aetts for lesa than oar regular pric I
Vke Qadlag that mnrh montj. Any 110
ewit at this Great SaSe. yoar choice, for
y u.tu :
At t:o.i0 we show a very strong line of salts and over
coats. Any design or fabric you lsh. and we warrant
the majority of them to be strictly all wool. The
orerraats come In plain black or pre'ty brown and
gray desfrnii with plain or 'Presto" collars. The suits
you cajuravej in any pattern or model
wish; the variety Is very large. All
of our 0 fx snlta and overcoats, no'
" $1 3.95
$15 Hen's Suits and O'coats $10.35 J $25.00 Suits and Overcoats $17.65
afaay of oar oits and ovwrcoau at 113 0) aell el
where at IK) O. A larg assortment to choose from,
with all atoea tip to 44. The patterns and model are
all the newest deaigca, as eil ta the conservative
style. The aatterna of the suits are of the newest
strip effects aa well aa brown sad grar
sslKtar Overcoats come in m-dlom or
fan Idaglfc. An oar 1S suits, o'coala
AH oar suits and overcoats selling at 125.00 are a'rictlv
pare wool and positively Kurante-d hand-made, Thee
aarmenu are mad by "Schloss Bros."rnd' i'clety
Brand. and we know tbera to be perfect in fit, work
manship and style. The range of ttyle and pattern
is very large. High grade serce. mix
tures or diagonal weaves. Overcoat
come in three-quarter or full length;
Oiir Dry Goods Department
Her as winee the hrrwd shopper
can ft la her precious buying.
Ve dress good la severs! shades
and deslgBS, very staple and pop
alar, aseepttoaal bargains, per
yard rjc
Tie and XM Dress Goods now
aaertfleew at ..' ,",K
tVti ba4 SIM Saltings, very na
at all wool aaatertala. All th new
grays, browas aad taa shades, at
per yard .,.,,. $1 20
Ureas GiajrhaaB. very best Aaso:
TUa ewsllty. always lie worn, fte
Fee Skirts tsd Petticoats
tt0 sharu la Wak, gray and
hmwti, very aeatly tailored, cscep-:
tVonaTy good walMes, now, 2s
tlO.OO sad fll54 high grade aktrta
mad of strictly all wool fabrics,
ia black and other popwllr shade;
the are certainly floe skirts and
aa shrewd shopper cut afford to
pass tap this bargain. . Take ynor
choir of an tlXM and fljM
skirts at only.
tl-M Mack petticoats, now sla?V
tered during dearano sal at 8s
$t0 black pnttlooats, extra good
quality, daring this sal at M
' . .
fS09 and . f.0 silk petticoat.
sucririced whJl they last at SX1S.
Pe-rales, very fin quality, a large
; line of. neat patterns, 124c and.
15c t;na)lty, per yard 9c
; T'ie Cailico, a large assortment,
good qoallty, per yard 5c
On.- standard c Sheeting, alwaya
a big seller, now. . c
; iiHe bleached higher grade muslin
j now going at tc
Outing Flannel, Vk quality, goes
daring our clearance aal.. 6c
5c Fast Color linen, red and blue
Table Cloth, per yard 3e
Waists and House Gowns
IL50 and ghlrt WalaU. good
that at $L and $ijo,
I1W linea UlWed aad Uacy
waists, now sacrifk4 daring thU
great sale, wbil they teat they go
for only '....... ..VM
fZ.$ aad f UK) Silk Waists, yoa
caa not afford to mis this, -take
tta rt .4. ........... 2j
Vat aad M ad wary Pa high grade
Bilk Waist,- fee are big valoe
etwUr rtee
ti awd'O S Wrappera. a'
raesortitnt f patterns, fast
enWra, now Uk yow pick, an
SUA and $2.0o nous Drense very
aeatly made, good waahiag and
good wearing materials. Very sno
olar. Bo aaerinced at fls
Towiing Our popular Tc grade,
during Clearance Sale goes at 5c
Linen Towiing. 18c grade, to go
during this sale at, per yard. 12c
Large Cotton Towela. 25c the pair,
now jro slaughtered at......... 16c
A Special price in Lace Curtains
Our f I SO grade goods, full size,
seat designs, at per pair. 15c
High grade laco curtains, (tjoir reg
ular ijso grade at....... ...$2J
Ribbon 4 and (-inch width, all de
sirable colors, regular lie; sale 15c
Corsets, Night Gowns
and Muslin Petticoats
R- G. Corsets were never la th
world known to sell for less tbaa
flAO. all awdela now slaughtered
R. a; C. Guaranteed SU4 Corsets,
Xhm largest aeUlng corset hi the
orid, wow slaughtered a..,$1.l
f 1 IJ aad tVii'tedies aeatly trl-v
4 Bight gowns ...,,,..7t
IL71 and 1U jaaslla pUCMta,
ery well aaade.'good awality ana.
pa, trimmed very aeatly, bow go
at , . . . . r. . ..:fJ .
Ladie Furs 1-2 Off
all Purses at 1-3 Off
lMf aersrti aram
i m m .. mi
LP tK.'i:;
$30 to $35 Suits and O'coats $2L45
i This Is positively the greatest suit and overroal bar
gain ever offer-d the public. The "Srhlne pro." and
"Korlrty. flrsnd" highest and best grade, absolutely
guaranteed too per cent pure wool, imported and do
fnestlr fabric. All garments made by hand and sewed
with, pur silk. The aulta and over
coat sell la th larger cltle at IS.0O
and MM. Our I JO and I3S one at
$15.00 Popular Slipons at $9.75
Here Is a chance for every on to buy lb popular
8llp-on Rainproof Overrosta They merit their popu
larity berauae they keep out the rain, ar easy "to get
on and off, and will stand the roughest kind of wear.
You should not oeglert this great bargain. During thla
tir-at t learanre hale and Monster liar-
gain-Olvkng Kvent yoo ran buy a IIS.OO
81ip-oa at tbe'tremendotialy low price of
$20 and $2150 Slipons $0.85
High grad "Upon, for Ma. mad of gaU rabbef
lird ailh, gaaraate4 absolutely waterproof; snake a
fin coat lor gwnersi wear la dry or wet weather ; com
la ihe latent taa an t brow shade. Th Mlla-oaa ar
big sellers al M to HMO, aad ar very raoaaUl
at our regular prke. but bow during thla, af a tr
rat Clearance gain tab yoar ca4ew of C 1 J UU
any ;o to 22 to grade; your chokw at J,) J
$25 and $27.50 Slipons f $17.45
Dur finest 81tp-oo ur snad of genln.Oabordlo and
Engtlh corded rubi-rlred ailh. .They com la taa twa
oUr ahoulder Petal Hagtaa and Raglaa ahoalder godls
aad ar atrlrtly made by hand Ther ar ao hotter
8llp-ot than theM Thla la certainly a lucky rhanrw
10 ge annq pmm at a irmadogiy
reduced prtce. Tak your choice of oar
12 and 127.50 grad for only.
ov ak j a, aa asses w
Sweater Coats, Underwear, Hosiery, Etc
Shirts Greatly Reduced
75c, 5c and (0e e very-day ahlrts.
la a Urge variety patterns, light
or dark 37
Th Commercial f 1.00 Dreaa Bblrt
go whil they tear at (5
flaw Madras Dreas Bhirts, never
knows to sell at lesa lhaa 1 to,
ow go at . as
ilM Blad rtenael Shirt, bow
acrlflce-i at ,r ......,.fcte
On Mg VH of all wool Orecoa
City fTannel Shirts containing li ft
and tUA grades, an colors, m
On lot of extra heavy all wool
bio, gray and brow a. flannel
ahlrta, absolutely , th pewf made,
11 M aad grad"a ....!2Jt
irto and IMS gWeater Coata for
women, all ltea, pretty design
and shspes, slsughtered at fjl
Ladles' ioc underwear la libled
knit, now slaughtered at during
thla aale jjjje
Ladies' I'nlon or Combination 75c
gra'le aulta, sacrificed during this
! al 7
Children's Blocks 'for boys aad,
girls. 11c and tOe grade... ..Qc
Underwear at Cut Prices
&0c, 5c aad 7te Heavy and Medl
am Weight Cotton Underwear 15
11.50 wool Underwear, standard
grade,' our best IL50 seller. ...tse
II 00 Absolutely Par Wool Under
wear th boat w aavw.,..r..t1J
r- . . - -11.75
I'nloo gulta to go at $1.1t
$150 Wool Uakrn Suits at... 113
Boys' 40e heavy andrwear....:;
f5o Uaderwear c -I for 21a
11.00 heavy flece4 anloa aulta 79
Chi Id re' ribbed fleeced ander
wear, SO aad tic grade........ 22o
Children'! wool underwear, broken
lots, but all size. (0c, 75o and
, -- I tW) rrulM at
lie Ladle' m go during thla
great Clearanr gal at the low
price of ... H
II 50 highest grad pur silk
Ladle' Hose, now sacrificed at
W Vr ...0-
HLK HOSf-Here! Is aa oppor
tunity for every woman to ' wear
allk hose. W bar about doa.
Wt of th 1100 pur allk hoe;
take them while they teat, aoc over
pair to' on customer, at per
Bargains in lists end Caps
Her I th grt hat -bargain
yw vr bought
Wa bar bnachad together our
11.50 aad 1100. bata (mostly all
II 00 ones) ay stylo or ahad yoq
wish, taka your choice during thla
Great Clearance gal at..?, .
tlOO bata, all th Try' lt
blocks, now at.;..;...,k..,,
H.C9 hats, mad of genutn nntri..
alaewhera at I5.0O, gt gt 12.49
All Hoys' hats.;, ,
IL00 caps go now at........,,,J4o
75o capa go at tt:a as! for....3e
lVs caps bow a( Only,..,....,.!?,
"Bursoo- lloaa for women, avr
aold lesa thai lie, go durlag thl
treat sale at v jd
A Snap In Ctddrtu'i Qoats
Taka your choice of any of our
CblMfea a Coata. all aliea. all lb
Jaloat dealgna and shade, all (boa
at asnma4 41va iaJB ivi. .
w ftWIJog at $5.00 go At
Robes. Socks, S.t' j
Jackets. Ties, Ss:p: .3
li.00 Hath Robes, toiri c : ,'
470 Hath Robe, bow o ii c :
14.00 Smoking Jack.u. Cv it ;i;a
1750 Bmoklng Jackets, t Ll CCJ
10.00 Imoklng Jackets, gj it Citt
ln Buspetid-c, a j?- b,, m
be;vy eta now given awty at i;
r-ll Cxtra Nesr i;:o i;0 t!e
aj new patient, sUugiterwd at V
1 Rock ford focka. 4o
IV! Black gocks
I3e Fancy tlack ...,.'., ..Ha
5o wedlitu ani heavy wocl ir'
how sacrl..-j .u a
t"e, ei art 7;B t-,tr r -'r t'l
wol aorks a. lt r. 1 tt . c.j
110 grade at ... so
.... . , " " I '
c'vztii AnD MAin cto onccon city
7, 0
. , ri , I J ri irj L J I
- ., ' '; ' - .-' ' .'.'.. ,' . " - - ' - . . ..
- ,-