Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1922, Image 7

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' 5
How Movies Work
Theater operator Tell
System of Projection.
kiormous Increase in popularity
fcotion picture during the past
in all countries is one of
Js of today.,
afion picture is now far in ad
Vny other form of entertain-
ag all classes and draws a
Snage that is beyond belief.
'fther countrv however, do
Js have quite as good a hold
fc -' favor as in the United
fen with the millions that pa
the movies daily very few
rleel safe in saying 90 per cent
aie public) have any conception as
Aow the motion picture is put on
;tr rather projected on the screen.
You have all at some tir. or other
lard your friends say that they saw
good "picture" at their favorite
heatr but few people realize what
ey call a picture is not really one
" "Vro but is made up of thousands
Jeparate photographs.
4The average performance at the Lib:
f?rty consists of about 9000 feet of
iZoi which makes up the various sub
Hs such as Fathe News, Feature
there are 16 separate photo-
to each foot of film you can
at at each performance instead
Jking at a picture you have look-
-t 135,000 separate and distinct pic-
v-fc A order to produce the effect of
ioticn each individual picture is stop
ped absolutely still at the aperature
ite for 1-16 of a second for exposure
A the screen and then the following
je is moved into place over the ap
Vature. JDaring this period of movement all
" light from the powerful electric
s. is absolutely shut off from the
Jeen by means of a revolving shut
the shutter being similar to the
ades of an electric fan except they
flat and have only, from two to
V-ee blades, according to the electric
Vent, viz. A. C. or D. C.
the human eye is a peculiar instru
ct, it will transmit to the brain a
dn number of separate impres
s per second, as separate inipres-
f but beyond that number the im-
ons become dissolved or rather
unto each other so that the ef-
hat of continuity.
what Is called "Persistence
and it is . this pecularity
jies motion pictures possible.
Motion picture projector is In
te same as the human eye.
Aou are standing talking to
fends or viewing anything in
rfdid you ever stop to think that
p only seeing that certain ob
pproximately 5-6 of the time
u are looking at it, the other 1-5
feing total darkness before your eyes.
This is caused by the closing and
ftening of your eyes.
ffsuch is the case with the motion
jpicture projector with regards to the
The shutter cuts off the light from
the screen as the small separate
- photographs are pulled into place
Karii nhotos-rnnli heiner sliehtlv dif-
t ferent from the other and the con-
vstant starting and stopping of the in
termittent movement makes the pic
ture appear as one continuous motion
-The modern projection rooms of to
Jay have from two to four machines.
JT. The arc lamps of the machines at
jwhe iberty consume 60 amp. at a press
f ure of 65 volts which is equivalent to
V 3900 watts per hour and at 8 hours
a day would be 31,200 watts consumed
in a day.
Now that 1000 watts equals one kil
owatt this makes a little over 31 kilo
L watts of electric current consumed
each day for the projection machines
i Now the average home uses about
5 30 kilowatts a month, so you can see
j.that the amount of current used to
project the motion pictures at the Lib-
urty for one day would supply a home
over a month.
By the light reflected from the pow
pul arc lamps to the small photo
raph which is stationed at the aper
ipe the. picture is again reflected
Cough a set of lenses and magnified
nysthousand times its original size
Jre taking its position on the
u can get a small conception of
y-magnative power of the lenses
p. you stop to think that the pic-
ch high by .9062 inch wide where
fit appears on the screen to be about
feet high and 18 feet wide.
I Many pople of today say they don't
fo to movies on account of the pic
tures hurting their eyes.
That has been one of the greatest
difficulties to overcome inthe motion
f picture industry, but it seems as
f though that even this difficulty has at
I last been solved.
F Ih the old days when the movie
industry was In its Infancy It was
f thought that anything as long as it
; was white and had a smooth surface
V. would reflect a picture and give sat
t Isfaction and entertainment to the
f patrons without them feeling the ef-
feet in the way of eye strain and
eventually have to give up going to
i movies.
But those days are gone forever and
f in the place of the old white wash
f screen has come the new Minusa Gold
l- Fibre screen, the same as is now in-!
stalled in your theatre here.
Mr. Long feels proud to offer to his
I patrons tne best that can be had In
J the way of a motion picture .screen
and equipment. .
the Liberty theatre and through the
perfection of workmanship we feel
sure that our patrons viewing a per
formance from this screen will not
only be pleased with the clear cut
defination of the picture but also the
(Continued from Page one)
. c-
old char-pitting process and does
away with its great fault. Any school
boy who can start & fire in the kitch
en stove can successfully set a
stump afire with this new appliance.
Briefly described, this appliance,
'called a stump burner, consists of
'two major parts a burner and a hood ,'
made of heavy reinforced cast iron.
The burner has a small draft door in
-front, a shoulder for carrying an' or
dinary stovepipe on top, and Is open
at the back and on the bottom. A
piece of two-inoh iron pipe ten feet
long and another piece of the same
four feet long, together with, a couple
of joints of ordinary stovepipe, com
pletes the equipment.
The procedure is simple. First,
"with the axe, a hand breadth of bark
Is blazed- away at the base of the
stumip until the "bright sound wood
Is reached. The long pipe is then
laid on the -ground pointing directly
through the heart of (the stump to
ground level on the opposite side. The
end of this pipe is placed within two
or three inches of the bright wood
wb.ere the barfe has .been cut away.
The furnace is then placed over the
pipe with the open back against the
'stump. Next the burner is filled with
a few shavings of pitch. wood or other
kindling land with chunks of 2ark
ipried from the stump itself with, the
axe or a light chisel-bar- The fur
nace is then banked iu and sealed to
Ithe stump with shovels of earth. The
stovepipe is placed and the fire then
lighted. With draft and chimney the
ire burns as briskly as in any other
stove. By removing the stovepipe the
turnace may easily- be restoked sev
eral times and when a good bed of
coals begin a to burn against the
stump itself a shovelful of earth is!
placed over the draft door, thus clos
ing it up.
The suction up the chimney nowi
Idraws the . air through the long draft
pipe, the end' of which lies red not in
the bed of coals in the furnace. The
result is a blast of flame shooting
off of the end of the draft pipe
against the stump. Steadily thisi blast
(burns its way through, the stump to
the opposite side the pipe occasion
ally being pushed in as the fire ad
vances. Hood Now Put in Place
When the blast from the draft pipe
begins to burn through on the side
of the stump opposite the furnace, the
open end of the second part of the ap
pliance, the hood, is placed over the
burned opening and banked in and
sealed to the stump with earth, the
bank -then being continued on around
the stump. With an iron book the
furnace is then pulled away from the
stump and the piece of short draft
pipe replaces the long pipe the earth
bank being closed in over the opening
in the stump left by the furnace. In
other words, the furnace is now re
placed with a short draft Pipe which
extends through the closed ibank into
the interior of the stump. The stove
pipe taken from the furnace is now
placed on the shoulder on the hood
on the opposite side of the stump.
The stumip has now been converted in
to a stove, furnishing its own fuel,
with a draft on one side and a chim
ney on the other and banked in with
earth, all around to retain the fire
People who cannot afford a trip
around the world may be abe to ga
ther some pointers from Jiggs and
Classified Ads
FOR SALE 2 litters Chester White
pigs. 4 miles S. of Barlow, Needy
phone. A. F. Yoder.
FOR SALE, (Sandy, Ore.) Two lots
seven room house, all plastered.
Full size basement, garage, chicken
house, some fruit. Inquire real es
tate office, Sandy, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Alice S. Endicott, Plaintiff,
Fred J. Endicott, Defendant.
To Fred! J. Endicott, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon; you, Fred J. Endicott, are here
by required to appear and answer the
complaint filed in the above entitled
suit on or before the 9th day of Feb
ruary 1923, that day (being six weeks
from tbe first publication of this sum
mona and if you fail to appear and
answer herein plaintiff will apply to
the above named court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint on file
herein to which reference is hereby
made and more particularly as fol
lows: for a Decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant on
the grounds of desertion, and for
the custody of the minor children to-
wit WaunHa Endicott and Florence
Endicott and for such other relief as
may be equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for not less
than si1 successive weeks in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a paper of
general circulation in the County
where the suit is brought and pub
lished at Oregon City, County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, and by
order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Ibove entitled
Court which order is dated on the 27th
day of December, 1922.
The date of the first publication of
this summons is the 29th day of De
cember, 1922.
The date of the last publication is
the 9th dav of February, 1923.
Attorneys for plaintiff, 518 Cham,
of Com. Building, Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Multno
mah, Department of Probate.
In the Matter of the Etsate of Chris
ten Hansen, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of the authority and directions
contained in the Last Will and Testa
ment of Christen Hansen, deceased,
and of an order of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Multnomah, Department of Probate,
made on the 22nd day of December,
1922, in the matte of the estate of
Christen Hansen, deceased, the un
dersigned, executor of said estate, will
proceed to sell, at -private sale, to the
highest bidder, for cash, Gold Coin of
the United States, and subject to con
and heat. The. result is certain. Soon I formation by said Circuit Court from
the entire interior of .the stump is
thoroughly afire with a great mass of
iglowing coals.
Now the hood and short draft pipe
are removed and the stump finally
banked in and then finished as a
The secret of successful char-pitting,
the object of which is to burn
out the roots below plowing depth is
in maintaining a slow, choiring fire,
Iproducing a glowing mass of coals in
the heart of the stump from which the
heat radiates and drives the fire down
the roots. Rapid combustion would
soon consume the central bed of
icoals and the remainder of the stumip
above, before the roots were thorough
ly fired. Hapid combustion is pre
vented by keeping the stump banked
in with an extra shovel of earth when
ever an opening in the bank appears.
Prevent the access of air to the char
ring, fire except by slow seepage
inrougn tne earth bank and no diffi
and after the 1st day of February,
1923, at the residence of said Execu
tor, 214 East 28th Street, Portland,
Oregon, all the right, title, interest
and estate of the said Christen Han
sen at the time of his death, and all
the right, title and interest that said
estate has by operation of law, or
otherwise, acquired other or in addi
tion to that of the said Christen Han
sen at the time of his death, in and
to the following described ,real prop
erty, to-wit:
The North one-half () of the
Southeast quarter (U) and the South
east quarter (J4) of the Southeast
quarter (J4) and the Northeast quar
ter (4) of the Southwest quarter (M)
of Section Twenty-eight (28) Town-
j ship Seven (7) South, Range Three
East of Willamette Meridian in Clack
amas Cdunty, Oregon.
or any' part of said real property.
Terms and conditions of sale:. Cash,
Gold Coin of the" United States; 10
gon for the County of Clackamas, Ex
ecutor of the last Will and Testament
of Mrs. Mary Norton, Deceased.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of the said Mrs. Mary Nor
ton, Deceased, are hereby required
to present the same to me, properly
verified, as by law required, at the
Sank of Commerce, corner of Main
and Seventh Street, Oregon City, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
Dated this 20th day of December,
Executor of the Last Will and
Testament of Mary Norton, Deceasel.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
administrator of the estate of Her
man Fischer, deceased, and any and
all persons having claims against the
said estate ana hereby required to
present said claims, duly verified as
by law required, at the office of my
attorney, C. D. Purcell. Sandy, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated December 22, 1922.
Date of first publication December
22, 1922.
Date of last publication January 26,
Administrator of the estate of Her
man Fischer, deceased.
Address Sandy, Oregon, Attorney
for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of George
Green, deceased, and any and all per
sons having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to present
said claims, duly verified as by law
required, at the office of my attor
neys. Hall & Lepper, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated December 14th, 1922.
Date of first publication December
22, 1922.
Date of last publication January 19,
Administratrix of the estate of
George Green, deceased- '
Address 112-115 Citizens Bank Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon. . -
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County, adminis
trator of the estate of Celia B. Scott,
deceased, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to
present them, duly verified, with the
proper vouchers, within six (6)
months from the date of this notice
to the undersigned administrator, at
the residence of Velora J. Heacock
near Oregon City in Clackamas Coun
ty, State of Oregon, the address of said
Velora J. Jleacock being R. F. D. Np.
2,. Box 74, Oregon City, Oregon.
Dated and first published this 22nd
day of December, 1922.
Administrator of the Estate of Celia
B. Scott, deceased.
Albany, Oregon, Attorneys for Ad
That the mortgage given by the de
fendant, Blanche V. Warne (formerly
Blanche V. Hurlburt) on June 6, 1916,
in her then name oft Blanche V. Hurl
burt to the plaintiff herein to secure
tie payment of the above mentioned
sum of $250.00 and taxes paid and
attorney's fees and the interest on
the East half of East half of South
east quarter or Southwest quarter of
Section Thirty-four (34) Township
Two (2) South of Range Seven (7)
East of the Willamette Meridian in
Clackamas County, Oregon, which
Page 456 of the Record of Mortgages
Pake 456 of the Record of Mortgages
for Clackamas Counjty, Oregon, be
decreed to be a valid and subsisting
first lien and" mortgage on said real
property securing the payment of the
above amounts for which judgment
and decree is asked against the de
fendant, Blanche V. Warne (formerly
Blanche V. Hurlburt), and that said
mortgage be foreclosed and said real
property ordered gold according to
law and the practice of the above en
titled court to satisfy the above
amounts of money for which judg
ment and decree is asked against the
defendant, Blanche V. Warn (former
ly Blanche V. Hurlburt), and that any
overplus there may be be paid to the
clerk of this court to be paid out as
the court shall direct, and that each
and all of the defendants herein and
all persons claiming by, through or
tinder them, be barred and foreclosed
from any and all right, title and inter
est in the above described real prop
erty save only the statutory right of
redemption and for general equitable
This summons is served uoon you
by publication by order of the Hon.
James U. Campbell, judge of the above
entitled Court, made and entered on
December 12, 1922, by which order it
is directed that this summons be pub
lished In the Oregon City Enterprise
of Oregon City, Oregon, once a week
for six successive weeks.
Date of first publication December
15, 1922.
Date of last publication January 26,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Post Office Address 317 Artisans
Building, Portland, Oregon."
8, 1922, and the date of the last pub
lication thereof being Friday, Janu
ary 19, 1922, all done in accordance
with the order of the Hon. Jas. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
court, made and entered of record in
this cause on December 4th, 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Post Office Address: 413 Masonic
Temple Building, Salem, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Department of Probate x
In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur
E Bradford, Deceased.
Notice is Hereby Given: That the
undersigned, Mary A. Bradford, was
duly appointed Administratrix of the
Estate of Arthur E. Bradford, deceas
ed, by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Glackamas County, on
November 24, 1922, and that Letters
of Administration have been duly is
sued to her by and out of said Court.
All persons having claims against said
Estate are hereby notified and requir
ed to present them under oath, with
proper vouchers therefor attached,
within six months from the date of
this notice to the undersigned at the
office of Malarkey, Seabrook & Dibble,
Room 1512 Yeon Building, Portland,
N Administratrix.
Attorneys for Administratrix
- Date of first publication December
1st, 1922.
Date of last publication December
29th, 1922.
culty is found in preventing too rapid Per cent of the purchase price to be
combustion. Gradually, as the fire
burns to the outer end of the stump,
the stump sinks in, replenishing the
bed of coaI3 below. As this occurs the
earth bank is pushed in so that the
stump is kept completely, but not
too tightly, covered. Once the upper
part of the stump has "melted" in or
fallen to one side and the final "bank
ing down" completed, little further at
tention is required. -For several weeks
thereafter the slow charring fire
steadily creeps down the roots, its
glow drying out the wet wood ahead
of the fire so that the fire can take
hold. This continues until the diam
eter of the root becomes so small as
no longer to furnish sufficient fuel to
paid to the executor on the day of
sale; balance on confirmation of sale
by said court.
Dated this 28th day of December,
First publication Dec. 29th, 1922.
Second publication Jan. 26th, 1923.
Executor of the estate of Christen
Hansen, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Alice M. White, Plaintiff,
Earle L. White, Defendant.
To Earle L. White, the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon ;
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, which date of ex
piration is fixed by order of the above
entitled Court as February 2nd, 1923;
if you so fail to appear and answer
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in her complaint.
to-wit: for a decree of divorce forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Leon N. Lefebvre, Plaintiff,
Rosamond Lefebvre, Defendant.
To Rosamond Lefebvre, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are heheby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
herein within six weeks from the date
of the first publication hereof and on
or before the 26th day of January,
1923, and if you fait to so appear and
answer, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in his
complaint, namely: For a decree dis
solving the marriage- contract hereto
fore and now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, and for such
other relief as to the court seems just
and equitable.
' This summons is served' upon you
by publication in the "Oregon City
Enterprise," a newspaper of general
circulation published in Clackamas
county, Oregon, at least once each
week for a period of not less than six
consecutive weeks, and the date of the
first publication of which is Decem
ber 15th, 1922, and the date of the last
publication of which is January 26th,
1923, pursuant to an order thereforl
duly made and entered herein on the
14th day of December, 1922, by the
Honorable jf U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled court.
511 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court, of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Rena Allphin, Plaintiff
William H. Allphin, Defendant.
To William H- Allphin, Defendant.
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and' answer the Complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the date of
first publication of this summons, to
wit: within six weeks from the 1st
day of December, 1922, and if you fail
so to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in her complaint
herein, to-wit: For a decree dissolv
ing the marriage contract existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant. For
the custody and care of the minor
daughter the Issue of said marriage,
Charlotte Iren Allphin, For her costs
and disbursement incurred in this
suit, and for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem just
and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication once a week for six
consecutive weeks in the Oregon City
Enterprise, pursuant to an Order of
the Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge
of the above entitled Court made,
dated and entered on the. 25th day of
November, 1922, the date .of first pub
lication is December 1st, 1922, and
the date of last publication will be
January 12th, 1923.
Address, Woodburn, Oregon,- Attor
ney for Plaintiff.
T Attorneys-at-Law 1
Commercial. Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bid., Oregon City, Oregon.
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles . examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Room 3, Andresen-Bldg.
Phone 405
Stevens Bids., Oracoa City, Or
Farm Loans Preferred
Beaver Bldg.
Oregvn City
i Phone: Off. SO
Res. 251-W
Justice of Peace' I
1 201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City. I
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, which order was
made and entered in this suit on the
28th day of November, 1922, directing
that such publication be made in the
Oregon City Enterprise once a week
for six successive weeks; the first
publication thereof being on the 1st
day of December 1922, and the last
publication thereof on the 12th day of
January, 1923.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
A. L. Schlosberg, Plaintiff,
Fannie Schlosberg, Defendant.
To Fannie Schlosberg, the above
named defendant,
In the Name of the State of Oregon;
You are hereby required to appear
an4answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
heretofore and now existing between' before the expiration six weeks from
plaintiff and defendant, and for such
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas -County-A.
D. Kenworthy & Co., Plaintiff,
A. B. Compton and J. W. Compton,
. Defendants.
maintain the coal mass. By this time. t , C If T, . ,
however the rot. I, , TJl i I ton- the named defendants and
however, the root is burned away well
below plow depth and fifteen or
twenty feet from the stump.
Pick over carefully a quart of small,
white beans; let them soak over
night in cold water; in the morning
wash and drain in another water.
Put on to boil in plenty of cold water
with a piece of soda the 'size of a
bean; let them come to a boil, then
drain again, cover with water once
more, and boil them fifteen minutes,
or until the skin of the beans will
crack when taken out and blown up
on. Drain the beans again, put them
into an earthen pot, adding a table
spoonful of salt: cover with hot wat
er, and scoring the rind across the
top, a Quarter of an inch apart to in
dicate where the slices are to be cut.
Place the pot in the oven, and bake
each of you
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon; You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, which date of ex
piration is fixed by order of the above
entitled Court as six weeks from date
of first publication; if you so fail to
appear and answer plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint, to-wit: judgment
against you and each of you for the
sum of one hundred and thirty
($130.00) dollars, with interest there
on at 6 per cent per annum from Oc
tober 19, 1920, together with costs.
other relief as to the court may seem
This summons is published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled Court.
The order is dated December 16th,
Date of first publication December
22nd, 1922.
Date of last publication February
2nd, 1923.
Address 905 N. W. Bank Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
F. W. Gerling, Plaintiff,
the date of the first publication of this
summons, which date of expiration is
fixed by order of the above entitled
Court as January 12th, 1923; If you
so fail to appear and answer plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in his complaint, to-wit:
for a decree of divorce forever dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, and for such other
relief as to the Court may seem equity
This summons is published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court.
The order is dated November 29th,
1922. . '
Date of first publication December
1st, 1922.
Date of last publication January
12th, 1923.
Address 425 Yeon Bldg., Portland,
Blanche V. Warne. (formerly Blanche
V. Hurlburt) and W. C. Warne, her Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff.
husband, Daniel B. Newkirk and
Francis L. Newklrk, his wife. De
fendants: To Blanche V. Warne (formerly
Blanche V. Hurlburt) and W. C. Warne
her husband, Daniel B. Newkirk and
Francis L. Newklrk, his wife, Defend
ants: In the name of the state of Oregon
you and each of you are hereby requir
ed to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before Monday, January 29,
1923, said date being after the expira-
Thds summons is published by or-' tion of six weeks from the date of the
der of the Hon. J- U. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled Court.
The order is dated December 22nd,
six hours or longer. Keep the oven a j iao
d!vt: &tdJA Wat6r fTmJ Date of A" publication December
tne tea-kettle as needed, on account ( 29th 1922
of evaporation, to keep the beans j r,' rL .
eliminffyn rf nM.H.nn -ii 1 . . . 9th
v "v.i.iuiir eye ana innirR rnotf pn rpmnw it-
Moke "Does yuh really love me or
does yuh yes' thinfe yuh do?"
Moka "Yes, iw&tedy. Honey. I
really loves yuh; I ain't done any!
minion' yet."
as too;
long baking the pork destroys its sol-;
Remember when they used to reach
around to the back and raise their
skirts a little as they stepped on the
wet crossings?
Address 1210 Yeon Building, Port
land, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
first publication of this Summons, and
if you fail to appear or answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in the complaint herein, to-wit: For
judgment and decree against the de-
No. 19128
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, De
partment No. . George McKilli-
gan. Plaintiff, vs. Rosa Henrietta
McKilligan, Defendant.
To .Rosa Henrietta McKilligan, the
defendant above named; In the name
of the State of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled cause and court within
six weeks of the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, to-wit: with
in six weeks from Friday, December 8,
1922, and if you fail to so answer or
appear in this cause the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded in his complaint, to-wjt-: a de-
General Land office, Washington,
D. C, November 22, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218)
and instructions of the Secretary of
the Interior of September 15, 1917
(46 B. D. 447), the timber on the. fol
lowing lands will be sold at 10 o'clock
A. M. on January 5, 1923, at public
auction at the . United States Land
Office at Portland, Oregon, to the
highest bidder at not less than the ap
praised value as shown by this notice,
sale to be subject to the approval of
the Secretary of the Interior. The pur
chase price with an additional sum of
one-fifth of one per cent thereof be
ing commissions allowed, must be de
posited at time of sale, money to be
returned if sale is not approved, other
wise patent will Issue for the timber
which must be removed within ten j
years. Bids will be received from !
citizens of the United States, associa- J
tions or sucn citizens ana corporations
organized under, the laws of the
United States or any state, territory,
or district -thereof only. Upon appli
cation of a qualified purchaser the
timber on any legal subdivision will be
offered separately before being in
cluded in any offer of a larger unit.
T. 4 S-, R. 2 E-. Sec. 15, SE14, SE,
red fir, 610 M-, red cedar 40 M., none
of the timber on this tract to be sold
for. less than $1.50 per M.; Sec. 23.
SW NWyt, red fir, 420 M., none of
the timber on this tract to be sold for
less than $1.25 per M.
T. 5 S.. R. 7 W., Sec. 33, SEi. SW4
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon - for Clackamas County, De
partment No. . Chris R. Battal-
. ion. Plaintiff, vs. Emma Battalion,
To Emma Battalion, defendant
above named: In the name of the
State of Oregon you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled cause and court within six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, to-wit:
Within six weeks from December 1,
1922, and if you fail to so answer or
appear the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in his
; complaint, to-wit: a decree dissolving
the marriage contract now existing
between you and plaintiff.
This summons is published for six
consecutive weeks in the Oregon City
Enterprise, a newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published atJ
Oregon City, in Clackamas County
Oregon, the date of first publication
thereof being Friday, (December 1,'
19Z;, ana tne aaie 01 tne last puoiica- ;
tion thereof being Friday, January 12, '
1923, all done in accordance with the 1
order of the Hon. Jas. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
which order was -made and entered of
record in the above entitled cause on
November 28th, 1922. - t
Attorneys for Plaintiff. Post Office
Address: 413 Masonic Temple Bldg.,
Salem, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Robert Gray and Bessie Gray, Hus
band and wife, plaintiffs,
- vs.
John G. P. Lawler, also Nannie Os
born, widow, and Sylvia Shafer,
Belle Stone, and Peres Osborn,
heirs at law of S. C. Osborn, deceased.-
Also all other persons or
parties unknown, claiming any
right, title, lien, claim, equity or in
terest in the real property describ
ed herein, defendants.
To John G. P. Lawler, also Nannie
Osborn, widow; and Sylvia Shafer,
Belle Stone, and Percy Osborn, heirs
at law of S. C Osborn, deceased. Al
so all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, lien,
claim, equity or interest in the real
property, described herein, the above "
named defendants. f
In the name of the State cl Oregon,
you are hereby requires xo appear
and answer the compla'nt filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of this summons. If you so fail
to appear and auswt.r ilaintiffs will
red fir, 920 M-, white fir, 50 M. none of 1 apply to the Court for the relief
the timber on this tract to be sold
for. less than $1.50 per M. for the red
fir, and 50 cents per M. for the white
T. 8 S., R. 6 W., Sec. 17, SW4,
NEJi, red fir, 750 M, none of the tim
ber on this tract to be sold for less
than $2 per M.
Acting Commissioner, General Land
fendant, Blanche V. Warne -(formerly 1 cree dissolving the marriage contract
Blanche V. Hurlburt) for $250.00 with now existing between you and plain
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per tiff. . -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Andrew Hedlund, Plaintiff,
Ida Ellen Hedlund, Defendant.
To Ida Ellen Hedlund, above named
In the name fit the State of Oregon,
you are herejfy required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entiled suit
on or before the 12th day of January,
1923, said date being the expiration
of six weeks from the date of the
prayed for in their complaint, to-wit;
that defendants and each of them and
also all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, es--tate,
lien, claim or interest in the
real estate described in the complaint
herein, to-wit ; ' beginning 40 rods-.
North from the .Northwest corner of
the Southwest quarter of the South
east quarter of section 35 in Tp. 1 S.
R. 4 E. of the W. M , running thence
East 80 'rods thence North 16 rods;
thence West 80 rods; thence South
16 rods to place of beginning, contain
ing 8 acres, subject to lines of United
States Survey All in Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon be required to show to
the Court ,what interest they or eith
er or any of them have or claim, to
have in and to said property and
that plaintiffs may be adjudged and
decreed to be the owners in fee sim
ple of said property and the whole
thereof and that the defendants and
each of them be decreed to have -no
claim, equity or interest therein
This summons is published by or
der of J. U. Campbell. Judge of the
cent per annum from March 6, 1919,
until paid, and for $14.74 taxes paid by
plaintiff, with interest thereon at 6
per cent per annum from March 17,
1922, until paid, and for $50.00. at-
This summons is published for six
consecutive weeks in the Oregon City
Enterprise, a newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published in
Oregon City, in Clackamas County,
torney's fees, and for the costs and ! Oregon, the date of the first publica-
first publication of this summons
and if you fail to appear and answer 1 above entitled Court.
said complaint, for want -thereof, the1 The order is dated November 16
plaintiff will apply to the Court for 1922.
the relief prayed for in his complaint,
the County Court of the State of Ore: disbursements of the plaintiff herein, tion thereof being Friday, December
For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract heretofore anji now
existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant herein.
Date of first publication Nov. 17,
Date of last publication Dec. 29,
Masonic Tenrnle.
This summons is published by order. .Oregon, Attorney for plaintiffs.