Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 08, 1922, Page Page six, Image 6

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guests of relatiTes In Vancouver,
Wash., on Monday.
Audrey Tuor, who la teaching In tbe
Dallas school ithia -winter, was in Will-
Thanksgiving Day was fittingly ob- amette over the Thankselvin boli-
served In Willamette, mostly by fam-j aayg Tisitingat the home of her par-
uy Qinnera sou iu.rn.uy reunions. ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tuor.
Lucy Spatz, a Junior In Willamette I Mrs. McArthur -and family visited
University, was home for the Thanks-1 wHh relatives in New Bra. on Thurs-
giving holidays. While here she also I day of last week.
visited friends. I Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leisman and chil-
Russel Seals, who is spending the dren, Richard,, Marshal, and Alice
winter wKh. friends near Newberg I L-orraine, accompanies oy Mrs. ueno
spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Casey and daughter, Mary jane, airs.
Willamette visiting his mother and Mauierg ana Mta- Martin or uregou
brothers ' I "-f mowiea no .frescoii-last jtiuj
t..voo - Artamann nri where they remained until sunaay via-
Mrs. AmeHa Martin were present last J"11 e home Tuw'
Tuesday afternoon at a meeting Df Matters and Mr. and Mrs. Wing.
the Women's Belief Corps in Oregon Mr!7 , " " u ,
r n-A Hon T T rov antniolnafl I
"" " T' ; T, ,C ' I several days last week.
at dinner on Thanksgiving Day, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Davis and children,
Bernard and Gladys.
Mr. and Mrs. William Levens and
three children of Ttcoma, Wash., are
the house guests of Mrs. Leven's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edmonds, where Miaa Gertie visited in Portland
they will remain for several days. I Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. William Elligsen of I Mrs. R. A. Junken and Mrs. Albert
Frogpond were guests at the home of I Adamson were guests at a charming
the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. luncheon at he noma of Mrs. Walter
George Elligsen on Wednesday of last Bennett in Oregon City on Tuesday,
week. when Mrs. Bennett entertaied the col-
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bennett enter-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vozlair of Van
couver, Washington, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. August Moehnke on
Sunday. Mr. Volzatr and Mrs. Moehnke
are cousins.
Mrs. C. B. Willson and daughter.
MRS. J. M. C. MILLER CtmiiwhM
Snow Is Heavy In
And Around Sandy
SANDY, Dec 5 There were 3 feet
of snow at Government Camp last eve-
Cottrell Church Is
Planning Bazaar
SANDY. Bee. 6 The ladies of the
Cottrell community church are work-
tained at dinner on Thanksgiving Da;
Mrs. Cantril and daughter , Vesta of
Vancouver, Wash.
Gladys Baker returned home last
Thursday afternoon from Independ
ence, where she has been spending the
or bearers of the Women's Relief
corps. Other guests were Mrs. Hart
ley of West Linn and Mrs. Henning
sen of Oregon City.
Mr and Mrs. Adolph Volpp enter
tained at dinner on Thanksgiving day,
their guests being, Mr. and. Mrs An
past two weeks visiting at the home of j gst Moehnke and son, Howard, Mar-
ner sister, Mrs. w. t. Hoirman.
A . Portland visitor over the week
end was Miss Mamie Wall is, wno
spent several days with relatives.
Rollo and Frank Adkins of Buhl,
Idaho, arrived in Willamette last Tues
day and are visiting at the home of
ion Patterson and Emil Volpp.
Mrs. C. B. Willson was called to
Portland the last of the week to see
her nephew, Bobbie Poore, who was
seriously Injured in an automobile ac
cident on Thursday evening. Mr.
Poore was driving his automobile and
aing and it was still snowing, accord-! ing very hard vto get ready for their
ing to Dean Van Zandt, who with Mrs. bazaar on Friday night, Dec. 15. The
Van Zandt is spending the winter at play, "Sewing for the Heathen" will
the hotel there. The snow is very dry be delightfully humorous, there will be
and fluffy. The thermometer stood at several other special numbers on the
21 degrees. Van Zandt went to Rho-' program by local talent and Sandy
dodendron on skiis In 3 hours, but it people. Refreshments will be served
took him five hours to get back up the 1 and all kinds of fancy work, etc., will
mountain. be sold. A special invitation to the
Raymond E. Smith, reports about Sandy -people is extended, and it Is
five and a half inches at the ZIg Zag hoped every one who can possibly go
ranger station. It began snowing will attend,
there Thanksgiving afternoon and has '
kept it up at intervals. Two feet were California PAvrlf
reported at Bull Run lake Sunday VxtlXlUXIIItl ACOJJlc;
nipni.- , i
The Salmon river trail camp moved j
Monday. Work will continue for an-j
other week to finish the road to Vine '
Guests At Dinner
Maple grove group at Still Creek,
where so many homes are located.
There were nine inches of snow at the
TtV gate Monday night.
The ground was white with snow
above Firwood Monday night. The
first real winter of the season arrived
here this morning. The ground Is al
most covered with snow,- and at in
tervals cold rains are near the freez
ing point.
their grandmother, Mrs. Anna Dollar, became blinded by the snow and sleet.
They were former residents of Will- anj was struck by a Vancouver street
amette and while nere are renewing
old acquaintances and also visiting!
other relatives.
MrsL Lewi3 and son, Hershal of
Tillamook city visited -friends in Will
amette last week. They also spent
car. Mr. Poore is in the St. Vincent
hospital and bis condition is consid
ered very serious. Relatives from Cal
ifornia have been called.
Freda Volpp of Redlands is visiting
in Willamette at the home of her sis-
several days visiting at the Fred Ba- ter, Mrs. August Moehnke.
ker home in Mountain Road. Mrs.)
Lewis is a sister of Mrs. Baker.
Alice Baker of Independence accom
panied her aunt, Gladys Baker, home
from Independence last week and
spent the holidays in Willamette. Miss j
Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Junken, Mrs.
Clem Dollar, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs.
Amelia Martin were among those
from Willamette who attended the
pension day dinner in Oregon City
Monday. The dinner was served at
Baker Is a juhipx at the Oregon Nor- noon. Addresses were given by Rev.
mal school and a former resident of I Lanthrop and Rev. Pettibone.
Willamette. J Friends of Mrs. August Moehnke
A grand ball which was well attend-1 called at her home on Monday evening
ed was given in Leisman's hall last o help her celebrate her birthday an-
uesday evening by the Fraternal niversarv. Th evenins was oleasant-
Brotherhood and W. O. W. lodges of
Willamette. The Koellermeier orches
tra oT Willamette furnished the mu
s'c. A good time was reported by all.
On Saturday evening, December 2, 1
a surprise party was given for the
pleasure of Mrs. Clem Dollar at her
home on Twelth street, the occasion
being her birthday anniversary. A so
cial time was enjoyed and refresh-!
ments were served Mrs. Johnson and
Mrs. Leighton assisted with the serv
ing and cutting and Mr3. Lee Porter
presided at the chocolate urn. " The
guests present were Mrs. C. O. John
son, Mrs. Harold Leighton, Helen and
Gertrude Johnson, Mrs. Lee Porter.!
ly spent with music, and various in
door games. Refreshments were serv
ed by the hostess who was .assisted
by her sister, Freda Volpp. The guests
present were Mrs. C. O. Johnson, Mrs.
Lee Porter, Mrs. Adolph Volpp, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Bernert and daugh
ter. Frances. Agnest Dollowltch of
Gresham, and Freda Volpp of Red-
land. At a late hour the self invited
guests departed after wishing Mrs.
Moehnke many more such happy occasions.
Gladys Fredericks enjoyed a visit at
the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frobasen of Portland on Sat
urday and Sunday. On Sunday after-
Good Program Held
By' Cottrell P. T. A.
saaui , uec. 6 Twenty-live new
members ' were initiated at the Cot
treil P. T. A. last Friday night, and
41 old members paid up for another
year. ,- ,
The program committee was H. H.
Watkins. Joe "Caldo and Peter Haug-
lum. The "Kitchen Orchestra", con
sisting of eight men wearing white
aprons and caps gave a march while
"playing" their instruments and sang,
"We march like soldiers straight and
tall, and Hoi for the kitchen orches
tra." with Mrs. Van Fleet at the piano.
Virginia Watkins recited, Ivan ArwalJ
gave a reading.Cottrell quartet sang
"Carry Me Pact to Old Vlrginny",
Fred Radford and Mr. and Mrs. Van
Fleet f'.sxe instrumental music. Mr.
Grand staff and Miss Jones won a pie
for feuessing the number of seeds in a
pumpkin .there was a pie eating con
test, a potato race and a potato peel
ing contest. Free refreshments were
served by the 'chefs" of the "K. O"
SANDY, Dec. 3 Mrs. B. Beers re
cently entertained in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Metzger' of Lodi, CaL, who
have been spending about a month
visiting relatives in this section. Mrs.
Metzger is a sister of George and E.
Beers of Sandy.
Those present at a big dinner serv
ed by Mrs. Beers were Mr. and Mrs.
Metzger, Mrs. W. A. Proctor and
daughter, Jean Proctor, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Beers and" Lois, Miss Hazel
Beers, Mrs. Ernest Harris and the
Old Time Songs To
Be On Big Program.
SANDY, Dec. 6 Next Sunday night!
is the regular evening for the com
munity song service and the program
will consist mostly of old-time ballads.
-Among the selections will be a solo,
"The Last Rose of Summer"; duet,
"The Danube River", "Maggie", "Dar
ling I am Growing Old", Love's Old
Sweet Song", etc., will be sung, the
audience joining in the chorus. The
Ladies' Quartet is preparing another
selection, and there will be a "homey"
evening of music to please everybody".
In planning your XMAS presents remember your
first duties are to the kiddies and the presents that
last longest and makes the strongest Impression are
put up in an especially colored Christmas Box will
be mailed to any address upon the receipt of a de
posit of One Dollar in our Savings Department. For
years to come your child will look back with pleas
ure on Its First Bank Account.
Krey. Earl Lankin was also a Ten
Eyck guest.
Raymond E. Smith, ranger at Zig
i Zag, passed through town this week
on his return from Portland.
Carl Wendland butchered a beef
and several hogs the past week, and
was digging "spuds" in the spare
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Dahrens and chil
dren spent Thanksgiving in tile city
with relatives. Mrs. Dahrens spent
moat of the week there
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dahrens and
family went to Metzger to celebrate
"turkey" with Mrs. Dahrens' sister
and family.
Mrs. TL A. Chown has gone to her
daughter's home near Seattle as the
latter is to undergo an operation. Car
oline has to be ''cook" and keep up
her 'high school work while her moth
er is away.
This section is rejoicing over the
announcement that bids will be open
ed Friday for the surfacing of the
Sandy-Cherryvilla section of the Mt.
Hood loop.
Hon Gilbert L. Hedges, of Oregon
City, who has recently returned from
a tour through European countries
has promised to give an address for
one of our Sunday evening community
gatherings after the holidays, and will
tell us his impressions of what he
saw. Mr. Hedges is a fine speaker.
Rev. Earl Gotton Is
.Wed to Idaho Girl
Mrs. A. Fromong, Mrs. R. A. Junken j no0n. sheVwent to visit relatives -in
Hillsdale bere she remained until
Monday morning enjoying a delight
ful visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Franzel entertained at
dinner on Sunday at their home on
Thirteenth street. Their guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross and daugh
ter Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nordorf
and three children, of Petes Mountain,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic!, and Mr, Mar
Miss Saffron of Tualatin was a guest
at the home of Mrs. Frederic! last Fri
day. ,
and Mrs. A. Adamson.
Mrs. John Wilkens was taken to
the Oregon City hospital last Monday
and an operation was performed by
the Drs. Mount who removed her ap
pendix. In about ten days another op
aeration will be performed for the re
moval of gall stones. Mrs. Wilkens'
condition is reported to be as favor
able as might be expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman and
Dorothy LaFlem were dinner guests in
Sellwood on londay evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Thole.
Clem Dollar, accompanied by Clyde
Dollar and Pearl Turner of Oregon
City and Rollo and Frank Adkins, of
Buhl, Idaho, who are visiting in Will
amette motored to Pacific City and
remained over the week-end.
Alice Eisile of Portland was the
house guest of her sister, Mrs. -Fred
Zimmerman several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter entertained at
dinner last Thursday evening Mr. and'
Mrs. John Wilkens, Jr., of Stafford.
After dinner they went to Oregon city
and visited with Mrs. Wilkens, who
is in the hospital there.
The Misses Helen and Mamie Wallis
were joint hostesses at the home- of
ineir moiner, ivirs. tn. warns, on Wed
nesday evening, .November 29, when
they entertained the mission study
class, who are studying the life of
John Wesley. The members of the
mission study class are alsomembers
of the Epworth League. After devot
ing some time to study the remainder
of the evening was spent in a social
manner, games and music being enjoy
ed. Refreshments were served the
hostesses being assisted by Beulah
Snidow and Elsie Junken. Those,
present were Beulah Snidow, Letha
Shadle, Eunice Carlson, Alberta Bar
nes, Anna Laurs, Nettie Patterson,
Elva Snidow, Mabel Larsen, Clara
Kenney, lAnna Meyers, Anna Matlaska,
Elsie Junken, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. H. Wal
lis and the hostesses Helen and Ma
mie Wallis. .
Mr. and Mrs. Shumway have rented
the Alderman property on railroad
avenue. Mrs. Alderman is making her
home with her daughter, Mrs. J. Ed
monds. ,
Mr. and Mrs. McLean entertained in
a delightful manner on Thanksgiving
day, their guests being Mrs. Spatz and
children, Miss Lucy and Jacob and
Samuel Spatz.
Miss Cornu of Salem was a week
end guest at the home of her sister,
Mrs. C. O. Johnon.
Mrs. Lunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sni
dow, and the Misses Elva and Beu
lah Snidow were delightfully enter
tained os Thanksgiving Day at the
home of Mrs. Roman, whose home is
near Oregon City.
The hospitable home of Mrs. H.
Leisman was the scene of a merry
gathering on Thursday of last week
when a family reunion was held.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
John Ream, Jr., and children, Donald
and Kenneth; Mr. and Mrs. Ewald
Leisman and children Richard, Marsh
al and Alice Lorraine, Mrs. Mathers,
Mary Leisman, Mr. and Mrs. John
Casey and daughter, Mary Jane.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adamson were
Fences Damaged by
Drivers Of Autos
SANDY, Dec. 4 Word has been re
ceived here of the wedding of Rev.
Earl cotton to -Miss Ruth Wheatdon
of Fruitland, Idaho. Rev.' Cotton and
j his bride win arrive at Willamina
tnis week and the members of the
Methodist church are preparing to
give a reception for their pastor and
his wife. Rev. Cotton was pastor at
Sandy the past two years.
SANDY, Dec. 5 Farmers around
here are very much "peeved" at auto
Ists for clipping wire from the fences
to use on their chains. Every Inch
clipped from a fence weakens it, and
the stock soon learns to ".put a nose
through". It has been asked that
auto people buy a fifty-cent coil of
wire to carry along with their clip
pers and thus save farmers much ex
pense and annoyance. A certain farm
er .said recently that he "never knew
an autoist to put planking back where
he got it" and that only a ' few ever
shut gates.
Meldrum Notes
Mrs. A. Conyers and children from
May, Idaho, are visiting Mrs. Conyer's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schlum of Mel
drum. -
Mrs. Wanda Lageson spent Satur
day with Mrs. Geo. Gardner.
Mr.- and Mrs. Blair Miller spent
Saturday and Sunday with the latter's
mother, of Portland, who recently
arrived from New York City.
A large number of Meldrum people
will attend the special road tax meet
ing at Oak Grove on Saturday eve
ning. Mrs. Esther McCracken has been ill
for the last ten days. '
Mrs. Ellen R. Eads expects her
daughter, Alva, hofe from O. A. C. to
spend Thanksgiving.
Mrs. George Gardner gave a party
in honor of her daughter, Winnifred's
eighth birthday on Saturday. Covers
were laid for 10 little guests.
W. A. Rush, a student of Monmouth,
Normal, spent Sunday with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davis, of West
morland was a Sunday guest at the
A. W. Meyers home.
William Gardner has been on the
sick list for the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grady have
rented the Jack Hampton cottage on
the river, which they will occupy dur
ing the winter season. They recently
sold their home on Addie street to G.
I. Geherg, of Neville, Canada, who has
taken possession.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner and
daughter, Blanche and E. Larson were
dinner guests on Tuesday at the Had
iey Roake home in Portland.
Mrs. D. p. Davidson spent Saturday
in Portland. While in that city she
was the guest of her daughter. Miss
Edith Linstrum, who is employed in
the Western Union office.
Arnold Wake, a Portland contractor,
was a Meldrum visitor on Sunday. .
Miss A. Jensen, a Portland surgical
nurse, was a visitor at the William
Gardner home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Larson and son, Junior, were
also guests at the Gardner home that
Lillian Ten Eyck
Weds U. of O. Man
SANDY, Dec. 3 The wedding of
"Miss Lillian Ten Eyck, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ten Eyck of Mar
mot came as a surprise to friends
here. . Miss Ten Eyck was married to
Arthur Krey, the affair being a church
wedding in Portland on Thanksgiving
day. On Friday the bridal party came
to the Ten Eyck family home at Mar
mot where a splendid wedding feast
was served and the evening was joy
ously spent most of the family being
Mr. Krey is attending the state uni
versity and Mrs. Krey will enter her
third year of college life in January.
The Kreys had their house at Eugene
all furnished before the wedding.
Union High School
Nearing . Completion
SANDY, Dec. 5 At the meeting of
the Union high school, board Friday
it was thought the new building would
be ready for occupation by Christmas
and it is expected to move from the
grade building and be ready for school
to open after the holidays in the new
school house. It has been a hard pro
position for both teachers and pupils
to be so cramped for room. It was
decided to wait a little while before
holding the big celebration and the
cornerstone ceremonies.
SANDY. Dec. 3 The Sandy Hotel
has changed hands again, the pro
prietor, G. W. Bates having traded his
lease to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Hill of
Portland 'for the New York Apart
ments at Seventh and Belmont
streets. The Hills took possession of
the hotel ten days figo. ,
The common schools of Finland,
Norway and Sweden are stressing
"Home and Community" study, from
nine year old to adults. It takes note
of the local history, resources, oppor
tunities, needs and possibilities and
amounts to a community survey which
is very enlightening and arousing.
Date of Social Is
Wednesday, Dec. 13
SANDY, Dec. 6 Through a mistake,
the date of the Parent Teachers' pie
social and program was announced for
last Wednesday night instead' of next
Wednesday, Dec. 13. - Everything pos
sible was done to circulate news of
the mistake. - The program will, be
"snappy" and will be followed by a
social hour and general good time.
Pies will 'be auctioned off to raise the
final payment of the school piano.
Everybody come to the '-community
church where it will be warm and com
fortable and haye a happy time and
help a good cause. Program at 8
o'clock. - .
SANDY, Dec. 5 A surprise party
was given by Mr. and Mrs. J. G. De
Shazer last Saturday night in honor of
their son. Grant's twenty-first birth
day which was a real surprise. About
60 friends were present. Mrs. Alma
Maronay and George Beers furnished
the music for dancing and card lovers
were supplied with games. Midnight
supper was served. Everyone had a
fine time, the party not breaking up
till 3 o'clock in the morning.
The state library books that the
Wi men's club has been circulating
are no--v being called in and anyone
having a book will please return at
once to Scales' store. K-
The Cottrell and Pleasant Home
churches will have programs and
Christmas trees on Xmas eve..
There will probably bcr" community
Christmas tree at the Sandy I. O. O.
F. hall during the week before Christmas.-
Remember the program of old-time
ballads and songs next Sunday night,
"community" night.
The Parent Teacher program an
nounced by mistake for last Wednes
day night will be "snappy" and come
prepared to have a good time.
"Paddy" McKnight has returned
from the mountains for the winter. He
has been working on the Salmon riv
er trail all summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krebsnd daugh
ter, Emma, were in Sandy on Sunday
attending St. Michael's church. Emma
O'Neil went to work for Mrs. Anton
Malar on Monday.
M. Boitano went to Portland and
Troutdale the first of the week to look
after business affairs for a few days.
J. C. Duke was home for' the week
end. He is getting along fine with his
work at a Portland milL
Miss Hazel Beers went on a holiday
sojourn to Independence where she
helped eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
Harry Reed spoiled all the family's
Thanksgiving plans by getting down
sick in bed, so the turkey and fixin's
had to be held over.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smith and family
went to Portland a few days ago.
Smith hag an attack of blood poison
which has been causing him much an"
. Mrs. J. M. Short was in Portland re
cently on a business and visiting trip.
Mrs. Myra Hoernicker was out for
a few days during the week, returning
to her Portland home Sunday.
Henry. Ridderbush spent a few days
uin Portland seeing the sights during
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunn spent
Thanksgiving with their son, Thomas
Dunn, at hist bachelor guarters and
Mrs. Durrh cooked a "regular" .din
ner. The first snow of the season came
on Thanksgiving, . but . it was not
enough to cover the ground, and melt
ed while falling.
Mrs. Caspar Junker was ill several
days last week anl Mrs. Kate Schmitz
looked after the Junker household
needs for her mother.
Mrs. J. M. C. Miller was at Oregon
City and Portland a couple of days
recently where she visited friends and
looked after various errands.
"Rev. and Mrs. S. F. Pitts and their
son drove up from Cottrell recently
on business.
Frank Thiess and Attilllo Caceghino
enjoyed dinner at the Pizzola-Boitanoi
liome recently. . Only two years ago
he came to Sandy and could not speak
English and had no money. Now he
has a nice bank account, can speak
the language and is independent.
How many of the old timers around
here remember the old Cascade debat
ing society that held forth in the old i
log school house? - - I
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thomas and Roy J
Ward, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas
past week. They report the potato
crop as good, but other things dried
up. Times are still very hard there,
these letters say. Mrs. Dittert's bro
ther and sister would like, to come
to America.
Albon Meinig was delighted with
the .recent heavy rains, hoping that
his 72 foot well would fill up a little,
as there has been less than two feet
of water in his well while other wells
have been almost full of surface
Mr. and Mrs. John Maronay's house
hold was enlarged on Thanksgiving
with the J. H. L. Maybfee family of
Portland and the Thomas Hagan fam
ily of Bull Run sitting around the fam
ily table to enjoy a feast of chickens,
ducks, etc Mr. and Mrs. George
After the "pot-luck" dinner was
feasted on by .the little ones in Mrs.
Connors' room the following program
was given: Song by children, "Merry
Little Men"; recitations were given,
by George Bruns, Roberta Smith, Ma
ble Frace. Dorothy Bruns, Harvey
Kubitza, Ronnie Esson, Marguerite
Frace; duet by Dorothy and George
All of the teachers went to their
homes on Wednesday evening, return
ing in time for school Monday.
Frances and Gertrude Meinig were
delighted t get home from the O. A.
C. for the Thanksgiving holidays, and
improved their time by "helping out"
in the store while here.
There is talk that the Bull Run
school district will put up a new
school house next year and also hire -another
teacher. Their present teach
er has her hands full this year.
The Sophs, Juniors and Seniors of
the union high observed dress-up day
with fantastic . combinations that
brought wonder to the eyes of the
"Freshies" who were surprised beyond
words. Miss Margaret Miller, princi
pal, also planned a pot-luck Thanks
giving dinner for that day, which was
also an event that will be treasured
in the minds of the pupils.
The Firwood school, under the di
rection of Miss Helen Stuben, teacher,
gave a Thanksgiving program as fol
lows: Recitations, Louisa tamper.
Beers spent the evening with the Otto Spaller, Gladys. Harold and Lu-
cile Wilkins, Marie Spaller, Nellie
Lamper, Florence DeShazer, Laura
"bunch" and music was enjoyed.
Mrs. E. J. Mitchell had the pleas
ure of entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Ganger and children, Mr. and
Mrs.' Justin and little daughter, Mr.
and Velma Koesicker, C. Schuck. "My
Country Tis of Thee' and the nation
al anthem were sung by the audience.
ad Mrs. John Mitchell and Harold,! Flag salute, and two songs by the
Harry Mitchell and Warren Forrester
at Thanksgiving dinner.
Mrs. Alta Gentry of Pleasant Home
passed the week taking Rev. Mr. Poor,
a -solicitor for the Willamette Univer
sity endowment fund, all over Eastern
Multnomah county.
E. E. MUliron was sent to Walla
Walla by- his electrical firm to wire
a school building. The Millirons' will
not move to the city until about Jan.
Mrs. Edna Eason and her mother,
Mrs. Gillett, entertained Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. C. Miller and Mrs. Blanche Shel-
scnooi. Little Amos MUliron sang
"The Old Black Cat"; Florence De
Shazer, Marie Spaller and Gladys
Wilkins sang Beautiful Oregon Rose.
Florence DeShazer played for all the
singing. Cookies and punch were serv
ed, after which Miss Hazel Schuck en
tertained with songs. Miss Stuben
went to Portland to spend the vaca
tion. .
and Ellsworth Bell were recent Sandy ler and children on Thanksgiving day
visitors i th a sumptuous dinner and further-
Thr were- 23 relatives seated at " more dispensed that delightful hospi-
W. Henderson Dies
After Long Illness
W. T. Henderson, well known res
ident of Clackamas county, died at
Emma Miller daughter of John 4 j JCk? J- W. Dixon family prepared a ( Deceased was born in Ha
me U at nresent in Honolulu! twelve pound turkey and fixin's fori county, Ohio, July 1, 1849. He
Thanksgiving dinner, but Bernice and
with his family by team to Oregon
Pearl were sick in bed all day and City in 1883, crossing the plains with
AYra TtivYTl ur a a ha irorw well an1 it ! a narrv rf Mlotlvas onrl frlonla Tn
Ihe Thanksgiving banquet table of the I tality that helps t "make the whole i the home of his son, William Hender
Hoornecker family at Gresham, among world kin". In the evening other' son, of this city, Friday morning at
whom were Mr. and Mrs. August Hoer- friends dropped in and music was en- 1 o'clock, after an illness of about
nofiror joyed. " j nine months' duration.
with her husband and the Millers may
return to "the states" next June,
when Mr. Miller will probably be re
tired from the army.
Thanksgiving was enjoyed at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs
who entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry
WTewer and children, Mrs. J. H. We
wer and Miss Clara Meinig.
Mrs. L. Lehnfield returned from
Portland last Saturday much improv
ed but still weak from her recent ill
ness which was a-kin to pneumonia.
Mrs. Dixon was not very well and it
was left to Hazel, Dorothy and "J. W."
to pay due respect to the "bird.1
Saturday, Dec. 9 is grange day and
Ihe election of officers will take up
the forenoon session.
Mrs. Tom Hagan had a thrilling ex
perience with a certain kind of a cat
recently that had been "snooping"
around the chicken house and finally
Lehnfield was homesick to get i got unaer tne aweiung nouse. it is
back to the country and felt she could i quite a long story, but this much can
not stav in the city longer. Mrs.'E. ! be said, she aimed at the tail and
Coalman visited her while in Portland.' shot off the animal's head.
Mrs. Alice Scales and Mrs. Edna! Fred Junker was home from the U.
Esson"'hiked" down the hill to call of C. for the Thanksgiving vacation,
n the Funk familv Sunday afternoon. Fred has caught the college spirit and
Mrs Katie Koch has been down sick j Is happy and "fat". He is studying
for the past week but is somewhat in- journalism, and likes news writing
proved again.
a party or relatives ana irienas. in
1884 he married at Highland. A few
years later he and his family moved to
Mountain Home near Colton, located
on 120 acres of" railroad land, where
Mr. Henderson made his home until
Feburary 1921.
Mr. Henderson is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Henderson, of this city;
William U. Henderson, of this
city; Rev. A. S. Henderson, of Ohilo
math, Oregon; a. daughter, Mrs. Delia
Vakken, of Cotton.Oregon; a half sis
ter, Mrs. A. S. May, of Oregon City,
and a number of nieces and nephews.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Suckow ana
sons were entertained by their rela
tives, the Ed Capen family of Port
land on Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell spent
Thanksirtvine at home, entertaining
! very much. His class is reporting for
1 the assemblies already.
I Miss Bertha Hoffman was out from
ihe city to spend Thanksgiving with
the home folks.
A, C. Baumback has been on the
sick list the past week and was miss-
Choice HeatsFair Prices
As a good judge of Meats, you'll enjoy
bu"ing here where there are so many
- luscious Steaks, Chops and Roasts.
. Gresham Meat Market
their mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass of e.i up toun.
Estacada until Sunday. . Mrs- C1 Aschoff. Miss Nettie
Mr and Mrs. Frank Straus (Martha j Schmitz, R. E. Esson and R. F. Dit
Finger) and Miss Ella Finger were i tert were among the Portland visitors
out from Portland to spend Thanksgiv- j the first of the week,
ing at home with their parents, Mr. ! Mr. and Mrs. R. Dittert entertained
and Mrs. Gust Finger. Mr- and Mrs. Thomas Kubitza and
Mr and Mrs Ruprath have moved, children, Mr. and Mrs. C- Scharnke,
to the Gesch place for the winter! Barbara, and Miss Mary Scharnke and
while the Gesehes' are in Portland. Fritz Lutgens after church Sunday,
Ed is working as longshoreman and J the guests remaining for supper and
Mrs Ruprath is spending part of her; till the "wee" hours. Mr. Lutgens has
winter in Portland i recently arrived from Germany, and
Walter Krebs was busy on Monday j cannot speak English. He is employed
, ntt ir-nrier over the now at the Bruns mill.
I UU111U5 o- - 1
highway eastward from Sandy to level .
John E. Johnson Of
Route Five Passes
ud the gravel
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoernicker have
completed their little home at Anna
bel Station and say the latch string is
always out to their Sandy friends.
Mrs. Hoernicker's sister lives next
door, the Trullingers having just com
pleted an elegant new home.
The Dixon family is enjoying their;
new radio which is the first one to j
be installed in the town.
Mrs. E. Dodd, Lola and Wilbur and
Mr. and Mrs. Goheen went to Port
land for the Thanksgiving vacation
and visited with Mrs. Dodd's daugh
ters. There was a large attendance at the
Henry Herman sale last week and
everything was sold but Herman's
horses. A free lunch was served and
everybody had a fine time.
Ed Suckow, who had been working
at the Unis ranch near Gresham for
A. W Bell, sandy truckman, bought! about two years, is now working at
$350 worth of new tires for his "Mack"
at one time last week, and Bell says
the "overhead" eats a mighty big hole
in the profits of hauling between
Sandy'and Portland.
Mrs. R. S. Dittert received four let
ters from relatives in Germany the
the dairy ranch of Mrs. C. Gantenbein,
near Boring.
Miss Rose Ten Eyck and Miss Ivy
Ten Eyck came home to spend the
Thanksgiving holidays and to be pres
ent at the wedding supper of her
sister and new brother, Mr. and Mrs.
John E. Johnson, who resided near
Oswego, on Oregon City, Route 5
died Friday night at the family home.
Deceased had been ill for some time,
and he suffered from a .stroke of para
lysis, which caused his death.
Mr. Johnson was 70 years of age,
and is survived by his widow and sev
eral children, residing near Oswego.
The funeral services are to be held
at the Oswego cemetery Monday af-'
ternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Wellis
Pettibone, pastor of ' the Baptist
church, of this city, officiating. Hpk
man & Pace have charge ot the funer
al arrangements.
Mrs. J. M. Nutter
Dies In Los Angeles
Mrs. B. H. Stewart, of Twilight, has
recerved word of the death of her
mother, Mrs. J. M- Nutter, of Los An
geles, Calif., who died In that city
November 30th, after a two gears'
Illness. "
Mrs. Nutter had visited at the Stew
art farm four years ago, and while
there made many friends. She is sur
vived by her husband, who is 85 years
of age, and a resident of Los Angeles:
two sons and a daughter, Mrs. B. H.
Stewart. There are also surviving
Mrs. Nutter five grandchildren and
two sisters, the latter residing in In
diana. .
The interment took place in Los
Angeles. - ' .