Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 08, 1922, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY. DSCERCSIt 0.'1922
Canby Party Enjoys
Trip To Seaside
CANBY, Or., Dec. 6 A party, com
posed of Mr. and Mrs. C H. Sheldon,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bair, Mr. and
- Mrs Arthur Graham, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Waite and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Eccles, of this, city, and MJss Violette
Qvans, of Portland had a most delight
ful tima on a recent trip.
Leaving Portland Wednesday morn
ing- the " party ate their lunch at
Rainier, and arrived at Seaside in the
early evening. The roads were dry
and the party made good traveling un
til Astoria -was reached. There the
roads showed the effect of the heavy
tog from the sea, but good time was
made over these the remainder of the
When reaching their destination
they found the large home of the Scott
famQy, which they were to occupy
during their stay at the resort, light
ed and heated for their reception.
This is one of the largest and best
equipped residences at the resort, and
close to the beach, a most desirable
for a house party. Following the duck
dinner, the members of the party en
Joyed dancing, the music being fur
nished by a Victrola. ,
The following day golf was enjoyed
at Gearhart. A Thanksgiving dinner,
with two large turkeys 'n everything
that goes with it enjoyed.
Each day a program of enjoyment
was carried out by th Canby people.
This was their annual trip to the re
sort, and they are already planning a
similar one for nert Thanksgiving.
CANBY, Or., Dec 6 Doris English,
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Bail
English, formerly of Canby, now of
Portland, is critically ill. and little
hopes are entertained for her life.
The child recently underwent an
operation for appendicitis in a Port
land hospital, and is now suffering:
from complications. It was necessary
-to undergo a second operation for
blood transfusion. Miss Mable Smith,
aunt of the little girl, submitted to an
operation in order to supply the nec
essary amount of blood.
Mrs. English was Miss Clara Smith
before her marriage.
Reunion Is Held On
Thanksgiving Day
CAXBY, Or., Dec. 6 Among the en
joyable Thanksgiving family reunions
was at the home of Mrs. Anna Cant
well, when she entertained members
Of her family and other relatives. A
feature of the day was the delicious
dinner served by the hostess.
The home was prettily decorated
with evergreens that added to the
pleasure of the reunion.
Enjoying the event were Mr. and
Mrs. Dell Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Lambert, of Jennings Lodge ; "Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Knight and son, Beauford,
of this city; Mrs. Maggie Cross, of
Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. G. Crois
ant and two children, of Lyons, Ore. ;
Isaac Heiae, of Canby; Dr. and Mrs.
John Fuller, of this city, Mrs. Cant-well.
CANBY, Or, Dec 6 Miss Lena Stef
fani, who was injured two weeks ago
when she fell and broke her nose, is
rapidly recovering, and able to attend
Miss SteffanL who is a student of
the (high school, was enjoying recess,
when she accidentally tripped and fell,
striking on her face, causing the brok
en nose. Zr. H. A. Dedman set the
broken bones.
Item of $170,000 Is Included
In Budget to Pay for Work
In Clackamas County; End
Of Long Conthoversy Seen.
Tax and Conservation Bodies
Determine Obligation Can
Be Met by Vehicle mposts
CANBY, Or, Dec. 6 A special elec
tion is to be held in Canby on Decem
ber 8. The purpose is to vote on the
proposed irrigated district that In
cludes much valuable land in and in
the vicinity of Canby. This extends
into the New Era section.
The polling places are to be at the
garage on the Telford property.
CANBY, Or., Dec 6 "The Pinch
Hitter", featuring Charles Ray, will be
an attraction at the gymnasium Friday
evening, December 8th. There will
also be a one-reel comedy, "Cupid in
Quarantine" and one reel of scenic.
The entertainment is to be given un
der the auspices of the Canby high
school. -
Provision for participation in con
struction of the Mount Hood Loop road
by Multnomah county wag- voted yes
terday by the tax supervision and con
servation commission, which approved
a budget item of $170,000 for this pur
pose. In "voting favorably upon this
item the commission reversed its posi
tion of last year when it turned down
an item of $85,000, which was to match
a like amount of state funds devoted
to construction of the road.
Special Fu"d Created "
In this ending a controversy marked
by no little bitterness the commission
gave full explanation of how it found
the way cleared for approval of the
expenditure. In brief, it " said . the
county commissioners this year pro
pose the setting up of a special fund,
where last year they planned to take
the money from regular funds, raised
through taxes. The commission decided
i that the motor vehicle license fund
Efforts To Put Provisions of
Ordinance In Operation are
Successful After Lengthy
Controversy, Krassig Says.
Solons Tangle on Question of
Budget Overdrafts; Shift In
Funds Is Declared Solution.
Spurred Jo action by the numerous
fires in Oregon City the council and
other city ' officials, after numerous
threats' and considerable contention.
have placed- the building code in oper
ation. The law which, has- been on
the statute books, inoperative for the
past decade, has been effectually res
urected, its teeth polished and its pro
visions placed in force, Dr. Wm. Kras
sig, a member of the fire and water
committee, announced last night at the
regular session of the city council.
The action ordered against the First
National Bank to force compliance
with the building restrictions had been
withdrawn, the councilman stated.
following an agreement on the part of
the bank comply with the ordinance
The other cases where owners have
overlooked the provisions of the code
had been adjusted so as to meet the
statutory requirements without trouble
it was reported with the exception of
the Logus estate which refused to
make repairs to its property in this
city in compliance with the rulings.
sit tr:;izi-z mimi i umm
Bair Returns From
Visit At Redmond
CANBY, Or., Dec. 6 W. H. Bair,
commission merchant, has recent
ly returned from Redmond, Oregon,
where he had been looking after pro
perty interests.
Mr. Bair is interested in holdings
owned by the Deschutes Valley Seed
, Company, and reports that the yield
was unusually good this season. There
were 1000 sacks of seed potatoes har
vested from 100 acres, and 600 tons
of hay cut from 148 acres, there being
two cuttings. The company had 140
acres in oats, 70 bushels being secur
ed from each acre.
The holdings of the company is on
land of volcanic ash, and is very
their share of rooters at the game.
" ' iwhich Multnomah county is entitled
CANBY, Or.. Dec. 6 The football , . . 1 w mv
game between Canby high school and ercigi fimction of the state at large;
Molallaon Thanksgiving day brought . ftat tne hignway commission is to
out a large crowd. The score was 24 j look to a special und, tht sta
to 0 in favor of Canby. . . ma1ra - rtrfrnftl distribution
Both Canby and Molalla boys had ; fIhte to the boar(1 of county Com-
I missioners, and that the, allowance for
! the Mount Hood loop road is in ac-
J cordance with the preferential sched-
CANBY, Or., Dec. 6-The interior of "f? ln t& , w
the real estate office of J. J. Sands-1 Mount Hood loop road is allowed by
ness is being improved. The walls! thl3 "tL!!!
and ceiling are being painted white, j tne 8um f "0'000--, rtK
and makes it a most attractive office, j , Future Demand, obscure
The commission desires, however,
to call the attention of the people of
Multnomah county to the fact that
CANBY, Or., Dec. 6 Mrs. Cora j. In the hearings developed before it it
Peabody, of Jefferson, Oregon, is in' Js apparent that the sum of $170,000
this citv. where she is a house' euest wlll only giv a macadamized road,
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sheldon.
! and that those particularly interested
Mrs. Gus Croisant and two little ; in the road wil probably, in tne not
children, who have been spending sev-; remote future, seek to obtain funds
eral weeks in Canby as guests of Mrs. ! from Multnomah, county for the hard
Croisant's mother, Mrs. Annie Cant- surfacing of certain portions of tne
well, returned to their home at Lyson ' Mount Hood loop road situated in the
Louis Lent Named
Light System Head
CANBY, Or., Dec. 6 At the regu
lar council meeting Monday evening
Louis Lent was appointed superintend
ent of the electric light system. He
was authorized to make extensions, as
a number of residents desire electric
ity in their homes, since there is a
reduction from the rates charged the
people of this city during the past
on Thursday. Mr. Croisant, who spent
Thanksgiving in this city, returned to
his home the following day. Mrs.
Croisant and children also visited at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. John Fuller
and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Knight.
county of Clackamas. It is impossible
at this time, to determine what de
mands will be made on Multnomah
county in dollars, and cents -for this
purpose, but the demands will prob
ably be staggering in their amounts.
Edward Satter, editor and publisher .The commission also wishes to be un-
of the Canby Herald, is confined to ' derstood that it would discourage any
his home by illness. Mr. Satter is direct levy of a local tax upon the
suffering from an attack of yellow taxable property of Multnomah coun
jaundice. During his illness his of-i ty for road construction in another
fice is in charge of O. C. Olson. I county. The constitution expressly
W. M. Sersbroueh. of Kelso. Wash . prohibits the use of county bond
was in Canby Sunday and Monday, j money for road construction in tnoth-
While here he registered athe Cot-
er county, and it is hoped that this
restriction may be brought so. as to
Marian Jackson, of Bridal Veil, Ore., i prohibit the expenditure of any money
was in Canby the first of the week. ! raised' by local taxation for road con-
He came here on business. j struction in another county.
Mrs. Harvey Douglass was in Ore-! The budget request of the county
-gon City on business Tuesday." j commissioners for 189.00 for the pav-
Oscar Beattie, student of the Uni-: ing of the Boone's ferry and Taylor's
versity of Oregon, who has been vis-! ferry roads, extending to the Clacka-
year. He has been acting as tempor- ltinS his parents in this city, has re- j mas county line, was slashed to $37,
Fire Construction Required
The building code provides for the
construction within the downtown dis
trict of only fireproof buildings, and
the fireproof construction of all re
pair work.
The question of Overdrafts in the
street fund was aired in the action up
on the payment of the month's bills
for the street department's expenses.
The use of 1900 for the paving of
Molalla Ave. leaves a technical short
age in the street department fund.
Councilman H. S. JHount, head of the
street department voted against the
allowance of the claims on the ground
that there was no money in the fund
and that under the charter only the
specific budgeted amount could be
spent for street purposes.
An opinion from City Attorney O.
D. Eby was read pointing out the ne
cessity of -following the budget but
saying also that funds could ibe trans
ferred from surplus balances to meet
, deficiencies.
Surplus Is Used Up
Councilman Fred Metzner, also on
the streets committee, objected to
Mount's attitude, saying that the Mol
alla paving should have been charged
against the general fund. Mount citedj
that the general fund was all spent
too and that no surplus to transfer
remains. City Recorder C- W. Kelly
explained that the deficiency will be
met this year by borrowing from
special funds where balances are avail
able and that provision for paying the
funds back has been made in the 1923
budget out of the road fund.
Matters concerning the South End
Road were laid upon the table pend-
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stevens of West
Gladstone had as their guests on
Thanksgiving day, Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Hinman and the latter's sister. Miss
Mildred Welsh of Portland. Mr. Hin
man Is a cousin of Mr. Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L Rowan entertain
ed at dinner Thanksgiving evening
at their home on Harvard Avenue.
Mrs. Rowan was assisted by her
daughter, Mrs, Elvin Cat to. Covers
were 'laid for the following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto, Mr. and Mrs
Elvin Catto, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Row
an, Mr. Davis, Alfred Rowan and Ev
erett Catto.
Mrs. Florence Brendel is attending
a reception and banquet given for the
field workers of the Yoeman of Ore
gon by the state officers in Portland
today (Sunday).
Mrs. Julia Tingle, who has been
quite ill at her home on Arlington
street is reported to be much weaker.
Two doctors are in attendance. Mrs.
C. A. Frost & nurse of West Gladstone
is also assisting.- Mrs H..E. Cross,
daughter of Mrs. Tingle, and her hus
band. Judge Cross are constantly with
Mrs. Tingle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch enter
tained at dinner Thanksgiving day at
their home on First street Mrs
Rauch was assisted in entertaining
and serving by her two ' daughters,
Misses Veatrice and Vivian Rauch.
Music and cards were enjoyed in the
evening. Covers were laid for Mr.
and Mrs. Winnifred Knight and Miss
Amy Peckover of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Peckover and Charles
Peckover of Edge wood, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Rauch, Misses Vatrive and Viv
ian Rauch of Gladstone.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Legler had
as their guests during the 'week, Dr.
and. Mrs. W. R. Mott of Salem and
Mrs. Mable Gerber and son, Francis,
of Portland. Mrs. Mott and Mrs. Ger
ber are sisters'of Mrs. Legler. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolle spent Fri
day with friends in Portland, looking
after business interests while there.
Mrs. Martha Ross is spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Swift.
The violin pupils of Andrew Des
champs are practicing at the home .of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miranda for the
recital to be given at the Baptist
church in Oregon City, December 18.
Miss Elenora Schiewe will present a
number of her piano pupils at this
Edward W. Eby, who has accepted
a position in Astoria for the winter
with Thomas Muir, contractor of
Portland, visited over Sunday with
his family in Gladstone.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will hold their annual bazaar at the
church Friday evening, December 8,
supper will be served in the base
ment. The ladies will meet at the
church Wednesday and Thursday af
ternoons to complete arrangements.
Mrs. William Hammond will enter
tain the ladies of the Euterpean Club
at her home on Dartmouth street
Thursday afternoon, serving luncheon
at one o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Weddle and sons,
Harland and Elvin &spent Thanks
giving in Salem with Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Scheman, Mrs. Scheman was
formerly Miss Mima Weddle of this
Mrs. Grace M. Ebjand children,
Elmo, Jack and Clenard spent Thurs
day with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. O'Donnell in Oregon City.
Mrs. Charles Nash of Husum, Wash
ington, is spending this week with
Mr. and Mrs. -John L. Moore. Mrs.
Moore was formerly Miss Jean Nash
of Husum.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Chapel spent
Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Beacraft of Oak Grove. Mr,
Arlington street.
A meeting of the citizens was held
at the school house Monday evening
for the purpose of arranging for fire
protection of the school. County
School Superintendent Brenton Vel
der presided. The question of small
chemical extinguishers was discuss
ed at some length and a tentative
plan was introduced by Chambers
Howell, this plan provided for the lay
ing of a six inch water pipe to the
school and placing of a hydrant. The
extention of a two inch pipe into the
building and to each floor, . several
lengths of hose on each floor and six
sprinklers on the roof. This plan is
to be submitted to the Fire Insurance
nnder-writers by the board of direct
The Euterpean Club will postpone
their meeting until next Thursday af
ternoon on account of the Thanks
giving holiday, and will meet with
Mrs. William Hammond providing her
grand mother. Mrs. Julia Tinerle con
tinues to improve.
Rev. and Mrs. George E. Williams
have returned to their home after a
month's absence doing evangelical
work throughout the state.
Rev. C. F. Swander is hold in? auee-
ial meetings at the Christian church
this week which are being very large
ly attended.
The board of directors of the Glad
stone Baptist church have called Rev.
C. F. Mosier of Kansas to this pastor
ate who will take up bis new duties
at once, at present Rev. Mosier and
wife and two children are staying at
tne nome or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph But
ler. Rev. Mosier and family have
been the guests of his father, who is
pastor or the Baptist church at Junc
tion City. ,
Mr. and Mrs. L. o. Weddle and two
sons, Harland and Elvin are spend
ing the Thanksgiving week end In
Salem with Mr. ad Mrs. Otto Sche
man. Mrs. Scheman is" a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Weddle.
Reggie Russel is spending the week
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Russel of West Gladstone.
This is Reggie's first year at O. A. C.
and he is making an exceptional good
showing with his work.
The Gladstone foot bal lteam met
defeat at the hands of the Vernon
park team Sunday but the local team
was far out weighed and the visitors
played a rough game from the begin
ning, putting Frost, Charles and
Schooley out of the game. Elvin
Charles has the muscles torn from his 1
shoulder, Schooley suffered a sprain
Slayer of Frank Bowker Will
Put Case Before Pierce;
Policy of Executive-Elect
Is Not Yet Determined.
Three Cases are Still Pending
Before Supreme Court; No
Dates for Hangings are Set.
Pleas of Russell Hecker, convicted
murder of Frank Bower, for clemency,
will depend upon the course of action
taken by Walter M. Pierce, govern-
or-elect. Pierce, when he becomes
governor will among the first of his
duties listen to appeals for clemency
on the part of four condemned men.
Those beside Hecker, who was con
victed for a murder in Clackamas
county, are: Dan Casey, convicted as
the slayer of "Buck" Phillips, South
ern Pacific special officer in Portland;
Abe Evans, slayor of James Do ran in
Wasco county; and Husted Walters,
who killed Jerome Palmer, a Port
land police officer.
Three Are Hanged
A few months ago eight condemned
men were-awaiting execution, but the
state itself has made away with three
of themElvie D. Kerby, Jack Rathie
and George Howard, and the fourth,
Dr. R. M. Brumfield, committed sui
cide in his cell.
Of the four remaining Evans and
Walters are confined at the state
penitentiary, while Hecker and Casey
are in the Multnomah copnty jail.
While all four were sentenced to be
hanged on specific dates the appeal
of all of the cases to the supreme
court automatically stayed the execu
tions, and at the present time there
ed ankle and Frost a wrenched kneel 18 no date set for a hanging at the
tv ui uxsiiuaiiiy tuem tor tne
ing new developments after the next
meeting of the state highway commis-) and Mrs. Beacraft formerly resided in
sion, I Gladstone before buying the furnitvre
ary superintendent during the past
At this meeting City Attorney Phil
lip Hammond reported that the bill
of sale for the electric light system
was not complete, this word having
been received by Attorney Murphy.
turned to Eugene
to resume his
000. With this amount, the commis
sion calculated, the paving of the low
er end of the Taylor's ferry road can
be done. The improvement will ex
tend up the steep grade of the road to
where the Boone's ferry road branches
off, according to figures the supervis
ors had at hand.
CANBY, Or., Dec. 6 Charles Prouty, j
who has engaged in the confectionery i
and cigar business in Canby for a
number of years, has sold his place
of business to R. B. Eversol, of In
diana. Mr. Prouty, who has property
interests in Portland, is to remain in
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. To verbal.
broadsides directed against the pend-i
ing ship subsidy bill by Republican
and Democratic senators opposed to it, !
administration spokesmen fired back i
the term "destructionists" today as '
, that city for the present, but is con- the lines of the approaching battle
The report of Chief of Police W.
B. May-for the past month showed 12
arrests, 6 jifvenile arrests? 122 collect
ed in fines andvG7 vagrants held over
Mayor James Shannon announced
that a special meeting , of the council
will be called for the 8th of December.
templating engaging in similar busi
ness at Chehalis, Wash., in the near
future. Mr. Eversol has taken posses
sion. He will also operate the pool
hall In connection, which was done by
the former owner.
William G. Frank, aged 60 -years,
over the measure in the senate were was foud dead this morning at 7:30
tightly drown. ciock in his barn at Boring. From
The senate does not begin discus- indications the man had died early
sion of the bill until tomorrow, but sen-! Wednesday evening as he had started
ators on both sides were already care-! to mUk his cow. His body was found
fully combing the situation for votes ' a short distance from the cow's stall.
Two of the 37 Democratic senators 1 Prank was subject to epilepsy, and his
were known to be unalterable com-' death is believed due to one of these
mitted to the bill Broussard and ' attacks.
CANBY, Or., Dec. 6 W. H. Bair is Ransdell of Louisiana. Neighbors seeing the door of his
to ship four carloads of fir trees to At least six of the Republican-Pro- cabm open this morning investigated
the San Francisco markets within the j gressive group were pledged to fight! an found his body shortly after. Ac
next few days. j it to the end Borah of Idaho, La Fol- cording to his friends Frank's epiletic
This is the annual shipment to the j lette of Wisconsin, Capper of Kansas sPeHs had become more frequent of
south. Last year, and the previous j Ladd af North Dakota, Norris of Ne-' late, which caused the investigation of
year Bair shipped to Honolulu as well j braska and Brookhart of Iowa. Nor-j hIs neighbors.
as to California. At that time the i beck of South Dkota was expected to. Frank has resided in the Borine-
markets were overstocked with the j Join them. McNary of Oregon, Len-j country for the past nine years. Ac-
trees, i ioot or Wisconsin . and sterling oti i icmers ioUna at, nis home
South Dakota were among those who ne has a married daughter in Van
couver, wash., and a brother in Ne
braska. Word lioa
i ocui, muse.
-- I Frank s personal effects, his cow.
Stage Time Table
- Waiting room at Huntley-Draper
Drug Company, Oregon City, where
bus leaves on schedule time.
Lv. canby v. Ore. City
7:15 a. m. 8:30 a. m.
9:10 a. m. 11:00 a. m.
12:45 p. m. 2:00 p. m.
4:15 p. m. 5:15 p. m.
2:45' p. m. 3:35 p.m.
6:15 p. m. 7:30 p. m.
6:15 p. m. 7:30 p. m.
8:05 p. m 10:45 P- m.
were non-committal.
Holman & Pace
Homelike Efficient Courteous I
s i norse ana chickens were placed in
charge of William Moran, of Boring,
; by Coroner O. A. Pace, who was cal-
i led to the man's home. No inquest
i was held, as Frank's death was be-
( lieved due to natural cause.
I Telephone 86
7th and Water Sts, Oregon City
r p c c-i t i
( I Money to Loan on Farms I
Bank of Oregon City Bldg. I
Oregon City, Ore. 5
Miss Alva Eades spent Thanksgiv
ing with her mother, Mrs. Ellen R.
Eades. She is a student at O. A. C.
Mrs. Ellen R. Eades was elected
president of Saturday Club of Congre
gational church of Oregon City at the
recent meeting.
R. A. Rush spent Thanksgiving with
his family. He is a student of the
Oregon State Normal at Monmouth.
Miss Edith Linquist and Frank Lin-
quist, of Portland, were jlinner guests
of their mother, Mrs. VD. P. Davidson
Saturday evening.
Miss Ruth Pierce, a Portland teach
er, has moved to Meldriim with her
sister, Miss Ruby Pierce .
Mr. and Mrs. A. W.Meyer spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. Meyer's par
ents on the river road.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heathman were
callers at the-former's parents home,
Mr. and Mrs. George Heathman, Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Larson and son
were callers at the William Gardner
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. . P. Davidson were
dinner guests at the Rasmussen home
Mrs. A. Madden, of Jennings .Lodge,
was a Monday visitor in Mldrum, col
lecting the fancy work for the Ibazaar
to be .given at the church in Jennings
Lodge December 7. . .
Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner and
children enjoyed, a family reunion
held at the Hedley Roake home in
Portland Thanksgiving.
Emil Larson has returned to his
work after being confined to his home
by illness for the last ten days. He
has been suffering from lumbago.
store at Oak Grove. -
Mr. anl Mrs. E. Ketels spent Thurs
day with their son, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Ketels, prominent farmers of Hoi
comb road. Other guests of Mr., and
Mrs. Ketels on that day were their
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wellman
of Damascus and Miss Erma Roache,
who is attending high school at West
Miss Fayne Burdon of O. A. C. has
been the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Burdon of West Glad
stone over the Thanksgiving holidays,
returning to Corvallis Sunday eve
Rev. and Mrs. George E. Williams
returned to Gladstone the first of the
week from The Dalles where they
held special services. Rev. C. F.
Swandar has been holding special
meetings at the Christian church here
for the past week. These meetings
have been very largely attended. Rev.
Williams will resume his pastorate
here after the month's leave of ab
sence during which time he did evan
gelical work throughout the state. j
Rev. C. F. Moosier of Kansas has
rest of the season. The local boys are
good sports and take honest defeat as
well as victory and fair play has ever
been their motto. No game is to be
played Thursday or Sunday and the
boys not out will play, with Oregon
City the rest of the seasen.
There will be no school either
Thursday or Friday, Prof, and Mrs. J.
W. Leonhardt and little son. Jack,
will spend the week end with Mrs.
Leonhardt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
E. Morrison of Woodburn.
Prof, and Mrs. Hewett and children,
Mergery, Dorothy and Kenneth of Mc
Minnvllle were week end guests' of
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Amen. Mrs.. Hew
ett is a sister of Mr. Amen Prof. Hew
ett is an instructor at the McMinnville
Mrs. S. V. Boman of Minneapolis- is
the guest of her brother and wife Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Olds. Mrs. Boman
will leave for Peora, December 15
where she will visit with her daughter.
Mrs. Orval Raick.
Guy Paterson, who has been suffer
ing with rheumatism for the past two
weeks, is much improved under the
care of Dr. A. O. Alexander and re
sumed his position at the Crown-Willamette
mills Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Amen spent one
day this week with Mr. Amens uncle
Wil! Baily and family of St. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douchey have
moved into their new home on the
Clackamas in Parkplace. Mr. Dauchey
is rebuilding his blacksmith shop
which was recently .distroyed by fire.
Mr. and Mrs.'Yoder of Woodburn will
occupy the School house recently va
cated by Mr. and Mrs. Dauchey. Mr.
Yodcr is senior member of the Yoder
& Yoder butchers here.
Chautauqua. Chapter Rebeccas met
at Paddocks hall Monday evening and
after a brief business session delicious
refreshments were served by Mr. Jen
nie Paddock, Mrs. Sophia Schooley and
Mrs. Julia Dochey. - On the entertain
ment and refreshment committee for
Dec. 18 Mrs. Florence Prendle Mrs.
Helen Stevens and Miss Lura Pad
dock were appointed.
Mrs. Julia Tingle, who has been cri
tically ill is improving under the care
of Dr. Strickland of Oregon City.
Mrs. (Dave Lund, Mrs. Brenton Ved
der and Mr. and Mrs. E. Ketels attend
ed the. Royal Neighbors bazaar given
at the I. O. O. F. hall iri Oregon City
Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Elmer Wohler of Hills
boro spent Saturday and Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Legler. Mr.
Cases Pending
Of the four, only Walters' case
has been disposed of by the supreme
court, that tribunal having upheld the
conviction and verdict of the lower
court. Since all appeals of capital
punishment cases to the supreme court
have been futile since the re-enactment
of the capital punishment law
in Oregon, there is little hope for
the three whose cases are still pend
ing befora the state's highest courts.
Friends and relatives of the con
demned men are doubtless pinning
their hope to commutation to life im
prisonment by the new administra
tion. New Policy Possible
Governor Olcott, while not a be
liever in capital punishment, has been
consistent in his policy of refusing
to interfere with 'the expressed will
of the people, since no recommenda
tions for clemency in any case have
reached him from authorities having
having to do with the trial. This
policy apparently has been the logical
one to adopt. While, there is a dif
ference in the circumstances of crimes,
few men care to assume the Individ-,
ual responsibility of splitting the hairs
of discrimination after the state's ab
lest jurists have passed on the case.
What Governor-elect Pierce's pol
icy may be, however, is a matter of
It is apparent now that one or two
executions may take place during the
session of the legislature. This will
be unusual, and will afford some of
the state's lawmakers an opportunite
to get some first hand information on
the administration of an important .
state law.
accepted; the call to the pastorate of j Wohler is a nephew of Mrs. S. V.
Philip Hammond, Lawyer
Beaver Building
the Gladstone Baptist church, and will
assume his new duties at once. Rev.
Mosier is the son of Rev. Mosier of
Junction City, where he and his fam
ily have been guests. At present Rev.
and Mrs. Mosier and two daughters,
are staying at the home of Mr. and
-Mrs. Joseph Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Clyde entrtained
at dinner Thanksgiving day in honor
of Eliah Boyer of Oregon City, who
is the oldest member of Meade post,
G. A, R. Mr. Boyer is hale and
hearty and recently celebrated his
ninty-second birthday.
Franklyn Niles of this place was
one of the Oregon City high school
football team that defeated the cham
pion Redmond team in the Turkey
day game. Franklyn is a freshman in
Oregon City High this year. r
- Mr and Mrs. Ross Marston of
Gresham and daughters, Edna, Delia,
and Vernetia and little son, Jack,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Eby Sunday. Mr. Marston is a
uephew of Mr. Eby. Mr. and, Mrs.
-Marston will move to their farm near
Cherryville this month.
The veteran boxer, Jimmy Clabby
is still in the ring after sixteen years
of the fight game.
Francis of Oregon City, whom they
visited before returning to their home.
Mrs. Francis has been ill and enjoyed
their visit very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Legler of Hills
boro were guests of thier son, Charles
Legler and family during the week,
returning to thier home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Marr fbrmerly of
Gladstone but now of Vancouver,
Washington, are receiving congratul
tions upon the arrival of a son born
Nov. 17. The little one has been giv
en the name of Robert James.
M. and Mrs. Fred Legler of Portland
are receiving congratulations upon the
arrival of a son. This is the first
grandson in the Legler faipily. Mr.
Legler is a brother of Charles Legler
of this place and is very ' well and
favorably known here and in Oregon
"There is no healthful, cleanly, suc
cessful way of dyeing the hair" says
Dr. Wiley. All claims to the same
are mere "talking points "to sell " a
remedy which is a fake," The Doctor
goes on facetiously to advise, "Be
glad you have gray hair to dye but
don't do it."
Local Delegation
At Eugene .Session
Oregon City and West Linn are well
represented at the Older Boys' con
ference held in Eugene, which will
close the three days session Sunday.
Among those from Oregon City high
school attending, and who will return
today, were Clarence Shepherd, Ivan
Ginther, Eugene Powell, Roy Millern,
Harold Nary, Leo- Williams, James
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