ORECiON CITY. ENTCRPRISE, 1 FRID AV DECEMBER 8, J 922 V Pasre tw' NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellimg of Improvement and Local Happenings During ' 1"he PastTWeek YourSubscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Estacada ESTACADA, Dec. 6 Died Decem ber 1, 1922, at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland, after a short illness, John Morrison, aged 35 years. Funeral ser vices were held in Oregon City Sun day and the interment was in Moun tain View cemetery. He leaves a wife and one child, who reside at Sprmg- water. The Mother Goose fair which ia to he held in the I. O. O. F. hall next Tuesday beginning at noone, will un doubtedly be a most entertaining ai fair. The numerous booths will be arranged down stairs, where one can buy many useful and pretty articles as well as candies and popcorn balls. In the spacious dining room up stairs in the hall, will be served waffles and coffee and there will also be a pro gram. It is expected that there will be a large crowd present. The pro ceeds are for the Children's. Farm Home. Miss Frances Has sell came home from near The Dalles, where she is teaching, to spend Thanksgiving with her parents. She was accompanied by Anita Kopp, who also teaches near The Dalles. iDr. Johnson, Estacada's resident dentist, and Mrs. Johnson with the baby, visited relatives in Portland last Thursday. Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn was again tak en to Portland last Saturday, where at the Good Samaritan hospital she submitted to an operation for gall stones. Mr. Lichthorn went to Port land Tuesday to see her and reports that she seems quite bright and there is a possibility of her recovering. The next regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. V. G. Hauser on the first Thursday in January. Russel Reed came home from Cor vallis on Thanksgiving day, returning to his school duties on Sunday. This section experienced its first snow storm Wednesday. The weather j . was cold. I Mr. antl Mrs. Frank Harkenrider en joyed a regular family reunion at their home Thanksgiving day. A turkey din ner with all the good things which ac company one, was served. Those pres ent were, Mr. and Mrs. H. O'neil and daughter, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richards and daughters, Neva and June, of Echo; Mr. and Mrs. Hans Paulsen of Portland ; Mr. and Mrs. Honnegger and so, William Jr., of Multnomah; Mr. and Mrs. Waltar Paulsen and daughters, Georgie and Betty, of Portland; 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen and George, Miss Edith. Hark enrider, George Harkenrider and his friend. Earl Richards of the O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Richards and daughters, who are here from Echo, Oregon, will spend the winter here with Mrs. Richard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. " Harkenrider. "Ted" Howe ia on the sick list and confined .to his home. The Estacada high school basketball season has opened and the park pavil ion has been rented to play in. Mr. and Mrs. White of Willows, Oregon, were visitors last week at the home of Mrs. White's mother, Mrs. Rhynning. , J. E. Gates, Estacada's funeral di rector, wasi called to Salem Tuesday night to get the body of Mrs. V Ling elbach, who died in the state hos pital at that place. The family lives a few miles east of Estacada. The Parent-Teacher association held a very interesting meeting Mon day night at the high school auditor ium. The election contest case for the re-1 cordership of the city of Estacada, started iby Fred Bartholomew against 3. K. Ely, was held at Oregon City Wednesday. At this writing the out come of the trial can not be reported. Garfield Grange had election of of ficers last Saturday at their hall, at which time the following officers were elected; Master, H. Bj Davis; Over seer, W. L. Shaffer; lecturer, Irene Weatherby; steward, Ernest- Marshal; assistant steward, Clyde Davis; chap lain, Minnie Eash; secretary. Aline K. Davis; treasurer, Mrs. T. Yocum; gate keeper, Harold Widman. Raymond Lovelace and Mac Dale came home from the dental college in Portland to spend the Thanksgiving holidays. ! Earl Wagner, who has been at Tide water for some time, is expected home .Saturday. Among the Portland visitors at Es tacada on Thanksgiving day, were Dr. and Mrs. William Dale, who assisted in eating the large turkey which was prepared for them at the home of the .doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ross came over from Portland last Wednesday and spent the holiday with Mrs. Ross' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes at Currinsville. Mr. and Mrs. W. A- Wilcox and daughter, Mabel, went toi Gresaam Thursday to enjoy their Thanksgiv ing dinner with Mrs. Wilcox's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Currin. A. N. Johnson spent Thanksgiving with hig sister and family at Vancouv er, Wash. Mrs. W. F. Cary and children went to Portland Friday to visit at the home of her sister, Mrs." M. H. Boyle, ami to attend the Franklm-Washington football game Saturday. They return ed home Sunday evwiiing. Mr. and Mrs. H. c. Stephens visited Portland Friday. A meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at the. home of Mrs. E. E. Hannah Tuesday afternoon, at which time ar rangements were perfected for their Mother Goose Fair, which takes place in the L O. O. F. hall next Tuesday night. Mrs. Myrtle Belfils and son, Albert, FLOURS AND FEED RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Mulino Flour Mills MULINO. OREGON were guests of relatives in Portland Thanksgiving day, returning home Sat urday, The Christian Ladies' Aid .bazaar and dinner, which was postponed last Saturday, will be held this Friday, minus this dinner. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Morgan of Sell wood, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Gibbs. The others who were entertained at the Gibbs home were, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Chambers. . Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dawe spent their vacation last week at the home of the tatter's sister, at Hillsboro, Oregon. Among the Vancouver, marriage li censes on Nov. 29, was that of Miss Edna Petley and Ray L. Sept on, both of Portland. Tha bride is the daugh ter of Mrs, J. B. Wagner, who resided here for some time, leaving about a year ago for Portland. Word from Mrs. Herman IDuus at St. Vincent's hospital, gives the pleasing news that she is getting along satis factorily from the effects of an oper ation, which took place last Thursday, Thurston. Yocum, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Yocum, returned home from St. Vincent's hospital last Thurs day. He was operated upon for ap pendicitis a few weeks ago. George Pointer was a business vis itor n Portland last Friday and Sat urday. -Miss Lila McKenney returned to her school at Foster, Linn county, Sunday, after spending the Thanksgiving va cation with her mother, Mrs. Lyle Mc Kenney." J. S. Smith of Newcastle, Wyoming, arrived this week to visit Jack Nor ton. Mrs. J., E. Gates had the pleasure' of entertaining her mother, Mrs. E. J. Joy, of Portland,' on Thanksgiving day. Fred Bartholomew was a. business visitor in Portland. Monday. Sylvester Lawrence, breeder of pure bred Jersey cattle, shipped two heif er calves to Chippewa, Wisconsin, this week. He has an order for two more which he will ship as soon as they are old enough. .There is to be a dance in the Esta cada pavilion Saturday night, with the LaVelle orchestra of Portland, to furnish music. Charlie Linn and family came over from Corbett to spend Thanksgiving with Estacada relatives Mrs. A. E. Sparks wenfr'to Portland to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with friends she formerly knew at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and the girls went to Portland Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with the C. J. Pimm family. Mrs. Grabeel and the children afterwards visited her moth er and otTier relatives at Parkplace, returning to Estacada Sunday even ing. Mrs. Mary Adams of Portland was here last Thursday to spend Thanks giving with her son, Phil Adams, and daughter, Mrs. Theodore Ahlberg. KJ. E. Lawrence was a guest at the home of his brother in Portland on Thanksgiving day. Thomas H. Morton and wife and his mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore, went to Portland last Thursday to eat Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton. .. Among the guests of the H. C. Gohring home last Thursday, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horiesh of Portland and Mr. and. Mrs. Penner of Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Linn went to Port land Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with relatives, returning Sunday eve ning. Mrs. C. F. Howe and Miss Leila Howe were Portland visitors last Sat urday. . 1 Logan LOGAN. Dec. 6 The many friends of Mrs. F. P. Wilson, who recently un derwent a serious operation at the Oregon City hospital are glad to hear she is improving. Wm. Sprague of Portland visited his sister, Mrs. Culbbin, lasrt week. Mrs. Wilford Hutchins and son, Bobby, who have been visiting rela tives here, returned to their home at Bend last week. Judge and Mrs. H.-S. Anderson and F. B. Anderson and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Le land Hendricks at St. Johns. Mrs. Hendricks was formerly Lillian An derson. Saturday last was the regular meet ing of Harding Grange, with a good attendance. All enjoyed the day even the little folks. Wm. Kirchem was re elected master. Legislative committee, A. M. Kirchem, Louis Funk and C. B. Sprague. The Upper Logan school will give an entertainment and basket social at the hall before Christmas. The Grange will have its annual so cial Monday night, Jan. T. Just a good time affair. - C. A. Kirchem left for Ashland Mon day evening to bring his truck home. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, Dec. 4 The Mountain Road school was closed last Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving vacation. Our teacher, Miss Worley of Molalla spent the holidays at her home. The E. Boeckman family, the Hodge family and J. Robinson attended the masquerade dance in the Grange hall at Frog Pond Thanksgiving night. Gladys Dollar of Willamette spent Saturday and Sunday at the L. Koel lermeier home. Mrs. K. E. Scoffern of Clatskanie. Ore., is visiting the Robinson family for a few days. Mrs. Fred Baker had as her guest for Thanksgiving her mother and sis ter. John Anderson, Jr., visited at his home here Sunday. Deward Hodge in company with Mr. and Mrs. George Moser, of Advance, visiter John Zimmerman and family of Damascus Sunday. Dodge DODGE, Dec. 14 Mrs. Wismer from Vancouver, Britisk Columbia, spent the Thanksgiving vacation: with her father, S. W, Benjamin. " Rosa B. Ten Eyck spent the Thanks giving vacation with her parents at Marmot. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner and daughter, Kathleen, spent Tuesday evening at the Fred Horner home, it being David Horner, Sr. sixty seventh birthday. ' Saturday evening, Dec. 9, is the next meeting of the Community Club. The club has purchased a piano for the use of the community so will give a special program and basket social on Saturday evening for the purpose of paying for it. The program will con sist of a negro play entitled "Before the War" and also a number of musi cal selections both vocal and instru mental. The J. A. Shibley family of Spring- water visited at the J. W. Marrs home on Saturday. ' - ' Miss Alice Funk spent Thanksgiv ing with her parents at Redland. Pete's Mountain PETES MOUNTAIN, Dec 4 The ladies of the club met at the home of Mrs .John Kaiser Friday afternoon and made final arrangements for the basket social and bazaar to be held at the school Friday evening Decem ber 8. The pregram for the evening con sists of dialogues and recitations by school children, several speeches by prominentmen, musical and vocal numbers, baskets auctioned by Judge Dimick, lunch for those who have no baskets, bazaar, grab bag, home made candy and other features. The proceeds are to go towards buying pictures, curtains, play ground apparatus and other incidentals for the school All the young ladies are asked to bring baskets. There is no door charges and the program starts at 8:15. Mr. and Mrs. John Hellberg had as their Thanksgiving dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser, Mrs. J. Bernert, Charles Kelnhofer and Joe and Agnes Bernert. Miss Leon Cole spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Virginia Cole. Mr. and Mrs. W)m. Hellberg spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Will amette. Charles Heinz was in Oregon City on business Friday. The ladies of the Sewing Club met at J. Kaiser's Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Notdurft and chil dren spent Friday evening at the J. Hellberg home. Agnes Bernert was in Portland Sat urday. - u- Barlow u BARLOW, Dec. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gardner and children returned home Sunday after spending a week at Seaside. . ' The Barlow Community Club gave a Hard Time party Saturday, evening, Dec. 2 at the gymnasium. Games were played until a late hour. Cake and coffee were served. Everybody re turned home reporting a good time. Paul Kloster, E. Boord and A. Hos teller returned home Friday from Til lamook. They went on a hunting and fishing trip. Verner Ball, who is attending the Benson high at Portland spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Barlow. Mrs. Cherrick spent Thanksgiving day at Echo with her husband, who fg teaching school there. Miss Dayton spent Thanksgiving week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dayton of Tillamook. Mr. Byran and Bob Hayes have been quite ill for the past week. Beaver Creek BEAVER CREEK, Dec. 6 iN. C. Jamison of the O. A. C. extension ser vice gave an interesting and instruct ive lecture on the proper feeding of dairy cows, at the grange hall Satur day evening preceding the grange session. At the regular grange meeting Sat urday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: J. Watts, master; G. R. Gwillim, over seer; Mrs. G. R. Gwillim, lecturer; J. Schram, secretary; Geo. Havill, stew ard; Mrs. J. Schram, chaplain D. I. Jones, assistant steward Wm.-Daniels, gate; keeper; Mrs. J. Watts, ceres; Mrs. D. Jones, pomona; Mrs. G. Hav ill, flora; Mrs. A. A. Spangler, C. A Steward. State Master Spence gave a short account of the recent national grange1 meeting at Wichita, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Jones entertain ed a number of relatives on Thanks giving day in hoor of Mrs. Jones' moth er and brother. The table was set for 18. Mrs. D. I. Jones' mother, Mrs. G. A. Roberts and brother, Joe Vanderrburg, left Friday for Vancouver, B. C, where they will make their home. Thanksgiving services were held at the Welsh church Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Havill were guests of the latter"s sister, Hrs. Hens ley and family of Portland for Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watts and baby IIHIHMIIIHIIINIIINItlllllllll ixt ! GEORGE HOEYE I CHIROPRACTOR Caufleld Bldg. Phone 636-W I Oregon City, Ore. iimmiiiiimminitHmiHii 1 ate Thanksgiving' dinner with the tot- mar's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Dave Thomas - of Oregon City. ; ; z Miss Elsie Coulter, whe : is attend ing Jefferson high school, spent the week-end at ber home here; . A masquerade dance .was 'held at Beacon Heights hall last Wednesday night. '. ; v!t Mr. and Mr8: A. W. Fogleso'ng spent Thanksgiving day -with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C- G. Wetmore of CHarkes, - - - - - Sam Wilson h&& rented his farm and moved his1 family to Portland last week. . - i - Mr. and Mrs. John Heft and children were Sunday guests of- Mr. -and Mrs. Berg of Alberta. Celebration Is Held On Silver Wedding WILSO'NVILLE, Dec. 5 On Thanks giving, Mr. and Mrs. Homer A. Kruse celebrated their silver wedding with an elaborate dinner and supper. The living rooms were festooned with ivy and silver and red crepe paper. The dining room was a bower of cedar hung with Japanese lanterns. Those present were: Mrs. Ulricn Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Frits Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Stein, Mf . and Mrs. Kenneth Stein, Mr. and, "Mrs. Fritz Eilers, Miss Meta Eilers, Mrs. Victor Bode and daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kruse and daughter; Bet ty, Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich Eilers and sons, Vernon, Melvin and John, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kruse, Mrs. Lettie Tooze and Adolphus Kruse. The couple was showered with beau tiful gifts which will help to furnish their beautiful newhome they are now erecting. . Mr. and Mrs. Kruse were married at their present home on Nov. 28, 1897. They hava (two sons, Adolphus and Elmer and are the proud grand parents of 8 months Robert L. Kruse Mrs. Ulrich Wagner aged 80 and mother of the "bride" has seen 5 of her children celebrate their silver weddings. Hazelia School Notes Contributed by Pupils of Hazelia School Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cook called at the Baker1 home Thursday afternoon. Lena Lehman visited her uncle, Hepple Shipley, of Oswego, Wednes day night. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and Rex Mc- Mahan of Portland visited J. H. East man, Sunday. E. R. Whitten and family were Ore gon City visitors one day this week. Leonard and Clifford Whitten and Joseph Sponsta visited Emil and Hen ry Zivney, Sunday afternoon. Donald and Wilbur Lehman visited their uncle, Milton Shipley, of Oswego one day last week. J. P. Cook called at the A. Neilson home, Sunday afternoon. J. J. Bu'rkhardt and family "took Thanksgiving dinner with relatives in Tualatin. F. W. Lehman called . at the J. Spousta home Sunday morning. Mrs. Joseph Zivney of Oswego is visiting her son, Richard Zivney, this week. -' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd of Oswego and Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Whitten were callers at the Lehman home on eve ning this week. . . -. Jos Spousta has a radio installed on his place. Henry and Emil Zivney and Harry Fellows were pleasure visitors . in Portland Thanksgiving Day. Kenneth Baker called on his sister, Mrs. W. B. Cook, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stangel of Wilson ville were callers at the.W. H. Ziv ney home Sunday. E. H. Cherney and family of Port land took Thanksgiving dinner at the Jos. Spousta home. Lena and Manola Garcia and An drew Mandis made a pleasure trip to Portland Thursday. R. J. Zivney and family visited A. Mally of Tigard Thanksgiving Day. Frank Whitten and family took Thanksgiving dinner at the Fred Leh man home. J. H. Eastman and family took Thanksgiving dinner at the Wheeler home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Whitten and family visited relatives in Willamette Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. F- W. Lehman and daughter, Lena, visited Mrs. Frank Childs Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Goresline, Mrs. Blanche Brown, Irene and Herfoert Duncan took Thanksgiving dinner with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Duncan. Dorothy Shipley of Oswego visited her auntK Mrs. Fred Lehman several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Baker and daughter spentThanksgiving w;,.h the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker. Duncan Christensen attended a con vention in Eugene during Thanksgiv ing vacation. Frances Willis spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays at her home near Oregon City. - .' ' Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson were Portland visitors Thanksgiving. The Ladies Sewing Circle of Ha zelia met with Mrs. Fred Lehman, Fri day. The day was spent making com forters. J. E. Johnson passed away "at his home here Friday evening, Dec. 1, after an illness of several weeks. He is a native of Norway but has resided in. this neighborhood the past 2? years. He is survived by his widow, three children, Arnse and Eugvil. re siding here, Mrs. Leah Lortz of Port land and tw grandchildren. Funeral services were held in Oregon City at the Holman and Pace chapel, Monday afternoon at one o'clock. Rev. Willis E. Pettibone of the First Baptist church officiating. Interment was in Oswego cemetery. Two textiles owe their names to France. These are cretonne and cam bric, the first of which came from the Normandy town of Creton, while dren", as outlined by the county super the second is still manufactured at ' intendent. Suitable pries will be Cambria. awarded the winners in the county. JENNINGS LODGE - MR. HUGH ROBERTS, CorraspondsfK - - - Thanksgiving Day Enjoyed at Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Dec. 6 In "Who Entertained Who" on Thanks giving Dtay we note a number of friends spent the day with Jennings Lodge folks. C. D. Emmons and wife, who have been registered at the Mult nomah since their arrival from Alaska spent the day at Stone Gables, the home of the H. H. Emmons' family. The Henry B abler home was the scene of a very happy reunion made exceptionally pleasant by the arrival of their son, Lloyd, who motored here from Yoncelia, to spent the day with the rest of the family which included Mrs. Helen Perry; Mr. and Mrs- R. R Fortler; Kent Fresh of Portland; Miss Marie Vonderae of Oregon City and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Babler of Lo- Logan. After doing justice to a well prepared Thanksgiving dinner,ran af-l ternoon of cards was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grady's guests were Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr.-and Mrs. Hurd and Mrs and Miss Mac Hughes all of Portland, who were de lightfully entertained in the Grady's new place of residence on the river. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bretcher gave a dinner on Thursday. Covers were laid for 9, Howard and Miss Truscott at tending from- here, s At the Thanksgiving dinner held at the R- F. Deter home, places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Carey Deter, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Campbell A pot luck dinner at the home of C. C Hole on Thanksgiving Day was much enjoyed. Among the appetizing vivands served was roast goose. Pres. ent were Mr. and Mrs. Naef; Mr. and Mrs. Steinford amixhildren, Mr. and Mrs. G. Eccles, Miss Larsen and Wm Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woodbeck of Vancouver spent the day with their folks at this place. The C. R. Holloway familx spent Thanksgiving Day with their father, R. E. Holloway and daughters of Ir vington. - Mrs.' Nordstrom and son, Harry, took dinner with the Ralph Thomas fam ily on Nov. "30. A family reunion which included the Weberg, Moritz and J. W. Smith fami lies motored to Multnomah for Thanksgiving Day and were guests of the Nippolt brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith enter tained their sister, Mrs. Ellis, of Dal las, over the Thanksgiving holidays. Their son, Mr. and Mrs. S. O- Griffith, and Miss Stanlfer were also their guests; Mrs Wilcox and family spent Thanksgiving with the C. Holden fam ily in iSellwood. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts and the Van Fleet families, the latter from North Yakima, Wash. A very pleasant reunion of the Thanksgiving holiday time was held at East Mill Plain at the J. M. Farring ton home. Attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Newcomb and Miss Gail. From Portland were the C. H. Farring ton, A. A. Albright, H. A. Swart fam ilies and Mrs. Mildred Farrington. Mrs. Mable Pierce and son, Teddy, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming and sons, were .guests on Thanksgiving day of Mr. and Mrs. C. ID. Dannells in Portland. L. H. Meyerg entertained the Mey ers clan on Thanksgiving Day, there being three Meyers families present. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hartwejl and daughter spent their Thanksgiving at the home of their daughter in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayles and two children of Astoria and Mrs. Card and Earnest. Card of Montavilla were guests of the Geo. Card family on Nov. fl. La Vern Hilborn and Mrs. Slater of Portland were guests of the Wm. Cook family on Thanksgiving Day. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Snider and Rev. and Mrs: Ruel Snider and baby were Thanksgiving visitors at the Clem Pat ton home on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jones and two sons were guests of Mrs. Jonas' broth er, John Jones on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Alice Jones of Spokane was an additional guest and she is with her daughter, Mrs. Dan Jones this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner had eight guests on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. White had their sons, Harold White and " family of Yelm, Wash, and " Homer White and family from Kalama, Wash., over the week's holidays. ' Rev. and Mrs. Crocker and son, George, spent the holidays at their place at Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. George Pooler and daughter, Lorraine, motored to Spring-1 field on Wednesday to remain over, the holidays as the guests of Mrs. Berg, who is a sister of Mrs. Pooler. Good Grades Made By Lodge Pupils JENNINGS LODGE, Dec. 6 In a re port from the teachers on the work of the month some splendid averages have been obtained by the pupils. 'The highest in the 8th grade was Geo. Card- with an average -of 94. Elaine Bechtel advanced five places. In the 7th grade Elsie Kuhnhausen. an average of 94 ; Norma Schofield ad vanced 7 places. In the 6th grade Newell Ford averaged 93; Jeanette Roberts advanced 8 places. The 5th grade Mildred Shive is at the head of her class with an average of 94; Chas. Wilson advancing six places. Barbara Mac Duffee received an av erage of 94 which places her at the head of the 4th grade. Llewellyn Jones advanced 4 places. In the 3rd grade Arthur Boeteger received 94 making an advance of 4 places in his class. The pupils of this school will take a part in an Essay contest on "Value of Health Program to School Chil Official Board of Church Holds Meet JENNINGS LODGE-, Oec. 6 The of ficial board of the Grace Congrega tional church held their monthly busi ness meeting on Monday evening. A circulating library to be kept in the basement was among the things dis cussed. A Brotherhood dinner will probably be held in December. The annual church meeting will be held the second Tuesday in January, according to the last meeting it was voted the men serve the banquet din ner. ' , W. I. Blinstone, Carl Starker, Nick Humphreys, Arthur Smith and War ren Swart are the committee to ar range the detail of this affair. At this meeting the election of of ficers, for ensuing year, will take piace. Freak Duck Killed By Lodge Hunter JENNINGS LODGE, Dec' 6 W. F. Hartnell and R. M. Smith have return ed from a very successful hunting trip to. Summer Lake in Lake county, 'bringing home 100 ducks and 12 geese. Mr. Hartnell shot a freak duck aad when turned over to the state' game commission on Friday last was said to be the oddest freak of the season. It was a white duck, very rarely seen, and killed once in every few years in Oregon, it being almost pure white with a few mottled brown spots and is the kind known as the green wing ed teal, but, this one had no trace of green on it. It was shot out of a flock of about 40 all white. But scientists claim allbmio duck varieties never fly to gether but this would entirely subvert their claim. Housewarming Held For New Rau Home JENNINGS LODGE, Dec. 6 A house warming was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rau on the evening of Nov. 25, at their pretty new home in the Meld rum district. ! Cards were the evening's diversion, followed by a supper. The affair was sponsored by Mrs. Gus Bergen and Mrs. Evon and tlia invitations were limited to their Oregon City friends. Babler Reelected By Big Majority JENNINGS LODGE, Dec. 6 At the election held on Monday, Dec. 4, in the Oak-Lodge water district only 39 votes were cast, Henry Babler. whose commission expires on Jan. 1, 1923, receiving 37 votes and two votes were cast for Warrent Swart. WOMAN HIT BY AUTO JENNINGS LODGE, Dec. 6 As one Ford machine was trying to pass an other on the highway on Monday last it swerved and leaving the road struck Mrs. Will Hartnell. She was so bad ly shaken that she was unable to take the car for Portland and as a result she has a painfully bruised arm. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS (A special meeting of the Grace Guild was held at the home of the president, Mrs. H. Babler on Saturday afternoon. The stag is all set for the Guild's ' annual bazaar. The supper will be served at 6 P. M. from small tables in family style. Mrs. Hugh Roberts has a splendid corp of assistants for the supper. They are Mesdames Wm. Jacobs, R. F. De ter, J. W, Jones, W. W. Woodbeck, E. Griffith, H. J. Hooker, Henry Babler and Julia Ulabrand. At the textile booth will be found fancy articles and wearing apparel. Mrs. Madden, Mrs. Geo. Maple and Mrs. Harry Wil liams are in charge. Toothsome sweets will be dispensed at the candy booth presided over by Mrs. Olin Ford and Mrs. Qgo. Gard ner. Mrs. J. W. Dain and Mrs. Blin stone will have a parcel post depart ment. Hundreds of parcels are being contributed for it. In playing hocky on the- school grounds Bobby Card sustained a cuf above the eye, which was necessary for a physician's attention. Charles Wallace, a well known and popular .young man of this place was j married in Oregon City on Dec. 2, his bride being Miss Myrtle Young. Mr. Walace has made his home in Port-1 land! since returning from overseas, he being with the Sixth Marines. He H a graduate of the Oregon City High, his classmates "and many friends here are extending congratulations. Elizabeth Bruechert spent the week end at Hazelia the guest of Mrs. El vador W,anker. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butts of Park place were Sunday visitors at the Geo. Maple home. W. H. Tillman is recovering from his Illness which has confined him to his home this week. Harry Rice, a student at the Airlie high school, is spending his Thanks giving holidays with William Bruech ert. Among those attending the Washington-Franklin football game on Sat urday were Harry Rice, Wm. Finley, Willie Bruechert, Halmor Roberts, J. P. Finley & Son Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth Portland Our chapel and equipment are always available for out of town calls Chas. Holloway, C. R. Holloway, Mary Stevens. . Mrs. Delilah Pratt and Miss Jennie Pratt of The Dalles nave bees visi tors with Henry D. Smth. - Babbie, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knoll fell and dislocated his collar bone last week. He is im proving quite rapidly. - H. M. Hayles, a public accountant of Airlie, Oregon, was an over night visitor at the Hugh Roberts home, re cently, while transacting business in Portland. Nellie Betz, of Seaside, a classmate of Wilma Bruechert, was a week-end visitor at the Bruechert home, Cloyd Tillson was a delegate front here to attend the older boys confer ence in Eugene this week. a Tom Grady will have a large poul try house built, which the family will use as temporary living quarters, while building their new home on their property in the Meldrum district. The hennery will be 30x100 and E. O. Griffith is to be the builder. Wiley Traut has remodeled his home and a number of built-in conven iences in the kitchen, which has been finished in ivory white. Mr. Traut has purchased the property north of where he lives and this is being remodeled. A new family has moved into the Asquith cottage on the river and on Wednesday evening the house caught fire from the explosion of a coal oil Btove. The man was severely burned about the arms while trying to throw the stove out. C. C- Hole put out the flames with! a fire extinguisher after it had done quite a little dam age to the interior of the home which had been newly painted ami papered'. Tom RObbins is quite ill with a doc tor in attendance. E. O. Kiggins, who has been a suf ferer for several month was taken to the Oregon City hospital and his con dition isn't very much improved, and : on Tuesday was returned to his home. Mrs.. Ida Clohessy spent last week in Portland and with friends. Mrs. Win. Jennings is very ill with an attack of pneumonia. Chas. Meldrum has returned from the I. O. O. F. convention held at Roseburg. Mrs. Harry Williams and Mrs. Al Peterson are assisting-at 'the C. C. store in Oregon City during the holi day trade. ' "! - Janet and Billie Booth attended the Orpheum on Sunday afternoon. Audrey Tillman celebrated her 11th birthday anniversary on Nov. 30 by, asking in several of her little friends to share her birthday cakes. Robert and Ruth Witham, Arthur and Louise Smith and Halmor Roberts enjoyed the music, games and refreshments. Among the 8th grade pupils taking the 7th and 8th grade county test. Miss Elaine Bectitel received a 100 per cent grade. Mary Kessi gave a dramatic read ing in Irish costume at the Eastern Star on Tuesday evening last. It was a very delightful affair and was giv en for the past matrons and past sec rtaries. Many attended from Port land. Mrs. Allen returned to Corvallis on Sunday evening. Mrs. Allen ' was homeward bound on the special train that was in the tragic accident in Port land when the Shaver brothers met their death. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming leave this week for California to spend the winter. ' They will, return in March. Mr. "and Mrs. H. ' Boyd will leave next week for Powers," Ore., where they will spend the Christmas holi days with Mrs. Boone, who is a sis ter oi Mrs. Boyds. G. E. Heathman spent Friday with his son, G. E. Heathman, Jr., in Port land. E. Birry has purchased the Para mount, restaurant in Oregon City. Elva Eades, who is attending the O. A. C. was home for the holidays. Sale of the Red Cross seals is on and much interest is being manifest by the pupils who have them for sale. Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin are here putting on the finishing touches on their new home. - Mrs. C. L. Smith has received the sad news of the death of her brother, a resident of Maine. Mrs. Chandler of Clackamas is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Knoll. The Christmas exercises will be held at the Community church on Fri day evening before Christmas. John Bellinger of Orchards, Wash., a former resident, stopped recently enroute to Eugene where, he visited his daughter, Mary, who is a student in the high school at Eugene. John McElroy and his sister, Miss McElroy were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Losey. R. E. Butler, well known poultry raiser shipped 5 of his barred ply mouth rocks east which he sold for the handsome sum of $400. This breed of poultry at the Butler chick- &g cn be founJ any p,ace m pQul. I try line and is well worth one's time to pay a visit to these pens. Mrs. Norman chapman was a charm ing, hostess of the Luncheon Club at her home on Tuesday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Win. L. Finley depart ed on Sunday for New York goin? east on a lecture tour. They will alsr spend some time in Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Will Lawrence is gome daily to Portland to visit her mother, Mrs. Wallace MacDonald, who is confined to the hospital from an operation. Mrs. Mac Donald has made her home -with her mother during the past year. Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Brazing By Expert Man on Cylinder Work. Work Guaranteed and Reasonable. The Foster Forge Co. 6801 68th Street at 47th Ave. Near Foster Road