Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 24, 1922, Page Page seven, Image 7

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e seven
(Con tinned from Page 8.)
Joe. F. Hoff, $28.75; East Side Mill &
Lbr Co., $98.58; C. E. Buell, $12.63; J.
E. Haselttne & Co., $37.98; Commercial
Coal Sales Co., $197.78; Southern Pact
flc Co., . $317.87; . Oregon State High
way Commission, $15,750; Coast Cul
vert & Flume Co., $60.53; Win. Wid
mer. $20.45: Gust Fineer $16.18: Louis
County Poor Price Bros., $15.50;
Geo. A. Harding, $6.60; St. Vincent's
Hospital, $33.60; Ridder & Epler, Mrs.
Effie Beal) $15.66; I. C. Nealeigh
(Chas. Straight, rent). $20; Earl Wink.
(Joe McDermott) $24.50; Jones Drug
Co., $9.75; Freytag & Catto, $48.00;
International Sales & Produce Co.,
$25.10; H. E. Cross, (Mrs. Alma Olin)
$18.40; Huntley Draper Drug Co.
i $17.00;
C. E. Walstrom. (Mr3. Roberts rent)
Paul Nerolinski, (Rent .Mrs.
hVlTJ-y-S'JllCaTl Buse, (Albert Veiaen) $10.00;
itv.sz; w. a. uecK, Mami Williams rChild In care of
$72.42; Charley Fisher, I20oo. Grace Gilman fDick Meyers)
$30.00; Mrs. Geo. Himler (Mr. Mathe-
Gierke, $16.18; -Fred Wagner, $29.95; Jio.OO
;-ru v,nmagren, siu.ss; u. ti. jjim- RevnoldBv jono- pv-ed Wvder.
" John Comer,
$53.06; Walter Ball. $5.98: Earl IBolby,
$23.92; John Anderson, $5.92; W. N.
Chilcote, $71.81; Clarence Jubb, 469;
John Callahan $53.81; Tom Johanson,
$46.03; M. Chilcote, $47.78; P. N. John
son, $50.34; George Smith, $5.49; Geo.
- Williams, $27.45; T. F. Fellows, $78.
Circuit Court Oregon City Enter
prise, $5.75; Huntley-Draper Drug Co.,
51.75; Jackson Rhines, $4.20; Dell
Rhines, $4.20; Wm. Svendsen, $3.60:
Wesley Foumal, $2; J. T. Cassldy, $49.
40; Sarah Baldwin, $3.20; Gertrude
Baldwin, $3.20; Arlete Sargent, $3.20;
Sidney Kelly, $3.20; Beulah Kearney,
$5.00; Ed. Nachand, $3.50; Mrs. Ed.
Nachand, $3.50; E. A. Hackett, $2.20;
G. L. Uptegrove, $3; Joe Hinkle, $2.30;
Minnie Hackett, $2.20; J. H. Beemen,
$5; A. C. Schirmer, $5; Fred Flueckl
ger, $3.20; Matt Waldkirch, $4.50; Gus
Waldkirch, $8.80; George Waldkirch,!
$8.80; Milard Sarver, $6.60; Margaret
Gierater, $5; Louis Buntzel, $5; Louis
Gierster, $5; Mrs. Matt Waldkirch, $4.
50; Anna Waugaman, $5; E. G. Waug
aman, $16; Dave Del berg, $5; E. A.
Ratworth, $5; E. D. Relchard, $5; Char
lie Guynes, $2.20; Mrs. Chas. Lyon,
$15; Chester Wiles, $5; C. A Hancock,
$15; Mrs. C. A. Hancock. $15; Chas.
Palmateer, $3.49.
Road District No. 40 Joe Wieder
hold, $106.72; Jack Jones, $25.19; Joe
Rickey, $4.98.
Road District No. 43 L. O. Night
ingale, $39.60; Elliott Lumber Co.
$262.83; Bobbins Bros., $30; D. E. Pen-
jdleton, $29; John Oblack, $75; Edw.
Feyrer, $17.95; B. H. Miller, $3.74; Geo.
Bunke. $17.46: Jack Feyrer. $1.24: Art
x- in aj. n a- -- mnn nn. - T"
Oregon City Hospital Co., I fi" LL ' V 'J 3,.ry
J. L. Daniels (E. Stark) $6.00; i f" ,
Gust Johnson, $2.49; I. L. Boyer, $1.24.
Road District No. 44 R. A. Wright,
$12.50; E. L. Palfrey, $23.94; L. A.
Shaver, $99.93.
Road District No. 45 Hult Lumber
Co., $10.28.
Road District No. 46 Road Builders
Equipment Co., $36.50; S. W. Beny,
$14.97; Geo. Koeller, $16.52; Wm Wei-
ner, $17.46; C. Pipka, $4.98; Wm. Bee
son, $14.97; W. R. Ayers, $9.98.
Road District no. 47 Lewis K.eu,
$4.99; U. Eilers, $4.99; Ernest Bau
man, $9.98; Fred W. Sohn, $6.78; Ore
gon City Sand & Gravel Co., $35.
Road Dis trice No. 48 Thomas piep
ka, $13.50; R.-W. Zimmerman, $17.94;
C. F. Zeigler, $2.49; V. Skinner. $2.49;
O." Bolland, $7.48; P. Bolland, $2.49; E.
Bell. $1.24; H. Hansen, $1.24; R. D.
W. Bany, $34.93; J. W. Hylton, $17.43; I prayed for In their complaint, to-wit;
Roscoe Miller. $17.43: Conrad Her-1 that mfondants and earh of them and
son) $30.00; Hilda Granqulst, $25.00;
jonn Meim, $5.00; Anna Lowery, (Geo.
W. Lowery) $15.00; O. M. Smith,
$18.00; Ella Pennington $45.00; " Mrs.
Emily Patison, $10.00; John T. Boyd,
$15.00; Sarah E. Baldwin, (Sidney Kel
ley) $29.25; IcyBargfeld, $10.00; Thos.
I. Fredenberg, - $12.00; Mrs. Lillian
Johnston, $15.00; Chas. Krebs, (Tony
Miller) $30.00; Mrs. Ida Labaw, $8.00;
Mary Lock, $25.00; Geo. W. Newsome,
$15.00; John Neiland, (Seehorn, Nel
son, Johnson, & Skirvin,) $97.51; Sar
ah Salomon. SI 5.00 W. RtnrdevaTit.
$30.00; Ella Tracy, (Eunice Horner) ' Zimmerman, $2.49; L. G. Zeigler, $4.35;
$10.00: J. G. Wake. $15.00: Anna Wett-V. Skinner, $10; W. S. Bany, $15; O.
erlin, $10.00; A. C. Erickson, (Stark Bolland, $5.63.
man, $9.96; F. B. Needham, $17.43;
Geo. Koehler. $23.94: Wm. Weiner.
$19.96; V. Skinner, $4.99.
Special No. 47 Ernest Bauman,
$12.47; Fred W. Sohn. $9.97; Oregon
City Sand & Gravel Co.. $35.
Special No. 50 Oregon City Sand &
Gravel Co., $120; Willamette Valley
Southern Railway Co., $90; Ed. Mitts,
$7.48; Roy Nickalson, $9.98; Wm.
Dreher, $9.98; S. G. Nickolson, $4.98;
G. E. Wyland, $78.57.
23. .
Classified Ads
sheep or goats, one span of young
horses. Also Durham cow, 4 years
old, fresh. Phone Carl R. Short,
. Molalla, Ore., Charles T. Tooze,
and wife) $25.00; Wm. Danforth,
$10.00; Clara Earls, (John Morris)
$25.00; Boys & Girls Aid Society,
$10.00; Elizabeth Saunders, $5.00;
Katie Pluard, $10.00; -Wallace R. Tel
ford, (Michael Boyles) $12.00; John &
William Beers, $20.00; W. Hitchman,
(Ole Josendall)$25.00; Mrs. 6. Beck-
man, (Ben Munson) $25.00.
Road District No. 1 City of Oregon
City. $7,552.27; City of Oregon City,
Lyon, 115; L. Stlpp, $10; Otto yiscner. T.inn $6,247.08
$4; H. King, $4.20; Aida L. Amnne, Road District No. 3 City of Oswego,
$4.40; Louis Funk, $4.10; M. E. Sulli- '$1,086.08.
van, $3.80; Henry Babler, $2.80; Chas. j Road District No. 4 City of Milwau
Olson, $3.60; Annie King, $4.20; Mrs. he, $1,33304
C. L. Smith, $3.80,- Mrs. Gus Olson, $3.- Road District No. 5 City of Glad
60; Florence McKinnis $6; Doctors , stone $814.03.
Mount, $5; Doctors Mount, $5; Lela F. j nold District No. 6-City of Sandy,
jyuvu, Lutts. ouaigm, Aueusi $145.67.
itaKei, sz.zu; ueorge uemm, fd.su
Nels Melum, $3.80; Sol Imel, $2.20; W.
J. Jefferies, $5; J. T. Roy, $5; A. S.
Wells, $15; August Olson, $6.60; Mr.
Whittier, $3.60; F. E. Lowe, $3.60; Ad
ministrator of Estate of Geo. C. Brown
ell, $5; Jerry Hemmingway, $2.20;
Clyde Hines, $2.20; E. F. Farr, $2.20;
W. W. Smith, $2.20; Philip Hammond,
Justice of the Peace A. MWey, $5;
Oregon City Enterprise, $47.20; Oregon
City Enterprise, $6.50; F. E. Lowe, $3;
W. J. Finucane, $1.70; A. C. Schirmer,
$4.50; Ed. Fortune, $1.70; Andie Ro
mig, $3.90; John Romig $3.90; E. Lind
gren, $5; A. G. Beattie, $10; D. W.
James, $1.20; J. J. Bannon, $1.20; M.
P. Chapman, $1.20; W. V. "Ruconich,
$1.20; J. S. Manning $1.20; A. C. How-
Road District No. 49 Canny Hard
ware & Implement Co., $4; Mike
Walsh, $16.65; Ben Krause, $4.98;
Johan Rummer, $2.49; Rudolph Klaus,
$11.97; Joh. Helnts, $2.49.
Road District No. 50 Needy Brick &
Tile Factory, $9.
Road District No. 52 A. L-Brougher,
$6.85; A. iM. Groshong, $9.73; R. D.
Groshong, $3.73; C. S. Hill, $2.49..
Road District No. 53 F. Madden &
Road District No. 2 City of West! Co-, 12.75; Kaake & Jubb $86.40; J. W.
Homer, $2.49.
Road District No. 56 R. Schuebel,
$9.97; L. Wallace, $2.49; Joe White.
$4.99; . W. M. Raver, $4.98; Fred
Schuebel, $9.98.
Road District No. 58--Schuld Broth
ers, $40; P. R., L & P. Co., $50.40; N.
E. Linn, $59.85; G. A Heiple, $2.49; A.
Smith.- $37.42: J. Dowty. $4.99; J.
FOR S.4LE, (Sandy, Ore.) Two lots,
seven room house, all plastered.
Full size basement, garage, chicken
house, some fruit. Inquire real es-
, tate office, Sandy, Oregon.
MAKE ME an offer for my seven year
- old work horse and harness. Cash
or terms. . E. Stavosky, Molalla,
route 1.
Road District No. 8 City of Canby,
Road District No. 9 City of Barlow,
Road District No. 10 City of Molal
la, $520.43.
Road District No. 11 S. N. Oldham,
$184.38; H. Gebsardt, $211.87;. H. Geb
hardt, $22.50; S. G. Bullock, $796.88;
F. E. Davidson, $109.75; J. Risley, $71.
06; J. P. Cook, $55.31; O. E. Davidson,
$59.80; M. Weidman, $12.70; H. Koch,
I Road District No. 12 L. A. Smith,
j $653.45; A. Worthington, $83.79; J. Si-.
.grst, $68.77; H. Koenig, $57.85; L. In
jdizzi, $25.40; S. M. Brantlach, $249.
j Road District No. 13 Aden's Store,
$13.65; Carlson & Sherk Co., $102.50;
FOR SALE 20 acres, 20 acres In
cultivation, acrein timber, run
ning creek through timber, 4 miles
south of Oregon City on good road.
Address 388, Enterprise.
Githens, $7.47; R. Heiple, $12.47 ;C.
Famce, $9.98; A. Erickson, $9.98; L.
Uolrt 1 A. n lPiillof 1 OA . 'E' TTala
- An. t' rr,'', ;e.' d' nisn lections thereto and the settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as Administrator with the
Will annexed of the estate of Joe
Blue, whose name is sometimes spell
ed Joe Blou, deceased has filed his
final account in the office of the Coun
ty Clark of Clackamas County, Ore
gon, and that Monday, the 2nd day of
January, 1923, at the hour of ten A. M.
In-the -forenoon of said day. In the
County court Room of said Court has
been appointed by said Court as the
time and .place for the hearing of ob-
also all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, es
tate, lien, claim or " interest in the
real estate described in the complaint
herein, to-wit; beginning 40 rods
North from the Northwest corner, of
the Southwest quarter of the South I
east quarter of section -35 in Tp. 1 S.
R. 4 E. of the W. M, running thence
East 80 rods thence North 16 rods;
thence West 80 rods; thence South
16 rods to place of beginning, contain
ing 8 acres, subject to lines of United
States Survey All in Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon b.e required to show to
the Court what interest they or eith
er or any of them have or claim to
have in and to said property and
that plaintiffs may be adjudged and
decreed to be the owners in fee sim
ple of said property and the whole
thereof and that the defendants and
each of them be decreed to have no
claim, equity or interest therein
This summons is published by or
der of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court.
The order is dated November 16,
205-6 Masonic Temple, Oregon City,
Oregon, Attorney for plaintiffs.
of first publication Nov. 17,
of last' publication Dec. 29,
land $150- Norman Fisohpr m sn- ' Concrete Pipe Co., $Z9.05: A. A. Wood,
Rudolph Pohlen, $3.50; Eldon Charles, ?25.96; Ll6yd Jones, $29.94; F. Tooze,
$2.10; Sylvester Haas, $1.70; J. Dean 2.49; F. Krouse, $2.49; F. Kiser, $16.
Butler, $10; John Huerth, $1.20; Frank 19 : B- Case, $11.21; R. Lee, $2.69; E.
Welsh, $1.20; E. L. Johnson, $1.20; a 'Baker, $34.92; R. B. Graham, $14.97.
H. Roake $1.20: W. A Lone S1.20- I Road District No. 14 Coast Culvert
$49.90: G. B. Linn, $6.22; E. Erickson,
$4.98; A. Lovell, $14.94; H. Heiple,
I Road District No. 59 A. C. Cogswell,
I $9.40; P. R-, L. & P. Co., $270.90;
;Schuld Brothers, $129; H. S. Fort,
1 Road District No. 61 T. C. Thomas,
$4.50; Maxwell Telford $15.96.
Road District No. 62 Gebhardt, $77.
19; N. S. Oldham,. $77.19; Frank Fish
er, $2.49;-Frank Fisher, Jr., $2.49; C.
E. Day, $2.49; D. O. Day, $15.96.
Road District No. 63 G. Notdurft.
$11.97; H. Yinger. $7.48; E. Notdurft,
Road District No. 65 Carl Dropu
lich, $170.10.
Road District No. 66 Carl Dropu-
lich, $59.50; Will Burekert, $3.85.
Carl Hassenkraig, $7.80; Chris Ktaft,
$7.80; Ruth Schuebel, $3.50; Floyd
Conver, $3.50; H. W. Sloziker, $3.50;
W. B. Eddy, $1.20; L. O. Harding, $1.
20: A. J. Knisrhtlv. $1.20: R. E. Park.
$1.20; Geo. J. Hall, $1.20; Geo. Ramsey, Tiedeman, $16.21; Adolph Delker, $2.
$7.90; Ed. Hodgekiss, $7.90; E. D. 49-
-Boylan.7.90; Anne Boylan $7.90; C. ' Road District No 16 J. W. Schuld,
W. Driesel, $7.90; E. P. Elliott $1.20; S25.43; Pete Schuld, $142.80; Portland
P. D. Forbes, $1.20; A. B. Buckles, $1.-j Railway, Light & Power Co., $189;
20; A. L. Blanchard, $1.20; D W. Schuld Brothers, $150; O. P. Roethe,
James, $1.20; Albert Roake $1.20; ,$172.81; Chas. Moran, $35.82; A. Henry,
Freda Rau, $4.30; Helen Foust, $4.30; ! $11-95; J. S. Booth, $38.87; E. E. Roe
Ferdinand Rau. $4.30: E. J. Foust $4.- tne. $29.95; C. Skaag, $23.96; C. Hen-
Road District No. 42 Pete West-
J. M. Turner S55 Rfi- "Rrnest Willed oerg, S81.50; J. A. Wall, XSUz JjTeema
$7.47; Walter Wanker, $7.47: John Rowan, $9.85; Oscar Lindbeck, $13.-
Wanker. SI. 24- Koh Shatz t8- riarl
Eisle. $4.98: Mike Aldrige. $2.49: C. Special
75- Hi IjlTlrtmarV 3.9. 49
Dated and first published November
24, 1922.
Last publication December 22, 1922.
Administrator with the Will annex
ed of the estate of Joe Blue, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
30; Ida Nordling, $4.30; D. L. Trullin-
ger, $4.30; F. B. Blackman, $4.30; Karl
L. Koellermeier, $1.20; Austin Nichols,
$1.20; F. J. Meyer, $1.20: J. B. Fair-
clough, $1.20; E. L. Johnson, $1.20; j
rici, $7.98; C. D. Atchley, $23.96; J. S
Blair, $11.96; H. Emil, $5.99; Fred Val
let, $7.48; J. H. McLillian, $16.37; J. H.
Frommyer, $26.95; Sam Petty, $8-98.
Road District No. 17 Milwaukie
, $11.98; W. H. Counsell, $71.82; D. Maz-
zie, $54.92.
Fred Metzner. $1.20: A. L. Corrigan. Service Station, $35.68; C. E. Batten,
$6; Steve Chambers. $3.40: Ernest i $52.35; BHfcckburn, $41.88; Jack Bat-
Shulson, $3.40; Harry Davidson, $3-40; tin. $16.44; O. Walsh, $29.90; G. Bee
C. W. Fredrich. $1.20: A. B. Buckles, cham, $17.94; C. H. Counsell, $31.92;
$1.20; W. J. Wilson, $1.20; D. W. Jno- Shields, $65.89; (Wm. Strange,
James, $1.20; E. E. Gabriel, $1.20; M
C. Strickland, $1.70: Mrs. S. A. Burt.
$3.30; Luke P. Duffy, $3.30; J. A. Road District No. 18 Matt Green
Coulter, $2.70; Fred A. Kamrath, $3.30; slade, $4.
O. A. Achilles, $2.50; H. Corless, $3.30; I Road District No. 21 Portland Rail
A. G. Beattie, $10; Albert Roake, $1.- way, Light & Power Co., $321.30; Jake
20; D. D. Bain, $1.20; R. E. Woodward, i De Young, $7.98; Arthur Gran, $4.98;
$1.20; F. J. Meyer, $1.20; Sarah E. (John Anderson, $4.98; R. H Soelle,
Woodward, $1.20; Geo. M. Hankins, '$4.98; George Davenport, $55.
$1.20; L. Anderson, $1.70; Sam Hair,' Road District No. 22 Schuld Broth
$1.70; Dorothy Wilson, $2.50; E. J. ' ers $63; P. R. L. & P. Co., $57.96;
Noble, $121.05; Ed. Fortune, $119.70. ' John Valberg, $4.49; M. H. Wheeler,
Coroner M. C. Strickland, $5; Dr. j$23..94; J. A. Hite, $4.98; W. E.
McLean, $5; W. E. Hemstead, $5; O.-A. (Wheeler, $7.48; J. W. Wheeler, $4.04;
Pace, $5.50. r jC. A. Wheeler, $4.98; C. BanBeld, $62.-
County Surveyor D. T. Meldrum ,'97; B- C- Kimbley, $4.98; C. J. Lek
$20.50; J. W. Miles, $12.68; G. D. Ham- berg'.H?4; John Duly' Lon Sut"
mond. $4.99: Chaa Simmons. t3i
4nsane Dr Frank R. Mount. $5: Dr.
Road District No. 23 Schuld Broth
ers, $10; Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co., $175.14; Fred Wagner, $9.
73; W. H. Banke, $11.23; George
Cnristensen, $7.48; Peter Houghlum,
$7.48; L. L. Griffin, 7.48; Al. Hay
worth, $7.48; D. Brooks Hogan, $7.48;
M. Peterson, $2.49.
Road District No. 25 Paul R, Mei-
$490: James T Matthews SQnn- T?iihinls. acnuia growers, ?S0; A.
Shearer-Brennan, $48.60; Saidle Orr- lpsrom' 230-24; G. Ten Eyck, $33.90;
Dunbarr. $1.85; E. W. Fowler, $1.00 i k W Tice 19-91: R- Akins, $29.94;
The Banner-Courier, $26.25; Mertis L. h?inBa.JBa22. U-19: Thomas Mc
Rlddle, $20.00; Oregon Teachera 'U1v .?9;96: Fped GJbert. $9.96; Joe
MontWy $10.00; Earl Kilpatrick, $1.75.1 rUr'.1? 6- ,
Board of Health-Buy Elliott. $8.00:' L,? 2?"?-
DTiei, $11.94; E. Hart, $2.99; L. Green,
$7.46;. I. Cox, $1.50; Harry Nichols.
$1.50; W. A. Stone, $36.66. ,
I xtoad uisinci jno. 28 Wm Widmer.
$7.98; A. M. Mowery, $ .99.-
M. C. Strickland, $5.
Superintendent of Schools Mrs.
Ethel Lansdown, $66.93; Brenton Ved
der, $7.57; William C. Weir, $10.30;
Helen Leathers, $15.00; Charles F.
Beatie, $15.00; Bertha Vedder, $12.00;
Mrs. Arthur G. Beattie, $30.00; The A.
N. Palmer Co., $1.62: J. S. Landers.
Dr. O. A. Welsh, $42.15; Guy Elliott,
$5.25; Jones Drug Co., $3.00.
Prohibition L. Stlpp, $25.00: Jack
Frost, $15.00.
Stock indemnity F. E. Kahler,
Indigent Soldiers Meade Post No.
2, $70.00.
Jail Sheriff of Multnomah Co.,
$18.60; W. J. Wilson, Sheriff, $103.24;
Oregon City Laundry, $10.75; F. C.
Burke, $124.00.
Juvenile Court Minda E. Church,
Sealer J. F. Jones. $42.05.
No. 11 Coast Culvert &
$65.83: E. H. Peik, $11.96;
W. D. Ruttedge, $7.47. , .
Special No. 13 A. A. Wood, $57.40;
E. G. Jones, $8.97; Balch, $11.96; Geo.
Normanson, $14.96; Fred Parrett,
$68.90; W. F. Bristo, $14.95; E. Todd,
$7.47; L. W. Waters, $21.67; Sam Pe
ters, $14.95; Kruger, $14.35; Ray Heat
er, $34.90; D. Parrett, $38.42; L. H.
Phillips,- $34.93; J. Kruger. $17.94;
Fred Kruger. $13.45; EmU Ficken, $11.-
96; Frank Zeniny, $13.45; Alison, $2.
99. Special No, 1 F. Falnedsker, $4.98;
Al Vogt, $7.47; G. Andrews, $4.99; J.
M. Turner, $19.95.
Special No. 20-::George Gibbs, $8.97;
Joe Beit, $47.84; Joe Papsch, $17.94;
John Moore, $41.86; Earl Tong, $8.97;
Marion Tong, $4.48; Walter Young,
$91.77; J. C. Royer, $41.97; F. G. Kel
ler, $17.46; Casper Schmukl, $7.48;
Ray Dallas, $7.48; Emil Papsch, $4.99;
C. F. Eckert, $50.83; Gus Lingle, $14.-
95; Jerry De Young, $11.96; Richard
Beil, $17.97; C. B. Perkins, $71.88
Special No. 25 A. Ekstrom, $1,-
143.01; Geo. A, Ten Eyck, $59.84; L.
W.. Tice. $95.95.
Special No, 2S Portland Railway,
Light & Power Co., $27: Francis
Welsh, $9.25; R. J. Mattoon, $27.90;
J. R. Livesay, $2.99: C. R. Llvesay.
Special No. 34 Dave Meyrick. $11.-
96; A. Fisher, $15.96; H. Fisher, $11.
97; R. Edwards, 1.87; H. Kamrath.
$4.99; C. Jones, $2.49; E. Jones. $9.96:
E. Anderson, $14.96: jr. Hushes. $14.-
93; Chas. Jones, $13-69; E. Roberts,
$24.89; G. Roberts, $32.36; E. Wil
liams, $249; E. Sheppard, $21.42; F.
Kamrath, $41.49; F. Shaw, $19.96;
Wm. Martin, $22.21; A. Thomas, $41.
88; D. E. Jones, $32.89; W. Bohlander,
$17.43; J. Leatherberry, $2A3; E. O.
Hughes, $1.24; W. D. Jones, $9.96;
Wm. Daniels, $22.44; B. Klebe, $10.84;
vnas. jones, ?i3.b; j. Hughes, $13.69;
R. Edwards, $12.47; G. Hollmann, $15.
59; N. Christner, $12.47; V. Bohlander,
$12.47; C. Steiner, $1.4r
Special No. 36 J. C. Mattoon, $20.
97; A. Stuab, $2.99: John Hamilton.
$5.98; Steve Fellows, $11.96; Ed. Staub,
!4.a; a. uranam, fb.SK; Andrew Gra-
nam, $8.97.
Special No. 38 P. T. Monroe. $2.
peciai jno. 40 joe
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of 'Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas has ap
Dointed the undersigned, executor of
the Will and Estate of Emily Mabel
Johnston, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against the said decedent
c her estate, are hereby given notice
that they shall present them to the
undersigned executor at the office of
Jos. E. Hedges, Esq., Bank of Com
merce Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice, with proper vouchers duly
verified. "
Executor of the Will and Estate of
Emily Mabel Johnston, deceased.
JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney.
Date of First Publication, Novem
ber 24th, 1922. - -
Date of Last Publication, December
22nd, 1922. .
WHEREAS at the (General- Election
held November 7, 1922, in BARLOW,
precincts, in the County of Clacka
mas, State of Oregon, a vote was tak
en ' for and against stock running at
large in said aTiove named precincts,
and said vote resulted in a majority
of votes being cast against stock run
ning at large in said precincts.
THEREFORE, in- accordance with
the Statutes in such cases made and
provided, It shall be unlawful, sixty j
days after the date of this notice, for j
stock to rnn"at large in the above
named precincts under 1 penalty of
$10.00 for the first offense and $20.00
for each. and every subsequent of
fense to be recovered from the owner
of ' the stock.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, No
vember 23, 1922.
County Clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Advance-Rumely Thresher Company
Inc., a corporation, Plaintiff,
W. J. Uppendahl, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clack
amas, ss. -
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an. execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the
above entitled court, in the above en
titled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 19th day of October, 1922,
upon a judgment rendered and enter
ed in said court on the 13th day of
June, 1922, in favor of Advance-Rume- J
ly Thresher Company, Inc., a corpor
ation, Plaintiff, and against W. J. Up
pendahl, Defendant, for the sum of
$1417.00, and the further sum of $71.
20 costs and disbursements, and the
costs of and upon this writ, command
ing me to make sale of the following
described real property, situate in
the county of Clackamas, " state of
Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 6 chains West
of the Northeast corner of John
Marks D. L. C. No. 37 in Tp. 4 S. R.
1 E. of W. M, and running thence
West along the North line of said
claim 899.7 feet thence South 2393.6
feet, thence North 83 deg. 15 min. E.
1336.3 feet, thence North 10 deg. 15
min. est 2262.8 feet to the place of
beginning, containing 59 acres and
all 'situated . in Clackamas County,
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and de
cree, and in compliance with the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Satur
day, the 9th day of December, 1922;
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the
front door of the County Court House
in the City of Oregon City, in said
County and State, sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin
cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them, had on
the date of the judgment herein or
since had in or to the above describ
ed real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution, judgment
order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Oct. 9th,
... In the name of the State, of "Ore
gon; You, Claude Oiler, are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint filed in the above entitled
suit on or before the 15th day of De
cember, 1922, that day being six weeks
from the first publication of this
Summons and if you fail to appear
and answer herein plaintiff will ap
ply to the above named Court for the
relief prayed for in the complaint on
file herein to which reference is here
by made and more particularly as
follows; for a decree-dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant
herein on the grounds of desertion
and cruel and inhuman treatment of
the plaintiff, and for such other and
further relief as may be equitable
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for not less
than six successive weeks in the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a paper of gen
eral circulation- In the County where
the suit is brought and published at
Oregon City, County of Clackamas,
Stata of Oregon, and by order of the
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court which order
is dated on the 31st day of October,
The date of the first publication of
this summons is the ,3d day of No
vember, 1922.
The date of the last publication of
this, summons is the 15th 'day of De
cember, 1922.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
518 Chamber of Commerce, Port
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice1 in First National Bank
Bid., Oregon City, Oregon.
' . Attorney-at-Law
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Room 3, Andresen Bids.
Phone 406
Stevens Bids.. Ofon City, U
Farm Loans Preferred
Beaver Bldg. ; Oregon City j
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned as Executor of the estate
of Julia Ann Mumpower, deceased,
has filed his final account in the of
fice of the County Clerk of Clacka
mas County, Oregon, and that Mon
day, the 4th day of December, 1922,
at the hour of 10 A. M., in the fore
noon of said day, in the County Court
Room of said Court has been appoint
ed by said Court as the time and place
for the hearing of objections thereto
and the settlement thereof.
Dated and first published November
3, 1922. ' . .
Last publication December 1, 1922.
Executor of the estate of Julia Ann
Mumpower, deceased.
Attorney for Executor.
raonea: on. so Res. 251-w
Justice of Peace f
1 201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City. I
Road District No. 32 AugTswanson. .?la' vIi?e.. wieuernoid.
$2.49; Chas. W. Hoimberg $1197- A. ?, 0D' taln' z-45: Jeerge Tor-
Carlson. $2.49 erjr. $11.97, kleson $28.05; Ed. Harders, $29.18;
Road District No. 33 Oregon dty HaJ?er" i3 : CM Klinker.
Sand & Gravel Co., $108; R. J. Mat- 57-f: Henry Schmidt, $14.30; Gus
toon, $31.50; Lake Smith mo. J E Zweirman, $9.95; Louis Ochs, $14.30;
UvesaV $7.47 R. U OP. Califf
Road District No. 34 Oreeon Citv !ii8:6.8: . Hubert, $25.81; Adolf
iSand & Gravel Co.. $7: Howard-Cooner ' elaerno1?' : Calvin Beehe, $13
x j iiiuuig aiiu aaverusing-Oregon 71
Corporation, $3; C. T. Blackburn, $22.-
-me uanner-, pnan TWstrW Nn ok nr
Oregon City Enter- .ic qr. RTarMB1, j'tu. uvvi-o.'
$7.48; Phil Weismandel, $4.98; T. Nor
man, $2.49;. Wm. Griffeth, $2.49.
I Road District No. 36 E. J. Lanklns.
$11.98; E. T. Bateson, $5.99; J. E. La
croy, $13.98; Es Staub, $2.99; J. Jtfc
Comb, $5.98; E. J. Lanklns, $8.96; W.
Mattoon, $4.48; E. Ficken, $1.50.
Road District No. 27 John L. fiard
wmiam Wallace
05; A. H Miller, $27.92: Frank Ochs.
$13.05; N. Rath, $13.05; M. Grafenhain,
$13.05; Roy Miller, $1.24; Ralph Cha
ney, $18.95.
Special- No. 42 J. A. Wall, $22.05;
jjick Lampman- $28.63: C. E. -Wid-
i strand, $28.63j C. B. Mann, $24.90;
,Emil Lind, $13.46; G. Lind, $8.97;
jChas. Backman, $8.97; Andrew John
;son, $8.97; Philip Putz, $20.97; Victor
I Backman, $14.97; "C. J. Renhard. $14.-
97; O. G. Nyquist, $14.97; E. Nelson,
- City Enterprise,
Courier, $276.75;
prise, bJ..OU.
Tap Department Burroughs Adding
Machine Co., $5.10; Mary Confer,
Tax Rebate H. Krummel, $12.02;
John Hamilton, $2.06.
Emergency Mrs. Bertha Wells,
Circuit Court Edgar C. Brown,
$58.80; Lizzie Bonney, $62.40; Robt.
Y. Appleby, $49.60; Chas. L. Horst
man, $61.20; Fred Lins, $67.00; Steve
B. Londergan, $61.20; Wm. E. Bonney,
$17.00; Wm. Boyd, $61.20; R. N. Ta
ber, $3.00; Chas. Brenner, $2.00;
.. Louise Kamrath, $62.00; Sam J. Jones,
$62.20; Adam Beil, $62.00; Eliza M.
Ingram, $61.60; Robt.' D. Wilson,
$63.20; Clara E. Anthony, $61.20;. W.
F. Hartnell, $60.60; Nellie M. All-
dredge, $60.26; Mary E. Norris, $60-20;
Aurie Draper, $57.20; Mary R. Cau
field $60.20; Maggie Johnson, $55.40;
Earl Gerber, $8.00; Luln M. Fletcher,
$12.00; A. W. Cooke, $8.00; Maggie G.
Friel, $20.00; Chas. W. Harris, $20.00;
Dora It Herrinsr. $11.00 r Arda L.
Amrine,8.00; John C. Bradley, $3.20; .Dart, $9.98; L. A. Duncan, $15.98; N.,Feyrer. t9.99; Henry Kyllo. $9.99
Chas. T. Sievers, $15.00. Henrickse $4.98; Walter Lemon, $4.-, Special No. 46 Ahnon Johnson,
Dog Fund L. J. Hull, $20.00; John 98; W. 1. noiaer, $4.w wm. J. Mor
H.. Young, $10; Solon A. Bray, $10. rison, $2.99; Joe Michael, $4.99; T. J.
N. O. Walden Estate
Notice is hereby gjven that the
undersigned executors of ' the estate
of N(. O. "Walden, Deceased, have filed
their final adcount in the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County and that Friday,
the 22nd day of December, 1922, at
the hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the
court room of this court have been
appointed as the time and place for
the hearing of objections thereto and
the settlement thereof.
Dated and first published Novem
ber 17th, 1922.
Attorneys for Executors.
C. A AHnlfsnn til Q7. ilfroi
S8.74- Fred o A , T. '
9Willfe RnVcBOltemille!i 9!C- E- Bergstrom, $7.47 r John Johnson,
8, Willie Rogers. $9.96: Roscoe Gard. io. a t o .' ,, ,-. '
Gard $18.67; Richard Johnson. $8.39: P.. Nelson it. Ti
Wallace, $6.83; T. M. Fellows, $7.78.
I Special No. 43 O. Jeff Davis, $46.40;
iB. L. Lewis, $37.42; Geo. Koos, $19.96;
; Joseph Z&aker, $9.98; Guy Dibble, $9.
j 98; Jack Feyrer, $33.67; Art Scott,
$67.36; Milt Strean, $24.95; Clay Engle,
$14.94; Alvin
trrimth, $56.15; Hosie Rigers, $12.45;
naue uara, 3 4.47.
Road District No. 38 F. Madden &
Co., $2.75; Kaake & Jubb Lumber Co.,
$1.92; L. M. Henthome, $16.78- P. T.
Monroe, $60.61; Wiley Howell, $12.47 ;
Barney Gilbride, $3.73; Carl Peterson,
$11.20; Gene Lewellyn, $7.47: Clarence
Hull, $5.60; Tom Jubb, $7.98; Pres
Howell, $2.49; R. Daball, $1.24.
Road District No,
J. Davies, $2.49; Willis
$12.47; O.
Standinger, $6.23; Edw. Feyrer, $43.
88: William Dodge. $17.43: A. H.
Waue, -William TCtltlor COOC. T Tnnn. 1
$6.73; Ward Jones, $9.96; E. T. Davis,; '
$20.96; J. F. Snyder, $9.98; J. W. DH-124; R J- Bruce, $10.58rWilliam Loury ,;
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Robert Gray and Bessie Gray, Hus
band and wife, plaintiffs,
John G. P. Lawler, also Nannie Os-
born, widow, and Sylvia Shafer,
Belle Stone, and Percy Osborn,
heirs at law of S. C". Osborn, de
ceased. Also all other persons or
parties unknown, claiming any
right, title, lien, claim, equity or in
terest In the real property describ
ed herein, defendants.
To John G. P. Lawler, also Nannie
Osborn, widow, and Sylvia Shafer,
Belle Stone, and Percy Osborn, heirs
at law of S. C Osborn, deceased. Al
so all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, lien,
claim, equity or interest In the real
property, described herein, the above
named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required o appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of first-publica
tion of this summons. If you so fail ;
$34.93; Melvin Mahlum. $14-97; J. R. to appear and answer plaintiffs will -Pitts,
$34.93; F. A. Wigant, $9.98; S, apply to the Court for the- relief
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, De
. partment No. 2. Icy Elnora Won-
derly. Plaintiff, vs. Leroy ' Bert
Wbnderly, Defendant.
To Leroy Bert Wonderly, the de
fendant above named: You are here
by required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled cause and Court with
in six weeks ' from the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit: within six weeks from Novem
ber 10, 1922, and if you fail to so
answer or appear herein the plaintiff
will take a decree against you as fol
lows: For the dissolution of the maty
riage contract between you and plain
tiff and awarding to plaintiff the fu
ture care of Ersal Wonderly;- your
minor child, and decreeing, and ad
judging mat tne plaintiff is the own
er or an undivided one-half interest
in the South half (Shit of the North
west quarter (NW) and the East
half (E) of the Southwest quarter
,SW&) of Section 28, Township 7
South Range 8 West of the Willam
ette Meridian in Polk County, Ore
gon, and further awarding plaintiff
judgment for five hundred ($500) dol
lars repayment of cash advanced by
.plaintiff on defendant's debts, and
the further sum or five hundred
($500) dollars attorney's fees, and
such further decree as may seem
This summons is published for six
consecutive weeks in the Oregon City
Enterprise, a newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published at
Oregon City, Oregon, and the date
of the first publication (thereof is J
Friday, November 10, 1922, and the
date of the- last publication is Fri
day, December 22, 1922, all done in
accordance with the order of the
Hon. James U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which or
der was dated and entered of record
In said cause on the 9th day of No
vember, 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff. Post office
Address: 413 Masonic Temple Build
ing, Salem, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Wm. M. Stone, Executor of. the last
will and testament of Rachel Phil
lips, deceased, Plaintiff,
William D. Hosey, Defendant,
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment, order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to-me duly directed and dated
the 24th day of Ocober, 1922, upon a
judgment it rendered and entered in
said court on the 24th day . of October,
1922, in favor of Wm. M. Stone, Exe
cutor of the last Will and Testament
of Rachel Phillips, deceased, Plain
tiff, and against William D. Hosey,
Defendant, for the sum of $650.00,
with Interest thereon at the rate of
seven per cent per annum from the
21st day of June, 1921, and the fur
ther sum of $53.42 taxes paid. $17.60
paid for insurance, and the further
sum of $60.00, as attorney's fee, and
the further sum of $11.50 costs and
disbursements, and - the costs of and
nDon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property, situate in the county
of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-
Lot sixteen (16) of Block six (6),
Gladstone. Clackamas county, Oregon,
as-per the duly recorded plat thereof
on file in the Recorder's office of said
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment, order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
25th day of November 1922, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City, in said County .and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all
the right, title and interest which the
within, named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to he above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Oct. 27th,
of this summons, the said period of
six weeks being the time prescribed
in the order for the publication to
this summons, and If you fail so to
appear and answer this summons, the
plaintiff will apply to the court foi"
the relief prayed for in her complaint,
to-wit: ' " . .
For a judgment and decree of this
court against the said defendant, H.
M. Edwards, for the sum of Eight
Hundred Dollars, with interest there
on at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the 23rd day of January,
1922, until paid; and for the further
sum of $10.46. together with Interest
thereon at the legal rate until pay,
representing taxes; and for the fur
ther sum of $200.00 as attorney's fees
for the institution and prosecution b
this suit; and that plaintiffs mort
gage be declared and decreed to be a
first lien upon, the following describ
ed Teal property, to-wit:
The Southeast Quarter (SE) of
the Northeast Quarter (NEi) of
Section Ten (10), Township Three
(3) South, Range JMve (5) East of the
Willamette Meridian;
and for a decree foreclosing plain
tiff's mortgage, and an order direct
ing the property herein and therein
described- to be sold ia the manner
provided by law for the satisfaction,
of the judgment' herein, and that the
property herein described be sold on
. execution and the nroceeda of th
sale be applied as follows: :
(a) To -the payment of the, costs
of this suit and the amounts found
due plaintiff herein, with accruing
costs and disbursements in this suit,-"
including $200.00 attorney's fees,
and to the payment of such judgmentt
as may he recovered by the plaintiff,
Philomine Collette, and the balance
if any there be, disposed of as this1,
court may advise and direct. J1
That if after such sale and appli
cation of the proceeds thereof, it
shall toe ascertained that such pro
ceeds are insufficient to pay such
judgment as the plaintiff may recover
herein, said plaintiff shall have judg-,
ment over and against the said de
fendant, H. M. Edwards, for such
deficiency and that said defend
ant, H. . M. Edwards, - be forever
barred and foreclosed from any and
all right, title and interest, except
the- statutory right of redemption, in
or to said mortgaged premises and
every part thereof.
That said plaintiff, Philomine Col
lette, have such other and further re
lief as to a court of equity may seem
right and just
That this summons is served upon
you by publication thereof once each
week for six consecutive weeks in the
Oregon City Enterprise, nursuant tn
order of the Honorable James TT.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court, which order was made on the
2nd day of November, 1922.
iirst publication, November 10.
1922. ,
Last publication December 22nd,
J922, , ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Consolidated Securities Bldg. Port
land, T)regon.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Elizabeth Olevia Manakea, Plaintiff,
James Manakea, Defendant.
To Jaines Manakea, defendant:
in tne jvame of the State of Ore-
dersigned as Administratrices of the
estate of William Etters, deceased j gon, you are hereby reauired tn an.
pear and answer the complaint filed
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Maud Oiler. Plaintiff,
Claude Oiler, Defendant.
To Claude Oiler, the above named
havB filed their final account in tne
office of the County Clerk of Clacka
mas County, Oregon, and that Mon
day, the 18th day of December, 1922,
at the hour of ten A. M. in the fore
noon of said day, in the County
Court Room of said Court has been
appointed by said Court as the time
and Dlace for the hearing of objec
tions thereto and the settlement
Dated and first published Novem
ber 10, 1922. ,'
Laet publication December 8th,
LAMBERT. Administratrices of the
estate of William Etters, deceased.
Attorney for administratrices.- y
In the Circuit Court of, the State of
Oregon fo the County of Clacka
mas. Philomine Collette, Plaintiff,
H. M. Edwards,. Defendant.
To H. M. Edwards, defendant above
named: ,
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
on or before the 22nd day of Decem
ber, 1922, said date being more than
six weeks after the first publication
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 1st day of December,
1922, and if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint, for want there
of plaintiff will take default against
you and apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in her complaint, as
That the marriage contract hereto-'
fore and now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant be dissolved
and held for naught, and that the
plaintiff herein have an absolute de
cree of divorce from the said defend
ant, and that the plaintiff herein have
her former name of Elizabeth Olevia
Gibson restored to her, and that she
have the care, custody and control of
the minor children of plaintiff and
defendant, and for such other and
further relief as to the Court may
seem meet and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication in the Oregon City En
terprise for six successive weeks, pur
suant to an order made by the Honor-,
able J7 U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, on the 17th day
of October, 1922.
Date of First Publication, October -20th,
1922. '
Date of Last Publication December
1st, 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, 511 Corbett
Building, Portland, Oregon.