OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1922. Page two NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings JDuring The Past Week Your Subscription Will Receive Prompt Attention. .. Pete's Mountain PETES MOUNTAIN, Nov. 13 Mrs. E. Wilson visited Mrs. J. Bernert Tuesday afternoon. A sewing bee was given Wednesday by Mrs J. Bernert. Those attending were Mrs. E. Notdurft, Mrs. Jack Far queson, Mrs- Hazel Vlahos, Mrs. John Kaiser, Mrs. Nettie Saltzer, Mrs. Mary Saltzer, Mrs. John Hellberg, Mrs. H. Belding and Mrs. B. Clark. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Belding next Wednesday. Leonard Davids and Frank Lambert attended the Stqck Show In Portland Wednesday evening. John Hellberg and John Kaiser were in Oregon City Thursday and got the bell for the school house. Among the Oregon City visitors Saturday were Mrs. Ai Rypczynski, Mrs. J. Bernert and Joe and Agnes Bernert. " Mr. and Mrs. Reinke of West Linn visited at the G. Notdurft home Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Joe Bernert is the proud grand mother of a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernert of Willam ette Sunday, Nov. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Criteser and Dave Fancher of Pulp Siding spent Sunday afternoon at the J. Hellberg and Bernert homes. Cams CARUS, Nov. 15 Miss Minnie Ed wards is working at Highland at present. Miluni Steward won third, John Bliss third and Ardian Jones receiv ed fifth on their pigs at the stock show. Miss Erma Caseday spent the week i end with her friendMaude O'Leary. Mrs. Trafton spent Thursday shop ping in Oregon City. Lena Schmeiseh and John Davis re ceived a glorious celebration on Wed nesday evening, when people from all over, showered the newlyweds with the "old fashioned rice." John Griffith suddenly took ill Thursday morning. He is reported much improved. Saturday evening a bridge party was held at the David L. Jones resi dence. After the game cake and sandwiches were served, a most cordial time was reported. Dodge DODGE, Nov. 13 The Community club program on Saturday evening proved to be a very enjoyable meet ing and was attended by a large crowd, there being visitors from Viola and Redland. The Armitsice program was given by the school children and after the program an oyster supper was served by the men. Harry Young, a former resident of Dodge, is visiting at the John Keller home. Mlt and Mrs. Lauren Tenny and little son of Viola, and Harry Young spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marrs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jubb spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jubb of Viola. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and chil dren visited at the G. W. Keller home Sunday afternoon. Rosa B. Ten Eyck visited at the E. J. Lankins' home in Viola on Sunday. Redland REDLAND, Nov. 16 On Thursday morning, Nov. 9, the following mem bers of the Redland Ladies Live Wires, Mesdames A. L. Allen, H .A. Allen, V- H. Bonney and daughters Miss Jessie and Edna, F. Melvin and daughter, Janette ,H. G. Nevill and daughters, Clara, Pearl and Gladys, I. Stearns and C. J. Staats and sons, Arthur, Walter and George, accom panied by H. G. Nevill and W. H. Bonney drove to Portland to spend the day at the Hulse home. Mrs. W. N. Hulse and daughter, ' Miss Sletla acting as hostesses. At noon a delicious dinner was serv ed after which the members devoted their time to working on the rugs for the W. C. T. U. childrens home. At the business meeting it was decided to hold the next meeting Nov. 23 at the Bonney home and on Dec. 7 to hold open house at the Flrgrove school house so the husband of the members might view the work of the past 6 months. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served coffee and cake. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, Nov. 16 A pa triotic program was given at the Mountain Road school house Friday in celebration of Armistice Day. A' number of the parents attended and enjoyed each number given by the children. Miss Maggie Teodemeier and Aunt Amelia Teodemeier visited Mrs. N. Christensen Sunday. Mrs. Fred Baker visited relatives in Willamette Monday. A. J. Hodge and daughter, Bernice, motored to Birkenfeld Wednesday and returned Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Young and the Clem Dollar family of Willamette visited at the Louis Koellermeier home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Boeckman and the John Anderson family attended the bazaar at-the Frog Pond church Sat urday. Miss Worley spent the week-end at her home in Molalla. Merle Tiedeman visited, at the Hodge home Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Mr and Mrs. Rey 'Scoffern of Port land and Mr. and Mrs. Keith of Peach Cove spent Saturday evening with the J. Robinson family. J. Anderson was a Canby visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Christensen, Jr., visited the N. Christensen, Sr., fam ily Monday. The Fred Baker family spent Sat- j urday evening at the Koellermeier home. , 5 ! Mif. and Mrs. George Mose of Ad J vance called at the Hodge home last inursaay evening. Bolton A social evening of cards and danc ing was held at the Bolton fire hall j last Tuesday evening. Those enjoy ! ing the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shoenheinz, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mc Carty, Mrs. Ellis Jones, Mr. and Mrs. N. McKillican, Mr. and Mm James McKillican, Mr. and Mrs. John Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammerle', Mr. and Mrs. C. . E. Reinke, Mrs. Maud McDonald, Mrs. Anna Taper, Miss Ella Reinke. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Glen Irish and John Founds. At a late hour a lunch was served consisting of sandwiches, pickles, cake and coffee. J. Rotter was an Oregon City visit or on Monday going to that city on business. . Mrs. Jt W. Jones is confined to her home with a severe cold. Lawrence Doty attended a dance at Willamette Saturday night. Jack Draper, -who has erected a modern bungalow in Bolton hopes to move in before long, Mrs. Clapp is very ill at her home suffering from .heart trouble. Mrs. Gordon Hammerle visited rel atives in Willamette Friday. Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Smith of Will amette visited relatives here Thurs day. Miss Agnes Englebrecht was a din ner guest at the E. O. Wright home Sunday. Mrs. Charles Smith was an Oregon City vititpr on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Reinke spent Saturday and Sunday in Portland as guests of Mrs. . Reinke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barbur and children, Margurette and Edgar, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ! Reinke in Oregon City on Sunday. Barlow BARLOW, Nov. 13 Orville Wid dows, who is employed on the survey or's gang at Salem spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Widdows of .Barlow. . A. Nelson went to Portland Monday on business. R. E. Cherrick, who is teaching school at Heppner spent a few days of last week at his home in Barlow. Fred Snider spent Armistice Day with his mother, Mrs. Goethal of Bar low, i ""VfllR! Mrs. Scroggins. who has .been visit ing her son in Marcolla, came home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J Andrus, who have been making their home in Portland, have moved back to Barlow. Mrs. Peterson, who has been quite ill for the last few weeks, Is impov ing rapidly. Miss Vernie Kimsey, who has been attending school at Mount Angel spent a couple of days last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tull of Barlow. Beaver Creek BEAVER CREEK, Nov. 13 A Sun day school institute under the super vision of Rev. Everett of Oregon City was held in the grange hall here last Thursday. The baseball boys gave a dance here Saturday night. The proceeds are to go towards paying for the pi ano. Among those attending the stock show in Portland last week were Mr. and Mrs1. S. P. Londergan, Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. George Havill and Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas. Lloyd Schram arrived home from Eastern Oregon last Friday for a fewv days' visit. He recently filed on a homestead in Harney county. Mr. and Mrs. George Havill visited with Mrs. Havill's mother, Mrs. Wil son of Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foglesong had as Sunday guests the former's brother-in-law, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. WTm. Burgess and baby of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hughes of Ore gon City called on friends in Beaver i Creek Sunday. Mrs. C. E. Spence, who had a ser ious attack of heart trouble several days ago, is reported as out of dan ger. Several of the local young people attended the charivari at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Carus Wednesday evening. Meadowbrook Items MEADOWBROOK, Nov. 16 This community was saddened by the death of Charles Holman early Satur day morning, caused from cerebral, hemorrhage. He had been sick for several days, but was somewhat im proved Friday. Charles Holman was born May 24, 1860 near Kelso, Wash., and in 1881 was married to Miss Beaulah Lee of Portland, moving to Meadowbrook in 1882, where he had lived most of the time on his farm until his death No vember 11, 1922 at the age of 62 years. Deceased is survived by his widow Mrs. Beaulah Holman of Meadow brook, a son, Ralph L. Holman, of Mo lalla, his daughters, Mrs. B. B. Cor nell of Boise, Idaho, Miss Mary Al ice Holman of-Orland, Cal., six grand children, three brothers, W." C. Hol man, Ben Holman and Rufus Holman of Portland and three sisters, Mrs. H. W. Ogjlbee, Miss Carrie Holman and Mrs. James A. Malarkey of Portland. Funeral services were held at the Portland crematorium, conducted by 'j the Elks Lodge. A mixed quartet ' consisting of Mrs. Mildred Anderson Hult, Miss Vendela Hill, Herman and Ben Chindgren sang two selections. Ben Chindgren sang a solo. Several from here attended the funeral, the family has the sympathy of their neighbors and old time friends. Mabel Dunrud of Portland "spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dunrud.' Mr. and Mrs. John Evans sold their farm near Dodge and moved to Mea dowibrook where they have purchased some land. Gleen Larkins of Kingston spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins. Mrs. Amelia Chindgren visited with her son, -Milton Chindgren, and. fam ily at Colton Sunday. W. G. Brown1" and family returned from California last week where they have been on a business trip for the past three months. . The Meadowbrook school is quite excited over the new vollety ball, basket ball and, net which, arrived Monday. They expect to have strong1 teams this winter. Arnold Hellbacka, who is working in Portland spent a few days with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. I. Hellbacker. Hazelia School Notes Contributed by Pupils of 'I Hazelia School . Margaret papoun visited Evange line Christiansen Sunday evening. Mrs. George Espen of Portland vis ited Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Duncan over the week-end. Lena Lehman and Everett Whitten took dinner at the Fiala home Sun day. ' - Mrs. F. W. Lehman had as her guest last Friday her brother, Elmer Shipley, of Pacific City. E. H. Cherney and family were all day visitors at the Jos. Spousta home Sundayv Mr." and Mrs. W. H. Zivney were afternoon visitors at the Winthel Stangles home of Wilson ville, Sun day. Several Hazelia folks are suffering from bad colds this week. - John Wilkins of Wilson ville visited his sister, Mrs. E. R. Whitten Sun day. Mrs. L-C. Lortz of Portland, visit- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. John son, Sunday. " Mr and Mrs. F. W. Lehman and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd of Oswego visited the Frank Whitten nome one evening this week. Miss Frances Willis took supper at the R. J. Zivney home Tuesday eve ning. Mrs. W. B. Baker and daughter, Wfllma Beth, Mrs. Hugh Baker, and Miss Ethel Thompson, visited at the W. BJ Cook home Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Zivney and fam ily visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zivney or Oswego Sunday. Wilbur and Donald Lehman were Sunday callers at the Frank Whitten home. Hazelia farmers are busy digging their potato crop. There is a fairly good yield this year but low prices. A road meeting will he held at Ha zelia school house Saturday, Novem ber 25 for the purpose of voting on a special road tax for tats district. Mrs. C- W. Childs and Mrs. Lizzie Walling visited ?, S. Barton last Mon day afternoon. Ed Wanker of Oswego took dinner and spent the day recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wanker. J. J. Burkhardt and family-visited relatives in Portland Sunday. J. H. Eastman and famny visited in Portland, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cenner and family of Colfax, Wash., arrived here Friday. They expect to- locate around here). Mrs. Benner was formerly An nie Borland and they are now visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Borland of Hazelia. Mr. and Mrs. George Nagel called at the Frank Child's home Tuesday., Lula Wanker of Oswego spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wanker. Mrs. AL J. Thompson and daughter, Ethel, and Mrs. Lizzie Walling took dinner at the W. P. Cook home Sun day. Mrs. availing is irom Garden Home and is visiting old friends in and around Hazelia. W. B. Cook and John Bieties went to the W. W. Everhart ranch near Mo lalla Tuesday returning with three head of registered hogs and six head of registered Cotswold sheep. W. B. Cook, county assessor," at tended the assessors' convention at Salem, Thursday and Friday. Quite a number of Hazelia people at tended the stock show in Portland this week. Engineer's Corps Is To Be Formed Here Organization jof an engineer's corps for Oregon City under the national guard, is to toe discussed at the next meeting of the American Legion Ser geant Freeman, of the engineer corps who held a commission during the re oent war, has been in Oregon City consulting with ex service men over the plan. The matter wil be presented to the legion by L. A. Henderson, for merly a captain in the engineer corps. GEORGE HOEYE CHIROPRACTOR Caufleld Bid. Phone 636-W ; Oregon City, Ore. Corral Creek School Contributed by Pupils of " Corral Creek School Mrs. Will Ridder, Mrs. Rob Graham . and Miss Eleanor Say were visitors at the school last week. Miss Rosetta Graham was married in Portland last week to George Rut ter. The young couple will make their home in Portland. The Corral Creek students have fin ished re-slating the school black boards. Elmer Jones, Ray Baker, and Rob Graham helped Aubrey Wood, butcher seven hogs last week. W. E. Vaughn is doctoring Henry Reissner's horse, which s improved at present. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker, Mrs. Verne Spencer, and Mr. ana Mrs. Roy Baker of Portland, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Ba ker!. Relatives here have received word of the death of H. Eyman, formerly of Corral Creek, but late of Camas, Washington. Dale Guyton, from Kent, Oregon, visited at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Elmer Jones. Sunday. - The Corral Creek school gave an Armistice Day program Friday after noon ... , Mr. and Mrs. Doris Young visited Mr.' and Mrs. R. B. Graham a few days ago. Orville Tally is cutting wood for Fred Wiedemann on the Norman Say place. Mrs. M. C. Howard from, Portland is visiting, her sons, R. W. and R. B. Graham. Miss Josepljpe Graham took din ner with- her cousin. Miss Josephine Graham Sunday afternoon. , GLADSTONE LOCALS At the special meeting of the Glad- stone council Thursday evening the ordinance regarding the duties and salary of the city attorney was read for the first, lime-. C. Schuble of Ore gon City "is acting as special attorney at present, Gladstone having no city attorney since the resignation of At - torney Hammond, who is now mayoi It was voted to pay a flat rate and have the attorney attend all . council meetings and attend to all legal busi- nesa - The final report of Engineer Miln relative to the cost of "improvements on Claridon and Exter streets was ac a .wv. rr and the street committee ordered to' go ahead with the work. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company was granted permission to erect poles for lights for O. E. Hall, who recently purchased the Spindle place. An ordinance calling for. an ' addi tional committee was read for the first time. This committee will be known as the ordinance and charges committee, to have charge of all or dinances and amendments. It was also ordered to fix up, the lights in the council chamber and the various election bills, were audited and ordered paid. Services at the Gladstone Baptist church will be held both morning and evening. Four men from Dr. Hinson's church in Portland will have charge. There will be special music, under the direction of Mrs. Eugene Noon Good Mrs. Kate Rambo, of Portland, who has been-a missionary for 13 years in India, will speak at both morning and evening services at the Christian' church. Rev. Williams, pastor, ana his wife are holding a series of meet ings at Dufur, Ore., at present. They will return to their pastorate here about the first of December. Mrs Thomas E. Gault is acting as chap erone of the "Polly Anna" club dur ing Mrs. Williams absence. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson will leave for California Saturday, where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Frost are moving to Gladstone from their farm near Cornelius. Mr. Frost has ac cepted a position with the Crown Wil lamette Pulp & Paper company. They will make their home with Mr. Frost's parents for the present, having sold j their home on Ariingnju Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hall, who re cently moved here from Oregon City. Mr. Hall has put in the service sta tion on the Freytag property. Mrs. C. A. Frost has retrned to her home here from Clackamas, where she assisted with the care of Grandpa Hartnell. The Gladstone football team wil pl3y the Garden Home team Sunday, on the Chautauqua park grounds. The Gladstone "Pick Up" football ii ti tho fnneh lunior team .com , in i on tne Benson neia noon. This -team has recently or- the Benson neia uaiuruo, eanizea ana uuh ckhou . . i eiecsa ybiuuu Chan tier captain and Airrea kowsu manager.' Mrs. Alexander, wife of. Dr. A. O. Alexander of this place, is comrneu, to her bed with a severe cold, which has settled on her lungs. Mrs. Belinda Zerkel . Of Willamette Dies Mr. Belinda Jane Zerkel, wife of rw 1 1 Tirnimatta H tA ot Amos z-er., ui vv ' """"" ' the family home Tuesday . November j 14. The cause of her death was par alysis. Mrs. Zerkel was born at Spring field, Ohio, June 8, 1844. She was mar ried June 4, 1856. Her parents were Daniel and Elizabeth Dickson. Deceased is survived by her hus band, and five children. Elmer, Minta, Minnie, Emma and Bert Zerkel. Mulino Couple Get Marriage License A marriage license was Issued Wednesday to Theodore F. Sager, 25 and Bernice I. Gard 21, both of Mulino r STILL IS LOCATED; MOONSHINER GETS LIMIT SENTENCE Ranch of Mike Lang at Boring Is Raided by. Sheriff And Deputies; Fifty Gallons of Mash, and Booze, Located SIX MONTHS IN JAIL AND $500 FINE GIVEN Heavy Punishmet Program As Attempted Check of Violations is Continued. Following the policy outlinedsever al months ago, to the effect that Jail sentences were the most effective weapon against moonshiners, Judge E. J. Noble in the justice court Tues day gave the limit sentence for first offense to Mike Lang, of Boring. $500 fine and six months in the county jaiL Lang was arrested by Sherriff Wil son and deputies Long and Hughes Tuesday on his 40 acre ranch a mile and a half south east of Boring. A complete copper still, fiftygalons of mash and a pint of finished product were found. - ONE STEAMER IS SUNK 0 j ASTORIA, Ore., Nov,. 13.- -The steam schooner Halco is resting on the bot tom of the river alongside the Ham mond Lumber company's wharf and the motorship Challamba is tied up at the port terminals with some of its j chain plates cracked and some plank- ing split as the result of a collision about 9 a. "m. yesterday. The crash occurred just below Altoona, Wash., when the Chalamba and the steam schooner Solano started to pass the Halco. a vessel on each tion caused the Halco to s werve and strike bow on against the Chal- lamba's starboard side. The Halco's stem was smashed be- 1UW lilt? WttlCf 1 1 uwi" t-- ceeded toAstoria under their own power. " - The Astoria fire department's pumper was used in an effort to keep the wter out of the Halco, but was unable to make headway against the inflow. The- vessels will be surveyed at Astoria today by Captain W. C. Mc Naught, surveyor to the San Francisco board of underwriters. The Halco will likely be discharged. The Challamba will likely be able to proceed to sea with slight delay. The Halco had lumber aboard forj California ports. The Challamba was en route 'from Portland to South American west coast ports with a full cargo of lumber loaded at Portland. The tug Crlckett sank in the Co lumbia river near Warrior fock whea it was rammed, by the steam schooner Wapama about 5 p. m. yesterday. The Wapama was en route to Portland, while the tug was moving down stream to Kelso. Two men operating the Crickett were thrown Into the river, but. were picked up by the Wapama, The Crickett, a 65-foot Diesel engined craft, was valued at about $20,000, according to Daniel Kern, president of the Columbia Con tract company, owner. Captain CJalo singer was in charge of the tug.. MY AUTO, TIS OF THEE My auto, 'tis of thee, Short road to poverty, - Of thee I chant. I blew a pile of dough. On thee three years ago; Now you refuse to go, or wan't, or can't. Through town and countryside, You were my joy and pride, A happy day. I loved the gaudy hue, The nice white tires new, But you're down and out for true. In every way. To thee, old rattle-box, Came many bumps and knocks, For thee I grieve. r.-j,, .1 . . ijaaiy iop is loriK -gy are tte seats. and Frayed are the seats, and worn; The wno0ping-cough affects they horn, rin hplpvA Thy perfume swells the breeze,. Wh i 1 rnnil folks rhokfi and wheeze. Ag WJ pas8 by I rjaid for thee a price, Twould buy a mansion twice. Now everybody's yelling "ice' I wonder why. Thy motor has the grippe, Thy spark plug has the pip, And woe is thine. i, too, have suffered chills, Fatlgue and kindred fflfc Endeavoring to pay my bills, i Since thou wert mine. Gone is my bank roll now: j No more 'twould choke the cow, I As once before. I Yet if I had the mon. So help me, John amen, I'd buy a car again, And speed some more. The American. I Through the efforts of women in Fredericksburg, Va the home of Washington's only ' sister, Mrs. Bet ty" Washington Lewis, has been pur chased for preservation as a perma nent memorial. N SMASH IN COLUMBIA JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent Mrs. Edith Truscott Entertains Friends JENNINGS LODGE, Nov. 16 Mrs. , Edith Truscott and son, Howard, and Miss Truscott entertained " charming-, ly on inursuaj- evmiis home on Blanton street "500" was ----- - , the diversion there being : tables .visit wUJ Mrs. Laura NeweU. aVeeHzerw;erde MTl and Mrf ter ;spent .last Tuesday Mrs. H. H. Emmons and Dave Clem-i in Portland. fnts held the highest scores, while; Mrs. g-JIT Sr the consolation prizes were given to Luncheon C ub on Tuesday at her Mrs. Edw. Pearson and Hugh Roberts, borne on Hull Ave. Covers were laid Citu .hnnt Ti tahlpa at the re- t .-to vino- nf de- licTuT cake" and icecream were Messers and Mesdames. David clem- ents. H. H. Emmons, Edw. Pearson, Hugh Roberts, O C. Hole. R. L. New- ccmib. Norman Chapman, Jerry Mad - den, R. G. Thompson, Warren Swart, Wm. Moritz, Stanish Shepperd, R. H. Hendry, G. M. Caldwell, Fred Bret cher. Miss Kaminski. Mrs. Edith Truscott left Sunday for Washington, D. C, where she will spend the winter with her uncle. En route she will visit her mother at Madison, Wisconsin- and friends at Des Moines, la. Previous to her departure, Mr. and Mrs. Emmons ' entertained friends honoring Mrs. Truscott on Sunday, Nov. 5th-. Those" enjoying the dinner were , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mor gan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoag, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gl Thompson, Miss Truscott, Miss Kam inski and Howard Truscott. Open Meeting Held By Parent Teachers JENNINGS LODGE, Nov. 16 The open meeting of the Parent-Teachers Association, which was held on Fri day evening at the school house, prove a very interesting and enter taining one. It was given as a wel come to the teachers. Mrs. Hill, state president, spoke on Child's Welfare work." Mrs.. Pearson told of the happenings of the state convention at Eugene. Brenton Ved der spoke on the requirements of a standard school. Mrs. Landsdown and Mrs. Altman also gave talks. Mrs. Hugh Fleming sang accompanied by Mr& Dannells being a delightful fea ture. The Theroux orchestra gave several selections ' and were enthusi astically received. This orchestra means much to"' our community and our programs are not complete with out their music. A goodly number wasterved with cookies and coffee. Those who lent their efforts to the success of Jthe evening's reception were 'Mrs. Olin Ford, Mrs. W. I. Blinstone, Mrs. R. H. Hendry, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. Geo. Pooler. New Members Added To Community Club JENNINGS LODGE, Nov. .16 The Jennings Lodge Community Club held a very delightful social affair at the church on Wednesday evening, many responding to the invitations sent out. The road committee composed of J. A. Johnson, A. F. Russell, Chas. Meldrum, Dave Clements, Howard Truscott, W, I. Blinstone and W. W. Woodbeck spoke on the special levy for this road district. ." Gratifying to the club was the in creased membership roll when 20 new members were added at this meeting. A pleasing program consisting of the repeating of Hillarity Hall, and a recitation by Mrs. Blinstone by re quest and a song by H. R. Hendry with the audience joining on the chorus was much enjoyed by all. Serving the delicious refreshments were Mesdames Swart and Chapman and Messrs. Truscott, Clements and Rabbins, who also'' had charge of the arrangements which made the affair replete with success. No Host Day Held By Guild at Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Nov. 16 The recent "no host" day of the Gnild was not such a success in the point of attendance but was greatly enjoy ed by the 14 who attended. The devotional subject was socia bility and brought forth a sort of round table of discussion. Mrs. Babler presided at the business- hour. The committees are all working to" bring about one of the most successful bazaars ever held at this place, which will be given on Dec. 8, with a supper at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. Edw. Pearson presided at the coffee urn, Mesdames J. W. Jones. W. L Blinstone and Hugh Roberts serving sandwiches and cake. Others attending were Mesdames Ben Losey. Arthur Smith, Harry Wil Hams, Ella Mac Hargue, Ella Kenue dy, TJnabel Bechtel, ' Betty Map:e, Edith Truscott, Geo. Gardner, Jerryj Maaaen. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Rex Bechtel has gone to Adams, Ore), to attend high school and will assist in his uncle's store outside of school hours. Florence Wilson attended the old er girls' conference at the Baptist church on Friday last. Nineteen relatives gathered at the Wm. Moritz home on Sunday to meet Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Weberg and 3 children, who have recently arrived from Neville, Canada. The eut-of-town folks were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nlppolt and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nip pon of Multnomah. Mrs. Lloyd Spooner spent Sunday with home folks and is returning to Philadelphia to join her husband, who is on the military staff at the Uni versity of Penn. Rev. Herbert G. Crocker has pur chased a half acre tract from Mrs. Olin Ford on County road and plans to build a modern six room bungalow. Clare Maple has been called A& jury service. Mrs. Zaddach has returned to ner . . ,sllQm(t aftp- nlA,cant r : Mrs. Shelton Bechtel entertained with a luncheon on Thursday noon honoring her mother, Mrs. Lestowe of j Adams, Ore., who ,s spending two months here. Covers were laid for i Miss Sarah E. Holloway favored i with a piano selection at the lunch- eon nour Raymond Vesek is suffering from an attack of tonsilitis. The house belonging to Henry Wet zler was totally destroyed by fire early on Thursday evening. It was located on the river on part of the Roethe tract and had been occupied by Mr. Wetzler and his daughter un til recently when they had taken up their residence in Portland. It was occupied by renters at the time of the fire, and was covered by insur ance. Miss Helen Barrett of the Logan district was a week-end visitor at the home of her aunt, Mrs. H. Batler Miss Barrett is a student at the Ore gon City high school. Mrs. John Victor and children of Vineyard were week end guests of. Mrs. Langdon Spooner. Miss Grace Burco spent Sunday with her brother, Harry and family. Miss Burco is with Miss Genevieve Kidd, head of the nurse registry and doctors' exchange. Mrs. Woodbeck attended the Wo men's Club in Oregon City on Thurs day last. ' - Sheldon Bechtel has returned from a business trip to Carlton, Ore. Mrs. E. B. Miller of Aurora was the guest of Mrs. Julia Ulabrand recently. Mp and Mrs. Oliver Tagley of Port land and Miss Jennie Tagley of Ber miji, Minn., spent Tuesday with Mrs. Boh Cook Teddy Pierce caught an 8 pound salmon last Saturday. Enjoying the last plunge of the season in the Willamette on Sunday were Keith and Hugh Allen, Kenneth Wilcox and Halmon Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner and baby of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Milliken of Willamette, spent Sun day with S. A, Mosher. Mrs. Turner is Mr. Mosher's sister1. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Welsh and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Port land were Sunday visitors at the Ralph Thomas' home. - Watler Hoag, who has recently re turned from the Orient, spent Friday evening with Wesley Barker. Walter is a son of Chas. Hoag, city editor of the Oregon Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrici pent Sunday with Mrs. Henrici's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Shelly, of Moun tain .View Mr. Packett is a recent arrival of Jennings Lodge. He was awarded the cash prize of $2000.00 by the Cos mopolitan in their story contest, which was written by Mr. Packett while homesteading near Silver. He will devote his time to writing while at this place. Miss Florence Holloway was a week-end visitor at the C. R. Hollo way home. - Mrs. Alice Jones, a visitor from Spokane at the (Dan Jones home is visiting her son this week in Port land. G. O. Weberg and family, who have recently arrived from Neville, Cana da, have purchased the Grady home in the Meldrum district. They are to take possession the first of the week. ' Mi), and Mrs. Norman Chapman en tertained friends on Saturday with an evening at cards. Mrs. Hugh Roberts will have the bazaar supper committee at a very informal lunch on Friday noon. Plans for the supper in connection -with the bazaar are to be formulated. The committee is composed of Mrs. Wm. Jacobs, Mrs. 4Nellie Deter, Mrs. S. H. Griffith, Mrs. J. W. Jones, Mrs. "Wood beck, Mrs. Ulabrand and Mrs. Hook er, with the hostess as chairman.. The Jennings Lodge community club especially desires the co-operation in its efforts to build up the so cial, religious and (Commercial life of the community and has sent out cordial invitations for their social meeting on Wednesday evening-. Nov. 15. There will be a discussion on the coming special levy for improve ments on our roads. C. C. Hole is president of the club. Miss Dimmy Mullen, of Indianapo lis, Ind., has returned to Oregon and Is a guest of Miss Ruth Cook. Rev. and Mrs. Reul Snider have gone to Forest Grove to spend a few weeks on his father's farm before leaving for California. Philip Baltimore, who was injured some two weeks ago, when he fell from a moving van has sufficiently re covered to leave the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin and son, 6pent Monday at Jennings Lodge Dr. Betteridge and wife and Df and Mrs. Geo. Grilliam spent the week end at Jennings Lodge, Iboth are prominent dentists of Portland. Frank Lacey, a real estate dealer, of Portland, was looking after his property interests hereon Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Pooler's class of eight girls attended the Girls' conference in Oregon City on Friday. The or chestra from here gave several selec tions. Mrs. Warren . Swart attended a large reception given by Mrs. Harry Edwards at her home in. Rose City Park, honoring her sister, Mrs. Louis Abelli, a visitor from Bolivio, South America. Mrs. Wart was a luncheon guest of Mrs. C. H. Farrington on Tuesday at her pretty Portland home.