OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 0, 1 922. Pae six Willamette F. Frederic! and Mr. Franzel left last Wednesday morning on a duck hunting trip into" the Tillamook coun try. ' A silver tea for the benefit of the Congregational church of Oregon City was given at the home of Mrs. H. Leisman on Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in a social manner, the ladies enjoying sewing. About four o'clock refreshments were eerved to the following: Mrs. Has kell, Mrs. Mark, Mrs. Pearl, Mrs. H. C. Stephens, Mrs. C. D. Latourette, Mrs. C H. Caufield, Mrs. Loughery, Mrs DeBok, Mrs. Glen Epler, Mrs. J. A. Ream, Jr., and son, Kenneth, Mrs. Thornberry, Mrs. J. A. Ream, Sr., Miss Winnie DeBok, Mrs. W. A. White, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Emory Ream and the hostess, Mrs. H. Leisman. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buckles and son of Willamette were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jonnson at their home in Holly Gardens on Friday of last week! Mr. and Mrs. Johnson re cently moved from Willamette to Hol ly Gardens. Hallowe'en was appropriately ob served in Willamette, spooks, goblins and witches being seen on their mys terious errands around town. Some mischief resulted but no serious harm was done. Several gates were miss ing the following morning and sever al automobiles were moved to a dif ferent location, also a few fences were placed across the roads but' it was all accepted in the spirit of fun. One of the largest parties of the season was given in the school gym nasium on Thursday evening, Octob er 26, the hostesses being the Misses Naomi Miller and Verna Peter. Games were played, the Hallowe'en spirit being observed throughout the eve ning which caused much merriment. At a late hour delicious refreshments were served to the following guests Hilda Campbell, Clara Kinney, Letha Shadle, Jeanette Waldron, Emily Hoover, Esther Lindquist, Mildred Decern, Alice Woods, Josephine Sut ton, Florence Jones, Jessie Farlein, Nila Farlien, Naomi Barnes, Ethel EmmRreon, William Morgan, Jlacob Spatz,. Frank Truit, Paul Moles, John Novlanski, Philip Tuor, Gerald Baty, B. Decker, Ernest Wallis, Willard Brady, Chester Carpenter, Gordon Tuor, Preston Overton, Ted Hoover, t James Patterson, Delmer' DeNeui, Seldon Porter, Joseph Novlanski, Henry Hoover, Arthur Hagen, James Farlein, Marshal Jones, Lloyd Bay singer and the chaperones Thelma DeBok, Mary Shannon, and Frances Waldron. Mr. and Mrs. White of McMinnville hive rented the Bevins place on Twelfth street recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Larsen. Mr and Mrs. George Batdorf and daughter, Marian, were Portland vis itors on Friday of last week. Mrs. Carl Khale of Stafford was in Willamette on Friday afternoon where she visited her father, Mr. Balzimer. She also visited friends. The members of the Junior Choir were given a Hallowe'en party at the home of their instructor. Miss Flor ence Fromong, on Tuesday evening. The party was in the form of a mas querade and all the members were attired as ghosts. The lights were ded and ghost stories were told and Hallowe'en games which had been arranged were played. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Fromong and the hostess to the guests whd were Ethel Irish, Sonora Brown, Eu nice Morrell, Gladys Mootry, Lucille Emmereon, Helen Smith, Mary Laurs, Anna Matlaski, Annie Myers, Doro thy DeBok, Doris Andrus, Lula Bab- cock, Jean McLean, Brownie Matlas ki, Alice Beardsley, Annie Lours, Gladys Dollar, Emily Hoover, and Na omi Barnes. Earl Mootry, who is attending Will amette University, spent the week end in Willamette visiting at the home of his parents. Mrs. Grace Cantrill and daughter, Vesta, of Vancouver, visited at the home of the former's parents Mtr. and Mrs. Marion Bennett, last week. The local branch of the Fraternal Brotherhood lodge wave a large ball in the Leisman hall last Tuesday eve ning. Most of those attending came in masquerade costume and after dancing for a number of times the following prizes were given: "George Washington", Mrs. Lee Porter and 'Martha Washington", Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman; "The Gold Dust Twins" Frances Carpenter and Maxine Tuor; "Mr. Jiggs", C. B. Willson, .Maggie Jiggs". Mrs. M. J. Brown. Harry Shipley was also awarded a prize for his clever costume. The ball was at tended by many lodge members from Oregon City and also a number of people came from Stafford and Frog pond. Mrs. John Kaiser of Petes Moun tain was a guest at the home of her niece, Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman last Sunday. Mrs. Frank Shipley and Mrs. John Rauch spent Friday shopping in Port land. The work of paving the gap in the road between Oregon City and Will--amette is progressing rapidly the last few days. We hope for a few days more of good weather and the pave ment will all be laid and the road can bs opened for traffic by the time the new bridge between Oregon City and West Linn is completed. Many people expect the new bridge to be opened for traffic by December 15. Homer Beals, who has been em ployed by the Western Union as " messenger boy for the past year, has accepted a position in the Doolittle Grocery Store in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaiser, who are making their home near Vancouv er for the winter spent the week-end in Willamette visiting relatives. Herbert DeBok, returned home Friday evening from Condon, where he has been employed for the past eight months. The Willamette Progressive Club held their first meeting of the sea son last Monday evening. Judge Cross was the speaker of the eve ning. A miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Mrs. E. A. Leisman last .Thursday evening- in honor of Lorraine Martin of Oregon City, who will become the bride of Lloyd Math ers within a few weeks. Mr. Mathers, who has made Willamette his home for several years, has purchased a home in Prescott, Oregon, where the young couple will make their home. Miss Martin was the recipient of many useful and pretty gifts from her friends. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed and delicious refreshmnts were served in cafeteria style. Those present were Mrs. Riley Denton, Mrs. Frank Shipley, Mrs. J. A. Ream, Jr., Mrs. Emory Ream, Mrs. N. O. Whit ney, Mrs. Harold Leighton, Mrs. A. P. Tuor, Mrs. A. B. Buckles, Jr., Mrs. Walter Larsen, Mrs H. Peter, Mrs. Harold White, Mrs. H. Leisman, Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. Clem Dollar, Mrs. Lucy Mathers, Mrs. Lee Porter, Misses Gladys Baker, Lois Martin. Gladys Fredericks, Rosena Elligsen, Thelma DeBok, Mary Leisman and the honored guest, Lorraine Martin. The girls of the Willamette schopl have organized two basket ball teams with Miss Mary Shannon as coach. The line-up on the first team is as follows: center, Alice Woods; run ning center, Esther Lindquist; for wards, Jeanette Waldron and Hazel King; guards, Nila Farlein and Clara Kann'ey. The girls chosen for the second line-up follows: center, Jo sephine Sutton; running center, Na omi Miller; forwards, Jessie Farlein, Mildred DeNeui; guards, Emily Hoov er, and Ethel Emmerson. A great deal of interest and enthusiasm is being shown in the school in all kinds of athletics. Pearl Turner of Oregon City was a guest of Clem Dollar at his home on Sunday afternoon. The West Linn city council has chosen the following to serve, on the city election board; judges, Gladys 'Baker and Clara Batdorf; clerks, Mrs. Amy Bersie, Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Williams. Mrs. George Elligsen and daughter, Miss Rosena, spent the day in Portr land. Mrs. Ida" Adamson was given a sur prise party last Thursday afternoon in honor of her birthday anniversary. The afternoon was spent in a social manner, Mrs. Walter Bennett of Ore gon City favored the guests with several readings. Mrs. Adamson was given a jardiniere in remembrance of her birthday anniversary. About four o'clock refreshments were serv- ( ed to the guests, who were Mrs. Hen ningsen, Mrs. J. W. Saunders, Mrs. Walter Bennett, Mrs. M. A. Hadley, of Oregon City and Mrs. Viola Fro mong, Mrs. G. H. Peter, Mrs. H. Leisman, Mrs. H. Wallis, Mrs. J. Rauch, Mrs. George Batdorf, Mrs. M. Bennett, Mrs. Robert Young, Mrs. Lee Porter, Mrs. R. F. Junkens, Mrs. Clem Dollar. Grandma Gross moved into her rnew six room house on Sixth avenue the first of the week. The Willamette football ejeven played the Oswego eleven on the West Linn field on Friday afternoon. The score was 58 to 0 in favor of Willamette. Most of the Willamette pupiU hiked from Wil'amette to the game and home again chaperoned by their teachers. Willamette was well represented at the football game at Gresham last Friday afternoon. All declared it was a good game and was much en joyed. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Toedtermeier are rejoicing over the arrival of their first son at the Oregon City hospital on Sunday, November 4. Ruby Dor othy, the little daughter, is staying at the home of Mrs. Van Bibber. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gary entertain ed Rev. and Mrs. Shaffer and family of Portland at dinner at their home on Sunday. Several ladies from Willamette at tended the lecture by ex-nun .Lucretia in Oregon City on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rohr and two daugh ters of Portland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Bibber on Sun day. About seventh of the Epworth league members and the young peo ple of Willamette attended a "Mother Goose" party at Leisman's hall last Thursday evening. The guests came in masquerade costume representing mother goose characters and each guest acted the entire rhyme he rep resented. The prize of a book of Mother Goose rhymes for the most clever costume was awarded to Letha Shadle. Late in the evening, after games had been enjoyed, refresh ments were served. Mary Leisman and her mother. Mrs H. Leisman spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives, who live near Hillsboro. Miss Janess Sutton spent several days last week visiting friends in Gresham. Mahlon Snidow and family moved last week from their home on Fifth avenue to the Achilles farm, which they have rented. ' A Hallowe'en party which was very much enjoyed was given at the home of Amelia Paulin on Saturday eve ning. The house was prettily decor ated with crepe paper and pumpkins. The evening was spent in dancing and games after which refreshments wefe served to the following: Laura Peter, Gladys Shepard, Louise Hag- en, Estelle Sidden, Mary Mantha, Louis Desher, Ludwig Hagen, Wil liam Smith, Elmer Hagen, Percy Os borne, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rodgers, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Joe Paulin and the hostess, Miss Paulin. Mrs. Melvin Young and daughter, Elizabeth, visited at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Amelia Boek man in Mountain Road last Satur day. Orilla Oliver left Willamette on Wednesday for Portland to begin her hospital training course at the Eman uel hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Junken enter tained a few friends last Tuesday evening in an informal manner. Hal lowe'en refreshments, ginger bread, doughnuts, and cider were served to the guests who were Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Adamson, Lynn Rauch, Mrs. Jess Hyatt and daughter, Una, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larsen and son, Milner, Mabel Larsen, Esther Lar sen ,and Arda Cox. - H. Martin is suffering from a brok en blood vessel in his head. The first of the week his condition was report ed to be improving. (Continued on Page 7.) Services Held For Over Seas Veteran SANDY, Nov. 7 The funeral of Enrils S. Townsend, which was held at Estacada last Saturday, was at tended by a host of friends from this section. "The sermon was preached by the Methodist minister of Estacada,- and the music was furnished by the Sandy quartet, Miss Gertrude Pierce, accompanist. The Sandy Ma sonic lodge, assisted by- members from Gresham, Troutdale, Estacadtt and Portland had charge of the burial service. Jack Greenwood of Bull Run acting as master of ceremonies. Mr. Greenwood read the burial service, which was very impressive. The Loy al Legion of Gresham also assisted in the last rites. The Sandy Masonic, I. O. O. F., Eastern Star and Rebekah lodges sent elegant floral pieces in loving memory of their esteemed brother, the deceased having attended the Ma sonic lodge at Sandy the night before his tragic death. Townsend was born at Woodburn, and was 34 years of age. He entered the service Nov. 4, 1917, and was overseas with the Third Oregon and was soon after transferred , to the First Oregon. He was in all the big engagements in which the American army toon part except one, and was severely gassed, receiving a citation at Verdun. He reached "the front just before the Soissons drive. He was wounded Oct. 1, 1918. Mr. Town send was married to Miss Ethel Stan ton of Portland, Oct. 10, 1914, and had lived at Bull Run nine years. P-T Entertainment Is Decided Success SANDY, Nov. 6 The receipts irom the Parent Teacher entertainment Saturday night were $81 and every one is jubilant over the success of the affair. The program was in every way Dleasing and none but words of praise have been heard about each, number. Coffee, cake and sandwiches were sold after the program, and a social time was enjoyed, after which Henry Perret auctioned off cakes and sandwiches. Mrs. Henry Perret was chairman of the refreshment commit tee, and she and her helpers worked hard to make their part of the eve ning a success. Mrs. Malar and Mrs. Connors put on the first halt of the program, and the children performed splendidly. The program was as follows: songs by school; "The Proposal", Dorothy Wolfe and Ronnie Esson; calesthen ic drill; jack o'lantern song and drill; recitation, Merlyn Malar; doll drill and song from the child opera "Wang", in which Roberta Smith was little "Miss Muffet", Arletha Proctor "BoJpeep" and Stearns Eason "Jack Horner". Numbers on part two of the nroeram were selections (by the San dy mixed and male quarters, solos by F. D. Eason, Lyman Warnock, pi ano solos, Desiree Strack, readings, Miss Margaret Miller. Cottrell Scholars Give Fine Program SANDY, Nov. 6 -A splendid Hal lowe'en program was given by pupils of the Cottrell school at the Parent Teacher meeting last Friday night. The program was in charge of Mrs. H. H. Van Fleet and Miss Schenk, teachers. (During the business session the fol lowing officers for the coming year were elected: Mrs. H. H. Watkins, president; Mrs. Wm. Bancke, vice president; Miss Schenk, secretary ana Mrs. Ray Wilkinson treasurer. The president will appoint a new committee of three each month to put on a program, also a new com mittee of three to serve refreshments each time, and hostesses are alsq appointed to look after the audience and see that all newcomers get ac quainted and that everyone has a good time. Pumpkin pie, cider and coffee were served at the close of the program Friday night. Students of Union -High School Elect SANDY, Nov. 7 The union high school student body has organized and have elected the following offi cers: president, Mildred Bosholm; vice-president, Ruth Krebs; secretary. Pearl Dixon; treasurer, Mildred Jarl, sergeant-at-arms, Lewis Murray. The Student body will meet every two weeks. "High Jinks" were put on by the upper classmen Friday night at the Odd Fellow's hall when the 24 'fesh- ies" were initiated. After the cere monies were over refreshments, con sisting of pumpkin pie and other good things were served. A number of guests were present. PIANO "EN EFIT HELD - SANDY, Nov. 7 An entertainment and pie social were held at the Bright wood hall recently for the benefit of a piano fund for the Brightwood school. The "cheapest" pie sold brought $1.25, and the highest price paid was $6.00. Charley Bailey was the successful auctioneer. The affair was arranged by Miss Fowler, the Brightwood teacher. CHOICE MEATS MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Mazam as Hear Fine Lecture bv Hiker . SANDY, Nov. 7 About 100 Ma ramas spent the week-end at Asch oirs and had a merry time. They; put on a big program of various stunts, and listened to lectures and were also entertained by Louis Schus, who represents the American Sign Co. of Philadelphia. Harry Thomas brought Schus out to spend the week-end at the hotel, and Schus proved very entertaining to the Ma zamas as(he told of the 25,000 mile trip on foot he made a few years ago. This sprinter was not allowed to ac cept charity, he had to work for every cent of "dough" so painted signs as he went, and at the end of the trip had $2,000 saved up. Schus is also a cartoonist. He now has a 5-year con tract to travel over the V S. in an auto to advertise for the Cocoa-Cola company Driver Exonerated In Fatal Accident SANDY, Nov. 7 Clarence Everett of Flrwood who had the unfortunate experience of being in the automobile accident which killed S. H. Sheller near Linneman Sunday evening, came home Tuesday morning, and was fully exonerated at the Inquest held Mon day night at Portland. Everett was a Sandy high school . boy, and- quit school about two weeks ago because he wanted to go to work. Geo. Al gire was with Everett at the time of the accident Workman Injured On Big Sandy Dam y SANDY, Nov. 6 Nick Vanderhoof fell off the flume at the Big Sandy dam today where he was working and his right leg wasbroken, a rib frac tured, and he was badly bruised. The injured man was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital this afternoon by Otto Aschoff. Mrs. Emma Thomas helped get Vanderhoof ready to take to the hospital. The break was at the ankle and some of the small bones protruded through the flesh. Sandy Womens Club Meets oii-Thursdav SANDY, Nov. 6 Mrs. A. Hoernick er and Mrs. Geo. Beers entertained the Sandy Women's club at the home of Mrs. J. C. Duke last Thursday, with the president, Mrs. Blanche Shelley in the chair. The following ladies were present: Mrs. Shelley, Mrs Duke, Mrs. Hoernecker, Mrs. Geo. Beers. Mrs. Thomas Clifford, MrsrR. C. Shipley, Miss Margaret Miller", Miss Sybil Lindell, Mrs Flor ence Connors, Mrs. R. Mullholland, Miss Gertrude Walling, Mrs. Edna Esson and Mrs J. M. C. Miller. Several Planning to Spend Winter South SANDY, Nov. 6 Among those planning- to spend the winter away from here are Mrs Geo. Beers and daugh ters, Hazel and Lois, who expect to leave for San Diego before Thanks giving, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Christian son and children who will also go to Southern California. Mr and Mrs. Jack Scales still hope to go south for a portion of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. August Hoernlcker will Ibe in Port land this winter. Additional Tax to Be Voted on Nov 18 SANDY, Nov. 6 A road district meeting to vote 'an additional tax will be held at the following places on Saturday, Nov. 18: At Sandy city hall, 8:00 P. M.; at Firwood school house, 2:00 p. M.; at Sandyridge new school house. 1:00 P. M.; at Bull Run school house, 1 P.M.; at the Cot trell community church, 1:30 P M.; at Deep Creek school house, 7:30 P. M.; at (Damascus communitty house, 8 P. M.; at Almes, 8 P. M. There should be a large attendance at these meetings of all legal voters. PROGRAM POSTPONED SANDY, Nov. 6 The regular com munity Sunday evening program has been postponed from next Sunday night, Nov. 12, to Sunday evening, Nov. 26, when a special Thanksgiving program will toe given. There have been so many things going on the past two weeks it seems impossible to get talent together for the song service this week. SANDY LOCALS SANDY, Nov. 6 Mrs. Henry Her man of Sandyridge, who was operat ed on at the Good Samaritan hospital last week is improving rapidly. Mrs. Herman had a large tumor removed from her stomach, and was very ill. Little Arthur Lundeen. who was brought home from - the hospital re cently is getting along fine, and his injured limb Is not shorter than the other. The child was in the hospital several months. He is the son of Mr. FAIR PRICES As p good Judge of Meats, you'll ii, , Duying here where there are so many luscious Steaks, Chops and i ..oasts. . Quality Meats Only. Gresham Meat Market A. J. W. Brown ' 1 1 1 II illPx so banking . J J j J I (IJJt, systems like the Fed- - . 1 S ay 1 1 1 eral Reserve "System, - 1 1""'-Ttriil but also with an indi- -W It II vidualba?k- ' S I l jj As we grow in number of depos- I l I itors, which has been steady and ' 43 II I continuous from our organization in 'V-7 ij U l ! 1905, we are enable to give each N? mm ""I 1 I 1 1 an every one better service. We A'fm ' ' ' Ji. have all the facilities of a city bank 31 THERE and a11 tne advantages of a country ff 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii I if bank for the man living in the 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ' j country. Try us on any financial 1 1 1 1 J I 1 matter that may come up. "jffi ' ,PUj FIRST , jjlj r EgTAW" 7 ySYSTEM and Mrs. Victor Lundeen of Sandy ridge. Tony Miller has moved back to the home of Chas. Krebs at Deep Creek again. "Uncle"-Morgan and Ike Anderson from Boring and Orient were among the Masons taking part in the Town send funeral. Mrs. Marie Krebs and Herman Krebs were down to the hospital re cently to see Mrs. Henry Herman. Mrs. W. H. Thompson was recently entertained at the Miller home with several other guests. J. Fred Connors, husband of Mrs. Florence Connors came out from the 'city to spend the week end and at tended the program Saturday night. Connors was a guest at the Duke home. The stork made a visit to" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Judd, and left a 10 pound baby daughter, last week. The Judd ranch Is near Dwyer camp. This is the Judd's first child. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell gave a lit tle party on Sunday afternoon for Helen Beaver. Those present were Clara "and Myrtle Sitz, Mildred and Florence Flateau. A birthday cake with .11 candles, chicken sandwiches and Jink lemonade were served. Oth ers present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed) Littlepage and Ray, and Mrs. Ed Si- CtChas. Krebs was In town Sunday and Monday. Krebs has had trouble In finding a reasonable price for his 4 tons of dried prunes. Krebs says he has "been doctoring up" for ap pendicitis and la feeling "brand new" again. Mrs. Eugene Boitano spent several days in the city last week and "Mar io" took care of the children. Mrs. Joel Jarl has been home a week from Medford where she i keeping books while enjoying the mild winter climate there. Vernice Jarl is in high school there. Mrs. L. J- Keenan and baby were out recently to visit at the home of Warren Wllklns. The Esson children entertained their young friends Hazel Dixon, Jonne Shelley and Dorothy Dixon last Sunday at supper. Miss Margaret Miller was a recent dinner guest at the home of the Duke family Mrs." F. J. Suckow visited Mrs. Has kell Ferrin recently and says Mrs. Ferrin (Esther Spillman) is feeling fine and her arm has been removed from the cast, which is good news to her many friends here Mrs A. W. Bell went to Portland; again this week where she is improv ing under the care of a Naturopath, doctor. Mrs. Bell was home for the entertainment Saturday night. Mrs. L. Lehnfleld says she Is keep ing 6 brood sows in fine shape and feeding them practically nothing but what they get from running In the orchard. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerr and chil dren were out again this week end and. as always, gave liberally to the Sunday school collection. C L. Shaw purchased R. A. Chown s big team and says he will find enough work hauling wood for C. A. Bowers to keep him out of mischief this win ter Shaw recently returned from the Dixon camp at Summit where he was working till the snow came on." There seemsto be plenty of work around here for all the local laborers, especially for those who can take most any kind of a job. Thomas Kubitza got home from the Parent Teacher entertainment at 1 A. M. Sunday morning and it was so cold he was afraid his potatoes would freeze so he and young Tommy picked up 18 sacksof "spuds" in the moonlight. Mrs. Kubitza kept a fire going and about 2:30 they all "turn ed in." ' " Mr and Mrs. - James Strain (Bar bara Zogg) are rejoicing over the ar rival of a 10 pound daughter which they have named Louise Cornelia in honor of both grandmothers. Mrs. Strain is at a private hospital near Troutdale and is getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Zogg now have four granddaughters. Mrs. Anton Malar went to the In ternational Stock Show Sunday, and again on Tuesday. Both grade rooms were dismissed Tuesday., which time will be made up. 1 The radio outfit at Bull Run lake has proved very entertaining for the boys. Concerts from Seatttle, political news, and happenings for Los Ange les, San Bernandino and Salt Lake have been received, and the "boys" can also broadcast. At 3 o'clock in the morning some fine concerts have been heard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forman 'and the Zogg boys may get home for Christmas. All the Zogg children are going to try to be home for a family reunion at the Cferistmastide. Miss Amelia Zogg may he home soon from! Easern Oregon for a visit. . Alton Phelps was in town a few, days ago from Bull Run lake. He re ported snow over the Summit. There is only a small crew at work now, some 15 or, -20 men. Many Bull Run friends attended the McKee funeral which was held - at Woodburn. Reuben Hoffman went to Portland Monday, taking 20 sheep to the Port land stock yards. Mrs. Martin Pizzola has returned from a three weeks' visit in Portland. Remember the Grange meeting to morrow and spelling contest. Every body invited in the afternoon. Tonight there will be fun and frolic for everybody at the Odd Fellow's hall to celebrate Armistice day, di rected by Miss Miller, principal of the high school. The community council has appoint ed Rev. G. S. Berreman as president in place of Rev. Earl Cotton, resign ed. The council has changed plans and will not have a community Thanksgiving dinner at Cottrell, but will hold a watch meeting there, in stead, on New Year's eve. There were never so many toma toes home grown in this section as this fall. 1 Dr Julius C- Sture attended the health show In Portland last week. Miss Stanton of the Portland Boys' and Girls' Aid Society was out paying a visit to this section last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Henson have moved into their cozy new bungalow and are enjoying It better than tent life, although the finishing is nof completed inside. The good work goes on at the union high 'building, and everybody visiting the town remarks "what a fine struc ture." J. W. Dixon brought home 18 ducks from a hunting trip a few days ago and "fed up" the family and the neighbors again on these rare "eats." The Willing Workers of the Cot trell community church are working on a play, "Sewing for the Heathen" which will be given at their bazaar, which will be held Dec. 15. Rev. Earl Cotton paid a short visit to Orient recently and attended the community council meeting at the home of Miss Dolan. Miss Elsie Miller of Portland was out for a short stay with her sister, Miss Margaret Miller, recently. Tommy Scales and Reuben Hoff man went to Portland to the Stock Show the first of the week. Dewey Alt and Glenn Corey were down to enjoy the high jinks when the "Freshies" were initiated. Mr. and Mrs. W. Oren Ganger were over from Bull Run Monday night and enjoyed dinner at the parental table of Mr and Mrs. James W. Dix on. S Although Fred McKee was not so well known at Sandy as was Ennls Townsend, still much sorrow is felt here because of his tragic death andl the young wife and her three year old daughter have the sympathy of the community. Miss Carrie Lamereaux, a former -teacher at Firwood and well known here was recently married to a Mr. Robertson. - Edna Masters, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Douglass is home from the hospital but has not entire ly recovered from her long siege of illness. Mrs. John Revenue has returned from Bend where she remained sev eral months helping take care of her son, Roy Hamblin, who passed away several weeks ago. Mr Hamblin had been ill for about six years with tu bercular trouble. " He leaves a wife. Roy was well known here and his death is regretted by many friends. ' V ' There was a large audience at the Odd Fellow's hall Sunday to hear the speech of J. C. "Bauer, an eastern man, who spoke against "the parochial school bill. Corral Creek School Contributes by Pupils of Corral Creek School Miss Claire Say, who has been at tending school at Monmouth is home for a visit. She will return to Mon mouth about Monday. Harry Fisher, of Calgary, Canada, is to spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Minor. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones enter tained about 30 young people at a Hallowe'en party at their home last Tuesday evening. A lunch was serv ed and the remainder of the evening was spent playing games. Everyone reported a fine time. A new bridge is under construction at the bottom of Say's hill. - It will probably be finished in a short time. The Mother's Club gave a recep tion -Friday night for the teacher, Blanche Brown. A dinner was served and games and a. fortune-telling booth furnished entertainment for the evening. About 60 people were pres. ent. Aubrey Wood, who was injured a few weeks ago while working at the rock crusher, has recovered sufficient ly to resume his work. Roy Baker, who had the misfortune to break his arm while cranking his Ford, is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham and daughters, Helen and Thelma, and, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Say attended the Grange program and dance in Wilsonvllle Tuesday night. The Coral Creefc school Is serving hot lunches at noon nearly every day. Mrs. May Snider and Mrs. Eva Turner were home for the week-end visiting their mother, Mrs. Ed Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones and fam ily visited Mr. .and Mrs. Wiley at Beaverton Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Brown ' spent the week-end with her parents in Hazelia. Misses Margaret, Betty, and Menga Batalgia of Wilsonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ridder last week. Reed Graham and Fred Minor went to Portland Monday. Will Baker had an accident with his car on his way home from Sher wood one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker, who have rented a home near Multnomah spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alli son Baker. Mrs. Bob Graham is spending a few days in Portland. Misses Nettie and Jess Angus en tertained some Wilsonville folks with' a "500" party at their home last Fri day evening. Ed Baker is hauling gravel on" the Woods' Hill from Graham's Landing. Misses Eleanor Sav and Helen Gra- I ham visited Miss Audrey Wood Sun day evening. Hazelia School Notes Contributes by Pupils of Hazelia School Van Meter and Mrs. Nancy Kings ton of Portland called, at the W. H. Zivney home Sunday afternoon. Kenneth Baker visited the J. P. Osok home Sunday afternoon. D. E. Long was an Oregon City business visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Crams of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Godfried Leh man Sunday afternoon. R. J. Zivney made a business trip to Scio, Oregon, last week. Wilbur and Donald Lehman visit ed at the Frank Whitten home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. . H. Zivney took din ner at the J. Robinson home ia West Linn Sunday. Thomas Whitten of Altoona, Wash., visited relatives In Hazelia and vi cinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Zivney and daughter. Norma, were Oregon City visitors Thursday. The J- J- Burkhardt family spent Sunday evening at the F. Child's home. Andrew Mandis, Manola and Lena Garcia, Mr. and Mrs. A. Neilson, R. J. and W. H. Zivney were among the Portland visitors from this vicinity this week. John Wanker and son, Fred, from Durham visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wanker last Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Christiansen and family attended the box social given at the Sunset school Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Zivney and fam ily took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zivney of Oswego. Miss Ruth Willis of Monmouth, Ore., visited her sister, Frances Wil lis at the J. P. Cook home Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Blanche Brown, formerly Blanche Duncan, of Hazelia, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Dun can, last week end. Mrs. Brown is now teaching near Wilsonville. Gillman'B. Nunn, editor of the Wheeler Reporter of Tillamook coun ty, called on W. B. Cook Friday. Mr. Nunn was enroute to Dallas, Oregon, in company with State Highway En gineer Herbert Nunn of Salem. D. E. Christensen is working on the public market in Portland. The pupils of Hazelia school re ceiving 100 in spelling every day duiv ing the month of October are: eighth grade, Grace Duncan, Anna Spousta, Kenneth Baker and Henry Zivney; seventh grade. Rose Burkhardt, Jo seph Spousta, Emil Zivney; fifth grade, Bozena Spousta, and Harlen Zivney; third grade. Norma Whitten, Roberta papoun; second grade, Yo shlye Klmwla. ' I 6 Per Cent State School I Money to Loan on Farms SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE Bank of Oregon City Bldg. . 5 Oregon City, Ore. " IIIMnMMMIIHMMMat,MUMUMUMIIMttHmuirIUtMMQ