; - i- -ruiirra,,-,- - OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1922. V Page five .' ? 1 Child III in California ' . - I Unnn fj twoh iuiriiii.oTi mi,i I ' ' X II .1 W- ! I o c "-" -o- -Bnf-srK WV V ir : ! : u....... t immji .ji.jj -ii in - . i.y i , , LOCALS AND PERSONALS Sawmill Man Visits Fred Lammer, sawmill man former ly of Bearer Creek, now of Cottage Grove was in this city Wednesday and Thursday. He came here on business and visited some of his old time friends in this county. Lammer is interested in the sawmill business in Cottage Grove. Severs Conection With Bus Line J. H. Cain, who has been operating a bus Una between Canby and Ore gon City, has severed his connection with the line and returned to Ore gon CHy. .Martin Widows is now driv ing the bus, which is again being op erated by Lee & Rose. County Cemmissioners In City Among the Oregon City visitors on Wednesday and Thursday were W. A. Proctor, f Sandy, and W. F. Harris -of Beaver Creek. The county com missioners have been in this city transacting county" court business. Child III in California " Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. John H. Walker, of this city, from their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Knick, nee Louise Walker, saying that her little daughter, Maralee, was seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Knick are residing at Placentla, Cal., and are to take their little daughter to Los Angeles, where they will consult a specialist. The child is suffering from stomach trouble. Return to Mount Pleasant Mr. ant Mrs. Charles Stroupe, who have been making their home at Gladstone for tha ,past two years Mrs. J. Ni Kyler entertained the Ladies' Aid Society pf the Gladstone Christian church' at her home Wed nesday afternoon. The living room was prettily decorated with fall flow- Iers. The afternoon was spent in needle work for the annual bazaar, i Mrs. Kyler was assisted in serving refreshments by her daughter, Miss Mildred Kyler. . Enjoying the afternoon were: Mrs. have returned to Mount ' Pleasant. They formerly resided at that place. ,,., nldfl Mr jn,.. E Gault. where they have property Interests. Mrs Fred Hayward, Mrs. James Pra- air. ana Mrs. j. umpnrys, wno ar- teIV Mra R M McGetchie, Mrs. F. rived here some time ago from Al berta, Canada, who have been occupy ing the Stroupe place at Mount Pleasant, have taken possession of the McCarthy place. . The latter farm is near the Stroupe property. D. Ellis and Mrs. F. P. Nelson Mary Hawker In City Mary Hawker was among those coming to Oregon City on business Covers were for Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr and Mrs. J. II. Prater entertain ed at their home in Gladstone in hon or of Mrs. Prater's 63rd birthday an niversary Sunday. The color scheme for decorating be ing red and green, salvias were used Dinner was served, at one o clock. Hogan, Miss Meade McKlllican, Miss Mildred McKlllican, Miss Bertha Mc Klllican, Miss Ella Relnke, Miss Al ice McDonald, Miss , Opal Hogan, Glen Irish, John Founds, Frank Hog an, Wm. Raines, D. Larons. Saturday. Her home is at Milwaukie. Visits Oreflon City Vera Holmes, whose home is at Estacada, was among those visiting in Oregon City on Thursday after noon. Came to County Seat Among those to come to the county seat on Thursday was Mrs. Marie "Sterner. Her home is at Hoff. Mrs. Pofin In City Mrs. C. E. Polln and Mrs. E. L. Pillster f Boring, wene Oregon City visitors on Thursday. Mulino Man In Oregon City Among those to come to Oregpn City on business Thursday was O. F. Johnson. His home Is at Mulino. M. P. SaHor From Molalla M. P. Sailor, of Molalla, was in Oregon City on Wednesday and Thurs day. Canby Woman In City Mrs. J. W. Morris, of Canby. was a visitor in Oregon City on Thursday. Eagle Creek Represented Mrs. H. H. Udell, of Eagle Creek, was in this city on Thursday. Came From Molalla Mrs. Charles Lyle, of Molalla, was an Oregon City visitor on Thursday. Came Frm Loga H. W. Hagemann, of Logan, was an Oregon City visitor on Thursday. Grant Mumpower In City ! Grant Mumpower, of Carver, was among those to transact business in Oregon City on Friday. Came From Farm Home E. B. Gaze, of Briarwod Place, near Milwaukie, was in this city on busi ness Friday. Came From Boring Among those to come to Oregon City on Friday was C. Blomwick, of Boring. W. B. Robbins From Hoff W. Bobbins, of Hoff, was in this city on busines Friday.. Paul Fletcher In Oregon- City Among those from Mulino in Ore gon City Friday was Paul Fletcher. Milwaukie Represented Mrs. Lenna Batton, of Milwaukie, was in Oregon City Friday. Canby Represented Mrs. E. L. Critser, of Canby, was among those coming to Oregon City Monday. H. Prater, Mr. and Mrs. John Hollo- well, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Prater. Mrs. Julia Tingle and her daughter Mrs. II. E. Cross, entertained the Missionary Society of the Gladstone Baptist church at tha former's home on Arlington street Wednesday arter- Came on Busine Mrs. John Hart, of Canby, was in noo this city Monday transacting bust-1 ie rooms of the Tlngie home were ness. I decorated with dahlias and ferns. Dainty refreshments were served. Came to Oregon City I Mrs. W. W. Marrs led the discuss- Mrs. Larkins. whose home is at I lona and presided at this meeting. Hoff, was among those coming to this I present were: Mrs. Joseph Butler, city Monday. I Mrs. W. W. Marrs, Mrs. Beach, Mrs. G. W. Porter, Mrs. Dave Lund, Mrs N. F. Nelson in Ciay I Rowan, Mrs. Whitcomb, Mrs. Covert. N. F. Nelson, of Oak Grove, was I Mrs. Eugene Noon Good, Mrs. Julia an Oregon City visitor Monday. Tingle and Mrs. H. E. Cross. S. A. Yoder Transacts Business I Mr. and Mrs. August Bolle enter- S. A. Yoder. of Hubbard, was in I tained fct their home near Edgewood this city on business Monday. I Tuesday evening with a hallowe'en party. The rooms were decorated with Mrs. Anderson in City I festoons of orange and black crepe Mrs Frank Anderson, of Woodburn, I paper. Witches and black cats were was an Oregon City visitor Monday. aiso used. Dahlias to correspond with the orange colored crepe paper were Mrs. Meeks In City I arranged in baskets and bowls. Mrs. Mrs. George Meeks, of Canby, was Lawrence Buckby assisted the hostess in this city on business Monday. I jn entertaining. The evening was spent in cards and dancing. Mrs. Goldia Heater won high score, and Miss Ida Gray was awarded the consolation prize. Enjoying the affair were Mr. and Came From Milwaukie I Mrs. Laurence Buckby, Mr. and Mrs. Annie M. Park, of Milwaukie, was I e. W. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Edward The Euterpean club met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Hemp stead in Gladstone Thursday after noon. The roofs of the Hempstead home were prettily decorated with mari golds. The color scheme was orange and green. Avl o'clock luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. R. M. McGetchie had charge of the Art study. Legislative measures to be voted, upon at the next election were dis cussed. The Compulsory Education bill was discussed by Mrs. T. E. Gault and Mrs. Frank Nelson. (Mrs. Frank Oswald and Mrs. A F. Parker discuss ed the "Income Tax." The next meeting of the club will be held at the borne-of Mrs. Eugene Noon Good. Mrs. Hempstead's guests were Mrs. T. E. Gault. Mrs. V. C. Gault, Mrs. William. Hammond, Mrs. Eugene Noon Good, Mrs. R. M. MrGetrhie. Mrs. A. F. Parker, Mrs. L. A Read, Mrs. Frank Oswald, Mrs. J. W Leon hardt, Mrs F. P. Nelson and Mrs. W. E. Hempstead. 1922 VALUATION IN COUNTY SHOWS GAIN0F$210,315 Assessment Roll Is Completed For Current Year; Equal Increase in All Divisions Shown; Exemptions Larger. IMPROVEMENTS UPON -CITY PROPERTY GROW Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Hempstead of West Gladstone attended the Hal lowe'en ball given by Captain and Mrs. L. Milner at the Clackamas Rifle Range Tuesday evening. Dr. Hempstead was an officer dur ing the world war. Many of the guests at the affair were officers whom he met while in the service. New Tract of Timber Adde J to List; Big Jump Charged To Weyerhaeuser Company Boring Man in City Theo. Zogg, of Boring, was in this city on business Monday. in Oregon City Monday. Toedtemlera Rejoice Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toedtemeier, of Willamette, are rejoicing over the ar rival of a son. The baby was born at the Oregon City hospital Sunday, November 5. Bolle, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolle, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Heater, Miss Ida Gray, Bene and Lucile Bolle and Harry Gray. Receive Congratulations- Mr. and Mrs. Axel Kyllo, of Wilson- ville, are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a son. The new ar rival made his appearance at the Ore gon City hospital Monday. Delia Siler in CHy Delia Slier, of Mulino, was among those coming to Oregon City Tues- Portland; Rev. and Mrs. George E. Williams entertained the "Polly Anna" club at their home in Gladstone Monday eve ning. The home was decorated with orange and black crepe paper and cut flowers. The evening was devoted to needle work and music. Mrs. Williams was assisted in serv ing refreshments and entertaining by Miss Flora GatcheL Attending were Mrs. Fred Hayward, Mrs. Thomas E. Gault. Mrs. Burch of Misses Matilda Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. James Ashenfelter entertained Tuesday evening at their home in Gladstone. Decorations were in keeping with the hallowe'en season. At 10:30 the guests unmasked and refreshfents were served. The evening was spent in dancing1 and games. Enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ashenfelter, Misses Elsie Turell, Sally Turell, Olga Turell, and Mar garet Ashenfelter and Wayne Vedder, Lacy Wallace, Glynn Shockley. Clin ton Wade, Kenneth Hamlin, Charles, William" and Albert Ashenfelter. ay. MAYFIELD WINS Lola Vedder, Leona and Dorothy Fox, Grace Owens. Verna Miranda, Mil dred and Dorothy Kyler and Mabel Whitcomb. (Continued from Page One) Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reinke, of Bol- . ,, v. I ton, entertained in a delightful man Horn m u"UM w6 x i DW.-.A rwh.r 27th. This occasion was in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary, when a family reunion .was held. A. few friends were also in attendance. A dinner was served at 6:30 o'clock, when places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Williams Reinke, of Hollywood Gardens; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Reinke and son. Charles, Jr.. of 132,510. Governor Neffs vote was 162,209 and Atwell's 29,699. Mayfield wil be one of the youngest members of the United States senate. He was born April 12. 1881, at Over ton, Texas. Miss Henrlci In City Miss Mary Henrici, of Lents, was an Oregon City visitor Friday. Undergoes Operatio Mrs. Paul Peters, of C lackamas, was operated upon at the Oregon City hospital Saturday morning. 25,205. Mrs. Tremayer In City Mrs. Annie Tremayer, prominent resident of Barlow, was in this city Saturday. Came From Wichi George Cook, of Wichita, was an, Oregon; City visitor Saturday. He came here on business. Jessie Wade in Oregon City Among those to visit Oregon City Saturday was Jessie Wade, whose 'home is at Molalla. From Carus Mrs. E. T. Fisher, of Carus, was in this city on business Saturday. Makes Visit Dorothea Mc Cord, of Molalla, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Milwaukie Represented Elmer Ivey, of Milwaukie, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Came From Estacada Mrs. Bertha Jacobson and Mrs. E. C. Jacobson, of Estacada, were in Ore gon City Saturday. BERGER AGAIN STRONG MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 8. One hn5d,anlf0rtr"eiSh' ?recICtS OUt Willamette; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rein- oi xoa in me aixm Wisconsin con- v. , tvit twv w.itor 6 Jt Z Reinke. of this city; Mr. and Mrs. cialist .28,899; Stafford, Republican, Barbur and cnlidren. Marguer ite and Edgar, of this city; Mr. and Mrs. N. W. McKlllican and daughters. - --i. . -M-i-. jyiuarea ana nenna, Mr. ana Mrs, reffOll iy Hiie Veil James McKlllican and daughter, Opal, tpti -j -r -m i I west uiuu, xioi uci i iuuu, ul rvn WinS JbrOm .Portland land; Earl Jones, of Portlandl John Founds, of Bolton. The table was decorated with cut The Oregon Cray football team de- flowers from the Reinke garden, and feated the Waterfront eleven of Port- previous to partaking of the feast. land to the score of 21 to 0 Sunday I Mrs. C. H. Reinke, daughter-in-law of I . . . . . . . n . .... I V . t T?l Tl I 1 1 V. . I aitemoon on tne jnawiey rarK iieia. I iva juib. j. x.. neiiine, urougut The Oregon City team was outweigh- forth a handsomely decorated "wed ed but speed of the locals offset the ding" cake of her own handiwork. visitors. Both teams used the aerial This was used In centering the table. The Ladies Aid Society of the Con-i gregational church held an enjoyable, all-day meeting at the home of Mrs.- H. Leisman. of Willamette, Wednes day. A During the day needlework occu ple the time of the members, and ber fore leaving for their homes two com-i forters were completed. A feature or the day that was thoroughly enjoyed was the dinneri served from 12 to 1 o'clock. The long table, laden with good things to eatl provided by the members and Mrs. Leisman, was prettily decorated. The next business meeting was ar-. ranged for . This will be held at the) home of Mrs. J. M- Mark on Eighth and John Adams streets Wednesday afternoon. . Mrs. Leisman's guests were Mrs. H. C. Stevens, Mrs. W. A. White, Mrs. Ada Pearl, Mrs .Johnson, of Port land; Mrs. J. M .Mark, Mrs. Johnj Lowery, Mrs. Julia Haskell, Mrs. Os- born. Mrs. Charles H. Caufield, Mrs George DeBok, Mrs. Epler. Mrs. J. A. Ream, Jr., Mrs. J. A. Ream, Sr, Mrs. Charles D. Latourette, Mrs. J. W Moffatt. Mrs. L. L., Porter, Mrs. W. Thornberry, Miss DeBok, Emery Reams. Clackamas - county's " valuation for 1922 is $210,315 above the valuation for the year of 1921, figures completed by County Assessor W. B..Cook Sat urday disclosed. The valuation of the county on which the 1922 tax roll will be computed is $24,682,815. The Assessment roll shows an act ual increase over last year's figures of $179,650. But this year $30,665 more was allowed in soldiers' exemptions than last year. The total exemptions under the1 act this year are $96,450. The increase, acording to Cook, 1b seen uniformily in practically every classification. An increase of $55,000 in the value of improvfed Band 1 listed. Town lots increased $35,00 and town improvements' $70,000. The largest single increase in as sessment during the year was in that of the Weyerhaeuser Timber com pany, of $26,250. The purchase in cluds 2400 acres of timber land near Estacada, bought from the Northern Pacific, held as non-assessable under the government land grant until the time that it changed" hands. Added Supscription For Rest Room Of W. C. T. U. Asked attack but the visitors were by far the most successful as most of the yardage was gained in this way. The Oregon City lineup was: 1. e., Laurs; 1. t., Story; 1. g., Shulson; c. The rooms of the Reinke home were prettily decorated with autumn leaves and flowers. During the evening the host and hostess were presented with a num Martin; r. g.. Murphy; r. t., Finu- Der r pretty gilts mciuaing silver cane: t f . Rfanlrti- 1 i M Snll). " Uliaware van; r h i.Doneley; p., J. Sullivan; f.. Stone; subs, E. Mass for Stanich; Mickels for Shulson; Rothe for Fin ucane; E. Larius for J. Sullivan; D. Larius for Doneley The evening was spent in a social manner. Go On Extended Trip Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dodds, of Twi light, left on Saturday on an extended trip through California. Ho'f Represented Mrs. Charles, of Hoff, was amongj those to come to Oregon City Saturday. DR. WM. KRASSIG DENTIST Specializes in Extraction of Teeth Crown and Bridge Work "Plates That Fit" 10-11-12 Andresen Bldg. Oregon City, Ore. Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. James McKlllican of Bolton Armistice Day the locals will meet f ent mo enjopable evening at kucn uuuio ui auiiuu on oaturuay evening, October 2.8th. Assembling at a nearby home and donning costumes appropriate for hallowe'en the merrymakers started for the McKlllican home.i lASter1 reaching their destination they "fav ored" the McKlllican family with a a charivari. This was in honor of the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. McKlllican. After responding to an invitation to enter the home a "mock" marriage the. strong Highland Park eleven of Portland on the Hawley Park field. The Gladstone eleven was defeated by the Astoria American Legion on Sunday on the Astoria field, score 50 to 0. Oregon City Stores Are Not to Close Upon Armistice Day vJL x oiiowmg me impressive mar riage" ceremony, the guestta remov- Owing to the fact that there will ed their masks, after which a huee be no celebration of any kind In Ore- I basket containing pretty and useful gon City on Armistice day, and in gifts was brought forth and presentt- order that the out-of-town customers I ed to the host and" hostess. may not he inconvenienced, " the Cards were features of the remain- merchants of Oregon City will not I er of the evening, after which re- close their stores Novmber 11. The freshments were served. action, according to the officials of Attending were Mr. and Mrs. N. Mc- the Clackamas County Business Men's association, meets with the approval of the America Legion. PRETTY THICK Pike: "Why are you wearing so many coats on such a hot day?" Mike (Carrying a paint can): "I'm going to paint me fence and it sez on, this can to obtain best results, put on at least three coats.' Killican, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McLarty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doty, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Doty, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schoen heinz, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Reinke, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Jones, Mr and Mrs. J. M. McKlllican, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith. Mrs. Ella, Os born, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratter, Mrs. John Lowry. Mrs. Maggie Martin, Mrs. August Christiansen, Mrs. Dan I The sophomore class of the West Linn high school entertained at hallowe'en party In the auditorium o: the union high school at West Linn xn Friday evening, October 87. The. guests of honor were members of the Junior class. many or me stuaents came en-i masque. A varied program was given during the evening that was thoroughly en joyed by the assembly. Games and music were featured. In order to award the prizes grand march was formed. Gordon DeBok was awarded the first prize, who represented a preacher, Mary Zamker won the girls' prize, when she was attired as a lad. Refreshments were served. The chairmen of the comfittees who had charge of the affair were Arda Cox, games; Esther Graw, re freshments; Adilene Oldham, prizes and Lola Vedder, decorations, which were autumn leaves and strips of or ange and black paper. Judge Thomas Ryan To Go To Convention Judge Thomas F. Ryan, of the Bank of Commerce, left Sunday for tne east where he will attend a con. vention of the Eastern Star. Ryan is past grand patron of the Eastern Star and goes as one of the 15 deleg ates from the state of Oregon. lhe convention is to be held in Washington, D. C., for a period of a week. Judge Ryan will also visit oth er eastern cities, including Chicago, New York and Boston, visiting cor respondent banks of the Bank of Commerce. Broom Factory at New Era Is Started The first broom factory to be es tablished in Clackamas county is now in operation at New Era. The manu facturing establishment started last Friday. The first shipment of material for manufacturing the handles arrived at New Era a few days ago. The building is erected close to shipping points, accessable to both river and Southern Pacific. CATARRH Catarrh is a local disease greatly lnflu. enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Tonic, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system. BALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE assists Nature in restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. An eitort is being made by the W. C. T. U. of this city to increase the subscription list for the rest room established and operated by the or ganization, since, winter is approach ing and extra wood and other neces sities are needed. A number of the business houses and banks of this city each month have subscribed an amount, but this has been found in adequate to purchase wood, paying for the rent and telephone service as well as purchase dishes. One of the members said, '.We need about five more subscriptions of about one dol lar each. Last Saturday the rest room was visited by 126 people,, a large number of these were from the country section, who had to come to tjie city to do their Saturday shop ping. They enjoyed the comforts of the room. . During the past week there were 429 visitors at the room." Every Day a Checking Account Will Prove Its Worth If you have a bill to pay, if you want to send money out of town, if you need ready money but do not want to risk having a large amount with you, if you want an accurate record -of your expenditures A checking account with this bank solves your problems completely. Simply make out a check for the amount required and we do the rest of the work for you. Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY Organized Forty One Years Ago ' TO HOME OF WC I'll Mrs. I. S. McArthur, of New Era, has donated $200 towards the Boys and Girls' Farm Home, a home for orphans to be established at Corvallis. This is a gift from the New Era W. C T. U. SISTER LLrCRETIA TALKS TO 2 CROWDED HOUSES Advocating the passage of the compulsory education bill and nrg ing the endorsement of the state and local ticket of the Federated Patriot ic societies of the state. Sister Lu cretia, ex-nun, spoke to two crowded This amount donated by Mrs. Mc-1 houses at the Shively hall Monday. The afternoon meeting was tor wo men only and the evening meeting for men. A large crowd was turned away from the evening session. Arthur was realized from the sale of a small bulling on the ground owned by the union at New Era since 1883. The members of the organization have been scattered, while some have died and others moved to distant' states. It was decided to turn oven this amount to be applied to the fund to be raised hy the local union. There! will be a further gift of about f60 when the transaction is finished. Parent Teachers' Group Holds Long Meet In Milwaukie Jacob Kanzler, judge of the juve nile court of Portland, Attorney W. S. TTRen, of Portland, Prey T. Shelly, of Sandy, took part in the program given at the Grange hall at Milwaukie on Wednesday,, when the Parent Teachers association held an all-day session. Kanzler and TJ'Ren gave brief talks as did also W. W. Williams, of Port land. Shelley sang several numbers.. Among these were "Mother Machree" and "Chasing Rainbows.'' Mrs. Shelly was elected vice-president of the asociation.' She is presi dent of the Woman's Club of Sandy and an ex-mayor of that city, and al so ex-school teacher, having taught in Hood River, Oregon, Klickitat county. Gray's Harbor and Chehalis, Wash ington. A dinner was served by the wom en of Milwaukie, when about seven ty-five partook of the feast. Child Playing With Dynamite Cap Has 3 Fingers Blown Off Dynamite left by workmen at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Caradoc Mor gan, on Tenth and Washington streets, Tuesday afternoon resulted in the loss of thumb and two fingers of lhe left hand of their four-year-old son. Graham. The child found the cap and in playing with the same the dynamite exploded. The child's mother was absent from the home for a - few minutes, and the father, who is pas tor of the Congregational church, was also away. Workmen, who are en gaged in making a basement beneath the Morgan home, carried the injured child to the Oregon City hospital, a short distance beyond An operation was performed on the child's mangled hand, but the thumb and fingers were so badly lacerated that it 'was impos sible to save them. Oregon City Eleven Beats Estacada 60 Thief Pleads Guilty: Is Given Jail Term On a plea of guilty in the circuit court Monday, James Bee, charged with thefts from men at the McDow ell camp at Estacada, was sentenced to six months in the county jail by Judge J. U. Campbell. Folowing the report of the robbery, Bee was pick ed up in Portland at the request of Sheriff Wilson. Mrs. Rachel Ford Of Tualatin Is Dead Mrs. Rachael Bird TorO. of Tuaia. tin, died at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. J. E. Hedges, of Tualatin, on Thursday of last week, her funeral having taken place at Tualatin on Sa turday. The interment was in the cemetery near Tualatin. Mrs. Ford who was the mother of Mrs. J. W. Noble, for many years a resident of Oregon City, and for-the present at the home of her son. Judge E. C. Noble of this city, would have been 82 years of age had she lived for one more month. Deaceased was born in Illinois and is survived by seven children. 19 grandchildren and 10 great grand children. The children are Mrs. J. E. Hodges, with whom she made her home at Tualatin; Mrs. J. W. Noble, of Reedley, Calif., A. S. and H. P. Ford, of Portland, Mrs. Harriet Hyer, Mrs. H. E. Jenkins of Portland; Mrs. J. F. Weckert, of Sherwood. On a muddy field, and with their squad weakened by men out of the game on account of colds and injur ies, Oregon City High School's foot ball squad Friday defeated Esta cada at Estacada, 6-0. Oregon City thus completed her fourth victory of the season, and with a record of not being scored against this year, is well on the way to the valley chaf rfSSshlp. They plajy Albany nex Saturday at Albany. In Friday's game the locals made consistent vardaee both nn onea ) formation and line bucks. Estacada's defense was not as good as that .of the locals but the trouble was in the backfield rather than the line. The game was remarkably clean Not a single penalty was called, with 'not even one off-side during the en tire period of play. The Oregon City line-up was: r. e. Losh; r. t. Criswell, r. g. Veatch; c. Johnson; 1. g. Wheeler; L t. Curry; 1. e. Newton, r. h. Locke; I. f-Cox; f. Toban; o. Mayfield; subs, McCoy for Wheeler, Niles for Locke. Locke for Toban Toban for Locke. J. Rls ley, referee. Gladstone Eleven Beaten By Barclay The Barclay grammar school foot ball team defeated the Gladstone eleven Friday afternoon on the Glad stone field. The score was 50 to 0, Locke, Bell and Erp showed up well, for the winners and Lacy was the outstanding star of the losers. This is the second straight victory for Barclay. The line-up for Barclay was: I.e. Smith; 1-t. Sheive; 1. g. Mosher; c. Hayes; r. g. Latourette; r- t. French; r. e. Pettibone; 1. h. Howell; r. h. Bell; q. Erp; f. Locke; subs. Whitman and Parker. MAYBE NOT The best thing we can say about the high cost of living is that we've got so used to it that if it ever comes down we'll die for something to worry about. CANBY. Nov. 6 Ex-Nun Lucretia made her appearance at the city hall Saturday night before an audience of 250 people. The talk was for men only. In the afternoon she held a meeting for the women. Previous! to the meeting posters appeared along the streets of Canby, but it is reported a number of these were torn down by a woman. A com plaint was turned Into Mayor Maple, and she paid a fine of $10 and costs for destroying the notices. On Saturday and Sunday there were many warm arguments on the streets regarding the meeting held by the ex-nun. T SETF0RN0VEN1R14 An unique recital is to be present ed on Tuesday, Nov. 14, at the Lib erty theatre by the popular tenor, Harvey Hindermyer, and the DaDnn Sisters. Hindermyer Is one of the most enjoyable tenors In the concert and re-creation field, today. He has sung at the principal musical festivals throughout the country and the pub lic has been unanimous in their prais es of his glorious voice and wonderful art. The IDann Sisters are three New England young ladies of distinct mus ical ability. They have appeared in numerous concerts during the past season with marked success and their appearance here is anaicipated with a great deal of enthusiasm. They will present numbers especially arranged for violin, piano and cornet. Admittance to the recital will be ly card only. Cards may be secured upon application to Burmeister and Andresen. Iwo Held on Drunk Charges As Result Of Auto Accident John Sumbdy and J. Olsen, of Port land, are under $125 bail each to ap pear in court here on charges of drunukness as the result of an ac cident at the south of the Abernethy bridge Saturday night. A machine driven by Sumbdy struck a car driv ed by Dempsey Powell of Portland In which F. W. Smith, Gladstone, Flora Kanak, West Linn and Doris Ellis, Gladstone, were riding. The affair was reported to special deputy F. C. Burke, of the sheriff's office, who turned the case over to the police as it was within the city limits. Patrolman Jerry Hemmlngway investigated and placed the two men under arrest. What the country needs is more statesmen like Andy Gump. He gets the unqualified support. Nationalists To Be Allowed Control Of Constantinople LONDON. Nov. Sir General Har rington, British military commander in Turkey, reported to the foreign office this evening that the allied high commissions would allow the Turkish Nationalists to take over civ il administration of Constantinople. He added that the Kemalists did not demand evacuation of Constantinople by allied troops, but only suggested that the time was opportune for such action. The allies refused. A report earlier in the day that ai British military policeman and four Turks had been killed in an anti Christian outbreak at Constantinople has not been confirmed.