Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 27, 1922, Page Page six, Image 6

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    Paie six
Aged PioneeiPasses
After Brief Illness
SANDY, Oct. 23 The funeral of
Herman Fischer, aged 81 years and
1 month, was held at the Sandy Com
munity church last Saturday after
noon. Rev. Geo. S. Berreman of Pleas
ant Home conducted the services and
the Sandy quartet furnished the mu
' sic. The following acted as pallbear
ers: F. Lohrmann, R. Kaiser . C.
Scharnke, Casper Junker, John Bosh
olm and Theo. Koenicke. The inter
ment was at Cliffside cemetery.
Mr. Fischer had been ill only three
weeks, during which time he suffered
three apoplectic strokes, and passed
away during the third attack on Wed
nesday, Oct. 18, at noon. He and his
wife, Ernestlna Fischer, came to Am
erica from Germany in 1841, and to
Sandy in 1876, settling on a home
stead south of here, and both lived
there continuously for 46 years. Mr.
Fischer never spent but one week in
bed all of that time until his last tt
ness. Since the passing of his wife
two months ago he began to fail, and
seemed to "give up." the very day
she passed away. Two daughters,
Mrs. J. H. Wewer, and Mrs. G. Boese
and two sons, Theodore and Ernest
Fischer survive, also 15 children and
8 great-grandchildren.
The death of Herman Fischer was
the fourth death in the immediate
family in a little over a year. His
brother, Theodore Fischer, Sr., and
his sister, Mrs. F. Meinig, and his
wife, Ernestina Fischer.
Wm. Lamper Dies In
Portland Hospital
SANDY, Oct. 24 This community
was shocked Sunday to learn of the
death of Wm. Lamper, son of Mrs.
Anna Lamper of Firwood. ; He was
operated on about five weeks ago at
the Good Samaritan hospital for appen
dicitis. Mrs. Lamper was called to
Fortland on Friday evening and re
mained with her .son till his passii.
which occurred af 5:30 Sunday morn
ing. J. W. Dixon of Sandy, for whom
the young man had worked for some
time, went to the city immediately
after hearing the sad news and did
all he could to cheer the mother.
Tir. and Mrs. Gottfried Stuckl drove
to the city to bring their sister out
and to arrange for the funeral which
was conducted at the Sandy Methodist
church today at 2 P. M. by Rev. J.
Kratt, pastor of the First German
Baptist church of Portland. Music
was also furnished by the choir of
Rev. Pratt's church. The interment
was in the Sandy cemetery.
The deceased was 20 years and 1
month of age, and was born and rais
ed in the Firwood vicinity. He is sur
vived by his mother and the follow
ing brothers and sisters: Andrew,
James, Artie, Marion, Nellie, Louist
and Albert.
Shower Is Given
Mrs. Oren Ganger
SANDY, Oct. 23 The regular meet
ing of the Sandy Women's club was
held at the home of Mrs. Jack Scales
Thursday, after which a 'shower"
was given for Mrs. W. Oren Ganger, a
recent Sandy bride. Many useful and
attractive gifts were presented to
Mrs. Ganger. Mrs. Edna Esson, Miss
Margaret Miller, and Mrs. Richard
Mullholland of Portland gave splen
did musical selections during the af
ternoon. The women's club will be
entertained by Mrs. J. C. Duke at the
next meeting.
Those present were Mesdames
Blanche Shelley, Edna Esson, Joe
Loundree, Cyril Gray, Henry Perret,
Ed Bruns, J. C. Duke, R. C. Shipley,
Geo. Beers, Richard Mullholland, W.
Bosholm, A. Hoernicker, Alice Scales.
J. W. Dixon, J. M. C. Miller, Ernest
Harris, E. Beers, Miss Margaret Mil
ler, Miss Bernice Dixon and Mrs. Or
en Ganger.
Program Is Arranged
For Sunday Services
SANDY Oct 26 The community pro
gram for next Sunday night will be a
splendid one. Mr. Henderson of the
Portland community center has to be
out of the city that night, so had ta
postpone his coming, but an excellent
program will be put on by local and
visiting talent.
Mrs. Richard Mullholland of Port
land, whose singing was so much en
joyed two weeks ago has consented
to sing again Sunday night, and will
also sing in a trio. Mrs. Robert Jons
rud will read, Lyman Warnock will
sing 'The Holy City". Mr. Warnock
has an exceptionally fine baritone
voice of much power. There will be
other attractive numbers, and the
congregational singing will be a fea
ture. The community programs are
non-sectarian, and let everybody come
and enjoy a free concert. No collec
tion. Sunday night.
Big Entertainment j
Planned For Funds
SANDY, Oct. 26 There will be a
big entertainment given by the Sandy
Parent Teacher's association at the
Odd Fellow's hall on Saturday eve
ning, Nov. 4, for the benefit of the
piano fund of the grade school. There
ia still $95.00 due on the piano. Pu-
pilg from Mrs. Malar s room and from
Mrs. Connor s room will take part m
the program. These numbers will in
clude characters from the opera
"Wang", which will be sung and act
ed by the little folk. Lyman Warnoc,
of Oregon City, who is In Sandy for
a few weeks will sing a solo. F. D.
Eason will also give a splendid num
ber, "The Three Jacks". Miss Mar
garet Miller will read, the Sandy male
quartet will sing "Swing Along", the
mixed quartet will sing "Little Orph
ant Annie". A few more excelVmt se
lections may be announced later.
After the program light refresh
ments will be sold. There will also
be "grab bags", at a few cents a
"grab" which will furnish amusement.
The program committee is Mrs. J.
M. C. Miller, Mrs. Edna Esson and
Mrs. Jack Scales. The chairman of
the refreshment committee is Mrs.
Henry Perret. Mrs. Alma Maronay
has charge of the "grab bags", and
anyone having a "trifle" tc donate for
the latter, please leave at Scales'
store. Games will be played at close
of program. Everybody come.
Musical Evening
Spent at Millers
SANDY, Oct. 24 A delightful musi
cal evening was enjoyed by the J. M.
C. Miller household and their guests
on Friday evening, the guests being
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Eason, Mrs. Rich
ard Mulholland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Clifford, Mrs. J. C. Loundree, Mrs. Ed
na Esson, Mrs. Alice Scales, Mrs. J.
C. Duke, and Lyman Warnock. The
soloists were Mrs. Mulholland, Mrs.
Clifford, Mr. Eason and Mrs. Esson,
Mrs. Eason accompanying. There
were many songs, a '.'regular concert"
being given by these excellent voices,
and every number was a treat. Re
freshments were served.
SANDY, Oct. 23 Among those at
tending the Odd Fellow's and Re
bekah convention at Canby were Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. ""Baumback, Mrs. A.
Hoernicker, R. C. Frace, and the Hall
brothers. A. C- Baumback was re
elected treasurer, which position he
has held for a number of years. The
naxt convention will be held here next
April, which will a big event for
SANDY, Oct. 23 The semi-annual
district Sunday school convention was
held at the Pleasant Home Baptist
church Sunday with an all day pro
gram and basket dinner. Portland
cnoobora takiner nart were R. L. Mar
vin, Multnomah County Sunday school
suDerintendent and W. jtrait or me
Centenary-Wipbur church. Marvin
spoke on the responsibility oi ir3 par
a a vnv rw 23 James Fitzgerald,
whose mule team ran away while he
was loading lumber at the tsruns mm
is getting along nicely at his home in
Dover. Fitzgerald had his shoulder
and a rib broken, and was cut on his
head. Two wheels of the wagon pass
ed over him and he was badly bruis
ed. '
SANDY, Oct. 24 Politics are warm
ing up a little now in Sandy. The sit
uation might be called "indifferent"
until recently, but as election time
draws nearer the political pot begins
to simmer. The petition for the recall
of Judge Cross has been quite general
ly signed in this vicinity. P. T. Shel
ley is very busy managing the "recall.
SANDY, Oct. 23 Henry Aschoff has
almost recovered from the injuries re
ceived from falling off the flume
where he was working at the Big
Sandy. Aschoff was badly bruised.
Adolph Aschoff was over from Mar
mot to attend the funeral of his pio
neer friend, Herman Fischer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scales and fam
ily and Mrs. Edna Esson, and her
mother, Mrs. Gillett, went to Corbett
Sunday afternoon to visit the Floyd
Reed family.
Mrs. John Mitchell has been selling
off her Leghorn hens and will prob
ably go to Portland for the jvinter
when the bad weather comes, as Mr.
Mitchell will be in the city a portion
of the winter.
-inmftot TWscher finally got a bob cat
he had been after the past six weeks.
The" bob cat caught a dozen cmc"
in the meanwhile, but the dog got the
animal "treed" at last, and Ernest
did the rest.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shipley and Mrs.
t, Mriii?in attended the Sunday
school convention at Pleasant Home
MotTuoi- on i Mm Dooley were
down from Brightwood Saturday eve
ning on a shopping trip.
TV n ss nittert has been out at
the Evans home nursing Mrs. Evans
for the past week. .
Wilfred Elliott Is out hauling ties
for the Bruns Lumber Co. again. Work
in the city was not regular enouB"-.-
Lex and Leta Schmitz were out
from Linnton to spend a f6w -days
while the mill was closed down.
Henry and Fred Weisenfluh, grand
children of J. H. Weewer wrote re
cently of an accident while driving
with their father and step-mother. Mr.
As r good judge of Meats, you'll
tiij ouylng here where there are
so many luscious Steaks, Chops and
Quality Meats Only.
Gresham Meat Market
A. J. W. Brown
MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent "
The Modern Spirit
of your banking connections by know
ing that you are linked to the Govern
ment through your bank's member-7
ship in the Federal Reserve System;
It pays in the long run.
Weisenfluh was badly hurt when the
car went over the bluff, but the rest
escaped injury.
Mrs. Fred Wagner of Cottrell en
tertained the Willing Vorkers at their
bi-weekly meeting last week. These
ladies will give a bazaar the last Fri
day in December to help keep up ex
penses of their community church.
Mrs. Peter Veatsch was out from
Portland to attend the Herman
Fischer funeral.
Mrs. Lind of Kelso was a pleasant
visitor in our town recently.
Steve Mitchell was down last week
visiting at the home of his son, John
Mrs. Mitchell went to Bull Run to
spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Oren Ganger.
Mrs. Edna Esson and Mrs. Evelyn
Miller called to see the newlyweds,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Oren Ganger recent
ly at Bull Run.
Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Bell and family
drove to Portland recently to do shop
ping and visiting.
John Sleret. a director of the Clack
amas Couny bank of Sandy was here
from Gresham a few days ago.
Sunday afternoon Miss Margaret
Miller drove Mrs. J. M. C. Miller and
Mrs. W. E. Johnson to the Pleasant
Home Baptist church Sunday to at
tend the Sunday school convention.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duke were enter
tained for Sunday dinner at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. August Hoernicke.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jteed drove $o
Woodland, Wash., last Sunday to visit
a sister of Mr. Reed.
Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Dunn are glad to see the smoke com
ing out of their chimney again. They
were away in Portland about five
weeks, and the neighbors were "lone
some." Mr. Dunn painted the house
of his son-in-law while there.
Mrs. W. A. Proctor is up and around
again and has almost recovered from
her recent illness.
-There was a special meeting of the
city council last week at which time
details of the water question were
discussed. It is said there is a short
age of water all over this section at
the present time which has never hap
pened heretofore. .
A, J. Morrison was in town recent
ly while on the way to the city.
Henry Herman was delivering oats
to Hoffman last week from his Sandy
ride farm. '
Walter and Dewey Alt and the Cor
ey boys were in town recently, all
passing their usual good cheer along.
The road is being graded past the
Phipps place, and "woe be" for the
folks over there when it rains.
Miss Gertrude and Miss Frances
Meinig were home for the week-end
from the O- A. C. and were gladly wel
comed. Things are moving along splendidly
in both the grade and high school. The
H. S. "Freshies" will be having their
Initiation soon.
It is expected the high school build
ing will be in shape to be occupied by
the school in about six weeks, JJiou.XH
all the rooms will not be completed
by that time. '
Miss Margaret Miller is planning
to give an Armistice program at the
Odd Fellow's hall Saturday night, Oct.
11, details of which will be announced.
The union high school student body
ordered a Bible when snaking out their
list of books and magazines to order
tor the year. -
The boys' and girls' basket ball
teams are doing good work. They are
having the use of Paul Meinig's hall
again this year until the new build
ing is finished.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clifford en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vessey of
Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. Will
House and two children .of Gresham
on Sunday for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pridemore drove
out from Portland to their Government
Camp home Monday and back as far
as Sandy the same day. They were
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thompson and
Mr. and Mrs. Scales, returning to the
city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pizzola went
to Portland recently to attend the
funeral of their friend; C. Debi at
Hillsdale. They remained in the city
for a few days.
Attillio Cereghine came out irom.
Portland Monday night to take a ride
on the T. O. O. F. "goat", and so far as
could be learned he stooa me '
Heinie Junker and George Scharnke
came home from Hood River recently,
where they had been harvesting ap
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson of Yu
ma. Arizona were out visiting at the
J. M. C. Miller home again this week.
The Johnsons will spend the winter
at Oregon City. They say there has
been but on cloudy day at Yuma in 20
years, and a restaurant there always
"has the sign, "free meals on cloudy
There was a big crowd from Boring
at the Kelso entertainment Saturday
night. Everyone reported a fine time.
Mrs. Wm. Fisher of Firwood, who
gave birth to a babe about three weeks
ago was brought down to the Scales
home for several days last week so
she could have extra good care and
be near the doctor. Mrs. Fisher is
greatly Improved.
the community Sutoday school last
Sunday. Mr. Miller took charge of the
adult class. Mrs. Baumback was the
superintendent. "
Mr. and Mrs. Boitano and children
had a big fine dinner at Dwyerennp
Sunday, and were taken to camp and
brought back home on the "speeder",
Which sped along the track at a rap
id rate. .
A number of Sandy people attended
the basket social and program at
Kelso Saturday night. The -splendid
sum of $72.25 was realized from the
sale of the baskets, coffee and sand
wiches. Chas. Scharnke painted the
interior of their school building, and
this fund was raised by the women's
club to square up accounts.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Proctor and Mrs.
J. C. Duke went to Portland Monday,
and Mrs. Proctor purchased a piano,
which especially delights Arletha.
Otto Meinig, Miss Clara Meinig, Al
bon Meinig and wife all went to Port
land Monday to do shopping and got
caught without umbrellos like some
Several Sandyites have visited the
W. L. Crissey gardens recently. Mr.
Crissey is never too busy Co make
himself agreeable to visitors at his
wonderful place. Crissey was busy
rushing in gladiola and other bulbs
when the rains came on Monday. Mrs.
Miller and Mrs. Esson carried away
lovely bouquets recently from these
The following were pall bearers at
the funeral of Wm. Lamper, all of
whom were friends of the young man:
Dewey Alt. Vern Alt, James Ogden,
Jr., Irvin Updegrave, Walter Dodson,
and Albert Motjl. The high school
secured wonderful flowers from Cris
sey's for the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. DeShazer had
the pleasure of entertaining "all the
children" at the family table Sunday.
.Mr. and Mrs. Will Updegrave and fam
ily and Miss Mildred DeShazer of
Sandy and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Up
degrave and son of Dover were all
home. - . ,
There was a big neighborhood party
at the home of Monroe Welst Satur
day night which was attended by 75
guests. Charley Bailey and Mr. Weist
furnished the music. There was a
large crowd down from Salmon river
to attend this dancing party. Re
freshments were served, and every
body was happy.
The Harding family which has Deen
staying at the Schultz home (the
Smith place at Firwood) have rented
the Maronay place and will move on
the same presently.
Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Ferrin (Es
ther Spillman) are now living at Riv
erview, where Mr. Ferrin has charge
of the Riverview cemetery. Mrs.
Ferrin's health is improving, though,
she still has her arm In a cast.
Little Lowell Burmeister. youngest
child of John Burmeister and his for
mer wife, was buried in Portland Mon
day. The child was 5 years of age,
and died from Bright's disease. Mrs.
August Senske came out here and
took Irvine to the funeral. It is re
ported Mr. Burmeister could not be
located. t
Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Sietz and Clara
and Myrtle were all day guests at the
Griffin home Sunday.
A man never prizes very highly
that which he already has unless It's
his wife.
i'..niiii. -mi.
J 6 Per Cent Slate School j
Money to Loan on Farms
I Bank of Oregon City Bldg.
Oregon City, Ore.
OCTOBER 27, 1922.
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent
Bazaar Committees
Of Guild Are Named
Grace Guild held an all day meeting
on Wednesday to sew for the annual
bazaar. A pot luck luncheon was
held at noon, many attending. The
president. Mrs. Babler, has announced
the committees for the bazaar. Sup
per Mrs. Hugh Roberts and her able
assistants are Mesdames Wm. Jacobs,
R. F. Deter, J. W. Jones, W. W. Wood
beck, Elmer Griffith, Julia Ulabrand,
Wilford Ross and H. J. Hooker.
Tables Mrs. Moritz, chairman and
her assistants are Mesdames A. B.
Smith, Geo. Pooler, C. Sheppe'rd; R.
H. Hendry, S. O. Griffith, C. C. Hole,
R. G. Thompson, Booth, Cook, Bark
er. Dishes Mrs. Blinstone, Pearson,
Nelson, Tucker and Russel Losey.
Textile department Mesdames
Jerry Madden, Harry Williams, Ua
Maple and A. B. Snider.
Reception Mrs. Geo. Williams, Mrs.
C. Waterhouse, Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mrs.
Boyd, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Covert and
Mrs. Bechtel.
Cashier Mrs. Dan Jones.
Coffee Mrs Hooker and Mrs. Ross.
Notion department Mrs. Blinstone,
Mrs. Dain. Mrs. Truscott.
Candy booth Mesdames Ford and
Geo.- Gardner.
October Meeting of
P.-T. Held at Lodze
October meeting of the Parent-Teachers
association .was held on Friday,
the 20th, with 25 present. Owing to
the illness of Mrs. Nbrman Chapman
the vice president. Mrs. Minnie B.
Altman presided.
The afternon was taken up with a
routine of business. The next meet
ing which will be iNov. 10 is to be an
open meeting and held in the evening
with a good program. Mrs. Olin Ford
being chairman of the program, enter
tainment and reception committee.
Miss Truscott's room was represent
ed by the most mothers and a picture
or a prize of equal value is to be de
cided upon at the next meeting for
the teacher whose room gets the most
This is creating a great deal of en
thusiasm among he pupils, who are
putting forth much"" energy in ge
ting the mothers and patrons to at
tend the Parent-Teachers meetings,
which ' convene on the second Friday
of each month at the school house.
Mrs. Edw. Pearson and Mrs. "gjll
Lawrence will represent the Lodge
association when the state P. T. ses
sion meets in its 17th annual conven
tion at Eugene on Oct. 25 and 26.
Among tbi speakers are Miss Mar
vin, state librarian, Miss Margary
Smith of the O. A. C. faculty; P. 1
Campbell, president of the U. of O
C. A. Howard, resident of State
Teachers' association.
J. s. Landers of Monmouth Normal
school, J. A. Churchill, superintendent
Of nuDllc instruction: rar. jsubi.
Leieh of Salem: Miss Francis Hays
Miss Julia Spooner; Mrs. Minnie
Trumbull; Mrs. G. G. Root; Mrs. Rob
ertson Cook; Mrs. Chas. Hogan ana
Mrs. J. F. Hill, state president and
The main topic of the convention is
the fundamental rights of children.
Our delegates will be prepared to
give "gleanings from the convention
at a regular .meeting of the associa
Gertrude Kennedy Is
Bride of E. Wanker
.TTCMMTNrrss T.onriFi. r,t os on
Thursday evening, Gertrude Kennedy
was united in marriage to Elvador
Wanker of Stafford, the ceremony tak
ing place at s r. ra. at me wnite Tem
ple in Portland. Rev. Dr. Villers offi
cial ing.
The wedding was a vety quiet affair
and the couple were attended by Miss
Wanda Wanker, sister of the groom
and Mr. Doty of Bolton, was best man.
The newlyweds departed on Friday
for Pacific City and after a short
honeyinpon journey will be at home let
their friends on a ranch in the Ha
zelia district.
The bride is the second daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Meade Kenney, well
known residents of Jennings Lodge,
and she enjoys a wide circle of
friends, who are extending congratu
lations to Mr. and Mrs. Wanker.
Rev. Morgan Takes
Church .Pastorate
JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 25 A call
has been extended to Rev. Herbert
Crocker for the pastorage of the
Grace Congregational Community
church of this place, which has been
Rev. Crocker preached a very able
sermon on Sunday at the morning ser
vice. Fred Tooze, Jr., sang accompan
ied by his sister, Miss Helen Tooze,
on the piano, which added to the
splendid service.
On the evening of Nov. 3, - Rev.
Brown will speak on the missionary
Rev. A. B. Snider, who resigned as
pastor of tha church, through illness
and a serious operation is rapidly im
proving but will take a year's rest.
Club Entertained
By Mrs. R. H. Hendry
Luncheon Club was charmingly enter
tained at the K. H. Hendry home in
the Hull Ave, apartment on Thursday
last. Places were laid for twelve and
Mrs. Hurd was an honored guest.
Others enjoying the afternoon were
Mesdamea Bretcher, Booth, Starker,
Gardnes, Pearson, Madden, Hole, Rob
bins, Blinstone, Moritz.
Mrs. Fred Lucas Is
-. -i-v
MOnOred At JJinner wera Sunday dinner guests of H. H,
j Emmons at Stone Gables.
JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 25 Mr. judge Grant B. Dimick of Oregon
and Mrs. Clare Maple entertained ' city and W. W. Woodbeck of this
with a handsomely appointed dinner j place have been invited to speak" at
on Sunday honoring Mrs. Fred Lucas, ; the Oswego school Friday afternoon,
who leaves on Friday for Seate and , choosing their own subjects,
with her four children is soon to sail Mlsg Janet-Booth was very agree
for Afognac. Alaska, to join her hus- j ably surprised by er clasmis on
band, who has a government position ( Tnursday evening, coming in to re
with the fish hatcheries at that place. ; mInd her it was ner 12th birthday an-
nie Butts and Mrs. Fred Lucas and
4 children. Mr. and Mrs. Cait Butts
all of Parkplace; Chas. Maple or Mad
ras, Ore.; R. E. Maple of -Tacoma,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maple of
this place.
JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 25 A full
house greeted "Hilarity hall" on Sat
urday evening which was given by
the Christian Endeavor society at the
church. The program throughout sept
J Z t 4vl1w anil waS
Lilt auuicuua iu a jnj iw -
well worth the price of admission,
making about $30 for the society. Miss
Pearl Hobkins and Mrs. Carl Starker
assistea on tne piauu. au. "c'uu
Ma nrMipatrn. eave several num-
and his orchestra gave several num
bers which were well receivea.
Mrs. Sarah Johnson of Port Orford,
Wash., is visiting the A. C Woodcock
Rev.. A. B. Snider, accompanied a
party, who motored to Grants Pass,
and returned on" Thursday of last
. in.
on Meldrum Avenue is being brought
. . . J.ll tona nyrt.
perty owner of the Meldrum district,
J . .t
r enfirArnra worp pmni? over iuoi
land on which the project is to be
made on Friday last.
Oscar Kuhnhausen from Glenwood,
Wash., Is visiting his brother. His
wife is ill in a Portland hospital.
Mrs. Dave Clements has returned
home from the Hot Springs, much im
proved iu health.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Losey entertained
the Fred Soden family on Sunday last.
The-Soden's are cousins of Mr. Losey
and they reside in Portland.
Messages of sympathy and flowers
are finding their way to the home
of Mrs. Norman Chapman, who is ill.
Mrs. Chapman is president of the Parent-Teachers
association and resides
in the Roethe district.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vesek have re
turned from their former home at Van
couver, Wash.
The Floyd Brown family have re
moved to Salem. Mr. Brown is one
of the state traffice officers.
Mrs. Jasper Dean McFall will leave
soon for Spokane to remain during
the winter.
R. F. Deter and daughter. Myrle,
have returned from a very success
ful pheasant hunting trip in the Mal
loy district.
Gilbert Smith of Willamette deliver
ed a load of potatoes in this commun
ity on Monday. Mr. Smith has 12 acres
in potatoes and the yield is good.
Those he offered for sale here are of
the Burbank variety.
J. W. Dain, Harry and E. P. Wil
liams are on a hunting trip to Riddle
leaving on Saturday and returning on
Tuesday with a bear which weighed
75 pounds. They ha a very delight
ful trip, making the trip in 12 hours
each way; traveling 470-miles. Harry
Williams was the lucky marksman
but they reported "We shot a bear."
James Mulholland of council muu,
Iowa, is the guest tt his sister-in-law.
Mrs. R. H. Hendry.
Miss Ruth A. Cook attended a lunch
eon 'and theater party in Portland on
Monday with her classmates of St
Mary's academy.
Noah Bechtel of Corvallis spent the
week-end- with home folks.
Miss Mary Weinman is suffering
with an attack of asthma.
A splendid display of dahlias is be
ing shown at the post office which
were grown by Mrs. W. H. HartwelL
rtt the dozen varieties the blooms are
perfect. Mrs. Hartnell raises them for
pleasure and many other choice flow
ers are found in the Hartneii garaeus
Vol n at Briees is again able to re
sume his studies after an attack of
Mra Julia Ulabrand has returned
from a four days' visit with her broth
er at Boring.
A marriage license has been issued
t wnitAr n. Brown and Mr. Grace
Howland, both well known residents
of this piace.-
Dr. and Mrs. Betteridge of Portland
Were out over the week end pheasant
Nora Lambert spent Muesaay visn-
in. eotinnl. Her Dresence greatly
pleased the sixth and seventh grade
pupils as she was their primary teauu-
er six years ago. Miss Lambert is a
teacher at Sunset school.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, formerly oi
FhoM: Snwoo4 B7. Automatic
East Side Hill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an dDaalara In
Lumber. Lath, Shingle and Mouldings
Mill Fot of Spokan. Avanu. PORTLAND. OREGON
J. P. Finley & Son
I Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth
Out chapel and equipment are always
available for out of town calls
i Cincinnati but now located in Port-
' land spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
I j Will Cook, who also were former
j Ohioians.
I Miss Ruth Nelson entertained six
! Portland friends, who were her guests
for dinner on Sunday.
C. D. Emmons and wife recently
. retnrned from Alaska and who are
i ree-istered at the Multnomah Hotel,
: cake and punch were served and a
nappy time reported.
The Jennings Lodge Community
club had a splendid attendance at
their social on Wednesday evening
There were 12 tables of cards which
were followed by refreshments. The
high honors fell to visitors from Oak
Grove and consolation favors were
given to Mrs. Fred Bretcher and Wm.
Mrs. R. W. Havens and Mrs. Wm.
Osborne, who motored through from
usuui yy iiu -
j Elmira, N. York, arriving here about
! the middle of October mate record
J time crossing the continent making
jue trip in 472 -
i itra HavAns' daughter. Mrs. Blair
ing Mrs. Havens' daughter, Mrs. Blair
Miller of the Meldrum iisirict.
Mra mra fnealls. who has visited
j her daughter, Mrs. Moshier, has gone
to Hillsboro to remain for tne winter.
Mrs. Bess Bruechert has accepted
a position in the C. C store in Oregon
City taking up her clerical duties on
Henry Babler departed on Tuesday
morning with a car load of Guernsey
cattle bound for Los Angeles, mis i
( a carload purchased by Mrs. Ungues
r fha Rndlanria district. WhO IS COh-
sidered one of the best judges of cat-
1 ii. iv XT TtaKlPP Will he
no iu uio . j.-
ihseni .w weeks and will visit his
two daughters, Mrs. Ed Schwartz and
Miss Lerah Babler of San Francisco,
enroute home.
Mrs. Chas. Starker, of Portland was
a week-end visitor at the home of h.er
son, Carl, the florist.
The Geo. Maple family have leased
the McFall home south of the Jennings
school house and take possession on
the first.
W. F. Weaver and Mrs. Lloyd of
Portland were dinner guests of the
W. H. Tillman family on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones entertained
12 at dinner Sunday. Among their
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and
their brother. Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Jones
and three daughters of Portland.
Mrs. Frank Covert of East Gladstone
was calling on friends at Jennings
Lodge and was a luncheon guest of
Mrs. Frank Lambert.
Geo. Morse has gone to Rockaway,
Ore., and will visit his daughter, Mrs. -H.
C. Pain ton.
The Hallowe'en spirit is in te air
and a number of affairs have been
planned.- Mrs. Clare Maple is to be
high Spooky-Spook for a Hallowe'en
party for 12 of the younger boys of
her neighborhood.
Miss Truscott will have a frolic in
her room which is decorated appro
priate for the Hallowe'en season.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck are
planning on attending the annual
Hallowe'en "dress up" party given
by the Enterprise staff in Oregon
Mrs. Geo. Berry and Mrs. Kate
Brackett, Portland, were luncheon
visitors at the Roberts home on Thurs
day last.
Mrs. Meads, who is among the new
comers to this place, will leave for
California on Wednesday for a visit.
A joint committee of the commercial
club and the business men's associa
tion has been appointed to ascertain
ways and means for opening the new
bridge across the Willamette about
the middle of December, rather than
the first of January, as called for in
c-t it was nointed out at a
meeting of the associaion Wednesday
noon by L. E. Jones that a great vol
ume of holiday trade to Oregon City
would be4ost and a great many shop
pers inconvenienced by the bridge be
ing closed.
it has heen reDorted. it developed
at the meeting, that the bridge would
be in condition to open to travel be
fore the contract time, and it will De
the purpose of the joint committee to
secure full details of the possibilities
of using it "by December 15th. and re
porting them to the next Tuesday
meeting of the Live Wires of the Com
mercial Club. On the committee hand
ling the work are: W. A. Huntley,
Linn B. Jones, Fred J. Tooze, Charles
Dickey, Al Price and Hal E. Hoss.
John P. Millar, Mgr.