OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1922.. Page two NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Mountain Road " MOUNTAIN ROAD, Oct 23 A sur prise birthday party was given Mary KoeJIermeier Sunday nernoon, n. small crowd t her friends gathered to help her celebrate her fifteenth birthday! and the afternoon was spetat in playing games, music ana smsuie. A -dainty luncheon was served to the following: Leonora and Henry Heinz, Marian Robinson, Bernice Hodge Helen, Gladys and Marie Anderson, Kenneth and Marion Baker, Mrs. Ba ker, Mrs. Koellenneier, Mary and Ha zel Koellermeier. Miss Marion Wheeler and Lee Cald well of Portland spent Sunday eve ning with the Hodge family. Mr and Mrs. E. Boeckman and chil dren "visited the Claus Peters family Snndav. Mr. and Mrs. Coolie and children spent Sunday with the Fred Baker family. Mr. and Mrs.E. Anderson, visited relatives here last week-end. Visitors at the Hodge home Thurs- Axv pvenin? were: Dutch Weaaie, Nora Heinz and the Robinson family. Miss Mary Koellermeier spent Sat urday in "Willamette visiting rela tives and taking her music lesson. Deward Hodge attended the dance in "Willamette Saturday evening. Helen and Gladys Anderson spent Saturday in Oregon City, where they had dental work done. Pete's Mountain PETES MOUNTAIN. Oct. 23 Mrs. Knickrehm of Portland visited with her son Edward one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Farqueson have been helping L- Koellermeier of Moun tain Road with his potato harvest. Mrs. John Vlahos visited Mrs. Hell berg Thursday afternoon. Frank Kaiser went to "Willamette Thursday. Gotlieb Notdurftf has the founda tion for his new home in place. He will start on the frame work this Mrs. M. Rypczynski was in town on business Saturday. A budget meeting was held at th new school house Saturday afternoon. Quite a number of our young folks attended the dance at "Willamette Sat urday evening. Agnes Bernert spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Marie Schmitt in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hellberg and chil dren and Frank Lambert spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Monner of Holcomb. Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Kaiser of "Wash ington and Margeurite Kaiser of "Will amette spent Sunday at the Frank Kaiser home. Kelso KELSO, Oct. 24 The entertainment and basket social given by the Wo man's Club Saturday evening was a splendid success. The nice sum of $70.25 was taken in from the sale of baskets and coffee and cake. This sum nicely covers the cost of paint ing the interior of the school rooms for which purpose it was raised. Harry Bickford made a most efficient auc tioneer of baskets. Mrs. E. Herz, pres ident of the club was in charge of the program, which consisted of the following numbers: playlet by Miss Veretti's pupils, song by Mrs. Baum back's pupils, story by Dorothea Gil bert, solo by Miss Margaret Miller, piano solos by Miss Sibyl Lindell and Dorothy Jonsrud, readings by Miss Jean Wheeler, Mrs. R. Jonsrud and Miss Vaeretti and a song by a group of girls. Games were also enjoyed. j Mrs. Mary Dietl of Portland spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. E. Herz. She was accompanied by her grand-daughter, Gretchen Larsen, and both took in the Kelso entertain ment Saturday night. Eunice Jonsrud brought home the following Reed students as week-end guests, the Misses Jean Wheeler, Alice Lindell and Dorothea Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. -Lewis and children and Mr. and Mrs. Twining of Port- plI!II!!!IIIIIIIII!ll!!IIIII!!l!!l!IIIIin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHininiu j 00L Get Your - School Report Cards from Oregon City Enterprise We have furnished Report Cards and En velopes for School Districts in Clackamas County for many years. Let us supply you with cards for your district. The Standard School Report Card has been endorsed by the County School Superintendent. REPORT CARDS ENVELOPES Manila EE S Order by mail, the cards will be sent to you E immedately. . E H niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuf! n fl!!!iiIIlI!I!HIIIIiiII!!ffl land visited Miss "Walling Sunday af ternoon. The "Woman's Club met with Mrs. Robert Jonsrud on Thursday, October 26. Anna "Wilson was a week-end guest of Gertrude and Florence Kligel. Dodge DODGE, Oct. 23 Mr. and Mrs. wifw rrnvfa of Garfield spent the week-end with the W. E. Myers' family-While working for the P. R. L. & P. Mr. Swerver had the misfortune to fall and hurt himself quite badly. He is now in a Portland hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and fam ily and Rosa B. Ten Eyck made a trip to Oregon Citv on Saturday. M. Pederson is spending a few days in Portland. The W. T. Kaake family a.V Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jubb motored to Oregon City on Sunday afternoon. Jack Watson from Viola visited at the John Keller home on Sunday. Jack Marrs from Oregon City spent Friday with his brother, J. W. Marrs, and family. Mrs. Jachimsen and children visited at the W. E. Myers' home on Sunday. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Oct. 24 Mrs. Ethel Lansdowne, the school super visor, was out visiting the school last Thursday. Mrs. R. B. Gibson was calling on Mrs. Ray Woodle Friday. Kermlt Bestul returned home last week from Yakima, where he had gone to pick apples. Mr. and Mrs. . Roy Douglass and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benson Sunday afternoon. Last Saturday evening "Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and son, Leslie, were completely surprised by a crowd of the neighbors coming and spending the evening with them In honor of Mrs. Woodle's birthday. All spent a pleasant evening and along about mid night a delicious luncheon, consisting of coffee, sandwiches, potato salad, pickles, pie and cake was served, when soon after all departed for their homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Kirchem and children were guests at the home of Walter Douglass Sunday. The road between the school house corner and Will Douglass' has been graveled. Logan LOGAN, Oct. 25 Mr. and Mrs. John Schuettel of Logan celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home here Sunday, October 22, 1922, with a family reunion at which more than fifty were gathered and at which four generations were repre sented. Those who attended the re union were: Mrs. Rosia Gallagher and sons, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. John Boss and family of Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Malaer and family of Mil waukie; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tschopp and family of Logan; Mrs. .Lydia Schlappi and family of Portland; Dan iel Malar and family of Hood River, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Strahm and family of Logan; Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Bryan and daughter of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moser and family of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuet tel of Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Schuettel were emi grants of Switzerland, the latter (Miss Rosina Bigler) coming over in 1869, and Mr. Schuettel two years later. They were united in marriage in Schanesville, Ohio, October 25, 1872. Two years later they went to Missouri where they lived until 1880, where they started for Oregon, crossing the plains in an emigrant .train They reached Portland, Oregon, July 9, 1880, and settled in Logan, Clackamas county. With the exception of seven teen years, which were passed in Port land, they have lived at Logan since their arrival in Oregon. During their union there were seven daughters born, five of whom are liv ing. CLERKS! 25c doz 15c dra s I r I Meadowbrook Items MEADOWBROOK, Oct. 25 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones and son, Hugh Thom as, made a business trip to Portland Saturdav and visited friends while there. - Elenora and -Lillie Matson started to high school at Molalla, Tuesday. They are staying with Mrs. Geo. Case. Several from here attended the Odd, Fellow s convention at Canby Satur day. Mr. Brown and family of Bolton have recently moved into our neigh borhood. Chas. Oglesby and Walter Ball re turned from Tillamook this week. They brought a wagon load of salmon back with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Young and daugh ter, visited relatives in Portland Sun- j day. Mr. Matson left last week lor Red Lodge, Montana, where he will be em ployed In a coal mine. The P. O. Dunrud family spent Sun day at the Dave Ackerson home, near Needy. . Several from here attended the fare well party Sunday on the Rev. Ren hard family, who are leaving. Novem ber 1 for Hoquiam. Wash., where Rev. Renhard has been called to take charge of the two congregations of Aberdeen and Hoquiam. Lad Hill Items LAD HILL, Oct. 24 Clair Sovey went to Hood River last week to pick apples. Reuben Kramien returned from Dundee last Wednesday where he has been working. Mrs. . Percy Kiseif is visiting his week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Briston. on Parrot Mountain. Miss Martha Struve has 'returned home Friday from a two weeks visit in Portland. Mrs. Frank Crites of Newberg is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Ellis Parrott and brother, Bruce Case. W. P. Graham and Chester Kiser drove out from Tillamook last Fri day with a load of salmon which they sold out to the neighbors. They spent the night at Frank Kisers and return ed to Tillamook Saturday. Mrs. C. H. Ives was visiting Mrs. Bruce Case Tuesday afternoon. A Hallowe'en party will be given at the Club House Saturday evening, October 28. Every one welcome. Several of Lad Hill folks attended the dance at Rex Saturday evening and report a good time. Those from Lad Hill were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Par rott, Mr. and Mrs. Bert LaPOre, Mr. and Mrs. Don Parrott, Mr. and Mrs. lips, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiser, Mr. Fred Parrott, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Phil and Mrs. Bruce Case, Misses Gladys and Alice St Clair and Roe Heater and Mrs. Lizzie Parrott from Dundee. Oscar Olson of Portland visited four days last week with Kramien Broth ers. Gus Kramien left Sunday morning for Portland to spend a few days with his daughters. Mrs. Carl Carlson. Church services were well attended Sunday at the Club House, meetings will continue every two weeks. C. Struve and family motored to Portland Sunday to spend the day with friends. George Smith and family and Will Smith and afmily and VTr. and Mrs. Tom Parrish and son, Earl of Fern wood and Mrs. Stewart Walker and son, Raymond of Salem, were dinner guests at the home of Jack Smith Sun day. A Japanese has a contract to get 200 piling to ship to China. He is cutting them off Charlie Sellwood's place, and has several men with their teams helping toet them in the river where they will be rafted to Portland and loaded on ships from there. ScottParrott is getting some piling out on the Andy Johnson place. Mrs. Lizzie Parrott of Dundee was visiting relatives here last week. Bissel BIS SELL, Oct. 23, ouis Weisen fluh was transacting business in Port land last Saturday. Chas. Mathews, wife and son of Portland, spent Saturday night on their .farm at Bissell. Irene and Otto Paulsen motored to Portland last Sunday returning the same day. Jake Mueller and wife and children of Portland visited the former's sis ter, Mrs. Peter Ruhl. last Sunday. Willamette News Mrs. Fred Zimmerman and daughter, Dorothy LaFlemme visited at Damas cus the first of last week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Eisile. Mr. and Mrs. W. Florence of Port land were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Porter on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Florence is an uncle of Mrs. Por ter. Mr. and Mrs. Tiedeman have moved from Willamette to Clatskanie where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Tiedeman spent the summer vis iting relatives in Clatskanie and de cided to move to be near their sons, whose homes are near that city. Mrs. Amy Bersie and Mrs. Harry Greaes spent the afternoon at the city library in Oregon City last Wednes day.' " Mrs. Andy Fromong had as her din ner guests at her home last Tuesday evening. Miss Lamb and Miss Shaffer, high school instructors in the West Linn High School. Harold Greaves, was ill for "a few days last week and was out of school. Mrs. Wilkenson and small son of Tacoma, Wash., visited at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Hall sev eral days last week. Among the real estate transfers re ported by the Clem Dollar real es tate agency of Willamette for the past week was the sale of the property consisting of four lots and residence owned by Mr. Gottberg and sold to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Porter. This pro perty is located near the school house on Maple Avenue and is considered one of the sightliest locations in Will amette. Mrs. J. L. Gary entertained a few of her friends in an Informal manner at her home last Tuesday afternoon. The" ladies brought their sewing and enjoyed a social afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Jos. Silverman motor ed to Portland on Saturday of last week and spent the day shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davidson and daughter of Portland were the guests of Mrs. J. A, Reams, Sr., on Sunday, Mrs. Davidson is a granddaughter of Mrs Ream and remembered by her friends as Bessie Ream. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cox and children Earl and Arda Cox, visited relatives in St. Johns on Sunday of last week, Mr. and. Mrs. N. O. Whitney enter tained at dinner on Sunday of lost week Mrs. A. C. Klemson and children and Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. H. Leisman, Mrs. J. Thornber- ry and Mrs. J. A. Reams, Sr., attend ed a silver tea given at the Congre gational church in Oregon City on Wednesday. October 18. Mrs. Cox was pleasantly surprised at her home Wednesday evening, Oc tober 18, when several of her friends from Oswego arrived unxpectedly re minding her of her birthday annler sary. The evening was spent with mu sic and cards and later in the evening delicious refreshments were served to the guests,- who wre Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leh man, and Mr., and Mrs. Frank Whit ten all of Oswego and Miss Elsie Jun ken of Willamette. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boekman and family and Mrs. Alma Clutter of Wil sonville were entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rider at their home Friday evening. Esther Moser of Stafford spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. F. Fred eric! last week while attending teach ers' institute in Oregon Ctty. Mrs. Lucy Mathers, who has been spending several weeks visiting with relatives in Aberdeen, Wash., return ed home last Wednesday. A silver tea for the Willamette Methodist church was given at the home of Mrs. H. Leisman on Thurs day afternoon of last week. The af ternoon was spent sewing on guilts for the ladies aid society. About four o'clock delicious refreshments were served to the guests, who were Mrs. Amy Bersie Mrs. Ida Adamson, Mrs. Zimmermn7 Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Denton, Mrs. H. Colsen, Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. C. Bierner, Mrs. Junken, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Chas. Fromong, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Robert Young, Mrs. Joe Thorn berry, Mrs. M. Peter, Mrs. Lucy Math- j ers, Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. Joe Schau-! ble, Mrs. Chas. Ridder, Mrs. Silver-, man,- Mrs. J. A. Reams, Sr., Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Chas. Bea tie, Mrs. Wm. Reams, Mrs. E. Buckles, Mrs W. W. Davis, Mrs. Blossom, Mrs. C. B. Willson, Mrs. John Cox, Mrs. H. D. Skinner, Mrs. Frank Shipley. Mrs. John Rauch, Mrs. J. Baty, Mrs. A. Fromong, Mrs. E. Leisman, Mrs. J. L. Gary, Gladys Baker, Mrs. N. O. Whit ney, Mrs. J. A. Ream, n , Mrs. Claud Peery. The sum of $6.50 was contrib uted for the treasury of the Ladies Aid Society. ' Henry Saffron, whose home is in Tualatin Meadows was a guest at the home of F. Frederici last Thursday evening. Miss Lora Fetter of Snohomish, Wash., spent last week in Willamette visiting relatives. Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Mootry were dinner guests of Mrs. Ed Buckles. Sr., on Sunday of last week. Mrs. R. J. Young and Miss Leota Young, former residents of Willam ette were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Young the latter part of last week. Mrs. Clem Dollar has been busy for the past few days taking the school census. Miss Mary Shannon, of Oregon City, spent the week-end visiting at the home of Thelma DeBok. Mrs. Bartholomew and family mov ed the first of the week from the Tre maine house on fourth avenue they have, been occupying for the summer months to their home near Willam ette. Mrs. William Elligsen of Frogpond visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Elligsen last Saturday. Mrs. Anna Dollar, Mrs. A. Fromong, and Florence Fromong were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hammerley in Bolton on Sunday. Mrs. C. O. Williams has as her guest this week, her brother Lloyd Baysing er of McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis and children, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gary and children and Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shadle and family formed a motoring party on Sunday afternoon and en joyed a drive to Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shipley Audrey Shipley and Garett Peters visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. YInger, of Petes Mountain on Sunday afternoon. A social, which was very much en joyed by those present, was given at the Willamette Methodist church on Saturday evening, October 21. The young ladies brought baskets which were auctioned off to the nignest Did der, and cake, pie, coffee, and candy were also sold. The proceeds netted $13,255 for the church fund. The fol lowing program was given, each num ber receiving its share of applause Song, "Where the West Begins' by Naomi Barnes, Alberta Barnes, Annie Myers, and Anna Matlaski; reading, Jean Bradley; dialogue, "Seeing a Ghost". Leatha Shadle, Alice Woods, Jeanette Waldron; piano solo, Fran ces Waldron; reading, Lydia Gertrude Greaves. At the present time the sum of $50.00 is being raised by this church for the mission field. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauch and chil dren Jack, Clara and Lynn, accompan ied by Mrs. Robert Young and chil dren, Lucille and Lillian, motored to Salem Sunday where a picnic luncn was enjoyed. - . On Thursday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith of Oregon City were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Young. FLOURS AND FEED RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Mulino Flour Mills MULINO. OREGON On Sunday evening, October 29, J. I. Gary will give an Interesting ad-' dress in the Methodist - church, his subject being "Religious Education There will be no sermon by Rev. Shaf fer as the time will be given to Mr. Gary. Mrs. H. Leisman entertained at din ner on Sunday of last week, her guests being Mr. and Mrs. Claus Pet ers and Miss Boekman of Frogpond Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Willson and fam ily motored to Brownsville on Satur day of last week and visited relatives until "Sunday evening. On Tuesday morning the road be tween Willamette and Oregon City was closed to all vehicle traffic. ' The grading was done early in the fall and is now ready for the concrete pave ment to be laid. There are two short gaps in the road between the two cities. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fromong and family moved on Tuesday from the Fromong acreage near Willamette to Portland where Mr. Fromong is em ployed, Lloyd Mathers left Willamette last Sunday for Prescott, Oregon, where he will probably remain for the win ter. - Mr. and Mrs. Otto Toedtermeier vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker in Moun tain Road last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Grindeland returned last week after spending several weeks visiting relatives in the middle western states. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bierner had as their guest over the week-end. Mrs. Bierner's brother, Arthur Setje, of Stafford. Mrs. Pollack and Mrs. Gorley, the latter a former resident of Willam ette visited relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shipley, Mr. Corrigan and F. Halley of Portland, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Shipley on Sunday, in the after noon the men enjoyed a short hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young and daughter, Muriel, of Jennings Lodge, and Mrs. R. J. Young and Leota Young of Portland were entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Young last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Runyan have rented their property on Maple Ave nue to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Peery, who will take- possession about November 1st. Mrs. Dale Skinner and children, Howard and Jean left Sunday for a week's visit with relatives in Sheri dan, Ore. Sid Brown is coaching the grammar school foot ball team and much in terest is being shown among the pu pils. Elmer McArthur and his bride of New Era were guests at the home of R. A. McArthur on .Monday of last week. While "here they were given a pleasant surprise by having friends serenade them. On Sunday of last week Mrs. M. J. Brown was a guest of friends in Mel drum. Mrs. John Casey and daughter, Mary Jane, accompanied by Mrs. Lucy Math ers were guests at the home of J. A. Breck and family of Parkplace last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Junken and fam ily were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Elliot last Sunday. Mrs. A. P. Tuor entertained Miss Ruth Beach of Portland at her home several days last week. Mrs. Reid was given a happy sur prise party last Sunday in honor of her birthday anniversary. The occas ion - was also a pleasure to Whitney Rankins, a relative of Mrs. Reid's whose birthday anniversary occured on the same date. At noon dinner was served and a social time enjoyed in the afternoon. Those enjoying the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Reid and grandson, Elmer Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Rankins and daughter, Jean. Mr. Kisor of Newport visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ida Adam son on Monday. Bert McArthur left Willamette on Tuesday morning for Braleigh, Calif., where he will remain for several months. Mrs. George Fogel of Portland visit ed her sister, Mrs. Albert Adamson the first of the week. A debate which was given at the Willamette city hall between J. E. Hedges and C. Schuebel of Oregon City was very well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Meeks moved last week from their home on sixth avenue to the Boekman home at 15th and Hood streets. Mr. and Mrs. Schnoerr and Mrs. H Leisman were Portland visitors on Sunday evening. Mrs. W. Baysinger and son Leonard, of McMinnville, are visiting relatives in Willamette this week. The trip was made in Leonard's car. Moehnke, was given a party in honor of his 9th birthday anniversary. Th guests were Invited for all day and at the noon hour dinner was serveu. The table was decorated in pink and white and a large cake with pink and white candles delighted the host and his small euests. Those enjoying Mrs. Moehnke's hospitality were Mrs. Oli ver Johnson and children, Helen, Ger trude Lawrence " and Robert, Mrs. Clyde Blgley and children, Clyde Jr.. Stanley, and Marcella, Billy, Jim, ana Vprnnn TCinnev. . Marion Stelts, and Mi as Freda VoIpd of Portland. nr. rs-Mav tha 27th. the school is e-ivine a Die and cake social to which all are invited. An interesting pro gram is being prepared and our aipi is to purchase basket ball suits for the boys. Last week we had a number of vis itors from West Linn Union High school. Those who were exempted from their examinations spent a good deal of time visiting former teachers and schoolmates. Mr. and Mrs. McLean and children, Jean. Margaret, and Robert accompan ied by Mrs. W. K Sutton and son, Robert, motored to Gresham Sunday in thj McLean car. Mrs. M. E. Wallis of Portland visit ed Ft the home of her son, H. E. Wal lis several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Farlein of West Linn visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Farlein Sunday. Mrs. Farlein was formerly Miss Nettie Andrus of West Linn. The pulpit of the Willamette Meth odist church was ably filled by Mr. J. L. Gary last Sunday morning. The boys of the Willamette school have organized a football team, which played the Gladstone eleven last Fri- da; The girls have organized a basket ball team which, with Miss Shannon as coach. We are this week honored with vis itors from the McMinnville -school, al so Mrs. Fuge, who was formerly a teacher in the Willamette school. On Sunday, October 22, Howard Moehnke, son of Mr. and Mrs. August On Friday of last week Mrs. R. A. Junken entertained the color bearers of the Women's Relief Corps at a dainty luncheon at her home on twelfth street. The table was center ed with pink roses and other fall flow ers were artistically arranged about the rooms. Covers were laid for Mrs. Henry Henningsen, Mrs. Mattie Had ley, Mrs. Ida Adamson and the hos tess. Mrs. Junken is also a color bear er. With the opening of hunting season for the Chinese and native pheasant on October 15 several hunters were seen around Willamette on Sunday. Pheasants seem to be plentiful this year and several motorists have kill ed the birds from their cars near the city limits. Mrs. Alice Allen moved from Will amette on Thursday of last week to her new home on Dartmouth street in Gladstone. She is planning to make many improvements on her home in the near future. The children have been enjoying the ideal weather during their three day holiday, during the Clackamas coun ty teachers' institute. Several children have ponies and others are renting them and horseback riding is the pop ular sport in Willamette this fall. Major Welch and Ella Welch were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. G. PrahL The Fraternal Brotherhood Lodge of Willamette which was organized here about a year ago has put on a membership campaign. Mrs Amy Ber Bie and Mrs. Perry Barnes are rival captains and much interest is being shown. The losing team will enter tain the other winners at a supper the date of which will be- decided at a later date. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Buckles, Jr., moved the first of the week Into their residence on thirteenth street recent ly purchased from Mrs. Alice Allen. . Grandpa Hill, who has been visting in Portland for several weeksreturn ed" home last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauch and chil dren, Jack, Clara and Linn, motored to Oswego Sunday and spent the day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nemic for mer residents of Willamette. Mrs. Joe Schauble spent the day last Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. S. Miller in Sellwood Gardens. Mr. and. Mrs. Howard have taken a ten-year lease on the Cora Hunt prop erty. They moved the latter part or last week. Beulah Snidow, . Elva Snidow, An nette Adcock and Miss Harriet Ro man of Oregon City formed a merry party last Wednesday evening and at tended the Whitney Boy's chorus at the Portland Auditorium Miss Una Hyatt entertained a num ber of her friends at a "Slumber Par ty" at her home last Friday evening. After an evening spent playing games and a night of slumber Miss Una serv ed breakfast to her guests who were Misses Hazel Hudson, Elsie Junken, Arda Cox, Ellen McArthur, Ruth Jun ken, and Verneita Strong. Miss Helen Wallis spent the tnree days of vacation last week visitins relatives in Portland. Lloyd Junken and Iva Richardson or Portland spent Saturday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jun ken. . Florence Twombly of Portland spent the week-end in Willamette visiting her cousin Mamie Wallis. On Friday evening of last week the Parent-Teachers association entertain ed the teachers of the Willamette grammar school in the school gymnas ium. A program was given and after if social evening refreshments, were served. - The dance given in the Leisman hall on Saturday evening was well attend ed. The music was furnished by an orchestra from Oregon city Another dance is scheduled for next Saturday evening. Russel Beal, who is attending school near Newberg, spent Saturday and Sunday in . Willamette visiting his mother and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Junken. Clifford and Elsie . Junken, accompanied by Mrs. A. Adamson motored to Gresham last Sunday. A basket social, to which everyone is cordially invited, will be given un der the auspices of the Sunday school at the Willamette Methodist church next Saturday evening. The ladies and girls are asked to bring baskets, also pies and cakes. The proceeds of the sale will be applied on the church piano. The Progressive club, which was or ganized last winter with Chas. Ridder as president will begin soon to hold regular meetings which will be an nounced later. The object of the club is to boost for the west side and we j believe much good has been accom- j nlished as the west side and especial- i -nr.-,, ,, i o-rowinf ranldlv ITteraThTregu!armt?nPgid the i W O W. lodge last Wednesday eve- 4 . , a nine a social evening was eujujcu . and pumpkin pie and cider was served, j On Friday several local members at- tended the Oreeon City lodge. Ruth Miller, Mamie Wallis, Miiarea HTnTnilipjin. Bertha McKlllican anu Beulah Snidow hiked to Oswego lake last Friday morning. After rowing on the lake a "weenie" roast enjoyed. Estacada ESTACADA, Oct. 25 Among other accidents already this season with the boys playing football.-was that of Sat urday afternoon when Albert Belfils was knocked unconscious in a prac tice game. He was aDie io ..rain thn next day. however, but showed a bad bruise on his forehead. Mrs. J. E. Shibley and little son, Norman, were here Saturday from Portland to visit Mr. Shibley who is working in the camps above Faraday. They returned home Sunday evening. Jim Smith spent last week at Tilla mook and Pacific City on a fishing trip. , Last Monday Miss Dora Currin was operated upon for appendicitis in one of the Portland hospitals. She is get ting along nicely. R. S. Coop was seen on our streets one day last week, having returned from Gresham where he has been con fined in a hospital on account of a broken leg. He gets around very well on crutches and is glad to be home again. Ai Portland papet reported an acci dent to Howard Givens, son of Walter Givens and formerly of Estacada. The accident happened last Wednesday in front of their home in Portland when he was run over by an automobile. He was unconscious for a short time but seemed to be all right the next day. A man by the name of Pemberton, who was working in the Hurley-Mason camp above Faraday, had his leg broken last Sunday when a speeder on which he wa8 riding, was thrown off the track. Dr." Rhodes gave first aid and the man was then taken to Port land. Mac Dale, who is attending dental college in Portland, was a week-end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale. Mrs. Viola Douglass visited Portland last Thursday. Mrs. Mabelle Carlton, a, niece of A. E. Sparks, and her son Raymond, ar rived last Thursday evening from Oakland, CaL They remained until Sunday evening when they left for Portland where the boy is to attend school and his mother will locate there. Mrs. Gertrude G. Hutton, formerly of Estacada, passed away in Portland last Friday morning, after a short ill ness. Mrs. Hutton was the sister of Walter Giens, a former resident of this place and where the deceased made her home for several years. She was familiarly known ' as "Bobbie" Grim before herr marriage. Died At her home in Currinsville, October 19, 1922, Mrs. Elizabeth Amann, aged 87 years, 10 months and 24 days. Deceased has been a resi dent of Currinsville for the past ten years, coming from Topeka, Kansas. She is survived by five children, C. D., L. K. and S. Amann of Currins ville, W. J. Amann of Jefferson, Ore., smri Mrs. Zwirman of George. Funer al services were held Saturday after noon in the Gates chapel, Rev. A. Demoy officiating, and the interment was made in the I. O. O. F. cemetery under the direction of Joseph Gates of C. P. Brown was in Oregon City last Sunday attending tha ceremony of laying the corner stone of the I. O. O. F. temple. Clyde Ecker left for Portland Sun day night where he will remain for a short time. Mrs. Rex Ludlow returned Friday from a two week's visit with Portland rl&tivs The local W. C T. U. ladies- are making arrangements to give an en tertainment and bazaar, along about December 12. .They will have many article to sell, especially appropriate fnr- Christmas presents. The proceeds j o e affair areto go the the Chil- dren's Farm Home, which is being built by the W. C- T. U. women, ev erybody knows that the work has be gun and as this association at Esta cada was given a certain quota of the amount to be raised, the women find they are considerably behind and will have this bazaar and entertain ment for the purpose of raising their quota. It is to be called a ''Mother Goose Affair", more of which will be said later. Miss Mildred Douglass was here from Salem to spend the week-end with her grandmother; Mrs. - Viola Douglass. Albert Lichthorn and wife and Jo hannah Lichthorn went to Portland last Sunday to see their mother, Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn, at St. Vincent hospi tal. They report that she is improv ing every day and soon will be able to return home. Mrs. U. H. Gibbs accompanied Mr. Gibbs to Milwaukie last Sunday and visited friends at Sellwooff. Mrs. W." H. Grabeel- and children went to Salem last Friday evening to visit Mrs. Grabeel's mother, return ing Sunday evening. Mrs. Ray Holgate is here in Esta cada at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. N. J. Holgate, visiting while her husband is working with his fath er on a ranch In Eastern Oregon. The first foot ball game of the sea son on the home ground took place last Friday afternoon, between Esta cada high school and Molalla high. It was a walk-away for Estacad, the visiting tern only getting one score. Last Saturday night was one long to be remembered by the Artisans of this place. A special train from Port land brought out about fifty Artisans and on their arrival they marched through the main streets of Estacada, tooting horns and otherwise making themselves heard. Marching to the pavilion in the park they put on the degree work to a class of about twen ty candidates, after which there were short talks from L. C. Langlois, field manager, supreme master H. S. Hud son and others. Supper followed and the remainder of the evening was de voted to dancing. Mr. and mis uw Mr. and Mrs. tjnariie oyaiiva auu - tie son, Andy, motored out from Port- 'ana last "" ftie A. E. Snarks home. ...... After a month's visit with relatives m ' Katnr,av Mr. Morton went to Portland to meet her. The feed store of Bartholomew & Lawrence was moved from the Reed building on Broadway to its new home in the Lovelace building on Main street, south of the-postoffice. Mrs. G. E. Lawrence left for Owas so, Wisconsin, last Sunday, in re sponse to a tejegram announcing the death of a sister. (Continued on Page Three I Holman & Pace ! FUNERAL I DIRECTORS Homelike Efficient -Courteous i Telephone 86 I 7th and Water Sta, Oregon City J