'agetwo NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Estacada ESTACADA, Oct. 18 Mrs. R. H. Carter of River Mill, w) was fluite ill, is reported to be very much better. Mrs. H. C. Gohring spent the day in Portland iast Saturday. Mrs. Mae Reed and daughters, Flor ence June and Mary Alice, visited relatives in Portland this last week . end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton motor ed over from Portland last Sunday and were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore. Mrs. W. F. Cary and children went to Portland last Thursday and visiteJ at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. H. Eoyie until the following day, when Mr. Cary went after them in his car. Miss Florence Kendall has gone to Portland where she has employment. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Caiy and Mrs. N. B. Ecker made a brief visit to Ore gon City Monday afternoon. Rev. Mort of the Methodist church, organized an Epworth League last Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks motored to Portland Sunday to visit friends, returning Monday. Born To William Perry and wife. on Thursday, October 12, a daughter. Warren Smith went to Newberg last Thursday to visit relatives, returning Saturday. F. G. Fuller, vice-president of the P. R. L. & P- Co. and Thomas Pum frey, chief engineer, were in Estaca da last Tuesday, enroute up the line to inspect work being done. Wm. Kraack of Portland, who owns the buildings at the end of Main street, formerly occupied by Wm. DaLe, was in this city Saturday to look after his property. He said he was about to lease the buildings for o laiinilr-v Mrs. Viola Douglass visited friends at Gresham last Saturday. Mrs. C- F. M. Brown and Mrs. D. B. Herring, with Miss Wava Herring, were Portland visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lawrence visited their son in Portland last Sunday. Henry Boyer had a large bear skin on exhibition on the street last Sat urday. He killed Mr. Bruin in the vi cinity of Shell Rock mountain, shoot- ing him twice before he fell. Mrs. H. W. Morgan of Sellwood was a guest at the U. H. Gibbs home last Saturday. Mrs. Harry Morgan and little daugh ter arrived from Roseburg last Satur day to visit Estacada relatives for a few weeks. J. C. Hillman, a former resident of Estacada, but now of Vancouver, Wash., was in town Monday calling on old friends. Mrs. Nellie Carson is now employed in the G. P. Rose store. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Adams have mov ed into the Dubois house, lately vacat ed by Dr. Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. John Page left Wednes day morning for Bull Run, where they will visit their son, Bert and family, and will go from there to Gladstone to visit their daughter, Mrs. Robert Moore. Mrs. Julius Kreager and baby daughter, visited in Portland Wednes- Mrs. W. W. Rhodes was in Portland Tuesday visiting relatives and friends. Molalla high school will play the Estacada high a football game on Fri day afternoon at 3 o'clock, on the home grounds. The evening services at the M. E. church promises to he very interest ing A feature of those services will be the singing, and everybody having a favorite song can request to have it sung. There will be music by a male quartet also next Sunday night. Mrs. Mary L. Mallett, state presi dent of the W. C. T. U., will be here to attend the next meeting of the local W C. T. U.. which will be held at the home of Mrs. G. E. Lawrence on October 26, at 1:30 P. M. All in terested invited. Miss Melba Harmon now sells tick ets at the Gem theater. Will Closner and family are mov ing into the C. J. Pimm residence on the street back of the M. E. church. The Community club is expecting a grand meeting on Friday evening, Oc tober 27, at which time County Judge Cross of Oregon City and others from that place will meet the committees of three men" from Barton, Currins ville, Eagle Creek and Estacada to talk over and make plans for the pre liminary work for paving the roads through these places to connect up with roads elsewhere into Portland. A committee of ladies has prepared a short program and the ladies' commit tee on refreshments will serve a lunch appropriate for the Hallowe'en season. It is expected that there will be a large attendance. Meeting will be held in the rear room of the I. O. O. F. hall. Mrs. U. H. Gibbs went to Portland last Sunday to meet her friend, Mrs L. A. Wells of Roseburg, who is visit iner relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ames, Miss Bertha and Vernon. Ames, Lester Un derwood and Otto Kiggin9 motored over to Hood River last Sunday, where they visited at the home of Mr. Ames sister and also saw Mrs. Lena Under wood, who is now living for a short time at Hood River. The nastor of the Woodstock M. El church of Portland, Rev. Poor, preach ed in the Methodist church here last Sunday morning. Holman & Pace j FUNERAL ! DIRECTORS j Homelike Efficient Courteous I Telephone 86 7th and Water St, Oregon City Interest in the coming city election is picking up. One one candidate. G. E. Lawrence, has filed for mayor and J. P. Woodle and Fred Bartholomew are- the candidates for recorder, with possibly John Ely the third. C. S. Al len has filed for councilman in ward 4 and O. E. Smith in ward 5. Peti tions are out to be filed soon for Tom Morton as councilman in ward 4 and Roy Wilcox in ward 5. No one has been named for city treasurer as yet, and the present incumbant, Mrs. Nina B. Ecker, will probably be the only candidate. Elks Prairie ELK PRAIRIE, Oct. 17 Mr. and Mrs. Dee Myers visited Mr. and Mrs. Gien Gault. Mr. Yacubee helped D. B. Grey butcher stock. Glen Gault and Mr. Yacubee took the beef to Portland. Upojn their return they brought a load for Mr. Zacrumensky, who is moving to Elk Prairie from Oregon City. An election was held recently at the Coal Creek school for the purpose of electing two directors. Mr. Pearce was elected to the fill the vacancy in the school board left by R- Joplin, when he moved to Portlan. Glen Gault was elected to take the place of Chas. Tidd, who moved to Oregon City. The clerk, Mrs. Grosser and Mr. Hilton, the chairman, had asked Miss Bingham of Oregon City to at tend the election and she was employ ed as teacher. Later a budget was made up covering estimated expense of both Elk Prairie and Coral Creek schools. The Coral Creek school be gan at once with out waiting for the budget to be voted because the super intendent has the right to declare funds for one school, in case the bud get is not allowed. The Elk Prairie school is waiting the result of the budget election. Both schools are in one large district. Some walked many miles over trails to the election. Beaver Creek BEAVER CREEK, Oct. 16 Central Grange entertained the Clackamas County Pomona Grange at the hall here last Wednesday. The hall was beautifully decorated with dahlias and autumn leaves. The principal speakers were J. R. Her man of the single tax league, and Wal ter M. Pierce. . Past State Master B. G. Leedy and State Master C E. Spence also gave short talkfy In the evening a class of twelve was instruct ed in the degree of Pomona, and the meeting ended with a short literary program. About 75 people attended a dance at the grange hall Satur"S.y evening. The dance was arranged for by sev eral local couples' in celebration of their wedding anniversaries. A petition is being circulated re questing the change of the name of our post office from Hoff to Beaver Creek Mrs. E. O. Hughes has been suffer ing for several days with a badly sprained foot. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spence motored to Clarkes Saturday evening where Mr. Spence spoke before the Farm Bureau meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hughes of Ore" gon City were visiting in Beaver Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wetmore of Clarkes and son, Philip Wetmore, anil family of Highland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foglesong. Coxey Thomas is at home again with an Injured hand. Tommy Parry, who is employed by the Montgomery Ward Co in Port land, was at home over the week-end. Robert Lynch is visiting his mother, Mrs. Harrie Mcehouse, for a few days. Among those from Oregon City who attended the- dance here Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Nash and Miss Ar lene Bluhm. . Hazelia HAZELIA, Oct. 17 The initial monthly service of the Hazelia Com munity Sunday school will be Sunday Oct. 29. Arrangements have been made, by the committee in charge, with Dr. James Palmer, head of the religious and social department of the v tut n a te nrovide the sermon. wt ot ii nvinfir School at 10 v I This is a try out service to see just how much interest will be shown to ward having each last Sunday of the month a worth while speaker from out side to give us an inspiring talk. We should make a special effort to ap preciate the courtesy Dr. Palmer has extended us in offering to help us in this special line of Sunday school work in our community. Special mu sic will be provided. WTe invite any from our neighboring communities to attend. Dodge DODGE, Oct. 16 Rosa B. Ten Eyck and Miss Alice Funk attended the teachers' institute at Oregon City last week. .The Community club held its regu lar meeting on Saturday evening with a good attendance. A wedding gift was presented to Mrs. Clarence Jubb (Mabel Keller) by the pupils who were in her room last year. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Baker and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Holder were Sunday vis itors at the Fred Horner home. W. E. Myers resumed work again on Monday after being laid off almost three months with an Injured hand. Emery Keller had his arm badly hurt at the Kaake and Jubb mill on .Friday. Three stitches had to be taken to close the wound. Mr. Lutes and family have moved on to the Reickle place which they OREGON Glarkes CLARKES, Oct. 16 Ray Jones re turned from Amity last week. Mis Grace Sager visited her sister. Mrs. Clarence Lee last Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Kruse of Port land visited Mrs. Kruse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wettlaufer and family over Sunday. Misses Martha and Elsie Martin spent Sunday afternoon with Afisses Alice and Bertha Crockett. Miss Mary Bottemiller visited Mrs. E. Pfiefer and family last Sunday af ternoon. Miss Martha Martin is attending high school at Colton. - Mr. and Mrs. Rebman of Jigene are visiting Mrs. Rebman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stromgreen of Colton for a short time. Mrs. Kaddy and Miss Stone, the Clarkes school teachers, attended the I teachers' institute at Oregon City last week. A. T. Buche and' son, Herman,, were in Oregon City last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crockett and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pfiefer and Kenneth Bot temiller were Oregon Cityvisitors last Saturday. Leonard Marshall is attending high school at Colton. Miss Mae Rogers who is in the St. Vincent hospital in Portland is improv ing nicely. Chas. T. Wolfard was in Clarkes last week. B. Sullivan and Kenneth Bottemiller were in Oregon City last Friday. Barlow Mrs. Wm. Kloster went to Eugene Thursday to spend a few weeks with her daughter there. Mrs. Goethal has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson 'and family have movell back to Barlow on their place. Mrs. Jensen ,who has been making her home in Barlow for a number of years has moved to Portland. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Bernard Berg, Wednesday afternoon.- A large crowd was there. Cake, sandwiches, and coffee were served. Logan LOGAX, Oct. 17 Some are dig ging potatoes, but the yield is much below normal and theye are many small ones. Many from here attended Pomona grange at Beaver Creek: last Wednes day. A fine dinner was served to a full house. Election of officers re sulted n M. C. Qlover beng re-elected by a large majority as master. Tvlrs. Davis of Garfield, secretary; and Mrs. Ella Seedling of Tualatin, lecturer. Walter Pierce spoke on the tax prob lem and Mr. Herman on single tax. W. C- and I H. Kirchem are en joying a trip in southern Oregon. Mrs. James Young is quite ill at her home in Upper Logan. The chldren of Mr. and Mrs. E. C Gerber also have been on the sick list. Mt: Pathe of Upper Logan was treat- da an nid Rtvle charivari last week when it became known he had been i marred. The boys say tney were treated royally. He is a newcomer having recently . bought the Cromer place. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Oct. 17 Mrs. T. C. McKay is visitirrg at Amity, Oregon, the guest of her sister. Mrs. Viola Douglass was over this way recently visiting with relatives in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. I- Akers have moved into the Jess Douglass house. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister, Ru by and Victor Hoffmeister, Mrs. W. F. Douglass, Mary and Edna Evans were guests at the home of R. B. Gib son Sunday. H. F- Gibson was up this way last Monday. Mrs. Carl Rhenstroni and children were Astoria visitors recently. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ray Woodle, son Les lie, and Mr. Murphey, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass Sunday evening. Arthur Bluhm, John Moehnke and Robert Moehnke, of Shuebel, were din ner guests at the home of Roy Doug- lass Sunday, They are looking for a new saw mill site. Pete's Mountain PETES MOUNTAIN, Oct. 16 Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser and Miss Leona Cole spent Monday evening at J. Rob insons of Mountain Road. Mrs. B. Clark went to Portland on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hellbere- nnd fhil- flren and Agnes Bernert were in Ore-. gon City Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nodurft, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser, Miss Leona Cole, Mr. arid Mrs. J. Hellberg, Frank Lambert, Carl, Joe and Agnes Bernert spent Tuesaay evening at the E. Wlke home of Tualatin Meadows. The evening was spent in playing, games and a lunch was served at midnight. A good time was enjoyed by everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaiser of Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. n. Zimmerman and daughter, Veryl, Marguerite Kais-! er and Lyman Koellermeier of Will amette spent Sunday at the Frank Kaiser home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hellberg and chil- i dren, and Frank Lambert spent Sun f day at the Bernert home. Miss Virginia Cole spent a few days with her sister, Leona, while attend ing the teachers' institute. THE RUSH She: 'I wouldn'i marry, you if you were the only man in the world." He: "Of course you wouldn't get feiU03utt.hV CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1922. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, Oct. 17 The lo cal srhnnl was closed three davs last week while our teacher was attending tain- institute. I Mrs. C. B. Willson entertained in Mrs. Louis Koellermeier and Mrs. a charming manner at her home on FrejL Baker visited Mrs. E. S. Kruse I Railroad avenue -last Thursday, her of Frogpond last Tuesday. Thepr ! guests being members of the Sola Cir made the trip on their ponies. j cle and a few other friends. The Will- Mr. and Mrs. J.'Robinson, Deward j son home was prettily decoraed for and Bern fro TTodge visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Kn!ner and the Misses Cole last Thursday evening. Mary ( Koellermeier and Bernice Hodge spent Thursday of last week with Leonora Heinz. The Robinson family and A. Hodge attended the Liberty theater in Ore gon City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Farqualson of Peach Cove are helping L. Koellermeier with his potatoes. Kelso KELSO, Oct. 16 A basket social" and program will be given Saturday evening, Oot. 21, at the Kelso school house under the auspices of the Wo man's club of Kelso. Ladies will kind ly bring baskets and all are cordially invited to attend. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the school. Willamette News The firm of'Hallock & Watson, radio experts of Portland, installed one of their best receiving sets at the home of Gladys Baker and her mother, Mrs. B. F. Baker on Monday afternoon. InJ the evening. Mr. Watson broadcasted several messages directly to Mrs. Ba ker and also broadcasted thtk news of their purchase of the set. The radio works splendidly and will be. a contin ual source of pleasure to Mrs. Baker, who has been an invalid for several years. Mrs. Harry Greaves spent last Tues day shopping in Portland. Mrs. Perry, who formerly lived in Willamette for several years, was in Willamette on Wednesday calling on friends and renewing acquaintances. Mrs. Perry is ngw making her home in Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Khale and children of Stafford motored to Willamette in their new automobile on Sunday and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, whose home is in Arizona, were the guests of Mrs. Jess Hyatt on Tuesday evening of last week. Ewald Leisman, Lee Porter and Gar rett Peters left early last Wednesday morning for Netarts where they en joyed du-k hunting. The trip was made in the Peters machine. Hilda Bartelin spent last Wednes day in Portland shopping. Mrs. Colonel Montgomery under went a surgical' operation at the Ore gon City hospital on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Montgomery ha been ill for several years suffering with chron ic appendicitis andi.it was decided last week thai an operation would prove beneficial. Her condition is report ed as improving eaeh day. The ladies aid society of the Will amatte Methodist church mfct last Thursday and ai business meeting was held. The following officers were el ected for the coming year, Mrs. Andy Fromong, president; Mrs. R. A. Jun lar, secretary and Mrs. Bennett, treas urer. It was decided to hold the Christmas bazaar on December 2 and the ladies will begin to prepare fancy work and also useful articles in their spare time to have in readiness as It is hoped the bazaar will be as much of a success as usual. Chairmen were also appointed to serve on various committees. Florence Fromong entertained the members of the Junior choir of the Willamette Methodist church at her home on Sixth avenue last Wenesday evening. Miss Fromong is instructor of the choir. and is associated with the children in their school work and is a" general favorite with all. The eve ning was spent playing games, telling riddles and singing and later in the evening a taffy pull was vfry much en joyed. A delightful time was had by the guests who were Gladys Dollar, Narmi Barnes. Emily Hoover, Annie Laurs, Annie Myers, Anna Matalaski, Ethel Irish, Ethel Emmerson, Lucille Emmerson, Frances Carpenter, Sonora Brown, Mary Strong, Brownie Matalas ki, Mary Laurs. Alice Beardsley. Eun ice Morrell, Lula Babcock, Marjorie Barnes, Dora Andrus, Nilah Farlien and Gladys Mootry. Mr. and Mrs. William Rienke of Bolton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rienke on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Waldron and her daughter were the guests of Mrs. Jess Hyatt several days last week the former be ing Mrs. Hyatt's sister-in-law. Miss Frances Shannon, a teacher in the Willamette grammar school had as her guest in the school room on Tuesday afternoon her twin sister. Miss Mary Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Sheriff of Corvallis rented the Higginbotham property last week and have taken- possession. Misses Mabel Larsen and Florence Fromong attended the teachers' insti tute in Oregon City Wednesday and were the guests of the Misses Jessie and Frances Bowland of Oregon City in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammerly and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hammerly of BvisnrdrwmameUe on Wed-1 nesdav-evenins: last week. Mrs. Setje of Stafford visited her daughters, Mrs. Carl Bierner and Lil lian Setje on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. E. S. Kruse and children, Stan ley and Betty Belle, visited with Will amette relatives last Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Landsverk ana daugh ter. Alpha Helene, of Oak Grove, spent several days last week in Willamette visiting Florence Fromong and other friends. Jack Mathers left Willamette last Thursday for Sante Fe Springs, Calif.. where he will spend the winter. While in California he will be in the em- FLOURS AND FEED RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Mulino Flour Mills MULINO. OREGON ploy of one of the large oil corpora tions. ' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross had as their guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nordorf and children of Petes Moun- the occasion, fall flowers and autumn leaves being used in "profusion. At the noon hour a delicious luncheon was served and in the afternoon a' social time enjoyed by the guests who were: Dolores Davidson, Mrs. Mae Baty, Mrs. Ried, Mrs. Mary L. Cox, of Port land, Mrs. Edna Carpenter, &ls. Ftn nie ePtit, Mrs. H. Martin,x Mrs. Anna Rakle, Mrs. Blanche Mautz, Mjs. Stella Dryden, Mrs. Flora Morris, Mrs. Flora Jarreth, Mrs. Addie Nichols, Mrs. Evelyn Williams, Mrs. A. P. Tuor, Mrs. Amy Bersie, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown. Mrs. Mae Rakle, Mrs. A. Cox, Mrs. Margaret Cox, Mrs. Eva Leigh ton, Mrs. Josephine Dunn, and Mrs. Anna Willson. Mrs. E. T. Mass of Oregon City was in Willamette on Friday and Satur day of last week looking after business interests. While here she also called on friends. Mrs. A. P. Tuor and son, Philip spent last Wednes-iy in Portland. Lyman Koellermeier is staying -with his cousin, Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman and attending the Willamette school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar and chil dren, Gladys, clem, Jr., and Laurence, motored to Pacific City last Friday afternoon and spent the week-end. They reported the weather conditions to be ideal but very few people were at the coast. Mrs. Marion Bennett and daughter, Joan, visited in Vancouver, Wash., over the week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cantrill. Mrs. G. Prahl had as her guests over the week-end Mrs. Dahl of Sandy. Mr. O. Larsen. who has been in the Oregon City hospital for the psst fort night returned to his home Sunday. Mr. Larsen broke a bone in his foot while at work in the mill several wreks ago. Later a septic condition set in necessitating special medical attention. Mr. Larsen still has his foot in a plaster parts cast which will not be removed for about two weeks. ' Mrs. Fred Baker and Mary Koeller meier of Mountain Road rode their ponies in to Willamette on Saturday afternoon. They have purchased their ponies within the last few weeks and both are enjoying horse-back riding. Mr. and Mrs. William Forsythe sold their property, consistng of a resi dence and two lots on railroad ave nue to Mr. and Mrs. Jtodgers last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers and daughter. Miss Ella, will take posses sion in the near future. Frank Shipley and Garett Peters en joyed a fishing trip last Sunday. Their destination being a mountain stream near Clackamas. The trip was made in Mr. Peters' machine. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Shipley were Mr. and Mrs. George Shipley, Mr. Halley, and Mr. Corrigan of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Elligsen, Ed ward Elligsen, Rosena Elligsen and Garett Peters motored to Frogpond Sunday, where they attended the an nual Harvest Feast held at the Frog pond Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nordorf of Petes Moutatain were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frederici on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kober had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jake Andrus of West Linn. Mrs. Chet Hadley, who recently moved from Willamette . to West Linn, was pleasantly surprised last Friday evening when several . of her friends called remiding her of her birthday anniversary. Each guest took an apron as a gift. The affair proved delightful, music and games being the amusements of the evening. Late in the evening refreshments wre served. Those from Willamette who attended were Mrs. Adamson, Mrs. Junken, Mrs. Wallis, Mrs. Leis man and Mrs. Dollar. O. Larsen, who was injured while at work in the mill several weeks ago was taken to the Oregon City hospital last week. His condition is reported to be improving. Last Friday evening a number of members of the Willamette 'chapter of the W. O. W. convention attended the W. O. W. convention in Portland. Those from Willamette atending were W. I.' Snidow, J. A. Ream Jr., Chas. Lindfuist, Perry Barnes, C. A. Rld der. Dr. Jas. Silverman, C. B.' Willson, E. Leighton and M. R. Snidow. On Thursday of last week Esther Rodgers, who is well known in Will amette, became the bride of Helmer Thorpe, prosperous young farmer of Amity, Oregon, at a prettily appointed wedding which occurred at the Meth odist parsonage in Vancouver, Wash. The bride wore a traveling suit of blue tricotine with picture hat to match. After a short honeymoon tney will make their home on a farm near Amity. Those from Willamette pres ent at the ceremony were G. S. Rod gers, Mrs. Myra Woods, Mr. and Mrs. A. Waldron. Mrs. Musselman and Nona Musselman. Gertie Willson and her mother, Mrs. C. B. Willson motored to Portland Monday, where they spent the day shopping. Mrs. John Casey and her daughter, Mary Jane, returned from Prescott, Wednesday evening , after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Wing. Mrs. Alice Knoop had as her guest over the week-end Miss Lulu Nord Iand, a teacher in the New Era schools. - Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hyde and son, Jimmie, were the guests of Mr. -and Mrs. C- A. Ridder on Sunday. BY WAY OF INTERFERENCE "Peaches and cream, bacon and eggs, dry toast and coffee," said the dining car patron, with a conspicuous badge on his coat. "Yes, sir," replied the waiter. "I want three eggs, mind you, plen ty of. bacon and a double order of toast." "Yes, sir," repeated the waiter with a grin. "Boss. I'm not saying the del egation you're traveling with are drinking gentlemjen but youfre the first member who's, showed up in the diner this morning with an appetite." JENNINGS L OD GE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent Members of Guilds Meet at Newcombs JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 18 A very delightful afternoon was spent in sewing at the home of Mrs. R. L. New comb on Wednesday last, when she was assisted by her mother, Mrs. War ren Swart in entertaining the Grace Guild. Twenty-two women enjoyet the devotional led by Mrs. H. Babler and the delicious refreshments serv ed by the hostesses. The Guild is planning a reception for Rev. A. B. Snider and wife. A pot luck lunch will be held on Oct. 25 and the members are asked to assemble at 10 A. M. to work for the annual bazaar. - Present at the Guild at the New comb home were Mesdames H. R. Hendry, Wm. Moritz, Henry Babler, Marry Williams. H. J. Hooker, J. W. Smith, W W. Woodbeck, C. Water house, Bess Bruechert, Susan Losey, Un cT-l-i Drthortc 'Rfl-arni-H Poarcnn Jpffv Madden. J. W. Dain, Edith Truscott, W. I. Blinstone, Geo. Gardner, Geo. Williams, Geo. Maple, J. W. Jones, S. S. Teachers Meet rri TT r 1 lO Hear Delegates f ' JENNINGS LODGED Oct 18-The teachers of the Sunday school met for their monthly business session on Monday evening at the church. Re- ports from the delegates to the state Sunday school convention in Portland; were given. W I Blinstone, speaking j of the intermediate department; Mrs. j A. B. Smith on the junior work and Mrs. Blinstone and Mrs. Gardner re porting on the primary department. ENTERTAINMENT PLANNED JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. IS Hilar- ity Hall will be given at the Grace business caller at the Lodge on Wed churcti banquet room on Saturday eve-.j nesday. ning, Oct. 21 under the auspices off Mrs. H. R. Hendry will be hostess the Christian Endeavor Society. i to tnQ luncheon club on Thursday The affair is being coached by Carl ; wnen covers will be placed for 1. Starker and promises to be a splendid .' This is the first one held after the entertanment. I summer season. ATTEND DEBATE JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 18 A few of our Lodge folk attended the de bate held in Oregon City on Tuesday night. W. W. Woodbeck spoke for j the affirmative on the single tax. The debate on compulsory education will be repeated on Saturday evening at the Oregon City library, giving the Lodge folks who were unable to be present on Tuesday an opportunity to attend as it is open to the public. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS The Jennings Lodge school shows an enrollment of 127 pupils. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bechtel and the H. Roberts family motored to Gresh am on Sunday. R. E. Wagner of Riverview drive has taken a six months' leave of ab - sence from his duties as engineer on the S. P. & S. railway for the purpose of going east to investigate an offer of an official position tendered him by the Denver and Rio Grande rail- j way Mrs. Arthur Smith attended the W. C T. U. state convention held at Mc- Minnville, during the week. Being; present at the Thursday session. W. H. Tillman is taKing a univers.iy extension course in connection with his .line of work. W. I. Blinstone is assisting at the J. C. Penny Co. store in Oregon City. "Clean up" day was observed at tne church on Saturday and the sev eral who gathered put the churci in readiness for the coming affairs. The Parent-Teachers' association convenes on Friday of this week at Norman Chapman will preside, the school house at 3 P. M. Mrs. Mrs. Adeline Ingalls is pleasantly located in her new home on Addie street and she desires to thank the many neighbors and the insurance j company for their kindness and j prompt action when ,her home was destroyed by fire recently. Mr. Schofield has about completed his new residence at Ashdale. It con-j tains six large rooms and is modern. Mr. Schofield . is a contractor and builder and at present is building a church at Sellwood. A little baby girl arrived at the Grundland home last Tuesday. Oscar Algar has dug a r well and made a number of repairs as well as painted his house on Addie street. Wednesday being the birthday anni versary of Mrs. C. E. Carns, a dinner Ei;ien Alldredge and Mill Nellie Van was given in her honor by her dausrh- derwali were entertained at dinner ter, Mrs. Gump at the Carns home. Places were laid for six and may pretty gifts were received by Mrs. Carns during the day.' . John F. Jennings, , who has bsen in Portland for the past month, was -u on Saturday looking after his proper ty interests here. Mr. Jennings is to resume work on his new bungalow in about two weeks. Mrs. H. H. Sanders of the Albina district and Mrs. B. A. Sanders and Margaret of Woodstock were luncheon visitors on Friday of Mrs. Bess Brue- J. U. Campbell Wednesday. Judge chert. Campbell, observing the right to make E. C. Briggs has just completed the jail sentence operative without fur staining his house and garage and is ther hearing of conditions warranted, now harvesting his crop of potatoes, suspended the imprisonment tempor The yield is very good, getting 60 arily. A jail sentence of 175 days is sacks on about half an acre. to be imposed if DeMacon fails to pay Mrs. Geo. Berry of Portland was a the fine- J. P. Finley & Son Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth Portland Our chapel and equipment are always available for out of town calls luncheon visitor at the -home of Mrs. Ingalls on Saturday. Mr. Berry con tinues quite ill and' they do not expect to I rebuild on their acreage here, whera their house was recently-jde-stroyed by fire. Owing to the teachers attending the institute in Oregon City last Friday the P. T. A. was postponed until Fri day, Oct. 20. A good attendance is much to be desired. The primary department of the Sun day school has grown so rapidly a room off the auditorium of the church is being fitted for Mrs. Blinstone's class. Wallace Grant has been the name given to the little son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Card. It is now three months' old and weighs 17 pounds. Will Martin is putting up a Redi made house on his property on Addie street. Rev. Reul Snider has been ill since coming to the coast. At this writing he is somewhat improved. J. W. Davis is mourning the loss of a sister, Mrs. Dunbar, who passed away at her home in Indiana on Thurs- day. Geo. E. Morse ana son, v. x-. muisc of Portland returned from a hunting i trip near Albany, bagging the limit ! of pheasants. Mr. Morse has been at Halsey. Ore., for the past three weeks and will vis- is this week with his daughters here, leavine for Bay Ocean soon for a stay Ms daughter at this beach resort, visiting in Vancouver over week-end, Mrs. W. W. Wood- - n and TemaiTled over necessary to call - -an a S1C ' ation greeted Rev. f a garbed his fii-ssf- cermon herfi on Sunday. Rev. l in uri t- , i v. v. j. . - ' i' - Crocker is to fill the pulpit again on next Sunday. Chas. Maple of Madras motored aov.n to visit his parents, Mr. and ATrs. Geo Maple. nilbert Smith of Willamette was a GLADSTONE LOCALS - Tne iadies of the Baptist Woman's i rjnion will hold a cooked food sale ; at Patterson Brother's confectionary store Saturday afternoon from 2 until 5 o'clock, Mrs. Charles Forshner and Mrs. T. F. Raulings will have charge. Mrs. Frank Miranda vU entertain the ladies of the Baptist Woman's Union at an all day meeting at her home Wednesday. A pot luck dinner will be served at noon and plans made for the bazaar, which will he held December 8. Needle work will occupy the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Frost are spend- , .ng thig week in Corneims The Victory Boys of the Christian church held their regular meeting at the church Monday evening and enjoy ed sports, fifteen being present. O. E. Freytag has returned to his home after a business trip to Spokane. Mr. Freytag and Thomas E. Meed made the trip in the Meed's machine, Moods will return the last of this j weej M Tlmmas E. Gauit win entertain the members of the Euterpean clu at her home Thursday afternoon. The study hour will be given to the dis cussionof the legislative measures to be voted on at the coming election. Attorney and Mrs. William Ham mond and family spent the 'week end at their summer home tear Sandy, making the trip to Government Camp on Sunday, also visiting the mineral springs two miles above. The Ham mond machine was the only one mak ing the trip through on Sunday. On the return trip a number of rhododendrons were gathered to plant in theHam mond gardens at Gladstone. Gladstone "Pick up" football team . j, . J "II, TTTl 1 .-. "i I piayeu. a retuiu gaiuo witu vv uiaiucito 1 Friday winning by a score of 18 to fi Th Riadstone line un was L. E. Ehired Grazier; L. T., Wyne Vedder; L. G., DelDert waywara; tjenter, jacK Hempstead; R. G., Vincent Meyers; R. T., George Hollingsworth ; R. E., Otis Grant;; Q. B., Franklin Niles; H. B., Eugene Vedder and Alfred Rowan; F. B., Vernon Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Legier of Port land are the guests of the former's brother, Charles D. Legier and family, and for their pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Monday evening, were enjoyed. Cards and music Joe DeMacon Given $350 Fine, 6 Months Joe DeMacon. cocrlcted in the cir cuit court on charges of manufactur ing liquor, was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $350 by Judge