Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 13, 1922, Page Page two, Image 2

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Fase two
Correspondence From All Over
The Past Week
Beaver Creek
BEAVER CREEK, Oct. 9 A tare
well party was held at the grange
hall Friday evening, honoring Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Orr, -who will leave for
Michigan soon. About 60 guests were
present and enjoyed dancing until
midnight when a dainty lunch was
A party was given for Edwin Bealer
at the home of his mother, Mrs. D. I.
Jones, last Wednesday evening. The
evening was spent in playing cards
and havintr the usual good time. Pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Thomas and
daughter. Margaret, Mr. and Mrs.
George Havill, Mr. and Mrs. S. P.
Londergan, Misses Rut "French and
Genevieve Longergan, Messrs. Elmer
Londergan and Edwin Bealer, Mr. and
Mrs. D. I. Jones.
At the regular grange meeting Sat
urday night the following were elect
ed to membership: Mrs.-E. C. Brown,
of Cams; Mrs. Lizzie Bingo, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Berger, of Clarkes.
The directors of the co-operative
store held a business meeting Satur
day afternoon. The management is
looking for a bookkeeper to fill the
place of Oscar Orr. "
Mrs. Lizzie Ringo, Mrs. E. E. Ber
ger and children of Clarkes, visited
with Mrs. John Coulter Saturday
while Mr. Berger attended the direc
tor's meeting
r's meeting. .n Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Jake Not
Mrs. J. Watts and baby son, John j Kalser Mrs. j. Bernert.
rrinn Watts, arrived home from fot. , . ', T, , ... . T n t
Gordon Watts, arrived home from St
Vincent's hospital Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schram had as
Sunday guests Mrs. Schram's brother
and sister-in-law, Mr .and Mrs. J. F.
Roberts, . their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Hodge and
two children.
State Master C. E. Spence returned
..tiir fmm 980 mile trip through
Baker,' Union, and Wallowa counties, j
visiting tne giaus".
xtr nri Mrs. A Thomas entertain-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rassmussen, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Rassmussen, and Mi
lo Rassmussen of. Salem Sunday.
Miss Vera Coulter of this place Is
teaching in the Henrici school.
Among the Oregon City visitors
this morning are Mrs. Fred Yoeman
and John Schram, both of whom are
still under the doctor's care.
Mr and Mrs. A. W. Foglesong at
tended the dance at the home of
Harry Crawford of Shubel Saturday
"'"Ted Hughes' mother and, her little
grandson are visiting her son and
family here.
Mountain Road
of the farmers in this district are
digging potatoes.
Deward and Ernest Hodge went on
a ten day hunting trip
canyon. We are glad to say iirny
!.irt,p linme with the limit of deer
"Dutch" Weddle is running the
Fcidson for Fred Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson and
daughter spent the day with the Far
quabson family of Peach Cove Sun
day. The party motored to Oregon
City in the afternoon and attended
the Liberty theater.
Miss, Mary Koellermeier is study
ins; music under Miss Oliver o Will
amette. Mr and Mrs. Bill Schatz, Bob
Schatz and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisele
and daughter of Stafford, spent Thurs
- day evening with the Hodge family.
Our teacher Miss Worley spent the
week end at her home.
-cfiiiamette Thursday
Mr and Mrs. Frank Wright and
family visited at the Hodge home
Mr. and Mrs. Neils christensen, Jr.,
visited their relatives here Sunday.
BARLOW, Oct. 9 Roy Parmenter
and A. .Nelson went to Tillamook Fri
day on a fishing trip.
Mrs Porter and children of Ore
gon City visited with friends in Bar
low Sunday. -
Harry Gardner, who has been play
ing ball at Vernon, spent a few days
rf this week at his home in Barlow.
Mrs. Andrus has been quite ill at
her home in Barlow with a severe cold
and sore throat.
Miss Lulu Larsen of Portland visit
ed with Mrs. Toogooa sunuay.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Babbs have sold I
The Barlow Community club met at
the Barlow school house Friday after
noon. Kelso
KELSO. Oct. 10 The Woman's
Club of Kelso will give a program
and basket social at the school house
on Saturday evening, October 21.
Ladies are requested to bring baskets,
and everybody is cordially invited to
attend. The nroceeds will go toward
paying for the interior painting of
tne scnooi rooms wnicn worn was
done before school opened.
The next meeting of the Woman's
Club will be held on Thursday after
noon, Oct, 26 at the home of Mrs.
Robert Jonsrud.
The following Kelso people attend
ed the meeting and program of the
j Holman&Pace
Homelike Efficient Courteous
' , Telephone 86
7th and Water St Oregon City
the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Cottrell Parent Teacher Association
last Saturday evening: Mrs. Gilbert
Jonsrud, George Jonsrud, the Henry
Eri family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jons
rud and family and Miss Sibyl Lin
dell. The program as well as re
freshments were greatly appreciated.
Cottrell is to be congratulated on hav
ing .so splendid an organization work
ing in the interest of the school and
the home. r
Eunice and Dorothy Jonsrud, who
came home for the week-end, torougut
with them their cousin, Alice Lin
dell and Lucile Diefenderfer both stu
dents at Reed College.
Services were held last Sunday m
the Norwegian Lutheran church by a
Portland minister.
The death of K. -Hoist of Boring,
an old seUler of Deep Creek, where
he owned a large farm, was reported
the first of the week. His wife sur
vives him, also several brothers.
Pete's Mountain
ickson was in Oregon City on busi
ness Tuesday.
John Hellberg and Frank Lambert
went to Portland on business Wed
nesday. Miss Bertha Yuger is staying at tne
C. Frenzel home.
Amone the Oregon City visitors
(jnaries .tveinnoiei , nu jj jci h-'
Leonard Davids spent Thursday eve
ning at the John Hellberg home.
A school meeting was held Friday
evening at the J. Kaiser home.
Mrs. J. Bernert visited, Mrs. E. Wil
son Thursday.
imnnir the. Oreeon Citv visitors Sat
urday were Mr. and Mrs. John Kais
er. Miss L- Cole, Vincent Rypczynski
and- Herman Hellberg
tiiv an Mrs. Ernest Wilke of Tu
alatin Meadows, spent Sunday at the
J. Hellberg home.
Margeurite Kaiser of Willamette
spent Sunday at the home of her
brother, Frank Kaiser.
Lyman Koellermeier is attending
school in Willamette.
Mrs. H. Pepper and children of
Portland spent Sunday at the home
of W. Hellberg.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser spent
Sunday at the Jake Kreuger home.
ESTACADA, Oct. 12 Ernest Rynn
ing has gone to Willows, Oregon, to
visit his sister, Mrs. White.
fiAnrire Pointer 'has gone to Port-j
land where he contraeteu a panning
J. B. Landrum arrived a few days
ago from Loveland, Colorado, coming
in his car. His mother came on tne
Railroad and went to Portland Tues
Hav tn mepf her.
Died Mrs. Emma M. C. Reid. wife
of W. R. Reid of Garfield, passed away
Thursday after an illness of a few
weeks with heart trouble. The funer
al was held from the residence on
Saturday afternoon, Oct. 7, Rev. A.
Demoy, officiating. P. S. Standish of
Newberg, an old friend of the family,
sang "O Love that will not let me go".
There was a profusion of Powers tes
tifying to the affection in which the
deceased was held, by all who knew
her . Interment took place at Mt.
Scott cemetery in Portland. Besides
her husband deceased leaves two
daughters, Roberta and Elizabeth, and
two sons, Harry and Kaipn, an oi wnum
wawev. fame from Minnesota to at
tend the funeral. Mrs. Reid was born
at Winfield, Iowa, February 28, 18o9,
making. her 63 years old. She was
married to W. R- Reid September 23,
1884. In 1912 they came to Oregon
and moved on to their ranch at Gar
field where they resided ever since.
Will Kaake has begun the erection
of a bungalow in Estacada.
A most enjoyble time was had last
Sunday at the Methodist church, when
the Sunday school had their rally. The
attendance was nearly one hundred.
Following Sunday school exercises.
Rev. Henry Spiece, of Gladstone and
a former pastor of the Estacada
church, delivered a splendid sermon.
There was a large audience and spec
ial music. At the close of the ser
vice, everybody was invited to stay
and enjoy the dinner prepared by the
ladies of the church and served in
tv.a kacompnt Hininir room. .This
" ZJZZi " Mlows by
:uouul"" T-TiT- 7 nm
. a urii,i timA familiar nvmns wcic
at which time familiar hymns were
sung and letters read from former
members- and pastors of the church
who were invited to be present at
this service, by Mrs. T. J. Reagan and
Miss Gertrude Dillon. The first letter
read was from Mrs. H. A. Williams,
of Willamina, who resided here a few
years ago when Mr. Willims was ed
.. fho v.ctnr-njla .News. Mrs. Will
iams organized the first Sunday
school in Estacada. Mrs. C T. Mc
pherson, whose husband was Estaca
da's first pastor and helped to build
the church, sent regrets at not being
able to be present. Others were from
Rev. Rees, pastor here about eight
years ago when Mr. Williams was ed
church at Metzger, in Spokane. Wash.,
Rev. Dunlop of Falls City, also pastor
here for three years; Rev. M. B. Par
niin!iHaii nH his wife of Amity, Ore
gon. He was pastor at this place a
gon. He was pastor at v J
few years ago. Then among others
oror-o. latlara tr-nm TVlrS. HOWard JameS, I
who resides at Arlington, Mrs. C. W.
Devore, of Oakland, Cal., Miss Eva
Wash of Lents and Mr. and Mrs. F.
B. Guthrey sent a message from Sa
lem TVio nautnr last vear. Rev. A. F.
Lacv, and his wife, regretted their in- .
i a .
Mr. Lacy already felt an improvement
in his throat trouble. It was a meet
ine that will long be remembered by
all who were present.
The W. C. T. U. ladies met at the
home of Mrs. J. P. Woodle last Thurs
day and elected Mrs. Ed Linn ano
Mrsf R. S. Coop as delegates to the
state convention at McMinnville this
week Thursday. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. G. E.
Lawrence, Oct. 26.
Miss Florence Kendall visited
friends In Portland the latter part of
last week.
Eleven members of the Modern
Priscilla club and three visitors en
joyed a meeting of the club at the
home of Mrs. Mary Heiple at Cur
rinsville, last Thursday. A delicious
dinner was served at noon and the
afternoon was spent in visiting and
doing fancy work. The November
meeting of the club will be held the
first Thursday in the month with Mrs.
G. A. Lovell as hostess.
The first football game of this year
to be played by Estacada high school
was at Hillsboro last Friday. The
boys played well but lost the game
to Hillsboro by 14 to 16. Quite a large
number of the high school pupils and
friends accompanied the team and
assisted our boys with yells of en
couragement. Miss Nova Smith went to Portland
Saturday, returning in the evening.
Mrs. Herman Wallace went to Port
land Saturday morning to visit her
husband who is attending Reed Col
lege. She returned Sunday evening.
Local music lovers of this vicinity
are anticipating a rare treat on Wed
nesday evening, Oct. 25, when Dr.
Emil Enna of Portland, will give a
lecture recital at this place. A read
er of much renown, is to accompany
him. The proceeds will be for the
benefit of the public library.
Members and friends of the church,
gathered at the M. E. parsonage last
Friday evening to welcome the new
pastor, H. -F. Wort and wife to their
new charge. The reception was in
the nature of a "fruit shower" and
those who attended donated a glass
of jelly or a. can of fruit, presents
very acceptable to 'the young pastor
and wife, as they came here from a
long distance and were "shy" of that
part of their household necessities. A
general good time was had by all
present and during the evening re
freshments were served.
H. C. Gohring has bought out Jim
Smith's interest in the Estacada Meat
Mrs. C. O. Miller and daughter,
Helen, were here from Portland last
Sunday to attend the M. E. Sunday
school rally. The Millers resided at
this place atbout three years ago.
Mrs. Charles Lewis, a resident of
this place some ten years ago, but now
living in Portland, was in Estacada
last Sunday to attend the Sunday
school rally.
The vonnsr son of Lester Hale was
1 taken to a Portland hospital last Sun-
1 . . 3 - r, .1
,,,, where, ho was rmerated on for ap
pendicitis. He was getting along quite
satisfactorily at last reports.
Mrs. Marshall, a sister of Mrs. C.
S. Allen who resides in Portland, was
a guest at the Allen home this last
.week end.
The dance at the pavilion last di
urday night, was an orderly affair and
well attended. The music was good
and all who attended report a good
Some time during the first part of
last Saturday night, a number of
autos were stripped of everything
that could be taken off, by thieves
who seemed to understand their
business. A machine at the Estacada
hotel owned by the cook and his wife,
was stripped of the top, wind shield
and spot light, while the Currin car,
parked near the hotel, also lost sev
eral things. There is no clew as yet
to the robbers.
C. S. Allen has been on the sick list
of late and last Sunday was confined
to his bed. ..
Commencing next Sunday, there
will be evening services at the M. E.
J. R. McKenney was a business vis
itor in Oregon City last Saturday.
The street crossing, near the Esta
cada garage on Main street, which
has been in such a deplorable condi
tion for some time, was repaired last
Mrs. W. C. Bacon was a shopper
in Portland last Monday.
Mrs. A. E. Sparks took the nine
o'clock car Sunday morning bound
for Portland, where she visited old
friends. .
Sympathy is extended to Rev. V.
A. Weir, pastor of the Springwater
Presbyterian church, who is suffering
with a kind of paralysis on one side
of his face. He has been unable to
preach, but it is sincerely hoped that
the trouble will leave him soon.
j G. P. Rose was a business visitor
in Portland luesday. Mrs. Nellie Car
son assisted in the store while he was
Mrs. Nellie Carson returned the
latter part of last week from Portland
where she had been assisting a friend
for three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ames and daugh
ter, Retha, visited Portland last Sat
urday. There were only two days of school
this week. The teachers are all at
tending the teachers' meeting at Ore
gon City.
Mrs. H. C. Gohring delightfully en
tertained a few ladies at her pretty
home Tuesday afternoon. The ladies
present iust had a real social time
A delicious luncheon was served and
A delicious luncneon was served ana
there was some music played on the
victrola. Those present were: Mes
dames Ed Linn, G. E. Ellis, A. E.
sparKs, in. ts. metier and Joon Hioutn.
The prune crop in this section is
abont aU harvested and the fruit is
. . nnKf
of a very good quality.
There was a good attendance at
the "Father - Goose entertainment
Tuesday night and all who took part
did nicely. The committee in charge
went to considerable time and some
expense to get up the entertainment
and the Library Asociation surely ap
preciate their efforts. There was no
large amount realized from the enter
tainment, but every small amount
even, helps to "meet the expenses of
the library.
What Is an undertaker.
An undertaker is a man who fol
lows the medical profession.
Willamette News
I late William Bunke of Canby, is vis
iting in Willamette -as the guest or
her grandmother, Mrs. Bunke.
Mr. and Mrs. Sproul, who formerly
lived in Willamette but have been
making their home in Maine for the
past two years have written to rela
tives in Willamette cjnd Gladstone
that they are coming by automobile to
spend the winter here and perhaps
make Willamette - their permanent
Grandpa Hill is in Portland where he
is planning to spend several weeks
visiting relatives, i
Mr. and Mrs. Riggs of Portland were !
ra Willamette Wednesday where they
transacted business and als visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bunke.
There is an ever increasing call for
homes in Willamette. One of the
most recent sales was that of the
residence and two lots on sixth avenue
owned by Mr. and Mrs. Prahl and sold
to Mr. and Mrs. James Kaiser, who
have been making their, home near
Willamette The deal was " closed
through the Clem Dollar real estate
agency of Willamette.
On Saturday of last week Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Porter and three children
moved into the Gottberg cottage on
Maple street near the school building.
Mrs. George Batdorf motored to
Portland on Saturday where she spent
the day shopping and visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Khale and children,
who moved from Willamette to a large
farm in Frogpond a few weeks ago are
very much pleased with farm life and
last Tuesday they made the purchase
of a new Ford?
Mr. and Mrs. Yoeman of Petes
Mountain visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Fromoag last Tuesday.
Mrs. George Batdorf and her fath
er, Mr. Hill,. were sin Portland Wed
nesday where they attended the fun
eral services of Mrs. Batdorf s aunt,
Mrs Hill.
The Oliver Grocery store which
was sold recently to Albert . Runyan
was moved last week to a new loca
tion on railroad avenue near eleventh
street. The store building is being
enlarged and will be open in a few
weeks under the new management.
Frances Janet, infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halley has been
ill for the past week. Dr .Silverman,
local physician, is in attendance.
cal physician, is in attendance.
Mrs. Belle Koellermeier of Moun-
tain Road, sDent the day Thursday in
Willamette visiting relatives.
Mrs. Frank Halley made a- business
trip to Portland on Friday of last
Mrs. G. Prahl and .Mrs. Clem Dol
lar were in -Portland Tuesday where
they attended a meeting at the White
Temple of the Women's Unions of the
Baptist churches of Oregon.
Mr. and' Mrs. Reinke and son
Charles, Jr., were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Barbur of West Linn
on Friday.
After spending the summer in Will
amette Mr. Lunt left last Wednesday
for Sawtelle, California, where he will
spend the winter. . While there he
will visit relatives.
A dance was given Saturday night
in the new Leisman hall, which prov
ed a decided success. Another dance
has been announced for next Satur
day night.
Mrs. R. A. Junken visited at the
home of Mrs. W. C. Elliot in Oregon
City on Wednesday. Mrs. Elliot re
cently moved t0 Oregon City from
Mrs. Georgia Fogel of Portland
spent Thursday in Willamette as the
guest of her sister, Mrs. A.- Adanison.
Mrs. Lunt moved last week into her
new five room bungalow on fourteenth
street, which was recently completed.
reet, which was recently completed.
Mrs. G. Prahl is preparing to move,
to Los Angeles, California, in the I. Bo c,m and - spent two
near future where she will join her ! .V "JSd t-ave joined her
husband who preceeded-her several month, in Jd t0.
months ago. Mr. Prahl has purchased j "nZg south to Califor
lots in Los Angeles and is preparing j get ner aremtorig
to build on them soon. I partieg expect to be absent a
Philin Schnoerr and Gustave Sen- I
no err in cumijau whu
man boys motored overthe Columbia
highway on Sunday.
Mrs. A. Adamson after being con
fined to her room for the past two
months, suffering with blood poison
ing, is able to be out again. Mrs. Ad
amson spent several weeks in the
Oregon City hospital and her many
friends are glad to have her among
them again.
Willamette was well represented
last Friday evening at the annual
meeting and supper at the Baptist
church in Oregon City. Those attend
ing from here were Mr. and Mrs.
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buckles,
Jr.. Mr. and -Mrs. Wesley Milliken.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar and chil
dren Gladys, Clem, Jr., and Laurance,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross, Mr. Fred
eric! and Gladys Fredericks.
TTranv TTaiifiv of Portland spent the
week-end in Willamette visiting his :
week-end in Willamette visiting his :
wife and daughter, who are guests or
Mr. and Mrs. H. Shipley. !
A rousing political meeting wa
held in the Willamette school gymnas
ium last Frida evening. Among the
speakers of the evening were E. A.
T.Aisman. ATr. Snidow, and L. L. Por
ter. This is the forerunner of sev-1
eral meetings which will be held De
fore election.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Peters motored
to Hood River on Sunday where they
spent the day.
Kir-o Aifa a linn has purchased an
- ----- -, lrtf 1n
eight room residence and three lots in (
Gladstone. She will take possession
ma i T rPF Tin i. an ill j
nam TVillar left
eariy aaturaay
morning in company with Pearl and
Cecil Turner of Oregon City on a fish
ing trip into the Tillamook country,
the trip being made in the Turner
machine. They returned home Sun
day evening with a good "catch."
Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Junken, accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Adamson
motored to-Wilhoit last Sunday. The
day was pleasantly spent and a pic
nic lunch enjoyed at the noon hour.
Mulino Flour Mills
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Corresponded
S. S. Attendance Is
Showing Good Gains
Sunday school is rapidly gaining in
attendance. . O V W were present
on Sunday. The 'increase is due to
the untiring efforts .of Dan Jones, the
A number of the teachers are avail
ing themselves the opportunity of at
tending the State Sunday School con
vention in Portland this week. As the
convention is to be more in tlie na
ture of an institute, and consists
mainly of classes in which the vari
ous types of Sunday school work will
be presented by experienced workers
many facts will be gleaned by ' our
teachers for the betterment of thir
Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mrs. Geo.
Gardner go as delegates from this
Sunday school.
Mrs. Carl Smith will give a paper
on 'The Folks We Tealch" at the
young peoples division of the after
noon session on Wednesday.
At 8:15 P. M. on Wednesday Mr.
Theroux and his orchestra from here
will furnish special music.
Busy Workers Enjoy
Silver Tea Friday
. JENNINGS LODGE, Oct. 12 In re
sponse to the invitations sent out by
the Busy Workers about 30 attended
the silver tea on Friday which was
given by the members of Mrs. A. B.
Smith's Sunday school class held in
the Guild room of the church. Each
member invited their mother and
three additional guests, who came and
enjoyed a literary and musical pro
gram, which was followed by the
serving of cake and tea.
The proceeds which amounted to
$6.48 will go to the Children's Farm
Home at Corvallis. The members of
the Busy Workers contributedto the
program as follows: duet, Jean Rob
bins and Alma Boetger; recitation, Li
la Rosenberry; recitation, Betty
Hole: Diano solo, Audrey Tillman;
.Teanette Roberts: solo.
pearl Grady. recitation, Elsie Grundl
, ' Arthur Smlth.
Community Club Is
Boosting River Road
regular meeting of the Community
Club held on Wednesday evening last
was attended by 15-
At the business hour Messrs. Blin
stone. Swart and Fred Wilson weVe
named as a committee to meet with
the Oak Grove League to ask the
State Highway Commission to make
the River road a state highway.
The social committee have announ
ced a card party for their next meet
ing in October. Messrs. Hendry and
Pearson and Mesdames Moritz.
Thompson and Hole are working hard
to make it a successful affair. v
Relatives Visit At
Ralph Thomas, Home
RalpTv Thomas has enjoyed a visit
from her brothers and families, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Crawford and two chil
dren and Mr. and Jtfrs. Chas. Craw
rnrA. who motoreri through from Lut-
- M fl Mrs Jake ,Nor.
a.y. Kansas, ivir a u
Mrs. Norris is the mother of Mrs.
Thomas. .
JENNINGS LOD3E, Oct. 12 A barn j
dance was. given by Mr. and Mrs. S.
Shepperd on-Saturday evening upon
the completion of their new barn.
Twenty-five couples attending and
delicious refreshments were served.
Mrs. Richardson has returned from
I Roseburg and will visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. Dave Clements.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rau and fam
ily, of Illinois, motored the the coast
expecting to locate here and are
guests at the home of their father,
L. L. Rau, of the Meldrum district.
Thn T. Rau family have just corn-
pjeted a new cottage bungalow here,
Wednesday of iast week Mrs. W. W.
Woodbeck was at the bedside of her
son, Henry, who is at St. Vincents
hosnital with an injury of the leg.
Mrs. Henry Woodbeck and little,
Barbara came from Vancouver to Jen
nings "Lodge and remained over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrici enter
tained the August Bluhm family of
Beaver Creek for Sunday dinner.
A petition has been filed with the
county court to have Addie street
opened from Hull Ave. south to Glen
Mrs. Edd TrinD has returned to her
i YtmA tn Calam after a vpaVr StaV
with her mother, Mrs. B. Bruechert.
Mrs. Geo. Williams spent two days
in Portland as the guest of Mrs. Em
ma Cornell. The two were old school
mates in Fairview Pennsylvania,
years ago.
jSchool will be closed three days
this week to enable the teachers to
attend the annual institute, which
will be held in Oregon City on Oct.
10, 11, 12.
Mrs. Jennie Butts has returned to
Parkplace to assist in caring for the
youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lucas, who recently underwent an
operation at the Oregon City hospi
tal. A cucumber attracting considerable
attention was raised by Mrs. E. O.
Kiggins. It measures 19 inches in
diameter, 14 inches in circumference
and weight 6 pounds and 7 ounces.
Miss Elizabeth. Bruechert, who Is
one of the office help at the P. K. L
& P. Co. office, is having her vaca
tion this" week.
Rev. and Mrs. Reul Snider and lit
tle daughter arrived last week from
Ohio to visit with their parents. Rev.
and Mrs. A. B. Snider. Rev. Snider
is a graduate of Harvard and has been
engaged as pastor of the Akron church
during the past year.
On Thursday Rev. A. B. Snider and
wife accompanied the eastern- visit
ors to Cherry Grove where they re
mained till Monday "with the Clem
Patton family.
A call has been extended to Rev.
Herbert Crocker of Newberg to be
come pastor of the Grace Congrega
tional church of Jennings Lodge.
While the field seems very favorable
to Rev. Crocker, no definite reply has
been given by him to the official board
of . the church.
It has been announced that Rev.
Crocker is to preach at the Grace
church on Sunday, Oct. 15, at the
morning service.
jars, iviaiiiua iuwi c
to the home recently vacated by Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts and
son, Gerald, of Portland, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Mapie.
lests oi mr. uu .1.10.
w. VL Trinn with the CapitoL Jour-
nal at Salem came down for over the wiu Kimsey, Portland; Mrs. Nina
week end and accompanied his wife . Blanchard Portland; Mrs. Todd, Port
and baby hctie, who have visited . land. Mrs. Hitchman, Portland; Mrs.
here during the past week. I Bert Roake, Oregon City; Mrs. Ma-
Geo. Pooler left Sunday night for ! mle Harlow. Milwaukie; Mrs. Harry
Jefferson, where he is working on the Joneg Portiand; Mrs. Geo. Gardner..
paving of the highway. i
Mrs. Ida Clohessy has been a wel-, RDpp'
come visitor at the Lodge during the ; .
week, visiting her brothers, Hanry i w!oitc
... E P Williams as well as her : Miss Andrews Visits
and - vv imam as Migs Glenna Anurews, who has been.
PaHH Emmons is a business visitor spending the week-end with Mr and
at Kalama and Kelso, Wash., making Mrs. Allen E. Frost and family, of
the Tin their ew Willis Knight j Corvallis, returned to Oregon City on
tne trip i" . -15 Monday. Mrs. Frost is a sister of
Mrs Kate Burton and Mrs. A. J. ! Miss Andrews, who resided here be
Robbins were luncheon guests on j fore taking up her home in the col
Wednesday of Mrs Brushacer, a Port-1 lege city. Mr, Frost is editor and
Wnd visitor wh s returning soon to j publisher of the Benton County Com
her home S Waukesha. Wisconsin. ier. He was formerly connected witn
m5 ? Ella Maple was entertained on j the Oregon City Connor.
Tuesday, at the home of "The ! Take Possession of New Home.-
Mrs. R,Wenffomhfnnport-i Mr and Mrs. Gordon McKillican,.
gave a Juncheon at her home m Fort , haye
land" ,. Qrloo wa5 issued to ' taken possession of their new home
A marriage "7 J at West Linn, moving there on Tue
De JVitt Campbell and Lomse King t recently purchased four
of Portland on' Saturday. The groom daT
was a former resident, who has many sg
friends here who wish him success
on the sea of matrimony.
Miss Sarah Kaminski motored to
Chehalis, Wash, during the week
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holden have de
cided to locate in Sellwood and is op
erating a mattress factory.
T CnAnnor lo at tne NOXLU
Ford on a deer hunting trip.
Mr. and Mrs. W- W. Woodbeck, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Moshier, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Smith attended the annual din
ner at the Baptist church on Friday
.- , ps were laid for 400
and a splendid time was reported bj
-those attending.
Geo Lepper passed away at the
t. r v,is daughter. Mrs. Grover
Stills on Oct. 5th. He was ; a j
from Nebraska coming west for ' J"f
hii n Oct. 5th. He was a visitor
health The rem?ins were suiuy
east to his old home. - The deceased
is survived by a wife, four daughters
and two sons.
p B Madison, a well known real
tor ' and Earnest Young have gone
south on a hunting trip.
Mrs. C. D. Atchley has returned
from Sellwood, where she has been
for the past "two months caring for
a sick friend.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hole, Mr. and
Mrs Tforman Chapman and Mrs. M.
Dion were among those who attended
the dance Saturday given by the Oak
Grove Community League at that
place. .
R G Thompson is building an aa-
dition 'to their home on Boardman
' Ave. and Blanton street,
j Mesdames Swart and Newcomb are
i to be joint hostesses for the regular
I iS h fniild on Wednesday.
The members are to assemble at
1 p M and the afternoon wm oe t""
with needle work. On Friday after
noon the work committee for the an-,
nual bazaar will meet at the home
of Mrs. Jerry Madden. The afternoon
is to be devoted to sewing for the
bazaar. , .
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, who have
recently arrived from Spokane to
make Portland their home were Sun
riav visitors at the Dan Jones home.
- - - -rwr TT TlTnrtHhwlT and. 1
Mr. and Mrs. w. w. - - i
Mrs. Henry Woodbeck and Jitue tsar- M gteffanson, 0f Colton, was m
hara were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. i 0reg0I1 city on business Wednesday.
Adams on Sunday at their country;
home in the Colton district. . Mr j. -97. Gay and Miss C. A. Gay,.
Mr and Mrs. A. B. Smith enjoyed of Estacaaa, were in this city on Wed
a visit from Mr. Smith's parents of nesday
Dallas, who motored here for over .
the week end. Bull Run Man In City.
F. W. Parker gave a very splendid Mrg R j Hafner. of Bull Run, was
sermon at the church during the morn- an Oregon City victor on Wednesday..
ing service. Six little girls assistei
with the music taking place of the Snerwoo(j Represented.
regular choir. Mrs. T. Brown, of Sherwood, was-
. . , t Uarrio nf
;V1 r. H 11(1 mra. vnao. o
Portland were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Airs. 1 - kj. uaviusuu.
Mrs. Gill of Stafford was a guesi
of Mrs. Bun on Friday.
Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Crocker 01
Newberg were callers on Meldrum
friends Friday.
Miss Ruth Preice a student of a
J. P. Finley & Son
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth
: Portland '
Our chapel and equipment are always
available for out of town calls
Portland school, was a week-end guest,
of her sister, Miss Ruby Preice of-
Mrs. Bun was badly frightened
during the electrical .storm of this,
week, which blew the fuse from- her
electric range.
The Harry Bond house was set on
fire by the electrical storm, but no
damage was done.
Mrs. J. Blair Miller of Meldrum is.
enjoying a visit from her mother,.
Mrs. K. W. Havens and her sister,.
Mrs. Wm. Osborne of Elmira, New
York, who made the trip this far by
Miss Edna Holman of Oregon City
was a dinner guest Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Murray Bunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Henderson and.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wamblade motored
to Salem Sunday.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hib
bert gave a house warting. Places
for 12 were laid for relatives only.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meyers were
dinner guests on Tuesday evening at
the Zimmerman home in Sunnyside.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roake of Castle
rock, Wash., were week end guests
with Mrs. Geo. Gardner- -
Mr. and JMrs. Lester French were
callers at the Gardner home oa Sun
day Oscar Erickson returned on Sun
day to Tacoma after the illness and
death of his mother, Mrs. Victor Er
ickson. Mrs. Geo. Gardner had a very en
joyaole surprise iuncn on sua. j.j.hj
JoneS( of Portland, recently returned
' from England. ,Those attending were
John Crawford of Oregon Cityt
joyable surprise lunch on Mrs. Harry
Mrs. John Crawford of Oregon Cityt
Mrs. Grace Wentworth, Oregon City;
- - . . . St fl-T.-
i Mrs. Minnie Stevens, ureeuu .j ,
' T wiit OaV Grove: Mrs.
Miss Vinzeb"rg On Visit.
Miss Marie Vinzeuurg, of Boring,,
was an Oregon City visitor on Wednes
day. Represented.-
Amone those to visit Oregon City
Wednesday was Mrs. M. Moeller
whose home is at Canby.
Mulino Residents Here.
Among those coming to this city on
Wednesday was Robert Schuebel. His
home is near Mulino.
Mount Angel Resident In City.
Amnnc thoRn tn come to this City
Dusiness Tuesday was Henry Dok-
. Mount j.
Visits Oregon City.
Mrs. Norman Chapman, a resident
of Roethe Station, was an Oregon City
visitor Tuesday. .
Milwaukie Mai In City.
G. Beetchan, of Milwaukie, was an
Oregon City visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Ferguson From Scotts Mills.
Mrs. Floyd Ferguson, of Scotts Mills
was an Oregon City visitor on Wed-,
Miss Anthony Visits City.
Miss Clara Anthony, of New Era,,
was in this city on Wednesday.
Mrs. Moore In City.
Mrs. Moore, of Silver Springs, was
an Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Edwards" From Beaver Creek.
Mrs. J. Edwards, of Beaver Creek,,
was in Oregon City Wednesday.
Came From Colton.
Ida Paddatz, of Colton, was in Ore
gon City on- business Wednesday.
Mrs. Fisher From Cams. "
Mrs. Herman Fisher, of Carus, was
in this city Wednesday.
' X
staffanson i-rom ioiwn,
in this city on weanesaaj.
. 1 ; 1 1 Aliff vhn lives.
we siocu
. .tpooi the nfhftr 1av and
oiwu 1 " " -
asked her if her little brother could
. t - , A Mnliai 4i 1. . . , nn
talk yet. "Yes," she replied, "but no
lain jei. ouv - , -
one Dut mother and granamomer can
understand him.
We can't all be highfliers some
body has to stay on the ground and"
lock .up.