The County Court Expenditures for September, 1922. Road District No. 2 West linn, $ 5, 000. Road District No. 11 V. C. Jackson, $1.50; Valvoline Oil Co., $20.60; H. Gebhardt, $9.38; N. S. Oldham, $130. 63; S. G. Bullock, $826.63; N. S. Old ham, $3; H. Gebhardt, $14; Coast Cul vert & Flume Co., $18; F. E. David- son, $113.17; John Koch, $20.93; Or- ville Davidson, $31.39; J. P. Cook, 37; John Risey. $49.39; L. iiourianu, $28.63: O. C. Davidson, $9.98. Road District No. 12 L. A. Smith, $1,483.13; J. Sigrist, $62.79; H. Geb hardt, $5.60; A. Worthington, $1.99. Road District No. 13 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $104.13; The White Garage, $5. Road District No. 14 Oregon City Sand & Grevel Co.. $5.95; M. Turner, $2.49; J. M. Turner, $7.98; Ed. Pam perin, $4.99; G. Oldenstadt, $4.99; Bill Delker, $3.74; Lee Borland, $2.49; Bill Oldenstadt, $2jb9; Bert Schatz, $2.49; C. B. Eisele, $2.49; W. Schatz, $1.24. Road District No. 15 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $163.63; George Moser, $17.46; Wm. Koellemeir, $2.49; Sam Moser, $35.92; J. D. Alspaugh, $69.96; Albert James, $56.87; P. Kull, $92.84; R. A. Bushnell, $8.74; J. Neu res, $4.36; J. W. Young, $4.36; W Ballard, $4.36. Road District NO. 16 E. E. Griffiths, $1.65; Skoog Bros. Garage, $11.53; C. R- Livesay, $8.25; O. P. Roethe, $79.89; Ira Hart. $10.45; C. Henrici, $17.95; D. J. Abbey, $29.94; H. Faulk, $13.45 J. S. Booth, $22.42; C. W. Car ter, $1.99; J. S. Blair, $19.43; Charles Moran, $5.98; G. Davenport, $142.74. Road District No. 17 Milwaukie Service Station, $22.50; Schuld Bros., $8; W. M. Davis, $1; A. L. Fittman, $7.47; J. Shear, $11.96; C. W. Carter, $7.98; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $33.58; R. Johnston, $34.90; J. Young, $29.90; W. H. Counsell, $103.74; J. Shields, $101.83; W. Strange, $71.88; G Beecham, $59.80; W. Imel, 2.93; C E Battin, $24.43; C. H. Counsell, $43.89; D. Mazzie, $124.89; H. D. Cav- , ender, $4; E. Frossard,. $7. - Road District No. 21 W. R. Telford, $.50. Road District No. 22 William New lands, $2; Portland Railway Light & Power Co., $16.38; P. R. L. & P- Co., $3.78; M. H. Wheeler, $11.97; J. A. Imel, $2.49. Road District No. 23 Portland Rail way, Light & Power Co., $12.60. Doad District No. 24 J. H. Brad bury, $59.82; C. Houde, $28.63; L. C. Lowe, $24.90. Road District No. 25 Paul R. Mei nig $47.38; Coast Culvert & Flume Co.! $ .75; P. R. L. & P- Co., $6.22; Geo. T. Ten Eyck, $35.92; W. Schrei ber, $22.09; M. Ten Eyck, $16.82; L. --W. Tice, $26.77; T. McGuire, $13.38; Fred Gilbert, $13.38; Glen Ten Eyck, $11.83; L. Hanneberg, $4.29; A. Kling , er, $4.99; W. Ganger, $2.49. Road District No. 30 A. Matner, $10.26; FrankCiffany, $68.88; William Bristow, $29.94; T. E. Brown, $53.86; Paul Stassnes, $19.92; M. Summers, $2.49. Road District No. 31 Carver State Bank (Haberlach), $7.50; H. B. John son, $8.55; Mrs. Gustav Fischer, $8.15; John Mostul, $23.68; Carl Young. $2. 49; Carl Durig, $6.22; Henry Swales, $35.92; Tenny Mostul, $3.73; Tom Eaden, $2.49; W. Vettem, $24.95. Road District, No. 32 Eddie Nelson, $14; Chas. W. Holmberg, $40.40; Gust Nelson, $4.98; F. O. Granlund, $9.98; Sbas. Aspling, $5; Wesley Nelson, $7.48; Jake Lau $8.42; J. E. Bostrom, $1.24; E, S. Stanifer, $14.97; Dan Watts, $7.16; Emerson Watts, $3.74. Road District No. 33 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $253.50; C. R. Livesay, $32.90. Road District No. 34 Hogg Bros., $2.85; Oregon City Foundry, $3.75; HowardCooper Corporation, $30.20; J. Hughes, $3.73; J. Schram, $2.49; C. Jones, $4.98; H. Kamrath, $5.98; F. Kamrath, $7.98; N. Cassidy, $4.48; E. Sheppard, $3.73; D. L Jones, $2.99; Wm. Daniels, $2.49. Road District No. 35 Gust Fisher, $86.65: Nelson & Co., $1,581; Wm. Braatz. $40.41; A. E. Johnson, $14.95; Hartley Johnson, $18.67; Emil Larson, $17.46; Lewis Norman, $11.22; Lewis Funk, $9.98; Walter Funk, $4.98; Walter Spatz, $7.47; John Hindle, $11. 97; Guy Uptegrove, $47.97; Gus Lesch, $47.84. Road District No. 36 J. E. La Croy, $15.05; M- Bradley, $388; Kerr Saw mill, $22.40. Road District No. 37 Howard Cooper Corporation, $14.35. Road District No. 38 Smith Hard ware Co., $ .50; J. V. Barr & Son, $3; P. T. Monroe, $23.43; Gilbert Shearer, $7.47. .. Road Distrcit No. 39 Smith Hard ware Co., $3; Crawford Bros. Motor Co., $8.25; P. R. L. & P. Co., $4.75; J. F. Snyder, $4.99; A. C. Anderson, $2.49; E. T. Davis, $33.43; G. I. Dart, $2.49; Clyde Divis, $6.22. Road District No. Al Herbert Udell, $3.74; A. W. Anderson, $1.87. Road District No. 42 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $117.44; Alfred Swan son, $9.98; J. A. Wall, $1.52; Freeman je. Pnmm. S10: Emil Lind. $21.94: Gott- hard Lind, $11.96; Victor Backman.i $3.12; Emil Peterson, $2.49. Road District No. 43 Edward Feyr er, $53.92; Arthur Scott, $4.99; Henry Kyllo, $22.48; Jack Long, $2.49; Shade Long, $2.49; John Norman, $2.49; Mens Olsen, $2.49; Geo. Bunke, $16.2i; Steve Hordichock, $2.49; Edw. Feyrer, $7 98. Road District No. 44 E. L. Palfrey, $9.97; E. J. Wood, $4.35; A. S. Moul- ton, $2.49.43 . Road District No. 45 H. Fisher, $31.92; D. E. Jones, $17.94; Ab. Jones, $20.93; Albert -Fisher, $53.93; E. O. Fisher, $23.94; H. Schmeiser, $12.45; Emerson Edwards, $12.45; Hugh Parry, $8.97; Charley Calvery, $12.45; C. M. Jones, $17.95; Even Lewis, $8.97; S. L. Irish, $4.04; W H. Fisher, $4.99; Carl Schmeiser, $4.99; Ed. Brown, $24.95; D. L. Jones, $24.95. Road District No. 46 Stefani Lum ber So., $16.16; Howard-Cooper Cor poration, $69.39; S. W. Bany, $82.66. Road District No.-47-rHoward-Coop-er Corporation, $25.88; Oliver Schultz, $4.99; Harry Schultz, $4.99; R- H. Whitworth. $14.96t Ray Yergen. $9.98; Ernest Bauman, $2.48; P. Kull, $5.23 ;j N. E. Cole, $19.99; Joe Kescn,,. F. R. Gallagher, $1.49; R. A. Bushnell, $2.18; Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $20.65; Fred W. Sohn, $38.41; G. A. Ehlen, $1.37. Road District No. 48 R. W. Zimmer man, $3.99; J. D. Ritter, $1.24; 'A. C. Stuwe, $4.29; A. L. Weaver, $4.99. Road District No. 50 Amos Kauff man, $82.50; J. J. Hurshberger, $175; Dropulich & McHolick, $353.50. Road District No. 52 M. E. Swope, $13.75. Road District No. 56 S. Neilson, $122.87; Geo. Deitlien, J143.S7; kuc $32.-'lwllite $7.47; R. Schuebel, $64.87; Joe -wte, $1.24; S. R. Broadwell, ?3.74 Henry Koerber, $12.44; L. Churchill, $4.98; W. Crossen, $4.98; Fred Schue bel, $3.72; F. M. Loftis, $4.99. Road District No. 59 W. H. Doug lass, $11.78; James Rusch, $4.36; M. E. Day, $4.36; F. Hoffmeister,42.49; C. P. Murphey, $2.49; Paul Still, $29. 94; Elmer Anderson, $29.94., Road District No. 60 Geo. Randall, $9.98; Russel Chinn, $9.98; W. G. Randall, $16.97; G. A. Millar, $2.49; Wesley Knowls, $2.49. Road District No. 63 G. Notdurft, $7.97. Road District No. 64 L. L. Par menter, $24.20; W. D. "Miles, $54.88; O. M. Ausve, $28.70. Road District No. 65 Carl Dropu. lich, $357.19. Road District No. 66 J. S. Fisher, $13.55; E. G. Emmett. $4.90; Chas. Brandt, $9.98; H. Kunze. $7.48; W. H. Burkert, $7.48; Paul Burkert, $4.99. ' Special No. 7 City of Estacada, $402.73. Special No. 11 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $10.72. Special No. 13 Washington County, Oregon, $210.70; Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $247.78; J. M. Turner, $5. 98; J. Neurer, $125.56; J. D. Alspaugh, $13.12; F. R. Gallagher, $Zi; AiDeri. James, $28; H. H. Gallagher, $17.50; R. A. Bushnell, $il2.87; W. Ballard, $31.50; P. Kull, $65.62; E. W. Paddock, $6.53; G. Wilson, $3.84; C. Rilea, $3.84; G. Batalgia, $4.99; A. A. Wood, $78.87; Clyde Swank, $10.46; E. Dodson, $34. 66; H. Jost. $7.47; Joe Taytor, $1.86; F. Krause, $13.69; Glen Baker, $12.76; Elmer Todd, $7.47; G. Batalgia, $4.99. Special No. 14 M. Aldridge, $9.97; Ed. pamperin, $9.97; O. Pamperin, $9. 97; R. W. Oldenstadt, $17.45; G. Old enstadt, $19.94; J. Rabic, $9.97; S. Turner, $9.97; C. Wolever, $14.96 r V. Bruck, $9.97; A. Mayes, $4.97; L. Bor land, $14.93; M. Turner, $4.97; S. Seedling, $4.97; E. Oldenstadt. $8.70: J. Sharp, $21.15; M. Baker, $4.97; J. M. Turner $77.79; C. Tiederman, $19. 96; Lee Borland, $39.92. Special No. 15 Oregon Cit Sand & Gravel Co., $4,175.85. Special No. 16 Oak Grove Delivery Co.. $20; Milwaukie Fuel & Feed Co., $53.75; Oregon City Sand & Gravel j Co., $112.; O. P. Roethe, $174.80 ; u. J. Abbey, $23.95; Ira Hart, $34.37; J. S. Booth, $50.82; H. Faulk, $13,45; C. Henrici. $23.94; C. W. Carter, $45.87; J. S. Blair, $17.94; John Starfinger, ! $2.99. Special No. 17 H. Henrici, $54.89; C. W. Carter, $13.96; C. - wennci, $47.40; C. Battin, $20.94; A. Schear, $15.96; Sam Schlegal, $20..94; H. Schmidt, $23.92; L. Battin, $5.98; W. S.-Daywalt, $23.92;. W. Marx, $17.94; W. M- Davis, $14.95; S. Nash, $14.95; John Young, $23.92; W. Imel. $17.94; C. Cash, $24.43; A. Worner, $8.97; J Cchear, $2.99; J. Schear, $11.21. Special No. 20 Matt Greenslade, $6; Copeland Lumber Co., $14.70; Joe Papsch, $10.46; Earl Tong, $10.46; Marion Tong, $8.71; Walter Young, $15.96; F. G. Keller, $3.73. SDecial No. 21 Win. Extrum, $590.- 62; S. Robertson, $21.16; R. M. Rob ertson, $9.96; H. Chatham, $4.99; A. C. Thomas, $11.97. Special No. 25 Howard-Cooper Cor poration, $156.14; R. S. Smith, $5.02; P. R. L. & P. Co., $29.20; Coast CXil vert & Flume Co., $168.22; W. Wkstrom, $646.82; Geo. A. Ten Eyck, $37.90; L. W. Tice, $24.90; T. McGuire, $14.65; Fred Gilbert, $4.98; Miles Ten Eyck, $24.91; Robert Aiken, ' $24.95; Glen Ten Eyck, $7.47; G. Carmony. 7.47; W. Ganger, $4.69. Special No. 28 ErI & Jonsrud, $29. 15; ;W. Widmer, $51.87; Gust Finger, $32.37; Thomas Macho, $28.63; Ted Zogg. $2.49; Will Andreson, $7.46; Louis Gierke, $28.63; Aurthor Frenz, $28.63; John Macho, $21.16; .Will Bell, $12.45; Fred Suckow, $6.22; Herman Brooer, $4.98; Herbert Ackerson, $4. 98; Henry Herman, $9.96; Carl Ander son, $4.98; Edward Sitz, $2.49; Louis Jerger, $252.35. Special No. 29 D. L. Erdman, $25. 93; H. Bronner, $29.94; H. Ackerson, $29.94; C. Hansen, $29.94; C Johnson, $19.17; M. Richey, $7.47; A. Neirysck, $39.94; A. M. MowTey, $39.9; E. Mow rey, $20.92; F. Carlson, $29.94; E. Bor ling, $19.17; C. Richey, $4.99; V. And erson, $9.97. Special No. 33 Francis Welsh, $36. 40; Parkplace Store, $3. Special No. 34 L. Moser, $15.50; C. T. Blackburn, $21.94; Herman Fisher, $13.96; Errick Fisher, $27.96; Albert Fisher, $13.96; Tom Meyrick, $4.48; George Strong, $3.73. Special No. 35 Dave Williams, $128.25; Wm. Braatz, $8.98; Hartley Johnson, $4.98; Emiel Larson, $7.48; Walter Spatz, $4.98; John Hindle, $7-- 98: Guv Uptegrove, $15.99. Special No. 36 J. -McCord, $17.50 Dave Williams, $501.50; Joe Keller, S47.R5: J. McComb. $29.90: J. E. La- Croy, $59.85: T. W. Jubb, $2.99; Jack Hindle, $42.89; G. L. Uptegrove, $169.- 90; H. J. Huber, $1.49. " Special No. 42 J. A. Wall, $46.52; R. SchuebeL. $9.97; Henry Koerber, $2.49 ; S. Neilson, $37.50 ; John Darnell, $2.49; Fred Schuebel, fii.zz; j. . Kerns, $4.97; Harold Johnson, $9.97; O. F. Johnson, $4.97; C. V. Trullinger, $4.97; Andrew Larson, $4.97; Allen Larkins, $4.97; A. L. Larkins, $9.97; Joe Nordling, $2T49; Gotthard Lind, $5.98; A. Johnson, $2.49; Emil Lind, $3.99; Gotthard Lind, $8.96; Emil Pe terson, $7.46; C. B. Mann, $17.43; Dick Lampman, : $4.98; George Fellows, $4.98. Special No. 43 Edward Feyrer, $10. 30; Jake De Young, $83.87; Arthur Gran, $29.88; Philip Schantin, $29.94; Arthur Leeburey, $39.92; Will Teevin, $33.67; E. A. Magnason, $27.44; Au gust Olson, $26.14; Philip Gran. $9.98; Albert Hoffmeister, $9.96; R. E. Love lace, $14.97; W. T. Sharkey, $11.20; Art Scott, $4.99;. Edw. Feyrer. $3.99; H. Fick, $13.69; Henry Kyllo. $7.49; J. W. Standinger, $2.49. OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Special No. 46 Dave Williams, $42. 87; R. M. Boadley, $58.49; Roscoe Mil ler, $3.73; Wallace Dahlen, $3.73; Wm. Olson, $3.73; Frank Zelinskc $8.72; A. B. Oole, $6.73; Almon Johnson, $52. 39; W. R. Ayen, $28.94; Melvin Mah 'um, $48.90; E. Burright, $27.44; Dewey Burrgiht, $37.42; Wm. Rice, $37.42; Gus Swabeh $4.99; Jake Kraft, $2.49; Paul Bany, $34.38; J. G. Wor- then, $14.94; Ed. Wilkerson, $3.74; J. R. Pitts, $6.22; E. M. Haines, $5.60; Morley Mack, $6.22; CMiller, $2.49. Special No. 47 F. R. Gallagher, $16. 16; W. Ballard, $9.62; J. Neurer, $11. 36; -P. Kull, $15.73; R. A. Bushnell, $11.36; J. D. Alspaugh, $9.61; R. H. Whitworth, $13.71; Fred W. . sonn, $15.95; Oregon City Sand & uravei V n 1 - n . rir Lilian O OC Alivfir Schultz, $4.99; Harry Schultz, $4.99; r. h. Whitworth, $4.99; W. Moore, $2.49; Ernest Bauman, $4.99; Ray Yergen, $4.99; Joe Resch, $4.99. Special No. 48 R. W. Zimmerman, $85,78; H. Hanson. $40.48; F. E. Mills. $32.25; S. D. Yoder, $11.20; A. F. Wills, ?2.49; D. W. Shrock. $11.22; J. Wonner, $7.48; V. Skinner, $5.99; C. F. Zlegler, $4.99; E. Stuwe, $4.99; Carl Cropulich, $222.25; J. S. Fisher. $233. 45; R. W. Zimmerman, $75. Special No. 49 R. W- Zlnimerman, $3.49; F. E. Mills, $18.19; J. J. Hersh berger, $10. Special No. 50 C. F. Jackson, $21. 96: H. L. Jackson. $7.47; Jo. Brenon, $4.99; Dan Brenon, $2.49; G. E. Wy land, $24.94; Oscar Knutson, $2.49; Ed. Wormdahl, $8.71; L. B. Yoder, $9.98. Sepcial No. 64 O. M. Ausve, $32.36 ; Conrad Peterson, $12.45; S. Peterson, $12.45; E. Burtleson, $12.45; P. Ash ford, $3.73; W. P. Coulter, $37.42; E. King, $34.93; E. Miles, $12.45; Joe Miles, $2.49; L. D. Pannenter, $7.48; Ed. Babbs, $6.22; D. J. Pannenter, $1.24; L. L. Parmenter, $38.94; O. M. Ausve, $1.30. General Roads James A. C. Talt & Co., $49.57; J. W. Schuld, $39.92; F. Henrici, $54.89; Jack Young, $24.95; R. Holmes, $29.94; G. Holmes, $32.43; H. Messenger, $12.47; W. C. Martien, $59.33; Roy Holmes, $8.19; C- Jack son, $7.96; C. H. Counsell, $31.92; Glen Millard, $7.96; R. Johnston, $27.92; W. Imel, $11.96; J. N. Young, $2.96; C. Mazzie, $92.41; F. H. Smith, $143.20; Stanley Gibson, $26; I. W. Schuld. $143.20; E. Frossard, $208.20; J. S. Fisher, $149.91; L. A. Shaver, $9; J. S. Fisher, $12.08; A. L. Yoder, $342.72; Frank Hopp, $ .75; Canby Hardware & Imp. Co., $5.20; Hogg Bros., $145. 40; Oregon City Foundry, $1.73; Ste fan! Lumber Co., $16.20; -C. G. Miller, Co., $5.80; Hodgson-Cannon Electric Co., $2.85; Standard Oil Co., $56.48; Geo. J. Case, $7.10; W. J. Wilson & (5b., $443; Oregon State Highway Com mission, $526.24; Howard-Cooper Cor- poration, $15; Oregon Portland Ce- ment Co., $508.40; Sandy Lumber Co., $773.38; Beers Lumber Co.. $41.04; Pa cific Highway Garage, $31.46; Willa mette River Lumber Co., $149.69'; Wil- sonville Garage. $8.97; J. T. Mclntyre, $2.27; R. A. Chown, $15; M. E. Swope, $53.28; G. J. Friedrich, $15; Giger Bros., $664.80; Lewis Nofziger $2.40; East Side 'Mill & Lumber Co., $62.80; S. F. Scripture. $6; Straight & Salis bury, $6.90; T. O. Orem & Son, $8.68; John M. Kurz, $220.85; Kaake & Jubb, $217.96; Douglass & Clester, $24; Willamette Valley Southern Railway Co., $15; Lents Hardware, $1.82; Cope land Lbr. Co., $56.90; R. F. Watts, $4.49; Stanley Livingston, $1.55; Geo. Kitsmiller, $2.49; H. W. Kanne, $5.98; G. Notdurft. $7.98; J. Hellberg, $2.99; E. Notdurft, $2.99; M. T. Jacobson $21.20; Leon Judd, $4.98; C. V. Car penter, $6.22; Albert Carpenter, $1.24; C. F. Jackson, $19.95; Emil Lind, $3.99; (Continued on page eight.) WILLAM ETTE NOTES. Mr. Wanner of Hubbard was a Will- amette visitor Wednesday where, he cepted a P8loa coming win spent the day with relatives. grammar school for the coming wm Mrs. Belle Koellermeier and Mrs. Fred Baker visited relatives in Will amette Wednesday evening. Mrs. Chas. Reinke had as her guests last Thursday Mrs. O E. Wein ke and Ella Reinke of Bolton. A silver tea for tue Willamette Methodist church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis last Thursday afternoon. A social time was enjoyed by .all and refresh ments were served. . Those present wree Mrs. J. A. Ream, Jr., Mrs. Mc Lain, Mrs. Prahl. Mrs. Snidow, Mrs. J. A. Ream, Sr., Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. A. Fromong, Mrs. C. B. Willson, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. A. P. Tuor, Mrs. J. L. Gary, Mrs. N. Whitney, Mrs. Leisman, Mrs. Marion Bennett, Mrs. Thornberry. Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Clem Dol lar, Mrs. Mathers, Mrs. John Casey, Mary Leisman, Mrs. Amelia Martin. Mrs.'E. A. Leisman, Mrs. H. E. Wallis, Helen Wallace, Mary Wallis and the hostess, Mrs. W. W. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman and daughter, Dorothy LaFlem, who have been making their home in Portland moved to Willamette last Tuesday, where they are occupying Ihe Zim merman cottage on Fourth Avenue. Miss La Flem is attending the Union high school. -, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Peters are en tertaining relatives from Seattle, who motored, to Willamette during the lat ter part of last week. Miss Mary Koellermeier of Moun tain Road spent several days in Will amette last week visiting her grand mother, Mrs. B. F. Baker. Mrs. Minnie Donovan of Oregon City, who recently left for Des Moines, Iowa, as a delegate to the convention of the Women's Relief Corps visited at the home of Mrs. Adainson and Mrs. Junken just pre ceeding her departure. Arthur Hagen entertained a number of- the young people of Willamette and West Linn at a picnic given at the Tualatin on Sunday afternoon or last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Baker and son, Frank, of Gladstone were guests of relatives in Willamette on Sunday. The property of John Moehnke, con sisting of a residence and six lots on one of the sightliest locations in Will amette, was sold on Monday to Gib. Smith, who recently sold his property situated near Willamette. The deal was closed through the Clem Dollar real estate agency of this city. ' Garet Peters, who returned last week from Pacific City, where he had been enjoying a vacation for several weeks, left 'Monday for Salem, where he will join the campers in tent city during, the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar and chil dren were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Koellermeier of Mountain Road on Sunday. Mrs. Glen Rhodes of Ocean Falls, B. C. arrived in Willamette last week where she will spend several weeks at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lind quist. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tnoruberry, ac companied by Margaret Manning mo tored to Estacada last Sunday. Miss Manning has been engaged to teach the Tracy school near Estacada this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hammerley of Bolton were guests of relatives in Willamette on Sunday. On Sunday Mrs G. Prahl had as her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Show ers of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Show ers have moved to Portland from Will amette six weeks ago. Mrs. Lucy Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. John Casey and daughter, Mary Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Leisman and children were guests at the Fred Bak er home in Mountain Road Sunday afternoon. " i Joe Schauble and Harry Colson- re turned last Tuesday from a hunting trip in Southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barnes attended the county fair at Canby on Thursday. A pleasant surprise was given, Helen Johnson on her twenin uirmuay " niversary on Wednesday. September 3, when a number of her little friends called in remembrance of the occas ion. The evening was spent piayms games and dancing after which re freshments were served. Those pres ent were Dora Andrus, Gladys Dollar, Letha Shadle, Catherine Shadle. Mar garet Patterson, Sonora Brown, May Strong. Carrie Johnson, Christina Johnson," Virginia Shadle, Gertrude Johnson, Lawrence Johnson and Helen Johnson. Ryan DeNeui has jomea me x. . foil BTflllTI An where ers at me si-? he will remain for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Guy wiggeua son of Gladstone spent &unaay i" Willamette as the guests of fnends. Mr and Mrs. Bert Barnes were mo rtmnr euests of Mr: and Mrs. Chas. I. Baker of Gladstone on Friday eve- Miss Vena Barnes spent Saturday afternoon shopping In Portland. On Wednesday evening. ept. c;i.. Tina.r Shadle. Jr.. entertained nls little cousins 'at dinner, the occasion being his fifth birthday anniversary. The remainder or we events spent Playing games. Those present were Gerald and DorothyBaty, Har old Greaves, Lydia Greaves, Kenneth Montgomery. Letha, Catherin, Vir ginia Shadle and the host Silas Blair Shadle, Jr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Everett JJowney Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Gurley were in Canby hursday where they attended the county fair. George DeBok, who had a large ex hibit of Holstein cattle and Dufoc Jersey hogs at the county fair carried away a large number of prizes. Mr. DeBok has also sent some exhibits to the state fair. Mr and Mrs. Harry Greaves and children, Lydia Gertrude and Harold, attended a party given in honor of Mr Greaves' mother. Mrs. R. L. rj.vfi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jeffries in Oregon City, on Wednesday evening, the occasion be ing her birthday anniversary. After visiting -for a few hours dinner was served to the following. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greaves, Lydia Gertrude Greaves, Harold Greaves, Mrs. George Holcomb of Portland, Mrs. R- L. Greaves, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jeffries and daughter, Gloria. Mrs Mathers left Tuesday morning for a visit with relatives in Aberdeen, Wash., where she expects to remain for several weeks. Misa Florence Morgan left Sunday for Beaver Creek, where she has ac- 1 a 1 ler- ht Tiarrv Greaves and children. Lydia Gertrude and Harold attended the state fair on Monday. Mrs. C O. Williams, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bay singer of McMinnville for the past two weeks returned home last Thurs day. . The Misses Mary Leisman .and Blanche Junken were shoppers in D..iignj laat Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George- Batdorf and daughter, Marian, and Mrs. J. Will iams and daughter, Noml, motored to Wilhoit Saturday morning where they remained until Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ream, Jr., lind children, Donald and Kenneth. Mrs. R. Leisman. Mary Leisman, Mrs. Jess Hyatt and daughter Una, motored to Wilhoit Sunday The trip was m in the Reams machine. An invitation is extended to all children in Willamette and vicinity to come to the Primary department of the Willamette Sunday school. The courses start October 1 and it is hoped all the little girls and boys will join in the studies and come aw often as possible. , Miss Elva Snidow of Hot Springs. South Dakota, arrived last Tuesday to spend the winter as the guest of the G. L. Snidow family. Mr. and Mrs Ward Sutton and son, Robert, have gone to Ashland for a visit with relatives for a few days. Mrs. William Snidow was a guest -Mrs. Marr Marrs, of 01 lid Gladstone on Sunday. Sydney Brown .had the misfortune to sprain his ankle while practicing football last Saturday. " ' Mr. and Mrs W. C. Elliot and daughter, Miss Arie, who recently ar rived in Willamette from California have moved to their new home in re- BMitcheil Pendo of Lead, South Da kota, left for his home on Sunday after a very pleasant visit of a few weeks duration with friends in Will amette. v . . ... Everett Adcock of Portland, until recently a resident of Chicago, visited at the S. E. Adcock home Sunday. Oliver Johnson, formerly a conduc tor on the local branch of the S. P railroad, left last week for Salem to assume the duties of conductor dur ing the state fahv . Myra Adcock spent Sunday visit ing her grandmother, Mrs. A. H. Ro man, whose home is near Oregon City. Guest at the Tuor home on Sunday were Mr. J. J- Muggll of Mt Angel and Mr. Diraglsh of Portland. 29, 19221 FAIR AWARDS i Continued from Page Three) Lincoln Sheep Lamb, two years and over J. W. Smith and Son, 1st and 2nd. - Ram, One year and under two J. W. Smith, 1st. Ram Lamb, J. W. Smith 1st and 2nd. . Ewe two and over. J. W. Smith, 1st and 2nd. r Ewe one year and under two J. W. Smith, 1st and 2nd. Get-of-Sire J. W. Smith, 1st. V Produce of Dam J. W. Smith, 1st. Angora Goats Buck, two years and over E. W. Gribhle, 1st. Buck kid E. W. Gribble, 1st. ' Doe,- Two years and over E. W. Gribble 1st and 2nd. Doe, one year and under two--B. W. Gribble 1st. - ' Milk Goats (jk. Two years and over Dr. O. AWelsh, 1st. Buck, one' year and under two J. P. Dozier, 1st." Doe, two and over Dr. O. A. Welsh, 1st and 2nd. - . -' Doe, one year an under two Dr. O. A. Welsh, 1st and 2nd. Doe kid Dr. O. A. Welsh, 1st and 2nd. Swine Duroc-Jersey Boar, two years and over George DeBok, 1st. v Boar, six months George DeBok. 1st. Breeding sow, Two years and over George DeBok. 1st. 'Breeding sow, one year and under two G. B. Dimick, 1st. Sow, six months and under one year George DeBok, 1st and 2nd. Gilt, six months George DeBok, 1st and 2nd. Sow and litter G. B. Dimick, 1st. George DeBok, 2nd. Burkshires Boar, two years E. W. Bribble, 1st; U. Werner, 2nd. Boar, 7 months and under one year W. Werner. 1st and 2nd. Boar, under six months E. W. Grib ble, 1st. Sow, two years . and over E. W. Gribble, 1st and 2nd. Sow, one year and under two E. W. Gribble 1st; H. Werner. 2nd. Sow, six months and under one year Harold Gribble, 1st and 2nd. Sow, one year and over, E. W. Gribble 1st and 2nd. Gilt, six months E. W. Gribble, 1st. Sow and litter E. W. Gribble, 1st. Poland China Boar, under six months George Randall, 1st. Gilt, under six months Krasue Brothers, 1st and 2nd. Chester White Boar, two years and ovei" Herman Harms, 1st; heo- vu5 Boar, one year and under two Herman Harms, 1st. Boar, under six months Theodore Resch, 1st and 2nd. I Sow, two and over Herman Harms, ist; Theodore Resch, 2nd. . j - Sow, one and under twov years Theodore Resch, 1st and 2nd. Sow, six months and under one year Theodore Resch, 1st. . Gilt, under six months Theodore Resch, 1st and 2nd. Sow and litter Herman Harms. 1st. Theodore Resch, 2nd. Hampshire Boar, over one and un der two years R. Baty, 1st. Boar, seven months and unaer one year, R. Baty. It, Boar under six montns. t. eaiy, hi and 2nd. " Sow two years and over R. Baty, 1st and 2nd. ' Sow, six months and under one year R. Baty, 1st,. Gilt, under six months, R. Baty, 1st and 2nd. Fat Barrow Under 250 pounds, E. W. Gribble, 1st and 2nd; pen under 350 pounds Theodore Resch, 1st; B. W. Gribble, 2nd. Poultry Th Twinltrv department with C. R. 'Quinn in charge, has over 75 exhibi tors with 375 birds in the show, sev- of the bird fanciers being irom outside counties. These are Bert Davis, M. Jasperson, of Multnomah county, Harry Sitton of Multnomah county; r n wosmttr. of Washington county. The judge of the poultry was C. B. Wheeler, of Pleasant am, bane juh-t- h, is a breeder of Barred Rocks. The following were the awards in the poultry department: , tjj -BM-ba TMAiipv & Waldron nil 1 1 n 2nd on cock-: 1st on cockerel; 5 n 1.PH- Mrs.-H. C. Kleinsmith, 3rd on hen; George F. Meeks, 3rd on cock: 2nd and 3rd on cockerel: 1st 2nd on hen. 1st and 3rd on pullet, 1of an t 9n1 nn ben: Bert L. Davis, IstNm cock; 2nd on pullet. WTiite Rocks Jack Bertram, all awards. Columbian Rocks Harry L. Phillips, all awards. Rhode Island Reds Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Emert, 1st on cock, 2nd on hen, 1st on pullet. 2nd on hen; Roy New man, 3rd on cock: L. H. Maple, 1st on hen; H. M. Robbins, 2nd on cock, 3rd on hen, 2nd and 3rd on pullets, 1st. 2nd, 3rd on cockerel, 1st on hen. White Wyandottes Eldon Kocher, 1st on pen. Silver Laced Wyandottes M. Jes person, 1st. 2nd on cockerel, 1st and 2nd on pullet; Mrs. C. Marrs, 1st on cock. Dominiques Mrs. C. Marrs, all awards. : Single Comb White Leghorns E. D. Hosmer, 1st and 3rd on cockerel; 1st and 2nd on hen, 1st and 2nd on pullet; Harry Sitton, 1st on pen. Fir Lane Poultry Farm. 3rd on hen; Elmer Gribble, 2nd on cockerel, and 3rd on pullet. Bull Leghorns Mrs. C. Marrs, 1st on cockerel, 1st and 2nd on hen; 1st on pullet; s J. H. Hobart, 2nd on cock erel, 2nd and 3rd on pullet. Brown Leghorns J. M. Hobart, all awards. Single Comb White Minorcas Roy C. Smith, 1st and 2nd on cock, 1st and 2nd on cockerel. 1st and fcnd onpullet. Buttercups M. Jesperson, all awards. - Silver Spangled Hamburgs Ed Grueger, 1st on cockerel, 1st on pullet. White Faced Black Spanish Harry Sitton,-1st on cockerel. Buff Orpingtons B. D. Hosmer, 1st on cockerel, 1st on pullet. White Pekin Ducks J. W. Hylton, 2nd on drake, 2nd and 3rd on hen; Fred Yohan, 1st on old drake; 1st and 2nd on young drake. 1st on old hen, 1st. 2nd and 3rd on young hen. Pencilled Indian Runner Ducks O. F. Frentriss, all awards. , Fawn Indian Runner .Ducks Mrs. Blazer, all awards. White Muscovy Lucy Christian, 1st on old drake, 1st on young drake, 1st on hen; Albert Schoenbern, 2nd on old drake. ' ' Wild Ka'lard Ducks Henry F. Pardy, 1st on old drake. 2nd on young drake; 1st on old hen, 1st on young hen; Dimick and Waldron, 1st and 3rd on young drake, 2nd and 3rd on young . hen. Bronze Turkeys Mrs. . Emma Mar shall, 1st on hep, 2nd on hen; C. E. Williams 2nd and 3rd on hen, 1st on torn. The poultry exhibit was one of the best ever shown at the Clackamas county fair, and the lrgest number of birds ever entered in the history of the fir association. Six table beets, J. C. Kauplsch, 1st; H. J-Bigger, 2nd. Six - rutabagas, H. J. Bigger, 1st. Three heads cabbage, J. C. Kaupisch, 1st; H. J. Bigger, 2nd. Cabbage display, H. J. Bigger 1st; J. C. Kaupisch, 2nd. Cauliflower. H. J. Bigger. 1st. Celery. J. C. Kaupisch, 1st. Six cucumbers, J. C. Kaupisch, 1st; H. J. Bigger, 2nd. Kohl Rabi. J. C. Kaupisch. 1st. Twelve onions, Mrs. Carl Joehnke, 1st; J. C. Kaupisch, 2nd. Six parsnips, J. C. Kaupisch, 1st. sfcnrrntR. J. C Kaupisch, 1st; Mrs. H. C- Hartman, 2nd. Three conta loupes, J. C. Kaupisch, 1st; G. B. Dimtcht 2nd. Six peppers, H. J. Bigger, 1st; J. C. Kaupisch. 2nd. Three pumpkins, O. R. Daugherty, 1st; Fred Baker. 2nd. Three squasnes, tiarom Kammerer, 1st; J. C. Kaupisch, 2nd. Box tomatoes, O. R. Daugherty, 1st; vrtt Brothers. 2nd. Ten best toma toes, O. R. Daugherty 1st; H. J. Big- ger, 2nd Six largest tomatoes, H. J. Bigger. 1st. Six commercial turnips, J. C. Kaupisch, 1st; H. J. Bigger, 2nd. Six heads lettuce, J C. Kaupisch, 1st. Six pounds rhubarb, H. J. Bigger, 1st and 2nd. Three largest egg piani, n. J. Bigger, 1st and 2nd. Largest mang el, J. C. Kaupisch, 1st. Largest wat ermellon, G. B. Dimick, 1st; B. S. Prather, 2nd. Largest cantaloupe, J. W. Fawver, 1st- largest sunflower on stalk, Mrs. Carl Joehnke, H. J. Bigger, 2nd; largest squash, J. C. Kaupisch, 1st, G. B. Dimick 2nd; largest cow kale. C. W. West 1st,; J- W. Hilton 2nd; earliest of all potatoes, H. J. Bigger 1st; Irish . cobbler potatoes, Clarence Marks 1st; J. C. Kaupisch 2nd; Brit ish Queen potatoes, Clarence Marks 1st; White Rose potatoes, J. C. Kaup isch 2nd; Netted Gem potatoes, Grov er Jackson 1st . American Wonder potatoes, Mrs. Carl Joehnke , 1st; Clarence Marks 2nd; Early Triumph potatoes, Herman Harms 2nd; Peerless potatoes, Her man Harms 2nd; best general display of apples. George Ingram 1st; best King Tompkins apples, M. F. Day 1st; Winter Banana apples, A. C. Newell 1st; Ortley apples, M. E. Day isi, noT cnnlos fieorse Ingram ina , Grimes Golden apples, George in gram 1st; Jonathan apples, George Ingram) VXMUV 7 t 2nd; King apples, eorge Ingram inu, Red Cheek Pippin apples, George In gram 1st; Yellow Bell Flower apples, George Ingram 1st; Plate Ortley ap ples, George Ingram 1st; Plata Bartlet pears, George Ingram 2nd; plate Camice pears, George In gram 1st;, plate fall butter pears. George Ingram 2nd; plate Winter NolUa nears. George Ingram 1st; plate Elberta peaches, George Ingram 1st; plate Italian prunes, Creorge mgraia 1st; plate Petit prunes, Mrs. n. . Hartman 1st, George Ingram na, best display grapes, William Rider 1st." Peter Stoller 2nd; best aispiay fall pears, George Ingram 1st; best display quinces, H. J. Bigger 1st; best display prunes, George Ingram 1st. Domestic Science Best pound cake, Mrs. L. 3. Niel and 1st; fruit cake, Mrs. C Marrs 1st; coffee cake, Mrs. J. C. Kaup'sch lst. M T O. txiedeman 2nd; potato J TPBSt bread. Mrs. vvmiam oeeson -. yeasi Dreau. .mo- " Mrs. J. fl Kaumscn zna; granam hrpsd Mrs. J. O. Tiedeman 1st, Mrs L. J. Nieland 2nd; corn bread, Mrs. William Beeson 1st; whole wneat bread, Mrs. W. O. Neff 1st. Mrs. Au gusta Jaeger 2nd; brown bread, Mrs. L. J. Nieland 1st; yeast rolls, Mrs. William Beeson 1st, Mrs. L. J. Niel and 2nd; baking powder biscuits, Mrs. C. E. Rick 2nd; layer cake, Mrs. C. Marrs lsC Mrs. C. E. Rick 2nd; cookies, Mrs. A. D. Gribble 1st; ex hibit of fruit, (canned), Walter Nich olls 1st ; assortment of jellies and jams. Mrs. Bertha Hurst 1st, Mrs. J. O. Tiedeman 2nd; four vegetables (Vanned. Mrs. Bertha Hurst 1st; as sortment of preserves, Mrs. Bertha Hurst 1st, Mrs. H. C. Hartman 2nd; exhibit fruit and preserves. Mrs. J. O. Tiedeman 1st. v Soao anon TCatio Harms. 1st: Mrs. Au gusta Jaeger, 2nd. Canned Meat, Etc. Four jars meat, Mrs. C. Marrs 1st; catsup, Mrs. Bertha Hurst 1st, Mrs. J C. Kaupisch 2nd; grape juice, Mrs. Bertha Hurst 1st; canned sh. Mrs. Bertha Hurst 1st; exhibit of vege tables, Walter Nichols 1st, Mrs. J. O. Tiedeman 2nd; sweet pickles, Mrs. J. O. Tiedeman 1st, Mrs. L. J. Hieland 2nd.. Eggs The egg laying contest was a new feature for this year's fair. The prizes went to the following: Best dozen eggs in show, any color, (Barred Rocks), Mrs. H. C Klein smith, of Hoff, Rt. l; second best dozen eggs in show. (White Leghorns) Elmer Gribble, Canby; third best doz en eggs in show, (Red Island Reds), Mrs J Q- Emert, Portland, Rt. 6. Best eggs in fanciers' class (brown) r I Reds, Mrs. H. C. Kleinsmith 1st; best commercial class eggs (brown), K. I. Reds, Herbert Robbins, Oregon City. Rt. 3, 1st. Best in fanciers' .class (white) White Leghorns, Elmer Gribble, Can by, 1st. ... Best white eggs in commercial class (White Leghorns), Mr. and Mrs. W. H Thompson. Canby, 1st. Fanciers' class, brown eggs, R. I. Reds, Herbert Robbins. 2nd. Commer cial class, brown eggs, Mrs. H. C. xr smith 2nd. Commercial class. white eggs, Mrs. T. B. Davenport, mtv. Rt. 5. 2nd. Commercial Mass. white eggs. C. W. West, Port- , j Tit e. Srri. TTancier's class, brown eggs, Mrs. J. Emert. R- I. Reds, Port 3Wi . Commercial class, brown eegifc Barred Plymouth Rocks, Dimick . . n..v1..1 I and Waiaron, nuuui i " "'' Page seven NATURALIZATION IS DENIEDTWO BY JUDGE CAMPBELL Request for Exemptions In Past War Blocks Attempt Of Two to Gain American Citizenship; 1? Admitted. I HEARING CONDUCTED BY CHIEF OF DIVISION Six Nations Represented In list of Petitions Granted; Twenty-two Are Applicants Aliens who during the war claimed exemption upon the ground that they are not citizens, cannot under the pre cedent again established by Circuit Judge . J. U. Campbell, Monday, be naturalized now. In the regular naturalization hearing here. Judge Campbell dismissed the petitions of Jens Kresten Sorensen, Denmark, Woodburn Route 3 and Frederik Will iam Baum, Germany, Portland, on the ground that they had asked exemption during the recent war. The hearing was conducted here by Jno. Speed Smith, chief naturalization examiner of the northwestern division. who came here from Seattle to con duct the examinations. Thirteen aliens were admitted to citizenship, representing six national ities. Twenty-three applications were presented, six of which were con tinued by the court, either for non ap pearance or to continue study. The list of those admitted follows: DENMARK Martin Anderson, Clackamas, Route 1; Simon Bujer, Oregon City, Route I. ENGLAND Griffith Griffiths, Ore gon City, Route 3; James Bruce, Os wego;' Robert John Saunders, Boring, Route 1 ; William Morgan, Willamette. SWEDEN Carl John Leberg, Bor ing; Nels August Lundmark, Colton, Route 1; August Peterson, Mulino, Route 1. RUSSIA John Ruskis, Oregon City, Johannes Fesser, Milwaukie. GERMANY Bertha Zirbel, West Linn. AUSTRIA Jacob Kestner, Molalla. Classified Ads , j haye jocated in Oregon City. 1 1 am an old nand at the business, guarantee to get as much money for your property as any man in the state. Phone S10W for dates. - W. D. OVERTON, Auctioneer. - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multno ' mah. In the Matter of the Estate of George H. Johnson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the ad ministrator of the above entitled es tate will sell at private sale the fol lowing described real property, be longing to said estate, to-wit: An undivided three-fourths interest in the following described real prop erty situate in the County of Clacka mas, State of Oregon: A part of the Donation Land Claim jno. 49. iuwu- I -x.:- 9 cth - noncft 1 East of the i " j""". - . , ; ii.rMi.n losTiheil as fol- . niuaiuuio u""o", " ; lows: - ' Beginning at a point in the tasi boundary of said claim at a pomi. South 44 deg. West 10.19 chains from the most easterly corner of said Moim- thence South 44 deg. west along the Easterly line of said claim .9.32 chains; thence JNortn ou ueB. ou min. West 42.50 chains; thence North 51 deg 15 min. East 15.60 chains thence - South 51 deg. 30 min. East 40.00 chains to the place of beginning, containing 50 aeTes, more or less, on the following terms, cash at time ot sale. The said described property wiu be offered for sale and thesaid ad ministrator will proceed to sell the same from and after the 1st day ot November, 1922. Application for the purchase of said property may be made to the administrator at 808 Union Avenue North, Portland, Ore- gon. ' This sale will be made pursuant to an order of the above entitled court heretofore duly made and entered on the 31st day of August, 1922. CLARENCE W. WEST. Administrator of the Estate of George H. Johnson, deceased. ' First' publication September 29. 1922. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ef the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Thelma Anderson, Plaintiff, vs. William R. Anderson, Defendant. To William R- Anderson, the above named defendant, In the Name of the State of Ore gon; You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit cn or before the expiration, six weeks from the date Of the first publication of this summons, which date of expir ation is fixed by order of the above entitled Court as November 10th; if you so fail to appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between said parties. This summons is published by order of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court. The order is dated Sept. 23rd, 1922. Date of first publication, Sept. 29, 1922. - Date of last publication November 10 1922 FT.MER R. LUNDBURG, Address 425 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff. f