Page two NEWS FROM i r All (Tver Correspondence From M Ove r I I1C M.O. ESTACADA, Sept. 6-Rev. C. W pogue, wife and baby, were guests at the J P- Woodle home last week. Mr. Pogue left Wednesday to attend the state conference at Salem. He Has betnPastor of the Silets Reserve Mission during the past year. Miss Mary Whiting and Mrs. A. W. Eotkin left for Portland Tuesday to attend the opening service of the Episcopal church general conference. Wednesday for a motor trip to Spo kane, Wash. Labor Day in Estacada passed off very quietly, there being no programs of any description. Quite a large number of visitors from Portland and other places were here to spend the day and the park was the scene of many picnic parties. A large number of our people took motor trips on that day and the trains, which run as on Sundays, had a goodly number of passengers for other places as well as visitors here. Mrs'iF. E. Burns and daughter, Ber tha and son, Frederick, left on Thurs day for their new home at Freewater, Ore Mr. Burns already being there whee he will he principal of the grade schools for the coming year The family have resided at Estacada. for the past ihree years, Mr. Burns being superintendent of the Estacada schools ana iney "B many loyal friends. Mrs. Burns re-, nUmAntorT fttten- ceived many uuui pinuv." - j . tions before her departure. j The apron sale and social at the I M E church last Friday evening was ; a decided success and the Ladies' Aid , a aeciuen ., , f feel well repaid for ine """- work and trouble they assumed m pre paring the entertainment, mere a good program and refreshments were served. The Ames family are enjoying a visit rfom relatives from Underwood, Wash. They arrived in two ma chines last Sunday. Married At Oregon City. Thurs day, August 311922, Richard Palma- t -a nrioo T-nr T)avis. The teer Jr. ana Miss uui bride is the daughter of Fred Davis j B..1 J i.rA-T-l 1-11 QTlil the I in the Garfield neighborhood and the groom the son of the late "Doc" Pal mateer, of the same place. They re turned Monday and will reside on the groom's ranch at Garfield. Rev. and Mrs. Lacy are in Salem this week attending the yearly confer ence of the M. E. church. Dr. Owen, the dentist, has sold out to Dr. Charles P. Jonnson ui land Dr. Owen's successor is a mar , to Dr. Charles P. Johnson oi ried man with one child and will occupy the Evans residence on upper Main street. . T. H. Morton and wife, accompanied by A. T. Elott and wife, motored to Seaside last Sunday, returning Tues day evening. The aeroplane which has been in this vicinity for " S " 7 en flying around considerably Monday. Seattle d , CaUfornia doing all kinds or ... j tacada, sometimes uymg s" jw it almost came in contact with the trees and people held their breath for fear the flying bird would strike the ground. . Rev. U. H. Gibbs and Mrs. Gibbs A Wednesday to at- tend the opening session of the Epis-1 copal convention. Mrs Maude tiranam came . froTpand last Sunday to visit her - Moiida firaham came uvci son's wife and meet otner ao"" ; . . , 1 Miss Olive Jones of ortPland.spent ; poisoning in his rooi. t DdaAfaisit dlyeJilng: they" int i & M, and Mrs. Jim Smith went to P J o? ttelr home at Gresh-I cific City Saturday returning Tuesday, tored over irom The beautifui Bew nome of Mrs. H. aTi Lvdia Matson came home from C. Stephens in Terrace Addition was pSd to v? .t her parents Sunday the scene of a delightful social func Portland to vibn ucr v , Tuesday afternoon, when Mrs. "Cie Belfils and son, Albert, J Stephens and Mr. OS. Allen enter ll to Portland Sunday to visit rel- ! tained in honor of Mrs. J. Burns Ttlves returaLg Monday evening. who left this week for her new home atives, reiurmug ix , , Mot The cuests enioved Mr and Mrs. Ainarson, wuo aio . at. r icc.., " , members of the high school faculty , musical selections .on the phonograph ext year will occupy the Somers ; and also indulged in gymnasium exer residence Is soon the Bums fern-! cises which furnished excellent diver residence as soon e 8l0n and much merriment. To complete mTss Carey, who has been visiting the charming hospitality a delicious at the home of her brother, Dr. Carey, two course luncheon was served the st of the summer left last Fri- i guests being seated at two prettily daJ for Prtlan" wh4re she started Ranged and effectively orated fhat eveiung for her home in Chi- tables in the cozy dining room where cago Mrs T. H. Morton drove her a cheerful fire In the grate lent corn over 'to Portland, accompanied by Mrs. ' fort and cheer. The guests , were Carey in her Maxwell coupe. Mesdames U. H. Gibbs, A. E. SparKS, Wile hauling poles last Friday. R." G. R- Ellis. J. E. Gates, O. V. Smith, S Coop's wagon tipped over, throw- Lloyd Yocum, G. E. Lawrence, W. J in'g him under the load and breaking Moore, N. B. Ecker, the gnert othj his leg Telow the knee. He was rush- or Mrs. Burns, and Misses Gertruae ed to town and medical aid 'summon- Dillon and Bertha Burns, ed, later being taken to Gresham. He R. C Kimmel has moved from his is getting along as well as can be ex- residence in the east part of the city pected. The accident happened across to a new home recently Puase? the river from Estacada. from The Cary Real Estate Co.. on Mrs. E. E. Ericson of Seattle, sur- the acreage just across the nver irom prised her sister, Mrs. R. G. Hughes town. WlUiroii? will you attend V V MlLiW-i High School this year? Colton is offering the strongest musicai course in the county both vocal and instrumental. New dormitory, new athletic field, new gym nasium, splendid faculty, good moral surroundings. Parents Invited to investigate- Full four years courses offered. Accredited High School. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4. For information address CLERK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 53 ' Phone Colton 11-2 ALL OVER THE COUNTY the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During Subscripton wm Rece;ve prompt Attt ntion. ioct Thursdav with a visit. She re rf ntil Fridav afternoon when she left for Portland to join friends who were going to Seaside Mrs. Guy Graham and little son arrived from Alaska the first of last week to visit relatives and many friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Giis Wilcox left last Friday for a visit to Heppner, Ore., to be absent for a couple of weeks. Dr G. L. McLellan and family left Estacada last Friday for Vancouver, Wash., where he decided to locate. Dr. McLellan came her about three months ago, having his office in wita Dr. Carey. Dr C. K. Carey decided again to leave Estacada and locate at Hoquiam, Wash. With Mrs. Carey they left this week for their new home. At pres ent there is but one doctor here Dr. Rhodes, osteopathic but a medical doctor is expected every day, Dr. Mid ford, who purchased the property of the late Dr. Morse. Ouite a number of our people are taking advantage of the opportunity to go up in the aeroplane, which has been located hear town for a number of days. The ball game Sunday afternoon be tween the Estacada team and a color ed team from Portland, was a fast one nd resulted in a victory for the home team with a score of 4 to 5. The city of Estacada is getting after the non-resident property owners who me nuu-icomcui, f.y ; 7 do not pay taeir assessments against 11..:. T . jJanrgllr i TT1 TrfW ATT1 ftntS. men Biuona x certain time is given in which to pay the assessments and if not then paid the city council will proceed to seu said lots so delinquent m the mj barter nf the maimer i""' J city. William Bass has decided to sell his RerNu-Em tailoring- shop and locate at North Bend where his uncle, D. B. Bass will locate. Mr. anB Mrs. P. S. Pesznecker have rented their residence on Main street to E. G. Hopkins, Who recently bought the barber shop formerly owned by D. B. Bass, and will move to Van couver, vvasu., wucm ."" reside It ig regretted by the entire 11 . . T ihi. m l'l TT ldflVP couver, Wash., where their two sous i community to have this family leave Estacada. They are good neignDor and citizens. They make the change so as to be near their sons. Earl Shibley came down from the railroad camp Saturday afternoon and that evening left for his home in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton were Portland last Sunday to vis- here i former's mother, it at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore, returning home the same day. Mrs. J. R- Hughs was hostess to the Modern Priscillas last Friday at her home in the Currinsville district. There, were seven members present and two visitors. Mrs. Hughes' sister and daughter. Mrs. E. E. .ncson oi Those who enjoyed the splendid din nodal time were Mesdames Ho wtl enioved the splendid din Heiple, E. E. Erickson, Mrs. Henry Heiple, Mrs. Clara Boyer, Mrs. R. A. Lovell, Mrs. N B Ecker and the visit ors The next meeting in Octohat will be at the home of Mrs. Heiple. Mrs. Will Perry and little daughter .- TJtianri visitors last Friday. - Mrs. R.' S. Coop went to oresnam . ---- - - ed a broken leg. Colton, Oregon OREGON After the Biimmpr vapatinn ATnun- tain Chantpr No. 108. fV E. S . will Bold its next meeting Tuesday even ing, Sept. 18. Estacada crosses bats with the Montavilla tlub of Portland next Sun day afternoon on the home grounds. C. A. Dykeman was a business "vis itor in Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary and chil dren. Glen and Phylis; motored to Portland Wednesday. " George Rose and family were Port land visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Nellie Carson assisted in the store while he was absent. The Neighbor of Woodcraft will give a dance in the I- O. O. F. hall on the evening of Sept. 14, to which everybody is invited. Dr. Carey has been in Estacada again this week making arrangements for moving to Washington. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK. Sept. 4 Mrs. Vi ola Douglass haa been visiting in the neighborhood for two or three days. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Orke and Mr. and Mrs. Hollander motored out to Mr. Orke's farm on Sunday and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and son, Leslie, were Portland visitors on Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and chil dren were guests at the home of Mrs. Douglass' parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moehnke on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moehnke accompanied them home ' to be their guests for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Sersanous and daughters are leaving today for their home in Sell wood, after their summer's vacation on their Deep Creek farm. The girls have to return to school as it commences September 5th in Portland. Fred Paddison and Kermit Bestul left on 'Tuesday for North Yakima, where they intend to work during the fruit picking season. Dodge DODGE, Sept. 4 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller spent Sunday visiting J. H. Keller and family at Viola. Mr. and Mrs. Polsom of Springwater were Sunday visitors at Ed Lacey's this week. Earl Lankins and Miss Ten Eyck were visiting at Fred Horner's place on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. J. E. Keller went to Portland on Saturday to visit her son, Ken neth, who is still in the hospital. She reports he is much better and ex pects to b.e home on Wednesday, Sept. 6. Frank Chambers, who for a while attended the Dodge school and who now resides in Portland was a week end visitor at Mrs. Jockinsen's. . Fred Horner and family spent Sun day visiting at S. N. Kilgore's place at Springwater. Fred Horner and wife were busi ness visitors in Oregon City Tuesday. Hazelia HAZELIA. Sept. 4 The Hazelia Community Sunday school will give a picnic Saturday, Sept. 16 at Supt. D. Christiansen's home. The after noon and evening will be spent in having a good time and a picnic sup per will be enjoyed. Every family in Hazelia is most cordially invited to come as this is a real community picnic Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lehman and son, Wilbur, and Mrs. Frank Childs has returned from the beach after a pleasant vacation. Hazelia students of West Linn high are ready for the bus Tuesday to start their year's work in school. Master Duncan Christiansen re turned Saturday from a trip with the Whitney Boys. Kelso . KELSO, Sept. 6 The Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. E. V. Erick son, Aug. 24 with the following mem bers present: Mesdames Phipps, Baumback, Peterson, Herz, Kligel. R. Jonsrud and the hostess. It was de cided to have the interior of the schoolrooms painted before school opens. A pleasant afternoon was spent and the hostess served delicious re freshments. v The Jonsrud-Gunderson mill which was destroyed by fire on June 5 is now rebuilt and running full blast. E. Herz, who has been laid up with blood poison caused by a cut on the knee is improving. Helen Jarl arrived from Medford last week and will remain with her father, Joel Jarl and sister. Mildred, and attend school here this winter. Mildred will attend the Sandy High school. Mrs. Jarl and son, Verne, will remain in Medford for the win ter. The machine in which Helen came from Medford was in a collision but no one was ' seriously injured. The Kelso school will open Sept. 11 with Miss Vaeretti and Mrs. Baum back as teachers. Dorothy Jonsrud has returned to Portland to attend the Jefferson high school. The Robert Jonsrud family recently moved to their new home on the Bluff road. Among those who have gone to the. hop fields are-Mrs. Patterson and daughter, Bessie and Mrs. E. V. Erick son and son Roland. Bissel BIS SELL, Sept. 4 Mrs. W. Fleebe and children who have been visiting her brother, Ralph Chaney, for the past six weeks left last Tuesday for their home in Nebraska. Emma Paulsen of Portland visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paul sen at Bissell last Saturday night and Sunday. A number of the Bissell people, who have been to the huskleberry patch. CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, I returned home with well-filled buck ets. Carl Lins who has been working in Portland for some time returned home last Sunday. Mr. Klinker and dauehter: Helen of Portland visited th former's sister- i in-law, Mrs. Marie Klinker at George last sunaay. WILLAMETTE NOTES A baby' boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Decker at their home here Wednesday morning. v R. H. Scott of Oregon City pur chased two lots from John Moehnke Monday. The deal being made through Clem Dollar's Real Estate of fice here. - Miss Helen Wallis returned home Saturday after spending the summer at the home of her grandmother in Portland. She will attend union high where she is a senior. Mrs. John Casey, and daughter, Mary Jane and Mrs. Lucy Mathers re turned from Newport Monday, where they have spent the last ten days. Miss Meta Higgenbottom of Port land spent the week end with Miss Esther Larson. The M. E. Church held its monthly silver tea at the home of Mrs. Wal dron hursday afternoon. The after noon was spent by the ladies piecing quilt blocks for the Ladies Aid. Re freshments were served at 3:30 o'clock to the following ladies: Mes dames, John A. Reams, Jr., Bert Barnes, G. Snidow, A. Fromong, A. Bogucki. J. A. Reams, Sr., Beardsley, J Casey, H. Leisman, E. Leisman, L. Mathers, O. ennett, Mrs. McLean, N. Whitney, A. Tuor, E. Carpenter, A. Runyan, J. Overton, W. W. Davis, Jos. Thornberry, Mrs. Barthlemew. Miss Mary Leisman, Ella Rogers and Lanaine Martin. Miss Senora Brown spent part of the week 'at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Murry Bunn of Meldrum. Mrs. Albert Adamson, after being confined to the Oregon City hospi tal for five weeks with blood poison ing returned home-Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Ba ker of Gladstone Saturday, it being Mr. Baker's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Criteser of Oregon City were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernert Saturday. Miss Mabel Larson,' Margaret Manning, and Frances Waldron, who have been attending summer school at Monmouth for the last twelve weeks returned to their homes here Saturday. Mrs. Prahl and C. Earsley, who have been at Everett, Wash., for the last week returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buckles and baby returned from a week's vacation at the beach Friday. Mrs. Marion Bennett was most agreeably surprised at her home on 4th Ave. Monday evening, It being her birthday. After a social evening lunch was served to the following guests: Mrs. McLean and children. Mrs. Spatz, Mrs. Fromong, Mrs. Car penter, Mrs. Snidow, Mrs. Overton, Mrs. B. Leisman, Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Mathers, Mrs. Tuor, Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Bersie, Mrs. Buckles, Mrs. Ka bleflush, Mrs. Barthlemew. Mr. and Mrs. Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Miss Orilla Oliver, Veda-Andrus . Miss Florence Fromong and Mrs. Swan of Oregon City were shopping in Portland Wednesday. Mamie Wallis spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting friends and rel atives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reams Jr., spent Saturday shopping in Portland. Miss Helene Fromong vtfpited .at the home of her aunt in Gladstone Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Renke and son spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Andre- son of Salem, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross and Mr. and Mrs. Frederic! spent Sunday in Tualatin, where they visited at the home of Mrs. Skog. Mr. and Mrs. Don Overton have moved into the cottage belonging to Clarence Morrell on Railroad Ave. Mrs. Ira Kaiser of Salem is visit ing at the home of Mrs. Albert Ad amson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Theobald of Tualatin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederici on Tuesday. Mrs. W. C. Elliott left Sunday morning for Orland, Calif- She ex pects to be gone about a month. Mr. and Mrs. "Skinner and children who have been spending the last few weeks at Dayton returned to their home here. Mr. Cov and family of Oswego have rented the Greaves bungalow on Ma ple Ave. and moved in Satuardy. Sidney Brown and Homer Beals were the guests of Herbert Backus at Middleton, Monday. Mrs. Tuor was given a surprise and miscellaneous shower Wednesday eve ning when a number of friends call ed at her home on Maple Ave. She received a number of usefu 1 gifts. After an evening spent in old fash ioned games, refreshments were serv ed to Mrs. H. Leisman, Mrs. Herman Peters, Mrs. C. Bigley. Mrs. John Cas ey, Mrs. F. Shipley, Mrs Silverman, Mrs. Ridder, Mrs. Downe. Mrs. Gur ley. Mrs. E. Leisman, Mrs Barnes, Mrs. Lucy Mathers, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Thornberry, Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Whitney. Mrs. Buckles, Mrs. Fromong. Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Rauch, Mrs. Robt. Young, Mrs. Gary, Mrs. Davis, . Mrs. Zimmerman. Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Tuor, Miss Florence" Fromong. Lor raine Martin, Mary. Leisman, nusma Ellingson. A minstrel show will be given by the ladies of the Fraternal Brother hood next Tuesday evening for the benefit of the order of Willamette. Miss Vena Barnes spent Saturday shopping in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family re turned Monday after a week's stay at Rockaway. l..a.M. M...t....MM..i.MM...t..M IIMIII t 1 Holman&Pace 1 FUNERAL I DIRECTORS Homelike Efficient Courteous Telephone 86 7th and Water St Oregon City i glllMIWIWIIIItllH.tWWIM.IWINIIIW.H.IIIIW'M"'"."."'" SEPTEMBER 8, 1 922. JENNINGS L OD GE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Corresponded Hiking Party Home From Fine Outing JENNINGS LODGE, Sept 6 Ken neth and Hugh Allen Wilcox have re-J turned much elated over their hik ing trip to Lost Lake. Leaving Port land by boat they went to Hood River and" taking the jrain to Dee. Ore., they were ready for. their hike of 14 miles to "Lost Lake. After spending the night here, hiked about 11 miles to Wathum Lake returning by way of Eagle Creek which was a 13 mile hike. Returning over the Columbia Highway on Monday were taken home by passing autoists. . They were chaperoned by their sis ter, Mrs. Evelyn Holden and Mrs. Stevens of Sellwood. There were six In the party and all together hiked 59 miles. At Bonneville the party hiked up to the Tanner Creek Falls and It proved a very enjoyable outing. Old Relic Day To Be Held at Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 6 The social committee of the Grace Guild for the month of September has an nounced that Wednesday, Sept. 27, as "Old Relic Day." Any one having ar ticles over 50 years old the committee will be very glad to receive them and excellent care will be given them. The date and by whom owned and other information will be given at the dis play. Many heirlooms dating back nearly 200 years have been promis ed Mrs. Geo. Williams and Mrs. Hugh Roberts for the affair, who are work ing to have this a successful and in structive afternoon, to which the pub lic will be bidden. Tea will follow, served in the Guild room of the church. Officers-Teachers ' Guests Tuesday Eve JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 6 Mr. and . Mrs. . Daniel Jones entertained the officers and teachers of the Sun day school very pleasantly on Friday evening last at their new home. Plans for the promotion and rally day exer cises were discussed, followed by the serving of - home made ice cream and cake. Assisting the Jones were Mrs. Alice Jones of Spokane, who is visiting at their home. The monthly meetings are usually held the first Monday of the month. This wa's the first meeting of the fall season. Chicken Dinner Is Planned for Party JENNINGS LODGE. Sept. 6 A chicken dinner will be given on Fri day evening at the Grace Community church under the auspices of the Guild in connection with their annual "ex perience party." The following are the chairmen of committees supper, Mrs. W. I. Blin stone; tables, Mrs. Geo. Gardner; cof fee, Mrs. Hugh Roberts; reception, Mrs. A. B. Snider, Mrs. Geo. Williams, Mrs. Hugh Roberts, Mrs. Ella Maple, Mrs Waterhouse and Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck. TOURISTS REGISTER JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 6 Twenty-two machines have registered at Shady Nook recently. Among them were W. H. Lawson from Jerome, Ida.; E. L. Westfall of Mt. Vernon, Wash.; John Holland from Frisco; J. L. Douthitt of Dover, Ohio ; W. E. Clever of Bellville, Ohio; H. D. Don oldson of Burbank, Oklahoma; J. R. Mclntire of Los Angeles; Mrs. Bez zio of Seattle; D. B. Yarger of Free port. Illinois. Most of them were accompanied by their families. Two parties registered "any place,"" going about seeing the- country. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 6 On Friday last nine little folks were very "charmingly entertained at the S. Sheperd home, it being the ninth birthday anniversary of their son. Maynard. Many pretty gifts were showered upon .the little lad and with the delicious refreshments with two birthday cakes made it a happy oc casion for the youngsters. Mrs. Mad den assisted Mrs. Sheperd in mak ing it a happy affair for those at tending. ORCHESTRA ENTERTAINED JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 6 The Theroux orchestra was delightfully entertained at Monitor over the week end .Leaving here by auto on Satur day were entertained over night in the Monitor homes. On Sunday the orchestra- furnished music for the church service, and were treated to a chicken dinner. It was a very en joyable time for Mr. Theroux and his pupils. P-T TO MEET JENNINGS LODGE, Sept. 6 The regular Parent-Teachers' association meeting will be held this week on Friday afternon at the school house. Mrs. Norman Chapman will preside. Mrs. Lawrence is the secretary for the coming year. The committees for the year will be named and an outline of the winter's work will be given. A full attendance is desired. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS E. R. Sanders and family from San Diego, Calif., are recent arrivals and are pleasantly located on the river front, Mr. Sanders is one of the buy ers for the Olds, Wortman. King store. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming are home from Seaside, after spending a week at the coast. On Thursday the Flemings motored to McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hoag are spend ing a week with their daughter at Newport Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starker and Misses Ada Rush and Mary Kessi have had a very enjoyable camping trip, pitching their tents ' at Beacon Rock. The little son of Wm. Moritz re recently injured by a California auto on the River road near his home is rapidly improving. Francis Parks had the misfortune of injuring his thumb recently in the pump at his home on Meldrum Ave. Mr. and Mrs. F. Drake of Walnut, olwa and" Mr. and Mrs. A. Haines of Topeka,' Kansas, have been , recent callers at the Tom Grady home. G. M. Caldwell and son, Merl and Sydney Smith left Saturday for Wild Cat mountain where they . plan to gathej- huckleberries. They returned Sunday night with an abundant sup ply. Francis Harragan has been at Port land visitor at the C. R- Holloway home. On Sunday R. E. Holloway and daughters, who returned during the week from British Columbia were guests of their son, Charlie. The Hugh Roberts family accom panied Dr. J... L. Scripture and Jamie to Bonneville on Sunday. ' Mrs. Bess Bruechert was a Salem visitor over Labor Day. R. L. Newcomb accompanied Port land friends to Wathum Lake on Sat urday. Warren Swart and wife have re turned from the mountains after a 10 days' stay at Rhododendron. Miss Sarah Holloway was the house guest of Katherine Satterfield in Rose City Park last week. A number from here are planning on picking hops at Parkplace, the pick ing beginning on Wednesday. The yard has been well kept and free from weeds and insects, will make it much easier for those who are gather ing the hops. Geo. Maple was an Olympia, Wash., visitor over Labor Day, a guest of his son, R. E. Maple. Miss Lansburg of Salem, Virginia, has returned to her home after a vis it with her sister, Mrs. Robert Rog ers. She is a teacher in a female sem inary in Virginia. Attracting considerable, attention are some Paw Paws, which were sent to J. W. Dain from his father in In diana. Two large ox heart tomatoes were also on display at Shady Nook, which were sent by Mr. Dain. Sr.. from Waynetown, Indiana. W. H. Tillman and family spent the week end at Seaside, remaining oyer Labor Day at this popular beach re sort. C. R. Holloway resumed his school duties on Tuesday, being given the principalship of the Glen Haven school in Portland. 'Miss Wilma Bruechert spent the week end at Rockaway, Ore., the guest of the Painton 'family. Mrs. W. H. Kelly has returned from Garabaldi beach after being most de lightfully entertained at the home of her son, Alden. Noah Bechtel .has returned from Corvallis to spend several days with home folks. J. W. Dain and wife spent Labor Day in Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Nettie Theroux will teach again this year in the Barclay school in Oregon City, resuming her duties on Sept. .18th. 'Mrs. H. D. Smith and son. Dean, and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Deter and two daughters, Meryl and Ouida De ter motored to Malloy over the holi days of the 'past week where they were the guests of Mrs, Malloy. who 13 a sister of Mrs. Deter. A wedding of interest to the older residents of this place, took in Rockwood on Sunday last when Trance Grimshaw and Ted -Reeves were married. The groom is the eld est son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Reeves, who formerly resided where Mrs. Er ickson now lives, he Reeves family are now located at Corbett Oscar Erickson has returned to Ta coma, after a visit with his mother, Mrs. M. Erickson. Shelton Bechtel " is looking after business interests in Cottage Grove this week. Mrs. Anna Monod of Kansas City Missouri, who has spent the summers with her daughters, Mrs. J. W. Jones of this place and Mrs. A. B. Mayo, of Oregon City, is returning home this week, leaving on Wednesday. H. Wyttenberg is building a new garage at their home." J. L. Florence and wife and sis ter, Mrs. Morgan, a visitor from Kan sas, motored to Eagle Creek on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Rohads and son. Fay, of Boise, Ida., is visiting their sister. Mrs. E. O. Kiggins R. H. Hendry, who recently dispos ed of his interests in the Blue Front grocery, has accepted a position with the Pacific Asbestos and Belting Co. of Portland, taking up the work on Sept. 1. Mrs. C. D. Dietz of Rainier is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. F. Butler of the Butler Poultry farm. Prof and Mrs. L- Baker of Portland J. P. Finley & Son Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth Portland Our chapel and equipment are always available for out of town calls Phone: Sellwood S97, Automatic East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an d Dealers In Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foov of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREOON L were week end guests of Mrs. Kate Rosenberry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayle of As toria were guests of the Geo. Card family over the Labor Day holidays. Mrs. E. Davis has returned to her home in Medford after her vacation which was spent with her. sister, Mrs. Fred Wilson. Dr. Betteridge and wife spent the recent holidays at their place in East Jennings Lodge. ' Emery Sanders, of Arizona, spent Sunday at the Wm. Cook home. Emery is a former Jennings Lodge boy and plans to remain in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gardner motor ed to Wild Cat mountain on Sunday, where they gathered huckleberries. Mrs. Florence Moore has reached home.' While in the east she took a course at the Columbia University .of Art in New York City. Mr. Henrici and sons. Walter and Claude and son-in-laws, A. B. Mc Reynolds of Ft. Worth, Texas and Louis Barry of Oregon City leave on Thursday for Roseburg ,on a hunting trip. They are motoring down for big game. Mrs. A. C. Woodcock has been call ed to Eugene, owing to the illness of her mother. Mrs. Elice Barker has accepted a position in the P. R. L. & P- Co. office In Portland. Wm Booth, wife and three chil dren are having an outing camping at Government Springs near Steven son, Wash. Mr. Booth has been con nected with the P. R. L. & P- Co. of fice for 15 years. Mrs. R Kirchem and Miss June Kirchem of Redlands spent Labor Day with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Lila Bird is returning ,to boarding school at Oswego after spending the summer with her uncle, S. H. Bechtel and family. Among the Jennings. Lodge students who are taking up their studies are Florence and Harry Wilson and Win nifred Humphreys, who are to attend the West Linn high scnooi: Kex tsecn tel, Stanley Pollock, Stewart Rush, Geo. Nelson will attend the Benson Polytechnical. Leo. Cook goes to the High School of Commerce this being his last year there. Geo. oss will attend the Washing ton High school. Wm. Bruechert is a sophomore at Washington high. Phoebe and Wm. Finley, Jr.. are also attending ' the Washington High school. Miss Ruth Cook is planning on at tending the Monmouth Normal this year. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goff, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goff Jr., have re turned from a motor trip to the Tilla mook beaches. Mrs Tmacntt and son. Howard, and I Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chapman mo tored to Bakers Bridge for peacnes the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Robbins enter tained Mrs. Bushmacher of Wauske ka, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lishbach er'and son, Babby, of Salem and Mrs. Finnegan of Portland on Sunday. Mrs. H. H. Emmons was the hon or guest had a very prettily appoint ed luncheon at the home of Mrs. Wil son Miller in Portland on Tuesday Mrs. Emmons is able to be out again after a siege of boils. Rev. A, B. Snider is rapidly improv ing and, is able to walk out. A. B. Smith is busily engaged in laying the hardwood floors in. the A. J. Robbins home. G.A.R. FOR FIFTY-SIX YEARS INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 6. Fit--ty-six years ago a small group of young men, veterans of the Civil war, were banded together by Dr. Benja min F. Stephenson, of Decatur, tl After organizing, the name bestowed upon the body was the Grand Army of the Republic. Organization began April 6. 1S66, and the first national encampment was he'd in Indianapolis beginning November 20 of the same year. There are no authentic records to give the attendance at that meeting, out of which grew one of the most powerful and influential bodies ever welded to gether in the United States. It must have been small, however, for one of the first theaters in Indianapolis was used for the meeting place, and it held only a few hundred persons. 4000 OlSABLEaVETS TD LEAVE HOSPITALS SOON WASHINGTON, Sept. 6. Director Forbes of the veterans' bureau today ordered that 1000 disabled service men now under treatment in different hospitals and listed as walking cases, be allowed to convalesce at their homes. The order will make such fa cilities available to as many more cas es awaiting treatment. ' 5v 21S8S John P. Miller, Mgr. 1