OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1922. ACKAMAS GO Y BUY GUIDE HNT Office Phone: Main 9109 . Open Day and Night CROWN STABLES PHILLIP SUETTER, Manager 285 Front Street Portland, Oregon HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED. We buy for Cash, or sell on Commission. Feed and Sales Stables. . Special For Hire Rates to Responsible People. All Stock Guaranteed as Represented. Learn Window Trimming, Show Card Writing, Commercial. Art at Portland Display Men's School ; 330-336 East Morrison St, Portland, Oregon Night Classes instructed by Portland's most prominent display men. For information regarding courses and tuition, call at school or phone East 639. B. B. Body & Top Works Better Built Bodies and Tops Auto Tops, Curtains, Cushions and Seat Covers, Manufactured and Repaired. Auto, Bug and Truck Body Building and Repairing We install Wind Shields, Side De flectors and Plate Glass in Curtains. Oxy-Actylene Welding 345 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. Telephone, East 1198 Auto Sign Painting. ,ARKER ItyAisjLS-. - - WEST READ ; Ask for BARKER BREAD ALL GROCERS HAVE IT. Nicolai Neppach Company. 227 Davis Street, Portland, Oregon GENERAL MILL WORK .. SASH, DOORS, GLASS HARDWOOD LUMBER OAK and MAPLE FLOORING SQUABBLE OVER TARIFF IS ENDED BY CONGRESS Immediate Action By Both Houses in Congress To Be Result of Recommendation Established 18S2 The E. House Restaurant Come and See Us Open Day and Night Home-made Pies and Cakes a Specialty Steaks, Chops' and Oysters Between Alder and Washington 128 Third Street, Portland, Oregon Res. Phones: Tabor 6122, Bdw. 3054 Phone Main 6978 PAINTS Colors, gal. White, gal. $2.45 . 2.55 Pidcock .& Hazel Paints, Oils, Varnishes 145 First Street Portland, Ore. Office Phone East 743 Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works, ' JOHN C. BRUCHNER, Prop. Mausoleums, Monuments, Head stones and General Cemetery Work East Third and Pine Streets PORTLAND, OREGON THE Suddarth Studio PHOTOS THAT ARE DIFFERENT A classy up-to-date Studio on the East Side A. C. SUDDARTH 7 East Morrison at Grand Ave. MATTRESS MAKING One of Our Specialties. Mattresses made, over $4.50. New ones according to weight. Carpets cleaned, refitted and re sized by experts. Fluff rugs made to your especial order. 9x12 rugs shampooed $2.50. Ship all work to us by express or auto freight and mail us instructions. PIONEER MATTRESS & CARPET CLEANING WORKS 1072 Lincoln Street, Portland, Ore. Aut. 237-07 The Nelson Forge Works SHIP SMITHING & MACHINE FORGERS A modern shop equipped to handle all new and repair work. Machine Shop in connection. Telephone East 2183 231 East Water St, Cor. Main Portland, Oregon Heavy forging a specialty. Our Motto: "The Golden Rule" C. L. Becker Real Estate Farm Lands, Acreage, City Property For Bargains in cheap land . "See Me" 133J4 First Street Across from Alder St. Depot PORTLAND, OREGON Established 22 Years in Portland. The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. No operations. No poison used in our wonderful remedies, composed of the choicest Oriental roots, herbs, buds and bark, many of which are unknown to the medical science of this country. Our rem edies are harmless and have made many sufferers from catarrh, asthma, lung and throat, rheuma tism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney trou- ble, female disorders, etc., happy. Many testimon ials given unsolicited by persons, male and female, who have used my root and herb remedies. Call or write for Information. THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1624 First Street " Portland, Oregon POLICE ARE BAFFLED BY CONVENIENTLY LOCATED FIRST AND MORRISON TOURIST HOTEL OPEN ALL NIGHT Steam Heat, Electric Lights Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Brick Building. 75c per day up $3.50 per week up Free Bath to Guests. MRS. M. J. WALKER, Prop. Phone Main 4861 GEO. W. CROCKWELL, M. E. ' Naturopath and Spinologist 706-720 DEKUM BUILDING Portland, Oregon ELECTRIC TREATMENTS Specialist in Stomach Trouble, Chronic Diseases and Female Complaints. No matter what your trouble I can help you. Have cured hundreds! Why not you? Consultation and examination Free, i "Pay as you can." No knife. No operations. No incurable case taken. FREE TREATMENTS THIS WEEK. Traffic Laws are Enforced in Portland Avoid Theft and Damage . by putting your car in Portland Parking 'Station Twelve hours for only 25 cents. Night or Day. F. J. Espel, Proprietor Broadway just above Heilig theatre. f The ftoutiVy Our Gift to The Bride , FREE With the purchase of one of our DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS A solid gold handsomely en graved Wedding Ring to match Diamond Ring. , CREDIT IF YOU LIKE. Reingold's Jewelers 147 Third Street SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., Aug. 17. The police, sheriff's officers, and federal officers united today in a des perate effort to locate the murderer or" murderers of Mrs. Mable Henry Hansen, wife of Nels Hansen, a San ta Fe coaling plant foreman, at her home in Bridge street late last night. According to neighbors near the Hansen home, shortly after 11 o'clock last night they heard Mrs. Hansen screaming "get out of here." This was followed by four or five shots. The neighbors rushed into the. house and found Mrs. Hansen dead in ai pool of blood in her room, all of the shots having taken effect. A Chinese with a masklike ' face, who answered the sharp questioning of investigators with an impassive stare, is held as a suspect. The orien tal, known as Wong Tou, was taken into custody on Information supplied by neighbors. They said that through! the walls -of the Hansen home yester day afternoon, some hours before the slaying, they heard the Chinese and Mrs. Hansen in a heated argument. The room In which Mrs. Hansen was murdered showed signs- of a ter rific struggle liavinsr taken place and a chair had evidently been hurled by someone. Mrs. Hansen was complete ly dressed except for her shoes. WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. The sen ate will end its four months' tariff fight late today with the passage of the administration bill by an over whelming majority. With the absence of two Republican senators generally credited as in opposition, it was ex pected that not to exceed three votes would be cast against the bill on the majority side. The general belief was that these would be offset by at least that many votes in support on the Democratic side. Although it worked until close to midnight last night, the senate was back on the -job half an hour earlier than usual today to clean up amend ments of individual senators. At the getaway last night it was agreed that debate should e limited to five min utes to each senator on each amend ment ad that the administration fea tures, including the so called flexible tariff provisions, should first be con sidered. Aside from these features, most of the highly' controverted individual amendments were disposed of during the more than twelve hours that the senate labored yesterday. By sub stantial majorities the 2.3 cents a: pound rate on sugar and the 33 cents a pound on the clean content of raw wool were approved. MICHAEL COLLINS, FREE STATE ARMY LEADERIS KILLED Shot. From Ambush While Head of Troops is on Tour of Inspection, Proves Fatal; News Shocks All Ireland. RETAIL FOOD PRICES UP 1 PER CENT OVER 1921 OFFICIAL STATEMENT TO BE ISSUED AT ONCE Political Future of Nation - May Hang Upon Loss of Two Political Factors. DUBLIN, Aug. 22. Michael Collins was killed this afternoon in aiT"am bush at Bandon while on a tour of inspection. Mr. Collins state armies. was head of the free The news of the death of Ireland's hope comes as a great shock to the country. The general headquarters at Portobello are now preparing an official statement of the assassination. Collins was commander-in-chief of the army, chairman of the provisional government and secretary of the treasury of the cabinet of the Dail Eireann. His loss, combined with that of Arthur Griffith, was the 13th death to affect the political future of Ireland in a manner now imposstoie to conceive. Entire Towns Are Devasted By Forest Fires YOUR AILMENT Give it your immediate attention and enjoy health. Do not hesitate to investigate my methods used in treating various diseases. Have successfully treated many chronic and acute cases, in cluding Rheumatism, Headache, Asthma, Catarrah, Kidney, Liver, Heart, Stomach and Female Disorders. FREE CONSULTATION DR. C. R. KEHRES CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Steam Bath, Massage, Electro-Chiropractic and Ozone Treatments. Office Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 5 414-15 Stock Exchange Bldg., Third and Yamhill Sts. Phone Main 2722 PORTLAND, OREGON Res. Phone Tabor 1520 Modern Fireproof RITZ HOTEL FRANK A. CLARK -President and Manager Park and Morrison Streets Depot and Morrison Car at Union Station takes you direct to the door. One Block North of Bus Station PORTLAND, OREGON Harley Davidson Motorcycle and Columbia Bicycles (The "World's Leading Cycles) Sold on Easy Terms Bargains in Used Machines Motorcycle and Supply Co. Harley Davidson Service Center Third and Taylor, Portland, Ore. (Ask the Cops) Phone Main 9143 Finke Brothers Manufacturers of all kinds of Barrels, Tanks, Fir and Spruce Staves, Heads, Etc. Also Dealers in Oak and Hazel Hoops 183 Madison St. Portland, Oregon All kinds of second hand barrels and kegs bought and sold. We solicit Clackamas Co. Business. DRS. FRANSEN & SARGENT Members Oregon State Association of Naturopaths 807 DEKUM BLDG., COR. 3RD AND WASHINGTON STS., PORTLAND, ORE.. If you are sick, "there is a cause." No permanent health Is possible until the cause is removed. We can tell you the cause and how to remove it. CONSULTATION FREE. Phone: roadway 6998 Northwestern College of Naturopathy, Inc. . 807 Dekum Bldg., Cor. Third and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON DULUTH. Minn., Aug. 17. Six known dead, hundreds homeless, at least two towns wiped out and a dozenv others in imminent danger was the apparent toll tonight of fon fires which swept northeastern Min nesota today, causing the worst con flagration since 1918, when 400 per sons lost their lives. Governor Preus tonight personally took charge of the situation, ordering out national guardsmen here for re-j lief duty. Drought conditions have increase the menace to alarming proportions. according to state 'orestry officials. and tonight more than 2000 men wei fighting fires in various sections. Official reports were that Fairbaniu., Silver Creek and Pimio, all small set tlements, had been destroyed, the refugees mainly fleeing to Two Har bors. Cotton and Central Lakes were also reported destroyed. Firea also were reported in Wiscon sin, where, it was said, Drummond was menaced, but telephone com munication with that place was inter rupted. One thousand men tonight were battling a forest fire near Eveletn, on the Mesaba Iron range, while 1800 ore miners were held ready to aid, should the flames approach . danger ously near the city. WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. The coal and rail strikes would seem respons ible for increases in many wholesale prices during July, according to the latest survey of the bureau of labor statistics. Retail food prices have increased 1 per cent during the same period. Compared with 1921 July wholesale fuel prices represent a jump of 36 per cent and the general level "of the 40 commodities included by the bu reau for Its price index have risen 10 per cent for the year. Fuel rose 13 per cent last month. Farm products also increased to gether with building materials, iron and steel products and clothing. Of the 51 cities reporting retail food pric es to the bureau 32 cities reported in creases, hese included: Boston 6 per cent; Portland, Or., 9 per cent; Chicago, Dallas, Milwaukee and Seattle, 2; Atlanta, Columbus, New Orleans, Newark and St. Louis, 1. Pittsburg reported an increase of less than .5 per cent. Decreases were reported by 13 ci ties, among which were Minneapolis and Richmond, with 2 per "cent; Cin cinnati, Detroit, Kansas City. Omaha, 1; Cleveland, Indianapolis, Los An geles, New York, San Francisco and Washington, less than 5 per cent. . ' For the nine-year period, July 15, !'1913, to July 15, 1922, the increase in all articles of food combined was 4 J per cent. Michael Collins, head of the Irish provisional government, played one of the most important parts in Ireland's political maelstrom. 1 He was the leader of the Sinn Fein army and one of the delegates in. the negotiations for peace which 'were in stigated ly Premier Lloyd George In October, 1921. "Dead" Doctor Is Believed Alive; Hunt Is Resumed Phone East 6516 "They Wear Like Iron" Your OLD Carpets will make NEW Rugs. Western Fluff Rug Co. JAS. H. BILLO, Proprietor Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Resizing, Relaying Send for Booklet. 54-56 Union Avenue N. Cor. E. Davis PORTLAND, OREGON Pioneer Employment Co. 14 N. Second Street Headquarters for Labor and Farm Help Business Men's Clearing House Wilcox Building HEADQUARTERS FOR BOOKKEEPERS OFFICE HELP, ETC. ' Two Big Offices can serve your every need. Portland, Oregon Phone: Main 2146 OREGON SHEET METAL WORKS FARM, BOAT AND RESTAURANT JOBBING AND REPAIR WORK f Tanks, Stacks, Hog Feed Bottoms, Silo Roofs, Black and Galvanized Sheet Iron, Sheet Tin, Copper and Zinc, Eave Trough, Conductor Pipe, Ventilating Systems, Sinks, Steam Tables. Re-Tinning. 146 FRONT STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 300 Steam Heated Rooms Ground Floor Lobby Rates, 50c to $1.50 Hotel Wabash C. P. JOHN, Proprietor. , Corner Front and Madison Streets Foot of Hawthorne Bridge Telephone Main 2876 PORTLAND, OREGON We are always able to accommodate you. Phone EAST 6110 Buildings Bought, Sold, Repaired Dolan Wrecking & Construction Co. . Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Nails, Shingles, Doors, Windows and Plumbing Sup plies, New and Second Hand. Office and Yard 460 Belmont Street PORTLAND. OREG&N SEEDS WATCH US AND OUR SEEDS GROW. The new seed store with complete Fresh stocks of Tried and True Seeds Ask for Price List. Oregon Seed Store . Main .6838 224 Yamhill St. Between First and Second Sts. PORTLAND, - OREGON Girl Wife Watches Two Moonshiners In Battle to Death SAN DIEGO. Cal. , Aug. 16 With the 20-year-old wife of one of the men looking on, two moonshiners fought with clubs at midnight in the mountains back of here last night un til one of them, Thomas Kester, 40, the woman's husband, fell dead. The dispute started over the ques tion of what was the proper length of time to boil a batch of moonshine mash. The alleged murderer was identified as John D. Hendricks, 52. He was captured by Coroner Schuyler Kelly. The girl charged that after killing her husband Hendricks at tacked her. Hendricks, police state. admitted the slaying, but denied that he had attacked the girl. Chinese Fire on American Ship In Yangtese River $695 at Portland IT'S HERE! The New Model F TANK Type TRACTOR . Cletrac Model F. la the Tractor farmers everywhere have been wait ing for. A Tractor that actually replaces three teams. One that does all the work of the average farm, that plows, discs, harrows, hauls. Flows an acre an hour. Travels between the crop rows. Full Information and free literature explaining and illustrating this' marvelous little machine will be sent on request. r T D A Ttf PV rri - 425 E. Morrison Street O. V. BADLEY CO. Portland, Oregon Broadway 464 Night Phone Tabor 2986 Oregon Welding & Machine Works WELDERS AND MACHINISTS N. W. Corner Fifth and Glisan Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Scalp Treatments Massage .Dr. Marie. Flinn, Naturopath DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Electric 'Treatments for all aches and pains'. Ladies Patronage Solicited. Phone Main 7413 380 First St Portland, Ore. WHY PAY MORE? We will Half Sole your shoes for less and use the best California Oak Leather. ' Men's shoes half soled $1.25 to $1.33 Ladies shoes half soled 90c Ladies Rubber heels 40c We make all classes of shoes SCHOENHEINZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP I "The Shop That Saves You Money Pacific Highway Garage Bldg. 'Oregon City Attempt to Murder Trotsky is Reported LONDON, Aug. 18. An unconfirmed dispatch from Stockholm today re ported that an attempt had been made during recent inspection of the Rus sian red army to assassinate Leon Trotsky, people's commissar for war in the soviet government. The chauffeur of the military motor car In which Trotsky was seated was struck and killed by a bullet. This bullet is said to have been intended for the commissar of war. The would-be assassin was seized and after a summary trial was said to have been executed by a firing squad. Lyons to Take Job Upon Paper in Bend Dan Lyons, Jr., of this city, has ac cepted a position as a reported on the Bend Bulletin, daily and vweekly pub lication, and will leave for Bend on Wednesday morning to take up his duties. Lyons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lyons, has taken a two years' course in journalism at the University of Or egon, was on the news staff of the Emerald, university publication, for one year, and last year was its night editor. He has also been connected with Clackamas county papers during vacation time. SHANGHAI, Aug. 19. The Ameri can river steamer Alice Dollar was fired on August 15 .near Fuchow oir the upper Yangtse river and her cap tain, G. Crum, slightly wounded, ac cording to advices received by the Robert Dollar company here from Ichang, province of Hupeh. Volleys were poured into the Alice Dolar from the banks, presumably by troops of both northern and south ern forces, which have been reported firing on other vessels on- the Yang tse. Hundreds of bullets struck the American ste.amer, but only the cap- Tain was wounded. Captain Crum sent all passengers below decks when the shooting start ed. The scene of the firing was in the famous gorge district of the Yangtse river, along whose stretches northern and southern troops have been alter nately fighting and raiding the coun tryside since Sun Yat Sen sent his army northward several months aga in an ineffectual drive against the Pekin line. The locality of the dis turbances is about 800 miles up the Yangtse from Shanghai. The British firm of Jardine & Math eson also has received advices of an attack made on its steamer Fun Wo, August 15, by contending northerners! and southerners between Ichang, prov ince of Hupeh, and Chunking, prov ince of Szechuan, along the Szechuan border. This dispatch said that a number of passenger boats bad been fired on in this neighborhood. Hood River Dentist Is Accidentally Shot While Cleaning Gun HOOD RIVER, Aug. 16 With a gaping wound in his abdomen, Dr. E. T. Hull, former Hood River dentist, was found dead at his Odell orchard yesterday, apparently the victim of a shotgun supposedly unloaded. Word of the death reached Hood River to day. Dr. Hull had told members of his family that he intended to go to his garage to clean his gun for a hunting trip. When he failed to appear fof dinner he was sought and was found lying beside his automobile. Since 1910 Dr. Hull had been an orchardist. He was 46 years " old and1 is survived by his wife and two daughters. CHICAGO, Aug. 21. Federal inves tigators today focused their attention j on the search for a letter written sup posedly by Dr. J. Newton Roe, a year after his supposed death. Early in 1921 Dr. Roe, the owner of the New Southern hotel, was found guilty of violating the federa? prohi bition laws and sentenced to the fed eral penitentiary. In April, 1921, Dr. Roe supposedly died. His body was buried at Valparaiso, Ind. The body has recently been exhumed, but the body was so badly decayed that identi fication was impossible. Authentic information that a letter has been received in Chicago from Dr. Roe coupled with a statement from a doctor who heard Dr. Roe say that he "knew too much about chemistry ever to go to jail," spurred the gov ernment' investigators to new efforts to clear , up the mystery. Dr. Robert W. SouteV.who had known Dr. Roe for many years, declared today that he is certainDr. Roe is alive. "In my work I have constantly come in contact with men who ljnew him and have heard dozens of stories, all of which dove-tailed with my personal experience," said Dr. Souter. "After Dr. Roe died I went to the undertaking parlor twice to see the body. . The body was kept there two days before being sent to Valparaiso, but during that time the coffin was opened only a few minutes and I Sever had a chance to see the body." Physicians who attended Dr. Roe during his illness agree that it would have been impossible for him to sim ulate death and it would have been; impossible for him to have substitut ed a dead man for himself on the slab in the morgue. But despite this state ment, government, investigator's nave found a few of Dr. Roe's friends, in cluding some of those who "saw him in his coffin," who believe that he is still alive. . Hotel at Silverton Destroyed by Fire; Loss is Over S8.000 SILVERTON, Aug. ,18. Furniture belonging to C. R. Haywood, lessee, es timated to be worth $3000 and on which $2500 insurance was carried, and the Silverton hotel, valued at $5000, owned by James Hunter and uninsured, were burned early this morning by a fire which -is said to have started in unoccupied rooms in - the center of the building. Hunter had owned the building about 20 years. Firemen prevented the spread of the flames to adjoining structures, though the new Standard Oil service station was damaged about $100 and the Bowser furniture store, a sheet metal building, was scorched. Fred Krueger Bags 1st Deer of Season ""be first deer of the season in Clackamas county, according to the' best information available, has been bagged by Fred Krueger. In a tele gram to Roy Cox, of the Oregon Ice Works, Krueger yesterday stated that he was sending the prize to be placed in cold storage. The telegram was dated from Goldendale, Oregon.