Paee two NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Estacada EST ACAD A, Aug. 24. A picnic party from Portland last Sunday, com posed of Mr. and Mrs. George Morrow and two sons and Miss Ruth Sailing were guests at the A. E. Sparks home on the river on Mr. Spark's acreage. The drill team of the local order of Rebekahs are to go to Sandy Fri day night to visit the Sandy Rebekahs and initiate a class. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carey and little daughter, Glenna, were Portland visi tors Monday afternoon. Mrs. L. E. Masse, mother of R. H. Currin, and sister Miss Ellen Currin of Salem, were visitors at the Currin and I Hale homes this week. "The Two Hoyts" gave a vaudeville entertainment at the Gem Theatre last Saturday night, in connection, with the regular program of rrfotion. pictures. There was a large atten dance. A team representing the high school alumni will cross bats with the reg ular' Estacada ball tossers on Sunday afternoon, August 27. This game will undoubtedly attract the largest crowd of the season. Miss Erith Harkenrider is now working regular hours at the tele phone office. Mr. and Mr. J. K. Ely, daughter Mary and the two boys, all left Sun day afternoon for a trip to Eastern Oregon in their car. They drove to Corbett the first day, where they visi ted friends, and then proceeded on their journey. ' They will visit Hepp ner, lone and other places in that vi cinity, and will be gone about a week. Jim Smith, of the Estacada Meat Co., is taking his vacation and has gone to Marshfield. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Smith visited friends in Portland last Sunday. Smith is the motorman on one of the Esta cada trains and was taking a short vacation. Earl Wagner nd Matt Parks each got a buck recently on a hunting trip. The deer were shot near Oak Grove, up the Clackamas river. Estacada won the ball game last Sunday from a team from the Pacific Fruit and Produce Co. The score was 5 to 2. Employees from Portland of this company held a picnic here last Sunday and there was a good atten dance. Sheriff Wilson . and his deputies found two. stills between Dover and Bissell the latter part of last" week, ! and took L. E. Thompson, the alleged owner to Oregon City, where he re ceived a jail sentence of 100 days and a fine of $500. The stills were in a shack erected for that purpose, off tne roaa m a canyon oy a spring, ine . officers found four or five hundred gallons of mash, two large copper I stills two pressure tanks, and two half kegs of the finished stuff. George Pointer was among the Es tacada contingent bound for Portland last Saturday morning, returning the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Closner and "chil dren motored to Portland last Satur day. Mr. ' and Mrs. James Freeman ar rived Saturday from Huber, Oregon, and later left for a vacation trip into the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heylman visited Portland last Sunday. - Mrs. F. E. Burns returned Sunday evening from Portland, where she ac companied her sister-in-law, Miss Jen nie Burns, to, see her off for her home at Hillsdale, Michigan, j Lee Dillon and family were here from Portand last Sunday to visit rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Stump of Lancaster, Pa., were here last Wednesday, guests at the Harry Snyder home. Harry Snyder, accompanied by his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and, Mrs. Jacob Giveler, who are here from Pennsylvania, visiting, made a motor" trip up the Columbia highway to Multnomah Falls, last Sunday- The visitors were delighted with the scenery. Mrs. C. S. Allen returned Monday from a week's stay at Seaside. Mrs. AlT E. Judd of McMinville, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Yocum, this last week end. Miss Constance Richmond has taken a position in the Estacada State bank working afternoons. Guy W. Brown and Pearl 'Metcalf of Estacada, procured a marriage li cense at Vancouver, Wash., last Mon day. The M. E. Ladies' Aid met on Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary Mary Smith. The ladies are busy making aprons for their sale, which takes place Friday evening, Septem ber 1st, at the M. E. church. A mtyi way of paying for the aprons and the supper, is by the waist measure. Children will be given the refresh ments for ten cents, that is. all under eight years of age. O. E. Smith surprised his family and friends by arriving home Monday . evening. He does not expect to re main long. Sam Barr and wife left Estacada Wednesday noon for a hunting trip up in the mountins. Sam is anticipat ing that he will get a deer. A handsome sign board now adorns the front entrance at the Gem theatre. It is the work of the manager, Mr. Cleworth and adds greatly to the WPH7P 17 yu attend WiniOMj High School thB year? 9 Colton is offering the strongest musicai course in the county both vocal and instrumental. New dormitory, new athletic field, new gym nasium, splendid faculty, good moral surroundings. Parents invited to investigate. Full four years courses offered. Accredited High School. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4. For information address CLERK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.,53 Phone Colton 11-2 showing off of the pictures advertis-, ing the "programs. E. G. Hopkins, who is managing the Bass barber shop during the absence of Mr. Bass, made a trip to Portland last Sunday. The prune growers of this vicinity held a meeting at the Estacada hotel Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. M. Brown return ed Monday evening from Vancouver, Wash., where they went to atend the wedding of a nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kieth and little daughter returned last hursday from their vaction trip to Newport, on the beach. They reported bad roads and cold, rainy weather. Mrs. W. J Stubbs and son Edward, of Gresham. have been in Estacada this week visiting at the home of Mrs. Stubb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale. Miss Irene Saling was home from Portland last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Syron and son Paul, left Estacada Monday for their vacation. They drove their new Ford tnd expected to go to Pacific City an other bech resorts and will be absent all this week. Mr. Syron is the effi cient mail carrier on rural route No. two. Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn was taken sud denly ill last Saturday and was very sick for a few dys, but is improving again now. Erl Kilgore was here from Willa mina, Oregon, last Sunday, having mo tored over. - He returned the same day accompanied by his little daughter Alice. Neal Bronsoni and wife returned from Portland Saturday evening. Warren Barr came over from Port Ind last Saturday to visit at the home of his father; J. V. Barr. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Aug., 22. The Sun day school Rally was well attended Sunday at the Douglass Ridge school house. F. P. Allen of Portland, accom panied by M. O. Osgood and son, of Colfax, Washington, came out and held services both morning and after noon. At noon all enjoyed a sumptuous dinner spread under the poplar trees in the yard of R- B. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy, Miss Helen Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Myrick and Jay Mulkey of Portland, motored out Sunday and helped with the singing at the Sunday Svchol Rally. Mr. and Mr. Will P-ell and Mrs. Viola Douglass were over this way Sunday atending the afternoon meet ing at the school house. Mr and Mrs. A. W. Cooke, Mrs. Perry Hunter and daughter, Rita, of I Tn m O nun -TZ T 1 111 M O A 1 T3 Ruth ana Florence attended Sunday School qurwlay y Pete's Mountain PETE'S MOUNTAIN, Aug. 21 Miss Margaret Rypczynski visited Tuesday and Wednesday with her sister, Mary, at West Linn and her grandmother, Mrs. Martin, of Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser were rec ent visitors at the Pete Winkle home oin West Linn. Mrs. Maud Rypeznski spent Fri day afternoon with Mrs. Kelnhofer. Mr. find Frank Kaiser and Lyman Kollermaier spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Hellberg. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Dater and son Sephern, of Portland, were visiting among their former neighbors Satur day evening. Pete Simundich of Portland, was out to over see the threshing of his grain Saturday. The threshing machine has been busy in our neighborhood for a week. So far Mr. Yinger holds the record for wheat, averaging 46 bushels to the acre. Wm. Hellberg, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Heino Peper and children, motored to Seaside Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaiser of Lewis River, Wash., and daughter, Mar gretha of Willamette, were visitors at the Frank Kaiser home Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Julius Strusberg spent Sunday afternoon at Emil Notdurf's. Mr. and Mrs. Sherry Ford of Port land, visited at John Kaiser's Sunday. Logan LOGAN, Aug. 22. Lower Logan school begins Tuesday, Sept. S, with Miss Florence 'McGeehan as teacher.) People are going to the mountains daily for huckleberries now. Mostly to Wild Cat mountain. Frank Wilson is the latest Fordson owner here now. Ivor Tolstad has a crew of men working on the foundation of his new building, which is to replace his feed and chop mill, which burned down early in the summer. , Miss Margaret Hutchins made a short visit to The Dalles this week. She will teach the fifth and sixth grades in -the Parkplace school. L. O. Gerber, a real estate man of Portland, sold four farms in a week. The last, being the Chenoweth place on the Clackamas river near Barton. The Grosse family spent Monday, in Portland on a, sight seeing trip. They were accompanied by M. C. Prescott,, Colton, Oregon OREGON late of California, who is making his nome witn mem at present. Mrs. M. H. Riebhoff and Mrs. F. W. Riebhoff visited Grandma Robbins recently. Miss Bertha Boss is taking a vaca tion in the huckleberry patch. T The Duus family of Estacada, -visited their daughter here Sunday. Beaver Creek BEAVER CREEK, , Aug. y17 Mr. Scheel was in town on business, Wed nesday. Miss Mina BluhnT was the guest of Mrs. Dave Moehnke on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Vorpahl and daughter, Irma, have gone to the beach for a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. S. Bashford visited with Mrs. Owen Hughes on Wednesday. Mrs. Gotfred Bluhm was the guest of Mrs. F. Schuddle on Sunday. Mrs. F. Force and two sons of Mt Angel visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bashford. Willis Hughes had the misfortune of breaking his arm at the sawmill while cranking a car. S. Bashford was in Portland on business on Wednesday. Mrs. Chris. Richter and children vis ited with Mrs. John Heft and family on Wednesday. Miss Nellie Frobish was a visitor at the Schuddle family on Sunday. Hal Lindsley lost two valuable milk cows from the continual dry weather we have been having before this rain. EVANGELIST RETURNS BEAVER CREEK, Aug. 24. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Reynolds, who left here five years ago for Fort Worth, Texas, to enter the Texas Christian1 UUniversity, surprised their many rela tives and friends by paying them a month's visit. . Mrs. McReynolas will be remembered as Miss Irene Henrici and Mr. McReynolds is the grandson of J. Weidner. He taught-several suc cessful tetais of school before leaving here. While at the University he studied to be an evangelist. He will preach at the Beaver Creek Ten O'clock "church in English, Sunday, August. 27, in the morning, also in the evening. Everybody is welcome. Willamette Notes Fred Hoffman is in the St. Vincent hospital, Portland, suffering from; what is believed to be a fractured skull. He was employed by the Ore gon City Sand and Gravel Co., while unloading a barge, a stick of cord wood fell from a load which was being unloaded on the bank he was hit on the head. Little hope is held for his recovery. Miss Blanche Junkin is attending the BenkeWalker Business college this summer. Mr. and Mrs'. Adolph Volpp and chil dren were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Helberg of Petes Mountain Sunday, x Mrs. Barbour of Oregon City was visiting her sister, Mrs. Jess Hyatt Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Reams Jr, and children. Mrs. H. Leisman, Mary Leisman and Donovan Manning re turned from a ten days' outing at Netarts," Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard and son, Horace of Stella, Washington, spent the week-end at the home of Mr." anfl Mrs. R. A. Junkin. Mrs. C. I. Baker and son Frank, of Gladstone, were the guests of Mrs. Clem Dollar Thursday. Miss Florence Fromong was the guest of Miss Frances Bowland of Oregon City Wednesday. Mrs. A. C. Hughes and children, Lois and Albert of Gladstone, were visiting Mrs." John Rauch Thursday. Gladys Dollar visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. Baker of Glad stone Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Osmund and family have moved to Astoria where they will reside in the future. Mrs. Brecht and daughter of Aber deen are visiting at the home of Mrs. John Casey. Mrs. Louiso Kellermeier and daugh ter, Hazel, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Clem Dollar. Miss Helene Fromong spent Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday at the home her aunt, Mrs. G. Fromong ot Gladstone. A silver tea was held by the mem bers qf the Women's Relief Corps at the Willamette Hall Tuesday after noon. Mrs. R. A. Junkins was chair man of the committee. Others at- tending from Willamette were Mrs. Edmonds, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Andrus, Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Hith, Mrs. Fro mong, and Mrs. Bennett. Arnold Malcolm, who is visiting his sister, Mrs. Strong, has been very ill and confined to his room with a bad case of poison oak. Mr. and Mrs Joe Thomberry 'have purchased a new Dodge car. Mr. and Mr.s ' Perry Barnes and sons, Mr. -Chas. Rickabaugh, Manford Manning and John Reams Sr., left Wednesday morning for Netarts, Ore. E. S. Kruse of Frogpond visited rel atives here Friday. Mayor and ' Mrs. Greaves and chil dren returned from a two weeks' samping trip Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauch and chil dren spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nimic of Oswe go. Mrs. Amanda Ellen Hyde of Wood burn is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Paul Truett. Lester Thomas of Oregon City spent Farlene. : Mrs. Catherine Davis and Miss Au drey Tuor left Friday for Newport where they will spend a week. Le Porter, Jack Mathers and Charlie Lindquist left Sunday evening for Albany making the trip in Mr. Porter's machine. Mrs. Stone of California is visiting her mother and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. McLean and children, who have been at Victoria, B. C. for the last month returned home Satur day. - Mrs. Ewald Leisman and Mrs. John Casey entertained with a charm CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1922. ing luncheon at the home of Mrs. Leisman complimenting their mother, Mrs. Lucy Mathers. Covers were plac ed for the Messrs. Martin, Carpenter, Snidow, Lunt,- Waldron, Prahl, H. Leisman, John Reams, Sr., Will Reams, Tuor, Fromong, Bennet, Ship ley, 'Mrs. Mathers, Mrs. E." Leisman and John Casey. ' Mr. John Casey, Lloyd Mathers, and Jack Mathers of Albany spent the week-end here, visiting relatives. Mrs. T. C. Wilson of Portland vis ited, with Mrs Harry Greaves Thurs day. Prof. Gary, Mrs. Gary and children. Prof. Davis, Mr3. Deis and children, a net Sulton, S. Shadle, Mrs. Shadle, and children returned Sunday even ing from iNewport. A weinie roast was held at the home of Waldo Koellermeier Thurs day evening. Games were played and refreshments were served to the guests, who were Mr. and Mrs John Moshr, Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Koellermeier, Qlive Dragoo, Thelma DeBok, Clarence Koellermeier and Jeffray Sweeney. . Ruth and Elizabeth Gourlay of Port land spent the week end with their grandfather and uncle, H. T. Shipley and Frank Shipley. Ruby Hogan and Elmer Simpson visited at the home of Alia -Worden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Peters mo tored to Vancouver, Washington, Sun day, where she spent the day at the home of his father. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ridder visited friends and relatives in Wilsonville Sunday. ' The seventeenth birthday anniver sary of Preston Overton was celebrat ed by a surprise party, Tueday eve ning. Preston received many pres ents. Games were enjoyed and re freshments were served to the Sol lowing Hazel Hudson, Verneita Strong. Elma Young, Hazel King, Alice Wood, Una Hyatt, Alberta Bar nes, Frances Shipley, Mr. and Mra Ralph Baker, Bruce Wilson, Jessia Mootry, Lee Young, Gordon Tuor, Roy Buckles, William Morgan and Herbert King. Mrs. C. H. Epler and children, Jd ward, Wilber, and Violet visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen Epler Tuesday. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and children of SheltotfC Washington and Miss Helen Miller of Sellwood visit ed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Sil verman Sumlay. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Young' and daughter, Elizabeth, left Monday morning for Eugene, where they will spend a few weeks' camping in the mountains. . Miss Florence Twombly of Portland spent several days with her cousin, Mary Wallis, of Willamette. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bartholomew have moved into the house owned by Mrs. White. Mr. Junkins has. itaken the con tract for remodeling the interior of the First National bank. Mrs. Frank Corrall and children of Gladstone were visiting friends here Monday. Mrs. Jess Hyatt, Mrs. R. A. Junken, Una Hyatt and Ruth Junkin were shopping in Portland Monday. Buddy Zielinski underwent a slight operation at the Oregon City hospital Friday morning. He" has been suffer ing from blood poisoning for several weeks. Mrs. Ed Carpenter has returned from Bridal Veil, where he has been for the past several weeks fighting fire. Lloyd Junkin, who spent several weeks of his vacation on a motoring trip through Washington, Oregon and California returned home Monday and after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rs A. Junken resumed his position in Portland. j Mr. and Mrs. Murry Bunn of Mel drum spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brown. Miss Ruth Shipley of Portland visit ed at the home of her father, Harry Shipley. . Mrs. Garrison left Friday evening with her brother and his wife, Mrs. H. V. Hartzell of Portland for the beach in their machine where they will remain a week. Clarence and Harold Gross and Mr. and Mrs. Ellingson of Stafford, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gross and Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Ellingson. Russel Beals left Saturday for New berg where he will remain for the next few weeks. Mrs. Ernest Leighton entertained In a most charming manner a number of her son's' friends in honor of. his birthday, Tuesday. Games were play ed and refreshments were served to the following guests. Mary Strong, Sonora Brown, Frances Carpenter, Maxine Tuor, Dorothy Baty, Margaret Patterson, Elaine" Oliver, Blanch Heath, "jack Rauch, Billie Kanney, Guy Patterson, Robert Wilson, Buddy Heath and the host, Kenneth Leigh ton. Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK, Aug., 24. Cfias Ogleby is improving his place by build ing a new house. Alton Larkins and Arthur Dunrud returned Monday from the coast, where they enjoyed a week's vaca tion. Mrs. Ralph Holman of Molalla, vis ited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holman. Guy Larkins of Woodburn, Petra Dunrud, Myrtleand Alma Larkins re turned Friday evening from near Cold Springs, where the went after huckle berries. They got about 23 gallon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jons made a business trip to Corvallis last week. Mr.' and Mrs. A. L. Larkins,daugn ters Myrtle and Alma and I. D. Lar kin of Marquam, and son Guy Lar kins, of Woodburn, visited relatives at Kingston, Sunday. , Four Bandits Kill Missouri Marshal KANSAS CITY. Mo-, Aug. 23. Le roy Damron, town marshal of Bonner Springs, a suburb of Kansas City, was shof and killed early today by four bandits whom he had surprised In the act of opening the safe of the Farm ers' State bank. The bandits escaped and are being .pursued by posses. Damron was shot twice and beaten in to a pulp. He was 38 years of age and is survived by a widow and a week old baby. JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent Officers Elected At Camp Meeting JENNINGS LODGE, Aug., 24. The Willamette Evangelical Camp Meeting Association held their annual business meeting and election of. offi cers on Monday forenoon last. The election resulted as follows: Rev. G. W. Plummer. president; Rev. H. Schuknecht, first vice-president; Rev. F. B. Culver, second vice-president Rev. W. A. Gueffroy, secretary; Rev! Jacob Stocker, treasurer. The camp meeting and conventions came to a close on Sunday evening, August 20. Rev. Pratcrious of Cleve land preached three sermons on Sun day. Splendid music was rendered at all meetings. About 400 were fed on August 20, at the dining hall which was in charge of Rev. Ezra Maurer. The proceeds are to go the stricken famine in China. The meetings were attended by many and were a spiritual uplift to all attending. Among those who have enjoyed the encampment at the River View Grove was Mr. Fisher, "who is 87 years of age and attended every service dur ing the 13 days. He is the father of Potts of Portland attended. The young est camper was Donald Zinzer, three months old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Z Zinser of Portland. . People From Texas v Surprise Relatives JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McReynolds of Ft Worth, Texas, surprised the latt'er's parents, Mr. nd Mrs. H. Henrici, on Friday, by arriving from the south un expectedly. Mr. Reynolds is studying for the ministry and will return to Texas about October 1. On Sunday, it being tse birthday an niversary of Mrs. Henrici, a family reunion was held at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barry of Oregon City which was a very enjoyable affair. Mrs. Barry is a daughter of the Hen rici's. . HUNTERS GO SOUTH JENNINGS LODGE, Aug.. 24 E. P. Williams and Harry Williams of this place, accompanied Clude Riddle of Newberg, and Dr. Ice. of Oregon City, on hunting trip to Riddle, Ore gon, the prty leaving on Saturday morning. - JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Miss Carrie Birlch left on Wednes day for her "home in Walla Walla, Washington, after spending the sum mer with her aunt, Mrs. Ida Russell. Miss Birch will go to Cheney, Wash., on September 1, to attend the Normal school. Philip Dahl and wife, of Addie street left last week for a motor trip to Vancouver, B. C. Claude Riddle of Newberg spent Sunday last . at the home of "Harry Williams. Miss Tibbets of Portland, has been the house guest of Mrs. Bertha Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tozier and baby, of Baltimore, Maryland, and H. C. Tozier and wife of Portland, were callers at the H. Roberts home on Sunday. Chester Tozier and wife leave soon -for Los Angeles. Mrs. P. F. Davis, of Portland, and Mrs. H. Wetzler of Milwaukie, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ella Maple. Mrs. Davis was a former resi dent of Clackamas. Enjoying Sunday dinner with the Swart and iNewcomb families were F. M. Farrington and wife, of East Mill Plain, Wash., and the H. A. Swart family of Portland, who is a son of Warren Swart. H A. Swart, wife and two children, and A. A. Albright, of Portland, leave on Wednesday for Crater Lake. C. P. Morse and family were cal lers enroute from a motor trip up the sent he is at his home, but goes to Oregon "City for daily treatments. Rev. Snider is Improving rapidly -aad w ui;ejaao snoiaas'sm mojj valley on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart are re ceiving congratulations over the ar rival of a son on August 15 at their home in Sellwood. Mrs. Stewart was formerly Vera Glass of this place. The Joe Ramsburg family is break ing up camp and returning to Port land. R. W. rost and wife and baby are also returning to the city after enjoying- camp life for about three months. Miss Clara Costley arrived on Mon day from Ashland, Oregon. She has a position with the O. W. R. & N. Co.. and will make her home in Portland with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. McBroom and the lat ter's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Fischer, have returned to Portland from a two weeks' camp at River View grounds. Mrs. Ella Philips of Portland, will remain a week with Mrs. Pur co while her daughteu, Mrs. Williams is at Newport Mrs. Philips has recently returned from Seattle. Geo. Holbrook of Manor, Wash., is spending a fortnight with Rex Bechtel. .Mrs. Sholtz of Seattle, has returned home after a visit with her sister, Mrs. F. E. Wonn. Glenn Russell, who Is now in Sea ttle, sept word to his' parents that he is just recovering from a broken arm. The Tompkin's family, who are tent ing at the Jennings homested, has had the pleasure of entertaining many friends during the week. Among them are Mrs. Robert Carson of Spray, Ore gon, and Mrs. Leo Swartz. Mrs. Bess Bruechert was at St. Johns on Friday, purchasing woolen) goods for residents in Tillmook coun ty. Mrs. Bruechert has had some years experience in. the ary goods Dusmess and this experience has enabled her to select materials to very good advan tage. Mrs. C. L. Smith attended the Fri day and Saturday sessions of the Sun points of interest were learned which was helpful to her in her Sunday school deprtment work. 3 - i Mrs. Truscott and Howard are in Gresham this . week. A number from here attended the funerl of the late P. M. Rhinearson, which was held on Monday in Oregon City. The deceased was a pioneer resident and leaves many friends who mourn his loss. Mrs. Clinton Heath, wife of Mr. Heath, salesman for the Buckle's store, was a daughter of Mr. Rinearson. , Mr. and Mrs. H7 A. Larson and daughter, Ethel, of Oakland, Califor nia, were callers at the C. R. Gallo way home on Friday last. Rev. Frank Culver of Lents, with his family: are attending the encamp ment at the River View camp ground. Rev. Z. V. Lewis of Monmouth, at tended the Sunday School convention which was being, held in connection with the encampment meeting. The young people attending the Y. P. A. convention here took a hike to Oregon City on Friday morning at the recreation hour. Henry Henrici is preparing to put in a cement basement. Mrs. B. A. Hoag has returned from Cannon Beach where she spent a few days with Oregon City friends. " - Misses Delia Rush has returned from Eugene where she taught in the summer school and is visiting her brother, Will Rush. About September 1 Miss Rush returns to Pendleton to resume teaching in the school at that place. Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Milliken, of Salem were over Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mos icr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starker, accom panied by the latters sisters, the Misses Hammond, motored to Eagle Creek Saturday. From there they hiked up the creek for a distance ot five miles where they camped over Sunday. While Mr. and Mrs. Wilson B. Miller we're motoring to British Columbia. Mrs. Miller was taken ill and was confined to a Seattle hospital four days. They will return to Portland as soon as Mrs. Miller recovers suffic iently to travel. - Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Kern enter tained friends honoring Miss Marie Moore's birthday anniversary on Sun day last, with a dinner. F. J. Lennard of Oak Grove, a re- presentative of the "Clows-Knit ' Co., was a business caller this weeK. Mrs. C R. Hollowjay entertained with a lunch on Thursday last, hon- oring Mrs. Larsen of Oakland, who is the house guest of Mrs. W. t. wara of Portland. Rex Bechtel and Wm. Bruechert ieave on August 26 to pick hops near Independence. Me,sdames Olive Ford and Wm. Mor itz were joint hostesses of the Grace Guild on Wednesday of this week at their regular meeting. The many friends here are interest ed to know Miss Loi Thayer is now touring Yellowstone Park. Miss Thayer is accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fields, who were for mer residents. David Hineman is repairing a house that was damaged by recent fire. Mrs. E. L. Davis of Medford, is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Fred Wilson. On Thursday last A, King of Los Angeles was a dinner guest of the Wilson's. ' Mrs.. John Wilson and daughter, Ruth have returned from Seattle. Geo. Wilson is home from Hood River. "Will F. Cook sustained injuries to his arm recently which was caught in the' mchinery where he is working. It is, improving and he will be able to resume his duties next week. Miss Clara Davis has returned from her vacation which was spent in Se attle and the Yakima valley. Mrs. Ida Mansfield has returned to her home in Minneapolis after spending six months on the coast. During the summer months in Oregon she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and her sister Mrs. Mor itz of this place. Her son Carl Mans field has taken a position in Portland and will remain in the west. A hunting and fishing trip was the outing planned by Mrs. Laura Newell and son. Glen, and they left this week for the McKenzie river, accompanied by Mr." and Mrs. Edwin Newell or Portland, and will be gone two weeks. S. Shepperd and family and Mrs. Brownriggs motored to Eagle Creek on Sunday, where they were joined by the McPherson brothers and their families of Eastern Oregon. After spending the day together and a pic nic dinner they returned to their re spective homes. The McPherson's are sons of Mrs. Brownrigg and it was a very happy reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas have enjoyed a month's visit from Mr. and Mrs. Jake Norris. who arrived by motor from Kansas. They have taken apartments in Portland, and will later he joined by the son, who is now enroute west from Kans9s and the party will journey to California for the winter. Mrs. Norris is the mother of Mrs. Thomas. J.-P. Finley & Son Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth Portland Our chapel and equipment are always available for out of town calls Phone: Sellwood 597, Automatic 21S6S John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an d Dealers In ' Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings. Mill Fool of Spokane Avenue ' PORTLAND, OREGON SETTLEMENT OF STRIKE HINGES UPON SENIORITY WASHINGON, Aug. 22. Railroad "executives must accept defeat on the seniority issue if the walkout of shop workers is to be settled, one of the leading labor figures in the strike told the United Press today. Unless the managements are- pre pared to concede the shop men's de mands for restoration of seniority rights, the peace conference of broth erhood leaders and railroad executives in New York tomorrow will be futile, he said. This determined stand of the pres ent strikers, determination of the Eastern railway executives for a fight to the finish and the call issued by the American Federation of Labor for financial and moral support of the shop men by all organized labor have caused administration leaders to lose the hope they had for an early settle ment of the dispute. All plans for settlement of the strike at the New York conference between the executives and chiefs of the Big Four brotherhoods were advanced by the former, the strike leader declared. The leaders of the shop men and brotherhood chiefs remained steadfast on the demand for unimpaired senior ity rights throughout all the secret sessions and are prepared to fight it out along that line indefinitely. BIG WHISKY CACHE IS FOUND ONFISHING BOAT SOUTH BEND, Wash., Aug. 22. E. Holm and I. Anderson, supposed to be from Seattle, are in the county jail here together with sixty cases of Ca nadian whisky, and their thirty foot boat, K-613, is tied up at the city wharf. All were captured yesterday at an isolated point on Willapa harbor where it is supposed they were wait ing to transfer the booze to other car riers. The sheriff knew the booze was coming but did not know on which boat, so it was necessary to take a justice of the peace along to filj out the warrant when the boat was dis covered. New Summer Resort Incorporation Filed i Articles of incorporation of the Rho- I dodendron Mineral Springs Company were filed with -the county clerk here Wednesday. The incorporators are H. S. Rowe, Lee G. Hoeden and A. T. Lewis. The offices of the concern are to be in Portland. The capitalization is $25,000. ALCOHOL KILLS MANY .NEW YORK, Aug. 23 Wood alco hol, peddled as whisky, caused 130 deaths and 22 cases of blindness in 21 states during the first six months of 1922, the national committee for the prevention of blindness reported today. PARKPLACE NOTES W. A. Holmes left Thursday Mrs. evening for Lewiston, Idaho, where she will spend two weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. Blain Hansell. Mrs. Holmes was accompanied by her two grandchildren, Reta May and Blaia Jr., Hansell who have been visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lucas have had a letter from their son, Fred, of Asog nack, Alaska. Mr. Lucas, Jr., has been appointed superintendent of the U. S. Fisheries at Asopnack on the Asognack Island and although he ex pected to return here this fall -will now be stationed there indefinitely. Mrs. Fred Lucas, who -is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, Sr., of Parkplace, will join her husband in October. Miss Mary Lucas is planning to ac company her sister-in-law to Alaska for a brief visit. Mrs. Marie Holmes-Brunner recent ly returned from Lewiston, Idaho, where she visited her sister, Mrs. Blain Hansell Mrs. Bmnner is very much improved In health since re turning from Idaho and is very busy getting ready to resume her duties as teacher in "the Parkplace schools. The Parkplace school will open for the ensuing year September 18 with the following corps of teachers: Carl W. Mender, principal, 7th and 8th grades; Miss Huchins, 5th and 6th, Mrs. Holmes-Brunner,. 3rd and 4th; Miss Malo, 1st and 2nd. A play shed 60 feet by 60 feet is under construction, Harry Peckover in charge of the work which is being done by local people.- One half, 30 by 60 feet of this shed will be floor ed for basket ball and other indoor games, the remaining half, which' is 2 feet higher will be used fo r the younger children, . with swings and other suitable equipment for rainy weather.. The board of director, who are E. L. Pope. F. E. Lucas and W. W. Smith, plan to repaint the buildings just as soon as a painter can be ob- tained. 1