Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 18, 1922, Page Page five, Image 5

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Rest Rom Draws Visitors
There were 450 visitors at the rest
room at Seventh and Main street dur
ing the -week beginning Monday, Aug
ust , and ending Saturday. August
J2. Wednesday and Saturday were
the big days, for on AVednesay there
were 9t visitors registering, with Mrs.
Margaret Stewart as hostess, and on
Saturday SI. Mrs. Ella Scouton was
hostess on the latter day. Monday
Mrs. Lola Van Auken was hostess,
when 73 registered; Tuesday, Mrs.
Frances Welsh, 67; Wednesday, 90;
Thursday, Mrs. George Stevens, 60;
Friday, Mrs. Amanda Hickman, 79;
Sa.urday- 90.
Comer of Boring Home of
Mrs. S. J. Gregson Torn
Off; House Is Set Afire.
Newport is Destination
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hall and daugh
ter, Dorothy, of West Linn, Mrs. Nel
son McKillican and daughters. Mead.
Mildred and Bertha, of Bolton, left
on Tuesday morning for a two weeks'
outing at Newport. The party made
the trip in the McKillican automobile.
BORING, Aug. 13. Lightning Sat
urday struck the residence of Mrs. S.
J. Gregson, tearing off a corner of the
building, and setting it afire. No one
was injured, though members of the
family were almost deafened by the
noise. Neighbors formed a bucket
brigade and extinguished the blaze.
2 Slightly Hurt In
Three Automobile
Smashes on Sundav
B. F. Johnstone, of Beaverton, was
slightly bruised Sunday night when a
coupe which he was driving went off
the Pacific Highway a mile north ot
Oswego. The pavement, according to
Johnstone, was slippery at that point,
and the machine skidded off the road.
The car was completely demolished.
Milwaukie Man Here lno otner accidents were reported
Henry Thiessen, prominent resl- to tne sheriff here Sunday. William
dent of Clackamas county, whose I Kerns, 220 N. 17th street, Portland,
home is near Milwaukie, was among I was slightly bruised when a machine
those coming to Oregon City Satur
day, where he looked after property
driven by Charles McEvers, Portland,
ran into the rear end- of a car which
stopped suddenly. Neither machine
was damaged.
George N. Cosmos and W. S. Fields
had a light smash near Canby. No
one was injured and neither car damaged.
Return From Seaside
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Burdon and
daughter, Fayne, of Gladstone, and
Miss Alice Peaper, of Portland, have
returned to tneir xiomes aner a ae- j- tt -t-m r' j
lightful two weeks' outing at Seaside. I ilay Ivelly UieS Ot
Barlow Woman Visits City
Mrs. Anna Tremayne, of Barlow,
was among those coming to Oregon
City on Tuesday, coming here on bus
iness. Mrs. Tremayne also visited
among friends while here.
Parents Happy Son Arrives
M,r. and Mrs. Archibald Thompson,
of Oregon City, Route l; are receiving
congratulations over the arrival of a
son, born at the Oregon City hospital
on Saturday, August 12.'
Transacts Busiln
. C. L. Kramier, of Lad Hill, Oregon,
was an Oregon City visitor on Mon
day and Tuesday. Mr. Kramier came
here on business.
Come From Estacada
Mrs. Ada Smith, Mrs. Arch Phillips
and son, Edward Phillips, of Estaca
da, were Oregon City visitors on Mon
day. " "
Short Illness In
Portland Hospital
Miss May Kelly, daughter of Mrs.
Kathryn Kelly and of the late H. L.
Kelly, of this city, teacher of the Port
land schools, and well known resident
of Oregon City, died Friday after
notn in the Good Samaritan hospital,
Portland, where she nab been receiv
ing medical attention for several
months. Miss Kelly's death came as
a shock to her relatives and friends
in this city and Portland.
Miss Kelly was born in Oregon
City, a member of ol of Oregon
City's prominent pioneer families. She
taught in the Oregon City schools for
some time and for a number of years
has taught in the Failing school, Port
Miss Kelly was an active member
of the Portland Hunt Club and Maza-
mas. She was a writer of magazine
articles and special newspaper stor
ies. She was an active member of
The marriage of Miss Erma Aletha
DeBok, of Willamette, and David E.
Long, of Hazelia, was solemnized at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George DeBok, of Willam
ette, on Sunday afternoon at 1:30
o'clock. Rev. Herbert Crocker, form
er pastor- of the Congregational
church, of this city,' now of Forest
Grove, officiated, in the presence ot
about 25 guests.
The marriage ceremony was ' per
formed beneath an archway of pink
roses and evergreens, from which was,
suspended a floral horseshoe formed
from roses. The color scheme of the
living room was pink and green,
when roses, gladioli and sweet peas
were used, while the dining room was
in yellow and green, with nasturtiums
and golden glow being used in a most
effective "manner.
The marriage ceremony was follow
ed by a dinner, the table decorations
being most artistically arranged.
The bride was becomingly attired
in white satin, and wore a corsage
bouquet of white sweet peas.
Mr. and Mrs. Long left Sunday af
ternoon in their automobile for a mo
toring trip into the Tillamook coun
try, where Mr. Lng made his home
before taking up his residence at Ha
zelia. Upon their return they will oc
cupy a new bungalow now being com
pleted on the Long farm at Hazelia.
Many handsome gifts were received
by the newlwed3
Attending the marriage ceremony
and dinner were I. C. Long, of Port
land, brother of the bridegroom; Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Hughes, of Oswego; Mr.
and Mrs. William Dragoo, of Sher
wood; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster, of
Osw.ego; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Downey
of Willamette; Carl Huges, of Os-
Formal Meeting of Body To
Be Held in September, Is
Plan; Cooperation With
Officials To Be Fostered.
Do You Remember?
Stories of the Old Pioneers and
Yarns from Old Newspapers.
Do you remember when nearly j
every one had ox teams on their
farms? Do you remember when they
used to hitch up about four yoke to
a breaking-plow and stir up the new
soil, and oftentimes turning out the
hazel-brush small firs and all?
Dye, Schuebel, McDonald,
Green, Witham are Named
to Arrange For Session.
Plans for the inauguration of a vig
orous law enforcement campaign, or
the institution of recall proceedings
agaiiist any officials in the county
whom it is believed are lax in their
Quries, will be formulated at a sub
committee meeting of the "Committee
of One Hundred," appointed six
months ago at a session of the Men's
Forum of the Congregational Church.
C. Schuebel, H. Witham, Carl Green,
Charles H. Dye and S. McDonald were
appointed at a session of the commit
tee, Monday evening, the first meeting
which has been held since the appoint
ment of the body. Charles H. Dye is
president of the organization.
Thr. enforcement of the nrohibition
wego; Virginia and Walter Downey, law was discussed and the general
sentiment developed that every means
prominent Farmer in City
those coming 'to Oregon City on bus-) the Episcopal church and for several
iness Saturday. He is a prominent
farmer of that section.
Mrs. Miller in City .
Mrs. E. B. Miller, whose home is at
Aurora, was an Oregon City visitor
on Saturday, where she transacted
Clackamas Highlands Represented
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Webb, of
Clackamas Highlands, were in Oregon
City on business Saturday afternoon.
Bissell Man in City
Theodore Harders, of Bissell, Ore
gon, was among those coming to Ore
gon City on Friday. He came to look
after his property interests in Clack
amas county.
Mrs. Tremayne in Oregon Crty
Mrs. Anna Tremayne, of Barlow,
was among the Oregon City visitors
on Saturday.
years acted as organist of the St.
Paul's Episcopal church, of which
church she has been a member since
Deceased is survived by -her moth
er, Mrs. KathTyn Kelly, of Oregon
City; her sisters. Mrs. Eber A. Chap
man and Miss Bessie Kelly, of Ore
gon City; Miss Mina Kelly, of San
Francisco, Cal. ; and three brothers,
Fielding S. Kelly and Roy Kelly, of
Hood River, Oregon; H. Leighton
Kelly, who is connected with the fish
commission of the Hawaiian Islands.
Goran Aspland Will
In Probate Court
Comes From. Canby
Mrs. Emily Spulak. whose home is
near Canby, was an Oregon City vis
itor Saturday.'
The will of the late Goran Aspland,
who died in Portland August 20. 1918,
was admitted to probate in the Clack
amas county courts Tuesday. The will
wich covers -an estate valued at $2,000,
is made in favor of the man's wife and
J four children. Rev. Carl J. Renhard,
of Colton, was named as executor.
Outing at Wilhoit
E. P. Dedman, of Clackamas, has
gone to Wilhoit for a few days' recreation.
E. R. Leek in Oregon City
E. R. Leek, of Redland, prominent
resident of that section, was in Ore
gon City on business Saturday.
Samuel Holsin in City
Among the Oregon City visitors on
Saturday was Samuel Holstein, wrhose
home is at Mulino!
Man Asks Letters
Of Administration
Irvine K. Brown of R. F. D. 1, Mil
waukie, has filed a petition with the
county judge asking for letters of ad
ministration for the estate of his son,
thejate Frank K. Brown, who died In
Benton county, Washington, August
6, 1922, leaving an estate in Clacka
mas county.
Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, Carrie Fuller,
Olivs And Herbert Dragoo. Mr. and
Mrs. G- Eppler, N. M. Gillett, of Chey
enne, Wyoming: Dorothy, Thelma,
Winnie and Gordon De'3ok, Rev. Her
bert Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. George
The , bride is well known
in Willamette, where she has resided
since childhood, and attended the
Willamette public school. Preceding
her marriage she was the guest of
honor of several social functions.
Mr. Long, who is a prominent farm
er of Clackamas county, has resided in
the Hazelia section for a number of
years. He is an active worker iri
civil affairs, and a member of tne
Hazelia Improvement Club as well as
a granger. Mr. Long is serving his1
second year as secretary of the Clack
amas county fair association. .
possible for the encouragement and
aiding of the officials should be tak
en. 1 Eui in the event that the author
ities prove lax In their duties, equally
aggressive steps are to be taken in the
pushing of recall measures, it was in
dicated. The discussion hinted at some laxi
ties in the handling of the law en
forcement of the county, especially in
regard to the prohibition statutes.
The definite date for the meeting of
the entire committee ' has not yet
been decided.'
Do you remember when the farm
ers used to slash a piece of ground
and after burning it off in the fall
would sow it to winter wheat and
timothy at the same time? Remember
what clean, .ice wheat they used to
raise in this way?
Do you remember when they had
a dam on west channel of the Will
amette at the mouth of the Clacka
mas? Boats used to bring the freight that
far and transfered it to a little boat
that ir4 turn took it to the portage
at Hawley mill whence it was taken
from basin to upper river points? No
traffic on the river these days.
The silver tea given by- the Wo
men's "Relief Corps at the Willamette
hall on Tuesday afternoon from 2 to
5 o'clock was one of the most enjoy
able events given by the orgamza
During the afternoon friends of the
corps as well as members called at
the hall and partook of the delicious
refreshments that were served from
prettily decorated tables. Bright col
ored dahlias and other cut flowers
were used in centering the tables.
The amount taken in during the af
ternoon was"17.50. This will be plac
ed into the treasury of the Corps,
which will be used to carry on its
work. )
The committee deserving credit for
the success of the tea was composed
of Mrs. Minaie Donovan, Mrs. R. A.
Junken, Mrs. Williams. Mrs. J. Saund
ers, Mrs. Charles Hannaford and Miss
Harriet Roman.
Mlalla Girl in City
Miss Jessie Wade, of Molalla. was
an Oregon City visitor on Saturday.
Canby Man in City
C. Arneson, whose home is in Can
by, was in this city on Saturday.
Redland Woman in City
Mrs. E. Fischer, of Redland, was
an Oregon City visitor Saturday.
Estoeada is Represented
Mrs. E. W. Fricken and Miss Tthel
Fricken, of Estacada, were Oregon
City visitors on Friday.
Pastor Is Granted
Leave of Absence
Rev. A. B. Snider, pastor of the
Jennings' Lodge Community church,
who recently underwent a surgical
operation for the removal of tumor,
necessitating the removal of a por
tion of the jaw bone, has been grant
ed a three months' leave of absence
by the trustees of the church.
Mrs. Lyda in Oregon. City
Mrs. W. H. Lyda. of Canby. was
among the Oregon City visitors on
New Building Being
Erected at Corner
Of Fifth and Main
Victor Hubbard Here
Among the Oregon City visitors on
Friday was Victor E. Hubbard. His
home is at Clackamas.
Redland Man in City
H:"P. Goss, residing near Redland,
was in Oregon City on Friday.
Resident of Welches Comes to Town
W. J. Faubian, of Welches, was an
Oregon City visitor on Friday.
Specializes in
Extraction of Teeth
Crown and Bridge Work
"Plates That Fit"
10-11-12 Andresen Bldg.
Oregon City, Ore.
A two-story, hollow tile building is
being erected at the corner of Fifth
J and Main streets on the property own
ed Dy u. E. Gates, of Portland; to take
the place of the building recently de
stroyed by fire, which was occupied
by the Fifth Street Restaurant.
On the first floor will be two store
rooms, one of which will be used as
a barber shop, which is already leas
ed, and the other will probably be oc
cupied by a store. The second story
will be used as an apartment of three
rooms and four rooms as sleeping
The contractor for the building is
R. A. Junken. of Willamette, Oregon.
The building will be ready for oc
cupancy about October 1st. his lo
cation is in the heart of the city.
Hotel Manager Is
Declared Innocent
of Striking Woman
W. S. Crary, manager of the Esta
cada hotel, was acquitted by a jury
in Justice Noble's court Thursday of
charges of assault upon Mrs. L. Nita
Hogan, former manager of the dining
room in the resort. Evidence brought
out showed that after an argument
with Mrs. Hogan. W. F. Hogan, her
husband, entered the affray and broke
Crary's ifose. Crary was first arrest
ed on a charge of threatening Hogan
but the charge was later changed to
one of assault upon Mrs. Hogan.
Remember the old horse railroad
that was used to transfer- freight
around the falls and up to Canemah?
Remember Captains Apperson,
Pease, Pope, Baughman, Grahm, Mill
er and others?
Remember the "booster days" we j
had more recently and what ctowds i
used to visit Oregon City in conse
quence thereof. E. C. H. !
Do you remember when Dr. John j
McLoughlin's residence was moved j
uuui us uiq sue at tne soutn ena oi i
Main street to its present location in
McLoughlin park, and the celebration
of the same at which Rev. Thomas
Sherman, S. J., son of General W. T.
Sherman, Judge D'Arcy and Mrs. Eva j
Emery Dye were the speakers?
A Hundred Young Men
Start Out In Life
6 are
A T 65- 1 is rich 3 are well off
' self-supporting 36 have died
are dependent on charity.
l T HEN young, all earned enough to
save something regularly.
THE independents did; the dependents
HICH class are you in?
BANK account will help you keep in
the Independent Class.
Gladstone Locals
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simmons spent
the week end with the former's sis
ter, Mrs. Lambert and family of Viola.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Baker have taS, Miss Alice Freytag, Miss Mary
motored to Bar View spending the
day there and returned to Gladstone
Thursday. Those forming the caravan
were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Meyers of
Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar -Freytag,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frey-
' Do you remember the Salvation
Army barracks on lower Seventh
street, near the elevator where Ad
jutant Crabtree held forth and the
Y. M. C. A. building opposite the
Congregational church, afterward con
verted into a skating rink, and now
occupied as a produce and commiss
ion house.
Washboiler Still
Found At Oswego
Lake; No Arrests
A washboiler still, complete with
coils and cooler, was discovered by
Sheriff Wilson and his deputies just
south of Oswego lake Thursday. Four
50 gallon containers of masli and oe
30 gallon barrel, a total of 230 gal
lons, were found.
The officers were unable to locate
anyone in the vicinity of the still and
no arrests were made. The still was
smashed and the mash poured out.
The Fraternal Brotherhood lodge of
Willamette held a reception in its
new and commodious lodge room Tues
day evening, August 8th, in honor of
Supreme President J. M. Batchelor, of
Los Angeles, Calif. The affair was
largely attended by the members of
the lodge and delegations from tne
Oregon City and Portland lodges.
Dr. Joseph A. Silverman, president
of the lodge, called Supreme Ser
geant T. R. Ladd, of Portland, to the
chair, and on his taking the same, in
troduced the Supreme President and
also his daughter, Miss Helen Batch
ellor to the large delegation.
The Supreme President tendered
his thanks to all present for the en
thusiastic reception tendered to him
and spoke very highly of the kind
and courteous treatment which he re
ceived from the people of both Will
amette and Oregon City. He spoke for
about an hour on the conditions of the
order which he pronounced super
excellent He was followed by Su
preme Sergeant Ladd, who delivered
a brief but well-timed address, after
which the' meeting closed and danc
ine was indulged in, after which de
licious refreshments were served.
Besides the supreme officers there
were present State President and
Mrs. H. H. Houghton, the presidents The will of the late George "W. Poys-
of the Portland lodges, and f resident j er was admitted to probate Monday.
Collection of Note
For $1000 Is Begun
Suit for $1,000 alleged to be due on
a promissory note instituted in the
circui- court Monday by Harry F.
Caldwell against Frank and Bertha
Nelson. The complaint alleges th.
the note was signed for a three year
period, on March 17, 1920, but that
the defendants have failed to pay the
late installments of interest on the
note and that under the agreement
the entire amount of the principal
with accrued interest, becomes col
Do you remember the murder of
Policeman George Hanton by a des
perado whom he was endeavoring to
arrest while attempting to commit a
burglary, the flight and pursuit of the
murderer by voluateer possies from
Oregon City, Canby and Woodburn, a
man-hunt by them for almost a week
during which time the outlaw mur
dered Sheriff Shaver of this county
and the city marshal of Woodburn,
and was trailed by Harry Draper, a
Spokane policeman, with .his blood
hounds and shot dead by that officer
on sight? A, M. S.
Do you remember when Manager
Charles W. Kelly, of the Oregon City
baseball club was presented a gold
headed cane and purse of money by
the baseball cranks of this city, when
the presentation occurred at Cataract
engine house where Mr. Kelly was
inveigled for the purpose and it was
a complete surprise to him?. D. T.
Do yoa remember when the M. E.
church gave a "tailor" social at the
church and when the Willamette band
furnished the music for the occasion?
Rev. J.
Do you remember when the Port
land General Electric Company filed
articles of incorporation with the
secretary of state, and at that time
the capitalization was $4,250, and suc
ceeding the Willamette Falls Elec
tric Company and the "Willamette
Transportation & Locks Company?
L. M.
Do you remember when George L.
Story and Charles E. Pease were ap
pointed on the board of teachers' ex
aminers? J. K. L.
Geo. Poyser Estate
Admitted to Probate
and Mrs. Frank Doty, of Oregon City
lodge, and Past Presidents J. T.
Searle. Fred Metzner, A. M. Sinnott,
Bert Barnes and Al C. Cox.
Recently there has been a heavy
demand for gray sheetings, print
goods, and white and gray shirtings
in the Constantinople piece goods
market, reports Consul General Ravn
dal. Roumanian buyers nave been
conspicuausly absent, owing to the
depreciation of the leu, but several
J new Bulgarian buyers filled their
piace ana maae large purchases.
Prices have been" holding firm.
Mrs. Mary Wright, whose home is
on the highway near Oak Grove, was
taken by surprise on Tuesday, when
a number of her relatives and friends
of this city and of Portland, proceed
ed in a body to her home, and laden
with good things to eat, spent the
day in a most delightful manner.
Dinner was served from a prettily
decorated table, when places were
laid for William Myers, brother of
Mrs.' Wright, and wife, Mrs. Abner
Dillman, Mrs. Tillie Chase, Mrs. Laura
Moss. Mrs. E. L. Shaw, Mrs. M. P.
Chapman, Mrs. Eva May. Mrs. Mary
Green, Mrs. W. C. Green and grand
son, Billy Green, Gordon Green, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Hill and son, Clifford,
Rev. A. J. Ware, Miss Hilda Moss, of
Oregon City; Mrs. Laura Manning,
Mrs. Wright and son, Robert Wrihgt.
Lumber Company at
Molalla is Formed
The will leaves the estate valued at
$1800 to the two daughters of the de
ceased, Fannie Clark and Annie Riley.
Grant B. Dimick is named as executor.
Girl Triplets Born
In Falls City Home
Articles of incorporation of the
Slyter Lumber Company were filed
here Monday. The capital stock: of
the company Is $25,000 and the In
corporators are Ora Slyter, Tillie Sly
ter and George Kessering. The. loca
tion of the company Is Molalla.
DALLAS, Aug. 15. Mrs. Rex Ober
son, of Falls City, surprised her hus
band Monday by presenting him with
three daughters at one time. The
triplets, weighing about 2 pounds
each, are all well formed and all are
expected to live. Oberson is a labor
er and his wifa was formerly Miss
Fay Mott of Dallas. They have no
other children.
Medf ord Garage Is
Gutted by Flames
MEDFORD, Aug. 14. Fire which
followed a loud explosion at 3:30
o'clock Sunday afternoon burned for
two hours and gutted the brick Val
ley garage, destroying the contents,
with the exception of six of the seven
automobiles on the ground floor. Ten!
cars on the second floor were lost.
Farmer Bros, owned the garage, and
the building is owned by Bert Ander
son. It is believed that the loss of
$10,000, exclusive of the automobiles.
Is covered br Insurance. The 11 burn
ed automobiles, privately owned, wer 1
estimated to be worth $15,000.
Taken from the Oregon City Enter
prise August 12, 1S92.
Wednesday morning H. L. Kelly
left for Yaquina Bay to spend a week
in bracing up his health.
The families of George A. Harding
and Fred R. Charman moved to their
property at Clear Creek Wednesday
for a two w'eeks outing.
rented their farm near Oak Grove to
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson until April
I 1st, when Mr. and Mrs. Baker will
move from Gladstone to the farm. Mr.
and Mrs. Baker expect to specialize
in raising thoroughbred chickens and
gut out a large field of loganberries.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Anderson are
enjoying a two weeks' visit with their
son, Ed Anderson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKinney and
little son, Happy, spent the week end
with friends in Falls City.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Blount are enjoy
ing a two weeks' vacation at the
coast, visiting most of the Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Schearer have
had as their house guest the latter's
cousin. Miss Clarissa Beach. Miss
Beach is a teacher in the public
schools of Buffalo, N. Y. and made
the trip West in company of two
other teachers by automobile. The
party left their car at Seattle and en
joyed an ocean trip to Alaska. ' Dur
ing Miss Beach's visit here, another
cousin, Mrs. R. L. Forward of Rock
ton, 111., came west to visit the Shear
er home, this being the first time the
three cousins had been together in
17 years. Miss Beach left Portland
for her home Thursday as she will
resume her position in the Buffalo
school September 5th.'
Mrs. Forward came west via the
Canadian Pacific visiting places of
interest- enroute. At Lake Louise
Mrs. Forvrtird visited friends and
stopped over a few. days at Victoria
and Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Forward
is very much pleased with Oregon
and will visit here indefinitely for her I
Mrs. Clifford Niles and little son,
Newell, spent the week end with her
husband on the Robert Younge. Mr.
Niles is chief engjneer.
John, Jr., the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Bolle, met with "a very pain
ful accident last week when he fell
against the hot stove burning his lit
tle hand into a huge blister. The little
boy is getting along as well as can
be expected.
Mrs-. A. C." Hughes and children, Al
bert and Lois, spent Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Rauch of Willam
ette. Mrs. Chas. I. Baker and son, Frank,
spent Thursday with Mrs. B. F. Baker
of "Willamette.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rivers and
sons, Alden and Errol are spending a:
two weeks' vacation at the Oregon
beaches. i
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wallace of Cor
vallis, were the guests of Mr. and i
Mrs. Edwin P. Edwards the first of
Loise Merrick and Ernest Freytag of
oiaastone and Mrs. Hattie Pecht of
Austin, Texas.
Edward W. Eby is spending the
week end with his father, S. M. Eby,
in Vancouver, Wash.
Mrs. Dennis Crabtree and children,
Major and Billie of Portland, spent
one day this week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leete. Mr. and
Mrs. Crabtree formerly resided in
Gladstone. Mr. Crabtree is making a
business trip to Alaska,
Mrs. Leete, who has been quite ill
is very much improved. Dr. Paine of
Oregon City has been in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Carol Leete of Yaki
ma. Wash., were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W.. Leete Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw, who have
been making their home with the lat
ter's parents, for the past six months
are planning to build a modern home
in Gladstone in the near future. Mrs.
Shaw was formerly Miss Norma
Leete. .
The Chautauqua chapter of Rebec
ca will install their new officers at
the regular meeting, August 21st, af
ter which a water melon feast and
sociaf time will be enjoyed. The en
tertainment and refreshment commit
tee is composed of Mrs. Flo. Brendle,
Mrs. Christina Rivers and Edward W.
Mrs. Howell, familiarly known as
Grandma Howell, is very much im
proved. Mrs. Howell has been con
fined to her home for some time with
heart trouble.
Mrs. Walter Eichmeyer returned to
ller home- in Gladstone after a two
weeks' vacation at Newport,
Austin Hall of Oregon City has
been staying with his sister, Mrs.
Harry Wheeler for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hall of Mt. View
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wheeler. Mrs. Wheeler was
formerly Miss Opal Hall.
Mrs. Josephine McLarty of Los
Angeles, Calif., was the house guest
of her sister, Mrs. Flo. Brendle last
week. Mrs. McLarty is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Scarborough in Ore
gon City at present.
Mrs. W. W. Leete has received word
from heir sister, Mrs. H. G. Coburn of
Dayton of her improved condition.
Mrs. Coburn recently underwent a
serious surgical operation at McMinn
ville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Coburn
are very well known here, having
been here a number of times looking
after property interests.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie of
Portland were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. McGetchie Friday. Mr.
McGetchie came to see his mother.
the week. Mr. Edwards, who is iden-' Mrs- John McGetchie, who is quite
she is slightly improved!
F. T. Griffith left Thursday for a
three weeks' visit in San Francisco.
Judge Meldrum and family left
Tuesday for a trip over the mountains
to be gone two or three weeks. The
party is equipped for camping and
will extract all the pleasure to be
gotten from such a journey.
Mrs. Sarah Huntley; Mrs. Anna Pal
mer and W. A. Huntley went down to
Ilwaco Thursday. ' The ladies will
spend some time at the beach, but
Mr. Huntley will return in a day or
so. "C. G. Huntley left for Seaside
tified with the Standard Oil Co., has
been transferred to the Beaverton sta
tion, taking up his duties as chief
clerk Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards
moved to Beaverton Wednesday.
ill, though
Rev. and Mrs. George E. Williams
spent a part of last week at their
farm near Lebanon returning to Glad-
Miss Veatrice Rauch is spending I stone Friday evening. Rev. and Mrs.
the week with Miss Ruth Robinson of ! Williams were accompanied home by
County Clerk George F. Horton1
moved liis family to town from Needy
this week and they will occupy the
new. cottage of M. E. Willoughby on1
Madison and Fourth streets.
Taken from the Oregon City Enter
prise August 10, 1867.
Mrs. Otto Zimbrink and two children
and Miss Gatchell, who will be their
house guests for a few days.
The Gladstone Meat Market will
reopen Monday with J. C. Saulisbury
of Willamette in charge.
Services at the Gladstone Christian
church will be: Bible school at 10
o'clock with Mrs. Thomas E. Gault in
charge. Preaching at 11 o'clock by
Rev. Geo. E. Williams. Christian En
deavor at 6:30 and Union services at
I 8 o'clock".
Gladstone Baptist Church Sunday
school at 10:00 a', m., preaching at
11:00 a- m. by the pastor, subject
"God's word as a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart!
Union service by the two churches
Harry to be held in the Christian church at
1 Woolrich. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Legler, (8:00 p. m. . Rev. Hardie Connor will
i Mr. and Mrs Frank Vanderhoff of do the preaching.
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wil
son, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Legler,
Glenna Bauersfeld, Dorothy and Er-
Bolton. these young ladies are class
mates at West Linn High school, en
tering the junior class this fall.
Miss Nell Harvison and Miss Viv
ian Rauch are the house guests of
Miss Eunice Ammer-of Portland this
week. Miss Ammer formerly resided
in West Gladstone and the three girls j
attended West Linn High scnool two
years together.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Legler enter
tained at dinner Thursday evening in
honor of their little daughter, Mil
dred, the occasion being her 8th birth
day. The Legler home was very
prettily decorated with cut flowerys
arranged in baskets. The evening
was devoted to music both vocal and
instrumental. Those enjoying the
evening were Mr. and Mrs.
The Apache' Indians have been
scalping another emigrant train in
Arizona. The New Haven Palladium
sees no reason why Indians should not
be permitted to vote, as well as black
jnen. The Apaches, at least, seem to
take very naturally to the "polls" of
Subject "Three
f -nr?ncf1ia In relie-irm." All flro invito '
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Baxter celebrat-
Warm Day On last Wednesday the
thermometer registered 98 degrees in
the shade, northern exposure.
Base Ball The return match of
baseball between Clackamas Club
and the Occidentals will be played in
the city on Tuesday next.
nestine Dickey, Ralph and Arthur
Woolricfi and Mildred Legler of
Miss Dorothy Eby of Portland is
spending the week with her uncle. Ed
ward W. Eby and family.
Miss Delia Franklin of Oregon City
spent a few days this week with Mr.
j and Mrs. Trout at Clackamas.
Mrs. Jonn juciietcme, wno nas Deeit
quite ill at her home in West Glad
stone, Is slightly improved.
. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freytag and
children, Miss Alice and Ernest re
turned to their home Wednesday af
ter a most delightful 10-day visit at
Pacific City. The rest of the party
ed their 29th iwedding anniversary
Wednesday. The day was spent with
friends in Portland. The party at
tending the theater in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter recently re
turned from a camping trip on Can
non Creek near Molalla, where they
enjoyed fishing.
Phone Broadway 0620
25 years experience in the east and
the Willamette Valley
Phone or write for rates
561 Glisan St.
Portland Oregon