Pace two - ' . - - ! NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY , Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During ' The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Estacada' ESTACADA, Aug. 16 Mrs. Frank Harkenrider visited relatives in Port land over this last week end. The Craig family has moved back to Portland where they formerly lived. The Alberta Commercial club base ball team failed to put in an appear ance "here last Sunday afternoon, as advertised. Mrs. A. E Sparks visited Mrs. M. H. Evans at the Portland sanitarium last Sunday afternoon. She reports that Mrs. Evans is about the same, not very much improvement. Miss Edith Harkenrider is learning to be "hello" girl in the telephone office. . . - Mrs. Neal Bronson returned from Portland last Saturday. Married At Vancouver, "Wash., Saturday, Aug. 12. 1922. M. P. Sag ner, of Estacada, and Miss Loretta Smith of Eagle Creek. This event was no surprise to their friends in; this vicinity, as preparations for housekeeping have been going on for some time by the young couple. The bride has been an employe in the Es tacada State Bank for some time and e-radnatprt from th Estacada high cr-hrmi ThQ omninV narpnts reside in i Estacada and are Mr. and Mrs. Au-1 gust Sagner. The young couple have , commenced housekeeping in the house J at the rear of the Odd Fellows hall, where congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life are extended. L. V. .Cleworth, manager of tbe Gem theatre, has painted the en trance lobby a pretty green, which is quite an improvement. Mrs. Sam Barr and children return ed Tuesday from a few days visit with relatives at Lents and Beaver ton. Miss Virginia Roe of Seattle and Mrs. "Will Keller of Vancouver, Wash, were guests at the C. A. Dykeman home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Geseler arrived this week from Lancaster, Penn., to visit for some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snydr. The lat ter is a sister of Mr. Snyder's. A jolly party of young ladies start ed out Wednesday morning on a hik ing trip to the upper dam, above Far aday, returning the same day. They were Misses Bertha Burns, Lydia Mattson, Leta Posson, Frances Hass el, Evelyn Bacon and Anita Kopp. Misses Anita Kopp and Frances Hassel were) Portland visitors last Monday. Chester Womer was a week-end vis itor with his parents in this city. Mrs. Tom Carter and the baby re turned to their home at Log LaBarre last Sunday. A 12-pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tedd Reid at Marshfield, August . 12. Mrs. Reid was formerly Miss j Edith Perry of Garfield and the proud new "Daddie" is the son of Mrs. Norah Reid of Estacada. Miss Lydie Matson, who has charge of the candy department at the Lip man, Wolfe & Co. store in Portland, is home for a week's yacation. -j. c. "Duus and Frank Harkenrider left for Eastern Oregon the latter part of last week and were gone for several days. Miss Minnie Burns, who has been a guest at the-home of her brother, F. E. Burns for the past two months, will leave Saturday on the return trip to her home in Hillsdale, Michigan. f G. H. Lichthorn is having wood awnings built over the front of his buildings on Broadway. The old ones were torn down. This completes the awnings on all the buildings on the east side of Broadway, in the paved block. G. P. Rose was in Portland the lat ter part of last week attending the Buyers' Week convention. A delightful social afternoon end ing with dainty refreshments, was enjeyed by a number of ladies Tues-. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. E. Burns, honoring her sister-in-law, Miss Jennie Burns, who has been her guest for two months. Mr. and Mrs R. A. Smith arrived frcm Bellingham, Wash., Tuesday and the next day in company with their son H. H. Smith and his wife and daughter, Helen, left for a motor trip to Crater Lake. Word has just been received in; Estacada that John C. Duus was mar ried in Portland, July 22, to Miss Jessie Moore. Vernie Duus returned Tuesday from a few days outing and vacation at Belriap Springs. The garage now occupied by W. C. Bacon, has a pretty new sign, the work of George Pointer. Mrs. W. A. Heylman and mother returned last week from their trip to Springs and report a most enjoyable outing. Mrs. G. E. Lawrence left Estacada last Saturday afternoon for Portland and the next day went to Northi Bend to join Mr. Lawrence, who iq managing a laundry at that place. She expected to stay a couple ol weeks. ' Mrs. J. C. Pimm and children were here from Portland for a short time last Saturday. Mrs. N. B. Ecker went to Portland last Saturday where she visited at i the home of her daughter, Mrs. J Mayme Boyle, until Monday evening. jIILi Wffl Colton is offering the strongest musica course in the county both vocal and instrumental. New dormitory, new athletic field, new gym nasium, splendid faculty, good moral surroundings. Parents invited to investigate. Full four years courses offered. Accredited High School. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4. For information address CLERK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 53 Phone Colton 11-2 C. F. Howe and son, Ted returned from Pacific City last Sunday and report a most enjoyable vacation. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Lacy were Port land visitors Monday. Among the Portland visitors last Tuesday were Mrs. A W. Botkin and aunt, Mrs. Mary Whiting. Next Sunday the employes of the Pacific Coast Produce Co. of Port land will have a picnic at this place. They will bring a ball team which will cross bats with the Estacada boys on the local grounds in the af ternoon. . Mrs. Margaret Schock, Mr. ana and Mrs. Clyde Schock Miss Ella and Cecil Schock, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Da vis and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Robins are at Oceanside on the Tillamook beach. D. E. Bass has sold his barber shop to C. Hawkins of North Bend, Ore gon, and the new proprietor has pos session. Mr. and Mrs. Bass and the girls are still at the CQiyt spending their vacation. Mrs. C. C. Sisson and two sons ai here visiting at the home of Mrs. Sisson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hughes in the Currinsville neighbor hood. They are on their way from Spokane to Orange City. California. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates attended the undertakers' convention in Port- land last. week, returning Friday. Mrs. M. E. McWillis and Mrs. N Holgate ana aaugnter, iuary. icu .a. Saturday ror a vacation visit i coast. Miss Florence Kendall returned the first of the week from her outing at Netarts beach and reports a delight ful time. Miss Maude Sturgeon was a busi ness visitor in Portland last Satur day. Mrs. R R. Hatch and little daugh ters were here last Wednesday from Portland visiting her mother, Mrs. A. F. Lacy. , Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Elliott and children, Marian and Walter, and Miss Jean Stewart of Shelton, Wash., were in Estacada last Friday calling on E. Stewart, of the News. They had been in Portland attending the Buyers' week festivities. Pete's Mountain PETES MOUNTAIN, Aug. 14 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross and daughter, Helen, of Willamette, were visitors at the Emil Notdurft home Thursday. Lyman Koellermeier spent several days recently visiting at the home of Frank Kaiser after his return from La Grande. Agnes Bernert spent Thursday af ternoon and evening visiting with Bernice Hodge of Mountain Road. Threshing commenced at Jake Not durfts Monday afternoon after hav ing to wait several days on account of the' recent rain. Carl Notdurf returned home Sunday after spading two weeks in Port land at the Greener and Seitler homes. Carl had a great time and had the pleasure of climbing into an aeroplane and looking it over. Leo Rypczynski spent several days at the home of his parents last week. Mrs. and Mrs R. Creitser spent Wednesday and Thursday at the Ber nert home. The work is progressing on the school at a lively clip since the lumber came and an extra carpen ter is on the job. Str. and Mrs Heino Peper and chil dren, Wilhelm, Margaret, Norman and Robert of Portland camr Sun- j day to spend a week at the Wm. Hell- berg home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser andAg nes and Joe Bernert were among those to see "The Last Trail" at Ore gon City Friday. " Mr. and Mrs. Julius Strusberg of Peace Cove were visitors at the W. Hellberg home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gotleib Notdurft had a house full Sunday for dinner, among the guests being Mr. and Mrs. Seitler and Mr. Robino of Portland and the Dambachs of Oregon City. Bissel BISSELL, Aug. 14 The Bissell Threshing Co. started the 10th on their annual run. The grain is much better than expected. Ralph Chaney and sister visited Ted Harders and wife last Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Leo Rath and son, Henry, re turned home from Sandyridge last Tuesday evening after visiting her father and brother for a few days. Victor Miller and wife returned to their home in Washington after visit ing the latter's mother, Mrs. J. K. Pe terson for a week. Chester Rice of Wapinitia, Oregon, was visiting Mrs. Theo. Harders last Monday. Mrs. Peterson made a business trip to Portland last Wednesday returning Thursday. Dodge DODGE, Aug. 14 Miss Ten Eyck and E. Lankins were visitors at the Horner home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Randall and daughter, Lucille and Mr. Atchely of Jennings Lodge, were guests at the home or S. W. and Mrs. Benjamin on Wednes- Hmh School this year? Colton, Oregon OREGON day last Lucille is extending her vis JX a week or more. Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin's home were Mrs. Rex -Gordon and daughter of Colton. Itfrs. Reichle and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hedges. Emery Keller and wife were Port land visitors on Saturday. J. E Keller and Mrs. J. E. Keller went to Portland on Sunday to visit their son, Kenneth, who is still in the Emanuel hospital. They report that Kenneth"" is progressing favor ably. J. W. Marrs, who is fire warden in this district, was called out to inves tigate a fire in the Elwood district on-Monday. Gladstone Locals E. L. Moore, John McGetchie and R. M. McGetchie left Tuesday morn ing for the mountains, where they will gather huckleberries, returning to their homes Friday. W. R. Arent of Lewiston, Idaho, is staying at the Electronet Health Home at present. Mr.. Arent is very much improved since taking these treatments. Mrs. Hilda Parker returned to her home in West Gladstone from Taco ma, Wash., on .account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. John McGetchie. Mrs. McGetchie is very much improv ed. Miss Alice Fteytag has been stay ing" with her grandmother until her aunt arrives. Mr. and Mrs , F A. Burdon and daughter, Miss Fayne, have returned to their home in West Gladstone after a most delightful two weeks' visit at the Oregon, beaches. Harland Weddle and Otto Smydth left Tuesday morning for Lost Lake. The boys are hyking the entire dis tance, and expect to remain two weeks to enjoy camping and fishing. Mr. and Mrs Paul Wyman are en joying their new Dodge. - Mr. and Mrs. John Kent had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Richard Hilery of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Hilery, formerly resided at Park place. This is the first time these friends have seen each other for 29 years. A most enjoyable visit was had. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ketels of Hol comb spent Tuesday with the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E Ketels of this place. Mrs. Florence Eby and little daugh ter, Genevieve, of Portland, spent Sun day with her brother-in-law, Edward W. Eby and family. Mrs Eby was accompanied home by her daughter, Miss Dorothy, who has been the house guest of her uncle and aunt for the past week. Harold Steiner of Forest Grove, who has been the house gue3t of his grandparents for the past week re turned to his home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leete, M and Mrs. Jack Shaw and Miss Hesper Leete motored to Dayton Sunday, where they spent the day with Mrs. Leete's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gv Coburn Mrs. Coburn has i recently underwent a surgical oper ation for appendicitis in. the McMinn ville hospital and returned to her home at Dayton the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch and daughters. Misses Veatrice and Viv ian, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Robinson of West Linn, Sunday. Mrs Robinson was as sisted in serving and entertaining by her daughter. Miss Ruth. Mrs. Sam Arnold of Portland was a Gladstone visitor during the week. While here Mrs. Arnold looked afer property interests. Fred Steiner, formerly of this place, was a business visitor Tuesday, re turning to his home in Forest Grove Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs Steiner plaa to return to Gladstone in November. They will occupy their bungalow on . Ar lington street. Mr. and Mrs. John Kent of West Gladstone and Mr. andMrs. John Yo der and family left Wednesday morn ing for Bend, where they will spend two weeks on the Yoder farm. The trip will be made in the Yoder auto mobile going via The Dalles. They will camp at Sumner, O'Dell and Crescent lakes, visiting the ice caves returning via the McKenzie pass. They will visit friends at Fort Rock and at Albany before returning. The party is planning to enjoy fishing while away. Miss Eunice Ammer of Portland was the guest of Miss Vivian Rauch Tuesday. Mrs. L. A. Read, who has been spending a few weeks in Portland has returned to ' her home in West Gladstone. Miss Mildred Sladen of Glen Echo has been elected principal of the Rock Creek school which will . commence Sept. 5th. Miss Sladen will be as sisted by Miss Geneva Wilson of Sheridan, who will have the primary grades. Miss Mary Kokel, who has" been spending the summer at the home of Mrs. Nellie Sladen returned to . her home at Molalla the first of the week. The Gladstone public school will open Sept. 5. Prof. J. W. Leonhardt has been re-elected principal for the fourth year. The following corpc of teachers will be in charge Prof. Leonhardt, 8th; Mrs. E. Saulisbury, 7th; Miss Ruth Sagen, 6th; Miss M. Hammond, 5th; Miss Laura Brenner, 4th; Miss James, 3rd; Miss Erickson, 2nd; Mrs. Velna Johnston-Hogue, 1st. A manual training instructor has not been elected as yet, W. W. Lfcete was re-elected janitor and very highly commended for ralthful performance of his duties during the year. George Hollingsworth, a well known Gladstone boy, who has been station ed on the government light ship as radio operator near Astoria, is plan ning to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hollingsworth of this place about September 1st. Mrs. J W Leonhardt will open a residental studio for her piano pupils at her home on Claridon street, Sep-1 tember 1st. CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 8, 1 922 i I Grandnia Howell, who has been f ." """""" Grandma Howell, who has been quite ill with heart trouble is not so well as she has been for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Meeds and children, Fred and Mary, left Sunday evening for Spokane, where they for merly resided. The trip will be made in th'e Meed machine. During their two weeks' vacation they will motor through Washington and northern Idaho, returning via Seattle and Ta coma, where they will visit friends. Mr. Meeds was recently elected e'erk of "the Gladstone school board. Mr. and Mrs Howard Conover and daughters, of Sellwood, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edw. W. Eby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs., Conover formerly re sided in Oregon City. Miss Goldie Hdy, formerly of this place is spending the winter visiting at Lodi, Calif. Miss Vivian McAllister of Pendle ton spent Tuesday with Miss Wau netta Bre'ndle. Mrs. Eva Hardy, who has been spending the summer at Carver, was in Gladstone looking after property in terests. Mrs. Hardy is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. McAllister in Portland at present. Two Men File Suits For Divorces Here Two suits for divorce of couples married in British Columbia were fil ed in the Clackamas county circuit court yesterday. W. A. Kenney has filed an action against Maud Kenney, alleging desertion. They were mar ried in Vancouver B. C, March 30, 1913. Suit for divorce was filed by U. M. against Annie Brown. The cou ple were married in West Minster, B. C, July 3. 1904. "" Desertion is charg ed. WOOL EXPORTS DECLINE Montevideo wool exports during May, 1922, amounted to 7,748 bales and were lower than for any previous month of 1922, says Vice Consul Av ery, reporting to the Department of Commerce. Liverpool and Hamburg were the largest buyers, with 1,581 and 1,569 bales, respectively. Ship ments to Boston amounted to 880 bales. Two Are Injured in Head On Smash-up Of Trains at Horine ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 16. A fire man and engineer were injured when two Frisco trains met in a head-on collision at Horine. Mo., near here to day, according to information received at Frisco headquarters here today. Train No. 801 crashed into No. 806, the advices said Both engines and mail cars were derailed, but the oth er coaches remained on the track. No passengers were injured. Vardaman Holding Lead in Mississippi JACKSON, Miss., Aug. 16. The is sues between United States Senator Jaes K. Vardaman, of Mississippi, and Woodrow Wilson, former president of the United States, were not settled in yesterday's Mississippi primary and a rnn-off primary will be necessary on August 29, practically complete returns today showed Seventy-one of the 82 counties in the state gave Vardaman the slim lead of 58 votes over former Repre sentative Hubert Stephens, his chief opponent. The vote showed: Varda man, 51,266; Stephens, 51,208; Miss Belle Kearney, 14,129. Work Is Resumed in Coal Mines in Ohio CLEVELAND, Aug. 16. Coal was cut in the deep bituminous mines of Ohio today for the' first time in 20 weeks, following the signing of a new wage scale by operators and miner in conference here late yesterday. Sole production during the period of the strike was from open pits. The first mines to resume operation were the Maher properties and those of the Lorraine Coal & Coke company in the vicinity of Belaire. SYMFATHY IS SHOWN BY ANTS Naturalist TcMs Hew They Set Free Their Fellows When He imprisoned Them An eminent n;iti::!l'st. while watch ing a column of foraging ants, one day. i!aetU a small stoi:e on one of them to secure it. The next that ap proached, fn discovering the situation of Its associate, ran back in an excited, manner and communicated with the others, when all rushed to the rescue. Some bit at the stone and tried to move it, others seized the prisoner by the lefrs and tugged with a force which ..threatened to separnte them from its body ; but they persevered until they got the captive free. Interested by this evidence of intel ligence, the naturalist next covered one of the ants with a piece of leav ing only the ends of its antenn:ie pro jecting. It was soon discovered ly .'ts fellowsjyho set to wor V -'yr iiavrly and by biting off pieces o !Le 'laj soon liberated it. On another c9slon a very few atvta were passing al. og at Intervals. One of these was confined under a piece of clay a little distance from the trail, with its head projecting. Several ants went by without seeing it, but at last it was discovered by a sharp-eyed friend that at once undertook to pull it out. Falling In this it Immediately hurried off for assistance, and soon re turned with a dozen or more compan ions, all evidently fully informed of the circumstances of the case, for they made directly for their imprisoned comrade, and shortly set him free. Can such actions be regarded as in stinctive? They seem rather to be the result of sympathy, the ants rendering to their fellows such assistance as maa la Id tb habit of rendering to ) Vlnd. JENNINGS L ODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent Hundreds Attending Big Camp Services JENNINGS LODGE. Aug. 16 It was estimated that 700 people attended the services in River View camp grove on Sunday. Rev. E. W. Praetorius of Cleveland Ohio, gave three splendid addresses during the day. A large number are tenting this year than before, and was necessary for the association to buy new tents. On Wednesday of this week the Young People's Alliance held their convention. The annual address was given by the branch president. The dance, the movie and' the Y. P A., what relation? was H. G Herman's subject. The conference departments are in charge of G. F. Liening, Jr., in Department of Christian Work; Wm. F. Rademacher in Department of literary and social - culture; Rachel Ernst in Department of sympathy and relief; Esther Maurer in the depart ment of missions;- A N. Ganville in charge of the department of Christian citizenship; Rev. E. W. Praetorius will address the assembly 'on "The Point and Purpose of the Y. P. A." and on "Leadership." The 10th day . of the convention. Aug. ISth, will be given over to the Sunday school work and a good pro gram. has been arranged with special music. Relatives Honor Sarah E. Holloway JENNINGS LODGE. Aug. 16 Aug. 11 was a very happy birthday occas ion for Sarah E. Holloway At her birthday dinner she had the pleasure of the presence of her grandmother, Mrs. C Wix and her aunts, Mrs. W. F. Peterson and Mary Cox of Long Beach, Calif., also R, E Holloway, her paternal grandfather and the Misses Nell "and Florence Holloway of Irving ton and Mrs. Kathrin Wintpn of Mar shall, Missouri, besides the members I of her own family. On Saturday R. E. Holloway and daughter left for a motor trip through British Columbia. Mrs. Wix and her party departed on Sunday for their home in Southern California. Operation Performed On Lodge Minister JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 16 Rev. A. B. Snider, pastor of the Grace Com munity church, underwent a very ser ious operation on Thursday at the Oregon City hospital. At this writing he is doing nicely. There will be no services at the church during the camp meeting and the pulpit will probably be supplied by F. W. Parker during the pastor's illness. At a meeting of the board of man agement of the church a three months' leave of absence was granted the Rev. Snider. A tiusiness meeting of the official board was held on Mon day eve'ning, Aug. 7th. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Rev. , Schuster, presiding elder of the Evangelical Association with headquarters in Portland is present at the camp meeting. Miss Pearl Hobkins, bookkeeper in the internal revenue office in Port land, leaves for her vacation, which she will spend in Tacoma. While in Washington will -visit the internal revenue offices in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and the latter's mother, Mrs. Monod, of Kan sas City. Missouri, have returned from their vacation at Bar View. They were accompanied by Oregon City friends and other Tillamook beaches were visited. Mr. Jones has resumed his duties at the Clackamas court house. county Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knoll have re turned from their vacation at Corn ing, Calif. Enroute home they stopped at. Crater Lake and had a very en joyable 10-day outing. , Among the Salemites at (he camp meeting are Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plummer. The Rev. Plummer is pas tor of the Canby church but resides at the Capitol city. W. I. Blinstone and Carl Starker took 11 of the Knights of Honor Sun day school class on a camping trip to Beacon Rock, Wash. The Dobby family recently arrived from Wyoming and have purchased the Shook cottage. Last week a lit tle daughter arrived to gladden, them in their new home. . Rev. and Mrs. H. Schuknecht and daughter, Miss Esther of Portland are attending camp meeting. The Schuk nechts leave as soon as the conven tions are over for the east where he goes as a delegate to the conference and will visit their old home in De troit, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Blackerby of Sa lem' were Sunday visitors at the camp meeting. Mr. and Mrs. McCombs of Portland are among the tenters at River View camp grove. Franklin Launer, well known - mu sician ' visited with his father, Rev. F. W. Launer on Sunday, who Is a member of the Oregon Conference of the Evangelical Association and a pastor of one of the Salem churches. Mr. Launer, Jr., will teach music at the Willamette University the coming year. Mr. Stevens, who recently purchas ed the S. O. Griffith place, is much delighted with his new home. S. O. Griffith has . begun work on his new home, which he Is building facing the car line. Excavation for , the basement is completed. His fa ther, Elmer Griffith Is to be the con tractor and builder, i Mrs. Booth has returned to her home from Portland and is -much Im proved. Mrs. Lucy Allen has returned from Portland, where she visited her two daughters- Mrs. M. Dion entertained with a IIIUIMIIMIIIH . large party at her home on the river on Saurday evening. Mrs. De Forrest has completed her fifth crocheted bedspread. She is planning on exhibiting one of them at the County Fair at Canby. Rev. J. Stocker, pastor of the Clay St. Evangelical church, of Portland is attending the services, in the camp grove. He is accompanied by his wife and children. Mr. Henrici is making a number of added improvements at his home. A new foundation will be put under the house and poultry houses added. Miss Zelma Jones of Woodland is a house guest at the home of W. Ross. D. B, Miller has recently returned from the Belknap hot springs very much improved. The H. R. Hendry family are Se attle visitors this week. Mrs. E. E. Grieves left on Wednes day last for Los Angeles, where she goes to join her husband. During her stay here she has been with her aunt, Mrs. Julia Ulabrand. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Martin of Metz ar, Oregon, and their two children, are attending camp meeting. ' Mrs. ( Martin was recently elected as sec retary of the junior department of the W. M. S. of the Oregon confer ence or the Evangelical association. W. F. Hartnell and H. Henrici and sons motored to the head waters of th Clackamas on a fishing expedi tion over the week end. Mrs. Kate Burton has returned from-her month's visit with the E. Mann family at Beaverton. R. S. Osborne of Portland and Henry Woodbeck family of Vancouver were Sunday dinner guests at the W. W. Woodbeck home. Elva Eades has returned from a visit at the Rev. Crocker home at Newberg. v Mrs. Louis Ouelette is enjoying a visit from her mother from Duluth, Minnesota, who plans to spend the winter here. Oscar Erickson ,of Tacoma paid a visit to his mother last week. The J. W. Jones family have re cently purchased a Scripps-Booth machine. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Pearson and Mrs. H. W. Stevens motored to Mo Minnville on Wednesday. Among the" vacationists returning this -week are the C. C. Hole family from Netarts; Mrs. Olive Ford and j three children from Illwaco, Wash.; Mrs. Ella MacHargue is also home from Seaside. Mr. and Mrs Misscoffer from Cali fornia accompanied by Portland i friends picnicked on Sunday at Stone I Gables. Craw fish party at the H. H. Em mons home on Saturday was an en joyable event. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Reade; Mr and Mrs. Pick ard and Mr. and Mrs. Webster of Roe the. Hugh" Fleming has recently purchas- j ed the Dent cottage and have taken possession this week. The R. F. Deter family and Mr. and Mrs. Carey Deter leave on Wed nesday fof a fishing and hunting trip in the mountains west of Corvallis. June Kirchem of Redlands and Zenna Litzel of Sunset were week, end guests of Ruth Agnes Cook. Clayton Card is spending his vaca tion with his grandmother at Sifton, Wash. Walter Pollock has recently open ed up a hew restaurant in Oregon City. Mildred Drake of Kansas has left for her home soas to be ready for the opening of the Kansas Normal school where she teaches. She was a house guest of Mrs. Davis. BUly Cook has suffenej from an in fection of the hand caured from a rifle shot. John Jones and mother, Mrs. Alice Jones, of Spokane- are visiting at the Dan Jones home. Mr- Jones is a brother of Mrs. Dan Jones Several members of the Jones family married without changing- their names. Mrs. Bess Bruechert, Mrs. Hugh Roberts and two boff and "Geo," Morse. - accompanied Mr. and Mrs. j Edw. Morse on a motor trip up the valley over the we?k end. Dinner was served at pretty Laurel Crest, the home oT H. M. Hayles. There were 14 In the company including Portland friends. C. D. Atchley has been granted a real estate broker's license and is now selling real estate. Mr. and Mrs Fred Bre'tcher, Mrs. Truscott and Ruth and Mrs. H. H. Emmons attended the Gresham fair j on Thursday. Rev. Shupp, who was to conduct the services on Aug. 15. at camp meeting r!!"bif J!-.? fined to his bed at the home daughter at Dallas. Meldrum Notes Mrs. R. W. Simpson cf Mo'er v.p a Monday visitor at the home of A. W; Meyers. Mr. Simpson crme to Portland to atten! the r?cepio-- gi--en to James M. McCandless of Hono lulu, the Imperial Potentate of the J. P. Finley & Son Perfect Funeral Service ' .'- Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth Portland Phones: Sellwood S97, Automatic East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDealara hi Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON Mystic Shrine. Mr. Simpson and Mr. McCandless are friends of long standing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ribert spent Mon day at the home of Mrs. A Taggert at Milwaukie, where they were dinner ' guests. - " r " . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swansoa, Miss Irene and their infant son and Mrs.. A. Carlson left for their home In Pendleton on Tuesday, after visiting at the home of Miss Blanche Gardner for a week. Mr. Swanson was very favorably inpressed with this locality and intends to settle here in tne near future. Miss Nettie Geymer of Portland was a -Tuesday visitor at. the G. M. Caldwell home. Roy Meyers of Portland was a call er on Tuesday at L. H. Meyers' home. Mr. and Mrs. August Rossoe and daughter, Edna, of Portland are guests . of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. T- H. White returned from a week end- visit with their son. Homer White, at Kalama, Wash. Dr. and Mrs. McGuire and Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher were callers at Mrs. Thomas Grady's home on Tuesday. Rev? Carrie Ellis is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Matilda Er ickson. Rev. Ellis recently came from Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. William Moritz and children returned home on Thursday from Cannon Beach after having spent a pleasant two weeks' vaca tion. Mrs. Bert Ruby of MoMinnville ar rived on Thursday for a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs Themas Grady have installed a radio in their home. They have enjoyed many of the recent con certs. Mrs. Ellen R. Eads. secretary of O.. E. S Pioneer Chapter, of Oregon City, attended the meeting and luncheon of the secretary's club on Wednesday at Portland. Mrs. M. E. Walker, Marion Walker, Mr. and Mrs Robert Rogers and Miss Helen Lansborg of Salem. Virginia, motored over the Columbia River Highway" on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L H. Meyers moved in their new bungalow on the high way at Meldrum on Thursday. They lived at Fern Ridge for the pa-st seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bunn arrived home from their vacation trip on Sat urday. Mr. ' and Mrs. Bunn motored to British Columbia, Mt. Rainiar Na tional Park and then to the Washing ton beaches. Many points of inter est were visited and a splendid trip was reported. While enroute home they visited Mr. Bunn's brother in Washington. Miss Katherine Kavanaugh of Port land was a Saturday caller at the home of Mrs. Gus Wanblad.. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Walker and son, Marion, accompanied oy n n.. Tabor motored to Eugene on Satur day to visit Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hoyt over Sunday. Miss Gladys Caldwell returned the latter part of the week from a visit,,--with friends at Gresham. Mrs. E. J. Fuller of Portland was a dinner guest on Sunday at the- home of Mrs. Gus Bergren at Glen Echo. W. R. Davis of Westmoreland was a Sunday caller at the A. W. Meyers' home. Geo. Gardner and Leonard Lageson of Oregon City, spent Sunday fishing in the mountains near Springwater. A good catch was reported. Mr. and Mrs. Lester French of Portland spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. William Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hibert and son, Rex, spent Sunday with Mr. Hiberfs mother, Mrs. Russel Johnson in Port land. Mrs. Johnson has been quite ill for some time but is now much im proved in health. Mrs. Geo. Gardner and her children spent Sunday in Portland at the heme of her cousin. Mr. and Mrs. riarry Jones, Mr. and Mi s Jones recently I came home from London, England, j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler and two children, Bud and Charlotte, ana and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kemp of Laurelhurst were dinner guests of Mrs. Ellen R. Eads and her daughter. Miss Elva Eads. Mr. and Mrs Thompson Meldrum have returned from a four weeks' va cation at the beach. Miss Dorothy Tillson returned home from a week's visit with friends in Portland. Bandits Tie and Gag Men and Blow Safe; Loot Totals But 1 SAN JOSE, Cal., Aug. . 16. Four masked and armed bandits early to- 5 the safe- of 1Z African frj cocPany. the larg- i ot rtofr-ir in -Santa Clara county. SO heavy was the charge of nitroglycerin employed to blow the safe that the offices of the dairy company were partially demolished. The bandits se ! cured but S7 for their trouble. The emploves bound -nd gasrge-i were Ed Churchill, Manuel Perry and F. Peatty, drivers, and Toney Lo-ez. DOt'e vasher. Two shots were firet at Batty, who at first refused to obev lha'r command to throw his hands up. Out chapel and equipment are always available for out of town calls 1 ZISM John P. Miller, Mgr.