1 Page two NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Estacada ESTACADA, Aug. 9 Mrs. A. G. Lane of LaGrande and Mrs. Frank Ba ker of Portland, wer,e guests of Mrs. U. H. Gibbs last Thursday. Mrs. F. E. Burns and Miss Minnie Bums visited friends In Portland last Thursday. - Miss June Oakley and niece, Flor ence June Reed, have returned from a visit at Newberg. Miss Pauline Rose has taken a po sition in the Estacada State bank. Miss Loretta Smith, who has beeri assisting in the Estacada State bank for the past two years, has resigned. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Anarsen arrived home from Eugene last Saturday. Mrs. Lena Underwood purchased a new piano recently in Portland for her son, Lester. Charlie Willard and family left with their household goods last Monday for Molalla, where they will make their home. J. P. Woodle was transacting busi ness in Oregon City last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stenzel and family of Portland, were here Sunday the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks. Mrs. "William Kurache or fomauu was the guest or Airs. W. J. Moore last Sunday. j A large van came out from rorj.- i j loc. TTVirlav nnrl tnok Mrs. i Morse's furniture to Portland, where she will furnish an apartment and reside with her youngest brother. Mrs. Morse left Estacada Friday eve ning C. F. Howe and son "Ted" left the first of last week on their vacation trip. The went to Pacific City where they will remain for two weeks enjoy ing the beaches. The return game of baseball with the Arleta team from Portland, Sun day afternoon, proved disastrous to our boys and they were shut-out, the score being 8 to 0. A large audience greeted Dist. Supt. Youngson at the M. E. church last Sunday morning, and his sermon was very interesting and eloquent. The ordinance of baptism followed the sermon and then the congregation, repaired to the basement dining room where a basket dinner was provided. After dinner quarterly conference was held later in the afternon. This was the fourth" and last before conference convenes. Miss Ethel Douglass has gone to Portland where she accepted a posi tion at the Purity Restaurant. She has been with the Estacada hotel for several months. .Mrs. Margaret Kilgore accepted a position at Hotel Estacada as wait ress. JJIUU last, A enn was born to Mr. ana ivirs Tom Carter, Juiyo m iacau Lilt? -LAJ V Cia uuof tui- anrt Mrs. W. H. Holder are en joying a visit from their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Laura O. Holder, and daugh ter, of East St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. R. G. McCall came over from Portland last Saturday to visit Esta cada friends. A meeting of Estacada citizens was held at the city hall last Friday even ing to talk over the water question. Some committees were appointed and there is likely o be some improve ments in the near future. Gordon Lawrence left Estacada last Thursday and made a trip to Sea side and other coast resorts. He re turned to Estacada Monday and re ports a fine time. Lewis Jones has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Smiley Lovelace, for a few days convalescing from an oper ation for appendicitis. Lewis former ly resided here but has been attend ing Reed college in Portland and graduated last June. He will take a position with the public schools at Centralia, Wash., this fall having been engaged to teach history eco nomics and civics in the high school. James Abbott spent the week-end, in Salem with relatives. Miss Edith Harkenrider returned the latter part of last week from a visit with her sister at Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. W. Honneger of Mult nomah were week-end visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Harkenrider. Mrs. B.0. Sarver visited friends at Kendal Station last Sunday. The Rebekah silver tea held in the park Tuesday afternon, was well pa tronized and all who attended report a very pleasant time. The receipts of the tea amounted to something over $7.00. Mrs. W. A. English of Gresham, was a guest at the home of Mrs. U. S. Mor gan last Sunday. The Estacada Feed store has been improved in appearance by the lib eral use of kalsomine. Mrs. L. Hale entertained the Cur rinsville Ladies' Aid last Wednesday, Aug. 2. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Leslie Hale. A. T. Elott made a trip to Dayton, Oregon, Monday, returning Tuesday! evening. The primary department of the M. E. Sunday school had a picnic in the park Tuesday afternoon. They were 32 present and they were treated to ice cream and cookies e cream aiiu tiwiwca. j T?; ti A r. TVla M TT Evans in this I . I icuus u. . f . . - locality, will be grieved to hear that she is seriously ill in a Portland sani- torium. HERE Colton is offering the strongest musicai course in the county both vocal and instrumental. New dormitory, new athletic field, new gym nasium, splendid faculty, good moral surroundings. Parents invited to investigate. Full four years courses offered. Accredited High School. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4. For information address CLERK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 53 Phone Colton 11-2 Rev. TT. H. Gibbs went to-Sellwood . j ..r,aai nf ' Monday to officiate at a. funeral of a member of the Episcopal church at Milwaukie, where he is rector. Patrons of the Gem theatre at Es tacada -will be pleased to learn that L. V. Cleworth has again leased the business for another year. The fifth annual reunion and picnic of the Linn clan was held in the Es tacada park last Sunday Aug. 6. There were over a hundred present and after a basket dinner there were short talks on subjects of interest to the fam ily. At the business meeting many letters of regret for' not being able to attend from relatives in Illinois and other places were read. There had been during the past year, three wed dings, four deaths and four births in the family. Those present from out of town were, Harry Gard of Madras, Ore., Mrs. Nora Miller and two daugh ters of Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. Burr of Brownsville, Oregon. The next meeting is to be held the first Qiinrtnn in AUEUSt. 1923. Estacada physicians are kept busy taking care of accident patients of late. Last Monday W. E. Myers met with a very painful accident while at work at Kaake & Jubb's sawmill, irt the Dodge section. He was attending to the cut-off saw when the balance weight came off, causing the saw 10 come forward, and cutting Mr. Myers' ha'dlv. Another accident nappened to Earl Mcintosh, who bad nierced bv a hay fork, making his lee pierced by a hay fork, making a very painful wound. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely and son, Glen, went to Portland Tuesday night to some of the Buyers' Week festivi ties. The ladies were entertained at the theatre and the men were invited to the basement of the auditorium where "high Jfnks" was held. They report a very enjoyable time. Gor don Lawrence drove them over ir'the Ely machine. Mrs. Harry Kitching returned Mon day evening from a- visit with Port land friends. John Osborn made a business trip to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs.- G. A. Wilcox and1 daughter, Miss Mabel, returned last Friday from their outing at Long Beach and other points along the coast They report a most enjoyable time. Last Saturday evening Orin Gillett. young nephew of August Mahrt, had the misfortune to break his right leg above the knee. He with Fred Saling had fixed up a cart with automobile wheels and Fred was to pull back while Orin coasted down the east incline sidewalk- on Main street in front of the M. E. church. The im provised auto got away from Fred and crashed down the incline, strik ing a post at the Estacada garage. The result was as above stated. Dr. iwrr-T.ollan reduced the fracture and the boy is" getting along as well as Mr. and Mr. P. M. Wagner and son, rHa loft last Wednesday for Tide water to visit relatives for a few! days. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dillon of Port land, were guests of Mr. Dillon's mo ther and sisters, last Sunday. Mrs. C. P. Bradly, a friend of Mrs. H. C. Stephens, arrived Tuesday noon and will be a guest at the Stephens home for a few days. Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to Portlandi Sunday evening to see Mrs. M. H. Evans, returning Monday evening. Albert Hannah is amusing himself of late riding around in a green bug. Logan LOGAN, Aug. 8 B. A. Benson has hppn finite sick. Mrs. C. B. Sprague of Upper Logan has returned from a visit to her par ents in Lane county. Mrs. Zina Cromer is expecting her mother, Mrs. Smith, from Utah to vis it her soon. Mrs. H. S. Anderson recently re ceived word of the death of her sis ter in New York. Death resulted from a paralytic stroke. Mrs. A. A. Grosse has been on the sick list for a few days with Grippe. M. J. Donovan accompanied Carl and Henry Durig and Tschoppe boys on a cat fishing trip below Vancouver and report a good catch. Threshing is going on around here. The yield so far is below normal. 0. D. Robbins and his father, N. N. Robbins attended te reunion at Mo lalla Sunday, July 30. 1. Tolstad is preparing to rebuild his feed and chop mill building. t Mrs. F. S. Hutchins and father, J. A. Byers, have just returned from a visit with the former's sor and fam ily near Bend. They report good crops in that section and that it had rained there previously and also while they were there. Redland RED LAND, Aug. 8 The threshing is at full swing and the grain is yield ing better than was expected for the season. Bethel Sunday school gave a pic nic for the children at Litle Clear Creek on July 27. A basket dinner was served to 40. The afternoon was spent m auiuseuieiiLS auu bwiuiiuiub anA f V. ,l,illn nrArH traata tr i f'O uu ..iv; v . i . v. i v i net; .I.UIVU w . cream and cake. Mrs. Welk of Oregon City was a visitor at Mrs. Nevilles on Thursday. will you attend High School this year? Colton, Oregon OREGON The Ladies Live Wires, met at Mrs Banners on Aug. 3. The afternooo Bonneys on Aug. 3. The afternoon was spent in tying a quilt, which tie club is making for the Boys and Girls Home at Corvallis. The members have planned to furnish a complete room for some child at this home. The col or scheme is to be pink and white. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Bonney and daughter, Jessie and a few new members were added to the club. Those present were. Mes dames: Boney, Henderson, . Arm strong, Neville, Sterns, Staats, Lewis. Critser, Jessie and Edna Bonney. Vi ola and Orlene Critser, Alverda Jen sen, Clara Pearl Neville. Those at tending were: Mrs. Welk of Oregon City, Mrs. Albey, of Portland, Miss Myers of Portland, Mrs. Hulbert, Flag, Sterns, Melvine, Mrs. Staats, Gene and Marian Sterns and baby Melvine. On account of threshing a few faithful members were unable to attend. The next meeting is to be at Mrs. Critsers on Aug. 17. Hrs. Staats was a recent visitor at .o- snna !arl Staats. MTss Daisy Myers, was visiting at the Bonney home Wednesday and Thursday. C. Phillips was an Oregon City vis itor Sifturday. A surprise party was given in honor of Alva Bonney's twenty-first birth day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W". H. Bonney on Saturday, Aug. 5. It was in the form of a lawn party and many games were enjoyed. Those present were: Misses Icelia Hughes, June Kirchem, Mildred and Katheri'ne Koch, Angel and Viola Gripp, Charlotte Polehn, Annie Hin dle, Maribel Ripley, Jessie Bonney, Alice Funk; Messrs. Alva Bonney. Earnest Koch, Allison Allen, Walter Funk, John Fullam, Frank Allen, Jack Hindle, Lloyd Hinkle, Rudolph Polehn. Will Carlson, Hurbert Carl son, Burt Carrothers. The party broke up wishing Mr. Alva a happy birthday and many more, and hoping, just the same kind of a party. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Allen were Port land visitors on Thursday. Beaver Creek BEAVER CREEK, Aug. 7 Central grange met in the hall here Satur day evening with an unusually small attendance, due to the busy season. The names of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ma kinster were balloted upon with fa vorable result, Pomona grange will be entertained here the second Wed nesday in October. Our baseball team with a number of friends .motored to Union Hall Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner. A game of ball, with the Union Hall team was won by Beaver Creek. Af ter the game the boys went to Good's bridge for a swim. - Mrs. Harry Meyers of La Grande has been visiting for a few days with Mrs. Havill. She ha3 also been visit ing Tier son and family at Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter spent the week end at Wilhoit Springs. Mrs.G. V. Woodard and baby, Les lie visited friends here Saturday and Sunday and attended the grange. Mrs. and Mrs. Oscar Orr entertain ed Mrs. Orr's brother, Chas. Smith, and family Saturday and Sunday. Mr nri Mrs. Walters and family. formerly of this place but now living j near Vancouver. Wash., motored out j Sunday to see their old home, which is now owned by Mr. Saulstrom. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Watts. Ivan Thomas of Gladstone is spend ing a few weeks here with his father, Wm. ' Thomas. Barlow BARLOW, Aug. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence of Clackamas visited with friends in Barlow Sunday. Mr. Johnstone of Barlow went to Portland Saturday on business. The Barlow Dorcas Society gave a lawn social Saturday evening, Aug. 5. A large crowd turned out. Ice cream, cake and coffee were sold. The evening was spent playing games on the lawn. The proceeds are to be used in remodeling the Barlow Luth eran church. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Widdows of Canby spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Widdows of Barlow. Abe. Widdows, who is employed at Sredd, Oregon, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Widdows of Barlow. The Barlow auto park owned by Pietkas had about a hundred cars in it Sunday. Besides many people com ing from Canby to go swimming in the river. They have swings for the children, besides stoves and wood, plenty of fresh water for the tourists. Chris" Zeigler's have purchased a new car. Pete's Mountain PETE'S MOUNTAIN, Aug. 9 Mr. I and Mrs. Raymond Critzer and chil- j dren of PuId Siding and Mrs. Marie I Schmitt of Portland visited at the Bernert home Monday evening. Emil Notdurft and John Valahos were in Portland Tuesday looking af ter school interests. Mrs. A. Rypczynski was called to Gladstone by the death of her fath er, Mr. Martin last Wednesday. The funeral was held at Oregon City Sat urday afternoon. Mr. arid Mrs. Ernest Wilkie of Tual- i atin came up to spend the day with jonn K.aiser , last ouuuaj. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman and daughter, Verle and Miss Mar gueretha,. Kaiser of Willamette spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the Frank Kaiser, home. Miss Freda Volpp and Miss Nettie Patterson of Willamette and Mrs. Wilma Critzer of Pulp were guests at the Bernert home Sunday, later on In the dftemoon they went to the Peach Cove beach where quite a number of young folks from here were gathered. Miss Mary Rypczynski of West Linn spent Saturday evening and Sun day with her folks. Among those who attended the pic- CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, nic at Schnooers park from here Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. G. Notdurft and family, Mr. Yinger and, several daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Teske, Wm. Hellberg and son, Herman, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Strusburg. Mrs. Lizzie Notdurft and children, Agnes, Henry and Arnold, spent a pleasant afternoon Monday in the City Hall in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Keith were up to get a good look at Mt. Hood from Gov ernment Camp last Monday. They re port the roads very rough. . G. Notdurft and family visited at the G. Settje home at Stafford Mon day evening. Mrs. Gottleib Notdurft visited with Mrs. August Moehnfce and also Mrs. E. Volpp of Willamette last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser had a pleasant, surprise Wednesday when Mrs. Kaiser's sister, Mr. Carrie Sal zer of Centralia paid them a visit al so their neice and nephew, the Joe SaTzers of Wilsonyille. Mr. and Mrs. Keith accompanied by Vincent Rypczynski motored to Sea side Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser started for La Grande Friday, where they are to meet the former's parents and bring them back to Willamette, where they will enjoy a brief visit before leaving for Washington. Mrs. Wm. Teske spent the day with Mrs. Kelnhofer Jast Tuesday, while Mr. Teske helped Frank stack wheat, Carl Bernert went to Peoria Friday to look after some of his property. A christening party was held at the home of Jake Notdurft Sunday m honor of Richard Matthew Notdurft. ,Quite a number of relatives and friends Vere present. Miss Agnes Bernert spent Sunday afternoon at the home of her brother, Albert Bernert of Willamette. Mr. Keith has had his telephone in stalled this week. This is the first phone to be put in at Peach Cove, go ing over the mountain so it took quite a-while to complete the line. Some of the men were fighting fire near Gottleib Notdurft's Monday af ternoon. The fire is on the Oregon Iron and Steel company's land and so far no serious damage has been done. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Volpp and chil dren of Willamette spent Sunday af ternoon at the William Hellberg home. Dodg DODGE, Aug. 7 Rex. Gordon of Colton was visiting with his mother, Mrs. Benjamin, last week Mamie Marrs" is confined to her home through illness, having Dr. Car ey in attendance. On Wednesday Matf Walkirch was apprehended for having a still and liquor on his place. He was taken to Oregon City, where he is held in the county jail, not being able to pay the amount of bail, which was placed at $1000. - ., . Sherman Kilgore and family or Springwater were visitors at the Fred Horner home on Sunday. This community club will meet again on Saturday next and. it is hoped there will be a, good attendance as new officers will be elected on that evening. While getting off the hay-mow in, ,am recently. Earl Macintosh caught the calf of his leg on the tine of a hay fork wnicn was against the side of "the mow. The tine went clear through the calf of his leg making a very painful wound. Monday morning W. E. Myers me' with a very painful accident at Kaake and Jubb's mill. He was attending to the cut-off saw when the balance wheel came off. causing the saw to come forward, cutting his hand very severely. . -n,- Earl Lankins was visiting at Frea Horner's home on Monday afternoon. He had his foot cut last week by an ax while working at Michleson's mill near Sa".dy and is now under the doc tor's care. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Aug. 8 W. J- Ev ans and" Perry Murphey returned last Friday from Eastern Oregon. The threshers have been in the neighborhood and nearly everyone on the hill are through threshing. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and children and Ed Chapman were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R- B. Gibson. Miss Florice Douglass was the guet of Miss Irene Hayden Saturday evening and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and H. S , Gibson were Barton visitors on Monday. R. B. and H. S. Gibson helped H. F. Gibson with his thresh ins Mr. and Mrs. Kay Woodle, son, Les lie, Mr. Murphey and Mr and Mrs Will Douglass went out to ceaar Creek on Sunday, just out on a pleas ure trip. '' Two Killed and One Hurt in Mine Fights In Shops at Joliet JOLIET, III., Aug. 7.-TWO men were killed and a th ird seriously wounded in riots at the Elgin, Joliet Eastern shops today. TneIotns ed when strikers tried to prevent strikebreakers from going to wo- Philip Reitz, chief special agent ot j unidentified Italian trie roaa. auu , vro were killed. Sheriff James M. New were Kiueu. - in.the kirk was shot in the ies Without knowledge o the pohce the sheriffs office fJ0 field for troops. Word " "V here that two companies were being held in readiness to move at a mo ment's notice. , "We don't want any troops. We have the situation in hand and troops are not needed," the chief of police declared. "When we went out there the crowd was already dispersing, and we got hold of the leaders and told them they could do more than we could. Every thing is quiet now ing is quiet now. , forUopI roeVr V was made a mistake." ' AUGUST 11, 1922. JENNINGS L OD GE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent General Assembly Convenes at Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 9 One of the big annual events held at this place is the General Assembly of the Oregpn Conference EvangHcal Asso ciation which convenes here this w;eek beginning on Aug. 8 to 20 at their pretty River View Camp grove. Endeavoring to. bring God's children into a better understanding of their exalted position in Christ, and the salvation of sinners is the sole object of their meetings. Rev. E. W. Praetorins, of Cleveland. Ohio, general secretary of their Sun day school and young people's work will have charge of the Evangelical services. Straw and wood are free and tent and springs may be had at a very reasonable rate. Meals will be furnish ed at the dining room. The opening meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 8 was given by the Womans' Missionary society of which Mrs. Net tie Myers is president. .The program was 8 P. M., song, The King's Busi ness: scripture and prayer; duet Messrs. Tates and Strayfeller; "How Do You Do?", Mrs. McCulloch; "Thank You". Mrs. Heinmiller; piano duet, Misses Mullan and Graber;' Why Are We Here? To be answered by a representative from each aux iliary in response to roll call. Appointment of committees; coro nation hymn; refreshments of - ice cream and cake. The women of the missionary society were in charge on Wednesday, the afternoon session was given over to the Little Heralds, the Juniors of the missionary work. Among' those who are responsible for the success of these meetings are Rev. C. 'Li. Schuster, presiding elder. Rev. H. Schuknecht, chancellor of the Bible school. Rev. G. W. Plummer, president of the River View grounds. J. L. Scheuerman, manager of the grounds. Rev. Launer, manager of the tents. Rev. J. Stocker, publicity agent, Rev. G. Liening, Jr., .Chorister. Miss Esther Schuknecht, pianist. The gathering will be representa tive of ministers, and members of Oregon and Washington. Middle West Dairy ' Men Visiting Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 9 Many tourists of the Middle West have re cently spent the night at Shady Nook auto camp. Among them were Mr. Paul Carey and four sons, O. B..-C. B., C. E., and R. J. Carey, with their families traveling in five machines, coming from Kohoma, Indiar The Careys are all dairymen, and are now looking for a suitable location in the west for the manufacturing of powdered milk. SSTlB 8, and the Leslie Ev- en Jr.. families from Chicago, 111 were also registered. A resident irom lianas. a e A&o, vx. . . spent one night at the camp. Lodge Man Named In New Wlios Who JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 9 Among the 157 names of Oregon men and women in the 1922 edition of "Who's Who," appears the name of Wm. L. Finley. the "bird man", who is a res ident of this place. Mr. Finley was formerly state biologist and is a writ er and lecturer of note. Two other names of special inter est to Clackamas county are Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, and E. E. Brodie. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS JENNINGS LODGE, Aug. 8 Mrs. Caroline Wix, Mrs. Mary Cox and Mrs. Mary Cox and Mrs. W. F. Peter son of Long Beach, Cal., arrived by motor on Tuesday evening. They were accompanied here by Miss Sarah Holloway, who has spent 6 weeks in the south with her grandmother, Mrs. Wix. The party will remain a week at the Holloway home. The Swart and Newcomb families motored to Forest Grove and returned by way of McMinnville on Sunday. The ladies chorus of Lents is con tributing Some special music numbers at the camp meeting sessions. , Mr. and Mrs. Bradford of Linnton are attending the camp meeting for the lGth consecutive year. Miss Lois Miles of Salem, is a Jennings Lodge visitor this week. Henry Babler was operating his thresher in the Redland district dur ing this week, Mrs. Theron Finch and Miss Doro thy, of Woodburn, spent the week with Mrs. Hugh Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gardner and two children motored to Castle Rock, Wash., to remain for several days with Mrs. Gardner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roake. Mrs. Kate Rosenberry entertained four Portland friends over the week end.- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Greene enter tained a number of their Portland friei'ds on Sunday at their home on the Oatfield road. Among the Seattle, Wash., visitors this week is Mrs. B. F. Heinrich, who t .nirsT,i'iii. r.t tiiA nrwnn and Wash- ' 13 uwuivi . L o ington Conference branch or the vvo- man' Missionary society. Mrs. Flovd Brown has returnea home from St Vincent's hospital and their young son. Buster, Brown, is home from Salem, where he visited during their mother's illness. Louis Ouelette is installing a water system in his home on Addie Street. The water being secured from a near by spring. Rev. Morris Heverling and wife of Veronia, Ore., are renewing acquaint ances and attending the camp meet ing. Rev. Heverling was the pastor i ia AQ.a 3 irn Mra TTeverlinff IX K 1 1 IV J o o - -J I gave a paper on Tithing at the W. M. Thursday. Aug. 10. Re. F. Wlevesiek. pastor of the Evangelical church in Oregon City, is attending the summer Bible school at the River View camp grove. Miss Mildred Drake of Philipsburg, Kansas, Is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. H. C. Davis. Miss Drake has visited in California and Seattle and soon leaves to resume her position as teacher in the Kansas Normal school. The school board is clearing the grounds at the school house, as a larger play yard is needed. School re-opens on Sept. 12, the same corps of teachers were re-elected for the en suing year. Mpsrlames Johnston. Krott. Frakes and daughter Vera, of Sellwood, were j guests of Mrs. Henry Babler on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts, of Portland, are spending part of their vacation here with their sister, Mrs. L. Wil cox. Rev. W. A. Gueffroy, wife and fam ily of Tigard, Oregon, are at their cottage Hazelwood Inn for two weeks. Mrs, Carl Heinmiller, Seattle, Wash., who is secretary of the Young Women's Work of the Evangelical Association are among those aitena- ing the camp meeting. Geo. Morse will leave tnis week for Bay Ocean, where he will spend the month of August. Mr. and" Mrs. Wm. Moritz and chil dren left for Cannon Beach on Wed nesday for two weeks' outing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boeteger are visit ing friends in Salem. Henry Kolb, of Belleville, Illinois, departed for home on Thursday, after a six months' stay 'in Oregon, after many very interesting side trips he is very favorably impressed with Ore gon.. He was the guest of his only! sister, Mrs. Jerome Madden. Rev. C. P. Gates, pastor of the First United Evangelical church of Port land, conducts the Bible study at the River View grove tan Friday morning. Mrs. S. H. Griffith and Mrs. W. Grif fith entertained the Guild at the church on Wednesday in their usual charming manner. Delicious refresh ments were served. Plans for experience party are well under way and this annual event of the Guild promises to be a novel af fair this year.. ' Mrs. Lucy Allen has returned from The Dalles. v firadte of Strawberry Pt.. Iowa. ' Miss Ellen Hart, Myrtle Deter 'enjoy ed a trip over the Columbia Hignway during the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maple entertain ed friends in honor of their second wedding anniversary on Sunday, it being the birthday anniversary of their father, Geo. Maple, as well as that of Clare Maple, who was host to the 14 guests who attended. The dinner was served under the trees. Out of town guests were Chas. Maple of Condon; Jennie Butts, of Park place; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Roberts and son of Portland. Mrs. A. Roberts trio two birthday cakes with their icing and pink roses and leaves J made , . , UU. 1 Mra Niottie Mvers of Grand Ronde, Oregon, with her family are located in their" tenf house at River View! grove. Mrs. Myers is president of the W. M. society. Mrs. R. F. Deter honored Mrs. Finch and Miss Dorothy of Woodburn, with a prettily appointed luncheon on Saturday. Covers were laid for nine. - . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Isherwood of Port Francis, Canada, have returned home, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Moshier. C. R. Holoway and three sons and W. H. Tillman and son, WUliam, left on Tuesday for Eagle Creek. They will be absent several days and a hike to Wathum Lake has been plan ned. Petitions are being circulated here to put the name of George Story on the ballot on the indepenaent ucsei. the Danot on iue mucpacm, -v - for judge of the judicial district at .1. xrnmmh 1 pWinn Mr. SforV IS lilt? ,,V. . ........... . . an attorney of Oregon City. Rev. G. F. Liening, Jr., of Seattle, is directing the chorus choir at the song service of the conventions and camp meetings. Mrs. Cora Ingalls, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls and children are visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Moshier. The Carl Starker family attended the florist picnic at Bonneville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vasel and two small daughters are among those recently locating here, and are pleasantly lo cated on Addie St. The Vasels were former residents of Kansas. Rev. Noah Shupp"of Portland for over 50 years, a pastor in the Evan gelical Association, will have a part in the program on Aug. 15 at 10:30 A. M. Rev. Shupp was the one who was instrumental in building the first church" at Jennings Lodge and his friends are planning on hearing him. Mrs. Elizabeth Fischer of Port'and' is enjoying the camp meeting and staying at the Roberts home. Mrs. Viariher- is the wife of one of the cir- : . : .1 . i n q p tte rsrlv t: u i L iiuct ' ' i v i . wi - - - days and her reminiscence of their J. P. Finley & Son Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth Portland t 1 Out chapel and equipment are always available for out of town calls 1 1 Phone: Sellwood S97, Automatic East Side Mill & Manufacturer Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Moulding Mill Foox of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON early ministerial work in the west is very interesting. Wilma Bruechert spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Edd Tripp in Salem. Geo. Morse has returned from Scio where his business interests have called him for the past month. Mrs. Geo. Berry, who recently lost her 'home by fire was at the Lodge on Saturday. , She is, making her home for the present with her sister, Mrs. Brackett, Mr. Berry is able to leave the hospital and is at the home1 of 'their daughter, Mrs. Burchard in Portland. Will Berry came down from Corval lis to be with his parents, but is re turning to his duties there this week. MELDRUM NOTES Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner and daughter motored to Castle Rock, Wash., the early part of the week to bring home Wilmer Gardner, who has been visiting at his grandparents' home. Miss Edith Caldwell has accepted a position with the Quality Restaurant in 'Oregon City. Dale McNally and Ray Hibert have returned from their fishing trip at Badger Lake. They report a splendid trip. mt- nnri Mrs. W. R. Davis were j Tuesday callers at the A. W. Meyers ncmie Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson, daugh ter and infant son are visitors of Miss Blanch Gardner. Mr. Swanson is a well known contractor and builder of Easter Oregon, Mrs. John Lindley and little daugh ter left on Thursday for Medford. Mrs. Lindley will stop with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Hendershot, of Eugene, who will accompany her to Medford, where they will spend some time visiting their mother, Mrs. A. R. Phipps. There is to be a family reunion of the children of Mrs. Phipps, five of whom are married and living in different cities on the coast, Mrs. Lindley and daughter have been visitors at Mrs. Ellen R- Eads' home for a week. Burr Tatro, a former teacher in the Oregon City high school, who now lives in The Dalles, was a visitor on Thursday at the G. M. Caldwell home. Miss Katherine Kavanaugh of Port land was a dinner guest on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Gus Norblad. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Smyth and infant son were Sunday vistors at the R. M. Meyers home. Oscar Erickson arrived from Ta coma Sunday for a few days visit with his mother, Mrs. Matilda Erick son. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thoburn of Oak land, California, were visitors at the B. A, Hoog home the latter part ot the week. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Geymer, of Mil waukie, were Meldrum visitors on! Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geyner were former residents of Meldrum. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilbert motored to Gresham on Sunday to visit friends. Mrs.-A, Taggert of Milwaukie spent Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Hibert. Mrs. Dave Catto and Mrb. Cornelia Myers, of Gladstone spent an after noon visiting various friends in Mel drum. Mrs. William Henderson, Miss Myr tle Young and Charles Wallace arriv ed home from Rainner National Park Sunday. They visited in Seattle, Ta coma and then motored to Long Beach, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Zimmerman, Misses Gertrude and Helen Williams and Mrs. Lucy Williams of Sunnyside, visited at the home of their cousin, A. W. Meyers, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. White left the latter part of the week for a few days visit with their son and daughter-in-law at Kalama, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tabor and granddaughter, Lawanda, Mr. and Mrs. Asel Tabor and their daughter spent Sunday at Columbia Beach. Mr. sltiH Mrs. M. E. Walker and son. . amy , ,i i . auu mio. tored to Canby to spend Sunday at the Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Meldrum, mo- nrmo rf Mr. anH Mrs Carl Joenke. Mrs. Ellen R. Eads and her daugh ter, Miss Elva, accompanied Rev. H. G. Crocker to Newberg on Sunday. Miss Eads will remain at Rev. Crock er's home for a week. Clyde Bergren, who has been visit ing his brother, Gus Bergren, at Glen Echo since May, has returned to his home in La Crosse, Wis. Trust Control of Cuban Sugar Said Held by Americans WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. Seven groups of American refiners, aided by Wall street financiers, are at tempting to control the Cuban sugar industry and destroy a'l competition from American sugar growers, Sena tor Smoot (Rep.) of Utah charged to day in the senate. These American refiners, he said. have extracted ?600,000.000 from the A inprii'llii nnll if m TirconscioniDle - - - - i profits during 1920 and part of 1921 5s 1 11S6S John P. Miller, Mgr. Lumber Company an d Dealers In