OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1922. ACKAMAS COUNTY BUYER GU DE GJL Office Phone: Main 9109 CROWN PHILLIP SUETTER, Manager 285 Front Street Portland, Oregon HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED. We buy for Cash or sell on Commission. Feed and Sales Stables. Special For Hire Rates to Responsible People. All Stock Guaranteed as Represented. Learn Window Trimming, Show Card Writing, Commercial Art at Portland Display Men's School 330-336 East Morrison St, Portland, Oregon Night Classes instructed by Portland's most prominent display men. For information regarding courses and tuition, call at school or phone East 639. Established 1882 The E. House Restaurant Come and See Us Open Day and Night Home-made Pies and Cakes a Specialty Steaks, Chops and Oysters Between Alder and Washington 128 Third Street, Portland, Oregon Office Phone East 743 Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works JOHN C. BRUCHNER, Prop. Mausoleums, Monuments, Head stones and General Cemetery Work East Third and Pine Streets PORTLAND, OREGON THE Suddarth Studio PHOTOS THAT ARE DIFFERENT A classy 'up-to-date Studio on the East Side A. C. SUDDARTH 407 East Morrison at Grand Ave. GEO. W. CROCKWELL, M. E. Naturopath and Spinologist 706-720 DEKUM BUILDING Portland, Oregon ELECTRIC TREATMENTS Specialist in Stomach Trouble, Chronic Diseases and Female Complaints. No matter what your' trouble I can help you. Have cured hundreds! Why not you? Consultation and examination Free. "Pay as you can." No knife. No operations. No incurable case taken. FREE TREATMENTS THIS WEEK. Modern Fireproof RITZ HOTEL FRANK A. CLARK President and Manager Park and Morrison Streets Depot and Morrison Car at Union Station takes you direct to the door. One Block North of Bus Station PORTLAND, OREGON Harley Davidson Motorcycle and Columbia Bicycles (The World's Leading Cycles) Sold oil Easy Terms Bargains in Used Machines Motorcycle and Supply Co. Harley Davidson Service Center Third and Taylor, Portland, Ore. (Ask the Cops) Phone: Main 2146 OREGON SHEET METAL WORKS FARM, BOAT AND RESTAURANT JOBBING AND REPAIR WORK Tanks, Stacks, Hog Feed Bottoms, Silo Roofs, Black and Galvanized Sheet Iron, Sheet Tin, Copper aid Zinc, Eave Trough, Conductor Pipe, Ventilating Systems, Sinks, Steam Tables. Re-Tinnine. 146 FRONT STREET rt.t,av Mnrinl F. Is the Tractor ing for. A Tractor that actually replaces three teams. One that does all the work of the average farm, that plows, discs, harrows, hauls. Plows an acre an hour. Travels between the crop rows. Full information and free literature explaining and illustrating this marvelous little machine will be sent on request. . 425 E. Morrison Street O. V. BADLEY CO. Portland, Oregon ' ' : II ! "I , . Open Day and Night STABLES Res. Phones: Tabor 6122, Bdw. 3054 Phone Main 6973 PAINTS Colors, gal. White, gal. $2.45 2.55 Pidcock & Hazel Paints, Oils, Varnishes 145 First Street Portland, Ore. MATTRESS MAKING One of Our Specialties. Mattresses made over $1.50. New ones according to weight. Carpets cleaned, refitted and re sized by experts, Fluff rugs made to your especial order. 9x12 rugs shampooed $2.50. Ship all work to us by express or auto freight and mail us instructions. PIONEER MATTRESS & CARPET CLEANING WORKS 1072 Lincoln Street, Portland, Ore. Aut. 237-07 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED . FIRST AND MORRISON TOURIST HOTEL OPEN ALL NIGHT Steam Heat, Electric Lights Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Brick Building. 75c per day up $3.50 per week up Free Bath to Guests. MRS. M. J. WALKER, Prop. Phone Main 4861 Phone Main 9143 Finke Brothers Manufacturers of all kinds of Barrels, Tanks, Fir and Spruce Staves, Heads, Etc. Also Dealers In Oak and Hazel Hoops 183 Madison St. Portland, Oregon All kinds of second hand barrels and kegs bought and sold. We solicit Clackamas Co. Business. r Phone East 6516 "They "Wear Like Iron" Your OLD Carpets will make NEW Rugs. Western Fluff Rug Co. JAS. II. BILLO, Proprietor Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Resizing, Relaying , , Send for Booklet. , 54-56 Union Avenue N. Cor. E. Davis PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND, OREGON $695 at Portland IT'S HEREl The New Model F CLETRAC TANK Type TRACTOR farmers everywhere have been wait- B. R. Body & Top Works Better Built Bodies and Tops Auto 'Tops, Curtains, Cushions and Seat Covers, Manufactured and Repaired. Auto, Bug and Truck 'Body Building and Repairing We install Wind Shields, Side De flectors and Plate Glass in Curtains. Oxy-Actylene Welding 345 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. Telephone, East 1198 Auto Sign Painting. The Nelson Forge Works SHIP SMITHING & MACHINE FORGERS A modern shop equipped to handle all new and repair work. Machine Shop in connection. Telephone East 2183 231 East Water St, Cor. Main Portland, Oregon Heavy forging a specialty. - Traffic Laws are Enforced in Portland Avoid Theft and Damage by putting your car In Portland Parking Station Twelve hours for only 25 cents. Night or Day. F. J. Espel, Proprietor Broadway just above Heilig theatre. Crab Station Bay Center, Wash. ft. ' Tele. Broadway 7501. WESTERN FISH CO. 124-126 First Street CRABS SALMON HALIBUT SALT FISH OYSTERS Get your fish orders before you take N Next door DRS. FRANSEN & SARGENT Members Oregon State Association of Naturopaths 807 DEKUM BLDG., ..COR. 3RD AND WASHINGTON STS., PORTLAND, ORE If you are sick, "there is a cause." No permanent health is possible until the cause is removed. We can tell you the cause and how to remove it. CONSULTATION FREE. Phone: Broadway 6998 Northwestern College of Naturopathy, Inc. 807 Dekum Bldg., Cor. Third and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Pioneer Employment Co. 14 N. Second Street Headquarters for Labor and Farm Help Business Men's Clearing House Wilcox Building HEADQUARTERS FOR BOOKKEEPERS OFFICE HELP, ETC. Two Big Offices can serve your every need. Portland, Oregon 300 Steam Heated Rooms Ground Floor Lobby Rates, 50c to $1.50 Hotel Wabash C. P. JOHN, Proprietor. Corner Front and Madison Streets Foot of Hawthorne Bridge Telephone Main 2876 PORTLAND, OREGON We are always able to accommodate you. Broadway 464 Night Phone Tabor 29S6 Oregon Welding & Machine Works WELDERS AND MACHINISTS N. W. Corner Fifth and Glisan Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Scalp Treatments Massage Dr. Marie Flinn, Naturopath DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Electric Treatments for all aches and pains. - Ladies Patronage Solicited. Phone Main 7413 380 First St . Portland, Ore. ARKER READ . Ask for BARKER BREAD ALL GROCERS HAVE IT. Our Motto: "The Golden Rule" C. L. Becker Real Estate Farm Lands, Acreage, City Property For Bargains in cheap land "See Me" 133 First Street Across from Alder St. Depot PORTLAND, OREGON Established 22 Years in Portland The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. No operations. No poison used In our wonderful remedies, composed of the choicest Oriental roots, herbs, buds and bark, many of which are unknown to the medical science of this country. Our rem edies are harmless and have made many sufferers from catarrh, asthma, lung and throat, rheuma tism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney trou v ble, female disorders, etc., happy. Many testimon ials given unsolicited by persons, male and female, who have used my root and herb remedies. Call or write for information. THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162'C, First Street Portland, Oregon IDA MAY COOK ' Teacher of Piano CONCERT ACCOMPANIST "Will accept, out of town engagements. Studio 507 Columbia Bldg. Phone East 2119 Steve Duemovich R. J. Johnson CRAWFISH LOBSTERS OLYMPIA and EASTERN the cars, which stop at our doors. to depot. Phone EAST 6110 Buildings Bought, Sold, Repaired Dolan Wrecking & Construction Co. Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Nails, Shingles, Doors, Windows and Plumbing Sup plies, New and 'Second Hand. Office and Yard 460 Belmont Street PORTLAND. OREG&N QTTTTTW WATCH US AND 01,1 iJ-kJ OUR SEEDS GROW. The new seed store with complete Fresh stocks of Tried and True Seeds Ask for Price List. Oregon Seed Store ' Main 6838 224 Yamhill St. Between First and Second Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Wm. A. Hughes Co. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE. Phone Bwdy. 6808 Farms, Acreage and City Homes. For quick action list with us. Nicolai Neppach Company. 227 Davis Street, Portland, Oregon GENERAL MILL WORK SASH, DOORS, GLASS HARDWOOD : LUMBER OAK and MAPLE FLOORING Our Gift to The Bride FREE With the purchase of one' of our DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS A solid gold handsomely en graved Wedding Ring to match Diamond Ring. CREDIT IF YOU LIKE. Reingold's Jewelers 147 Third Street WHY PAY MORE? We will Half Sole your shoes for less and use the best California Oak Leather. Men's shoes half soled $1.25 to $1.35 Ladies shoes half soled 90c Ladies Rubber heels 40c We make all classes of shoes ScfioENHEINZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP . "The Shop That Saves You Money" Pacific Highway Garage Bldg. Oregon City SEATTLE MILLIONAIRE KILLED IN AUTO CRASH CHILLIWACK. B. C, July 31. Harry Whitney Treat, Seattle million aire, was instantly killed last night when his automobile slid over a 40 foot embankment on a highway a few miles out of this town. Accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Greenhow, Mr. Treat was returning from the Kultus lake camp of Captain W. . Dixon-Hopcraf t, former command er of the Empress of Japan, about 10 o'clock Sunday night. He took a wrong turn in the road and Mrs. Greenhow got out of the ma chine while Mr. Treat attempted to turn around. He backed too near the edge of the embankment and car and driver were precipitated down the steep slopes. An inquest was held this morning and a verdict of accidental death re turned. His neck was broken. FIRE ON EUGENE CAMPUS CAUSES 550,000 LOSS EUGENE, Jaly 31. Buildings that have stood on the University of Ore gon campus for the last forty years and are dear to hundreds of students, are today a heap of coals and charred bricks as the result of the fire which swept the campus Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, causing a loss of more than $50,000. The art building, the physical edu cation building, which was formerly the woman's gymnasium, were de stroyed and the journalism annex gutted by the flames which have left these departments homeless. SPEED COP RUN DOWN BYAUTOIST; MAY DIE SEATTLE, Wash., July 31. E. Hen ry, a motorcycle patrolman attached to the Columbia station, is , reported dying at the emergency hospital from injuries received early yesterday when he was run down by an automo bile while patroling a suburban thor oughfare. Henry told the police he believed he was run down deliberately. The auto mobile had no license plates, he said Henry is married and has two small children. PEOPLE VOTE TO BUILD NEW GYM AT GRESHAM GRESHAM.-Julv 28. At a special meeting of the voters of Union high school No. 2, held in the auditorium of the school Monday evening, it was voted that a bond issue of a trifle over $50,000 be authorized. This issue will take care of outstanding warrants of practicaly $27,000 as well as - an old bond issue of $3500. The balance of $20,000 will be used in the erection or a new gymnasium for the school. The board will make an inspection trip to d Mount An gel in the near future for the purpos of looking over the gymnasiums these places, and immediately follow ing work will commence on the new building in Gresham. Herring Are Caught In Big Seaside Run SEASIDE. July 31. Seaside was visited by a run of herring last week and Seasiders and visitors were able to wade out in the surt and catch all the herring they wished in their hands. . This run happens about once every five years and resembles the run of smelt in the Sandy river. AUTO JUMPS FERRY; 3 CHILDREN'S LIVES LOST PORTLAND, July 31. With the re covery at 7 this morning of the body of Peter Alex, aged 5, youngest of the three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Al ex, who were drowned at 6:40 Sunday night when the automobile in which they were riding was backed off the county ferryboat Lionel R. Webster at the St. Johns slip, the bodies of all the children had been taken from the waters of the Willamette. City Grappler Brady, who recovered the other two bodies last night, was on the scene and' at work again this morning at daylight. The bady of the youngest, who was affectionately known to his parents as "Mischievous Peter," was located off the slip, some distance out. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. No. 121 Rus sell street, and the driver of the car, Paul Mesgi. who lives with the Alexes, were in the machine when it plunged into the river, but they were fished out alive. The dead are: Frank Alex, 9; Teddy Alex, 8; Peter Alex, 4. STREET CAR SMASHES INTO HOUSE PORTLAND, July 29. Instead of stopping vhere the rails stop at the end of East 21st stretet south, street car No. 4S2, Brooklyn line, with J. H. Leonard as motorman, kept right on going at 8:05 last night, climbed the curbing and smashed into the front of the hd'use at 716 Bush street,- occupied by Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Fryer. Mrs. Fryer was trimming flowers on the lawn in the gloaming. She looked up, startled to see the big car lumber off the street and ram its nose lnt the front of her house. Patrolman S. C. Worrel, who was standing across the street, is said to have dashed after the streetcar shout ing "Whoa whoa!" The house buck led and danced from the impact, ac cording to his account given later. Worrel and Mrs. Fryer both saw the motorman working violently at his brakes, but he couldn't make them catch. The car was moving slowly, however. If it had been speeding it would have rammed through the house. MAN IS KILLED IN FIGHT WITH U.S. DRY OFFICERS LQUISVILLE, Ky., July 2S. Harry Baker, former police lieutenant, was shot to death and J. L. Mayberry was wounded in a battle with prohibition agents at the Ferncliffe distillery. Frank M. Colbert, United States guard at the, distillery, was arrested. One man escaped. Prohibition Agents De Lozier, Handsbrough, McFarlan and Colbert, who were watching the distinllery, charged they say Colbert signal to a truck which entered the distillery. When the truck emerged the agents commanded the driver to halt. The order was disregarded, agents reported, and when they blocked the road with their auto, they say, the truck crashed into them. At the same time, they charge, three , men in the truck opened fire. Bullets from high-powered rifles of the agents riddled the truck. ALBANY YOUTH IS SHOT ACCIDENTALLY BY MAN ALBANY, July 28. Brooksher Wise, 16-year-old son of Mrs. Guy Newton, of North Albany, is in a doubtful con dition at a local hospital as the result of a bullet wound through his chest an inch below the heart, inflicted ac cidentally, it is said, by C D. Walker, also of North Albany. Young Newton had come up on Walker at the "Walker farm while the owner was shooting with a gun at a target,' according to the wounded boy's mother. Walker, evidently not seeing the lad, she said, shot at tne target. The bullet entered the boy's chest. Unless the wound becomes in fected, the attending physician says, the boy stands a good chance for re- covery. - POISON GIVEN TO SMALL CHILD; DEATH IS RESULT t T7Trrr3TnTr Idaho. .Tnlv 28. The 11-year-old son of an itinerant famil7 named Stricland died here ten min- c v,oin p- fivpn a large dose of strychnine, which his mother mistook for epsom salts. v rra fotlior 'and b roth e r-ra-3 aw o z j-'Ua aw aro ca id to have recently es caped from the Asotin county jail, where they were being held on a charge 6f bootlegging. They are still at large and the women and children of the families are said to be in desti tute circumstances. , . Gladstone Youth Passes Examination For Radio Clerk x-i TTnlTinpRwnrtli Knn nf Mr. " " - . and Mrs. A. O. Hollingsworth, of Glad stone, has passed the civil service ex amination for radio clerkship. Hol lingsworth, who received his first grade license as an - operator some time ago, Is now on the lightship Co lumbia stationed out of Astoria. K. K. K. PLAN TO START WORLD ORGANIZATION ATLANTA. Ga., July 27. The Ku Klux Klan is now attempting to or ganize a world-wide association- of "white Protestants," it was . learned here today. J. O. Wood, editor of the Search light,' alleged klan organ, returned here from Europe and declared he had been in conference with leaders of certain Protestant organizations there with a view to effecting such an or ganization. Immediately upon his arrival he went to the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler, former head of the propaganda department of the klan, where he con ferred with officials of the organiza tion. Wood refused to say- whether or not he was successful in creating the nu cleus of the international organiza tion, but declared things looked good. Auto Plunges Over Cliff; Two are Hurt WHITE SALMON, Wash., July 2S. A woman had both legs broken and' received other injuries and a man had his back perhaps seriously wrenched when the automobile in which they were driving down the Bluff road went over- the edge and tumbled sev eral hundred feet, at 9:30 this mora-' ing. They were picked up by a passing truck and rushed to the Hood River hospital. They are said to be from Dallas, Or. So far as is known, nothing went wrong with the machine. The beauty of this particular spot tempts drivers to tun their attention from the wheel. The machine turned over four or five times on the way down the cliff and, according to a witness, appeared to bounce 10 feet into the air when it hit the rocks below. The man and woman were thrown out. STATE LEGION WILL HOLD CONVENTION AT SEASIDE THE DALLES, July 29. Seaside was this morning selected as next year's meeting place for the Oregon state convention of the American Le gion, the vote being unanimous after the delegates had listened to a spirit ed talk by M. F. Hardesty, president of the Seaside Chamber of Commerce, who made a flying trip to The Dalles to urge his city upon the Legion. The dates set were September 6, 7 and 9. Selection of the meeting place this morning instead of this afternoon, as had been planned, was made because of delays in reports of committees that were to have been ready to read to the convention. Farmer Accused of Attack of Small Girl Shoots, Kills Self YAKIMA, July 27. Brooding over the disgrace he felt on being charged with an assault on a 6-year-old girl, Herman Domrese, 75, a rancher living in the suburbs, shot and killed himself here yesterday. He was found uncon scious in a shack where he lived alone with a bullet wound in his head and a pistol in his hand. He died before he reached the hospital. He protested his innocence when arrested, and the prosecuting attorney who was inves tigating the charge was preparing to drop it, saying the state had no case. Prejudice Is Filed In Sheriff Recall Case At Medford MRHFORD. .Tnlv 27. An affidavit .charging that an application for in junction against the recall of bhenrr Terrill, scheduled for Saturday, was inspired by "a sect opposed to the public schools," has been filed in the circuit court here. The affidavit fur ther alleges the injunction is part of a "political plot to secure votes for Governor Ben W. Olcott." An affidavit was also filed against Judge J. W. Hamilton, of Douglas county, charging prejudice on the ground that the defendants in the complaint "are alleged to be knights of the Ku Klux Klan." The pleas were granted and Judge Calkins took the bench. BAKER HELD ON CHARGE OF POISONING PEOPLE NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Charles Ab- rahamson, a baker, who had been dis charged from Shelbourne's restaur ant at Broadway and Twenty-sixth street, was arrested on a homicide charge today following an investiga tion of the poisoning of more than 100 persons, three of whom are dead, who ate in the restaurant yesterday. Of ficials of the medical examiner's of fire reported that a quantity of berry pies, baked before Abrahamson left the restaurant's employ, had been heavjly charged' with arsenic. Among the victims were, two girl stenographers, Ida Weissberg and Lil lian Getz, both of the Bronx. They died at home in convulsions. Anoth er victim was Diman Bernstein of Palisade, N. J., who died after eating the pie. Nearly 100 persons employed in the garment house section of Broadway were suffering illness as a result of the poisoning. .... . J