Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 04, 1922, Page Page two, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
" The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
rw.TnTV A n 2 MrS. W.
Moore spent the day with relatives in
Portland last Friday
Miss Bernice Woodworth, whose
home is in Portland, is spending her
vacation at the home of her uncle, W.
R. Woodworth.
The baseball game last Sunday af
ternoon was a fast one. The Moose
team from Portland made one more
score than our boys, it being s to t.
Next Sunday the Estacada boys again
cross bats with the Arleta team and
feel quite confident that they will win
this time.
Bob Marchbank returned from The
Dalles the first of last week and has
been confined to his home since that
time with an attack of asthma.
- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox and
daughter, Miss Mabel, left last Thurs
day for a few days vacation trip to
the coast. They first visited Pacific
City and later went on to the Tilla
mook beaches. At Portland they were
Joined by Mr. Wilcox's sister.
William Dale accepted the agency
. for J. E. Metzger of Gresham, to rep
resent his firm in the undertaking
business at Estacada.
Mrs. E. T. Jones of Portland arriv
ed last week to stay with her son, W.
R. Jones, who resides on the Garfield
road about a mile from Estacada.
Mrs. R. S. Coop is in Portland at
tending camp meeting.
S. H. Obert, son of the late Mrs.
A. Baumgardner, left for his home in
California last Sunday
Rex Ludlow is now driving a new
i i . a v. 1 . i T-f-i
truck, lately purcuasBu uj im.
Miss Ada Jewell of Chicago, who
has been visiting here for the past
three weeks at the home of the
Misses Dillon, left Monday in com
pany with Miss Gertrude Dillon for
a few days visit with Portland friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wright of Los
Angeles', California, accompanied by
Mrs. Fuller of Portland, were here
one day last week visiting at the
home of Mrs. Myrtle Belfils, who is
a sister of Mr. Wright.
A. T. Elott and wife and little
daughter, left for Portland Wednesday
n;n, TVTr VAntt returned the
am da'v while the' wife and daugh-
ter remained in Portland to visit until
The Estacada Public library was
presented with 55 volumes of "new
books this week, a present from Mrs.
R. Morse.
Kiser, the scenic photographer of
Portland, has made arrangements to
take some serial views of Mt. Hood
and his chief photographer Woodruff,
will be here Monday looking up a
good location to land his aeroplane.
It is thought that the vacant ground
near the ball park will be selected
for the landing place.
F. E. Burns left Monday for Free
water. Oregon, where he will be
principal of the grade schools at that j
place the coming year, lne lamny
will not go until the first- of Septem
ber. Mr. and Mrs. John'Dunseath arrived
in Estacada in their car last Monday,
accompanied by their two boys. Tues
day Mr. Dunseath took the eldest one
to Gresham where Dr. Adix removed
his tonsils and then returned to Se
attle. Mrs. Dnnseath and the boys are
here visiting relatives.
Miss Jennie Burns and Miss Bertha
Burns went to Ardenwald Sunday for
a visit with friends, returning the
next day.
The loganberry harvest in this vi
cinity is practically over. The con
tinued dry weather has curtailed the
output to a considerable extent. How
ever, the cannery -i receiving a few
berries every day.- Evergreen black
berries and prunes will constitute the
next pack.
J. B. Linn secured work with a log
ging company at Molalla. and" left on
Tuesday with Mrs. Linn for that place.
The Estacada library closed Tues
day and will open again the first of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring motor
ed to Portland Monday morning on
a business trip.
J. W Stubbs, who formerly resided
at Faraday, but now of Portland, is
in Estacada working with the elec
trical crew for the railroad company.
Earl Kilgore has gone to Willamina,
Oregon, where hehas a good position
in the brick and tile works.
"Congratulations are being extended
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew
over the safe arrival of a little son at
their home, born July 27. They now
have a boy and girl.
Mesdames A. G. Ames and Lena
Underwood, with Miss Retha Ames
were shopping in Portland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shafford re
turned to their home in Portland last
Saturday after a two-week's stay in
Estacada while Mr. Shafford .was look
ing after his loganberry crop.
Herman Wallace and Harry John
son visited the metropolis Tuesday.
.The railroad company has rebuilt
the platform in front of the freight
Dr. G. L. Medford of Ridgefield,
Wash., has bought the residence and
office which formerly belonged to the
late Dr. Morse, and will arrive here
in a few days to practice medicine.
Mrs. Morse is selling her furniture
and getting ready to move to Port
land. During the past week Mrs. G. E.
Lawrence has had as her guests Mrs.
R. F. Ponnefeather and daughter of
San Francisco. Miss Alberta Smedley
and Mrs. J; E. Shibley and two chil
dren of Portland.
Mrs. N. L. Kirchman and two daugh
ters from Logan, were Sunday quests
at the home of Mrs. Kirchtnan's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus.
H L.McKenney returned from Con
don, Ore, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bass and two
little girls left by auto Monday for a
pleasure trip to the coast and expect
to be gone about ten days. "Billy"
Bass is acting tonsorial artist at the
barber shop.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Baughman, who
recently moved here from California,
buying the Weatherby place, left on
Tuesday for Spokane, Wash., 1o visit
a daughter for some weeks. They
were accompanied by their neice,
Miss Chariot Cleveland and Wilma
Herberlein, a grand daughter of Spo
kane, wlio have been visiting here
for several days.
Mrs. C. "E. Surf us of Eagle Creek
and her niece, Miss Franies Murphy of
Portland, were here last Saturday to
attend" the funeral of Mrs. A. Baum
gardner. Mrs. J. S. Osborne and B. Landrum
of Estacada are enjoying a visit from
their mother and brother, Mrs. A. E.
Landrum and son Jerome of Loveland,
There will be an all day service at
the Church of Christ next Sunday.
Rev. D. W. Summer of Portland, will
preach at 11 o'clock and the night
service will be a continuation of the
gospel services which have been held
The funeral "of Mrs. A. Baumgard
ner, who died in a Salem hospital
July 26, was held at the Christian!
church in Estacada Saturday at 2 P. j
M., the Rev. A. F. Lacy officiating. In
terment was made in the I. O. O. F.
cemetery, under the direction of Jo
seph E. Gates.' Mrs. Baumgardner
was born in Pennsylvania, August 23,
1851, making her 71 years of age at
the time of her death. She has resid
ed in Estacada for eighteen years
most of the time. She went to Sa
lem for an operation and did not sur
vive. Besides her husband, Willis O.
Baumgardner, she is survived by four
sons by a former marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell motored over
from their home near Sandy last
Thursday evening and were accom
panied home by the latter's mother,
Mrs. "Viola Douglass, who remained
until Monday.
Walden Boyle accompanied his
mother, Mrs. M. H. Boyle from Port
land last Saturday to visit relatives
for a few hours. Mrs. Eoyle has a
music class at this place and makes
the trip from Portland every Satur
day. Mis's- Leila Howe returned ffom
Monmouth Saturday, where she has
been attending summer school at the
State Normal.
The Rebekahs of this place will
give a "silver tea" at the Estacada
park, on the afternoon of August 8.
Everybody invited.
Miss Maude Sturgeon went to Port
land Sunday to accompany her moth
er home.
Mrs. J. E. Shibley and children
were in Estacada a few hours Sunday,
calling on old friends, leaving the
same evening for her home in Port
land. Miss Florece Kendall left last Mon
day for Portland where she joined
some friends and all went to Netarts
beach to spend a couple of weeks or j
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton visited
Estacada relatives last Friday night,
returning to Portland Saturday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morton and Dr.
and Mrs. Rhodes went to Portland in
their cars Saturday night, returning
Monday. '
Mountain Road
hum of the threshing machine can be
heard over the country now and
eryone will be glad to have the har
vesting done for this year.
An enjoyabl time was had on the
bank of the Willamette river at the
Canby ferry landing Sunday evening,
when a large crowd enjyed a good
swim, weinie roast and dancing on the
ferry. Those enjoying the picnic were,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mose, Miss Louisa
Zimmerman of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Thale of Se'.lwood, Gussie
Schoon-sr of Willamette, Edward Zim
merman of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
George Moser, Lillie, Ruth, Ed, Wal
ter, Alice and Sylvia Moser, Demond.
Bernice Sylvia and Donald Hodge, Lee
Caldwell, Marion Wheeler of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs.- J. Wilken and family,
Miss Dorothy La Flenne of Portland,
Rudolph Zimmerman and John Robin
son of 'Mountain Road.
Miss Mary Koellermeier spent two
days in Willamette last week visiting
with the Clem Dollar family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Boeckman and fam
ily attended the dance at the Frog
pond grange hall Saturday eve.
The Mountain Road neighbors wish
to extend their sympathy to the Ryp
zynski family of Petes Mountain for
the loss of Mrs. Rypzynski's father,
Mr. Martin of Gladstone, who died last
Mrs. L. Kellermeier and daughters,
and Mrs. Fred Baker and sons, enjoy
ed swimming and a picnic lunch af
the river last Friday afternoon.
Deward, Bernice and Donald Hodge
and J. Robinson spent.Wednesday eve
ning of last week with the Sam Mos
er family.
Beaver Creek
BEAVER CEEK, Aug. 1 An inter
esting event of last week was the
presentation Thursday evening of
Mrs. A. Thomas' pupils in a piano re
cital, assisted by Mrs. Havill and
Grace Marshall Wentworth. Ushers
were Genevieve Londergan, Irene Ma
kinster and Elsie Coulter. An audi
ence which filled the Grange hall lis
tened to the following program:
Lustpiel Overtrue, Keler Bela, Ar
lene Bluhm, Mrs. Thomas; Scale
Valse, Mclntyre. In the Indian Vill
age, Brown, Alice Coulter; Pizzicati
(from Ballet Sylvia), Delibes, Robert
Brown, Elizabeth Brown; Evening
Prayer, Behr, Spring Time Pleasure,
Roberts, In the Fairy Dell, Williams,
Edna Coulter; Creole Swing Song,
Luigi Dnza, Mrs. Havill. Mrs. Went-
worth; La Brillante, Leybach, Laura
Parry, Hazel Coulter; Valse in D Flat,
Chopin, Arlene Bluhm; Witches
Flight, Russel , Hazel Coulter, Alice
Coulter Edna Coulter; Austrian Song,
Pacher. Berceuse from Jocelyn, Go
dard, Robert Brown; Hovering Butter
flies, Gaynor, The Swallows' Flight,
Kern, Hazel, Coulter; Dream Fantasy,
Matthew; Solfeggietto. Bach, Warrior
Song, Heller, Laura Parry; My Ain
Folk, Lemon, Grace Marshall Went
worth;. Overture Zampa, Herold, Ar
lene Bluhm, Mrs. Thomas.
A farewell party honoring Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Wodard was held in the
Grange hall Saturday evening. About
60 guests were present to express
kee regret at losing their very good
neighbors, and to wish them good
fortune. As a token of the esteem in
which they were held by a host of
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wodard were
presented with a beautful painting.
The Woodards moved away Sunday.
Temporarily Mrs. Woodard and baby
will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ashton Woodard, near Mt. Pleasant.
The Beaver Creek baseball bdys
met the Gladstone team on the home
diamond Sunday, dur boys won with
a score of 9-7.
The Misses Alice and Dorothy
Hughes are leaving today for an out
ing at Long Beach, Wash. They will
be guests of their aunt while there.
Mrs. Hensley of Portland spent the
week-end with her sister, Mrs. Havill.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas had as
guests Thursday and Friday, Mrs.
Thomas' mother. Mrs. Bennett, a
sister, Mrs. Brown, nephews, James
and Robert, and neice, Elizabeth.
They also attended the recital.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cornwell of
Highland attended the recital here
Thursday evening.
Miss "Ruth French, who is working
in Portland at present, was at home
for the week-end and attended the
farewell party.
KELSO, Aug. 1 The Woman's Club
met at the home of Mrs. A. C. Baum
back last Thursday with the following
members present. Mesdames Herz,
Kligel, R. Jonsrud, Peterson, Rathke,
D. Hite, J. Hite, E. Revenue, Kersch,
Obie and Phipps, also the following
visitors, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. J. Dunn,
Mrs. Becker, Helen Nelson, Mildred
Jarl and Dorothy Jonsrud. The club
took up the discussion of painting the
interior of school rooms and a com
mittee was appointed to get estimates
of the cost. Music and singing was
enjoyed and delicious refreshments
were served. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. E. V. Erick
son. The Decker threshing machine com
menced the season in this vicinity
last week.
Miss Helen Nelson of Cherryville
has been spending the past week vis
iting Mildred Jarl.
It is good news ' to the people of
this district that Miss Carolina Vaer
etti has consented to return as prin
cipal of the school this fall.
Mrs. Gilbert Eri has as guest her
cousfh. Miss Burch of Dayton.
Mrs. F. W. Canning and the Misses
Cannfngttended the funeral Of Miss
Hattie Kelly in Portland last week.
The Misses, Elizabeth, Margaret
and Angela Canning recently took
an auto trip to Tillamook.
A son was bprn to Mr. and Mrs. A.
Skogan last week.
DODGE, July 31 Kenneth Keller,
who is in the Emanuel hospital in
Portland has had to have his leg re
set again. This is the third time the
leg'has been set since he went into
the hospital. This time they put a
silver plate on it, and it is to be
hoped that he will now recover quick
ly. .Mamie llarrs, who was at Log La
Barr, was brought home ill last week.
She is now better.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shibley, of
Springwater visited at the Marr's
home on Tuesday last.
The young peoples' converujrtro at
Hillockburn closed its very successful
session . oivJTueday, the 18th. There
were about 80 people staying there
during the convention. On the 19th
the Camp Fire Girls from Portland
came in and stayed until the 27th and
on the same day that the girls went
away a company of Boy Scouts came
in on a truck from Portland.
Vincent Hill of Colton visited at
the Horner home Saturday evening
and Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Colson and children,
who have been visiting during the
last week in Portland, Oregon City
and WTTlamtte, returned home on
Thursday, the 27th.
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, Aug. 1 Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Douglass were Oregon City
and Portland visitors on Friday.
H. S. Gibson attended the farmers'
picnic at Gresham last Saturday.
A birthday party given in honor of
Mrs. Perry Murphey was held at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Evans, last Friday evening.
There was a large crowd in attend
ance and a good time was enjoyed by"
all. A delicious luncheon was served
along about midnight and soon after
all left for their homes..,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and
children, Ruby and Victor, were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Douglass Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, Sr., were
calling' on Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson
Sunday afternoon.
W. J. Evans and Perry Murphey
left on Sunday for Eastern Oregon
where they intend to work during
Mrs. M. Dhulst and her sister-in-law.
Mrs. Ed Dhulst of Linneman,
were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Ray
Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Preister and chil
dren were visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Douglass Sunday afternoon.
Air. and Mrs. Claude Woodle were
the Sunday evening callers of Mr. and
Mrs. RayWoodle.
"Four 20-acre and two 40-acre tracts.
Thursday, Aug. 10th, 11 a. m. Good
roads. Improvements, stock, equip
ment, 7 miles Southeast Sandy.
C. C. PILGRIM, Eagle Creek, Ore.
Meldrum Notes
Mrs. Ellen Nelson of Willows, Cal.,
and her son, Ed Nelson, who is a mer
chant at Maxwell, Cal., visited with
Mrs. Ellen R. Eads on Tuesday. The
party were enroute home to Califor
nia after a trip to North Yakima,
ash. The were traveling by machine.
Mrs. William Henderson, her son,
Charles Wallace and Miss Myrtle
Young, left for ML Rainier Park on
Mrs. Geo. Gardner and children
spent Tuesday at Milwaukie with her
sister, Mrs. Leslie Harlow.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kimball of Mc
Minnville and Mr. ' and Mrs. William
Z. Foster of Chicago, 111., visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mey
ers. Mr. and Mrs. Foster were en
route to California.
Mrs. A. N. Meyers and son. Augus
tus motored to McMinnville with Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Davis, of Westmore
land, to visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Kimball.
J. Gilbert of Portland purchased the
home of R. E. Tabor at Glen Echo.
Mr. Gilbert took immediate possess
ion of his new home.
Frances Meldrum, th baby son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meldrum is ill
with whooping cough.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bond are spend
ing their vacation at Cannon Beach. "
Mrs. John Meldrum has gone to Mt.
Hood for a few days camping.
Alexander Hill is building a modern
bungalow of brick at Meldrum.
.Mr. . and Mrs. A. Tall, of Seattle,
spent a few days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Grady.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bunn are mo
toring to the Puget Sound cities for a
Miss Pearl Hopkins was a dinner
guest at the home of Miss Dorothy
Eckman at Alberta on Thursday.
Thomas Grady has been frpointed
general yard supervisor of the O. W.
R. & N.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grady invited
twenty-two of their friends to a party
on Saturday evening. The evening
was spent at playing cards and danc
ing. Th6 hostess served a delicious
luncheon to her guests.
Mrs. Iva Fuller was a Sunday guest
at the home of Mrs. Gus Bergren, at
Glen Echo.
Mra. Thomas Grady gave a picnic
at Cedar Island on Sunday to her
Portland guests, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson,
Mr. and Mrs. Hurd and Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. John Lindley and little daugh
ter of Bellingham, Wash., arrived
Sunday to spend a few days with her
friend, Mrs. Ellen R. Eads. Mrs.
Lindley is on her way to visit with
her mother at Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. William Moutz will
leave for the coast the early part of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Henry of Rose
City Park have purchased Miss Kath
eririe Kavanau?4's home at Glen
"Scho. Miss Kavanaugh is living at
The Portland Hotel. (
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gardner and' chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ross and
son, Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Harlow and
daughter. Miss Blanche Gardner and
Mr. Emil Larsoji. made up a picnic
to the Molalla river. Bathing, fishing
and a picnic lunch helped make a
splendid trip for this crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Sturgess and son
were Sunday guests at the William
McBride home.
BALOW, Aug. 1, Paul Kloster is
initiating a new car on the streets of
Fred Snider and family visited with
his mother, Mrs. Goethal of Barlow.
Miss Leona Parmenter had the mis
fortune of turning over in the ditch
Wednesday afternoon. Nobody was
hurt, but the car was badly wrecked.
Martin Widdows and family spent
Sunday with Mr. Widdows' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Widdows of Bar
low. Willamette News
Miss Helene Fromong spent the
last week visiting with Miss Esther
Mosher of Stafford.
Mrs. Earle Tiedman of Clatskanie
is visiting at the home of Mr. Tied
man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. Albert Adamson is at the Ore
gon City hospital where she under
went an operation Wednesday morn
ing for blood poison.
Ida Reams of- Portland spent . the
week end with her grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reams. .
Alfred Olson of Portland visited
friends here Thursday.
Mrs. Geo. Fromong of Gladstone vis
ited Mrs. Andy Fromong Wednesday.
Frank Shipley and Mr. Bigley, who
are fighting fire at Bridal Veil spent
Wednesday evening with their fam
ilies here returning to Bridal Veil
Miss Gladys Baker left Sunday for
a six week's vacation visiting friends
and relatives at Independence and
Monmouth. t-
Mrs. Carl Berner and two small
daughters are visiting her . parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Setje.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Johnson are
receiving congratulations upon the
birth of a baby daughter. The "little
one weighed six pounds and has been
named, Violet Elizabeth.
Mrs. Halley of Portland spent Wed
nesday as the guest of her mother,
Mrs. H. T. Shipley.
Mrs. Fred Baker, of Mt. Roadvisit
ed with friends and relatives Wednes
day. s
Miss Mary Koellermeier visited her
aunt, Mrs. C. Dallas, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gary and chil
dren, Everett' and Margaret left Sun
day for Newport. They expect to
spend two weeks at the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E
RlenKe naa as
their dinner miests Thursday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Barbour and cnnaren or
West Linn and Mrs. Rienke and .
daughter, Ella, of Bolton. "
Guy Gross has finished putting new
cement walka all around his house
Miss Lillie Setje spent the week
end visiting friends and relatives in
Wm. Snidow has opened a plumb
ing shop on Main street. A confec-
tionary in -charge " of Beulah Snidow
will also occupy the building.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Bernard,
Gladys and Janice Sutton left Sunday
in their machine for Newport where
they will spend the next two weeks.
Mrs. Gus Schnoor entertained the
Ladies Aid of the Lutheran Church of
Oregon City in a most delightful
manner at her home on the bank of
Tualatin river. Delicious refreshments
were served during the day. Those
attending were Rev. and Mrs.Krax
berger, Mrs. M. Lafling, Mesdames
Welsh, Prieb, F. Hopp, K. Hopp,
Hopp, Schned, Michel, - Stahl, Stroh
meier, Nobel, Hartman, Dambach,
Stover, Bunke, Busse, Herbel,
Schwartz, Hammacher, Schandt,
Mrs. A. Voile, Mrs. Frentler, Letten
meier. Miss Busch. Miss Dambuch
and Mrs. Gus Schnoor.
Miss Florence Fromong spent Wed
nesday, Thursday and Friday at the
home of Frances Bowland, of Oregon
The Ice cream social given by the
Epworth League on the lawn at the
home of Mrs. W. W. Davis was well
attended and a good time had by
everybody. $23.00 was taken in. -
Mrs. A. Lerberman of Portland was
in Willamette looking after her pro
perty interests here on Friday.
Mrs. H. Leismanvmade a. business
trip to Portland Tuesday. She also
purchased a new piano for the lodge
Mrs. Tour and Maxine and Gordon,
Mrs. Carpenter, Frances and Crester,
Mrs. Wilson and Robert, Mrs. Buckles
and son, Roy, spent Wednesday pic
nicking at the Elbow on the Tualatin.
Mrs. Boginski, who underwent an
operation at the Oregon City hospi
tal, is improving and will soon be
able to return to her home.
Edward Gross is having a new
modern bungalow erected on Walnut
avenue for his mother.
Mrs. B. F. Baker is spending 'a few
weeks visiting her daughter and fam
ily. Mrs. Lloyd Showers is spending the
week visiting her father, C. Earlsle
and aunt, Mrs. Gus Prahl.
Mr. and Mrs. Si Shadle and chil
dren left for Newport Sunday morn
ing in their machine. They expect to
remain about two weeks.
The Ladies Aid of the First M. E.
church held a food sale in the Sun
day school room Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Jess Hyatt is taking her vaca
tion. She will spend part of it at
Tualatin beach.
SYDNEY, N. S., Aug. 2. Dr. Alex
ander Graham Bell, inventor of the
telephone, died at 2 o'clock this morn
ing at Beinn Breagh, his estate, near
Although the inventor ha! been in
failing health for several months, he
had not been confined to bed and the
end was unexpected. Late yesterday
afternoon his condition became ser
ious and Dr. Kerr of Washington, a
cousin of Mrs. Bell, a house guest
and a Sydney physician attended him.
With Dr. Bell when he died were
his daughter, Mrs. Marian Hubbard
Faircfciid, and her husband, David
Fairofcild, of Washington. The in
ventor leaves another daughter, Mrs.
Elize Grosvenor, wife of a Washing
ton magazine writer.
Dr. Bell will be buried on top of
Mount Beinn Breagh, a spot chosen
by himself.
PORTLAND. Aug. 2. Seventeen
persons were injured, one perhaps fa
tally, when 0-WR. & N. train No. 4,
which left Portland at 5 o'clock Tues-
. .... .,
at North Fork, east of Pendleton, at
2:15 o'clock this morning. The en
gine, baggage car, smoker, day coach
and one end of the tourist sleeper
were derailed, the baggage car and
smoker tipping over on their sides.
Mike Malamum, a Mexican, was
most seriously injured. He was rid
ing in the smoker. His skull was frac
tured. The others injured were cut
and bruised, but apparently not badly
All were taken to La Grande; where
the nearest hospital is situated, and
given treatment.
Reports at the general offices here
indicate that the track was to have
been cleared by 10 o'clock. Wrecking
trains were dispatched from LaGrande j
to hasten the cleanup of wreckage.
Rail officials are starting an inves
tigation into the wreck.
Man Hit By Train;
Is Killed Instantly
EUGENE, Aug. 2. John Elder, age
65, of Mosier, Or., was instantly killed
Tuesday afternoon at 4:10 o'clock.
when he was hit by the Shasta Limit
ed, just north of the depot at cresweii.
Elder had been here negotiating for
the purchase of some farming prop
erty. He had been standing across
the track from the station conversing
with a man involved in the deal ana
as the Shasta approached he started
for the station. It is believed, he
thought the train would stop at Cres
weii and he intended to board it.
The Shasta, going at full speed,
caught him as he was in the center
of the track and he was ground to
death under the engine. His head was
severed from his body.
Coroner W.W. Branstetter took
charge of the remains and notified rel
atives, who are on their way to Eu
gene from Mosier.
Roberts Family Arrived From Pullmai
Mr. and Mrs. JJohn Roberts and
daughter, Miiarea, arrived in tjregon
Clty on Tuesday evening from their
home in Pullman, Wash. They are
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
A.- Snover. Mrs. Snover is a cousin
of Mrs. Roberts. The Roberts family
will visit bere several days.
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent
Capt. Spooner Drifts
In Small Sail Boat
tain -Lloyd S. Spooner, well known
Jennings Lodge young man became
almost famished after being adrift in
Lake Ontario in a small sail boat for
six days. He was accompanied by
two friends who set sail on July 22
and when far out from land a squall
stripped away "the canvas and broke
their mast.
Mr. Spooner was a world war hero
who nearly lost his life in the Ar
gonne. He is holder of an Olympic
rifle champiopship and at present is
an assistant in military tactics at
the University of Pennsylvania.
Hia wife and daughter, are at pres
ent at the home of Langdon Spooner
at this place and Mr Spooner bad
planned" on spending his vacation in
Mr. and Mrs. Wardell of Independ
ence, Iowa, are the guests this week
of their nephew, Harry Burco. A mo
tor trip through the. farming district
of McMinnville, and the prune ranches
near Newberg, and over the Columbia
Highway were among the places of
interest visited. They -returned home
by way of San Francisco and Denver,
leaving on Monday of this week.
H. M. Hayles and Mrs. Hayles of
Airlie and Martha - Painton of Rock
away are guests of Mrs. Bess Brue
chert. Mrs. Mac Hargue and Mrs. Edd
Cushing of Vancouver are at Seaside
for a week.
Mrs. George Tripp and daughter,
Luella of Randalia, Iowa, are spend
ing a week with her uncle and cousin,
Ira Hart and daughter. On August
2 they leave for California, chosing
the southern route home.
Rev. A. B. Snider, wife, and her
mother. Mrs. M. Patton of Cherry
Grove have returned from their vaca
tion. They motored to Kennewick
and spent some time at Olympia and
. : i rtlnmnin' ti l
Tacoma, Wash. The Tillamook
beaches and Grants Pass were includ
ed in their itinerary. They were ab
sent six weeks.
On Sunday Rev. Snider, being ill,
Rev. Wells occupied the pulpit at the
regular church service.
Mr. and Mrs. Blinstone and two
children. Miss Ada Rush and Clyde
Blinstone of "Sparta, Wis., spent a
week at Government Camp. The Blin
stone brothers climbed Mt. Hood and
made record time for the year. Many
beautiful pictures were taken. Clyde
Blinstone left on Monday evening for
his home, very favorably impressed
with Oregon in every respect after
a two months' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bond chose
Cannon Beach for their annual outing
and are at the coast this week.
Mrs. J. Meldrum is at Mt. Hood
for the week.
Mr. ad. Mrs. Thomas Meldrum are
at the beach at Netarts.
Tom Hopkins has nearly completed
a new house on Hull Ave. which is
now ready for the plasters. .
Mrs. B. A. Hoag and Mrs. W. W.
Woodbeck attended the Mason's and
Eastern Star picnic at Gladstone on
Saturday and were joined by their
husbands, who stayed for the installa
tion of-the Ku Klux Klan.
Miss Grace Davis and brother,
Earl, have returned home from their
three weeks' stay at Gresham.
Dr. J. W. Oliver, a druggist of Chi
cago, who is" touring the Pacific coast,
spent Thursday with the Fred Wilson
family. . -
A. C. Woodcock and wife spent the
week end at Eugene.
R. H. Tabor has sold his home in
the Glen Echo district to Jake Gil
bert, county supervisor of roads.
Miss Meryl Deter spent a week with
her brother, Carey Deter, in the Mt.
Scott district.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bartlett of Se
attle spent Wednesday with Ira Hart.
jir. ana ina. jciumu mauuvu --
! Henry Kolb of Belleville, Illinois, en
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Madden ana
joyed the sea breezes at beaside over
the week end.
The C. C Hole family left on Sat
urday morning for Netarts.
The Carl Starker family have re
turned from The Dalles, making the
Mt. Hood loop.
E. Kuhnhausen has purchased a
new car having sent his other ma
chine to his Glendale, Wash., ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Setwart and
two children motored to British Co
lumbia to spend two weeks with Mr.
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parents of
Mrs. Stewart.
S. Shepperd and family and Mrs.
Brownriggs of Berkeley, Calif., are
spending a few days at the coast.
- Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Mr. Garlock
of Seattle, Fred Martin of Portland
dined on Sunday with the Emmons
family. The tables were arranged out
of doors at Stone Gables.
Sympathy is being extended to Mrs.
Tillie Moore, who for the third time
in just a few months, has been called
upon to mourn the loss of members of
her family. On Saturday her brother,
Julius A. Dilg was laid to rest. The
services were held at the Leich un
dertaking parlors. The deceased is
survived by a son and a. brother of
Portland, and 'his sister of this place.
His wife and mother preceeded him
about three months ago. Being very
prominent in lodge circles the or
ganizations attended in a body which
made the funeral services very im
pressive. The flpral tributes were
very beautiful and many.
Louis Nolta and family of Portland
were calling on friends on Saturday.
They had noticed a number of sub
stantial building changes since their
residence here three years ago.
Mrs. Geo. Williams celebrated her
birthday anniversary last week.
Among the happy surprises showered
nnnn hpre w a laree birthday cake
sent from her- daughter, Mary, in
CMcago, 111.
Miss Paddgn of Portland is the
guest of Mrs. Ida Clohessey.
The Carl Starker family motored
to Salem on Wednesday.
Henry Zilka has returned from Spo
kane, where he attended the funeral
of his brother, who met a tragic death
in an automobile accident near Pen
dleton recently.
Apricots can be successfully raised
in this locality. Those picked from
the tree in Emmon's garden being of
a delicious flavor.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart and
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Newcomb and Gail
have returned from their outing at
: - tt: . . V.
oea view, vvasu.
Mrs. W. W. Morgan of Wichitia,
Kansas, will accompany Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Florence to Satsap, Wash., to
visit an aunt. While Mrs. J. L. Flor
ence has her vacation the party will
also motor to the Tillamook beaches,
staying a short time at Netarts, then
on up the coast stopping where their
fancy wishes, crossing the" river at
Rainier for Satsap, where the
Florences formerly resided. As 'it is
Mrs. Morgan's first visit in the west,
she will catch her first glimpse of the
Miss Mary Weinman and Mrs. Mac
Hargue were guests at the Frank
Covert home on Tuesday for dinner.
It was Miss Weinman's first visit to
Coverts since they moved from the
Lodge, she greatly enjoyed looking
over their fruit farm.
Jeanette.oberts'is spending her va
cation with cousins at Capitol Hill.
Sometime between Sunday night
and Monday morning the painted
signs anouncing the camp meeting
and conventions of the EVagelical As
sociation were torn down and destroy
ed by vandals.
The camp meeting open on August
9th, and continues for 13 days.
The programs are very interesting
with splendid speakers and good mu
sic, it promises to be a worth while
meeting. Rev. Praetorius being - the
principal speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kiggins and
Mrs. Crosier of Estacada spent Thurs
day with E. O. Kiggins.
Mrs., Fred Nordstrom entertained
Portland friends on Sunday. Among
them were Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Nordstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts.
Janet Booth is spending her vaca
tion at Stv Helens.
A benefit for the fire sufferers,
who lost their home and household
effects last week was given at the
Shady Nook camp grove on Tuesday
evening. It was an ideal place for
such an affair and there was a good
attendance. Cake, coffee and ice
cream were sold. The net proceeds
were $45.00.
Visiting in Oregon City
Miss Virginia Keating, of Portland,
arrived in Oregon City on Wednesday,
where she visited her aunts, the Miss
es Cochran. She has just returned
from Seaside, Oregon, where she has
been enjoying a visit at the summer
home of her.aunt, Mrs. J. B. Robinson.
& Son
and Mrs. John Mclver,