OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1 922. V Page seven Do You Remember? Stories of the Old Pioneer and Yarns from Old Newspapers. Do ''you' remember when Geo. A. Hardine- nsprl to art an druggist for Dr. Steels?. E. C. H. Do you remember when the boys visited the Chinese gardens during water melon season and helped them selves to the largest melons? V. Do you remember when the Oregon City Dramatic Club presented "The Finger of Scorn" for the benefit of the Oregon City band with A. A. Price directing the affair? FIFTY-FIVE YEARS AGO - Taken from the Oregon City Enter prise July 20, 1867. A Noble DogThe body of an un known woman was found about four leagues from the shore on the ice on the northern coast of Newfoundland by some fishermen in search of seals. She "ay with her face on the ice, being quite dead, and a dog was lying across her back. The men found great difficulty in driving the dog rom the body. Having tried gentle means first, one of them kicked nimbut the dog caught hold of the man's foot and pierced it through with bis teeth. They at last succeed ed in driving the animal off with a dealing gaff or pole, when they took the body to shore. The woman is supposed to have been hunting for seals, and the wind springing up car rying the ice out to set, and thus she perished. Potter A steamer of the P. T. Company .one day this week brought down and landed at Miller's place near Milwaukie nearly three thous and earthen flower pots manufactured at Buena Vista pottery. A Victory The return game be tween the Benedicts and Bachelors of Clackamas county club was played on Thursday resulting in favor of the latter by 46 points. In justice to the married men we would state that they did their best but signally failed. Water Pipe C. W. Pope and Com pany are busily engaged in manufac turing water pipe for the Oregon City Water Works Company. Penitentiary Not Worth Much The Herald thinks that the old peniten tiary building in Portland is hardly worth $3000. The democrats built it a few years ago at a much greater cost than that. How times have changed. The Oregonian handled the "pimps" as they deserve. Cut Off The Salem Daily nose rag has cut us off its exchange list. This is all right. Company Arrives Captain Spra gue's company, the last of the First Oregon, arrived in Jacksonville on Saturday from Ft. Klamath, and will be mustered out of service at once. THIRTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Oregon City Enter prise July 22, 1892. The Womans Relief Corps gave a very enjoyable lawn party at the home of Mrs. George Broughton Thursday night. The lawn was bril liantly illuminated with Chinese lan terns, and ice cream and cake were served. 'The attendance was ' good, but the festivities were cut on account of a ' shower. Last Sunday morning Rev. Lucas presented his resignation as pastor of. the Congregational church and called a business meeting for Thursday eve ning to take action upon it. The res ignation will take effect in Septem ber. President L. L. Hawkins, of the Ainsworth National Bank of Portland drove a jolly loan of Portland people to Oregon City Sunday in his "tally ho", "Jupiter. Mrs. H. E. Cross is visiting rela tives at Bradburyi Columbia county. James Roake has invented a -new kind of lawn sprinkler to be attached to the muzzle of a hose. It is on the principal of the turbine water wheel inverted and without the outside case. It is vastly better than any of. the high priced affairs now on the mar ket and it can be sold for a few cents instead of costing dollars. He is go ing to get a patent and engage in the work of manufacturing the contriv ance. There was a cheerful ball given at the armory last Tuesday evening. The weather was favorable, for dancing, the music was good, there was a con genial crowd and a good time was enjoyed by the young people. Baseball Games Two games of baseball were played here last Sun day. The first between the Oregon City and the North Portland and the second game between Oregon City and the Farmers & Mechanic, of Port land. The first game was a fine ex hibition game as was ever seen In in Oregon City. The score stood 9 to 2 in favor of the Oregon City boys. The second game was . a complete walk-over for the Oregon Ciity boys again, the score standing 15 to 2. Felix Fields umpired both games. The features of the first game were the battery work of the Oregon City boys Rhoades and Kelly; the fine playing of Gilbert Hedges the heavy batting of -. Eugene Hedges, Fields and Reckner, of the home club and first base playing of Paterson of North Portland. The second game features were battery work of Fenni more and Kelly and the heavy bat ting of G. and E. Hedges, Fie'ds and Reckner of the home club and Ply male, of the visitors, and the fielding of G, and E. Hedges, Sheehan and Fields and the catching of Wills. The club, will run an excursion to St. Paul next Sunday to play the 6 Per Cent State School Money to Loan on Farms 1 SCHUEBEL BEATTIE f Bank of Oregon City Bldg. i Oregon City, Ore. I nitHHM,riHtMM MEDFORD NEGRO GIVEN PROTECTION OF STATE MEDFORD, July 26. Til' Arthuh' Burr, the negro bootblack of heroic proportions who has and will yet fig ure very prominently in the Ku Klux investigations now being conducted by the Jackson county grand jury here, is scheduled to come back across the Oregon border on Friday next for the first time since that dark night in March when he was told by the hood ed band of inquisitors up in the foot hills of the Siskiyou mountains to "Go away and keep going." When the ultimatum was delivered to Burr on that eventful evening, aft er'he had been swung up by the neck and revolver bullets had kept his feet doing the double shuffle while they were on the ground, he sped away in the darkness headed for the Califor nia line, and he' has not been in Med ford or Jackson county since. When he stopped he was in Modesto and so indelibly were his experiences im printed on his memory, that ' it has required some coaxing and definite promises of safe conduct and protec tion while here to toll him back across the border. STATE BOARD MEETING CALLED BY SECRETARY SALEM, July 25. Secretary of State Kozer today issued a call for a meeting of the state emergency board to be held in Salem Tuesday, August 1, to make provision for deficiencies that have been incurred in several state appropriations and departments. Mr. Kozer has not yet made an es timate of the total amount that it will be necessary for the board to pro vide for. One important item is that of pro viding for the payment of the gover nor's salary. When the legislature of 1921 in creased the governor's salary from $5000 a year to $7500 it neglected to make the appropriation accordingly, and make it on the $5000 instead of the $7500 basis. As a result the appropriation of $10,000 for the two years has become exhausted. Other items present a similar situa tion. MAN FOILS BANDITS AND T WALFORD, Iowa, July 21. A muf fled explosion in the Walford bank early today awakened W. S. Serbou sek from his slumbers. Two minutes later Serbousek was engaged in the business of firing shot for shot at three bandits. None "of the shots took effect, but the bandits were foiled in their at tempt to loot the wrecked bank vault. They fled in an automobile. The townspeople turned out of their beds and lionized Serbousek. ACID PUT IN WOMAN'S EYES; BLINDNESS RESULT WASHINGTON, July 21. "Find the woman." ' In this command to the police of Washington and Baltimore and the of ficials of Prince George county, Mary- land, is believed to rest the solution of one of the strangest and most cold blooded murder plots in the police an nals of this part of the United States. The intended victim of the Plot is Mrs. Louis Brooks, pretty young wife of Nace Brooks of . Mount Rainier, Md., a suburb of the national capital. With her eyes heavily bandaged she hovers tonight between partial loss of her sight and total blindness, the result of an attack with acids. But for police intervention, it is de clared, her body now would be lying in an old, abandoned vault on a near by farm, where the plotters had plan ned to take her after carrying out their murderous scheme last night. NATION MAY BE PUT ON WAR TIME FUEL BASIS WASHINGTON, July 21. The na tion will be put back on a wartime fuel basis, if coal production is not resumed in the near future. With many parts of the country al ready feeling the effect of a coal shortage that is growing "more alarm ing each day, Secretary of Commerce Hoover is framing plans for. the re tion to ration and control the distribu tion of coal. Hoover has agents thorughout the country reporting on coal conditions, and under the direction of these offi cials that organization would be ex panded into a vast voluntary agency. The whole plan will depend upon voluntary cooperation of local and state officials and public spirited citi zens, but Hoover is confident such a plan would be successful in alleviat ing the effects of a fuel famine. : Daughter of Ex-U. S. Senator, Confesses Killing of Uncle MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 21. Mildred Willis Brewer, 15, grand daughter of a former United States congressman, was held In the county jail here today pending Investigation into the death of her uncle, A. Portis McKeithen, 36. Miss Brewer surrendered to the police late yesterday, declaring sh killed McKeithen. Since then she has refused to talk. The recital given at the Gladstone Christian Church Wednesday evening by the violin pupils of Andrew Emile Deschamps was very largely attend ed. Mr. .Deschamps was assisted by Miss Elenora Schiewe. accompanist, and Miss Cecilia Tenney, pianist, both of the Becker Conservatory of Music in Portland. Mr. Deschamps is a student of Miss Susie Tennel Pipes of Portland. Misses Leona Adrin and Emily Nixon of Bolton were ushers. The pupils presented were: Elmo Farnsworth Eby, Thomas Paterson, Jr.; Robert Wilson, Maolyn Meyers, Alden Rivers, Jeanie Paterson, Nettle Laidlaw, John Paterson and John Laidlaw. ' . - Each number was well received by a large and appreciative audience. Miss Fayne Burdon, of Gladstone, entertained in a charming manner Miss Alice Peaper, of Portland; Miss Louise Aquier, of Jennings Lodge; Miss Helen Mattley, of -Oregon City, at her home on Thursday. The young ladies, students of the Oregon Agricultural College. are members of the Pi Beta Phi Sorority. An event long to be remembered by those in attendance was the social gathering around the huge bon-fire at the close of the Episcopal convention held at the Gladstone park on Friday evening. This was attended by about 60, including ministers from various parts of the West as well as a num ber of Eastern ministers who had attended the convention. Among those in attendance were members of the' Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society of this city, who had charge of the cafeteria during the session, who enjoyed the hospitality of the ministers having charge of the affair. . During the evening amusing stories were related and games and songs enjoyed. Rev. Jenkins led in . the community singing when many of the old time songs were sung. Rev. Winton, of New York, who was among those taking part in the even ing's exercise was royal host wtfen he served watermelon to the guests while seated about the big bonfire and greatly relished. The evening's exercises closed by singing "Auld Lang Syne." Mrs. Clara Fields, prominent pio neer of Canemah, celebrated her 74th birthday anniversary at her home on Tuesday evening. July 18, when a number of her friends called and spent the evening, enjoying a social time. Ice cream, cake and candy were en joyed during the evening, and the hostess was presented with two birth day cakes, one of which came from Portland from her son, Clarence Fields, and the other from Mrs. Will iam Ven Eman, of Canemah. Mrs. Fields was also presented with a number of useful and pretty gifts. Enjoying the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin and son, Robert, Mrs. Elli ott, of Portland; Mrs. Jane. Bingman, Mr- stiii m William Ven Eman. Miss Ada Bedwell, Ivan and Mildred Mid- lam. WILLAMETTE NEWS Beatrice Oliver spent Sunday in Gladstone as the guest of Miss Edith Arnold. Margaret Twombly of Portland spent several days last week visiting her cousin, Mary Wallis, at her home here. Dorothy Allsman of Willamette and George Freeman of Oregon City were quietly married in Oregon City last Thursday afternoon. A merry party of picnickers left Willamette early Wednesday morn ing for the Oaks. Those enjoying the outing were Mrs. Baty and daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. E. -P. Carpenter and children, Chester and Frances; Mrs. A. P. Tuor and children, Gordon, Philip, Maxine. and Billy; Mrs. C. B. Willson, and sons Bruce and Robert; Roy Buckles; Mary Strong; and So nora Brown. Ellen and Donald McArthur return ed home Sunday from Woodburn where they have been employed in the berry fields. . Glen Miller, son of Mrs. Annie Mill er of Portland, arrived from Nebras ka, and is enjoying a vacation at the home ot his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson of Willamette. Mrs. Chas. Ridder, who has been enjoying several weeks' vacation vis iting relatives in Montana returned to her home last week. The Arion Philharmonic Club of Portland held a picnic in Schnorerr's park last Sunday. Many people from Willamette attended and all report a most enjoyable time. COUNTY COURT (Continued from page 4) Messenger. $3.99; A. Wetmore, $12.47; F. Henrici, $4.99; O. B. Olinger, $9.98; R. Holmes, $9.98; W. C. Martlen, $6.98; L. France, $1.49; C. H. Cousell, $3.99; Stanley Gibson, $30.40; S L. Mullan, $30.40; A. Bouchel, $30.40; S. Cook, $30.40; Elmer Frossard, $22.80; I. W. Schuld, $46.00; W. Everett, $3.49; Ar uen Perry, $3.99; Earl Strong. $3.49; A. Heft, $3.49; John Heft, $6.99; J. Margeson, $5.23; J. W. Young, $5.23; A. M. Groshong, $5.98 ; Oscar Vorheis, $3.73; C. D. Groshong, $2.49; G. M, Groshong, $6.23; Ernest Sowa, $3.73; Frank Sherman, $4.99; .Fred Lins, $38.39; Frank Almert, $27.39; Henry Klinker, $12.45; Wm. Lins, $17.46; P. T. Monroe, $18.93; Nels Christensen $4.97; H. H. Udell, $1.99; H. R Devlin $2.49; H. C. Wintersteen, $2.49; D. L. Erdman, $3.99; H. Bronner, $4.99; C. Krebs, $4.99; G. Notdurft, $3.98; Hogg Bros., $126.00; Feenaughty Machinery Co., $33.20; Howard-Cooper Corpora tion, $62.00; Pacific Highway Garage, $5.70; L. W. Young, $5.00; Chris Klink er, $39.99; Douglas & Cluster, $34.86; Kaake & Jubb Lumber Co., $12.60; Willamette River Lumber Co., $53.11; Standard Oil Co., $13.23; Oregon Port land Cement Co., $23.73; Willamette Valley Southern Railway Co., $30.00; W. H. Bonney, $163.75; Lensch Bros., $9.00; A. R. Aylsworth, $3.58; W. H. Bonney, $515.57; Loggers f& Contract ors Machinery Co., $1421.72; Bureau of Labor. $30.00; Howard-Cooper Cor poration, $170.18; Road Builders' Equipment Co., $36.50; Fairbanks, Morse, & Co., $41.72; Union Oil Co.,-of California, $223.80; H. E. Cross, $10; J. W. Miles, $19.95;. T. C. Campen, i $26.50; Union Mills, $88.40; State Land Board, $1264.62; Louis Welsh, $15.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $50.00; W. C Cowgill, Jr., $31.20; .Dolly. Pratt, $100. Tualatin Sarage & Repair Shop, $3.50; Karl Korman, $1.50; Wilsonville Gar age, $.50; Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $2.50; G. J. Friedrich, $36.00; Abe Gilbert, $178.99 ; Board of Water Com missioners, $22.52; Oregon State High way Commission, $170.96; The Cascade Sales Co.. $102.04; Pacific Highway Garage, $10.35; Park-Shepherd Motor Co., $19.87; Pacific Telephone & Tele graph. Co., $10.00; C. G. Miller Co.. $24.62; State of Oregon, Bureau of Labor, $10.00; W. Waldorf, $1.50; Ore gon City Retreading & Vulcanizing Works, $35.75; Road Builders' Equip ment Co., $21.00; Russell Grader Mfg. Co.. $57.95; Francis Welsh, $41.01; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $2332.771 Standard Oil Co., $781.11; Hogg Bros., $947.05; W. E. Godsey, $5.20; Fee naughty Machinery Co., $46.20; M. D. Say, $100.00; C. G. Miller Co., $3.40; Wilsonville Garage, $44.42; Art Dear dorff, $17.50; Frank Ott, $24.20; E. R. Kilgallon, $50.00; Floyd Byron Holder, $7.50; Williams Plumbing Co., $35.00; J. W. Miles, $48.98; G. D. Hammond, $47.41; C. A, Wells, $32.44; E Paddock $2.49; George Pennell, $97.95; W. C. Cowgill. Jr., $84.99; H. Cochran, $19.20 W. H. Rambo, $64.50; Chas. Simmons, $42.24; E. W. Paddock, $19.96; G. Wil son $16.88; L. Hull, $16.88; John Heft, $104.85; Aruen Perry,. $50.60; A. Heft, $52.35; Earl Strong, $35.64; Thomas Perry, $27.92; W. Everett, $54.09; Berf ' Wallace. $24.43; F. L. Rambo. $24.43; W. T. Monteith, $3.49; William Rob erts. $12.21; JohnScheer, $10.47; C. A. Wallace, $44.91; L. F. Rambo. $35.91; . F. Klinger, $4.48; M. Kay, $4.98; W. Clausen, $7.47; Ed. Rundle, $4.98; Chas. Garrett, $2.74; Paul Wallace, $2; S. Holstine, $4.99; H. H. Dahl, $9.98; Wm. Chilcote, $9.98; Joe Nordling. $9.98; W. W. Wallace, $14.97; Joe Lilly, $129.74; J. S. Heddin, $82.74; H. Oakes, $67.28; N A. Eckles, $57.28; F. E. Hartsell, $72.27; Jack Varley, $9.96; Arthur Smith, $7.47; Dick Williams; $74.74; A. Colman, ,$7.47; H. Howell, $114.28; C. Stocker, $34.38; Roy Quick $73.25; E. M. Wadsworth, $62.78; John Berg, $69.75; J. Wicklina, $46.34; W. A. Snider, $19.43; George Daniels, $2.99; Willis Higgers, $14.95; H. Haas, $8.97; O. T. Wells. $47.84; C. Bennett, $2.99; L. Bailey. $20.93; C. Moran, $2.99; C. A. Betz, $2.49; H. W. Kanne. $19.95; 'Christ Miller, $16.85; Carl Loudfee. $11.78; C. R. Jackson, $16.85; Chris Miller, $143.47; Carl Laundree. $143.47; Glenn Loundree, $100.35; Chas. C. Cash, $94.23; C. H. Farmer, $167.75; Jim Margeson, $195.82; L. Wallace, $4.98; Frank Jones, $2.49; Wm. Roley, $4.99; A. R. Silver, $4.99; Philip James, $8.71; Garnet James, $4.98; Andrew Larsen, $7.47; H. Z. Hoylman, $12.45; E. J. Faust, $12.45; R. Schuebel, $35.42; Claud Henrici, $55.86; C. W. Nelson, $3.00; Walter Henrici, $71.82; H Henrici, $44.91; C. W. Carter, $35.88; C. H. Henrici, $13; State Industrial Accident Commission. $1011.14; Canby Concrete Works, $35; E. Shepparl, $28.40. Market Road No. 1 Paul Dunn, $7.30; E. L. Palfrey, $6.80; B. Chan green, $3.00; D. T Jkleldrum, $12.20; Tom Johanson, $10000; Dick Striker, $49.90; Otto Striker, $43.66; W. S. Gor bett, $29-66; D. R. Dimick, $37.42; W. A. Beck, $5.98; Delbert Fisher, $4.98. Market Road No. 2 A. W. Anderson, $15.05; Stenstrom Bros., $6.50; C. L. Shaw, $4.95; Stenstrom Bros., $433.44; Paul R. Meinlg, $1.65; H. H. Udell, $47.88; H. R. Devlin, $27.65; A. W. Anderson, $2.39; H. L. Guthrie. $37.42; J. M. Parks, $31.39; William Hanson, $28.64; Frank Miles, $19.92; Herbert Udell, $52.39; Ray Hanson, $52.39; T. C. McKay, $52.39; Millard Parks, $15.64; Joseph DeShazer, $52,39; Chas. Updegrave, $52.39 ; Karl Bestul, $12.45, Tomy McKay, $12.45; Earl Peterson, $26.14; H. C. Wintersteen, $13.59; Web Roberts, $19.30; Ralph DeShazer, $23; James Lamper. $8.71; Jay Morrison, $14.94; John Motejl, $7.47; Feenaugh ity Machinery Co., $34.00; Joe Wieder hold $88.93; Estacada Telephone & Telegraph. Co., $1.65; Smith Hardware Co., $9.91; Joe Wiederhold, $22.75; A. Mather, $107.80; Standard Oil Co., $28.05; Cascade Garage, $21.31; Chris Klinker. $7.46; E. HInkle, $14.00; Berge Torkleson, $89.80; John Mar shall, $64.74; Albert Lins, $64.74; Albert Lins, $64.74; Clarence Guber, $54.78; A. H. Miller, $89.79; Gua Zweirman, $92.13; Louis Ochs, $37.35; Ray Miller, $39.84; Wm. Lins, ,$14.85; Fred Lins. $16.18; O. P. Califf, $37.35; d. Harders, $71.84; Robert Miller, $19.27; Lester Crawford, $9.96; Paul Holm, $20.53; Roy Miller, $23.65; Al bert Hubert, $6.73; Joe Richley. $10.47 J. H. Tracey, $36.16; Norman Tracey, $18.71; Otto Paulsen, $16.71; Harold Joyner, $14.97; Wm. Held, $18.71; Pet er Ruhl, $18.71; C. A. Johnson, $18.71; Henry Schmidt, $34.93; J. R. Reed, $75.94; Ted Harders, $21.31; The A. H. Averill Machinery Co., $78.00; Howard Cooper Corporation. $27.80; Coast Cul vert & Flume Co., $476.48; Road Build ers Equipment Co., $179.00; Portland Railway, $1.70; D. T. Meldrum $21.10; J. W. Miles, $16.50; W. C. Cowgill, Jr.. $9.00; J. W. Miles. $26.12; G. D. Ham mond, $4.99; C. A. Wells. $19.96; Chas. j Simmons. $15.36; W. C. Cowgill. Jr., :$6.53; W. H. Rambo $45.71; H. Coch jran, $3.84; G. Wilson, $16.88. I Market Road No. 3 Stenstrom Bros, j $1304.64; H. H. Udell, $17.95; H. R. Devlin, $7.47; A. W. Anderson,$ 67.75; H. L. Guthrie, $17.46; J. M. Parks, j $10.46; William Hanson, $11.20; Frank Miles, $41.09; Herbert Udell, $22.45; I Ray Hanson, $22.45; T. C. McKay, !.$22.45; Millard Parks, $6.70; Joseph DeShazer, $22.45; Charles Updegrave, $22.45; Karl Bestul, $22.45; E. Young, f $12.45; Earl Peterson, $11.20; H. C. Winterstein, $11.20; Tomy McKay, $2.49; A. Mather, $69.55; Road Build ers' Equipment Co., $25.75; Coast Cul vert & Flume Co., $65.85; D. T. Mfil drum, $10.70; J. F. Schultz, $69.25; R. Naylor, $43.57; W.J. Evans, $42.33; C. P. Murphey, $53.53; Chas. Murphey, $41.08; W. Nelson, $47.31; G. Hoff- meister, $41.08; George Baker, $26.62; W. CanCurran, $37.35; Dave Evans, $1168; (John (Evans. $1X38; J. Ek Guirt, $18.05; Wm. Douglass, $29.93; W. II. Doglass, $146.01; F. Hoffmeist er, $92.31; W. R. Woodle, $41.15; F. B. Young, $6.10; L. J. Rucker, $59.88; Roy Douglass, $39.92: E. N. Naylor, $64.87; Carl Rheberg, $83.57; H. S. Gibson, $77.34; J. W. Miles. $6.60; J. sT iles, $13.13; G. D. Hammond. $4.99; C. A. Wells, $4.99. Market Road No. 4 A. H. Borland, $4.49; John Raicy, $10102; R. C. Paine, Borland, $48.55; H. Gebhardt, $36.40; $53.58; A. W. Borland, $9.96; Lloyd J. A. Bushbaum, $14.97; H. Gebhardt, $295.90; N. S. Oldham, $288.75; C. G. Miller Co., $.35; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $55.83; Valvaline Oil Co., $9.25; D. T. Meldrum, $8.20. Market Road No. 5 J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., $38.60; A. M. Groshong, , $7.20; Paul Dunn, $7.30; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $5.58; J. W. Miles, $7.20; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $7.80; Coast Culvert & Flume Co.. $628.69; D. T. MeMrum, $18.50; O. M. Murphey, $3.75; TheCilverton Meat Market, $20.10; Giger Bros., $128.85; G. J. Friedrich, $35.17; iS. Ames, $4.05; John Thurman, $34.93; Bill Brown, $42.41; Jim Verstegg, $49.90; Olaf Ol sen, $47.40; Clarence Thomas, $59.86; Joe Oster, $64.87; Henry Aspboe, $24; Bill Geiger, $19.92; Rex Albright, $1424; Norman Olsen, $24.90; Ed. Ho- bart, $4.99; Geo. Jack, $13.59; Chas. Dicken, $9.96; T. C. Bentley, $4.99; Larance Bowman, $8.30; A. P. Aspboe, $4.98; Tom Brown, $64.74; G. C. Bent ley, $52.39; G. C. Wooster. $17.43; Roy R. Ridings, $103.74; Clarence Eriokson $44.82; Leonard Erickson, $47.31; A. Barth, $9.96; O. I Hmmond, $112.27; Albert Carpenrter, $97.30; Jay Bentley, $7.47; Stanley Ray, $7.47; Peter John son, $24.90; J. L. Jones, $19.96; Dick Strieker. $106.03; Otto Striker, $106. 03; W. S. Gorbett, $102.27; C. A. Wal lace, $92.31; L. F. Rambo, $65.83; O F. KJinger, $24.66; Fred Burns, $2.24; J. W. Miles, $9.79; G. D. Hammond. $2.49; C. A. Wells, $7.48; E. Paddock. $2.49; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $6.53; W. H. Rambo, $4.99; Chas. Simmons, $3.84. Market Road No. 6 D. T. Meldrum, $12.20; Hogg Bros., $48.90; Standard Oil Co., $7.50; J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., $168.00; Concrete Pipe Co., $193.60; Aden's Store, $26.45; J. L Case Threshing Macvhine Co., $2.00; Jos, J. Thornton, $15.35; Road Build er's Equipment Co., $147.00; Wilsonvil le Garage, $28.00; Canby Hardware & Implement Co., $2.89; Walter Schlick eiser, $116.74; Ed. Dill, $52.89; J. F. Oldham, $56.02; Jack Crane, $27:39; Bill Kruger, $27.39; Archie Stahlneck er, $26.14; R. C. Smith, $62.25; Bill Baker, $9.96; Geo. Brooks, $42.33; Al bert Swartz, $2.49 ; Clyde Swank, $5L 04; George Stahlnecker, $64.87; Henry Reisner, $12.45; Daniel Brown, $39.83; Berg Torkelson, $26.94; Reuben' Kramein, $38.59; Roy Hacker, $48.52; Bruce Case, $66.03; D. R. Dimick, $86. 57; Ted Bruck, $63.84; Bruno Strobe, $37.35; A. O. Westgate. $39.84; Walt er Murrey,$27.39; Bill Ridder. $24.95; Norman Johnson, $12.45; J. J. Taug bert, $7.48; Frank Kiser, $9.98; Robert Stahlnecker, $58.58; C. C. Hocks, $37.04; Rufus Stahlnecker, $46.73; Hjalmar Johanson, $48.55; George Bal ahlga, $22.45; W. C. Cowgill. Jr., $5.10; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $6.53; G. Wilson. $4.22; Chas. Simmons, $3.84; L. Hull, $4.22. Market Raod No. 7 Paul Dunn, $8; Frank Tiffany, $97.29; J. K Brown, $41.08; T. E. Brown, $56.82; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $77.44; A. W. Cooke, $5.50; D. T. Meldrum. $11.50; A. H. Smith, $1639.12; W. C. Cowgill. Jr.. $77.44; W. H. Rambo. $9.98; Chas. Simmons,- $30.72; E. W. Paddock, $34.93; L. Hull, $16.88. Market Road No. 8 D. T. Meldrum, $6.60; Paul Dunn, $5.60; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $10.60; J. T. Fullani, $5.50; Cosby Smith. $41.95; Fred Fleuckiger, $51.62; S. F. Scripture. $3. 50; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $35.20 C. It- Livesay, $74j5; E. HInkle, $2.50; Dave Williams. $312.00; W. T. Sher man, $7.38; Hogg Bros.. $12,80; Howard-Cooper Corporatios, $16.14; Otto Fischer, $24.95; Abel Norman, $24.95; Emiel Larson, $24.95; John Hindle, $24.95; Ernest Evanson, $12.45; John Hindle, $23.94; Otto A. Fischer. $58. 58; Guy Upterove, $95.94; John Kelley, $7.47; Gus Lesch, $38.87; Albert Frick, $53.59; A. Ramberg, $4.98; Cecil Hal- liman, $6.20; Lewis Funk, $14.97; Pat 0'Connor$53.53; Walter Funk, $12.45; Gilbert Fischer, $14.97; Wm. Braatz, $62.05; Walter Spatz, $9.96; Guy Brown, $19.92; John Phillips, $9.98; Hartley Johnson, $32.37; John Bogin ke, $24.95; A. E. Johnson, $32.89; Lew is Norman, $19.92; H. Ellenson, $17.94; Wm- Carlson, $14.95; Frank Allen, $14.94; Ray Brown, $14.94; Wm. Brown, $12.45; Allison Allen, $28.63; Ivan Pulley, $39.95; Carl Staats, $12.45 John Stenetz, $24.90; Fred Mueller, $24.95; J. W. Miles, $9.08; G. D. Ham mon, $4.99; C. A. Wells, $4.99. Market Road No. 9 D. T. Meldrum, $14.70; Otis Engle, $12.45; George C. Purude, $19.96; Floyd Emert, $22.45; Floyd Farmer, $9.66; Gust Fahl, $19. 32; A. Baufman. $4.98: Wm. Baufman, $4.98; John Mcholich & Co., $2441.14; John Mcholich & Co.. $1000.00; J- W. Miles, $12.23; Cecil Wells, $4.99; C. E. Johnson, $4.99. Market Road No. 10 Paul Nau D. T. Meldrum, $4.60; J. W. Miles, mann, $1.50; Austin C. Taylor, $500.00; $6.30; G. E. Wyland, $99.75; G. E. jWyland, $119.76; Wm. Dreher, $49.90; L. A. Mitts, $94.83; Paul Yoder, $108.0-5 L. B. Yoder, $114i77; Jesse Mitts,. $131.76; Floyd Lenhardt, $114.77; J. Schwabauer, $59.88; Ernest Thiel, $1.- i 35; Claude Yoder, $59.76; George Gott- wald, $59.29; Ed. Mitts, $58.39; Cecil Lenhardt, $62.53; Melvin Mitts, $88.56; Wm. Stuwe, $104. 79; Chas. Taylor, $2.49; F. S. Hart, $24.90; M. G. Smith, $59.88; Ed. Wormdahl, $39.92; G. Stuwe, $19.96; Dave Swanson, $5.00; Frank Taylor, $37.65; E. Gudatt, $43.90; Otto Lubcke, $70.46; Osker Ja cobson, $42.30; M. T. Jacobson, $67.37; Leon Judd, $66.12; Finas Cooper, $62. 37; Wayne Jackson, $4.98; A. C. Tay lor, $54.89; A. E. Taylor, $54.89; H. I Jackson, $14.95; Jo Dawson, $32.42; Bud Jackson, $7.47; E. Fuher, $27.44; John Shumacker, $18.08; Arthur Coop- er, $16 J8; John Gregory. o$57.38; W. Hastie,"$4.00; C. F. Jackson, $79.31; A. C. Cooper, $1.49; Crarley Taylor, $4. 98; E. Conrad, $4.98 John Kurtz, $45. 55; L. G. Wrolstad, $45.55; J. W. Miles. $6.53; G. D. Hammond, $4.99; C. A. Wells, $4.99. Market Road No. 11 D. T. Meldrum. $10.30; Edward Boul, $122.25; George Clark, $134.50; Tommy Parry, $52.29; Albert Gasser, $61.50; Richard Grif fith, $151.50; Ernest Berger, $40.36; Charles Marshall, $53.88; Julius Schieve, $97.30; Arthur Pack, $58.51; John Gard, $119,76; Jackie Gard, $59.76; Fred Bruner, $68.77; William Griffith, $122.25; Win. Walter Griffith, $30.50; LawTenc Mugget, $61.00; Les lie Gard, $30.0; Jessie Eddington, $21.16; John Wiegle, $2.99; Ben Lin daur $65.78; Hosie Rogers, $3.73; Le roy Hull. $78.67; Charles Gasser, $43. 57; William Bottomiller, $39.92; Wil liam Wallace, $22.41; John Buche, $14.94; Clayton White, $10.92; J. W. Miles, $92.82; G. D.'Hammond, $34.93; C. A. Wells, $49.90; W. H. Rambo. $6. 53; L. Hull, $4.22; George Pennell, $71.83. Market Road No. 5 Lane and Pas senen, $1140.24 - GENERAL COUNTY FUND Election A. H. Finnigan, $3.00; The Molalla Pioneer, $4.20; C. G. Miller Co. $6.60; E. C. Lakin, $4.00; C. W. Fried rich & Son, $4.80; Geo. A. Brown, $4.00 W. w: Smith, $3.00; D. B. Fox, $1.20; 'Scrool District No. Ill, $3.00: Canby Herald, $4.20; Banner-Courier, $4.20; Western Clackamas Review, $4.20; R. M. Getchie, $3.00. Sherrif The Western Union TeL Co., $4.05; D. M. Marshall, $4.00. Clerk regon City Enterprise. $55.00 County Clerk, $13.50; Huntley Draper Drug Co., $3.00; Naomi Warren, $69. Recorder G. J. Noe. Co. (Recorder, $6.00. Treasurer Mary Confer, $81.41; G. W. Zerr, $3.00; Oregon City Enter prise $.45; Clackamas County Treas urer, $1.50. Assessor Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $5.00; N. R. Graham, $120.00; Victor Thompson, $102.00; D. F. Leferve, $90.00; P. J. Scrneider, $115.00; H. N. Everhart, $120.00; W. H Enle, $94.00; Leonard Hallinan, $95.00; Wan. Mor G. Hayman, $90.00; W H. Joyner, $27. and, $130.00; W. H. Holder, $40.00; J. County Court W A. Proctor. $80; W. F. Harris. $80.00. Court House Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. $75.35; Jones Drug Co., $10.00. Circuit Court Oregon City Enter pries, $15.00; O. D. Bower, $4.00; Mrs. Lawrence A. Milner, $7.20; U. G. Blake $2.80; Mrs Mapes, $3.20; E. C. Fisher, $16.00; F. A. Mitchell. $7.00; Robert L. Benson, $45.00; Donald Ryan, $4; Hazel A. Benson, $5.00; Charles V. Robinson, $5.00; Pauline Rauman. $1S: R. H. Craddock, $7-00; C. E. William son, $18.00; Percy M. Johnson, $163.40 Lawrence Milner, $5.00; Ira M. Cole man. $22.00; H. C. O'Neill, $12.00; Nell M. Lainhart, $11.00; Gus Schram, $7;" Lawrence B. Johnson, $8.40; Maxwell A. West, $9.00; C. M. Cason, $5.00: John Goltz, $5.00; Mrs. Ira M. Cole man, $22.00; Frank Beaty, $5.00; H. D. Green, $5.00; Multnomah County Jail. $18.00; Frank Foster, $7.20; John Firestein, $22.00 P. E. Noble, $5.00; Grace Herbert, $9.20; MrMapes, $3. 20; Charles V. Robinson, $9.00; E. E. Hammond,' $2.80; Nora Mann, $2.40; Bert William, $2.50; Sydney Baker, $2.50; Carrie S. Turner, $4.80; Mrs. H. H. Hurlburst. $2.50; Mrs. Ed. Raugh, $2.50; Mrs. Hulda Homes, $2.40; J. H. Prater. $2.50; H. D. Marston, $2.80; W. W. Smith, $2.20; Bernice Dais, $2.30; Dorothy Hitchman, $4.80; Florence McKinnis, $4.80; Violet McKinnis, $4. 80; Mre. Charles Straight, $2.20; Mrs. C. Grazier, $2.60; L. A. Harmes, $11; L. V. Jenkins, $11; W. A. Barqer, $9; Clifford C Westbrook, $22.00; Cora Huntly, $2.00; Fred Mallett, $1.25; Fred Mallett, $11; Frank Albee. $6.20; Hugh Parry, $16.60; Lizzie Bonney, $17.40; John G. Edwardson, $16.80; Robert Y. Appleby, $16 60; Chas. L. Horstman, $4.20; Ernest Berger, $2.80; Walter Watson, $660; Fred Lins, $10; Steve P. Londergan, $16.20; Wm. E. Bonney. $8.00; Wm. Boyd, $16.20; C. R Hunter, $16-00 Thos. E. Brown, $25. 40; Louise Kamrath, $47; Augusta B. Haberlach. $46; William Lewis, $28. 40; Sam J. Jones, $45.40; Adam Beil, $35.00; Grover C. Pomeroy, $39; 'Eliza M. Ingram, $46.60; Robert D. Wilson. $33.20; Clara E. Anthony, $46.20; W. f. Hartnell, $30.20; Aurie Draper, $33.- 20: Mary R. Caufleld, $33.20; Maggie Johnson, $34.40; Fred C. Goodridge, $34; Edgad C. Brown, $7.80; Lillian MeCormack. $3.00; Emma Romairi, $3; W. R. Wentworth, $2.00; C. A. Frost, $3.00; F. B. Madison, $2.00; Harry Greaves, $3.00; L, Stipp, $50; Wm. J. Wilson, $5.00; Mike Mooney, $3.80; Julia B. Mooney, $3.80; August Rothen berg, $3.60; R- I. Garrett, $3.50; Clara C. Patterson, $3.70; Margaret Warring ton, $10.00; T. E. Davidson, $2.00; T. F. Ryan, $2.20. Justice of the Peace Banner-Courier, $10.80; E. J. Noble, $98.70; J. E. Noble, $98.70; J. E. Bauer, $1.20; Reta Ruconich, $1.20; W. V. Ruconich, $1 20; Roy Woodward, $1.20; Frances Rintoul, $1.20; A. D. Wells. $4.50; D. j M. Marshall, $6.50; F. C. Burke, $1.70; C. E. Carothers. $1.20; R. N. Sheldon. $1.20; H. Henningsen, $1.20; J. S. Manningsen, $1.20; J. S. Manning, $1.20; K. Koellermeier, $1.20; F. T. Curran, $1.20; Charles Straight, $1.70; Sam Finucane, $1.70; Dub. Finucane, $1.70; D. McNabb, $1.70; L. E. Staple ton, $1.70; Oregon City Enterprise, $24.30; F. E. Lowe, $7.60; Ed. For tune, S77.50. Coroner O. A. Pace, $27.00. , Surveyor D. T. Meldrum, $17.20; A. W. Cooke, $15.00; F. M. Townsend, $14.40. Insane Dr. M. C. Strickland, $15; Dr. Edward McLean. $5.00. Supt. of Schools Brenton Veddar, $60.88; Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. M., $15.00; Bertha Vedder, $9; Agnes M.'Buckney, $29. 17;-Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $26.50. Board of Healtr Guy Elliott, $8.50; Dr. O. A. Welsh, $51.45. Cattle Indemnity J. P. Poor, $1.21. Indigent Soldier Mead Post No. 2. $65.00; Holman & Pace, $60.00. Poor J. K. Ely, (Mrs. Frederberg) l $9.05; $7.90; Jonesx- Drug Co., (Medicine) W. H. Curtis, (O. M. Smith) $2.50; Bannon & Co., (Clothing for Poor) $1.54; Drs. Strickland & Huy cke. (Myrtle Dunn) $2.50; Mrs. W L. 4ooheen, (Nelson Boys) $20.00; Mrs. Frank C. Schell, (lone Bybee) $15; J. Bickner & Son, (Mrs. Gaither) $15.00; C. E. Walstrom, $10.00; for Mrs. Rob erts; Anna Lowery, (self) $10; Ella Ormiston, (George Lowervl. ss Oft- Mary F. Carothers, (Anna Penning ton;, ?4&.vy; m. j& Wilson, (Sidney Kellv). $24.00: A. C. Erickson, tv. rt Stark)', $35.61; Mrs. Cora B. Wash- ourn, j. m. smrtnj jio.00; Oregon City Hospital, (Ward Service for Poor) $161.00: Mrs. Isa Srojrsrins. CBti Landes) $10.00; Samuel Grey, (Stark family) $5.00; D. W. Griffin, $6.00) for Beers familv: W. E O'DonnelL fW. L. Reynols) $8.00; Twentieth Century jau c. Burke, $120.00; William Wilson, $102.89. Juvenile Court Park KheDherd Mot or Co., Inc., $24.90; Minda E. Church, $63.07;, Walter E. Henpstead, $5.00. Printing and Advertisine- Banner- Courier, $96.80; Oregon City Enter prise, $97.50; The Daily Record Ab stract, $26.60. Sealer J. F. Jones, $40.33 Tax Department W. J. Wilson. $10: M. Dion, $85.00. Prohibition L. StiDO. $25.00: FT. A. LaBarre, $6.00; D. M. Marshall, $5.00. wealth Clackamas Countv Health Association, $100.00. Audit of Books John Y. Richardson. $51.00. Emergency Mrs. Bertha Wells. $37.50. Insurance E. H. Cooper and Son. Agents, $50.40; Phoenix Insurance Co., $58.80. log Fund R A. Wrieht. Jlfino- John O. Jones, $23.00; Solon A. Brady, $39.00; Owen Parry. $46.00. Grocery, (Mrs. Roberts) $5.00; Shel don Drug. Co., $15.80 for medicine for poor; Wm. Danforth, (Self) $10.00; Boys and Girls Aid; Soc., $10.00; Anna Wettelin, (Self) $10.00,- Mrs. Sarah Solomon, (Self) $15.00; Mrs. Elizabeth. Saunders, $5.00; Ella Tracy, (Eunice Horner) $10.00; Mrs. Lillian M. John son (self and children) $15.00: Georira JI. Newsome (Self) $15.00; Ada La- iaw, (Self and children) $8.00; Katie i'luara, (Self) $10.00; Wallace R. Tel- lora. (Michael Boyles) $12.00; John and Wm. Beers. $20.00: Mrrv T $25.00; oJ. G. Wke, $15.00; W. Witch- man, ?50.00; oie JosendaU and August Johnson; Mrs. S. Beckman. (Ben Mim- son) $25.00; Fred Wyder, (Self) $12; lian Buse, (Albert Veisen) $10.00; Maud Williams, (Child in care of) $20; Thomas I. Frederburg, (Self) $12.0T: John Nieland, (John Morris and Jas. Seehorn and A. Nelson) $75.00; Geo. Bolin, (Self) $15.00; H. Sturdevant, (Self) $30.00; Chas. Krebs, (Tony Mil ler) $30.00; Mrs. J. E. Mumpower, (Dick Myers and Mathnnnnt SRnnn- Hilda Granquist, (Selr and -children)'. z!j.oo: John Melin, (Self) $5.00; Anna Lowery, (George W. Lowery) $15; A. C. Erickson, (E. B. Stark and wife), $25.00; Icy Bargfeld, (Self) $10; Ella Ormiston, (George Lowery) $10.00. FOR ' SALE Pure blood Rhode Island cockerels. Frank Schmitz, Sandy. Phone 51. I have located in Oregon City. I am an old hand at the business, I guarantee to get as much money for your . property as any man in the state. Phone 510W for dates. W. D. OVERTON. Auctioneer. I have 4 head of large horses for sale. Young and sound. Going to leave. I am stopping at Red Front Stables. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. ' Mary A. Smith, Plaintiff, "vs. H. JQ. Smith, Defendant. To H. Q. Smith the above named defendant, In the Name of the State of Ore gon; You are hereby required to apr pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date of expir ation is fixed by order of the above entitled Court as September 8th, 1922 ; if you so fail to appear and an swer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint. This summons is published by or der of Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the above entitled Court. The order is dated July 25, 1922. Date of first publication July 28, 1922. Dfite of last publication September 8, 1922. JOHN P. HANNON, Address, 311 Consolidated Securi ties Building, Portland. Oregon, Attor ney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS No. 18S16 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Mable L. Cox, Plaintiff, vs. Harvey E. Cox, Defendant, To Harvey E. Cox, defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled Court and cause on or before Saturday, the Sth day of September, 1922. and if you do not so appear 'and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit:- ' For a' decree dissolving the mar riage contract heretofore and now ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant; that she have the care, custody and control of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, and that she have such other and further relief as to the Court shall seem equitable in the premises. This summons is .published by or der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court for the Fifth Judicial District of Oregon, which order was made July 24th, 1922, directing that the summons be published in the Oregon City Enter prise once a eek for six consecu tive weeks, the date of first publica tion, July 28th, 1922, and the date of last publication. September Sth, 1922. j JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney for Plaintiff, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Oregon City, Ore.