'DKEODiSrClTyTEN'A turKioii-KiDAYPj ULY"2n 9227 "ftx&'t our OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Published Every Friday E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Oregon, Post office aa aeconA-daaa ia after. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Tear $1.69 Months .75 1-3 Months .' 50 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment la net crelited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Advertising Rates on application. August 2 Is Date Set For Holding Historic Pageant The date for Oregon City's Histor ical Pageant, depicting the history of the city, has been definitely set for August 2, accordiing to Ada Losh Rose, who -is directing the work. The pageant will be staged at the Willamette falls, the Willamette riv er" and" on both banks between the new bridge and the temporary foot bridge. According to present ar rangements the program is to begin at 8:30 p m. and last for about two and one-half hours. The furnishings of groups of people and material for the different scenes or epochs has been divided among the various fraternal orgnizations and churches of the city. Pageant to be in 11 Episodes Eleven epochs or episodes of the early history of the city, beginning with the arrival of Lewis and Clark and ending with the return of the gold seekers from the gold fields of Cali fornia, will be shown. The first, Lewis and Clark being shown the falls oy the Indians, will be in charge of the Episcopal church. The arrival of Astor's Brigade in 1812, and the attack upon them by the Indians, which comprises episode two, will be handled by the Moos lodge. In this episode the Indians taking part in the attack and also in the great Indian council will be fur nished by the Red Men's lodge. Historical scenes concerning Dr. John McLaughlin, founder of Oregon City, and the Hudson Bay Company have been placed in charge of the lo cal Knights of Columbus. T. W. Sul livan, of this city and a prominent member of the Knights of Columbus, will take the part of Dr. McLaughlin Jason Lee Arrives j The establishing of the first Meth- odist church by Jason Lee and the ar rival of the Rev. T from the East, will be handled by the Methodist church. Dr. Parker at the falls, In dian slave markets, showing the In dians trading squaws for ponies and other articles, Indians fishing and Indian camps compose episode five. The first scene will be furnished by the Presbyterian church. The Indian scenes will be furnished by the local Red Men and a group of Indians from Molalla. Mrs. Wane Robbins, of Mo lalla, has charge of Molalla's contri bution to the pageant. Early Spirit Depicted Episode six. depicting the arrival of the first white women in Oregon City, will be handled by the pioneers. The scene of Governor Abernathy, first governor of the provisional gov ernment of Oregon, meeting the emi grants arriving from the East with "54-40 or Fight" painted on their wagons, is in charge of the Congrega tional church. Episode nine, showing the arrival of Captain Kilbourne in his ship the Brig Henry with the nrst furniture and millinery will be hand led by the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows. News of the Whitman " massacre, the Cayuse war and the arrival of captives will probably be handled by the local post of the American Legion and the Women's Club. The final ep iisode, wheh depicts the receiving of the news of the discovery of gold in California, the rush for the gold fields, the return of the gold seekers and the arrival of General Joseph Lane, first territorial governor of Oregon, has not been definitely assigned. Children to Participate The pageant proper will be preced ed by a prologue depicting the thomght that fairies lived in the Oregon coun try before "the Red Men came. '.'The fairy scene will contain about 100 children, led by Betty Forbes, who has been chosen to be the fairy queen. It is planned to make the historical pageant an annual affair with the view of having it fully developed by 1929, when Oregon City will celebrate its one-hundredth anniversary. PIONEER MEETING HELD AT OREGON CITY MAN WEDS GIRL FROM GLADSTONE A marriage license was Issued here Tuesday to Jean W. Georee. 30, Ore gon City, and Myrtle Huey, 24, Glad- i stone. The couple were married by Judge E. J. Noble yesterday afternoon. COUNTY COURT (Continued from last week.) E Plans for perfecting the Oregon Pio neers Association were discussed at a meeting of the Oregon pioneers in the home of Geo. Harding Friday eve ning. The first point taken under con sideration was the matter of drawing up a constitution and by-laws. Action in this matter, however, was deferred until a later date, as it was brought up Road District No. 60 Coast Culvert & Flum Co., $27.25. Road District No. 62 James Kuzer, $4.98; E. D. Worden. $9.98; T. John son, $9.98; C. Kaullermeler, $9.98; D. O. Day, $7.98; C. E. Day, $4.98; Fran Fisher, $9.98; Frank Fisher, Jr., $4.98; H. Johnson, $6.22; G. N. Gill, $7.97. Road -District No. 63 Hogg Bros., $1.20; G. Nordurft, $31.91; G. Vlahos, $14. 97; J. Erickson, $4.35; F. Kaiser. $17.46; F. Kelenhofer, 12.47; F. Heinz, $7.47; Chas. Heinz, $11.20; J. Noturft, $4.99; W. Yeomans. $4.98; G. Teske, $14.9; 7 J. Mantha, $4.98; F. Kaiser, $9.98; H. Teomans, $9.98. Road District No. 64 J. R. Pitts, $4.38; O. M. Ansve, $32.40; Fred An derson, $L25; Thorston Anderson, $11.24; Athur Anderson, $8.75; L. D. Parmentor, $27.59; E. Burtleson, $9.96; W. D. Miles. $24.95; Joe Miles $19.92; E. Babbs, $24.26; George Vetatoe, $6.73; L. L. Parentor, $103.85. Road District No. 65 C. V. Carmich ael, $9.25; John McHolick & Co., $284.48. Road District No. 2 City of West Linn, $1247.08. Road District No. 12 Oswego Trans fer, $48.00; The Good Roads Machin ery Co., $28.40. Road District No. 16 Schuld Bros., $50.00. Road Distict No. 26 Sandy Lumber Co., $6.96; W. A. Stone, $48.36; Sam Rowen, $39.92; Fred Gertsch, $18.67; Ed. Sladky, $19.92. Road District No. 35 Standard Oil Co., $13.91. Special No. 11 Nichola Casciato, $4,798.27. Special No. 12 V. C. Jackson, $5.25; F. H. Bardsley, $17.50; Arthur Smith, $1792.56; R. Irving, $36.90; A. Hein rich, $32.50; J. Sigrist, $65.77; C. M. Reports, $87.77; H. Kenick, $125.77; A. Worthington, $187.71; A. Keinrich, $380.35; F. H. Bearsley, $388.81; J. E. Giesy, $4.48. Special No. 13 A. F. Kiser, $14.94; A. Tomas, $14.94;' C. Kiser, $9.96; A. A. Wood, $1.99; Harry Jost, $2.49; H. Heater. $4.98; G. Baker, $4.79; G. Bat algia, $2.49; R. Baker, $3.73; A. A. Wood, $6.49. Speical No. 14 Fred Bker, $12.46; Frnk Oldenstdt, $84.83; Ed. Selge. $104.79; $104.79; C. C. Schroeder, $64.87; Bob Schatz, $44.91; S. Turner, $44.91; Mike Aldridge, $99.80; A. Del- ker, $76.85; O. Pamperin, $92.31; L. Bruck, $9.98; V. Brack. $4.99; Ervin Sharp, $47.40; Adolph Delker, $54.89; R. W. Oldenstadt, $22.45; C. Tieder man, $112.27; G. Oldenstadt, $64.87; Ed. Pamperin, $44.91; Ed. Woodwerth, $9.96; A. R. Chapman, $9.96; W. Waite $14.94; G. Selge, $7.47; Ernest Wilkey, $46.06; Bert Schatz, $54.78; BiU Olden stadt, $54.78; Lee Borland, $53.53; C. Thebold, $52.29; Erl Oldenstadt, $37.35 A. H. Borland, $59.85; Norman Turner, $34.86; A. Alshire, $22.41; Bob Payne, $4.98; C. O. Perry, $2.49; W. Wooliver, $2.49; OCt Oldenstadt, $7.47; C. Eisele, $3.73; H. Turner, $11.20; T. Turner. $7.47; H. Koch, $67.36; Ed. Wood werth, $12.45; A. Chapman, $9.96; Bill Setge, $7.47; J. M. Turner, $93.76. Special No. 16 O. P. Rothe, $129.87; D. J. Abbey, $71.88; John Baumgard ner, $74.87; E. E. Roethe, $71.88; G. O. Skoog, $35.94; J. S. Booth, $38.87; A. G. Galison, $38.87; Ira Hart, $47.84; H. Faulk, $12.45; E. D. Roberts, $19.92; Win. Davenport, $321.00. I Special No. 17 James A. C. Tait & Co., $11.60; Pacific Asbestos and Sup ply Co., $54.81; East Side Mill & Tim, ber Co., $82.$3 ; Oregon City Sand and Gravel Co., $380.50; Schuld Bros., $469. Oregon Portland Cement Co., $571.53; L. G. Harrington, $8.85; W. E. Godsey. $45.30; H. Henricl, $64.87; W. J. Hen rici, $19.96; A. Schear, $15.96; C. Bat ton $13.96; Sam Schlegal, $13.96; E. Webb, $20.93; A. L. Pittman, $11.96; A. Hartley, $8.97; W. Marn, $11.96r W. S. Daywalt, $11.96; J. Schear, $11.96; W. Imel, $11.96; John Young, $11.96; W. Young, $14.95; C. W. Carter, $20.93 C. Cash, $17.45; H. Imel, $77.87; John Stutz, $28.31; S. Imel, $48.87; Arthur Leavitt, $47.92; Jack Young, $54.85; W. Imel, $29.90; Marvin Pittman, $32.89; R. Johnston, $69.8$; Ancil Pitt man, $29.90; W. S. Daywalt, $29.90; J. N. Young, $26.91; O. Welch, $58.76; W. Young, $23.92; L. Jones, $73.24; C. H. Counsell, $67.83; W. Marks, $2$.93; C. Henrici, $51.87; S. L. Mullan, $401.34; Dan Mazzie, $104.92; Art Wetmore, $28.44; J. W. Schuld, $31.18; F. Hen rici, $24.95; O. B. dinger. $26.19; L. $22.45; G. Wilkinson, $24.95. Special No. 25 John McHolick, $142.88; Wm. Extrum, $173.60; C. L. Shaw, $2.45; Paul R. Meinlg, $39.15; A. C. Thomas, $75.30; C. Donahue, $4.98; T. Bacon, $43.57f I C. Moulton. $4.98; A. J. Sloop, $31.39; S. Robertson, $17.43; Tom Hagan, $33.51; L. Lay man, $19.92; Bud Martindale, $28.51; R. H. Klingler, $13.59; W. Gauger, $15.44; Ona Clark, $12.45; E. East man, $12.45; iR. Haneberg1, $14.94; George A. Ten Eyck, $116.28; L. W. Tice, $64.74; Loren Sloan, $37.35; R. W. Akin. $74.84; T. McGuire. $90.43? Fred Gilbert, $49.80; Joseph Vaeretti, $88.57; A. Klingler. $74.85; Miles Ten Eyck, $32.37; Glen Ten Eyck, $64.87; W. Schreiber, $32.37; E. E. Easton, $24.90; R. Shipley, $73.29. Special No. 28 W. Widmer, $80.01; Gust Finger, $32.36; Will Bill, $54.88; H. Lubke, $9.96; Will Andreson, $55.86 Author Frenz, $23.02; John Macho, $8.71; Henry Herman, $27.44; Edward Flatau, $8.71; Henry Gierke, $17.46. Special No. 29 D. L. Erdman, $37.90 H. Bronner, $57.38; R. Krebs, $14.94 F. Carlson, $54.89; E. Borling; $22.41; H. Ackerson, $44.89; H. Swanson, $5.22 L. Bartlemay, $13.59; C. Hanson, $9.98 C. Johnson, $14.94; D. Fosberg, $13.69. Special No. 31 Frank Hatton, $38; Milo Mum power, $38.87; Owen Hat ton, $32.37; Henry Swales, $84.37; John Holcomb, $4.98; John Moser. $22.41; Gilbert Riebhoff, $24.90; Paul Scheff, $49.89; Carl Durig. $19.88; Clarence Swales, $9.96; Valino Weatherall. $14.94; H. Luft. $44.91; j Thomas Kelly, $24.90; Joe Sehriner, j $12.45; John Tschopp, $7.47. j Special No. 33 Oregon Sand and Gravel Co.,' $390.10; R. Mattoos, $364.92; C. R. Livesay, $23.93; H. D. Marston, $24.90. 'Specioal No. 34 C. W. Friedrich & Son, $:50; Frank Busch & Sons, $1.50; W. Lewis, $5.80; L. O. Nightingale, $10.75; C. T. Blackburn, $89.76; A. Trafton, $11.82; D. Evans, $19.32; N. Christner, $19.96; G. Roberts, $4.99; Wm. Roberts, $2.49; J. Roberts, $5.43; E. O. Hughes, $24.27; R. Bohlander, $24.27; W. Fisher, $29.92; G. Holman, $14.97; F. Steiner, $14.95; F. Shaw, $4.99; Wm. Parry, $4.99; Chas. Jones, $53.49 John ' Schram, $24.27; Wm. Parry, $4.99; Chas. Jones, $53.49; John Schram, $24.27; Wm. Daniels, $16.18; E. Roberts, $48.55; VW. Bohlander, $56.02; N. Oassidy, $20.92; A. Thomas, $40.99 ; E. Sheppard, $14.94 ; G. Staben, $19.29; H. Kamrath, $13.06; F. Kam rath, $92.76; F. Kamrach, $19.28; J. Leatherberry. $8.71; J. Hughes, $43.56; D. L. Jones, $9.98; D. L. Jones, $31.39; F. Kamrath, $69.88; E. Sheppard, $28.40. Special No. $416.13; Wm. Spatz, $44.82; Guy Brown, $39.22; Lewis 35 Dave Williams, Braatz, $58.37; John Walter Spatz, $31.12; $39.84 ; Ray Brown, Norman, $39.88; Emiel France, $7.45; C. E. Battin, $3.49; E. L. that a constitution and by-laws had j Blackburn, $20.94; Stanley Gibson, been drawn up at a meeting held at ! $196.70; A. Bouchel, $196.20; S. Cook, the, Gladstone Chautauqua last year, i $206.40; Elmer Frossard. S22B.20: I. W. Schuld, $184.98; H. Messenger, $16.95; W. C. Martien, $31.41; R. Holmes, $14.97; R. Reed, $13.96; John Shields, $29.95; M. Pittman, $5.98"; H. Imel, S29.95. A motion was made to get in touch with Colonel Miller, now a resident of Portland, and ascertain whether .or not a new constitution and by-laws would be necessary. After an agree ment was made to hold another meet ing about the middle of next week the session was adjourned. 20 PEOPLE INJURED IN BOOTLEGGERS' BATTLE Larson, $74.85; H. Ellenson, $50183; Wm. Carlson!, 50.83; Abel Norman, $58.64; Otto Fischer, $56.14; Fred Mueller, $56.14; Walter . Wahling, $53.65; John Stenetz, $29.88; Allison Allen, $28.63;. Ivan Pulley, $103.87: Ernest Evanson, $26.77; Frank Allen. $17.43; John Kelly, $27.39; E. Ahlberg. $26.77; Tom Berly, $29.88; O. Ahlberg. $11.20; Carl Staats, $27.39; H. Coop. $27.44; John Hindle, $42.41; John Phillips, $29.94; John Baldwin. $12.41; Johnson Hartley, $7.47; John Schnied er, $18.63; Guy Uptergrove, $191.88; John Hindle, $47.88; A. E. Johnson, $32.89; Cecil Halliman, $13.64; Grif fith, $19.91. Special No. 36 C. R. Livesay, $42; E. Hlnman, $14.90; F. Cumin, $14.94; C. Lander, $36.10; J. McComb, $22.41; J. E. LaCroy, 63.84; T. Jubb, 21.16; E. Bateson, $14.94; J. Sevier, $23.65; E. Fioken, $49.90; J. Mattoon, $29.94; E. Lankins, 39.92; J. Hamilton, $32.43; H. Tanler, $39.92; R. Bateson, $24.95; H. Huber, $19.96; E. Hartman, $19.96; J. Ficken, $7.48; J. Mattoon, $27.44; E. Ficken, $32.43; E. Hartman, $24.95; L Ficken, 14.97; W Williamson, $19.96; H. Tanler, $24.95; E. Lankins, $27.44; L. S. Penny, $7.99; E. Bateson, $13.59; W. Bateson, $2.49; E. Himan, $13.59; J. E. LaCroy, $24.93; T. Jubb. $11,207 H. Huber, 54.89; E. Lankins, $9.98; T. Magasawa, $9.98; I. Keller,. $14.97; F. Trachsel, $7.46; E. Hartman, $4.99; John Mattoon, 1.49; L. S. Tenny, $8.71; I. McComb, $17.43; J. Sevier, $26.14; Sam Jacobson, $8.71. Special No. 38 Barney Schoenberg, $1.24; P. T. Monroe, $1.99; W. A. Bard, $7.49. Special No. 39 Cascade Garage $76.95; Smith Hardware, $3.46; Harold E. Wooster, $18.00; W. S. Morgan, $13.99; (Clyde Davis, $42.33; Ralph Wade, $69.59; Newton Boroman, $10; J. F. Snyder, $9.98; W. A. Osborn, $44.91; F. H. Davis, $24.91; W. K. Cor bin, $44.91; Joe Michal, $44.91; Fred Davis, 21 J6; H. W. Davis, 17.39; E. E. Pinkley, $17.43; N. G. Henrickson, $4.98; M. M. Duncan, $112.43; S. E. Bracy, $9.88; Arthur Kelley, $7.47; J. J. Whitley, 44.91; Ward Jones, $82.33; G. I. Dart. $69.86; E. T. Davis, $84.37; R. G. Palmateer, $72.34; W L. Shriner, $17.43; Chester Dean, 32.37; J. Whit field!, $44.82; T. Eash, $44.82; Arthur Bowman, $17.43; Walter Lemon, 17.43; C. G. DDanielson, $62.33; W. M. Pink ley, 42.33; L. J. Palmateer, $59.33; Earnest Amacher, $22.68; L. A. Dun can, $100.87; $59.88; Curtis Wilcox, $44.88. Special No. 40 Cascade Garage, READING, Pa., July 21. Twenty persons are in local hospitals, eight in a serious condition, and four others, Earl Snyder, Oliver Wentzel, Densey 7yrist and Charles Erst, prominent lo cal athletes, are under arrest charged ' with inciting a not following a free-for-all fight between alleged bootleg gers, whisky runners and Consumers here today, which involved 200 per sons. The Franklin Produce ware house was cleaned out. A hurry-up' call to the police prevented more ser Iohs results. $17.65; Frank Ochs, $24.95; Harold IJOVner. $24.95: Otto Taii1sOTi 94QK- Special No. 18 Art Deardorff, jwm. Held. 24.as- r. a Vr,' $24.95; Leo Rath, $24.95; Peter Ruhl, $24.95; Wm Lins, $24.95; Henry Schmidt, $24.95; Ed. Guber, $24.95; Henry Klinker, $24.95; Louis Weisen fluh, $13.7$; Ralpfc Chaney, $19.95; Ed. Harders, $22.45; Louis Ochs, $12.45; Henry Joyner, $12.45 ; Ray Miller, 12.45; Carl Lins, $12.45; A. H. Miller, $13.96; Ted Harders, $29.18; J. R. Reed, $103.93; Robert Miller, $19.91; A. H. Miller. $7.97: J. H. Tracey. $2.49: Otto Paulsen. 2.49: -Ed. Grafenhain $150.50. Special No. 20 Ed. Moore, $32.37; M. Hemrich, $14.97; C. HemricH, $24.95; Kent Fish, $49.9$; Walter Young, $77.88; Walter Hal, $19.92; Wm Donley, $49.90; L. Stradley. $9.96 C. C. Young, $19.92; Wm. Svendsen. $27.44; S. C. Young, $29.94; John Moore, $24.95; Elmer McMurray, $7.47. Special No. 21 C. S. Mudge, $19.60; Jake DeYoung, $121.20; Arthur Gran. $42.33; John Anderson, $32.89; Albert Holtmelster, $47.79; Gus $32.89; ; Hadden Johnson, Philip schantin, $89.82; Fred son, $47.82; J. E. Berkstrun, lieoreg DerncK, $22.45; John Lingle. $27.39; Hoff- i $5.59 Special No. 41 Harry Hanson, $9.68 H. L. Guthrie, $19.96; Ralph De Shazer $44.91; J. M. Parks, $26.91; William Hanson, $14.94; Millard Parks. $21.41; Earl Peterson. 16.18; Victor Bodley. 9.96; H. S. Gibson, $19.92. Special No. 42 Ge6rge Williams, $14.97; Tom Johansen, $47.41; Perry Williams, $22.41; Walter Beck, $37.91; C. Beck, $2.49; F. Crane, 14.44; E. F. Wallace, $37.43; C. Anderson, $26.15; E M. Fellows, $34.86; T. Fellows. $196 J. D. Crawford. $94.81; A. Svenson, $82.34; Alfred Svanson. $39.92; Alex Eriokson, $74.85; John Jones, $34.93; Albert Harris, $74.85; N. A. Sorenaon, $2.49; Hugo Wicklund. $52.29; E. Han zen, $52.29; Axel Johnson, $29.88; O. Bask, $34.86; Rex Gorden, 14.95; E. Austin, $21.17; Ed. Johnson, $89.78; John Carlson, $19.96; Chester Dalmas, $7.47. Special No. 43 George Blatchford, $38.35; W. J. Avison, $5$.0$; Milton Strean,4 $12.47; Steve Hordichpke, $62.25; Jack Long, $18.67; Gust John son, $87.78; Ed. Feyrer, $95.76; C. B. Mann, $48.86; L L. Boyer, $10.47; Wil liam Feyrer, $66.31; D. E. Pendleton.. $73.29; Jack Feyrer, $139.82; C. N. Nugen, $57.45; Feyrer Bros., $104.95; Mervln Newell, $57.32; Shade Long, $42.41; John Norman, $54.89; J. W. Standinger, $34.93; B. C. Palmer, $37; Clay Engle, $39.92; Art Scott, $124.75; George Boyer $6.22; T. T. Boyen, $28.75; John Norman, $11.20; Jessie Lett. $28.63; J. O. Jshnson. $32.37; P. C. Cogar, $2.49; Math. Nelson, $44.82; I L. Boyer, $41.08; H. O. Newell. $17; Shade Long, $7.47; G. R. Cogar, $4.98; Bill Loury, $4.98; E. P. Pendleton, $12.45; Alfred Pendleton. $12.45; Olaf Nordquist, $19.92; M. Brunam, $52.29; Roy Olsen, $58.51; Elmer Widstrand, $59.76; C. B. Mann, $19.92. Special No. 16 Grover Freidrich. $73.81; Fred Molzan, $7.74; Charles Gelbrich, $3.49; Almon Johnson, $15.47 E. Sauers, $14.96; Melyin Mahlum, $19.95; Chas. Thomas,- $7.46; Earl Bowlsby, $12.32; Paul Bany, $13.45; H. A. Warrington, $8.71; Frank Zelin ske, $15.70; George Meyers, $6.22; A. Kraxberger, $6.22; Ralph Koehler, $13-.20; James Mahlum, $3.73; Moxley Mack, $3.73; Wm. Beeson, $4.98; Geo. Koehler, 17.95; A. B. Cole. $14.21; C. Kraft, Jr., $3.15. Special No. 48 R. W. Zimmerman, $49.86; L. G. Ziegler, $37.99; G. Stuwe, $9.98; F. E. Mills, $50.60; Roy D. Zim merman, $2.49. Special No. 49 Christ Lorenz, 14.97, Jean Gribble, $12.47; Jullius Ganske, $12.47; Willie Gibson, $17.46; Adam Kalb, $4.99; Luther Lorenz, $6.22; Syl vester Gibson, 7.47; Rudolph Klaus, $11.97; George Scheer, $26.20; George Smith, $24.95; P. J. Scheer, $29.95; Ed.."Harnack, $29.95; John Kummer, $3lj.5; Ben Krause, $26.35; William Meyer, $20.75; George Krause, $14.94; Willie Rencken, $16.18; Fred Lamour, $14.94; P. J. Scheer, $4.99; Ben Krause $4.99; William Meyer. $2.49; Rudolph Klaus, $3.99; Henry Drier, $14.98; Bruno Kraxberger, $7.49; Bruno Krax berger, $2.49; Raymen Heinz, $2.49; Rudolph Klaus, $7.98; Ralph Kehler, $13.96; Jullius Ganske, $4.50; G. J. Frederich. $317.53; Henry Gebert, $23.70; Wm Gelbrich, $27.44; Wm. Gebert, $41.18; Erich Mertz, $34.93; Henry Johnson, $19.92; Christ Goebel, 31.12; Rudolph Klaus, $79.8$; Ralph Kehler, $45.37; Wm. Gelbrich,' $14.97; Louis Gelbrich. $12.00; G. L. Frederich $493.12; G. J. Freidrich. $125.00. Special No. 5$ Amel Veille, $14.97; Hoken Kilo, $5.98; E. Fuher, $25.48; N. C. Nelson, $3.75; F. Miller & Sons, $2.00; Leon Judd, $3.73; Joe Lehman, $14.97; Otto Lubcke, $.80; C. F. Jack son, $29.92; J. W. Watson, $2.49; TS. Westbostad, $2.49; John Shumker, $1.24; Carl Dromlich, $245.34. Special No. 51 Olaf Olsen, $39.92; Harry Aspboe, $38.67; Bill Brown, $10; Joe Oster, $4.99; Perry Campbell, $18; Clarence Thomas, $33.48; John Thnr man, $32.43; Norman Olsen, $17.43; A. W. Albright, $17.43; Walter Brown, $17.43; Elmer Kleinsmlth, $9.96; Rex Albright, $6.22; Ed. Albright, $11.2$T Dan Edwards, $1.24; Charles McCon nell, $37.42; E. H. Sloane, $46.68; Geo. Herbs, $16.18; Loral Lamb. $2.18; W. M. Frye, $7.47; Charles Logne, $15.55; A. Rich, $1.24; C. Stanton, $10.88; Er vin Lamb, $45.74; Levi Kellis, $20.22. Special No. 52 J. W. Marrs, $17.95; Julius Ruhle, $17.45; Ivan Lacey, $3.7?. Special No. 60 Thomson Bros., $7.48; W. G. Randall, $9.00. Special No. 63 J. Hays, $14.97; J. Notdurft, $6.23; L. Davids, $7.47. Special No. 35 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $88.07. " - General Roads- Alaska Junk Co., $30.60; Millard Avenue Fuel & Ice Co., $91.00; Silica King Mines Co., $340.00"; Milwaukie Fuel & Feed Co., $34.38; Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $62.70 Union Oil Co. of Calif., 7553.96; Schuld Bros., $7.45; J. W. Hart, $3.00; Schuld Bros, $105.50; Standard Oil Co.. $2. 628.01; S. L. Mullan Fuel Co.. $96.00; Road Builders' Equipment Co., $46.90; J W. Schuld, $33.68; S. Imel. $39.92; Jack Young, $14.97; H. Messenger, $11.97; F. Henrici, $104.78; A. Wet more, $1871; O. B dinger, $19.96; R. Holmes, $14.97; W. C. Martien, $43.62; L. France, $1.49; C. H. Counsell, $11.97 Stanley Gibson, $45.60; S. L. Mullan, $45.60; A. Bouchel, $53.20; S. Cook, $45.60; Elmer Frossard, $53.20; L W. Schuld, $73.00; H. Henrici. $14.97; W. J. Henrici. $14.97; A. Schear, $11.97; C. Batton, $6.98; Sam Schlegal, $10.47; E Webb, $8.97; A. L. Pittman, $8.97; A. Hartley, $8.97; W. Marn, $8.97; W. S. Daywalt, $10.46; J. Shear, $8.97; W. Imel $8.97; W. Young, $7.47; John Young, $8.97; C. W. Carter,. $8.97; C. Cash. $10.47; M. S. Glass. $8.97; Chas. Krebs, $27.72; Closner & Smith, $59.46 Abe Hepler, $115.32; Hogg Bros., $48.50; H. Henrici. $4.99; W. J. Hen rici, $4.99; A. Schear, $3.99; C. Batton, $3.49; Sam Schlegal, $3.49; E. Webb, $2.24; A. L. Pittman, $2.99; A. Hartley, $2.99; W. Marx, $2.99; W. S. Daywalt. $2.99; W. Young, $2.99; C. W. Carter. 9,QQ- TW H rtlooo C9QQ- fl CaaYl. 3.49 'Rill Fveratt IKQ8- T'qt-J Rtrnne. S13.96 THIEVES FNTER HOME OF - W. A. LONGUOSS $200 Entrance Gained - Thru Side Door; Woman's Clothing is Taken Late Saturday- Night Thieves entered the home of W. A. Long, manager of the Liberty and Star theatres, Saturday night, some time between the hours of 9 and. 11, and secured several valuable dresses, silk underwear, silk stockings, a ring, a locket and about $8.00 in -cash. Most of the things taken belonged to Miss Ruby Long, and were valued at about $200. The burglars entered the house by j way of the dining room door, on t east side of the house. It is bellevea that the door was opened by a skele ton key. The drawers of the dress ers were pulled out on the floor and the articles scattered everywhere. The thieves entered the upstairs of the house, which is not used by the family, but nothing was taken. Up on leaving the house the burglars left the door open, probably frightened and in a hurry. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C. Latouibttb, President F.J. Mbysr, Cashier The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business, Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M SUMMONS f PENDLETON BOY KILLED IN THRESHER ACCIDENT Clarence Sneider, 18, son of W. W. Sneider, of ladstone, was killed in a thrasher accident, near Pendleton Monday morning, according to word received by his parents here. ' Sneider was working on the ranch of Fred Rees, eight miles from Pendleton. No details concerning the accident were received. The Sneider family moved to Glad stone from Pendleton only a short time ago. Clarence, who was spend ing the summer in Eastern Oregon, had expected to enter high school here next fall." Huge Caravan Will Travel 4000 Miles Participated in by a dozen manu facturers and distributors of national ly known industrial and power farm ing equipment, a. huge caravan is about to begin a tour embracing a per iod of three months, in which time it is proposed to cover a total mileage of approximately 4000 miles, embrac ing the whole of Oregon and several points on the Columbia River in Washington. Associated in the enterprise are the Ford Motor company, featuring Ford trucks and the Fordson tractor, tho Oliver Chilled Plow works and allied manufacturers of a complete line of farm implements distributed by the Oliver concern in the Northwest; the Ersted Machinery Manufacturing Com pany, showing the Ersted tractor hoist; the Lee Line of contractors dump bodies distributed by the Par-sons-ordan Co., Hercules commercial truck bodies, distributed by the Fran cis Motor Car Co., Talbot & Casey's Trailmobile and a number of tractor specialties; the Delco Light and other products of the Modern Appliance Co.. and various additional equipment for use with truck or tractor. In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon for Clackamas County. Evangeline Harris, Plaintiff vs. Roy A. Harris, Defendant. . To Roy A. Harris, Defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 4th day of August. 1922, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will take default against you and apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: t That the marriage contract hereto fore and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and held for naught and -that the plaintiff be granted a decree of di vorce from the defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Oregon City Enterprise for six consecutive weeks by order made by the Honor able J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court on the 20th day of June, 1922. JOSEPH, HANEY & LITTLEFIELD, 511 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Oregon. Date of first publication June 23rd, . 1922. Date of last publication August 4th, 1922. C. D. & O. C. LATOURETTE Attorneya-at-Law Commercial. Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg Oregon City, Oregon. O. D. EBV Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnisb . ed, land titles examined, estatee settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. Phone 405 WM. STONE . ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, U SUMMONS Two Suits Filed In Local Circuit Court Suit to quiet title to Blocks ? and F and seven lots In Block D, Park place, was filed in the circuit court Monday by Charles L. Beach and wife against Ivy Straight et at W. E. Thomas and Charles Swenson filed sut against H. D. Sandstrom to collect $131.40 alleged to he due for labor fur nished the defendant, LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Winnlfred M. Brown, Plaintiff, s. Charles R. Brown, Defendant To Charles R. Brown, the defendant above named: Tn the Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap Dear and answer the complaint filed against you in the ahve entitled suit within six weeks from the date or the first publication of this sum mons, as hereinafter stated and if you fail to so appear or answer herein, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in . her complaint, to-wit: For a decree forever dissolving the marriage con tract existing between you and plaintiff and restoring plaintiff to her maiden name of Winnifred M. Taylor, and granting to her such other relief as", may seem meet with equity. This summons is published for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper or gen eral circulation, printed and pub lished at Oregon City, in Clacka- ma a County, uregon. we u".c the first publication of this sum mons being Friday, July 28, 1922, and the date of the last publication thereof, being Friday, September 8, 1922, all done in accordance with the order of Honorable James U Campbell, Judge of the above entit led court, which order was datea and entered of record in the above entitled cause on the 24th day or TY.W TQ99. ' CAREY F. '"MARTIN, Attorney foX Plaintiff. Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic Tern pie Bldg., Salem, Ore. In the Circuit; Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Flora Glat Sloane, Plaintiff, vs. George A. Smith and Lizzie M. Smith, husband and wife, Defendants. To George A. Smith and Lizzie M. Smith, husband and wife, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the first publication of this summons, to-wit; the 4th day of August, 1922, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to this Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint filed in this suit, to-wit: For a Judgment and decree as fol lows: For a judgment and decree against the defendants, George A. Smith and Lizzie M. Smith, his wife, for the sum of $800.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 1st day of June,' 1920, less the payments which have been made thereon, to-wit: $25.33 paid on August 9. 1920, $40.00 on February 23rd, 1921, and $3S.73 on September 19, 1921, .leaving a balance due and unpaid on the principal and interest in the sum of $852J3 on the 1st day of June, 1922, for the further sum of $125.00 as at torney's fees and for the costs and disbursements of this suit. For a decree foreclosing the mort gage described in plaintiff's complaint herein upon the following described property, situate In the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, to wit: Lot numbered one (1). eighteen, (18), nineteen (19). twenty (20), twenty, one (21), twenty four (24), twenty five (25). twenty six (26), twenty seven (27), twenty eight (28), twenty nine (29), thirty (30). thirty one (31), thirty two (32), thirty three (33) , thirty four (34). thirty five (35), thirty six (36), thirty seven (37). thirty eight (38), thirty nine (39). for ty (40), forty one (41), forty two (42), forty three (43), forty four (44), forty five (45), and forty six (46), all of block numbered Seventy Two (72) : Also lots numbered one (.1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5). six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (ID, twelve (12), thirteen (13), thirty one (31), thirty two (32), thirty three (33), thirty four (34) , thirty five (35), thirty six (36). thirty seven (37), thirty eight (38), and thirty nine (39) ; all of Minthorn Addition to the City of Portland. For such other and further relief, as iu ino ijouri may seem just ana equit able. mis summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six successive weeks in the "Ore gon City Enterprise", a newspaper of general circulation in Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant to an or der Of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court which order is dated the 22nd day of June, 1922. Date of first publication, June 23rd, 1922. Date of last publication, August 4th, 1922. . I HENRY HARTJE. Attorney for plaintiff. 907 Wilcox Building. Portland, Oregon of the Southwest quarter of Section nine, Township two, South, Range three East of the Willamette Merid ian, and running thence North 25 rods and 3 feet thence West 41 rods 3 feet thence South 17 rods 3 feet thence East 1 rod 3 feet thence South 8 rods, thence East 4(y rods to place of beginning, containing 6 acres of land more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and de cree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 12th day of August, 1922; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin; cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the, within named de fendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above describ ed real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree. Interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C- HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 14th. 1922. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Alta Lown, Plaintiff vs. Acy Lown, Defendant. To Acy Lown the above named de fendant, In' the Name of the State of Ore gon; You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled .guit on or before the expiration six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date of expir ation is fixed by order of the- above entitled Court as August 11th, 1922; if you so, fail to appear and answer plaintiff wm apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: a decree of di vorce and the right to resume the use of her maiden name. This summons is published by or der of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court. The order is dated July 7, 1922. Date of first publication July 14th, 1922. , Date of last publication August 11th, 1922. J. DEAN BUTLER, Address 205-6 Masonic Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon, Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE OF BOND SALE SHERIFF'S SALE $4.99; G. Lavery. $4.98: H. H. Udell, $40.03; ,H. R. Devlin, $48.16; H. C. meister, $14.97; Walter Welch, $7.47. j Wihtersteen, $24.90; James Lamper, Special No. 24 J. H. Bradbury, 12.45; Jay Morrison, $9.96; Irvin Up $27.93;J. Hafner, $14.94; H. Warren- Idegrave, $19.96; Herbert Udell. $39.92; er, $14.94; K. Krettler, $6.22; C. Charles Updegrave, $46.15; Ray Han Houde, $13.59; L. Thomas, $12.45; J. j son, $46.15; T. C. McKay, $34.93; Jos H. Bradbury, $9.96; P. El Struck, eph DeShazer, $39.92; A. W. Anderson. Claude Henrici, $3.43; Aruen Perry, $24.43; John Scheer, $6.98; Afbert Clebe, $3.49; Bill Roberta, $13.96; A. Heft, $31.41; W. Everett, $17.45; John Heft, $69.90; Thomas Parry, $6.98; Cras. Gelbrich, $15.7$; Fred Goebel, $2.99; Jean Gribble, $3.23; Jim Gribble, $3.23; P. B. Jensen, $13.72; John Heinz, $6.22; J. W. Schuld, $12.47; S. Imel, $4.99; Jack Young. $4.99; H. (.Continued on Pag 7) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice ia herebv Riven that the un dersigned has been duly appoimea ad ministrator of the estate of baran J. Larson, deceased, and any -and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my attorney, Gordon E. Hayes, eOregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this 'notice. Dated July 13th, 1922. CHARLES W. LARSON. J.- Larson, deceased. I In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas D. C- Latourette, Plaintiff, vs. M. M. Chase and E. C. Chase, Defend ants. State of Oregon, County of Clack amas, ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 11th day of July, 1922, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the th day of June, 1922, in favor of D. C. Latourette, Plaintiff, and against M. M. Chase and E. C. Chase, Defendants, for the sum of $1179.87, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 5th day of June, 1922, and the further sum or $100.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $23.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situ ate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest quarter Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., the 7th day of August, 1922, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, at the County Court Room in the Court-house in Oregon City for the purchase of bonds of said County, issued for the building of permanent roads therein in the sum of $153,950, $13,500 dated May 1. 1921. and the remainder thereof dated July 1, 1922, and maturing as follows: $13,500 on the 1st day of May, 1928; $30,000 on the 1st day of July, 1931; $25,000 on "the 1st day of July, 1932; $25,000 on the 1st day of July, 1933; $25,000 on the 1st day of July, 1934; $35,450 on the 1st day of July, 1935; said bonds being in denominations of $1000 each, except the first and last bonds for $500 and $450 respectively. said bonds bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July, principal and interest at the Fis cal Agency of the State of Oregon in New York City. The aforesaid bonds will be ready for delivery at the tima and place of sale, and all bids must be unconditinn- a! and accompanied by a "certified check for the full amount of the bid. The approving legal oninion of Messrs. Teal, Minor & Winfree of Portland, Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder. The Court reserves the risht to re ject any or all bids. FRED A. MILLER, Clerk. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the Will and Estate of M. G. O'Neill, deceased, has filed his final account as such exec utor, in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, and the Court has appointed ai set Monday, the 31st day of July, 1922 at 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day! at the County Court Room of said' at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day. the time and place for hearing objec tions to said final account and the settlement of the same. JOS. E. hedges! Executor of the Will and Estate of M. G. O'Neill, deceased. Date of first publication, June 30th, 1922. Date of last publication. JuTv 2Rth 1922. .