Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 28, 1922, Page Page two, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
ESTACADA, July 26 3. K. Ely has
records of the National Record Ex
change and with an unusually good
phonograph has a concert every eve
ning in the front of his store, which
is quite an attraction.
A busy place in. Estacada just now
is the cannery of the Estacada Pack
ing company. At present the pack is
almost entirely of loganberries, with
a few raspberries. And they are of
a good variety mostly, those not com
ing up to the standard, show the lack
of cultivation. Nearly all the fruit
growers of this section are patroniz
ing and there is a continual stream of
trucks and wagons enroute for the
cannery. There are about twenty men
and women engaged in taking care of
te fruit and the pay roll is quite large
for a business just in its infancy. An
expert canner is in charge and every
thing is running along like clock
Charlie Handle, who formerly resid
ed here, but now of Marshfield, is
among those who suffered from the
Sunday morning fire at that place,
eH was connected with the Super
Handle company, sheet metal works.
Neal Bronson is in Portland" assist
ing his brother Lee while the latter
is taking bis vacation.
The north end of Broadway from
Second street to the incline, and
thence on to the Standard Oil station,
has been graded and is now receiving
the gravel finish.
Mrs. W. A. Heylman and her moth
er, Mrs. Boner, left Thursday for an
outing of ten days at Lafollet Springs.
Friends from Portland were to join
them and Ed Boner took them to
their destination in his car.
While Thomas and Walter Menden
hall, sons of D- E. Mendenhall were
fishing last Friday, the former was
casting with his rod while his brother
was a few feet below him hidden from
view. When Thomas made the cast
Walter turned towards him and the
hook caught in his left eyeball. The
boys were enabled to remove it and
reaching home the eye was dressed
and the sufferer taken to an eye spec
ialist in Portland. It is not thought
that the injury will prove serious.
S. H. Ober arrived last week from
Los Gatos. California, to visit his
mother, Mrs. A- Baumgardner, who is
now in a Salem hospital for an oper
ation. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Lawrence of
Portland, were guests at the home of
the former's mother, Mrs. G. E. Law
rence for a few days last week.
R. S. Coop attended the camp meet
iing of the Reorganized Latter Day
Saints at Peninsula Park last Sunday.
Mrs. Coop expects to go the last of
this week to remain a few days.
- Mr. and Mrs. .Harry Johnson and
family attended the W. O. W. picnic
at Crystal Lake last Sunday
hotel has been taken over by W. F.
Cary. Mr. and. Mrs. Hogan, who had
it rented, left on Tuesday. Mr. Cary
now has charge of the entire house.
The last quarterly meeting for this
conference year, wiill be held at the
Methodist church the first Sunday in
August. District Superintendent
Youngston will be there and there
will be a dinner served at the church
Everybody invited to come and bring
baskets of lunch, the ladies of the
church will furnish hot coffee and
prepare the food for the people, in the
church dining room. The regular
quarterly conference is to be held in
the afternoon.
Mrs. F. C. Howe and son, Ted, visit
ed Portland last Saturday.
H. L. McKenny leit last Saturday
for his ranch at Condon. Mrs. lie
Kenney is looking after the store
during his absence.
G. E. Lawrence came home from
orth Bend last Saturday for a brief
visit with his family, returning Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Deming motored
to Portland last Saturday on a busi
ness trip.
Mrs! R. Morse went to Portland
Sunday evening and remained until
Mrs. G. E. Lawrence went to Port
land Monday for a few days' visit
with relatives and friends.
Miiss Ruth Dillon left last Thurs
day for Portland and" later on to Se
attle, returning home Sunday.
Lad Hill Items
NEEDY, July 26 Threshing is on
now in thif vicinity and the fall
grain is good. -
Clarence Carothers and family mo
tored to Portland Sunday taking Miss
Carothers home. She. has been spend
ing a few weeks with her son and
family at Needy.
Mrs. Perc'us and Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Ritter called on Mr. Noblitt one
day last week.
Mrs. Zoc Baldwin of Portland spent
several days with Mrs. Noblitt last
Mrs. J. D. Lofgren is on the sick
list. j
Chas. Hagerman is on the sick list
and was to see a doctor at Monitor
Mrs. Goucher of Mulino has been
spending -a few days with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Noblitt at Needy.
Chas. Hoffman and family spent
Sunday at Ed Harnichs.
Mrs. Chester Ritter and children
of Bend are spending a few days at
the J. D. Ritter home.
Word has been received from Frank
Ritter that he is fine and likes the trip
he is having fine.
Our vicinity was shocked to hear of
the sudden death of Mr.- Knutson of
Canby. but formerly of Needy. The
' LAD HILL. July 25 Grain harvest
is in foil swing in Lad Hill. Most of
the farmers are through cutting and
will soon be ready . for the thresher.
Owing to the very dry season the
grain yield will be light in this vi
cinity. The potato crop looks very
unfavorable and unless we have early
fall rains there will be but few po
tatoes .raised here.
The hay crop yielded good in Lad
Hill and the surrounding communi
ties. Most farmers having good qual
ity and quantity of hay.
A delightful time was enjoyed last
Saturday evening by the many neigh
bors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Loucks,' who gathered at the Lad
Hill Club house to entertain them
with a farewell party. About 120
guests were present and the evening
was spent mostly in dancing, after
which a bounteous supper was spread, j
Reed Graham presided at the table as
toastmaster and every one called up-
CLARKES, July 24 Phillip Putz "f ! i
Colton bailed hay for Mr. Brooks last ,
Friday and Saturday.
Sam Elmer and Edd Buol are cut
ting their grain.
Mrs. Ray Buchheit of Portland is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Wettlaufer and family for a short
Walter Lee and Miss Dora Wallace
of Oregon City visited Miss Mary
Bottemiller and Claude and Kenneth
Bottemiller last Sunday.
Born to the wife of John Weigle, a
baby girl, last week.
Mrs. Geo. L.- Kruse of Portland, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Wettlaufer and family for a short
Ted Wolfard, Ed Pflefer and W.
Wilson are cuting poles on the Botte
miller place which they bought last
wee k.
Phillip Putz of Colton baled hay
for Mr. Ryan last week
We are very sorry to hear John
Marshall had bad luck when his
house caught fire and burned, down
last week
Ed Buol helped Geo. P. Clarke haul
hay last week.
John Buche is working in Eastern
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent
Reunion Is Held by
Hendrici Families
family has the isvmrrathv of their
Mrs. R. C. Crawford, Miss Louvena j many frjends of Needy in this sad
Crawford and Oscar Crawford were
passengers for Portland Sunday
morning. Mrs. Crawford stayed to
visit friends a few days longer, while
the other two returned the same day.
Mrs. N. M. Tracy is enjoying a
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Miller,
from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard and two
daughters, camped on the flat by the
city hall, for several days. Mr. How
ard is superintendent of the state
school for the blind and with his fam
ily are taking an auto vacation trip.
Mrs. TJ. H. Gibbs accompanied Rev.
Gibbs to Milwaukie last Sunday
morning, where Mr. Gibbs holds ser
vices, and later they visited friends
at Sellwood. k
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Smith, at Currinsville, July 25, 1922,
a son.
Don Newman, accompanied by his
grandmother, Mrs. Sturgeon, left last
Friday for Portland and Tiilamook,
for a visit with relatives. They mo
tored over In the former's car.
Otis Wagner left for Seattle last
Friday, returning Tuesday of this
Mrs. Neal Bronson and son, Harold,
have returned to Portland, where
Mrs. Bronson will receive special med
ical treatments.
Harry Snyder has purchased a new
Sedan Chevrolet car.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens visited
Oregon City and Portland last Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Porter of Win
dom, Minnesota, accompanied by Miss
Bonniie Fellows of Portland, were
Estacada vsitors Wednesday. The
Porters drove from their Minnesota
home in their own car. being three
weeks on the way. with a six days
stop over. They were greatly impress
ed with Oregon and may decide to lo
cate here.
R. G- Marchbank and little ion,
Glen and his mother, left by auto
Sunday for The Dalles to visit at
the home of his brother. Mr. March
bank had a severe attack of asthma
and goes there to improve his" health.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Moore and Eve
lyn Bacon returned Tuesday from
their outing at the coast. They went
to Rockaway instead of Netarts
Mrs. Irving Wiesner and two chil
dren arrived Saturday from Oakland,
California, to visit her mother, Mrs.
Steiner and sister, Mrs. G. H. Lich
thorn. Ted Howe has been assisting in the
Marchbank confectionery this week
while the proprietor, R. G. Marchbank
was in Hood River.
Tom Morton and wife and Dr. and
Mrs. Carey motored to the vicinity of
Mt. Hood last Sunday.
John Gahler and family and Myra
Hoffman attended camp meeting at
Woodbum Sunday.
Quite a number from here are con
templating a trip to the coast in the
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ritter were
Portland visitors one day last week.
Mrs. J. D. Ritter called on Grandma
Wyland one day last week.
Mrs. Art Potter visited her mother
at Needy one day last week.
Peets Mountain
machine loads of young folks helped
charivari Billy Monner and his bride
in the Holcomb country last Wednes
day evening. An enjoyable - evening
was spent with music and dancing.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Luth
eran church of Oregon City met at
the home of Mrs. Gustav Schnoor last
Wednesday. About 50 women and
children were present. A bountiful
supper was served to which everyone
did justice.
Joe Bernert injured his leg while
working at Dornbecker's mill last
Mrs. Maud Rypczynski visited at
the home of her parents in Gladstone
Carl Bernert was a visitor at the
home of John Kaiser Thursday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser attended
a birthday party given in honor of
Miss Anne Andrews near Wilsonville
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Monner and
Leo Rypczynski were dinner guests
at the Anthony Rypczynski home last
The stork made la visit to the Ying
er home Thursday, July 20 and left
them a little daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Strusberg spent
Sunday afternoon at the Jake Not
durft home.
Quite a number of our young folks
enjoyed swimming and playing in
the sand at the beach at Peach Cove
Sunday afternoon.
on responded most heartily with
witty toast or a good joke. Mr. Gra
ham proved himself well qualified as
toast master and his short stories and
jokes were t' oroughly enjoyed by all
present. After supper the tables were
again cleared away and the balance
of the evening spent in dancing. Par-
rott's orchestra furnished splendid
music for the evening's entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs. Loucks are leaving, for
California and Lad Hill is sorry to
see them go.
Ralph E. Williams has abunch of
carpenters at work on his house in
Lad Hill. He is having the whole
house enlarged and remodeled and
will have a fine home when complet
The Lad Hill Commercial Club will
now hold its meeting on every first
and third Wednesday oJthe month in
stead of the first and third Tuesday
as has been the custom. Five new
members were accepted at the last
meeting and Mrs. S. S. Parrott was
elected as secretary to finish the un
expired term of Mr. Loucks. The club
decided to give another dance Satur
day, August 5. A neat sum was re
ported for te last dance and for the
celebration the Fourth of July and
the club is making rapid progress to
ward clearing the debt of the new
hall. A vote of thanks was given
those who helped furnish band music
for the celebration the Fourth of
The big road grader and crews are
doiing some splendid work on the
market road at the McCully corner.
The grading is about completed now
and will soon be ready for the gravel.
The road has been widened to 60 feet
and leveled from McCully's corner to
E. Strives.
Church services were held in the
club house Sunday evening.
Among the Portland friends to at
tend the dance Saturday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Walls and son, Ed
ward, Mrs. Giles and daughter,
Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. O. Hall and two
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John Sovey
and son, Walter, and several visitors
whose names are not known to the
Mat Kiser had the misfortune of
losing one of his best houses last
Elks Prairie
ELK PRAIRIE, July 24 Mr.
Mrs. Albert Battles and little
called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yacu
bec Sunday. Mr. Battles has improv
ed in health so that he expects to
soon be able to return to his work.
Mrs. Battles and son will remain up
on their claim, for the present.
Allan Battles, who spent a number
of months with his brother here, has
joned the army and is at present sta
tioned at Vancouver, Wash., but ex
pects to be transferred elsewhere
Acquaintances from Wilsonville
were visiting Mr. Yacubec Sunday.
They planned to visit Gus Collins,
who formerly lived in Wilsonville, but
now has a 40 acre homestead near
the Molalla River.
Mrs. Chas. Tidd visited Mrs. Hen-
ness Sunday.
Mrs. Sloate gave a picnic party on
the Molalla river, Sunday, in honor
of hefr sister who is visiting here
from the -east.
Mr. Yacubec returned to Portland
to work after spending the week end
with his family in Elk Prairie.
It is reported that Mr. Needle has
improved his homestead by building
a house.
Mr. Battles returned to his work in
Spokane Saturday. His wife accom
panied him as far as Molalla. Mrs.
Battles will remain on the claim.
Mr. and Mrs. Freer are enjoying a
visit this -week from their daughter
and family of Portland.
Bearer Creek
BEAVER CREEK, July 24 A pic
nic crowd which included the baseball
boys and a number of their friends
motored "'to Good's Bridge near Can
by Sunday. The day was spent in
swimming, and everyone reports a
good time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Hughes enjoyed a trip
to Salem Sunday, where they visited
Mrs. E. Hughes' brother, Edward Will
iams. I
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rich-
ter, July 18, a son.
A. Thomas and family, together
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Havill enjoy-
eft a short fishing trip along the up
per Molalla Sunday.
Among the young men who have
gone to the harvest fields in Eastern
Oregon are Wilbur Bohlander, Edward
Roberts, Arvin Parry, and Earl
BISSELL, July 24 Dorothy Kron
er, who has been visiting her grand
ma, Mrs. C. Lins at George for the
past week returned to her home in
Portland last Sunday.
Peter Ruhl and wife were transact
ing business in Oregon City and Port
land last Saturday.
Henry Rath had the misfortune of
getting bit on the hand by a dog last
C. A. Johnson was transacting busi
ness in Estacada last Thursday.
Frank Howard was transacting
business in Oregon City last Thursday.
Robert Snyder and family of Es
tacada visited relatives at George last
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Edd Harders visited Mrs. Hen
ry Johnson last Wednesday.
j are spending their vacation with Mr.
Dahl's parents on Addie Street,
j A letter from Oliver Tagley from
Minnesota states he has experienced
I much rain and . wind while on his
JENNINGS LODGE, July 26-A t visl; "f 's ready now to twm t0
verv hannv ncpaninn -or a a the reunion 1 ulu uie6uu
of the Hendrici families on Sunday
The Tagleys may visit California
last. The gathering took place at the j LVu
Calvin Dill Morse will spend a
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrici
and was a very enjoyable event.
There was a picnic dinner at noon,
and the games were entered into with
a zest. They danced oh the lawn to
music furnished by the Victrola.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Newcomer and two sons of Se
attle. . Mrs. James Francis and two
children of North Yakima, Mr. and
week's vacation here with his cous
ins, while his parents are on a busi
ness trip in Yamhill county.
Mrs. Bess Bruechert is paying a
visit to her daughter, Mrs. Edd Tripp
of Salem this week.
Miss Helen Landsberg of Salem,
Virginia, is the house guest of her
sister, Mrs. Rob Rogers. Miss Lands-
TVTra Phnrloa TVioTrA-v an A familv rf
Gladstone Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henrici i berS 18 a,tehef ,ln a yoUn& ladieS
and son. Lloyd, of Lents Mr. and 8 r v
Mrs. Fred Vonverray and baby of Mil
waukie, Mrs. Warren Denney and
baby of Errol Heights, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom West and son of Sellwood. Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Barry and two chil
dren of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Denny of Errol Heights, Mr. and
Mrs. Dorsey of Sellwood and Mr. an
Mrs. rienricl and son, waiter.
Miss Cavanaugh has sold her home
here to a Mr. Hendry of Eastern Ore
gon. Mrs. James McBride of the .Mel
drum district is quite ill.'
Mrs. Geo. . Fox and little daughter,
of Myrtle Point, have returned home
1 after a visit with her sister, Ella
Mr. and Mrs. Blake have taken up
i their residence at Corvallis. They
j were residents of East
VTCrdlU JAJJjen S were residents of East Jennings
tj t -I j . Lodge on Addie St.
JlOSt On -DirtllUayi Mrs. Henry Woodbeck and baby,
, 1 Barbara, of Vancouver, have spent
JENNINGS LODGE. July 26-Mrs. ! ZJl Mn "nd W" W'
hm in P,tia., .TO.--.,.- ,oof i Mrs. Sam Stewart gave an out of
. , ,, . ' . i door luncheon on Thursday last at
honoring her son, Gerald' 3rd birth
day anniversary.
The kindergarten craft was given
the little folks to work on and as a
result many little animals were out
lined with their needles and strings
of raffia. At the tea table the pretty
cake was. the center of attraction
with piink roses and candles.
The favors were cleverly made but
terflies filled with home made
Those attending were Mrs. Janie
Lacey Dugger and son, Billy; Mrs.
Tucker and Alice; Mrs. C. P. Morse
and Margary; Mrs. Hugh Roberts and
son Hugh Bert, and Mrs. C. J. Maple.
Willamette News
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, July 23 Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Woodle, accompanied by
Mrs. Viola Douglass, motored over
this way one evening- last week and
got some cherries from Will Douglass.
Mrs. Rosa Baker and son George
and Carl, Mrs. Lou Baker and daugh
ter, Lola, and Murry Clark, "return
ed home last Saturdav from a twelve
Mrs. A. E. Sparks was hostess to j days' outing at Newport.
Mrs. Carl Rhenstrom left for As
toria on Saturday Intending to make
a short visit down that way.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and
a company or laaies ruesaay after
noon, compliimenting Miss Jennie
Burn3, sister of F. E. Burns, who is
here from Michigan visiting. Fancy
work and visiting occupied the time daughter,-Florice, were dinner-guests
and delicious refreshments were ser
ved. Those who accepted the invita
tion of Mrs. Sparks were Miss Jennie
Burns, and Mesdames F. E. Burns, H.
C. Stephens, U." H. Gibbs and Niina
B Ecker. N
Sam Dunlop of Portland, visited Es
tacada last Tuesday.
The dining room at the Estacada
at the home of Roy Douglass Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jt. B. Gibson were
Barton visitors Sunday.
Miss Amelia Bestul was the Sunday
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Cahill, of Kansas, is a guest
at the home of his brother, J. W. Cahill.
BARLOW, July 23 Mrs. Eda Kiss
el of California is spending this week
with her sister, .Mrs. A. Nelson of
-Mrs. Johnson of Coquille is spend
ing a few weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. Harry Gardner of Barlow.
Harry Gardner who has been play
ing baseball at Sacramento arrived
home Monday to spend a few days
Mr. 'Frost of Barlow had themis
fortune of having his truck burn
up Saturday.
jjuit an exejtang baseball game
took place Sunday afternoon when
Barlow played Mountain Road but
Mountain Road took the game after
putting up a hard fight, score being
11 to 2.
Mrs. Boord's Sunday school class
gave a party in the Barlow school
gymnasium, where about 30 gathered.
The evening was spent in playing
games. Afterward refreshments were
served,- consisting of cake and sand
witches. Miss Lulu Larsen spent the week,
end with Mrs. Toogood of Barlow.
Miss Dorothy Krueger of Barlow
spent a few days of this week with
relatives in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rauch and chil
dren Jack, Clara and Lynn, left last
Wednesday by auto for Port Angelus,
Washington, where they will visit
Mrs. Ranch's mother, Mrs. Roddy and
other relatives.
Mrs. Robert Young was confined o
her bed for several days last week
suffering with l uscular rheumatism.
Dr. Stuart was the attending physi
Audrey Tuor is spending this week
vacationing at Newport, where she is
also visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan DeNeui left last
Tuesday morning for Pacific City.
They expect to stay for awhile hoping
the change will be of benefit to Mrs.
DeNeui's health, Mrs. DeNeui has
been ill for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Runyan and
children Marvin and Evelyn and Mr.
and Mrs. Rodgers are spending their
vacation at Rockaway and other Tilla
mook beaches.
Audrey Tuor .returned home from
Molalla . the first of the week where
she has been the guest of the Misses
Annis and Vera Farr.
Mr. nd Mrs. Guy Gross and daugh
ter Helen accompanied by Gladys
Fredericks motored to Rockaway last
week. Before returning they will vis
it the other Tillamook beaches.
Mrs. Herman Peters returned home
Tuesday evening from Frogpond
where she has been the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Elligsen.
Mrs. Joe Gurley and small son are
enjoying an auting at Wilhoit.
The home of Mrs. H. Leisman was
the scene of a merVy gathering last
Wednesday when some of her many
friends were bidden to a mid-day din
ner. Sixteen happy children played ,
on the spacious lawn while the ladies
enjoyed fancy work and music in the
large parlors. At noon the tables
were laid with covers for thirty-five
guests, and in the afternoon a social
time was enjoyed. Those enjoying Mr.
Leisman's hospitality were Mrs. Niel
Whitney,. Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. Clem
Dollar, Mrs. Albert Adamson, Mrs.
Junken. Mrs. Rilev Denton, Mrs. J.
L. Gary, Mrs. W. W. Davis. Mrs. E.
A. Leisman, Mrs. H. White, Mrs. J. A.
Ream. Jr.. Mrs. Dawdy, Mrs. Lucy
Mathers, Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. Her
man Peters. Mrs. A. P. Tuor, Mrs. C.
B. Willson. Mrs. Frank Shipley, Fran
ces Shipley, Audrey Shipley, Billy
Tuor, Mary Leisman, Richard and
Marshal Leisman, Gladys Davis, Ev
erett and Margaret Gary, Rily Denton,
Jr., Donald and Kenneth Reams,
Gladys. Laurance and Clem' Dollar,
Kenneth and Marion Baker, Mrs. Leis
man was assisted by her daughter,
Mary ijfeisman.
Mr. anrl Mrs. Dibbles accompanied
by the tetter's sister. Miss Elsie Fel
lows motored to Eugene last week.
Mrs. Spatz bag as her guest for tne
summer her mother. Mrs
whose home is In Idaho.
Many Autoists Visit
At Shady Nook Camp
al auto parties have registered at the
Shady Nook camp ground recently.
Most of the machines have been from
California and Washington, although
one driven by A. R. Baxter came from
Cedar Falls, Iowa. Mrs. Alice Dial of
Vancouver was returning from the
berry fields near Independence; J. H.
Hassheider came from Los Angeles
and J. B. Dailey of San Diego was
going to Lakefield, Minn.
H. W. Themler of San Francisco
and B. C. Ledford of Yakima and G.
F. Iliff of Los Angeles were among
those, at the camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Rhinehart of Portland
are the guests of the Dains at Shady
Nook. The families were old time
friends in Wisconsin.
her home in Sellwood. Those attend
ing from here were her sister, Mrs.
A. B. Smith and Mrs. Bess Maple.
Mrs. Edith Truscott has joined the
R. G. Thompson family at Oak Point,
Wash., leaving on Thursday .morning.
The salmon fishing is especially good
at this place. The party expect to re
turn the first of the week.
Louise and Flora Alice- Morse of
Irvington have spent the past week
with the Bruechert family at Jennings
Mrs. Olin Ford and Levonne, Newell
and Lorraine Ford and Mrs. Pauline
Edwin Newell of Portlad motored to
Ilwaco, Wash., where they have tak
en a cottage, and are assisting in car
ing for Mr. Watson, husband of Mrs.
Gladys Newell Watson of that place.
Mr. Watson is seriously ill with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whonn left on
Wednesday last for Seattle, Wash.,!
having been called north by the ill
ness of Mrs. Whonn s mother. They
ver Lake,-, and her daughter, Mrs..
Messages of condolence are being,
sent to Henry Zilka as he is mourn
ing the loss of a brother, who met a
tragic death in an automobile acci
dent near Pendleton on Thursday last.
Mr., and Mrs. Hugh Fleming motor
ed to St. Helens on Tuesday.
Dr. J. L. Scripture of the United
States Veterans Bureau of Portland,
is having his vacation. After a trip to
the Sound cities he visited his niece,
Mrs. Hugh Roberts on Monday.
Mrs. Asquith of Portland was out
on Saturday looking after her prop
erty interests.
C. R. Holloway and A. C. Woodcock
have purchased cars during the week.
The E. C. Briggs family and Will
Cook family" spent Sunday on the
Mr. and Mrs. H.' C. Davis
Sunday at Gresham.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Card motored to
Sifton on Sunday to visit home
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinzie and
Mr. and Mrs. Stautley from Chico,
Cal., arrived from . the south on Fri
day and stopped with Ira Hart en-
route to Portland and Seattle. The
party returned on Wednesday and vis
ited with the Hart family for the day.
The Kinzies are cousins of Mr. Hart
and .this is their first meeting in about
forty years and was a very pleasant
Fred Gradtke, formerly from Straw
berry Point, Iowa, but now of Denver,
Is touring Oregon by motor and is
spending two days with Ira Hart who
was also from the same place in Iowa.
With a loss of about $8,000, two
homes at Jennings Lodge station were
completely destroyed in a fire which
threatened to destroy a third struc
ture at 8:30 Wednesday evening. The
residences of William Berry an Mrs.
Adeline Ingalls were completely razed
by the flames, which were believed to
have started from an overheated stove
in the Berry residence.
The furniture in the Ingalls home
was saved and the loss there is about
$3,000. The loss to the Berry home is.
estimated at $5,000. Whether or not
there is any insurance could not be as
certained. '
The fire was fought by a bucket
brigade -formed by neighbors, resi
dents of Oregon City and people who
were attending the Tiicnin or the ero-
occupied the Pierce cottage during ' Cers at Gladstone. Traffic officers
Radio Enjoyed By
Friends of Singer
Jennings Lodge radio fans were much
interested by the Hawley radio con
cert recently as the soloist for the
evening was Miss Loi Thayer, so
well and favorably known ere. Es
pecially beautiful were the Cadman
songs given by Miss Thayer, who has
a promising voice. Her friends here
are happy over her rapid advance In
musical circles.
that many that wished to attend the
Grocers picnic at Gladstone the Grace
Guild has been postponed until the
second week in August, when Mrs,
S. O. Griffith is to be the hostess. The
tea will be held in the Guild room
of the church. A cordial invitation
is being extended to the women of
the community.
Thompson of Seattle has joined the
party of house guests, who are being
so delightfully entertained at the H.
Oliver home. Mrs. Poland, mother of
Mrs. Oliver, is assisting her daughter
in entertaining the guests who are
Alex Adams and Stanley Poland of
the National Bank of Commerce ot
Seattle and Miss Myrtle Wilson of
the Sound City.
They will remain during July.
Among the visitors from the middle
west are Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Neweomb,
who departed on Tuesday for their
home in Ohio after a pleasant visit of
two months with their son, R. L.
Neweomb and family.
Owing to pressing business inter
ests they are returning sooner than
they had anticipated.
H. H. Emmons was the motive for a
launch party on Thursday going to
Swan Island on the launch Niagara.
After picnic supper on Swan Island.
the party of 16 proceeded down the
river to the mouth of the Willamette,
returning by moonlight.
their month's stay at this place
Howard Pepper, a banker of Santa
Barbara, Calif., motored up to Port
land to attend the Banker's conven
tion. Accompanying him were the
seven members of the Santa Barbara
Nature Study Club, one of which
was Miss Gadis, a sister of "Mrs. Wes
ley Kelly of this place.
Mrs. Wm. Booth is ill suffering with
an attack of rheumatism,
The Carl Starker family motored
over the highway on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Hale and children mo
tored here from Astoria to visit their
sister, Mrs. Geo. Card.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Ross and Miss
Lola and George are spending their
vacation at Rockaway and Seaside.
Wm. Hammond has purchased the
whte leghorns of A. L. Hampton and
will go into the poultry business
Virginia Card has returned from
Battleground, Wash., where she has
visited with her grandmother. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dossenbach of
Portland were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Wilson.
Rev. A. B. Snider and wife have
returned from the Tilamook beaches
and are now at their farm at Viola.
Elsie Kuhnhausen has spent a
week with her sister in Portland and
enjoyed the outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Babler attend
ed the funeral of Mr. Gerber of the
Logan district on -Tuesday.
Rex Bechtel has" returned from his
outing at Battle Ground, Wash.
Teddy Pierce is visiting his cousins,
the Hausen family at Ardenwald.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart and Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Neweomb and Miss
Gail motored to Seaview, Wash., to
open their cottage at that place. They
will be absent a week.
Mrs. Fortier and baby of Portland
visited her father, Henry Babler. after
attending the funeral of her uncle, Mr.
Gerber in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hole will have
their vacation the coming week.
Robert Fleming of Seattle, who
has just returned from Alaska spent
last week with his brother, Hugh
Fleming of this place, -v
Mrs. Janie Cridler, of Portland, vis
ited two days with her sister. Mrs.
De Forest. She has recently heard
from her grand daughter, Mrs. Vyv
an Dent, who writes they are exper
iencing some very hot weather
their new home at Altoona, Pa.
f Carl Long and Floyd Browne, who
were riding up Molalla avenue saw the
flames shortly after 8:30 and rushed
to Jennings Lodge to aid in fighting
the blaze. Water was taKen from the
nearby wells and carried in buckets,
teapots and pans from the creek at
Rothe station. Wet blankets and
sacks were used to save the nearby
residence of Dave Hickman, but it
was impossible to stop the fire in the
other two buildings.
The houses are located 1-4 mile east
of the Jennings Lodge postoffice.
No one was hurt in the fire. Wil
liam Berry, owner of one of the de
stroyed houses, is in a hospital, suf
fering from an illness of a few weeks'
standing. His wife was at home at
the time of the fire.
Mrs. May F- Schultz has been ap
pointed postmistress at West Linn,
succeeding Victor C. Barney, who has
resigned the position. For two years
Mr. Barney was postmaster of the
West Linn office, previous to that
was connected with the local postof
fice. Mrs. ScEultz has been an as
sistant to Mr. Barney for the past
two months, previous to that she was
telephone central at Redland, Clack- '
amas county, holding that position for
about two .years.
In connection with the postoffice
Mrs. Schultz will also conduct the
confectionery store, which she has
purchased from Mr. Barney.
The West Linn office is fourth class
and has over 200 patrons.
A premium of 2 per cent was
comanded by Clackamas county road
bonds which were disposed of by the
state highway commissio'n yesterday.
The bonds, totalling $91,000, were
in held by the state as part of payments.
r maue ay tne countv mi vsnmis rm-
ivirs. a. n. tisner gave a luncheon i ject3 in this district. The? we-e .'old
at her pretty new home in Rose City i at 102 , bringing a bonus of $227.50
Park on Monday honring Mrs. De For- The purchasers were the Citizens'
rest, who is a visitor here from Sil- Bank of Portland
Clarence and Harold - Gross are
spending the summer visiting at the
home of relatives in Frogpond.
The beautiful new residence recent
ly completed by. Glen Epler on Main
street is being repainted. The work
is being dene by Robert Young.
There is great rejoicing in the C. R.
Holloway family over the advent of
a baby girl, who came to gladden
their home on Sunday morning, July
23rd. Tere are five sons in the fam-
Kladfllech ily and the arrival of a new daughter
I is bringing forth messages of felici-
' to I.... . l
tates to the proud parents, from their
many friends.
, Mr. and Mrs. Carus have sold their
property and have moved into the
cottage on Addie Street which was
recently vacated by the Blake s.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dahl of Portland
J. P. Finley & Son
Perfect Funeral Service ' .
Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth
Our chapel and equipment are always
available for out of town calls
Phoneir- Sellwood 697, Automatic 21S6
John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an dDealcrs In
Lumber. Iath, Shingles and Mouldings .
Mill Fcot of Spokane Avenua PORTLAND, OREGON