OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1922. Page two NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. I of Mrs. R. E. Tiavln van hcrft in visit at the Davis home last Saturday. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, July 17 A de lightful time was enjoyed last Thurs day evening by the friend? and neigh bors of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Paddison, who came by invitation and spent the evening at their home.- The eve t,, waa Pleasantly spent in social hat Dlavine games and cards, and dancing. Along about midight a most j.iunna lnnfTiprvn was served, ana UCUuua " soon after, the guests left for home, ii-ri hut happy. Eagle Creek Grange held a Bhort business meeting last Saturday at the Grange hall. There was not a very laree attendance, owing to the busy time. . James Bell was a Grange visitor last Saturday. George Douglass was in . the neigh borhood Saturday looking for thresh ing jobs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmtister were visiting at the home of John Douglass Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and children and Ed Chapman were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. WiU Bell, of Sandyridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans and chil dren, Mrs. Rhenstrom and children, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Murphey and baby daughter and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson spent the evening at the home of Fred Hoffmeister Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jemison from Cascade Locks have been visit ins the later's father, A. Swales for awhile, but leave for California soon. Peets Mountain PETE'S MOUNTAIN, July 17 The school board met Thursday, evening and made a contract with Miss Leone Cole of Lewiston, Idaho, to teach our school the coming year. Gotleib Notdurft has several teams haulings gravel for the roads. Wm. Dolewitch, of Portland, was a week end visitor at the Bernert homa .An Impromptu family reunion was enjoyed at the William Hellberg home Sunday when' Mr. and Mrs. Heino Peper and children, Wilhelm, Mar grata, Norman and Robert of Port land and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Volpp and children, Anna,' Richard aDd Ru- Clackamas County Pirates, the score being 17 to 2. The W. C- T. U. picnic in the Es tacada park last Thursday afternoon was a great success and enjoyed by. a large crowd. Members of the organ ization met early to do some work for the Childrens' Farm Home, and their request for a donation of a towel, napkin, or anything that could be used in the home, was well received and quite a number of gifts were pre sented at this picnic. At six o'clock a basket dinner was served and en joyed by the many present. Later In the evening all went to the Gem Thea tre where a piicture in which Bill Hart starred, was .the attraction. Mr. Cleworth, manager of the picture show, gave the Farm Home the pro ceeds from the evenings entertain ment, which the ladies of the local W. C. T. U. appreciated very much. Dr. K- C. Carey has decided to re main in Estacada. He sold to Dr. Mc- aoipn. or wniamette, ana jvir. auui u otau. oum Mrs. John Hellberg and children, Ed- Lellan, a physician and surgeon from ward. Rose Marie and Marvin all laano, a rew weeks ago, ana tnougnt Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Allen motored to Marmot last Saturday evening to vis it his brother. Ed and . wife. They were accompanied by a niece, Miss Dorris Wright, who has been here for some time from California, visiting relatives. 'J. M. Bruce, evangelist, is holding services at the Church of Christ, every Sunday night. L. C. Posson has bought a new car from the Cascade Garage. A fine radio outfit has been install ed in R- G. Marchbank'8 confection ery, which accounts for the crowds which are seen there occasionally. Died At his home in Springwater, July 17, 1922, Cyrus J. Starrett. aged 48 years. He was a native of Ne braska. .Besides his wife, Mrs". Lizzie Cavender Starrett, he is survived by three sons, Fred, Delbert and Jack. He was taken sick in Portland and was brought home abut three weeks, before his death. Funeral services were held at the crematorium in Port land Wednesday afternoon. J. E. Gates, funeral director from Estacada, had charge of the funeral. PIANO RECITAL Dodge , DODGE, July 17 John and Mrs. J. Keller went to Portland on Sunday to visit their son, Kenneth, who had his leg broken a week ago by being run down by an automobile. The ac cident happened near Shepherd's Dell on the Columbia Highway. He is be ing treated at the Emanuel hospital and his parents brought favorable re ports as to his condition, saying he is improving rapidly. Mrs. G. W. Keller paid a visit to the Emanuel hospital, Portland , to see her grandson, Kenneth, and also Grandma -owdist who formerly liv ed on the Enquist place. She also is sick and is being treated at this hos pital. Grandma Bowdist is now 85 years of age. and until a few months I ago has enjoyed very good health. Miss Mabel Keller is home again from Gresham where she has been un der the care of a doctor. She is con siderably improved but is stiil under the doctor's care. Fred Horner and family and sev eral people from Springwater attend ed the Christian Endeavor covention at Hillockburn on Sunday. J. W. Marrs is again fire warden for this district and during the past week has been busy falling burning trees and extinguishing fires. Mrs. Marrs visited at the "Benja min ranch on Sunday. Several families from Dodge went to see the "Little Minister" at the picture show in. Estacada on Satur day evening and were much pleased with the play, and hope there will be more plays of the same class shown. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, July 18 The farmers of this community are start ing to cut grain. Quite a number of people enjoyed bathing at the ferry landing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koellermeier and family of Advance spent Sunday evening with the L. S. Koellermeier family. Mrs. Fream visited her daughter, Mrs. Fred Baker a few days last week. A. J. Deward and Bernice Hodge and J. Robinson motored to Camas, Wash., Sunday, to visit Ernest Hodge and also attended a ball game, Camas vs Hillsboro. Mrs. Belle Robinson and daughter, Marian, left Saturday for Clatskanie, Ore., where they will visit with rela tives for several days. Miss .Mary Koellermeier is enjoy ing a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Ernest Kruse of Frogpona. Misn Nora Heinz of Peach Cove spent Friday afternoon visiting Mrs Koellermeier. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright of Woodburn motored down to the Hodge farm Friday evening to get cherries. Rey Scoffern and friends came out and picked wild blackberries here Monday. came to spend the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Strausberg were in Oregon City on business last Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Emif Notdurl and fam ily ami Mr. and Mrs. Gotleib Notdurf and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross of Willamette last Sunday. ' John Hellberg was in Portland on business Monday. Pete Simundisch of Portland was' a dinner guest at the John Hellberg home last Sunday. Mrs. Joe Bernert and daughter, Ag nes and son, Joe spent the evening at the home of Albert Bernert in Willam ette recently. Estacada Logan LOGAN, July 20 M. C. Prescott of San Francisco, is visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. A. A. Grosse. Mrs. Etheridge is spending much of her time at her summer home here on the Clackamas. Fred Gerber, who has been partial ly paralyzed for two years past has been much worse necessitating the attendance of a trained nurse. Mr. Oye, of Necanicum, visited his son, ivar Tolstad of the Coruer store here recently, who has just had in stalled a radiophone to entertain friends and customers. Miss Margaret Hutchins who has been spending a few days at the coast has returned home. Fall sown grain is a fair to medium crop but spring sown is a failure. Haying is about over, as most farmers besan on time and the weather be ing favorable too, the hay crop was taken care of in good order. P. M. Kirchem has a pump installed in the "old swimming hole" and will irrigate the garden etc. from it. He has the flume about finished. Gar dens are drying up for want of moisture. Miss Florice Douglass or n-agie ESTACADA, July 20 Estacada Lodge N. 175, I. O. O. F.. installed the following officers last Saturday night: William Gilgan, N. G-, J. G. Hayman, V. G-; Fred Bartholomey, secretary; B. F. Bullard, treasurer; H. S. Jones, R. S. N. G.: M. G. Weatherby, L. S. N. G-; Joseph E. Gates, warder; Har ry Johnson, Conductor; Sylvester Lawrence, I. G.; G. B. Linn, O. G.; Earl Day, R. S. V. G.; Harry Gilgan, L. S. V. G-; Albert Adlon, K. S. S.; ! P. M. Anderson, Chaplain. Mrs. Neal Bronson returned last Saturday from Portland where she underwent an operation a few weeks ago She is gaining in health slow ly. Mrs. A. E. Sparks visited friends in Portland last Friday. Mrs. Lena Underwood and son; Lester returned last Saturday from Hood River, where they have been staying for several weeks. M. J. Amonn and family, of Jeffer son, Ore., were here last -week visit ing Mr. Amann's mother, Mrs. Eliza beth Amann. A couple of boys 19 and 20 years old, were camping up the river a short distance, last Sunday. While cleaning a pistal the younger boy ac cidentally shot his companion. Dr. Carey dressed the wound and later sent the lad to the Sellwood hospital. The wound was not serious. J. C. Duus and son, Vernie, motored to Lyle, Wash., last Sunday to visit John Duus. They returned the same day. Mrs. George Hislop and daughter, Mrs. Symns, were passengers for Portland Saturday morning to visit relatives over Sunday. Centennial Lodge No. 147, Order of Rebekahs, installed the following new officers at their last meeting: Mrs. Susie Kitching, noble grand; Nellie Hayman, vice-grand; Mary Eshleman, secretary; Rose Syron, treasurer; Val E. Cary, district deputy president; Rose Wilcox, warder; Kate Jones, conductress; Louise Boyer, chaplaiin; Val Cary, R. S. N. G.; Aime Ely, L. S. N. G.; Clara Boyer iinside guardiian; Else Fuller, outside guardian; Maye Kitching, R. S. V. G.; Frances Gates, L. S. V. G.,; Elva Ahlberg. past no ble grand. H. C. Stephens and wife visited Portland in their car last Saturday. Mrs. C. J. Pimm and children came over from Portland last Thursday to attend the W. C. T. TJ. picnic and re mained until the next day with friends. Mrs. Percy Dawe of Portland, who iis the wfe of the new manual train ing teacher for the Estacada high school, was in this city the latter part of last week looking up a residence to rent, but faiiled to fnd one. Mrs. W. W. Dillon and daughter, Betty, of Portland, were guests at the home of the Misses Dillon last week. . ' The office building owned by G. H. Lichthorn and occupied by Dr. Rhodes and Attorney Elott, has been improv ed by a new wood awnning Miss "Helen Wooster was an Esta cada visitor from Portland last Fri day. Among the 'Portland visitors from Estacada Saturday, were Mrs. J. F. Lovelace and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Esh leman. - After a visit of several days in. Es tacada with her friend, Mary Alice Reed, Ardella Dunlop started for her home at Falls City last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ames and son, Vernon and Matt Lonnsberry motor ed to Portland last Saturday. George Pointer's paint shop is near ing completion. He will have a couple of rooms for housekeeping i purposes in the building. The city council has regulated the water supply so that patrons cannot let water run all night, as some have been doing, to irrigate their gardens. Orval Stormer is building a cot tage just east of his father's house he would locate elsewhere, but chang ed his mind. C. H. Stephens attended the bank er" convention in Portland last Satur day. The Knigtfts of Columbus of Port land held a picnic in the Estacada park last Sunday. There were twelve cars loaded down with picnickers and the regular trains carried large crowds. Besides these there were hundreds of autos of all descriptions loaded down. Tne visitors seemed to enjoy the day immensely. There were all kinds of athletic sports in the afternoon and dancing in the pa vilion. A good band and orchestra accompanied the picnickers. Mrs. J. E. Youg of Portland, sister BEAVER CREEK, July 18 Mrs. A. Thomas, piano instructor of this place, has made plans for the presen tation of her pupils in a recital July 27. This will be held at the Grange hall and the public is invited to at tend. No admission will be charged. BISSELL, July 17 Mrs. J. Paulsen visited relatives in Eastern Oregon for a few days last week. Mrs. Barney and children, who has been visiting relatives at Bissell for the past week returned to her home at Beaverton last Tuesday. Louis Weisenfluh, wife and chil dren, were Portland visitors last Tuesday. Mr. Satford is visiting relatives in Portland this week. Mr. Alwjn left last Wednesday for Washington, where he intends to stay .for a month or six weeks. JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent tM mi wnMm mm mt m Miwummi IIM De Forest Pierce -Dies In California JENNINGS ' LODGE, July 19 Mrs. Mable Pierce has returned from Redlands, Calif., where she was call ed to the funeral of her son, De For rest Pierce, a young attorney of St. Bernardino, who passed away very suddenly with an attack of his"fceart on June 29. The deceased had made his home with his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Pierce and had lived in Redlands 8 years, graduating from the high school there in 1919. He had been the winner of the Citrus Belt debates for several years. He took up the study of law and was associated with Homer Nelson. In January, 1922, he was admiitted to the bar and since that time his rise in legal circles has been rapid. He was married to Miss Georgia Williams June 4, 1921 and as death came without warning was a great shock to her as well as to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pierce and his twin sister. Mrs. Hugh B. Fleming and Teddy Pierce of this place. The funeral was held on July 1, and the burial was at Hillsdale cemetery with six of his high school class mates acting as pallbearers. Sunday School of Lodge Very Active JENNINGS LODGE, July 19 Our Sunday school was well repre sented on the closing day of Chautau qua. Our enrollment is 118 with an aver age attendance of 70 and 68 regis tered, .all. partaking of a picnio lunch together. In the Children's Pageant Halmor Roberts and Eldon Tillman took part from here. Billie Cook Hurt By Sliot in Hand JENNINGS LODGE, July 19 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Briggs and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook and two sons motored to Wilhoit Springs on Sunday. Billie Cook met with a mis fortune of getting a B. B. shot in his hand, a physician from Molalla treat ed it until the family physician in Oregon City could attend him. It is now doing nicely. LUNCHEON ENJOYED Harry H. Howland Passes on Sunday JENNINGS LODGE, July 19 Harry H. Howland passed away at the Oregon City hospital - early Sun day morning after an illness of a few days. Mr. Howland was 54 years of age and had resided here about two years, their home being on the River Road north of Jennings Ave. He is survived by his wife, Grace Howland. The deceased was prominently identified with a number of lodges, be ing a member of Harmony No. 12 A. F. and A. M. Sco'ttish Rites, Al Kader Temple and the Elks. The services were held on Tues day at the Finley mortuary at 10:30 A. M. -and the concluding services were at River View cemetery, the Elks having charge of the services at Finleys and the Masons at Riverview, which were very impressive and beau tiful. Many beautiful floral tributes were sent. JENNINGS LODGE, July 19 Mrs. C. C. Hole entertained her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fox and Mrs. J. B. Fox and Mrs Thos. Martin of Oswego and Eugene Whetton of Altoona, Wash, with a lunch on Thursday last. Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Fox are pioneers of Clackamas coun ty and have resided at Oswego for fifty years. NEW ARRIVAL JENNINGS LODGE, July 19 Cards are being received announcing the arrival of Ralph Wendell Smith, Jr., who came last week to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, Wendell Smith of Potomac, Montana. The little son weighed 4 pounds. The happy father was a well known Jennings Lodge boy, who is now, lo cated on a large cattle ranch in Montana. SWIMMING PARTY Irene Snow Bride Of George Baderl JENNINGS LODGE, July 19 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Robbins gave a swimming party on Sunday when some of the office help were invited out for a' dinner on Cedar Island, which was followed by a plunge in the Willamette by xMiss Zana Foust, Miss AlnhiM TRorErliind and ' Ralnh j Lovering and little son, Loriin. JENNINGS LODGE, July 19 The marriage of Irene Snow to Geo. Bader took place last Saturday in Vancouver. The bride wore her pretty gradua tion frock, she being one of the 8th grade graduates of our school this June and was very popular with her classmates and made her home with Mrs. Nordstrom. She being under age, the written consent of her father, who is in New York was given. The groom has a pretty home on 72 street, where they t will begin housekeeping. The best of wishes are extended to them. Party Given For Dallas Visitors JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Creek visited friends here a few days self and his wife. A. new resilience is ueiiis uuui wi Upper Main street, between Seventh and Eighth, for Jake Moss. Matt last week. Some men are engaged running cedar and alder timber down the river, the former for shingles and the latter to be shipped to Japan. Another Fordson added to the list here, this time by Kirchem Bros. Mrs. L. E. McConnell of Currins ville visited here over last week end. JENNINGS LODGE, July 19 Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Naef gave a very informal party on Saturday eve- across the river for a home for him- ning honoring Mr. and Mrs. Theissan of Dallas, who are here for a short stay while the Theissan children are receiving medical treatment. Cards were enjoyed by a group of old Lonsberry is doing the work. Herman Wallace has resigned as manager of the local ball team and Gerald Wilcox succeeds him. Estacada won another baseball game last Sunday afternoon off the friends. Refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Orion Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Steinford, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Heath, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hole and the hon ored guest. Ralph Moore of Dallas is a visitor at the Bert Robbins home. The H. R. Hendry family have tak en one of the Hull Ave. Apartments. Walter Thomas of Seattle was a visitor at the Barker and Kelly homes on Monday. The families were old friends In Illinois. The W. Rose family will take their vacation this week and on July 22 leave for Netarts. Billy Jacobs and wife and Miss Dorothy are enjoying the sea breezes at Netarts this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and fam ily of Gladstone spent Sunday with H. C. Davis of this place. Mr. and Mrs. John Burchard and two little daughters were week end visitors at the Geo. Berry home. Mr. Berry is improving and was pleased with a visit trom his daughter, Myr tle, who is now. Mis. Wm. Hauschel, of Bremerton, she was accompanied here by her young son, Wm.. Jr. F. F. Theroux and wife have gone to the coast to open their cottage near Rockaway. Mrs. Kate Rosenberry entertained Portland friends with a luncheon on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Gump motored out from Portland to spend Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carnes of East Jennings Lodge. Ruth Cook enjoyed a week end camping outing at Lake Grove, she being the guest of the Alpha Phi fraternity of O. A. C. About 20 girls were in the company. Miss Cook will enter O. A. C. in-the fall and plans to take up architecture. ' Mr. Hull, who were former resi dents, have leased the Wm. Jennings homestead and are busily engaged harvesting the fruit. The cherries here are unusually large and seem to be an abundance of them, while in other gardens the crop is a small one. The Lamberts are picking theiir fine crop of cherries which they have been able to dispose of at a good price. They have many varieties but just now the Ox Heart and Royal Anne are In much demand. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lambert, ac companied Mrs. Moshier and the Misses Schmale of Portland on a mo-' tor trip to Gresham on Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Morgan of Witichia, aKnsas, will spend the summer with her brother, J. L. Florence. -On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Florence, 'Mrs. Waterhouse and their guest from Kansas, motored over the Colum bia highway ' in Mr. Florence's new Chevrolet car. , Miss Barker of Los Angeles arriv ed this week for a visit with her sis ter, Mrs. W. H. Kelly. Miss Barker accompanied friends here, who are at tending the convention of American Institute of banking which is being held in Portland. Mrs. J. C. Elkins and Miss Jean Elkina, of Portland, visited Mrs. Geo. Maple previous to her going to Sa lem where she joins lier brother, Fred Reddaway and they will then motor to visit Will Reddaway in the Nehal em valley. The Henry Zilka family are moving to their new home in Eastmoreland. They have occupied one of the Pierce cottages for the past two years. Mrs. Emma Johnston of Gladstone has been at the home of Mrs. Dion: sewing this week. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hennis and Miss Durfee of Portland were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Maple on Sunday. C. R. Holloway has accepted the principal ship of the Glen Haven school in Portland. For two years Mr. Holloway has served pn the Board of Education with offices in the court house. The S. A. Moshier family will oc cupy the housekeeping -rooms in the rear of the Blue Front grocery. Chas. Richard has been the name given the little son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kern. The mother and the little one returning, from the hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holden have gone to Urighton. beach, where Mr. Holden has accepted a position in a mill. E. B. Miller and wife have returned from Pendleton and are at the Ula- brand home. Mrs. - J. D. MacFall and little daughter are at their cottage at Man hattan. S. H. Becthel Is installing new fur nace and the inside Qf their home is being newly tinted. and stained. r J. L. Monod of Kansas City. Mo., will soon arrive to see his sister, Mrs. J. W. Jones and may locate per manently at this place. Mrs. Lucy Allen left on Tuesday noon for The Dalles, where she was called by the passing of her brother-in-law, a Mr. Allen, one of the pio neers of Oregon. Roland Truitt has returned from a short visit to' his home in Oakland, Ore.' He was accompanied up by his father, G. I. Truitt and a sister-in-law. Warren Swart has suffered from an infectiion of the rght hand and was necessary to have it lanced on Mon day, i Th'e pleasure boat. Swan, was char- tered by a Japanese society and came j to Cedar Island where the members picnicked on Sunday. Mrs. Oliver has as her guests for the remainder of July her brother, i They were joined by Mrs. Truscott Geo. Morse accompanied Dr. J. l. Scripture and son Jamie Scripture went to Eugene on Thursday. The Scriptures went up to make arrange ments for Jamie to enter the Univer sity this fall. Mr. Morse will go on to Scio before returning to his home here. Mrs. Boyd has returned from a trip to Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Smith, who is a daughter of Mrs. Boyd has de cided to remain in Oregon during the summer and plans on leaving about Sept. 1. with her two little daughters for her home in Cleveland, Ohio. A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Holden of Sellwood -during the week. Mr. Holden will be remembered here as the grandson of L. Wilcox and has visited here on many occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bratcher enter tained the latter's sister, Mrs. Os borne and Carletos Strebin, Frank Thaceron of Gresham on Sunday. Stanley Poland and Alex Adams, both from the National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, who are attending the Am erican Institute of Banking in Port land, also Miss Myrtle Wilson of Seat tle, who came down , for the conven tion. Several of our people attracted by the bright light in the small hours of Sunday rushed to the scene of the fire when two freight cars were con sumed at Glen Echo. I , Swimming parties are much in vogue and Joe Ramsburg entertained and Howard Truscott and partook of a picnic lunch on Cedar Island with a dip in the Willamette in the late af ternoon rounded out a day of pleas ure. R. G. Thompson, wife and two chil dren left by boat on Sunday for Oak Point in the Clatskanie district, where they will spend a fortnight at the Thompson 1 ranch. Trout fishing is to be one of the chief diversions I of the outing in the streams near by. " Mrs. M. C Cain of Spokane and Mrs. Sharp of Multnomah ' and sons Portland friends on Sunday and a visited with the Dan Jones lamiiy on dip in the old Willamette was one of i Wednesday last. the pleasures afforded their Portland j The Robert Jobling family is mov friends. j ing to Portland this week. We are Wilma Bruechert entertained Tues- ! also sorry to note the removal of day evening with a swimming party ; the Wilson B. Miller family to the followed by a dinner at the Bruechert j Rose city. They having disposed of home. j their property interests here. J. P. Finley & Son Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 4322 Montgomery at Fifth Portland ' Out chapel and equipment are always available for out of town calls Phone: Sellwood 697, Automatic 2136S John P. Miller, Mgr. 1 East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an d Dealers In Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane'Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON 3 Used. Fric sat pecia A Cut Price Sale Starting Sat., July 22 Our business in new cars, Gardners, Mitchells and Jordans, for the first six months of 1 922 was far and away ahead of any year in the history of our concern. We have been putting out new cars so rapidly that our used car de partment has been , overloaded and' we are determined to make a quick re- ' duction in our stock of used cars and to do so we are. cutting prices to the limit. We have been preparing for this sale for more than two weeks; most of our cars have been put through the shop and worn parts renewed, many of them have been repainted, and we say to you honestly, they represent far better values than can be found in any new car at similar or even greater prices. We have 50 cars to choose from. Fords -Dodges Oaklands Studebakers Jordans Maxwells Dorts Mitchells Over lands - Stutz and others Cut to Prices From $40 to $1150 We are not publishing prices in this ad because prices will not mean a thing to you until you see our cars, THEN you will appreciate the remarkable savings we are offering in this big clear ance of GOOD used cars. Thirty cars were sold in less than five days at our last sale, so if you would make your choice while the selection is good, come early. Sale starts Saturday, July 22nd, at 8 A. M. Be on hand and secure one of these fine used cars at rock-bottom price. No matter what you have in mind paying for a car, we are sure to have what you want and a rea sonable payment down and the balance in easy monthly installments will make it yours. Trucks at Less than Cost 40 years i Northwest We have a number of trucks, new and used, ranging in size from to ZVz tons, and we will sacrifice them for far less than our cost. If you need, or know of anyone .needing a truck, do them a favor; tell them of this sale. fff! MP Broadway at Everett PORTLAND, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS DURING SALE