OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1 922. Page Eight Y BUYEI GUIDE AGKA COUNT MAS WHY WORRY? I caa sell or trade anything:, anywhere. B. H. STEWART With C. W. Millership 165? Fourth St PORTLAND, ORE. Office Phone: Main 9109 CROWN PHILLIP SUETTER, Manager ' m 285 Front Street Portland, Oregon HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED. We buy for Cash or sell on Commission. Feed and Sales Stables. Special For Hire Rates to Responsible People. Ait Stock Guaranteed as Represented. Learn Window Trimming, Show Card Writing, Commercial Art at Portland Display Men's School 330-336 East Morrison St, Portland, Oregon Night Classes instructed by Portland's most prominent display men. For information regarding courses and tuition, call at school or phone East 639. Phone Broadway,1747 New Royal Hotel Under New Management GEO. TAKIS, Prop. Opposite S. P. & S. Depot 108; Fourth Street Steam Heat Portland, Ore. THE Suddarth Studio PHOTOS THAT ARE DIFFERENT A classy up-to-date Studio on the East Side A. C. SUDDARTH 407 East Morrison at Grand Ave. GEO. W. CROCKWELL, M. E. Naturopath and Spinologist 706-720 DEKUM BUILDING -Portland, Oregon ELECTRIC TREATMENTS Specialist in Stomach Trouble, Chronic Diseases and Female Complaints. No matter what your trouble I can help you. Have cured hundreds! Why not you? ' Consultation and examination Free. "Pay as you can." No knife. No operations. No incurable case taken. 1 FREE TREATMENTS THIS WEEK. Modern Fireproof RITZ HOTEL .. FRANK A. CLARK President and Manager Park and Morrison Streets Depot and Morrison Car at Union Station takes you direct to the door. One Block North of Bus Station PORTLAND, OREGON Harley Davidson Motorcycle and Columbia Bicycles (The World's Leading Cycles) Sold on Easy Terms Bargains in Used Machines Motorcycle and Supply Co. Harley Davidson Service- Center Third and Taylor, Portland, Ore. (Aak the Cops) Phone: OREGON SHEET METAL WORKS FARM, BOAT AND RESTAURANT JOBBING AND REPAIR WORK Tanks, Stacks, Hog Feed Bottoms, Silo Roofs, Black and Galvanized Sheet Iron, Sheet Tin, Copper and Zinc, Eave Trough, Conductor Pipe, Ventilating Systems, Sinks, Steam Tables, Re-Tinning. 146 FRONT STREET Cletrac Model F. is the Tractor farmers everywhere have been wait ing for. A Tractor that actually replaces three teams. One that does all "the work of the average farm, that plows, dises, harrows, hauls. P.lows aa acre an hour. Travels between the crep rows. Full information and free literature explaining and Illustrating this marvelous little machine will be sent on request. - dahi r-v rr 425 E. Morrison Street O. V. BADLEY CO. Portland, Oregon Main 5275 Open Day and Night STABLES MATTRESS MAKING One of Our Specialties. Mattresses made - over $4.50. New ones according to weight. Carpets cleaned, refitted and re sized by experts, Fluff rugs made to your especial order. 9x12 rugs shampooed $2.50. Ship all work to us by express or auto freight and mail us instructions. PIONEER MATTRESS & CARPET CLEANING WORKS 1072 Lincoln Street, Portland, Ore. Aut. 237-07 Steam Heat, Electric Lights Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Brick Building Open All Night ' Phone' Main 4861 TOURIST HOTEL Mrs. M. J. Walker, Prop. v Half block from Oregon City Depot Cor. First and Morrison Sts. Portland, Oregon Transient 75c per day up. ?3.50 per week and up. Free Bath to Guests. Phone Main 9143 Finke Brothers Manufacturers of all kinds of Barrets, Tanks, Fir and Spruce Staves, Heads, Etc. Also Dealers in Oak and Hazel Hoops 183, Madison St. Portland, Oregon All kinds of second hand barrels and kegs bought and sold. We solicit Clackamas Co. Business. Phone East 6516 "They Wear Like Iron" Your OLD Carpets will make NEW Rugs. Western Fluff Rug Co. JAS. H- BILLO, Proprietor Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Resizing, Relaying Send for Booklet. 54-56 Union Avenue N. Cor. E. Davis PORTLAND, OREGON Main 2146 PORTLAND, OREGON $695 at Portland ITS HERE! The New Model F TANK Type TRACTOR DR. M. W.DAVIS Dentist First and Alder Sts. Catty corner from the P. R. L. & P. Depot. 35 years Honest Service. The Nelson Forge Works SHIP SMITHING & MACHINE FORGERS - A modern shop equipped to handle all new and repair work. Machine Shop in connection. Telephone East 2183 231 East Water St., Cor. Main Portland, Oregon Heavy forging a specialty. Traffic Laws are Enforced In Portland Avoid Theft and Damage by putting your car in Portland Parking Station Twelve hours for only 25 cents, Night or Day. F. J. Espel, Proprietor Broadway just above Heilig theatre. Crab' Station , Bay Center, Wash. Tele. Broadway 7501. WESTERN FISH CO. 124-126 First Street CRABS SALMON HALIBUT CRAWFISH LOBSTERS SALT FISH OYSTERS OLYMPIA and EASTERN Get your fish orders before you take the cars, which stop at our doors. Next door to depot. DRS. FRANSEN & SARGENT Members Oregon State Association of Naturopaths 807 DEKUM BLDG., ..COR. 3RD AND WASHINGTON STS., PORTLAND, ORE. If you are sick, "there is a cause." No permanent health is possible until the cause is removed. We can tell you the cause and how to remove it. CONSULTATION FREE. Phone: Broadway 6998 Northwestern College of Naturopathy, Inc. 807 Dekum Bldg., Cor. Third and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Pioneer Employment Co. 14 N. Second Street Headquarters -for Labor and Farm Help Business Men's Clearing House Wilcox Building HEADQUARTERS FOR BOOKKEEPERS OFFICE HELP, ETC. Two Big Offices can serve your every need. . . Portland, Oregon 300 Steam Heated Rooms Ground Floor Lobby Rates, 50c to $1.50 Hotel Wabash C. P. JOHN, Proprietor. Corner Front and Madison Streets Foot of Hawthorne Bridge Telephone Main 2876 PORTLAND, OREGON We are always able te accommodate you. Broadway 464 Night Phone Tabor 2986 Oregon Welding & Machine Works WELDERS AND MACHINISTS N. W. Corner Fifth and Glisan Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Scalp Treatments Massage Dr. Marie Flinn, Naturopath DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Electric Treatments for all aches and pains. ' Ladies Patronage Solicited. Phone Main 7413 380 First St. Portland, Ore. ARKER iftEST 'READ Ask for BARKER BREAD ALL GROCERS HAVE IT. Our Motto: "The Golden Rule" C. L. Becker Real Estate Farm Lands, Acreage, City Property For Bargains in cheap land "See Me" 133J First Street Across from Alder St. Depot PORTLAND, OREGON Established 22 Years in Portland The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. No operations. No poison used in our wonderful remedies, composed of the choicest Oriental roots, herbs, buds and bark, many of which are unknown to the medical science of this country. Our rem edies are harmless and have made many sufferers from catarrh, asthma, lung and throat, rheuma tism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney trou ble, female disorders, etc., happy. Many testimon ials given unsolicited by persons, male and female, who have used my root and herb remedies. Call or write for Information. THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162"First Street Portland, Oregon IDA MAY COOK Teacher of Piano CONCERT ACCOMPANIST Will accept out of town engagements. Studio 507 Columbia Bldg. Phone East 2119 Steve Duemovlch R. J. Johnson Phone EAST 6110 Buildings Bought, Sold, Repaired Dolan Wrecking & Construction Co. Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Nails, Shingles, Doors, Windows and Plumbing Sup plies, New and Second Hand. Office and Yard 460 Belmont Street PORTLAND, OREGfrN SEEDS WATCH US AND OUR SEEDS GROW. The new seed store with complete Fresh stocks of Tried and True Seeds Ask for Price List. Oregon Seed Store Main 6838 224 Yamhill St. Between First and Second Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON J Wm. A. Hughes Co. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE. Phone Bwdy. 6308 Farms, Acreage and City Homes. For quick action list with us. Nicolai Neppach Company. 227 Davis Street, Portland, Oregon GENERAL MILL. WORK SASH, DOORS, GLASS HARDWOOD LUMBER OAK and MAPLE FLOORING Our Gift to The Bride FREE With the purchase of one of our DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS A solid gold handsomely en graved Wedding -Ring to match Diamond Ring. CREDIT IF YOU LIKE. . Reingold's Jewelers 147 Third Street , Established 1882 The E. House Restaurant Come and See Us Open Day and Night Home-made Pies and Cakes a Specialty Steaks, Chops and Oysters . Between Alder and Washington 128 Third Street, Portland, Oregon Res. Phones i Tabor 6122, Bdw. 3054 Phone Main 6978 PAINTS Colors, gal. White, gal. -$2.45 . 2.55 Pidcock & Hazel' , Paints, Oils, Varnishes 145 First Street Portland, Ore. Office Phone East 743 Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works JOHN C. BRUCHNER, Prop. Mausoleums, Monuments, Head stones and General Cemetery Work East Third and Pine Streets PORTLAND, OREGON B. B. Body & Top Works Better. Built Bodies and Tops Auto Tops, Curtains, Cushions and Seat Covers, Manufactured and Repaired. Auto, Bug and Truck Body Building and Repairing We install Wind Shields, Side De flectors and Plate Glass in Curtains. Oxy-Actylene Welding 345 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. Telephone, East 1198 Auto Sign Painting. WHY PAY MORE? We will Half Sole your shoes for less and use the best California Oak Leather. Men's shoes half soled $1.25 to $1.35 Ladies shoes half soled 90c Ladies Rubber heeis 40c We make all classes of shoes - SCHOENHEINZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP "The Shop That Saves You Money' Pacific Highway Garage Bldg. Oregon City OREGON SENATOR ASKS FOR U.S. FOREST PATROL WASHINGTON, July 10 Air pa trols to detect and control forest fires in Oregon is more than a probaBility, due to the activity of Senator Mo Nary, who has made considerable pro gress with the agricultural and war departments. Senatof McNary expects to obtain from the agricultural emergency fund a sufficient allotment to do this work, and General Patrick of he fire ser vice is trying to find legal means b which the air service of the army may furnish the equipment and per sonnel to carry on the scouting on the funds thus advanced. A definite agreement is expected Monday. Chicago Girl Loses Lover; May Die Of Attempted Suicide CHICAGO, July 10. Blossom Tay lor, 22, -was dying today as the result of poison taken after what she said was a tearful parting from an alder man, who planned to leave for Eur ope. Miss .Taylor was found on a rear porch of her apartment and rushed to the hospital. She told an amazing story of her affair with the alderman, which reached a climax in a stormy interview when he came to her apart ment to bid her farewell and told her he was forced to take his wife on the trip, "for political reasons." The alderman declared he had nev er heard of Miss Taylor. . WILLAMETTE NEWS The Misses Florence Fromong and Esther Larsen were among those who attended the recital given by Eva Ben son at the home of .P. D. Forbes on Washington street Oregon City last Monday evening. Mrs. H. Greaves and Gladys Baker spent the day in Portland shopping last Wednesday, Mrs. Harold White and her mother Mrs. Doddy entertained in a delightful manner at their home on the bank of the Willamette river last Wednesday. A bountiful dinner was served at tne noon hour and in the afternoon a so cial time and fancywork were enjoy ed. Those enjoying Mrs. White's and Mrs. Doddy's hospitality were Mrs. Clem Dollar, and children, Gladys. Laurance and Clem Jr., Mrs. Robt. Young and daughters, Lillian and Lu cile; Mrs. John Rauch and children, Jack, Clara, and Lynn; Mrs. Ewald Leisman and daughter, Alice Lor raine; Mrs. J. L. Gary and daughter Margaret; Mrs. Herman Peters; Mrs. Riley Denton and son, Riley Jr.; Mrs. John Casey and daughter, Mary Jane; Mrs. John Reams Jr., and sons, Donald and Kenneth; Mrs. Neal Whitney and sons, Virgil and John Allen; Mrs. Frank Shipley and daughter, Audrey; Mrs. W. W. Davis and daughter, Gladys; Mrs. H. Leisman and Mary Leisman. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis and chil dren were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reinke last Thursday. A children's party was enjoyed at the home of Naomi Barnes last Thurs day evening. Outdoors games were played and dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Barnes at a late hour. Those present were Gladys Mootry, Dora Andrus, Doris Mantha , Anna Matlaski, Emily Hoover, Lydia Ger trude Greaves, Alberta, Naomi and Margerie Barnes. ' Miss Hallie Palmer of Portland was a guest at the home of Mae Waldron last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bennett enter tained at dinner on Thursday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Shaffer and son. Jay, and Rev. Bryner all of Portland. A recital of unusual merit was giv en at the Willamete Methodist church last Friday evening, June 30, by the pupils of the Misses Beatrice Oliver and Anna Isnogle, assisted by Miss Hallie Palmer of Portland. The church was filled to capacity by an apprec iative audience and each number re ceived a great amount of applause. The program was as follows: Pell Mell Galop, Lerman, Dorothy Yates, Everis Brown, Jean McLean; Merry Moments, Ducelle, Zelma Plicunas; Dolly's Lullabye, with words, Molin eux Elaine Oliver; Abenlied, Krog mann Clifford Moriarity; To a Daisy j Erb Jean McLain; Evening Bells, Mclntyre Diane Moshler; To a Wild j Rose, MacDowell, Love Song, Cadman, I The Lark's Song, Tschaikpwsky Ce- lia Carroll ; W Here My caravan was Rested, Lonr, summer wina, tsisnoss Miss Palmer; The Cello Player, Mc lntyre John Laurs; The Chase, Van Laer Dorothy Yates; Slumber Song, Gurlitt, The Old Grey Owl, Erb Ev - eris Brown; Humoreske, Dvorak, Clara Plicunas ; Dance of the Dolls, Poldine Una Hyatt; Barcarolle, duet, Packe Zelma and Clara Plicunas ; April Morn, Baten', Evening Son, Gil- berte Miss Palmer; General Bum Bum, Poldini, , In a Gondola, Heins, Kenneth Montgomery; Melody in F, Rubenstein Lowrence Young; The Rising Sun, Toryussen, At Morn, God ard Celia Carroll; Velse, Ducelle Emily Nixon; A Tin Soldier's Love, MacDowell, Sailor's Song, Hele Una Hyatt; Acompanist, Miss Mae Waldron. J A Sunday school picnic was thor oughly enjoyed at Schnorers' park last Saturday. This is an annual event eagerly anticipated by the children and equally as much enojyed by the adults. Mr. and Mrs. John Reams Jr. and children, Donald and Kenneth; Mrs. H. Leisman, Mary Leisman, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Leisman and children, Richard, Marshal, and Alice Lorraine left by auto Saturday afternoon for Columbia beach where they will re main for several days. Genevieve Fromong was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hammerly at Seaside during the week-end. The trip was made in the Hammerly machine leav ing here on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman and daughter, Verl. Margareta Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser and Mrs. Kelnhofer and Lyman Koellermeier of Mountain Road left Saturday morn ing by auto for La Grande to remain over the fourth. They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaiser, who resided in Willamette during the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Porter and chil dren enjoyed a short vacation last week fishing near Grand Ronde. Vesta Contrill of Vancouver is visit ing her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Bennett and will remain for several weeks. Mrs. S. I. Saulsbury and children have been in Salem lately visiting Mr. Saulsbury who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Khale and chil dren, Fred and Carl visited -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Colfelt where they celebrated the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Dibble celebrated their second wedding anniversary last Fri day evening. Several guests from out of town were present. Harold Francis, small son of Mrs. Erben Donahue, was very ill last week. Dr. Silverman was the attend ing physician. Francis Waldron and Margaret Manning, students at the Oregon Nor mal at Monmouth spent the week-end in, Willamette. Mrs. Julia Peters ana little daughter spent Thursday visiting Mrs. W. L. Snidow. Veda Andrus, who has been spend ing her vacation at Yoncolla, return ed home the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Junken and fam ily spent the week-end at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. McArthur and children, Mrs Laurance Knoop and Ella, Isabelle and Donald celebrated the fourth near New Era where a fam ily reunion was held. Clem Dollar and Pearl Turner made a business trip to Carlton over the week-end. Gladys Baker and Audrey Tuor were guests of friends in Molalla on Tuesday where they attended the Mo lalla celebration and Round-Up. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rodgers and Miss Alta Worden and Marion Porter are spending their vacation at the coast Hazel Baysinger, who is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. C. O. Williams, left the latter part of the week for McMinnville where she will "remain for several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Baysinger. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Young and daughter, Elizabeth; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carlson and children: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller and children of Sell wood; Emma and Nettie Miller; and Mrs. Lydia Elligsen and son, Eddie, left Saturday by auto for Pacific City and other points along the Tillamook beaches. " Ruth Miller . is spending several days with her cousin, Helen Miller, of . Sellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Odekirk and children, Mary, Agnes, and Wm. Ralph of Sell wood were guests of Mrs. Alderman Friday. Audrey Tuor was a Portland visitor on, Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Toedtermeier spent Tuesday visiting relatives in Canby. Mrs. B. F. Baker is spending several days in Mountain Road visiting at her old home, the B.' F. Baker farm. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fromong motored to Rhodedendron where they camped Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Draper and son, Billy, spent several days last week enjoying camp life at Columbia beach. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauch and children,- and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Young were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker in Mountain Road last Tuesday. Mrs. E. Brown of Meldrum is spend ing several weeks at the home of her son, M. J. Brown of Wilamette. Mr. C. B. Willson and son, Bruce; accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Willson spent their vacation motor ing along the beach resorts. Mrs. Loren Knoop and baby spent the week-end visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. MoArthur. Mrs. B. Hill and daughter, Maxine of Mulino, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Johnson. Mrs. Riley Denton and son, Riley, Jr., returned from their vacation Monday which was spent at The Dalles and camping at the foot of Mt. Hood. A very successful a'ffair both so cially and financially was held at the home of Mrs. A. P. Tuor last Tuesday afternoon in the form of a silver tea given for the benefit of the McLaugh lin SociaTClub. During the afternoon the ladies cut out and sewed little garments for the babies of the St. j Agnes Baby Home. Delicious refresh ments were served to the following j guests, Mrs. Lee Bacon, Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. Catherine Davis, Mrs. Lucy Mathers, Mrs. -L. B. Barnes. , Mrs. Viola Fromong, Mrs Grace Gr- jley; Mrs. W. W. Davis, Mrs Mae . Baty; Mrs A. F. Buckles, Mrs J. W. ! Thornberry, Mrs. O. N. Whitney, Mrs. Glen Epler, Mrs. Geo.'DeBok, Mrs. H. I Leisman, Mrs. J. Straight Mrs. J. A Ream. Jr., Mrs. B. McArthur, Mrs. J. A. Ream, Mrs. Silverman, Mrs. Bur ginsTu, Mrs. Tuor, Audrey and Max ine Tuor, Mrs. Frank Shipley, Audrey Shipley, Mrs. C. Bierner, Mrs. E. Leis man? Mrs. Viola Bennett, Mrs. Ever ett Downey, Virginia Downey, Mrs. , Emory Ream, Mrs. J. A. Justin, Mrs W. G. Swock," Mrs E. P. Carpenter, Frances Carpenter, Miss Isabelle Mc Arthur, Mrs A. J. Couette, Mrs. J. H. Charier, Mrs. Johnson Galey, Mrs. Bert Morgan, Mrs. J. L. Gary, Mrs. C B. Willson, Mrs Bert Barnes, Mrs. W C. Eliot and Mrs. Wm. Leavens. Mrs. Albert Adamson returned home from Newport on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barnes and fam ily and .Miss Hilda Barkine motored to "Wilhoit Sunday where they will re main for several days. - Mr. and Mrs. Keagle and children of Portland at one time residenst of Willamete are camping for a few days at the Elbow near Willamette. Mrs. Fred Baker and children, Mar ion and Kenneth spent Thursday vis iting friends in Willamette. B LOSS IS ABOUT $25,000 EUGENE, July 6. The big Booth Kelly sawmill at Wendling took fire this morning at 9 o'clock and burned to the ground in a few minutes. Reports from the fire at 10 o'clock are that the sawmill was a total loss and thaT" tSe crew and townspeople were desperately battling the flames to save the planing mill and thelum ber on the docks. The whole town of Wendling is threatened, and towns people and mill crew have responded to the man to battle the flames. . J3u gene sent out its fire department and a special train of fire fighers and equipment has been sent from the Springfield Booth-Kelly mill. The Wendling planing mill burned several years ago and was rebuilt. The Springfield sawmill burned in 1911 and was replaced in 1914. These previous fires cost the company many thousands of dollars, and the blaze this morning promises to cause a loss of at least $250,000. CANBY TEACHER TAKES LUMBER MILL POSITION CANBY. July 10. H. H. Eccles, prominent instructor of this city, has taken a position with the Willamette River Lumber Company. Mr. Eccles has been principal of the grammar school of Canby for some time, and. was re-elected for the coming year. He is also well posted in the lumber business, having been connected with a lumber company for a number of years. 4 -. - - t . - -. . .. , ' - ' - . ,. v: ' -.