Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 30, 1922, Page Page two, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over
The Past Week
ESTACADA, June 28 Miss Betty
Wise, of Portland, spent the week
end with Mrs. W. H. Grabeel.
m, onrt Mrs. A. Richmond and
?A - '
family were guests at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Burt Moore, last
The Estacada baseball boys went
to Corbett last Sunday to cross bats
with the baseball team at that place,
winning the game by a score of 18
to 5.
Those who attended the dance at
the- Estacada pavilion last Saturday
night report a good time.
Dr. and Mrs. R. G McCall of Port
land, motored through Estacada last
Sunday. .
Miss Arline Goss of Sellwood was
a guest at the home of her friend.
Miss Irma Gates, for a few days last
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates entertain
ed Mr. and Mrs. C W. Fields, Miss
Helen Roy and Mrs. E. E. Joy, all
of Portland, last Sunday.
' Mrs W. C McWillis and daughter.
Miss Etta, spent Wednesday and
Thursday in Portland last week vis
iting relatives and attending the
Rose festival.
Miss Joanna Craig visited her sis
ter in Portland last week and attend
ed the rose festival.
Miss Mary Oakley of Seattle arriv
ed last Saturday for a visit with her
sister Mrs. Mae Reed, and family.
James Van Duzer came over from
Portland Saturday to spend the week
end with his sister, Mrs. R. Morse.
V. W. Hauser did not make the
trip to Cary's hot springs. After get
ting out a few miles up the trail he
became sick and had to return.
On account of others who were to
accompany Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks
on their trip to Trout Lake, Wash.,
being unable to go, Mr. and Mrs.
Sparks decided to defer the trip to
a later date.
Among the many from Estacada
who went to Portland last Friday
to see the parade, were Mr. and Mrs.
W F. Cary and children, Mrs. A. E.
Sparks and Mrs. N. B. Ecker, motor
ing over in Mr. Cary's car.
Miss Jennie Burns, sister of F. E.
Burns, arrived last Wednesday from
Michigan to visit here for a few
"weeks '
Miss June Oakley and Miss Rath
of Seattle, were here last Monday
guests at the home of the former's
sister, Mrs. Mae Reed.
Oatis Wagner arrived from San
Diego, California, Monday, driving
through in his car. He says he had
delightful roads until he struck Ore
gon. In so many places the roads
were being improved which necessi
tated detours, which made the trip
longer, of course and he did not get
home as soon as he expected to.
Estacada may face a water famine
if the continued dry spell keeps up.
This week several times the press
ure has been very low and only a
little water, so that lawns and gar
dens had to be neglected.
Matt Lonsberry and George Pointer
were among the Tuesday vistors in
the Rose City.
Mrs. Myrtle Gallehur of Portland, is
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert T. Elott.
There will be an extra train on
July 4th, leaving Estacada at 1:16 A.
M. for Portland, to accomodate all
who wish to attend the celebration
dance at the pavilion.
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Hauser visited
the Metropolis last Saturday.
Mrs. John Marchbank was an Es
tacada visitor in Portland Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duus arrived last
Thursday from Eastern Oregon to
uioit -Ms narsnta. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Duus and other relatives.
After an absence of two or more
weeks, taking her vacation, Mrs. O.
E. Culver is again back in the "Rose
There were large delegations at the
basket meeting held at Mt. Zion
church last Sunday. A truck con
veyed a large number from Estacada,
as well as several autos. Services
were held in the morning and also in
the afternoon. A picnic dinner was
enjoyed by all as well as the two
i splendid services.
Married At Vancouver, Wash.,
June 21, 1922, Miss Marie Anna Ad
lon and Ernest Marshall. The bride
has been keeping house tor her bro
ther, Albert Adlon, in the Garfield sec
tion. The groom is the son or iirs.
Califf of Garfield. The bride's sister,
Mrs V. W. Hauser honored the new
ly weds on their return from Vancou
ver, with a dinner at her home in the
Silver Star restaurant and ice cream
parlor. Eighteen guests were pres
ent and the table decorations consist
ed of carnations, roses and sweet
peas. Miss Esther Weaver and Pearl
Fautz waited on the guests. Those
present were the bride and groom,
Mr. and Mrs. Beebe and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Calvy Beebe. Mrs. Califf,
Mr and Mrs. V. W. Hauser, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hurst. The newly mar
ried couple will live on the Califf
farm in Garfield. ,
The annual library meeting is to
be held Saturday, July 1, at 2 P- M.
in the library, at which time new of
ficers are elected and such other
business that should come before the
association is to be transpired. All
members of the asociation are re
quested to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Weather
by left on Tuesday for Portland and
later embarked by boat for their new
home near San Diego, California.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C Stephens were
business visitors in Portland Tues.
Mrs. C- J- Pimm left on Wednesday
with the children to join Mr. Pimm at
Sellwood where they will make their
home for a time at least. Mr. Pftnm
was recently transferred by the P.
' R. I & P. Co. to Portland. The fam
ily has resided in Estacada for a
number of years. Mrs. Pimm being one
of the grade teachers last year, and
they have many friends here who
are wishing them the best of suc
cess. . -
i, y I...H..IIllI.WHIll1lJl PIWIHlllll III llllllllll'll llllll 'l I Mill "III "' "
the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
Your Subscripted Will Receive Prompt Attention.
M. It is also the annual meeting for
the election of new officers for the
coming year. There will be speaking
by Rev. Lacy and Atty. Elott, also a
fcood musical program.
The contest for a Goddess of Lib-or-tv
vm- t-ha KVinrth of Jtilv celebra
tion, is on in a rush. The candidates
are, Gladys Miller of George; Helen
Johnson, Eagle Creek; uora unm.
Currinsville; Elva Shibley, Spring
water; Wilma Duncan, Garfield; No
va Smith, Estacada; Bertha Burns,
Estacada; Mary Ely, Estacada. The
voting places are at the Estacada
Pharmacy and Marchbank's restau
rant. Votes are counted every even
ing and the contest closes Sunday,
July 2, at 9 o'clock P. M.
The Heylman home In Estacada
was the scene of a large gathering of
friends last Sunday. The guests
were, Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Whiting of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C- D. Broach,
of Memphis, Tenn., William Ridle
and Miss Louise Ridle, Mr. and Mrs.
H G. Cross, Miss Bessie White, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Olson, Misse Vivian
and Alma Flexner, Miss Rich, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Wilson, Mrs. Carrie Win
chel. Miss Anna Park and Dr. and
Mrs. Wm. Dale, all of Portland.
Carl Douglass Post, American Le
gion, is making extensive prepara
tions for the, celebration of the glor
ious Fourth at this place. Campbell's
American Band of Portland, will be
here to dispense music throughout
the day and head the parade in the
morning. In the parade will be nov
elties in floats entered by various
business houses, lodges and individ
uals, while the World War veterans
will march in body. A "fine program
will be given in the park and a pic
nic dinner wl follow. At 1:30 sharp
a snappy ball game will be provided
between Estacada and the Portland
Firemen. After this races and other
athletic contests with boxing and
wrestling bouts will be pulled off.
Dancing both afternoon and evening
in the park pavilion. Special rates
and trains on the railroad.
NEEDY, June 27 The Needy Com
munity club meets with Mrs. Gus
Fredrickson June 29.
Frank and Leila Ritter spent Sun
day at Wilhoit Springs.
Another big dance at Needy, July
8. Good music, good eats -and good
time assured everybody.
John Schwabaur, Sr., has gone to
Eastern Oregon where his son,
George got hurt in an accident.
Mr and Mrs. L. Snagle were Ore-
gen City shoppers one day last week.
The Brchart families visitea
friends on the west side Sunday.
Mr. Carothers and family were
shopping in Aurora Friday.
Mrs. Chas. Hoffman and daughter,
Myria, visited with Mrs. Fredrickson,
one dav last week.
Chas. Noblitt was calling on
friends in Molalla Saturday.
Word has been received from Cal
ifornia that a little daughter arrived
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pape
joy. Mrs. Papejoy was Miss Grace
Thompson of Needy. The Needy
community sends congratulations. (
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Learfield spent
Sunday at Babbs.
Mrs. Noblitt and son visited in Mu
lino Friday with Mrs. Govcher.
Myria and Ida Hoffman spent Sun
day at the Thiel home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Grim entertain
ed Sunday In honor of Mr. Grim's
mother, it being her 72nd birthday.
There were 18 seated at a good din
ner and strawberries and cream,
which thev all did justice and every
body wished the grandma many birth
days and went home late in tne aa.y.
Robert Yoder is to be the teacher
of the Needy school. He comes high
ly recommended and he and his fam
ily will be gladly welcomed. They
will live in. the J. D. Ritter house.
Chas. Spagle was in Canby Mon
day. Mr. Hagemann has been slightly on
the sick list for a few days.
Frank ' Ritter will soon go to Port
land to work in the post office again.
The Fredrickson .brothers went
fishing Sunday and caught the limit.
Mrs. Gordon Frederickson visited
his mother, Mrs. Askins over the
week end.
Jahlin Galiler and family motored
to Hillsborough Sunday and spent the
day with relatives.
Several from Needy attended the
ball game Sunday between Needy
and Meridian. Needy carried off the
Myria Hoffman called on the Gah
ler sisters Tuesday.
Beaver Creek
baseball team is preparing for a pic
nic to be held July 4 at the Beaver
Creek school grounds. Among other
things there will be two ball games,
one at 10 a. m. between, the Clarkes
and Beaver Creek juniors. In the
afternoon Mount Pleasant will play
with Beaver Creek. '
Henry Steiner, with a crew of men
began last week to move Geo. Havill's
store and other buildings from the
Hughes place across the street onto
tUe Havill property.
The Crescent and Beaver Creek
ball teams met yesterday on the local
i diamond and played an interesting
game. The score stood 7-b m lavor
cf Beaver Creek.
1 1 1" il v t." 1 v , i ' -1--
Mrs. John Schram, daughter, Eva.
- . 1.1 . 11
and son, Lloyd Schram, and Mrs. G.
V. Woodard, went to Portland Fri
dav trv a, ttend the Rose Festival They
j especially enjoyed the Whitney Boys'
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foglesong, with
Mr. Fcsrleson's father, uncle, and
small brother, motored to Seaside
Saturday afternoon, returning Sunday
L. C. Schram started back to the
Silver Lake country Saturday.
Finnish people had a mid-summer pic
nic Sunday, June 25, in the Meadow
brook park. There was quite a crowd
out from Portland'.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins, daugh
ter. Alma and Mrs". Chas. Jones- and
son, Hugh Thomas, were Portland vis
itors Saturday, June 24.
iA)ice Holman, who has been vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Holman left last week for California
where she is to study music.
Edith Mickleson and Anna Johnson
of Portland have been visiting sever
al days with Eleanora and' Lillie
Born June 19 to Mr. and Mrs. John
Jadinen a 10 pound baby boy. Mr.
Jadinan is in Alaska fishing. While
going up there he was in' a ship
wreck but as they were near a coast
all the people on the ship were saved.
REDLAND, June 27 Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Allen were Portland visitors
Wednesday. Mrs. H. G. Nevill and daughter,
Clara Pearl, and niece Winnifred
Hulse went to Portland Wednesday
evening. Mrs. Nevill and daughter re
mained with relatives until Saturday
James Fullam transacted business
in Oregon City Saturday.
The Grippe children visited their
mother at the Oreeon City hospital
John Murray was an Oregon City
caller Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stone and daugh
ter, Miss Edith, visited Mrs. Stone's
mother, Mrs. Hearschy at St. Johns
Mrs. John Hurlbert was an Oregon
City visitor Saturday.
Mises Mildred Koch and Icelia
Hughes 'and Luciea Koch, Frances
and Kenneth Hughes returned from a
two weeks trip at the O. A. C. Satur
day. On Saturday, June 24, Glen Allen
and Miss Grace Hink'.e slipped quiet
ly over to Estacada and were married
ty Rev. DeMoy, uncle of Mr. Allen.
Thev vprn acconmanied bv Mrs. Al
len and Mrs. Hinkle. who acted as wit
nesses. The young couple will make
their home for the present at Mulino.
Mrs. Allen has been a teacher in
the Clackamas county schools for the
past two years and Mr. Allen has as
sisted with farm work on his father's
farm. All Redland extends heartiest
congratulations and best wishes to
this popular and well known couple.
C. J. Staats transacted business in
Oregon City Saturday.
On Saturday evening the Hawlett
heme was completely destroyed by
fire. Mrs. Hawlett and the children
were visiting in Portland and Mr.
Hawlett had retired for the night.
The origin of the fire is unknown.
City spent Sunday at the Will Bon
ney home.
Miss Elnora Staats Is spending a
few days with relatives in Oregon
The Redland ball nine was again de
feated by Logan Sunday.
Pete's Mountain
John Erickson of Peace Cove was in
town on business lasfSaturday.
E. M. Wilson and Leonard Davis
started work on the school ground
last Friday. Monday a crew started to
excavate the basement using two
teams. They intend -to go right on
with the job now.
Mr. Wholforth of Peach Cove is
having his house remodeled, and gen
erally repaired.
Mrs. Nettie Sauzer from near Wl
scnville, visited with her sister, Mrs.
John Kaiser for a week.
Conrad Zimmerman of Willamette
has been helping Frank Kaiser with
his farm work for the last week.
Joe Bernert and sisters, Agnes and
Marie were visitors in 'Salem last
Some of the men. worked at the
school grounds Sunday. The ladies
brought dinner for them and all en
joyed the cool breeze in the school
Miss Mary Rypszynski of West
Linn spent the week end with " her
Mrs. Seithler, of Portland, visited
at the G. Notdurft home a few days
The crops in this locality are badly
in need of rain.
Mr. and Mrs. Alert Bernert have
moved to their hew home in Willam
ette and are busy getting acquainted
with the responsibility of owning a
LOGAN, June 26 The Logan ball
team were victorious on their home
ground Sunday over the Redland boys
16 to 8.
Mrs. O. D. Robbins, who is at the
Oregon City hospital is reported im
proving. Carl Fallen has purchased the old
home place from Emil Tscopp and is.
moving back here. He has been op
erating a sawmill at Redland for
some time.
Farmers are all wishing for a good
old soaking rain.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kohl gave a
barn dance Saturday evening, to a
number of friends and relatives
I ii um .w-- . .... ... . . .
I Among the latter were the Mullen's
: 1 9 A T I T..-1 111. r . -nrTn ...
young people of Milwaukie, who fur
nished the music. All report a fine
At the recent school election in
District No. 4, Fred W. Riehoff was
elected director and P. M. Kirchem
fiorlr Miss Florence McGeehan was
chosen as teacher for next Vear. A
small tax levy was voted unanimous
ly. Mr. and THrs. C. A. Duus of Criter
ion. Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doug-
li Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stelnman or I f - fi
Mr. and llrs. J. P. Stelnman of
Currinsville, accompanied by their
rtaiierhter Mrs. T) E. McConnell were
visiting relatives here Sunday.
S. E. Gerber, who went to Wyom
ing two months ago arrived back in
Oregon well satisfied that Oregon is
the best of all. He left for Cottage
Grove" on mining business. " "
F. O. Kirchem of Yoncalla vftited
the home folks this week, also with E.
C. Gerber.
Elks Prairie
ELK PRAIRIE, June 27 It is re
ported that Elmer Snider recently
sold his homestead. It was also re
ported some time ago that thelrjson,
Wilbur Snider had sold his claim.
Mr. and Mrs . Dee Myers, who
bought the John Mickley claim, last
year, are steadily improving their
place. Much of the place seem to be
a kind of bottom land which works up
mellow and is sub Irrigated.
Mr. Carruthers. who went to Cali
fornia a few months ago has written
to friends that he has obtained an ex
tension of time from the government,
on his claim, and expects to return
before that expires.
Mr. Yacubec has been improving his
claim by having stumps blasted. Mr.
Frank Kekel did the work.
It is reported that Chas. Tidd, who
recently proved up on his claim, is
preparing to move near Oregon City.
Mr. Tidd has taken an active part
both in the Community club and
school while here.
D. W. Badger has returned to Mo
lalla after a visit to his family, on
the homestead.
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, June 27 Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Woodle were the dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Dhu
lst, of Linneman, last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans, Mae and
Edna Evans and Mrs. Perry Murphey
and" Mrs. Carl Rhenstrom attended
the Rose Show last Wednesday.
Mrs. Virgil May and daughter, Eve
lyn;, of Oregon City, and Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Moehnke, of Shuebel, were the
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John. Gith
ens, .Mrs. Bert Palmateer and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Beers Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and
daughter, Florice, were the Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norval Kir
chem, of Logan.
A. N. Orke and Mr Dhulst motored
out to Mr. Orke's farm Sunday and
spent the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Updegrave, and
little son, Clifford, were calling at the
home of Roy Douglass Sunday after
noon. Carl Rhenstrom was home for a
few days recently.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C- Cogswell return
ed Monday from a trip to Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and
children, were guests at the home of
their son, Ernest, Sunday.
Ten Portland Girls and Youths
Under Custody Here; Exast
Court Action Undetermined
Held here for examination, ten Port
land boys and girls, ranging in years
from 16 to 23, rere arrested at 12:30
o'clock this morning by Deputy Sher
iff Carl Long. They were picked up
in a large automobile in front of the
Parkplace garage. Several of the
party were intoxicated, and evidences
of moonshine flowing freely were
said by the officers to be evident.
Matron M. E. Church will be asked
to aid in handling the case, as several
of the girls are thought under the
age of 16.
Milo Renner, driver of the machine,
is being held on a technical charge
of driving a machine without a tail
light and failing to have a driver's
Judge E. J. Noble was called and
at a late hour last nfSht had not yet
which members of the
party to hold, and who to release on
bail. Profane language on the part
of one of the women only stopped aft
er the officers threatened to keep her
under confinement in the county jail.
The party gave their names as:
Milo Rener, 1415 16th; Clyde Weist,
640 Grand; Jack Williams, 561 Mall;
Glen Stevens, 96 4th; Frans Miler,
540 3rd St.; Everett Poek, 1375 8th
St.; Marie Stevenson, 3S8 Everett;
May Potb'- 5 N. th; Helen Lins,
388 Everett; Marie Houk, 38S Everett.
Marriage Licenses
Granted 5 Couples
Three marriaere licenses were issu
ed yesterday to the following: George
Dewey Hammond, 24, and Hael Cron
er. 21, oth of Oregon City; George
Walter Gage, 23, of Oregon City and
Hazel Winifred Moyer, R. F. D. 3 of
Oregon City; Harvey John Stewart.
?4, Portland, and Clara Olson, 22, of
Canby; Frank Wood and Arabella
Goebel, of Canby; Mrs. Elizabeth A.
Rass, 68, and James McMonigal, 72,
of Jennings Lodge.
6 Per Cent State School I
I Money to Loan on Farms
I Bank of Oregon City Bldg.
Oregon City, Ore. I
j Holman & Pace
1 Homelike Efficient Courteous
i .
1 Telephone 86
uurnnsviiiu, accompauiou w -"-ii i r n ? r m y W E
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent
'New York Visitor
Is Guest of Honor
round of pleasure is being given for
Mrs. Lydia Newton Of Holcomb, New
York," who is the house guest of H.
H. Emmons at Stone Gables. Mrs.
Newton arrived on June 18. On Mon-,
day last a motor trip to Camas, Wash,
and a visit through the Vancouver
barracks was much enjoyed. Tues
day a visit was paid to the Quality
Poultry rafach and a motor ride
through Gresham and Troutdale was
a pleasant jaunt. Wednesday Mrs.
Newton was the motive at a lunch
at the Bohemian, Mrs. Ballow as hos
tess. Multnomah field to take in the
Rose Festival was a pleasant part of
the day. Thursday a luncheon was
given at the Multnomah and a view
o the rose festival center was much
enjoyed. Friday was spent sight see
ing in Portland and the Rose Show
was one of the pleasing features Sat
urday a drive over the Columbia high
way with dinner at the Gorge hotel
the party motored as far as Mosier,
stopping at Hood River to see tnat j
Forty-two friends partook of a pic
nic lunch ' under the maples at the j
Emmons home on Sunday, Mrs. New- j
ton being the motive of the gather- j
fL' t. i.. j,s TUra rhos .
Ua A uoauaj ui mio " v k-. .
. ? o dinner On
Tuesday evening Mrs. Truscott enter
tained with a porch party. Cards
were the evening's diversion.
' On Wednesday morning three ma
chines with Mrs. Newton's friends
motored to Seaside where the par
ty have the Mayo cottage until
July 1.
The honored visitor plans to return,
on July 6 to her home in New York.
Her visit has been an exceptionally
pleasant one.
Guild Entertained
By Mrs. F. Covert
Frank Covert very delightfully enter
tained the Grace Guild at her home
on the Clackamas on Wednesday last.
Mrs. Babler presided and Mrs. OHn
Ford lead the devotional. At the so
cial hour the little folks were given
a peanut and marshmallow toast.
About twenty ladies were served
with strawberries and cream. Mrs.
Coffman of Pasco, Wash., was an
honored guest Others attending were
Mesdames Laura Newell H. Hooker;
H. Babler; W. I. Blinstone, C. Water-
house; Geo. Williams; R. Ft Deter;
J. W. Smith; Dan Jones; W. W.
Wodbeck; Harry Williams, Olin Ford,
Mac Hargue; K. Burton; H. Roberts;
Miss Vera Ball.
Tourists Enjoying
Shady Nook Camping
Shady Nook has welcomed several
auto parties recently. A large con
crete stove "has been added to the
pretty grounds. Among those stay
ing over night. were S. Sharp and R.
Sladek families who are from Taco
ma and are traveling about, no spec
ial place being the object of their des
tination. C. Mallen of Emanuel, Ore
gon, is southward bound for Los An
geles, H. M- Hall of St. Helens is jour
neying to Lebanon.
Dan Doran who came from Enter
prise, Ore., left the following day for
Dinner Given For
Los Angeles People
Distinguished visitors of the week
were Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Hunt of Los
Angeles, who are on their way to
Alaska. Mr. Hunt is a cousin of Mrs.
Swart and were entertained atdin
rer at the Newcomb and Swart home.
Additional guests on Thursday were
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Swart and family
and Mr. and Mrs. J. C Newcomb, who
are the house guests of their son, R
T. Newcomb. The Hunts had four
days to spend in Portland before they
sailed for Alaska.
Luncheon Is Given
To Mrs. DeForest
Mrs. Mable Pierce entertained with a
luncheon on Tuesday, honoring her
mother, Mrs. De Forrest. Her guests
were Mrs. Sedgwick ana cnnaren ui
Ardenwald, and her sister Mrs. Strat
ton also of Silver Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Stratton and little
son left Silver Lake in their machine,
planning to drive through; but on
reaching Prinevilie, Mr. Stratton
was taken seriously ill and they took
the train. He is better and is at the
home of his mother in Portland.
Surprise Luncheon
Given Mrs. G. Card
A surprise luncheon and shower was
tendered Mrs. Geo. Card on Wednes
day last. Cards were the afternoon's
diversion. Those attending were
Mrs Earnest Naef: Mrs. Steinford;
Mrs! Heath Of Gladstone; Mrs. Hole:
Mrs. John Roberts and Mrs. Randall
They all report a very pleasant time.
The funeral services for the late Vic
tor Erickson were held from the fam
ily home on Friday last. Rev. Cara
doc Morgan officiating. The pall
bearers were all old time friends" and
neighbors. Two sons and a daughter
came to attend the funeral. The flor
al tributes were beautiful and many.
Word of the marriage of Harvey G.
Starkweather and Miss Eva New
man, has been received, the wedding
taking place last week . at
Pass, Oregon
"Mr. Starkweather has taken a very I
prominent part in political affairs and
is a highly respected resident of this
part of Clackamas county, who has a
host of friends, who are extending
congratulations to Mr. Starkweather
and his bride, who was 'formerly a
resident of Brookings.
The wedding tour of the coast re
sorts is being made by Mr. and Mrs.
The Theroux orchestra is to have a
part in the big Chautauqua program
this year at Gladstone. Each day
they will be heard in the afternoon at
the Symposium hour. The orchestra
has been enthusiastically received
we feel sure it will be one ortrns
part of the big Chautauqua program.
..... I
The Rose Festival has been
nrime attraction of the .last week
! and the Jennings Lodge fo'-ks took
in some phase of the festival during
j - ......
l the festival season. With a week ot
resnite. the housewives are arranging
their work and planning on attending
Chautauqua at Gladstone which opens
on Saturday, July 1.
Perhaps never before have we had
so many eastern people visit at this
place as are here just now. Among
them are v Mrs. Lloyd Spooner from
Pennsylvania; Mrs. Lydia Newton of
New York; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. New
comb of Ohio; Mrs. Burton and Miss
Hunt of Chicago; Janice Scripture of
Iowa; H. Kolb of Illinois; Miss Wip
polt of North Dakota; Mrs. Mansfield
and son, Carl, of Minnesota; Clyde
Blinstone of Wisconsin; Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Hampton of Indiana.
Waren Swart was a business caller
at Canby on Thursday.
Eldon Tillamook of Lorraine, Ore
gon, left on Monday for Hiflsboro, to
visit an uncle.
Albert Koenig of Minneapolis,
Minn., spent Thursday last as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Wood-
heck. Mr. Koenig is on a business
oecK. ivir. rv ixj u i & i vii u i. ..i"v"-
trip to Washington and Oregon and
is very favorably impressed with this
part of tne west.
Noah Bechtel, who has been assist-
ing on his father's large cattle ranch
in Idaho, came on Wednesday last to
spent his vacation at his home here,
Alfred Langley spent Thursday
with his grandmother, Mrs. D. J. Ab-
bey Alfred is associated with a ga-
rage in East Portland.
The Shepperd family and Mrs. Jer-
ry Madden and H. Kolb motored to
i. .. i rt cnnnov at iCnlh is f To in
Illinois and many trips of interest
are taken to show the visitor some
of Oregon's beauty spots.
Mr anrt Mrs. C. H. Farrington and
three children stopped here to visit
with the Swart family, enroute to the
Yosemite Park for a month s stay.
The Farringtons are residents of Port
Mrs. Coffman departed on Satur
day for Pasco, Wash., after a three
weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs.
Laura Newell.
George Morse, who has had charge
of the Quality Poultry ranch near
Troutdale, has returned to his home
Albert Tucker, wife and two chil
dren, returned last week from their
trip to California. The family went
south for Mr. Tucker's health; while
it is somewhat improved, his friends
had hoped for a permanent recovery
11 IU uuiicu till a
Mrs Frank B. Tucker of Portland vis-
ited with her son on Sunday. ments.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts and Mr. . The sweet peas at the Thomas
and Mrs. Clare Maple atended the home have attracted many visitors,
fourth wedding anniversary of Mr. The seeds were planted last fall, be
atd Mrs. Arthur Roberts on Sunday, ing of the Countess variety. Large
when the latter gave a dinner in hon- bouquets have been picked daily since
or of the occasion. ' early spring. The stems are unusual-
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kern are re-'ly'long with a cluster of four blos
ceiving felicitations over the arrival soms to the stem, and of a beautiful
of a little son, arriving at the St. , shade of pink.
Vincent hospital on Thursday last. Mrs. Nelson and daughter of Port-
The Horace Hamptons, who have land, spent Tuesday with Mrs. K.
had a splendid visit with their broth- Thomas.
. . , -nf,Q,i tn tit, Mrs Hinds were guests
their home in Muncie, Indiana. Their ; of the Dains for supper on Min.day
.on Chas. Hampton, and family re-: evening. Mr. Hinds is putting tne
turned to Pendleton. ! automatic sprinklers on buildings for
Mrs Lucy Allen has returned home fire protection and while in tms vi
from her duties at the Gamma Phi cinity his wife and chldren cam u
Beta house at corvallis, after having from Bend also J? visit with f
a two weeks' rest at Newport and aj H. Woodham wil 1 spend the Fourth
visit at Albany 1 of July with his brother. F. v ooa
Vern Hopkins, son of Thos. Hop-; ham of Castle Rock, Wash
kins, is somewhat improved, but is i A large cherry crop is being picked
tin auite m at Lyswm and Wm. Jennings is nnu
Mr and Mrs Ouelette and three ing a ready sale at a good price so
children are campng at Norton, Ore- great has en the d a or jhem.
gon, for their annual vacation and re- Thv are fe Lodge
oTTls brother went f oiCe d -- -re -on
a week en'd fishing trip in the a nice sandy beach for imn u s
xr"-h r-ountrv the last week.
tiivo Florence Moore left on Mon
day for Boston, where she will attend
the National Educational Association.
Phones: Sellwood 697. Automatic 21363 John P. Miller. Mgr.-
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an dDealers In
Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Fcot of Spokane Avenue runl
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
She will later take ud studies in New
York, but will be ather post of duty
on the reopening of the school at
Jennings Lodge for the fall term.
Having been engaged to teach the
primary pupils.
Warren Swart's business interests
called him to Canby on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starker attend-,
ing the 16th wedding anniversary of.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henningsen in
Oregon City on June 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Wand and son and Mr..
Pierce of Portland are to spend the
I remainder ul jemo iui '
and brother Roland Truitt, who are
occupying the Pierce residence. Mr.
and Mrs. G. I. Truitt departed on
June 15 for Roseburg, where they
have a large prune ranch.
Mrs. De Forest of Silver Lake has
arrived for a two months' visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Mable Pierce.
Mrs. Rathburn and daughter, of
Portland, spent Sunday with her sis
ter Mrs. Carl Hole.
Mrs. Kate Burton and Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Robbins and three children,
were the guests of the Eugene Mann
family at Beaverton on Sunday. Mrs.
Burton will remain a week at the
Mann home. The Manns were form
er residents and are very pleasantly
located in their home at Beaverton.
Miss Vada Bluhm, a student on the
violin of Miss M. Telford, is spending
a week with Mrs. Henry Hearici.
Teiforrs violin class, while the
on her
IV! Inn rl tl 11 111 1 1 11 Hi 1 w - ii hi 4
j vacation.
I Miss Grace Burco of Portland was a
! week end guest of her brother Harry
i Rurco Mrs. Ella Phillips, also is
a week with her daughter,
Mrs. Harry Burco.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roethe and Mr.
and Mrs. Busard, have returned from
a motor trip to the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Spooner ac
companied Portland friends from a
motor trip to Mt. Hood on Sunday.
Bert Robbins, catcher- of the West
ern Union base ball team, reports
that their team played the boys of
the Covey Motor Co. on Sunday in.
Portland and the score was 11 to 9
in favor of the motor team.
A jolly "craw fishing" party motor-.
ed to the Abernethy on Sunday. A
picnic dinner was much enjoyed. The
families going were Mr. and Mrs.
Steinford, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Naef,
Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. Clinton Heath and Mr. and Mrs.
Orion Randall.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayle and .two chil
dren of Astoria, spent the week end
with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Card.
Keith Wilcox had the pleasure of
hiking to Larch Mountain on Tuesday.
He accompanied his uncle, Mr. Rick
etts of Portland.
Mr. Shemerd anticipates a visit
j ji i - ..i iiv i' v. . t
J from his mother, Mrs. Brownriggs of
j Berkeley, Calif., leaving her home on
j juu i ior iato.
j p. W. Parker preached a very
I splendid sermon in the absence of
i the regular pastor, Rev. Snider. Mr.
j Parker has recently united with the
! church here and many very high
j compliments have been given Mr.
j Parker for his efforts. His sermon
j was from Matt. 11-29. No services
, will be held during the Chautauqua.
j h. Woodham is still sufering from
i iiie fvactiirpd arm which he hurt
about a month ago in a runaway ac
cident. A. L. Reade of Portland spent Sun
day with the ' J. W. Davis family.
Mrs. Lee Goff went to Mill City to
visit her son, Lee Jr., and family.
James Stewart of Portland has
bought the McClain property and
taken possession.
The Rodebacker family have mov
ed to Milwaukie.
R. W. Swain of Portland has leased
a cottage and will spend the summer
months on the banks of the Willam
ette River.
E. Hammond has the excavating
about completed for his new home on
River View Drive.
Will Henderson is completing the
cement basement for his new home
on River Road.
The R. C. Thomas family are mak
ing improvements to their new home.
. n ' -
j a poultry house is one of the lmprove-
And on Sunday many i;"'-'"
tVio hparh at inia
tr.eir suj't'ci s lu "
place-and enjoyed the afternoon un
der the shade along the beach.
Montgomery and Fifth