OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1922. Paere two NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week 'Your Subscription Will Receive Prompt Attention. - Estacada ESTACADA, June 21 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshleman and little son, left last Saturday for a motor trip through California. Miss Irma Gates went to Portland Monday for a weeks' visit with rela tives. Mrs. A. Heidland and children of Portland, spent the week end with Es tacada relatives. W. F. Cary has the registration books so that all who have not already registered, may do so before election. Miss Leila Howe, 'who has been elected as principal of the Estacada grade school for next year, left on Sunday, to take a special course at the State Normal at Monmouth. She may be absent for two months. Her mother, Mrs. C. F. Howe, accompan ied her as far as Portland. The M. E. people will hold services in the park next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. .and everybody is invited to come and bring lunch, as a basket dinner will be served. . Ten little girls were invited to help Mildred Gates celebrate her seventh birthday last Monday. Mrs. Gates ac companied them to the park where re freshments were served and the lit tle folks played games to amuse them selves. Mesdames Carrie Winchel and Anna Park of Portland, are in Estacada the guests of Mrs. W. A. Heylman. Mrs. Neal Bronson is in a Portland hospital recovering from an operation. At the annual school meeting held Monday night, minutes of the meeting of a year ago were read and approved and the clerk gave the financial re bort." which Was also approved and accepted. The election of a director. to take the place of F. G. Robley whose term expired, followed and as there was but one nomination, made, which was Mr. Robley, he succeeded himself. Mrs. Myrtle Melfils was al so elected with no opposition to suc ceed herself as clerk. As there was no further business, the meeting .ad journed. A special meeting will again be held July 7, to elect a director to fill the place of George B. Weather by, who expects to leave for Califor nia the first of next month, to make his home. In the baseball game last Sunday afternoon Estacada lost to Woodstock Firemen by a score of 10 to 12. Es tacada led 10 to 3 up to the seventh inning. Woodstock tied the score off Moger! Two hits and a combination of errors won for Woodstock in the tenth inning. Battery for Estacada, Moger, Moreland and Clossner. Wood stock, Runtz, Honeyman and Brewster. Misses Anita Kopp. Frances Hassell and Isabel Duncan left last Sunday for Monmouth to attend the summer nor mal. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller went to Portland Sunday to visit their son. Miss Ruth Morrison, who was a teacher in the Estacada high school two years ago, was in this city Satur day and Sunday visiting old friends. She lives In Portland but taught at Centralia last year. Mrs. Pearson, sister of Mrs. Tom Watson, arrived Saturday from a vis it of some time at her old home in England. Gladys Linn, "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linn, returned last week from the deaf and dumb school at Sa lem. Mrs. G. E. Lawrence and little grandson, George Lawrence, left Tuesday evening for Portland to spend the week with relatives and to attend the Rose Festival. Mrs. Fred Lucas and two children of Parkplace, are here as the guests of Mrs. Tom Morton, She will stay with Mrs. Morton until Mr. Morton re turns from his trip to Cary's hot springs. : ' Mr. and Mrs. Jay DeFoe and chil dren of Gresham were guests at the W. C- Bacon home last Sunday and were accompanied home by Miss Eve lyn Bacon. The friends of Mrs. Charity Rawlins gathered at her home last Saturday to celebrate her 82nd . birthday anniver sary. Among the guests were Mrs. J. E. Boner, who is near the same age, Mrs. Elizabeth Pinkley, Mrs. E. Du bois, Mrs. A. Bruner, Mrs. Elizabeth Harper, Mrs. C. E. Allen, Mrs. A. J. Davis, Mrs. P M. Wagner. Mrs. Har riet Upton. AH of these ladies were above 60 and their combined ages, 1,177 years. A splendid dinner was served and the guests of honor all received many beautiful floral offer ings. At this time a club was organ ized to be known as the Lavender club, its object to entertain the aged ladies of this vicinity. The age lim it set for those to be entertained was 60 years. Ed Bonr was on hand and got a picture of the ladies entertain ed as well as the ladies who did the entertaining. Miss Irene Saling came home from Portland for a few hours last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K.- E. Eanarson left for Eugene Tuesday morning where they will remain for a few weeks. A party composed of Dr. Rhodes, Tom Morton and V. W. Hauser, left Estacada Tuesday morning for a trip to Cary's Hot Springs. They expect to take their time in - going up and fish along the way and will be absent about ten days. M. J. Newhouse, ex-manager of the Washington Growers Packing Corpor ation of Clark county. Wash., address ed the people of this section here last Friday night. ' Mrs. D. B. Bass and children left for Portland Tuesday morning to spend the week with Mrs. Bass' moth er and attend the rose show. An extra freight has been put on for the work at this- end of the Estacada line and the freight crew makes the Estacada hotel their head quarters. , Mrs. R- Morse spent the week end with Portland relatives. Mrs. John Lovelace was in Portland for a few days the latter part of last week. Earl Day, Will Palmer, Clyde Eck er and W. F. Cary motored to Port land Tuesday on a business trip. Ted Howe gets the baseball news every day over his radio, for the bene fit of the baseball fans about town day night when the Colton Oratorio Society presented "The Holy City", under the direction of Mrs. Mildred Anderson Hult, at the M. E. church. There were aout 50 voices in the chor us and the solos were exceptionally good. Miss Vendela Hall was the violinist and Miss Myrtle Jannson, the pianist. The company of singers came early Sunday evening and the ladies of the Methodist church fur nished supper for them in the church basement. Long before time for the concert to begin, the house was crowded and the large audience was appreciative and expressed their pleasure after each number with loud applause. Among the soloists were Mrs. Mildred lAnderson-Hult, soprano; H. H. Chindgren, tenor; Harold Hor ner, tenor; A. B. Chindgren, baritone and Fred Horner bass. This society sang with the same program, at Ore gon city and Portland and are to ap pear on the Gladstone Chautauqua on Sunday afternoon, July 2. Carl Douglass Post, American Le gion has made definite plans to cele brate the Fourth in Estacada this year in a most fitting and interesting manner. There will be a band to en liven the occasion with patriotic mu sic and a good speaker. The usual parade will take place in the forenoon and athletic sports will follow. Also a good ball game. Picnic dinner in the park and dancing in the pavilion during the afternoon and evening. Everybody invited. C. W. Field of Portland,' represent ing the International Bible Students Association, will give a lecture in the Christian church next Sunday, Jun 25, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon? Mrs. George Hislop returned Mon day from a visit of several weeks with her daughter in Portland. Mrs. Myrtle Belfils and son, Albert, "were Rose City visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks expect to leave Saturday for a motor trip to Traut Lake, Washington, to be gone three or four days. Miss Grace Denney, whose mother and brothers live at Estacada just across the river, was married Wed nesday June 21, at Eugene, to Dr. Ira Manville. Miss Deriney is a graduate nurse from the Good Samariton hospi tal in Portland. Dr. -Manville is in structor at the Oregon Medical School at Portland. The local chapter of Eastern Star, held their last meeting Tuesday night before the summer vacation. Hazelia HAZELIA, June 22 Hazelia has a Community Sunday school, supported by the community people interested in Sunday school work. It belongs to the whole community and should be the center of community interest and service. Lena Lehman is in Portland with her aunt who is ill. Ethel Thompson was -a visitor at Hazelia Sunday at the home of Hugh Baker. Duncan Christiansen Jr. will par ticipated in the Whitney concerts dur ing the Rose Festival. He is a mem ber of the special chorus and a glee club, being the only member repre sented from Oswego district. The Hazelia monthly programs at the school house are "discontinued for the summer. Kenneth Baker has installed a radio and has also assisted Duncan Chris tiansen. Jr., to get his ready. Evangeline Christiansen is working in Portland this . vacation and study ing pipe organ-under Edward Coursen. Mrs. D. Christiansen will entertain the Rosemount community club, Wed nesday evening, June 28th. Mr. Hen derson of the Portland Community Service Bureau will be present to help the club with plans for their new club house. All Hazelia people inter ested in this neighborhood club house at Rosemount are also invited. Miss Jean Wilson is home from O. A. C. and is preparing to leave about July 15 for Scotland with her aunt, Mary Wilson, who has spent a year with the Wilsons from abroad. Dave Long is building an attractive five room bungalow on his place. The berry growers of Hazelia are still at the job Ernest Whitten and D. Christiansen being the heaviest growers. Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK, June 19 Elea nora Matson, who has been going to high school in Portland is spending part of her vacation at her home here. Ben, Herman and Ruth Chindgren went to Estacada, Sunday, to help sing "The Holy City" with the Col ton Oratorio society. Myrtle Larkins returned to Wood burn Tuesday after spending a few days at her home here. Ruth Chindgren of Meadowbrook was reelected teacher for the upper grades and Lillie Nyquist of Colfon is the primary teacher. , School will be gin September 18. Alice Holman is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holman. The annual school meeting was held Monday. P. Dunrud was elected director and Chas. Kern, clerk. Elma Erquila of Portland is spend ing her vacation at the Matson home. Beaver Creek BEAVER CREEK, June 19 The German Church observed Children's Day Sunday with an all-day meeting, a program, and a picnic dinner. L. C- Schram is at honfe from Silver Lake for a few days. He will prob ably return, Saturday. . - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Havill, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas, and daughter Mar garet, went up the valley on a fishing trip Sunday. . Mrs. .Fred Moehnke and small sons are visiting here with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Fisher, for a few days. A number of local young people en joyed a dance in the Grange hall Sat- Clarkes CLARKES, June 19 Claude Botte miller is driving truck for Moehnke Bros. Mrs. Libbie -Lee visited her sister, Miss Grace Sager last Sunday. Alva Gard from Eastern Oregon is visiting his parents. John L. Gard and family for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elmer and Mrs. Brooks visited W. H. Bottemiller- and family last Sunday afternoon. Walter Lee, Dora and Pearl Wall ace and Win- Wallace Jr., called on Claude and Mary Bottemiller last Sun day evening. A. L- Amerine is working on W. H. Bottemiller's new born. Walter Lee and Miss Dora Wallace of Oregon City were out in Clarkes last Sunday. ' ; Albert D. Lee of Oregon City Is vis iting at the home of Geo. Rogers and family for a few days. A. L. Amrine and son, Richard, were to Oregon City last Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ralph a baby girl on June 6. Mrs. Chas. Ralph was Miss Ida Bottemiller of Clarkes before her marriage. Chas. and heo. Marshall are work ing for their brother, John Marshall in the sawmill. Kenneth Bottemiller was in Oregon City last Friday. Herman Buche is working for Hult Bros, of Colton in the saw mill. B. Sullivan made a business trip to Portland last Friday. Rev. Able preached in the English Evangelical church last Sunday even ing. Tualatin TUALATIN", June 20 A social and business meeting was held by the Community Club in the Gym, Wednes day. The next meeting will be June 28. . One of our former boys, Stanley Green, 'who resides in Washougal, Wash., was married recently. Babbie Klinger is home for his va cation. He was attending boarding school at a convent in Washington. Several of the young set attended a party near Oswego Lake, while others attended a house party at Malsams. Some of our girls, who took the teacher's examinations were Mamie Ladd, Beatrice Cole, Olie Dugar, Mar garet Thompson, Irene Schmokel, and Luella Norton. Our community wishes the girls success in their worthy un dertaking. Mrs. Victoria Airola has purchased a Buick, She has sold her property here to a Portland party. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, June 20 Sum mer seems to be here by the feel of the warm weather and the cherries are beginning to show their reddish tint. Mrs. K. E. Scoffern of Clatskanie and Clair Orr of Oklahoma City, are visiting their relatives Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson this week. Mrs. Fred Baker and children and Miss Mary Koellermeier attended a picnic in Willamette last week. Mrs. Neils Christensen was brought home from the Oregon City hospital last week and is reported improving. Mrs. Christensen has been ill for sev eral weeks. Donald Hodge and 'Bill Anderson played- ball against the Wilsonville team Sunday. The boys came home the happy winners, 18 to 6. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scoffern spent Sunday afternoon at the John Robin son home. The Anderson family attended church in Frog Pond Sunday morning. Clem Dollar Jr., of Willamette has been spending a few days recently with his cousin, Hazel Koellermeier. Pete's Mountain PETE'S MOUNTAIN, June 20 Everybody is planting potatoes this spring and by the way let's hope that we don't have to hold any more "Spec ial Sales" to get rid of them. This year nearly all the farmers sold per fectly good $3.00 potatoes for $1.00 and in many cases much less than that. Mrs. Maud Rypczynski visited her father, Mr. Martin of Gladstone last Thursday and also Sunday. Thursday he was seriously sick but now he is on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Notdurft were in Oregon City shopping last Thursday. Mrs. Albert Bernert was with her folks in Montavilla a few days can ning strawberries. Her folks have several acres in berries. . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Heinz were visitors at the William Hellberg home on Saturday evening. Mrs. Kelnhofer visited with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Kaiser, Friday afternoon. , I ' ; Mrs. John Valahos and son, Marion, were Oregon City visitors last Thurs day. IQuite a number of our folks are in Portland this week to take in the Rose Festival. Pete Simundich of Portland was out to see his old neighbors last week end. Bertha and Gustena Yinger spent Sunday afternoon with their sister, Mrs. William Teskie. Mr. and Mrs. John Hellberg and family visited with the Emil Notdurfs last Sunday. Barlow BARLOW, June 20 Mrs. James On arheim is visiting at the home of J. G, Dregnie. Mrs. Onorheim is a sis ter of Mrs. Dregnie and they met for the first time in the last sixteen years. She . also enjoyed very much renewing her acquaintance with her nephews, Edward and Charles, whom she has not seen since they were quite bovs Redland REDLAND, June 19 On Tuesday morning, Mrs. Grippe was taken to the Oregon City hospital where she was operated on for gall stones. We are glad to state that at last reports she is getting along just splendidly. Mrs. Will Phillips, son Bruce, and I daughter, Miss Beulah, were Orego City visitors Wednesday, j Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stone and daughter, Edith, transacted business in Oregon City Thursday. Mrs. C. W. Hulse - and daughter, Winnifred of Lents, Mrs. W. N. Hulse. Jr., and daughter, Marion, and son Charles, of Garibaldi, Ore., and Miss Stella Hulse of Portland spent Friday at the Murray and Nevill home. Mrs. C. J. Staats and son, George, spent the week end with relatives in Oregon City. Miss Amelia Dambach of Oregon City, who has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. C. J. Staats. returned home Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Hughes transacted busi ness in Oregon City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Melvin and son. Howard, of Portland spent the week end at the Murrav and Nevill home. Miss D: Myers of Portland spent the week end at the John Kerr home. Quite a few from the community at tended the Farm Bureau picnic at Damascus Saturday. A big dance was given at the Hen ry Egger home Saturday night. There was a large crowd and every one re ports a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen of Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen and daughter, Gertrude of Mulino Sunday ed at the A. L. Allen home. The Redland ball nine was badly beaten by the Crescent nine Sunday. The Ladies Live Wires have post poned their meeting from June 22 to June 29. Kelso KELSO, June 20 While the aud ience that assembled to hear the En na concert was not quite so large as usual, due to other events, it was a most appreciative one. Dr. Enna played, mostly, his own compositions. Very interesting was a group of com positions for children. He spoke of the necessity Of making music inter esting to children and creating a love for beautiful music to the exclusion of jazz. His last number was a group of three beautiful melodies, the first originated in his native country. Den mark, the second in Sweden and the third an American composition. He also accompanied the audience in singing old favorite songs. Mrs. Her bert G. Reed entertained the audience greatly by her readings in her usual happy manner. Refreshments consist ing of coffee, cake, sandwiches and lemonade were sold to an amount of $12.40. At the annual school meeting, P C. Spooner was re-elected clerk, and Mrs. N. C. Peterson was elected director to succeed Mar Kligel. Mrs. Baumback will teach the pri mary grades again next year, but so far no principal has been secured for the school. The Woman's club will meet on Thursday, June 29 at the home of Mrs. Max Kligel, instead of Mrs. Dock Hites as was announced before. Fred canning, wife and little son, of San Francisco, are visitors at the home of the former's parents. F. W. Canning. They came all the way by automobile. The Misses Elizabeth, Margaret and Angela Canning are at home for their summer vacation. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, June 20 Mrs. Ray Woodle and son, Leslie, and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were calling on Mrs. Roy Douglass last Tuesday afternoon. Eagle Creek Grange met last Satur day with only about 20 patrons pres ent. After partaking of a delicious dinner a short business session was held. The topic "Pests," was discuss ed during lecturer's hour. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson, H. S. Gibson, Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and little son, Victor, were Estacada vis itors last Wednesday." Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sersanous and daughters, spent Sunday at their farm home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and chil dren and Robert Moehnke motored to Shuebel Sunday and spent the da with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Godfred Moehnke. It was Mr. Moehnke's birthday and his children came home to spend the day witn him in honor of the occasion. Mrs. Viola Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and daughter, Florice, Ed Chapman, Fred Hoffmeister and fam ily attended the Strawberry Social given by Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell Sat urday evening, and all reported a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Joe "Haley and Mr. and Mrs. Pleas. Douglass and chil dren were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass en tertained at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass, Mrs. Viola Doug lass, Ed Chapman and Mrs. R- B. Gibson. Mae Evans is with Mrs. Homer Glo ver, helping her with the work. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell and chil dren and Mrs. Iva Parks were call ing on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister Sunday afternoon. Guy Wilcox and family and Mrs. Nora Reid were visiting with H. S. Gibson Sunday afternoon. The school meeting -was held in District No. 50 on Monday night, for the purpose of electing a clerk, H. S. Gibson, clerk, and Fred Hoffmeis ter, chairman of the board going out of office. Mrs. Roy Douglass was el ected clerk. R. B- Gibson was elect ed director. . . . , . Beaver Creek BEAVER CREEK, June 20 A large number of friends and relatives sur prised Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shock ley on Sunday, June 18 in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. A. bountiful basket lunch was served at 2 o'clook. The remainder of the day was spent in singing and music. The couple received beautiful silver cut lery from their many friends who wished them many more years ' of hamrfnggB and rrosrlty. immii Dodge DODGE, June 21 E. Lacey is hav ing his house painted and redecorated inside, the work being done by Mr. Cockerline. , The L. E. Keith family has moved back to their homestead at Elwood. Mr. Keith had been employed at- the Kaake and Jubb lumber mill. The road work is progressing under the - supervision of Jim Marrs. Mrs. Craft spent the past week vis iting friends In Portland. Quite a number from here went to hear the Holy City given at Estacada on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Kaake and family, Miss Keler and Clarence Jubb went to Portland Sunday. Miss Keller stayed down'to have some dentist work done returning Monday evening. At the annual school meeting Mon day night, Mr. Marrs was elected school director and Mrs. Nellie Giles school clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keller and daugh ter, Ethel, Mrs. Maye, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Keller and A. Keller were Sun day visitors at the G. W. Keller house. Miss Ten Eyck has gone to her home at Marmot to spend her sum mer vacation. Pioneer Co. Takes Over More Business The Oregon City Enterprise has just been informed by G. A. Hurley, manager of the Pioneer Employment Co. of Portland, that he has taken over the management and control of the Business Men's Clearing House of that city. This gives this organiza tion three offices. One office is at Pendleton, the other two at Portland. The Pioneer Employment Co. is the oldest employment office In the state of Oregon, and was organized about twenty three years ago by F. J. Brad ford, who was in charge and had the control of the office for twelve years. I. C- Clodfelter followed Mr. Bradford in the management of the office and was with the office until about two years ago, when Mr. Hurley purchas ed the property. During all this time, J. L. Martin has been with the office, and holds the record of twenty three years continued service In one office, and it is largely due to his manage ment that the office has developed into the leading farm employment agency in the city of Portland. The office handles all kinds of employ ment. The Business Men's Clearing House was organized some .three or four years ago, and has had several differ ent owners during the time tnat it has been in the city of Portland. Mr. Hurley felt that Portland needed an office of a high class, and so made arrangements about a month ago to take over this office for the purpose of handling bookkeepers, stenograph ers, typists, salesmen, office help, ho tel clerks and help, etc. He is main taining this office 'in the up-town dis trict in the Wilcox building, and plans developing an agency dealing with high class employment only, at this loeaton. The standing of the Pio neer Employment Co. in the state is a big asset In the building up of the Business Men's Clearing House, and we believe the new office combination will become one of the largest em ployment institutions in the north west. Meldrum Notes E. L. Myers of Eagle Creek was a Monday caller at the A. W. Meyers home. . Mrs. Ellen R. Eads, Mrs. George Fox, Mrs. Wil'-lam Gardner and Miss Blanche Gardner attended the Grand Chapter of the P. O. E. S. held in Port land this week. William Henderson is building a modern home on the highway at Glen Echo. Mr. and Mrs. Asel Tabor have mov ed into their new home recently com pleted. Miss Delia Bush, of Pendleton, spent a few days at the home of her brother, Will Rush, before leaving for Eugene to attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker, of Port land, have taken possession of the E. E. Hammond place. Mr. Baker is making many improvements in his new home. Mr. Hammond is plan ning a new home on their property on Riverside Drive in, the near future. . The Wimodsi Society spent a pleas ant afternoon on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. William Gardner. Mrs. Ellen R. Eads and Mrs. A. W. Meyers gave readings. Covers were placed for eight. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Henry of Rose Ctiy Park, were guests of Mrs. Wil liam McBride for three days the early part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, Mrs. El len R. Eads, Miss Blanche Gardner and Mrs. William Gardner motored to Forest Grove on Thursday for the ded ication of the Eastern Star home. Miss Elva Eads returned home from , Pacific University on Thursday to spend her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Ellen R. Eads. t Mrs. J. W. Gray's young daughter broke her leg while playing with some children on Friday. Mrs. Gray and daughter are from .. White Salmon, Wash. They are visiting Mrs. M. E. Walker, of Glen Echo. Mrs. A. W. Myers and son visited in Portland on Friday, a part of the day being spent at the City Park. Miss Pearl Hopkins was a guest at a party given by the employes in the office of the Collector of Revenue in Portland. Two brides-elect were the honor guests at this' party. Alex Gill was called to Salem on Saturday , his brother, Fred Gill, hav ing died suddenly. Fred Gill was well known in Meldrum.. Victor Erickson died shortly after arriving at a Portland hospital Satur day evening. Mr. Erickson was born in Finland on August 15, 1851. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Matilda Erickson, a daughter, Mrs. Hilda Turner- of Puyallup, Wash., two sons, Os car, of Tacoma, Wash., and Arthur, of Alaska. Mr. Erickson has been a res ident of Clackamas county for 42 years ,....,......,....,......,,....,.........,.....,..... j 6 Per Cent State School j 1 Money to Loan on Farms I . SCHUEBEi. 4. BEATTIE I Bank of Oregon City Bldg. I Oregon City, Ore. 5 imwiinitltitnuiiniiwiiitMHiwM Confidence Credit Are inseparably linked together in the banking business As you open an account at this bank and add to it regularly, transacting your business by check and becoming ac quainted with us, you establish a credit that may be very valuable to you some time. The Bank of OLDEST BANK IN PER CENT ON SAVINGS. LATEST PHOTO OF GER-J MAN CHANCELLOR This is a new portrait study of Dr. Wirth. Germany's "Chancelor of Ful fillment." He recently told the Reich stag that the Government flatly re fused to fulfill "the conditions of the recent Reparations Commission note in so far as it prescribes the raising of 60,000,000,000 marks in taxes and establishes allied financial control. 12 years of this time he has lived at Meldrum. Arthur Erickson had sailed for Alas ka early on the day of the sudden death of his father. He received a wireless asking him to return. He was two days at sea when he received this message. The funeral will take place the latter part of the week. All Mr. Erickson's children are at home. The funeral services will be held at 2:30 Friday at his home. Mr. and Mrs. George Heathman and family have returned from their tour of California. They had an excellent trip, the weather and roads being fine. Miss Belle Bryan, of Lafitte, and Mrs. Mary Mars of Astoria, were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Gus Bergren at Glen Echo. Mr. and Mrs. W- R. Davis of-Westmoreland, were Sunday callers at the A. W. Meyers home. Mrs. Jennie Scanlon spent Sunday at Cove Orchards with friends. George Gardner and Leonard Lage ron of Oregon City spent Sunday fish ing near Springwater. Mr. Gardner caught the limit bf trout. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meyers and R. M. Meyers motored to McMinnville on Sunday to visit Mrs. Bert Ruby. Mrs. R. M. Meyer returned home with her husband after visiting a week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ruby. SHERIFF ' CONFISCATES BIG QUANTITY OF MASH i Richard Kennedy is' under arrest here as a result of a raid made by Sheriff Wilson at a German settlement nine milea east at Estacada. Seven barrels of corn mash were confiscat ed on Kennedy's place. Kennedy was recently fined $350 in Portland on charges of selling "liquor. Dan Woodard, arrested by Traffic Officer Long at Estacada, was fined ?10 and costs on charges of overload ing. He was tried in the Estacada justice court. employe1spital filessuit for divorce Suit for divorce on grounds of non support and cruelty was filed here yesterday by Hazel against Roland Richards. The couple were married In Abilene, Texas, on September 30, 1919. Mrs.-Richards is at present working at the Oregon City Hospital. Marriage Licenses Granted 2 Couples Two marriage licenses were issued by County Clerk Fred A. Miller Wed nesday. They were: Ray R. Hescock, 26, Portland, and Zola L. Winter, 16, Canby: Floyd A. Trafton, -25, and Gwendolyn Evans, 23, both of Oregon City Route 3. f -.if; : 1! i'i I V Iff f i i- - " -" d Oregon City CLACKAMAS COUNTY Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent, $2.50 Per Year and Up. DAK GROVE WOMAN IS WINNER OF ROSE PRIZE Mrs. Glafke Takes . Second Award In Garden Contest With "Constance" Variety. A ''Constance" rose, grown in the gardens of Mrs. C.'E Glafke, of Oak Grove, captured the second prize in. the rose show contest in Portland yes terday. The prize was for the best blossom grown in any garden. Mrs.. Glafke's rose was beaten only by the grand sweepstakes winner entered by Mr. and Mrs. J.- E. Currey. of Port land, who have won national recogni tion' for their roses. BOY OF 16 IS ARRESTED ON COMPLAINT OF GIRL Donald Wills, 16, of Errol station on. the P. R. L. and P. electric line in this county about six and a, half miles out of Portland, was arrested Wednesday upon a warrant sworn to by Marie Zollner, charging the boy with being the father of her unborn babe. The Zollner girl, who is 18, attempt ed to take her own life in Portland Monday when she swallowed a large quantity of poison, while she was stay ing at a downtown rooming house. She was rushed to the hospital, where' it is possible that her life may be sav ed. , A letter was found in her possession naming Wills, and saying that she had taken that way out of her difficulties, rather than bring a nameless child in to the world. . Wills has been lodged in the county jail in Portland to await further action on the part of the officials. Oregon City Man To Re-Enlist In Navy John (Jack) Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. C- A. Lewis, of this city, who is a steamfitter on the U. S. S. Connecti cut, now in Portland harbor" during the rose show week, has decided to re enlist in the navy, and after visiting his parents in this city will again take up his duties on the deep. Lewis was in the navy before the world war, and' has continued in the service since that time. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTY Philijx Hammond, Lawyer Beaver Building OREGON CITY, OREGON HimiiHiMiimiiiiii Res. 251-W ! Phones: Off. 80 I EMORY J. NOBLE I LAWYER 1 Justice of Peace 201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City, f A.'HUHMHMblllHHHINIMHIIHHIHMIIIIHHMHIMilltlHIHI IIHIIIIlHimillllllinMIIIMIIIIMIIHlNHIIIMlMll(mHtHII' Pacific Phone: I Office 52 Residence-304-M ; i CHARLES T. SIEVERS, I s Lawyer Oregon City, Ore. IIIHIIIHMHHIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIHIIHIHIIIIIUINIMUtUIIIIIHIIIM z S I GEORGE HOEYE l if CHIROPRACTOR Caufield Bldg. Phone 636-W e I Oregon City, Ore.