Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 15, 1922, Page Page two, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Eiina Will Play
At Eagle Creek
KELSO, June 13 On Saturday eve
ning, June 17 Dr Emil Enna, one of
Portland's foremost pianists will give
a concert at the school house. He
will be assisted by Mrs. Herbert
Gars Reed, daimatic reader. Admiss
ion is free and refershments will be
sold after the program. This will be
a first class entertainment and is be
ing looked forward to by all who had
the pleasure of hearing these excell
ent artists last year.
News has been received that Mrs.
Annie McKinney of San Francisco
will arrive about the 20th of this
month for a visit with relatives and
firends here. Mrs. McKinney who
was formerly Annie Nelsoin, is a
daughter of Mrs. Hannah Nelson and
sister of B., Ned and John Nelson.
She has for the past month been tour
ing the south and east, visiting in
Kentucky, Brooklyn, N. Y. and Chica
go. Her many friends here will wel
come her arrival.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and chil
dren, and Alfred Gunderson. went last
week to Battle Ground, Wash., for a
visit with Mr. Miller's folks, making
the trip by automobile.
Lady Live Wires to
Aid Children's Home
RED LAND, June 12. On Thursday
the Ladies Live Wires were entertain,
ed at the A. L. Allen home. Mrs.
Andrews, president of the W. C. T. TJ.
from Oregon City, came out and gave
a very interesting lecture on the
.work of the W. C. T. TJ. and the Chil
dren's Home at Corvallis. The club
as a whole pledged their support in
ad(ln(g IhJs good work in so far as
they are able. At the next meeting
each member is to bring cotton pieces
to be used for a quilt for the home.
One quilt was made this past winter
The next meeting i3 to be held at
the Murray and Nevill home on June
22nd. Election of officers for the
coming six months will . also take
place. It is hoped that all members
will be present. At the close of the
meeting Mrs. Allen assisted by Mrs.
H. A. Allen and D. C. Criteser served
ice cream and cake to the following:
Mrs. Geo. Armstrong. Mrs. Andrews
Airs. J. Murray, Mrs. W. Bonney, Mrs.
J. Hurlburt, Mrs. H. G. Nevill, Mrs D.
C. Criteser, Mrs. H. A. and A. L. Al
len and Misses Jessie and Edna Bon
ney, Alverda Jensen, Viola and Ar
lene Criteser and Clara Pear Nevill.
Mrs. Andrews of Oregon City spent
Thursday with Mrs. H. A. Allen.
J. Hughes returned from a trip to
Salem Friday morning.
Gustave D'amback returned to his
home at Oregon city Saturday morn
ing. On Friday evening a meeting was
held by the Farm Bureau. A short
program was given
Miss Stella Wynn spent the week
end with her friend, Mies Dorthea
Stewart of Lawton Heights.
On Sunday a splendid program was
given by the children of the Redland
Bethel Presbyterian Sunday school.
Much credit is due Mrs. W. H. Bon
ney, who has worked faithfully and
untiringly in training these children.
Also to J. Hamilton who assisted with
the singing.
On Monday morning Mildred and
Lucien Koch and.Icelia, Kenneth and
Frances Hughes left for a two weeks
stay at O. A. C. Mildred and Lucien
Koch were chosen to represent the
canning and potato clubs and the
Hughes children by" winning first
place with their cattle at the Salem
State Fair last fall.
Miss Amelia Dambach of Oregon
City is spending a few days at the
Staats home.
Miss Maribee Ripley of Portland
spent Sunday with friends.
Miss Annie Hindle of Oregon City
spent Sunday at the W. H. Bonney
Pete's Mountain
Community is sorry to hear of the
death of Charlje Thompson of Staff
ord. He was our assessor for many
years and everyone here liked him.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernert bought
a home in Willamette. They plan to
move in a month or so. We are glad
they aren't going to move very far.
Mr. Carlie of Willamette hurt his
leg while helping Emil Nodturf break
land recently.
Gotleib Notdruft had his house full
of friends from Oregon City last Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernert and
Jot Bernert visited with the Tiede
mans at Berkenfeld a little while on
Mr. and Mrs. John Hellberg were
shopping in Oregon City Saturday
forenoon. Mrs. Hellberg ad children
spent the afternoon with Mrs. Adolph
Volpp of Willamette.
Most of the young folks of the
neighborhood and some from Wilam
ette gathered at the home of Frank
Kaiser last Saturday evening. The
evening was spent in playing games
and refreshments were served.
Mrs. Gotleib Nodturft and son. Otto,
were on the sick list a couple of days
last week.
Eagle Creek News
EAGLE CREEK, June 13 Mr. and
Mrs. . Bow have come out to their
farm home to spend their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and son,
Leslie, wert visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kickey, of George, Sunday
' Mr. an,j Mrs. Roy Douglass and
children were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Benson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Douglass were calling
on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell, of Dor-
Beaver Creek
BEAVER CREEK, June 12 While
returning from the ball game at Glad
stone Sunday afternoon Griffith Rob
erts, a member of the Beaver Creek
team, fell from Havill's true, ime
u'hDol r-on nver hin foot, mashing it
severely. He was rushed to a physi
cian who found one bone DroKen.
The wal vraiiif TeoDle enjoyed a
dance in the Grange hall Saturday
The Beaver Creek ball team with a
number of friends motored to Glad
stone Park Sunday and had a picnic
dinner After noon our team played
with the Gladstone team, the latter
winning with a score of 16-3.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrie Morehouse re
turned home last week from an ex
tended visit in the eastern states and
in Porto Rico. They express them
selves as satisfied with Oregon.
State Master and Mrs. C. E. Spence
have returned from the annual ses
sion of the State Grange which met
at McMinnville last week.
Miss Foglesong of Molalla visied
over Sunday with her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fogle
song. August Bluhm is remodeling his
dwelling into a modern bungalow.
Mountain Road
neighbors of this community were
saddened to hear of the death
of Chas. Thompson and we all send
our sincere sympathy to his family.
Mr. Thompson was an ;old friend
among the Mountain Road people, hav
ing been our deputy county assessor
for a number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Koellermeier
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson visited
the Henry Koellermeier family of Ad
vance Sunday evening.
Miss Genevieve Froinong of Willam
ette has been hired to teach Mountain
Road school this fall.
Bill and Gladys Anderson spent last
week ' with Mrs. Elmer Anderson of
Hodges, Robinson and Boeckman
attended the ball game at Stafford.
Mountain Road was the loser again.
Stafford winning 5 to 12.
Mrs. Fred Baker attended the car
nival sales in Oregon City Saturday,
and Mrs. Louis Koellermeier attended
them Friday.
Mrs. John Robinson returned home
Saturday after spending a week with
relatives at Clatskanie, Ore.
Deward, Bernice and Donald Hodge
and John Robinson spent Friday even
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisele of
Logan Items
LOGAN, June 12 Mr. and Mrs.
James Young of Upper Logan are
now living in their new house.
W. E. Cromer has sold his farm.
At the last meeting of Harding
Grange the afternoon was spent in
the park picnicking, dinner being
served on the long table. The lecturer
Mrs. Kohl, had a program which all
appreciated and of course a ball
game to finish the day.
The "rooters" for both side lubricat
ed with ice cream, supplied by our
local merchant, Ivon Tolstad.
School is out and children happy for
awhile at least. Miss Florence Mc
Geehan, of Oregon City, taught the
school here and satisfaction seemed
to be general. On the last day of
school they' enjoyed a picnic on the
Mr. Straube and family will leave
soon for their home in Eastern Ore
gon, while the business will be con
ducted by Ivon Tolstad.
William Kircnem and wife attend
ed the session of the State Grange at
McMinnville as delegates from Hard
ing Grange.
Henry Kohl cut some clover hay
last week.
A new roof is being put on the
Grange hall, the work being done by
the members.
E. C. Gerber was down from Yon
calia spending the week end with his
family here and also attending the
wedding of Miss Marie Friedrich of
Parkplace, who is a sister of Mrs.
Gerber. -
Bob Brown is installed as caretaker
at the Etheredge summer home.
Ex-judge Anderson has begun build
ing a home here on the farm near his
former home. ,
M. H. Riebhoff is supplying his
neighbors with some very fine straw
berries. Jonas Cromer, who recently sold
his place, has gone to The Dalles.
Rain is very badly needed in this
section. Prunes and peaches are re
ported as good, so far the trees are
MEADOWBROOK ' June 14 Miss
Hazel Larkins, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Larkins and Ingvald Dun
rud, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Dunrud,
were married at Great Falls, Mon
tana, on Friday evening, June 9. Mr.
and Mrs. Dunrud are both Meadow
brook young people. Mr. Dunrud has
been working at Great Falls for sev
eral months and they will make their
home there for the, present.
Ed Thronson and son, Arthur of
Rainier, Wash.,, and Mrs. H. Jorgen-son-
and daughter, Eleanor of Ketch-
ican, .Alaska, are visiting their par-1
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thronson.
Robert Henske, from Metolins,
Ore., visited the past week at the
Geo. Hofstetter home.
I. O. Orem and son, Richard, have
purchased the Fredricks sawmill and '
will soon start sawing.
Mr. and Mrs. Slagit of Portland
visited Saturday and Sunday with
thtir daughter and son-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones, Mrs.
Freezie and children from Southern
Oregon, are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Schiewe.
Mr. and Mrs." Harry Collins and
sons, Merle and Cecil of Portland
visited Sunday with Mr. Collin's sis
ter and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Young.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mofstetter
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Hofstetter and little daughter, motor
ed to Ridgefield, Wash., Sunday to
visit heir daughter and sister, Mrs.
Mann. -
Four Engbretson sisters from Foss
ton, . Minn., are visiting their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A, Dunrud.
Eino Bofto tarted for Cochran, Ore.
Wednesday where he is to work.
Lillie Schiewe, who graduated from
the Oregon City high school came
home Wednesday. School closed
Thursday, June 8, with a picnic dinr
ner after which the teachers treated
all to ice cream. The 7th and 8th
grade pupils all passed in their ex
ams. Those in the 7th were Alma
Larkins and Laura Comer, and those
in the &th were Lillie Matson, Mary
Miettenen, Truman Hofstetter and
Jack Tinharri.
Sunday visitors at the P. Dunrud
home were Myrtle and Christine Dun
rud and Felix Rosen of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Bohne and son, Martin, Mr.
and - Mrs. Widnesa and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Moe, Mr. and Mrs. Hangen,
Mr. Halverson and daughter, Clara,
of Silverton.
ESTACADA, June 14 Miss Evelyn
Bacon was hit by a foul ball last Sun
day afternoon at the ball park, the
ball striking her on the side of her
face. She was unconscious for a few
minutes, although she walked to the
entrance before falling. While her
face was very sore, yet she has exper
ienced no bad result from the accident
so far.
Miss Lula Eddy, Worthy Matron of
the Sandy Chapter, O. E. S. visited
the Estacada chapter last Friday
Miss Maude Sturgeon and mother
left Monday noon for Portland, where
they attended the thirty-third annual
session of the grand chapter of the
Order of Eastern Star, which was
held in that city this week.
Mrs. Mae Reed and daughter, Mrs.
B, C. Deming motored to Portland last
Saturday where they met '. Russell
Reed, who was returning from the O.
A. C-
Mrs. Mary Stites of Portland, was a
guest at the Sturgeon home a couple
of days last week. '
James Van Duzer came over from
Portland, Saturday evening and re
mained with his sister, Mrs. R. Morse
until the following Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sparks of
Portland, visited,1 Estacada friends
last Sunday.
Among those from Estacada to at
tend grand chapter in Portland this
week are Mesdames Mae Reed, C. E.
Allen, F. E. Burns, Ray Keith, F. G.
Robley, Charles Noris and Miss Anna
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary were busi
ness visitors in Portland Monday.
Mrs. G. E. Lawrence had a happy
surprise when she was in Portland
last Wednesday to attend her son's
wedding, by the arrival of her sister,
who is 79 years old, from Nampa,
California. She was accompanied by
a lady friends and her husband and
her driver. Thursday the California
party and Mrs. F. D. Simmons, anoth
er sister and a niece and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. George Stell and Charles
Hayden all made the trip up the
highway. That evening they all were
guests at the Lawrence home here.
Miss Evelyn Stanard of Portland,
was a week end guest at the G. E.
Lawrence home.
Tom Morton is having a screened
porch built on the west side of his
log cabin bungalow.
Dr. Carey has been enjoying a vis
it with a friend from Chicago during
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Womer motored
over from Corvallis last Friday to
spend a few days under the parental
roof, while Mr. Womer is recuperat
ing from a recent spell of sickness.
Their many friends in this vicinity
were very much pleased to see them.
Mrs. Minnie Letson, Worthy Grand
Matron, Order of the Eastern Star
made an official visit to Mountain
Chapter No. 108 at this place last
Tiaay night. Luncheon was served
at six o'clock and the meeting follow
ed. The hall dining room presented a
most charmins-
1 , mm uitr
IHve tables arranged in the shape of
a star, ana each table different points
of the star. A small table in the cen
ter contained a huge bouquet of diff
erent kinds of flowers and there were
roses, roses everywhere. The lunch
eon was served by four young ladies
who did the honors to perfection, and
the repast was charming in its' sim
plicity as well as most' delicious. The
initiatory ceremony was exemplified
with three candidates and was con
ducted in a most satisfactory manner
Other visitors from Portland besides
the worthy grand matron, were Mrs
Ida Umbach, past worthy grand ma
tron, and Mr. and Mrs. Dillon. Miss
Lula Eddy, worthy matron of the
Sandy chapter, was also present It
was an occasion long to be remem
bered by the local chapter and vis
itors. Mrs. U. S. Morgan and Mrs. Harry
Morgan and little daughter, were
among the Estacada visitors in Port
land last Saturday.
People of this city are expecting a
treat cext Sunday even in
... - o, " i e U Lilt?
S"?a i0110 society will give the
xiuiy ln lfle M. E. church. The
DU1uiis are an noted, singers, includ
ing Mrs. Mildred Anderson-Hult, who
is also the director, and the chorus
is composed of 40 people.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks drove
over to Portland Sunday accompanied
by Mrs. M. H. Evans, who had been
f "
I 6 Per Cent Slate School
Money to Loan on Farms I
1 Bank of Oregon City Bldg. i
Oregon City, Ore.
their guests during the past week,
and returned Monday afternoon.
The baseball team from Portland,
that was to cross bats with Estacada
last Sunday afternoon, failed to show
up. Quite a crowd assembled at the
ball park to see the game. The
Woodstock Firemen, a team from
Portland, are to be here next Sunday
at 2:30.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ely and Miss
Mary Ely motored to Portland Tues
day morning. t
Roy Wilcox and sister, Mrs. Cather
in Kilgore, were Portland' visitors
Tuesday. They were 'accompanied
by Mrs. Ed. Douglass, who missed the
train h,ere. .
Mrs. M. A. Shrock and daughter
were in Portland Friday.
Phil Marshall, son of John Marshall
who lives in the Springwater district,
came to town last Thursday to get
medical attention, as he Ait off the
end of one of his fingers with an ax.
. George Harkenrider returned home
last Sunday from the O. A. C.
Mrs. W. A. Heylman, who has been
visiting for the past three weeks at
Spokane and Portland, returned home
Sunday evening. She reports a splen
did trip and is much Improved in
Little Beverly Bronson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Bronson ot Portland,
visited his grandparents at this place
a few day last week.
Mrs. R Palmateer returned Sunday
from a visit to her daughter Mrs.
Wills, who lives on the Columbia
highway. .
Members of the M. E. Ladies Ala
who so cleverly presented the play,
"The Old Peabody Pew," at the
church last Monday night a week ago.
were Invited to present the same at
the Colton church on last Monday
night. A good delegation attended
and they had a full house.
Mrs. Bert Page and baby of Bull
Run, were week end visitors at the
John Bage home.
O. E. Smith returned from Wash
ington Sunday night to remain with
his family for a short time.
Albert Lichthorn has returned from
Grover Kiggins and family (have
rented the residence at the top of the
Incline on the corner of Broadway
and Fifth street. '
Mrs. Burt Moore has as guests last
Friday, her mother, Mr. A. Richmond
and an aunt, who came over from
Portland to attend the meeting of the
Eastern Star.
At the special school meeting last
Friday night, Gerald Wilcox was el
ected director to fill out the unex
pired term of the late Dr. Morse. The
annual school meeting is to be held
Monday evening, June 19, at which
time a director will be elected to fill
the expired term of F. G. Robley and
to elect a clerk.
In order to show the best and most
popular picture productions to his pa
trons, Manager Cleworth handed out
cards last Saturday night with the
names of the various companies so
that everybody had a chance to name
their favorite producing companies.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lawrence were
in Portland last Wednesday evening
to attend tbf marriage of their son,
Cyrus Belah Lawrence to Mis Dulcie
Oma Robison, which took place -at the
home of the bride's family at 8:30 p.
m.; the Rev. W. N. Byars pastor' of
the Lincoln Methodist church offici
ating. Cyrus is the youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and resides
in Portland.
After spending a few days here
with his family, G. E. Lawernce re
turned to North Bend, Oregon, Friday.
Mrs. E. D. Allen was here last week
from Marmot, to attend the meeting
of the O. E. S. on Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood of
Bull Run, visited Estacada last Friday
and attended the Eastern Star meet
ing that evening. They were accom
panied by the two little girl's whom
they adopted a few months ago.
Frederick Burns has returned from
Eastern Oregon.
Carl Kimmel is home from O. A. C.
Oattis Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs.
P. M. Wagner, started from- San
Diego, California, June 10 in his car
for Estacada to spend the summer.
Loyd Saling returned last Saturday
from the O. A. C.
Mrs. Earl Shibley and children'
came over from Portland last Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Sparks and
went out to the J. A. Shibley home at
Springwater, for. a few days' visit.
George Pointer is beautifying the
C. A. Dykeman residence with a fresh
coat of paint.
Mrs. Nora Wonderly, who has been
employed at Dinty Moore's restau
rant, with her son left this week for
Salem where she has work in the
cannery at that place. ,
George B. Weatherby has traded his
berry and chicken ranch in the north
east part of Estacada, to a California
party and will sail with Mrs. Weather
by on the S. S. Senator on July 1 for
San Diego, leaving Estacada June 26,
Mr. and Mrs. Weatherby have been
residents of this place for about three
years, and they are now' making the
change in location on account of poor ,
neaith. . They will again engage in
the chicken ranch business, at Escon
dido, thirty miles north-east of San
Diego and twelve miles from the coast
where they hope to enjoy better
health. W. L. Boughman is the new
owner of the Weatherby ranch, and
will arrive here about July first.
Peets Mountain
many years the residents of Pete's
Mountain have hoped against hope
that we would have a school up her
sometime, and now that things are
beginning to materialize it seems too
good to be true.
Thursday, June 1 many of the peo
ple of District 96 and our closest
neighbors in District 41 turned out
and cleaned up our new school ground.
A chick eta dinner topped off with
Ice cream and cake was enjoyed by 5o
men, women and children. We not
only got quite a bit of work done but
every one seemed to enjoy them
selves. Everyone is interested in the new
school and we hope that by the time
school takes up this fall we will have
a school house erected that we can
be proud of as we are of our school
Mr. Farqueson of Peach Cove Is
taking doctors treatments. ' W hope
he improves rapidly.
Miss Agnes Bernert and brother.
Joe, spent several days in Portland as
guests of their sister, : Mrs. Marie
Schmitt. - "
Mrs. John Kalsr had as her guest
Miss Helen Salzer of Centralia, Wash,
for three days last week.
Charlie. Heinz is having his house
fixed up with new shingles and paint.
Mr. E. M. Wilson and John Eilers
are helping him. , ' 4 .
. Road Supervisor Notdurft is work
ing on our roads with & small crew.
Herman Hellberg entertained a
number of young folks with music
and games last Sunday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs. John Kaiser had as
Sunday dinner guests,- Mrs. Mary Sal
zer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Salzer .' and
babies from near Wilsonville and Miss
Helen Salzer of Centralia, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross and daugh
ter, Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Frederic
and grand daughter, Gladys Frederic,
all motored up from Willamette and
had dinner with Mr. ami Mrs. Emil
Notdurf. Vi' .
Mrs. Clotilda Kelnhofer and sister,
Mrs. Cora
Early Fishermen On
Lake Are Arrested
OSWEGO, June 14 Three arrests
were made on Oswego Lake Sunday
for angling during closed season, by
Deputy Game Warden R. Miles, who
has reported to the state game com
mission , headquarters that sportsmen
are forgetting the fact that fishing
season does no open on that body of
water until June 15. The three ar
rests, were C. C. Lane, J. R. Block, of
Portland and" Mrs. F. Upton of Oswe
go. - ' '
OSWEGO, June 14 Dr. C. E.
Worthington, who has been practicing
in Portland during the past few
months, has come to Oswego and
opened offices in the Aerni building,
Dr. Worthington is a physiican and
surgeon of high repute having had a
number of years of experience. He
was formerly located in Couer
d' Alene and other Idaho cities and
before that was a resident of . Polk
OSWEGO, June 14 Oswego won
their first game of the season from
Aurora on Sunday last, the score be
ing 17 to 15. Although few long hits
were made, the game was featured by
free hitting on both sides. Lennie An
derson started on the mound for Os
wego, but only lasted a few innings
when Buck Austin, who managed to
fight his way through with heavy
hitting behind him.
OSWEGO, June 14 The Camp Fire
Girls of Oswego as well as from other
adjoining towns, went to the library
of Portland recently for general in
spection. Several girls were chosen
to be on the different floats during
the Rose Show of Portland.
Mrs. E. H. Park is in the hospital.
At last report she is getting along
Thursday the Ladies Aid met at
the home of Mrs. John Haines with
OAK GROVE, June . 9. The last
meeting of the Parent-Teacher asso
ciation for the summer was held last
Friday. The association will have
a mid-summer picnic. During the year
they purchased a fine large stage
curtain and back setting for the
school. , "
The entertainment given last Friday
evening by the primary grades was
ones of the best ever staged by the
Oak Grove school. (Much credit is
due the teachers for the manner in
which thp pupils were coached. The
school house was packed with friends
and relatives of the little folks.
Mrs. . G. Benvie was a Gladstone
visitor last week. '
The Oak Grove-Milwaukie . Social
Service Club met with Mrs. Ettie Dill
man last Thursday with luncheon at
one o'clock and a business session at
two at which time Mrs. V. G. Benvie
presented the club - with a silk flag
to which the president, Mrs. Mattie
Pierce, responded and accepted in
behalf of the club. The report of the
state federation was given by Mrs.
Emily Pack and Mrs. Mattie Pierce
who were the club representatives at
the state meeting. -.
Mr. and Mrs. O.4 F. Dillman enter
tained friends at dinner last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas of
Portland were Sunday guests of Mrs.
V. G. Benvie. . i
Miss Elizabeth K. Matthews was
transacting business in Portland Mon
day. ' 0
The funeral of the late Wm. A.
Fowler was held Monday at 2 p. m.,
at the cureh in Oak Grove. Mr. Fow
ler has resided I Oak Grove for the
past six years and had seemingly en
joyed good health until about ten days
prior to his death. . Besides his wid
ow he leaves an aged mother in
Idaho, and several children, all of
whom are grown, some residing in
Idaho, others' in Portland and two
daughters -and one son. at home. Bur
ial was at Mt- Scott.
The entertainment Monday evening
by the seventh and eighth grades
was a good one- and was . witnessed
by a large attendance. Besides sever
al catchy songs and recitation the
playlet "Bargain Day at Brumstein's
splitter". The characters took' their j
parts well. -
Mrs. H. R- Pixley, who has been in
the hospital several weeks has return
ed to her home and is convalescing
CHICAGO, June 14. A 7-cent cash
fare, with three tickets for 20 cents,
went into effec on the Chicago sur
face lines tonigh.
Gladys and some friends from Glad
stone motored to Rockaway for a few
days" last week. Gladys plans to re
main for the summer. .
Nearly' all the farmers in the com
munity, are getting their ground ready
for late potatoes.
Mr.' and" Mrs- John Kaiser, Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Notdurf and children, Hen
ry, Agnes and Arnold and Mr. and
Mrs. John Hellberg and children, Edward,-
Rose Marie, and 'Marvin, all
went over to our old time neighbor,
Ernest Wilkeof Tualatin, and spent
the day last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman
and daughter, Verle Maxine and Miss
Margretta Kaiser of Willamette were
up to see their brother, Frank Kaiser,
on Sunday '. ' ' .
Mr. and Airs' Albert Bernet had as
visitors Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Volpp and children -and Mr. and Mrs.
August Moehnke and son .Howard and
Miss Nettie Patterson, all of Willam
ette. . ' .' ... '". . '. -
Bullock .
a large attendance for another one of
the special dinners that they had
voted to have, a neat little sum was
collected which! added to the aid
W. G. Weihtman is home for a
vacation. He has been in Colifornia
for the past few-months.
Mr. and Mrs. - an Anderson have
moved . into the tent across the road
from the new bridge for ,the summer
Mrs. John Erickson had for Sunday
dinner a host of friends from Port
land. The afternoon 500" club met at
the Bickners Wednesday afternoon. A
delicious luncheon was served.
Mavine Worthington who has been
visiting with her father has returned
home again.
Gladys Schawper is visiting with
her sister at Amboy, Wash.
Mrs. George James of Newberg,' vis
ited at the L. K. -Davidson home Sun
day. "-..."'
Mrs. Earl McCormack, who under
went an operation on Tuesday, last at
St. Vincents hospital is getting along
nicely and expects to be home soon.
LaMonte Bullock of Salem, spent
the first part of the week with his
aunt and uncle, JBr. and Mrs. Bullock.
The party that was given at the
home of Mrs. Charles Bickner in' hon
or of hers and her sister's birthday
was a very delightful affair. The col
or scheme of yellow and blue was
carried out throughout : the rooms
J "500" was played during the evening
and a delicious lunch was served to
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harbin, Mr. and
Mrs." Verne Barkley, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Pregi, Mr. and Mrs. Heller,
Miss Bessie Callahan, Mr. Holt, of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilmore,
Mr. and Mrs." John Bickner, Mr. and
Mrs. Rube Confer, Mr. and Mrs. vL
D. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord,
Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich, Mrs. P.
H Jarisch, Mr. John Bugby, Mr; and
Mrs. Charles Bickner.
Mrs. George Bullock spent the lat
ter part of the week with relatives in
Salem. - y .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Emrich motored to Portland
Monday evening and visited friends.
Geo. Bullock motored to Salem Sat
urday where he met his wife and from
there motored out in the country to
visit .his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
R. D." Teeters. - - .
Etta M.. Davidson has been appoint
ed postmaster at Oswego according to
an announcement from Washington,
D. C. Mrs. Davidson has been con
nected with the Oswego postoffice for
seyeral years. Her husband was post
master at the time of his death and
Mrs. Davidson became acting post
master until the nomination of Miss
Mary Puymbroeck a year or so later.
When Miss Puymbroeck resigned
some months ago, just before being
married, Mrs. Davidson again became
acting postmaster. She won the pres
ent nomination in competitive exam
ination with four other aspirants.
Maple Lane Notes
Miss Junia Smith, who has been
teaching the past season in Siletz, is
home for her vacation.
Miss Evelyn Hayman of Oregon Ci
ty is visiting friends here this week.
Mrs. Minnie Mighells attended the
wedding of her granddaughter. Miss
Dorothy Stafford, in Oregon City
Wednesday evening.
. Mrs. Rose Rumery, who has been
visiting her son in Washington for the
past two weeks, has returned to her
home here.
- S. A. Douglas and son are very busy
with their' strawberries. They have !
one of the finest fields in the county.
Mrs. Gilbert Robbins has a fina dis
play of flowers at her home, one divi
sion of her garden' is devoted to wild
flowers, while "others are for peren
nials and annuals. She has the very
latest in pansies from imported seed.
The Maple Lane ball team will give
a basket social at the Grange hall Sat
urday, June 10th." A good crowd is
expected and a good time promised.
The Maple Lane team will play the
Redland team at Redland Sunday,
June 11th. If you want to see a good
game, come out. '
The Maple Lane grange holds its
regular meeting today. A special
meeting will be held the evening of
Jun 24, when the public is cordially
invited to attend.
Mrs. E. T. Avison made a business
trlP to Oregon City Thursday.
The Fourth of July will be cele
brated at Maple Lane this year. Base
ball, races and other sports will be
the features of the day.
Oscar May has rented the Lee farm
formerly occupied by Gus Robertson.
Called By Death of Mother
O. F. Larson, of Woodburn, i Jn
this city, having been called here by
the death of his mother, Mrs. M. J.
Larson, of Willamette.
Twenty-Five Mile Road Now
Being Rushed to Connect
Terrftinus of Rail Line With
Site of New Construction.
Boring of Tunnels to Progress
Without Interuption; Fund
of $2,000,000 to be Spent.
The Oak Grove Creek power plant,
on the Clackamas river, which is be
ing constructed by the Portland, Rail
way, Ldght and Power company, will
ultimately be one of the largest
plants of its kind in the west.
A large force of workmen is now
employed building a road twenty-five
miles in length from the terminus of
the company's electric , railway at
Cazadero. This highway needed
for transporting construction mater
ials and supplies and machinery for
the power plant. Workings, forces
will be steadily Increased and . con
struction of the several . tunnels
through which the pipe line will be
carried will continue without inter
rupion. . There will be a diversion dam in
Dak Grove Creek and a wooden stave
pipe line eight and one-third feet in
diameter to convey the water eight
and one-half miles to the power house
site. . Additional pipe lines will pro
vide for further units of water wheels
and electric generators. .
During this year an additional 5200
horsepower generator will be install
ed at the company's Bull Run plant
and a 3000 horsepowe rsteam auxil
iary will be placed at the Salem plant,
as a means of providing - additional
power to meet increasing demands in
Portland and through the Willamette
Construction expenditures this year
will exceed $2,000,000 and next year
even more will be needed to meet the
improvement program.
The first unit of the Oak Grove pro
ject is to be of 33000 horsepower and
is to require two years for completion.
The final construction will be on a
plant which will develop 100,000
:. George L. Koenn, a candidate at the
recent primary for joint senator from
Clackamas and Multnomah.' county,
has been awarded $ 1000 by the Carne
gie endowment committee, division of
international law, in Washington, D.
C. Professor Koehn is instructor in
American history and international
law at Reed college and a member of
the Northwest college of law faculty.
This prize of $1000 is awarded to.
those teachers who have shown the
greatest proficiency and promise in
the field of international law and pro
vides that the winner devote a year's
time to research in that subject, or
subjects related. in a university ap
proved by the committee. -" There
are five such prices annually awarded
throughout the United States and
Canada. For the past two years
Koehn has been on he Reed faculty
and associated with the Northwestern
college of law as lecturer.' He is a
graduate with advanced degrees of
the University of Oregon and.of Har
vard. Before the war he was a teach
er in Lincoln high school
' With the Bahamas r and Bermuda
not too far away, the Tampa, Fla.,
American Legion has placed ite entire
membership at the disposal of the
Prohibition enforcement officer of
that district, -
Philip - Hammond, Lawyer
Beaver Building
Res. 251-W S
I Phones: Off. 80
Justice of Peace I
1 201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City.;
I 8
I Pacific Phone: '
1 Office 52 Residence 304-M
' I
I Lawyer 1
Oregon City, Ore. -
Caufield Bldg.
Phone 636-W
Oregon City, Ore.