Pase two NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinlg of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Big Lumber Mill h Destroyed by Fire KELSO, June 6 The Jonsrud-Gun-derson Lumber Company's sawmill situated two and one-half miles south of Kelso was destroyed ty fire, early Monday morning at 2 o'clock. The TOill was all ablaze when the fire was discovered. Help was summoned from Kelso and the surrounding coun try, and while nothing could be done to save the mill, most of the lumber yard was saved, also the office. The company's boots and surrounding Sulldings were saved, although the Gunderson residence was in great danger for awhile. The plant was val ued at $20,000 and no insurance was carried. The members of the firm are Robert Jonsrud, Oscar Gunderson and George Gunderson. They will re build. The origin of the fire Is un known. The loss is estimated at about $15,000. " Mrs. John Sandy (nee Stella Jons rud) and Miss Lillie Jonsrud, a nurse at Emanuel Hospital in Portland, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jonsrud. The "Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Obye Thursday of last week and spent a most enjoyable afternoon. The following members were present Mesdames Obye, Herz, Kligel, Ratlike, Eliza Revenue, Jocie Revenue, Peter son Kersch,. Patterson, D. Hite, J. Hite, R. Jonsrud and Baumback, also the following visitors: Mrs. Anna Rabold and Mrs. Dawson. Plans were made for serving refreshments at the Enna concert on June 17th. Delicious refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Dock Hite. Dr. Emil Enna, pianist and Mrs. Herbert Garr Reed, dramatic reader will give an entertainment at the schoolhouse Saturday evening, June 17th. Admission free. Needy News Notes NEEDY, June 6 Mr. and Mrs. Ca rothers spent Sunday with the Hagan family at Broadacres. The program at Rock Creek Decor ation Day was fine and Mrs. Kinzer, Mrs. Weaver and Miss Stine certain ly did fine with the litt'e folks. Miss Leila Praves and neice spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Noblitt. Miss Letta Ritter came home Sun day after two weeks stay in Canby with her aunt, Mrs. E. Kroger. Chas. Spagle and L. Spagle spent Saturday in Oregon City on business. Don't forget the big dance at .Needy June i0. Mount Angel orchestra will furnish the music and ice cream and cake will be served. Loney Yoder attended the exercises at Gladstone Saturday. Mira Hoffmna, Dortha Fredrickson, Elizabeth Lang, Archie Babb went to Gladstone Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon "Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Leasfield motored to Portland Sunday and spent .the day. Rude Ritter and family and J. C Ritter spent Sunday at Scotts Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brackett and Sam Howard and Mrs. George Brack ett spent Sunday with Edd Harnack. Miss Bertha Carothers was shop ping in Oregon City Saturday and while there visited friends. Mrs. George Askens and daughter and Mr. and -Mrs. G. Fredrickson were shopping in Oregon City Saturday and while there visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carothers spent Sunday with June Heckerds of Ore gon City. Mrs. Noblitt called on the Haggans and friends of Broadacres Sunday. Clackamas News CLACKAMAS, June 6 A very en joyable day was spent on. Sunday, June 4th, 1922, at the residence of J. "W. Hilleary of Damascus, in honor of Frank 'Batcheller's birthday anni versary. Dinner was served at 1 o'clock. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, of Oregon City. Frank Batcheller, Leroy Batchelle-, Miss Eerna Kummrow, John Laye, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Laye, and daugh ter, Margaret, Mrs. A. L. Hilleary, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hilleary, all of Damascus In the afternoon ice cream and cake was served by the hostess. All departed wishing Mr. Batchell er very many happy returns of the day. The members of the Ladies Club of School Dist. No. 31, were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. H. G. Laye, on Wednesday after noon. .Delicious ice cream and cake yas served. Those present were Madames A. W. Coke, J. E. Deardorff, Adolph Stoll, Branson, Hanson, Ellis, P. R. Hunter, Nethertoni, m Tong Plaskett Lund, Swenson, Otis Deter! Walter Young, Curtis Young Fish R EL White, Hugh Laye, J. W. Hileary' Miss Reta Hunter, Miss Margaret Laye, Miss Dallas, Miss Stoll, Helen White, Herbert White, Norwood Neth erton, and baby White. At 5 o'clock the ladies all departed to meet again in two weeks at the home of Mrs Bronson. Carus Items , CARUS, June 1 Hugh Parry has as his guest his cousin, John Jones, of Rock Springs, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Hayhurst of Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Llewelyn, of Beaver Creek, called on friends in Carus Saturday evening. A number of Carus people attended the commencement exercises at the Oregon City high last Friday evening. Eleanor Brown and Mary Schmeiser! of Carus were members of that class. Mrs. Frank Anderson, of Molalla, visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Chas. Stewart. Emily fGriff'ths, Gertrude Griffiths, Edna Brown, Katherine O'Leary, John Bliss,. Earl Davis, and Willie Miller, were the members of the class that graduated from the Carus school thia year. - . ffi'g ri.a?nir Pry for ypf- ond time this season " in a return game played Sunday. The score stood 16-8. The Cams boys have been play ing some splendid games recently which i3 evident by the strong sup port they are given by the commun ity. Mrs. Carlson of Hillsboro, was a visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Monroe Irish, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Kline, Mrs. Smith of Mulino and Ed Brown visit ed frends at Dundee, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Erich Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Gwillim and children, Miss Davies and Miss Hansen spent the evening of Decoration day at the home of Geo. Ingram. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. A. G. "Weisser, last Wednes dayj Ed Brown is leaving this week for an extended visit in the East. The Carus team is scheduled to meet Clackamas for a ueturn game on Sunday, at Carus. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Gwillim, and children, Miss Davies, Miss Hansen and Fred Jaggar were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. "Weisser last Fri day evening. Eleanor and Edna Brown are recov ering from an attack of whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram and daughter, Grace, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mills, of Aurora, last Fri day. Jane Yergen is here from Aurora visiting her aunts, Mrs. A. A. Spang ler, and Mrs. John Griffiths. The Carus school children are pre senting a program Friday, June 9, at the Carus M. E. Church. A cafeteria lunch will be served after the pro gram. There will be an admission fee of 25 cents charged. Estacada News ESTACADA, June 7 Home grown strawberries have made their ap pearance in the grocery stores and they are of a very nice quality. The local order of Eastern Stars are to entertain their Worthy Grand Matron this Friday night. Mrs. Margaret Kileore and little daughter, Alice, left on Saturday for Portland, where they will visit rela- 1 tives lor some time. The radio fever seems to have struck Estacada quite hard. Among several others who have been install ing radio sets during the past few days is R. G. Marchbank, who has one in his restaurant and confection ery. The interior of the Dave Bass bar ber shop has been newly papered and painted and now presents a very neat appearance. Miss Irene Saling has taken a po sition in Swetland's confectionery in Portland. Rev. T. B. Young of the Garfield neighborhood, was again called bv a unanimous vote, to be pastor of the Mtli.-.rH t V,-V. T-w . , i. uuni iuYcr, iur an other year. G. E. Lawrence returned Tuesday from North Bend, Oregon, where he has been taking care of a laundry for a friend for two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. R Ellis went to Portland last Sunday to visit their son and nowe daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loran Elis who have apart ments at the Rex Arms. Miss Leila How went to Oregon City Monday morning where she un derwent an operation for the removal cf her tonsils. She came home Tues day evening and is recovering from the operation in good shape. Her mother, Mrs. C. F. Howe, accompan ied her. " , Born To Mr. and Mrs. Will Bass. Saturday. June 3. riamrhter S. E. Wooster and wife of Portland, visited friends in Estacada Monday, coming over in their machine. Mrs. U. H. Gibbs dispensed hospital ity Tuesday afternoon, at her home when she entertained In honor ol Mrs. M. H. Evans,"of Portland, who is spending the week with Mrs. A. E. Sparks. The afternoon hours were pleasantly spent visiting and a most tempting and delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. Those present were: Mesdames M H. Evans, A. E. Sparks, R C. Deming, W. J. Moore and Nina B. Ecker. One day last week, Fred Muhlke got his arm cut badly while working at the Kaake-& Jubb saw mill. Dr. Car ey dressed the wound which required four stitches to close. Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Cary motored to The Dalles last Sunday, returning the same day. Mrs. D. B. Hearing was an Oregon City visitor last Saturday. W. s. Davidson has been elected delegate by the American Legion of this place, to attend the convention at The Dalles next month. The baseball season opened in Es tacada Sunday, when the Estacada team played the Tremont Athletic Club, of Portland in the afternoon. There was a very good attendance and the home team won by a score of 6 to 1. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morton are the proud owners of a new sedan, pur chased last Saturday in Portland. Mrs. Ava Bronson, operator in the local telephone office was compelled to take a vacation on account of poor health and is in Portland visiting rel atives and taking a much needed rest. B. E. Alward returned Saturday evening from a trip to Seattle and other points over in Washington. T. H. Sherrard, supervisor of the Oregon national forest, has ordered the Clackamas river above Cazadero closed to fishermen and other recre ationists for the greater part of the summer because of the danger caused by blasting of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company in the build ing of its road along the river to Oak Grove, where its new power plant is to be located. Mrs.. C. F. Howe and Miss Leila Howe visited Oregon City and Port land last Saturday. The Colton Oratorial society will give a concert, 'The Holy City" at the M. E. Church at Estacada Sunday evening, June 19. These people gave the same entertainment at Oregon Ci-" n'vl Portland n phort time ago. OREGON Mrs. B. O. Sarver, who was ill at the Lovelace hospital, was able to return to her home Saturday evening. Editor TJ. H. Gibbs visited the me tropolis last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stenzel and three sons, Robert, Paul and Frank lyn, motored over from Portland last Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. HalL who have been managing the dining room at the Estacada hotel, left there Monday and will move onto their ranch near Estacada hotel, left there Monday and will move onto their ranch near Es tacada They are succeeded by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hogan, who come from Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. Hogan have been in the restaurant business for some time and come well recom mended. Mrs. Hogan is th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Page of this place. 1 A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, their .daughter, Mrs. Harry Morgan and little daughter and Joe Woodle motored t Siletz, in Lin coln county last Friday, where they visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. C. W. Pogue. Mr. Pogue is the min ister at that place. Before the party returned they drove to Newport on the coast, returning home Monday evening. Mrs. Joe Woodle left last week for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Bonne field, who lives at Chico, California. She expects to, be- absent about three weeks. Albert Hannah, assistant in the Estacada post office, visited friends in Portland last Sunday. R. C. Deming and Mrs. Mae Reed motored to Oregon City and Portland Tuesday on business connected with the settling up of the Reed estate. S. P. Psznecker went to Portland Saturday to get more material for the radio outfit that he is installing at his residence. He expects to have a good outfit in a few days. Mrs. K. E. Einarson chaperoned a party of Campfire Girls to the Reed farm, which is located on the Clack amas near Currinsville. They return ed Saturday, reporting a fine time. Mr. Lemon, who has been working in the Bacon & Lemon garage, has joined the crowd of workmen for the railroad company up the Clackamas. Mrs. George iHslop and daughter, Mrs. W. S. Syms, are visiting Port land relatives. Tom Morton has had the addition to his residence on the west, torn away as it is not particularly needed and its disappearance will lower his in surance. The Modern Prscilla club held its June meetinl ast Thursday at the home of Mrs. Henry Heiple at Cur rinsville. It being such a busy time for some of the members, there was not as many present as usual at this meeting. However, those who did at tend enjoyed the day very much, also the splendid dinner served. There was no business session and the next meeting place was not decided upon, as the club expects to have a picnic next month, instead of holding the meeting at some member's home. W. J. Moore and wife motored to Cascade Locks last Friday and re mained all night. The next morning they proceeded on to Hood River and got back home Saturday evening. Mrs. A. Morse went to Portland Saturday evening to visit relatives over the week end. Mrs. R M. Standish motored over from Portland Saturday accompanied by her mother, Mrs. M. H. Evans. Mrs. Evans remained as the guest of Mrs. A. E. Sparks until the latter part ol the week. William Dale is now the clerk at the Estacada hotel which assures that the guests will be well taken care of. Ray Holgate came from Idaho to visit his parents and other relatives at this place last Saturday, returning to his home Monday. Thirty four passengers of eighth graders and their parents and friends boarded the Bartholomew & Lowrence truck last Saturday morning for their commencement exercises at Gladstone park. They enjoyed the day immense ly with a basket dinner and the good time going and coming, singing and giving their class yells. Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and children returned Monday from Gladstone, where they spent a week visiting with relatives and friends. Station Agent Ahlberg is enjoying his two weeks' vacation at present, and with Mrs. Ahlberg ad little son, are stopping with relatives in Port land and will take several side trips during the time. Phil Adams is look ing after the business at the depot and with Mrs. Adams and the baby Carle occupying the Ahlberg rest dence. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. McCall of Port land were here last Monday night. The doctor came over to attend a meeting of Carl Douglass Post, Amer can Legion. Miss Elna Hoygaard has returned home and her many friends are pleas ed to see her looking and feeling so well. Died John A. Inglish at his home five miles east of Estacada, June 2, 1922, after an illness for some time, which proved to be a cancer of the liver, aged 62 years, 8 months and 25 days. The surviving relatives are two boys and two girls, his wife hav ing died several years ago. The chil dren are: Mrs. Ernest Duus of Gar field, Mrs. E. Jenkins was a native of Ohio but has liyed on his farm in the Garfield section for a number of years. .Funeral services were held last Sftnday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Zion church, ev. A. Demoy, an old friend of the deceased, officiating. In terment was made in the cemetery near the Zion church, under the di rection of Joseph E. Gates funeral di rector of Estacada, The play given by the Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church at the church last Monday evening, entitled, "The Old NNNIIIHMln,UHMIMHMmillH,H,lnUHMHIl(ft I 6 Per Cent State School 1 : Wff i V 5 ! : money to Loan on r arms I SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE l I Bank of Oreeron City BIdg. i I Oregon City, Ore. f CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1922. Peabody Pew, a production from the pen of Kate Douglass Wiggins, was a great success and the ladies who taak part did exceedingly well. The play was one of deep human interest and i th costumes took one back to- the j times of many years ago. Those tak I ing part were: Mesdames J. C. Hay- man, G. Mendenhall, A.-F. Lacy, C. J. Pimm, Gerald Wilcox, W. E. Linn, O. E Smith, C S Allen and Miss Anna Dillon, who acted the only male char acter in the play Mrs. Mae Reed read the story at the beginning and the closing and Mrs. R. J. Hughes was prompter. Redland Items REDLAND, June 7 rMs. S. A. Stone visited friend3 at Gladsotne Monday evening and on Tuesday eve ning with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Winnfield Perry of Vancouver, Wash., to Carus. On Tuesday, May 30, there were many came to the Redland cemetery to decorate the graves of their loved ones. On Saturday graduation exercises were held at Gladstone. From the Redland school there were six to re ceive diplomas, these were Wilferd Coop, Claremont Falert, Catherine and Lucien Koch, Bruce Philips and Stella Wynn. Their class color was pink and green. From Firgrove their was just Eugene oBnney to graduate. His class color was gold. There were many from the neigh borhood who attended the exercises. On Saturday evening Clara Pearl Nevill had the misfortune to fall on a spoon and run the bowl through the roof of her mouth. She was taken to the Oregon City hospital at once and at last reports she was doing splen didly. The children of the Redland Bethel Presbyterian church are practicing for a Childrens" Day program to be given next Sunday. . Gustave Dambach of Oregon City is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. J- Staats." Misses Icelia Hughes, Goldie Brown, Mildred Koch and June Kirchem re turned from high school this week. Wm. Phillips, Sr., and son, William, and L. Hendrickson were Oregon City callers Monday. - Mrs. H. G. Nevill ... and daughter, Clara Pearl, spent Monday with friends in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs.- Lloyd Allen of Oregon City spent the week end with home folks. Miss Grace Hinkle was an Oregon City visitor Monday. C. J. Staats spent Monday and Tuesday with his mother at Portland. On Monday there were many went to Portland to attend the Northwest Breders Sale of Registered Guern seys. A. I. and J. Hughes entered three head one which went for $500, one at $205 and the 3rd for $310. A. L. Beatie entered two which sold for $225 and ?310. C. J. Staats entered two which sold for $225 and $200 and W. A. Carlson entered one which sold for $200. Mr. and Mrs. J. ' Hughes attended the Guernsey meet at Tillamook, June 1, 2, 3. - Mildred and Lucien Koch and Icelia, Frances and Kenneth Hughes are pre paring for a two weeks trip at Cor vallis. Eagle Creek Items EAGLE CREEK, May 6 Walter Douglass has a crew of men working the Market Road these fine days. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell and James Bell were over this way on Decoration Day. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy and children of Portland, Mrs. M. S. Horsman. of Centralia, Wash., Ed Chapman, Mr. and Mrs H. F. Gibson, Harvey Gibson, Hazel and Franklin Gibson, Mrs. Clyde McMurry and children and H. S. Gib son were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R B. Gibson last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson were out this way on Decoration Day, making a visit to the cemetery. Last Friday school closed in this neighborhood, the event being cele brated by the teacher, pupils and some of the neighbors going on a pic nic under the shade of the trees down near Eagle Creek by the old Baker place. Miss Mae Evans was delightfully some of her friends gathered at the home of C. Rhenstrom and spent a pleasant evening with her fnt honor of her 18th birthday. The time was spent in playing cards, games and dancing. Delicious refreshments, con sisting of coffee, lemonade, sand wches, cake and pie were served along about midnight and soon after the peo ple left for home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe HaJey were the dinner-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and chil dren and Robert Moehnke were Sun day guests at the home of Mrs. Viola Douglass, of Estacada. Little Frankie Paddison, who has been quite sick with pneumonia, and has been at the Good Samaritan hos pital for a week was brought home on Monday. He is improving and stood the trip home very well. Dodge News Items DODGE, June 5 All the eighth grade pupils passed the examinations and attended the graduating exercises' at Gladstone, Saturday. The mem bers of the successful class are: Iren Kaake, Wallace, Joyce Pederson Ralph Enquist and Ernest Malatt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and fam ily ind Rosa B. Ten Eyck spent Sun day with the Sherman Kilgore fam-J ily of Springwater. Pete Jochimsen of Hood River spent a few days last week with his sisterinlaw, Mrs. Jochimsen. David Horner, Sr., spent Sunday with the Harold Horner family at Springwater. FARM BUREAU PICNIC On Saturday, June 17, a Farm Bu reau picnic will be held at the grove south of the Union high school at Da mascus for which a good program has been provides. This picnic promises to be of interest to all and a good time is promised those attending. ' Childrens Day Is Observed by Grange BEAVER CREEK, June 5 Central Grange observed Children's Day with an open meeting Saturday evening. Over 70 people enjoyed a goqd liter ary program and social time, also ice cream and lunch, after which the young people played games until mid night. A debate has been arranged for the next meeting. The subject is: "Resolved, , that the milage tax should be repealed." Willamette Har ris and Mrs. Estella Hughes are the captains. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the school picnic at Gladstone Saturday and report a very enjoyable day. Our junior baseball team played against Molalla nd lost. This is the OSWEGO ITEMS Mrs. Cora Bullock Birthday Party Is Given Mrs. Halliman OSWEGO, June 2 A birthday par ty was given Monday afternoon- in honor of Mrs. Kate Hallinan at her home in- South Oswego, on her 73 birthday. Mrs. Hallinan is an old time resident of this place and all the old friends were glad to be with her. Tlie home was beautifully- dec orated in lavender and wild iris. Those who attended were Mrs. Joe Bickner, Sr., Mrs. J. K. Worthington, Mrs. Jessie Dyer, Mrs. P. H. Jarisch, Mrs. George Baker, Mrs. Henry Yates, Mrs. A. Waldorf, Mrs. John Erickson, Mrs. Gerge Bullock, Mrs. Charles De lashment, Mrs. Johnie Cox, Mrs. Kath erine Merrick, Mrs. Jack Curtis, Mrs. Joe W. iBcfcner, Jr.," Mrs. Albert Ros entretor, Mrs. Orrin Davidson, Miss Mary Bickner, and Mrs. Hallinan's three daughters, Mrs. J. L. Davis, Mrs. Wnru Weightman, . Mrs. Ethel Simen ton, also their children. Miss Delia Davis, Miss Marjaria Weightman and Everet Siraenton. A delicious lunch was served and the birthday cake was decorated with lavender candles. Games and music were the features of the afternoon. School of Oswego Ends on June First OSWEOO, June 2 The Oswego public school brought the present term to a happy close Thursday eve ning, June 1, with a most interesting program, the pupils of all rooms tak ing part. The little tots of Mrs. Ew ings room were cunning in folk dances and a skipping ( rope - dance tnat particularly pleased. Miss Pet- tingers and Mrs. Gorslines girls gave a beautiful fairy dance dressed in pink and green, while her boys sang. At the close of the pageant. Miss Janette Duncan, as fairy queen, pre sented Miss Mary Bickner, retiring principal, with a beautiful gift from the pupils of the school. Flowers were presented to Miss Bickner and Miss Pettinger and Miss Cohen, who will also leave the school faculty this year. Friday there was a school pic nic which the children all enjoyed as well as the teachers. Entertainment of Legion is Success OSWEGO, June 2 The dinner and entertainment given by the American Legion on Friday was a success both financially and socially. An interest- j ing program followed the dinner and j there wag singing of patriotic songs ! by the community led by Mr. Hender son of the Community Service Bu reau of Portland. Little Miss Velma Fay of Portland sang and Master Duncan Christiansen rendered a vio lin solo, accompanied by his sister. There were several talks on the work of the boys and Mrs. Christiansen sang "Smiling Through". - DINNER IS ENJOYED OSWEGO, June 2. Mrs. Fred Gil more entertained at dinner Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Dora Wilson and Mr. Gilmore's birthdays at the home of Mrs. Wilson, The house was decorated with th flowers of the season'. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gage, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Merrick, Mrs Wilson, Claude Simson and Mr and Mrs. Gilmore. A good time was enjoyed toy all. TEACHERS ELECTED OSWEGO, June 2 The following teachers were elected for the Os wego school: Mrs. Agnes Buckley, principal; Miss Margaret Hamilton, third and fourth grades; Miss Vose, first and second; Mrs. Ewing, pri mary; Mrs. Grosllne, fifth and sixth. OSWEGO LOCALS OSWEGO, June 2 Mrs. T. R Cline felter and daughter, Vivian, went to McMinnville, Tuesday, May 30. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Shipley of Gresham were in Oswego Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clinefelter of Sandy spent Tuesday evening of last week at the former's brother, T. R Clinefelter. Mrs. Otto Larson and children have gone to Altoona for a few weeks vacation. Mrs. Leslie Savage gave a dinner Friday afternon, June 2, for the Camp Fire Girls of which she is guardian. Miss Grace Cooper of Bor ing was honor guest. The girls who attended were Misses Merrick, Patric ia Newlands, Marion Weideman, Ka thryn Wessling, Edna Grey, Evelyn Fox, Gladys McDonald, and Janette Duncan. Mrs. Ruth Peasly spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. John Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Hary Baxter of Ore gon City, visited relatives in Osweso Tuesday evening. - Mrs. G. W. White andher brother. Clarence Haines, spent Tuesday with their mother, Mrs. Mary Haines. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Busscard of second game our boys have lost this season. Our senior ball team played against Maple Lane Sunday afternoon and was defeated, he score being 16-11 in favor of Maple Lane. Rev. Everett preached in the Cen tral .hall here Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joihn. Bchranx and daughter, Eva, and Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Woodard and baby -motored to Highland Wednesday evening and heard Mrs. Andrews of Oregon City speak on prohibition. Mrs. J. Watts and Mrs. G- V. Wood ard were Oregon City visitors last Friday. Among those attending the league ball gaAe in Portland on Memorial Day were J. Watts, Wilbur Bohland er, Wm. Roberts, and A. W. Fogle song. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosier of Port land spent Sunday at their place here. IIMIMItllllHIIIIimMIMIIIHk Portland visited relatives in Oswego Tuesday. ... Mrs. H. H. Eccles of Canby was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bulock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lavell of Portland have -moved in the house owned by J. T. Bullock of SouthOswego. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Henderson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nim ick of South Oswego Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates, also Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emrick motored to the Columbia cemetery Monday evening. Caleb Perry of Portland was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neil son's Tuesday. OSWEGO, June 5 A large class of graduates from the Oswego school re ceived their diplomas on Saturday morning at the exercises which were held at Gladstone. Those in the class were Kathryne Wessling, Marion Wei dmas, Alice Zeller, Gladys McDonald, Mamie Battersby, Jannette Duncan, Ralph Haines, Wallace Woithington, Martin Johnson, Herbert Ewing, Ken neth Duncan, Masoni Worthington, Norman Hawke, Maurice Ranger, Lor en Watson and Linn"mith. The Ladies Aid had a chicken din ner at the home of Mrs. Geo. Bullock's oni Thursday. A neat little sum was received for the church treasurer. The hostesses were Mrs. Orrin Davidson, Mrs Glen Zimmerman, Mrs. Jim Cook, and Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Cook being sick, Mrs. Don Meyers assisted in her place. The next dinner will be serv ed at the home of Mrs. John Haines cn Thursday, two weeks -from this last hTursday. Everybody invited. W. L. Snidow of Willamette has begun the erection of two cottages tor the Oregon Iron & Steel company in the new addition of the company at the east end of the Lake. These cottages will be modern im every way, and will be for sale. The Oregon Iron & Steel company has also start ed to park out the grove on Oswego Lake for sites for an Auto Park. The Hazelia school disfcdict No. 37, held their exercises last Friday. The teachers, pupils and friends of the school joined in an excursion up .the Columbia River highway, where they had a picnic dinner at Multno mah Falls. Miss Francisi Willis, who has itaught the Hazelia school the past year, has been engaged for the coming year at a substantial increase in salary. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord had a number of friends at their home. Five hundred and dancing were the features of the eve ning. Mrs. Henry Borghorst was the winner of ladies first prize. Mr. Fer guson received the gent's first, prize and Mr. and Mrs. R D. Confer fell to the Booby Prizes a delicious lunch of ice cream and cake wa served. The Waluga Civic Club staged a minstrel show last Saturday evening at the Carter hop house near Bryant station on the S. P. Electric. An ex cellent program was presented" un der the direction of Carroll A. Mc Farland, president of the club. The proceeds will be used to further the improvements of that organization. The cast was as follows: Interlocutor, R L." Herrick; end men, A. B. Car ter and C. A. McFaxlamd; Max Boul anger, Fred Reese, R. B. Stoetzel, R K Kenedy, Fred Bischoff, R. R. Shreve, G. D. Burt, W. E. Simontom, Laurence Commons, M- L. Craft, Rouse and Zimmerman. A five piece orchestra, led by Mrs. W. E. Simon to i furnished the music for the eve ning. A- marriage license was granted in Portland last week to Guy "Franklin McCurdy, 52, Oswego and Eva M. Hyde, 38, Portland. Miss Gladys Banks left the first of the week to spend a week with Mrs. E. Robinson of Anlauf, Oregon. Mrs. Frank Tomlin and son, Lloyd, were Sunday visitors in Oswego. Mrs. Tomlin once resided in this place. Little Richard Scott fell from his swing last week and broke his arm. Mrs. D. K. Dalzelle is ill at her home, suffering with quinsy. Mr. and Mrs. Wlil Reimers motored to McMinnville Saturday w-tii Mr. j and Mrs. Glen Zimmerman of South j Oswego. The Campfire Girls and several i friends with Mr. and Mrs. Savage, were the guests of Kathryn Wessling and Fred Normand, at the Pa the - ex change, where they reviewed several films. The party motored to Portland Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fullam of Los Angeles, Cal., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Worthington. Mr. and Mrs Walter Wessling and daughter, Helen, Mrs. John Davis spent several days at Tillamook, at tending the convention of the Wo mans' Club. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles of Can by and Mr. and Mrs. Geo Bullock mo tored to Monmouth Sunday where they visited a brother of Mrs. Ec cles and Mr. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. A. Waldorf motored to Dayton Sunday last and visited the Khelows who once were residents of Oswego, having lived here a number of years. The funeral of Mrs. Roy Clark, formerly Alice Fortner of Oswego wis he.d Sunday at the Oswego cemetery' Mrs. Clark is survived by her hus band, Roy Clark and one child. Also two sisters, Mrs. Roy Philips and Mrs. Clary Hunninrrton ZLT.d cae br ther. Mrs. Clark passed away at the borne of her uncle at Grand Ronde valley Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bethke motored, to Wilhoit Sunday to spend the day.. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles of Canby are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. Roy- Phillips were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Worthington on Sunday. Caleb Perry of Portland was the guest of his daughter, Mrs., Charlie Neilson the first of the week. Little Maxine Worthington of Bux ton is visiting, at the home of her grandparents for a few days. Miss Juanita Bullock of Salem, was in Oswego a few days this week visit ing her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock. Mr. Emmotte was the guest of his son, Pete Emmotte on Sunday. Mrs. John Erickson spent Sunday at Glenmorrie with her son, Ru dolph Erickson. Mr. and Mrs.G. C. Worthington, mo tored to Portland Monday to visit Mrs. Gardner, mother mf "Mrs. Worth ington. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord entertained a host of friends at dinner Sunday. The Oswego Woman's Club will meet at the school house this next week. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Ros encrans is nearing completion. They wijl soon be able to move in. A birthday party will be given next. Saturday night in honor of Mrs. Lloyd Harbin and Mrs. Charlie Bickner, twins of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jarisch at the home of Mrs. Charlie Bickner. OAK GROVE i i OAK GROVE, June 8 Cecil Goetz's new home is being erected by Robi nett and Fagerstrom. The pupils Of Oak Grove school have been taking examinations this week and school will close next week. A large class will graduate from the eighth grade this year. At a recent meeting of the Parent Teachers' association the old officers i were all re-elected. The association. will have its last meetng Frday of this week until fall except a picnic which will be held sometime in Au gust. A. Linn of Portland and Miss Beth Ostrom of this place were quietly mar ried in Oregon City JVlay 24 but it was not generally known until recent ly. The young people have gone to live south of The Dalles, where the groom is engaged in lumber business with his father. Congratulations fol low them. Mrs. J. D. Butler and son, Orville, are spending several das down the valley. Mrs. Mattie Pierce, Mrs. Emily Peck, Mrs. V G. Benvie and Miss Eliz abeth K. Matthews returned Friday evening from Tillamook where they represented the Oak Grove-Milwaukie Social Service Club and Clackamas County Federation of Women's Organ izations respectfully. They report a delightful time and am interesting and beneficial meeting and fine weather while there, the one hot day being Tuesday, the day the members arriv ed. Valeria G. Benvie attended state Grange this week at McMinnville. A goodly number was present from all over the state. The meeting was of extreme interest and a lot of good work was done. The Granges are alt flourishing and increasing in mem bership. Who is to be postmaster at Oak Grove is still a qeustion although Mrs. E. D. Davenport received notice- of her apopdntment and executed her bond, her commission has not arriv ed and a notice is now up that an other examintion will be held to Bill that position. Mrs. Davenport was the only one who took the examination in December of last year for this position she having beem assistant postmaster for nearly three years, hut because of failure to send certain proof as requir ed the result of the examination was held up and another examination set but later cancelled. Mrs. Davenport having forwarded required proof to the department at Washington and the retiring postmaster desirous of leaving, an acting postmaster, Helen. E. Wilcox, was .placed in charge. In due time the appointment was receiv ed as above stated and why the com mission did not come was a question to many. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTY Philip Hammond, Lawyer Beaver Building OREGON CITY, OREGON iwwHiiiniiiiimwtim i Phones: Off. 80 Res. 251-W EMORY J. NOBLE 1 LAWYER : Justice of Peace 1 1201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City. tMMMaMtMWMIMMMMMMMiaMMMMaHMMm,al ! Pacific Phone: S Office 52 Residence 304-M I I CHARLES T. SIEVERS, Lawyer Oregon City, Ore. I GEORGE HOEYE I CHIROPRACTOR I Caufield Bldg. Phone 63S-W Oregon City, Ore. ,iiiilimHiinili.liHli ii..i,....i..ii,tiul.i Sa.