OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1922. HHiHiNiunHmmmiMHimiHiuiiiniiuiiM JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS; Correspondent iiiiiiinnn S Schools to Close At Lodge May 26 JENNINGS LODGE, May 17. The Jennings Lodge school will close for the summer vacation on May 26. A program is being prepared by the teachers and the closing exercises Tv-ill be held on Monday May 29. The state tests were held on May 11 and 12, 46 pupils taking part, 16 of these being 8th graders. The papers are being graded and it will probably be two or three weeks before the re sults are known. The pupils of the 7th and 8th grade enjoyed a weinie roast on the river on Wednesday May 10th and report a good time. The pupils of the school are look ing forward to the commencement ex ercises, that are to be held again this year at Gladstone park on June 3 at 10 a. m. Mr. Vedder has announced that a splendid program is being ar ranged. It will be in' the nature of a field meet in which those passing from the 8th grade will take part. The di plomas will be awarded at this time and presented by Mr. Vedder, the County Superintendent of schools Sellwood Woman Is Honored at Lodge Scout Organization Sponsored by Church JENNINGS LODGE, May 17. Honoring Mrs. Sam Stewart, of Sell wood, Mrs. J. C. Maple asked in 20 maids and matrons on Friday after noon. The rooms were prettily decor ated with yellow tulips and daisies and narcisus. The color scheme of white and yellow being carried out. The affair was a shower and also to celebrate the birthday anniversary of the honored one. The afternoon was spent in sewing. Mrs. Lena Roberts gave a reading on Motherhood. Many pretty gifts were given Mrs. Stewart. The birthday cake cntaining twenty- three candles was a feature and shar ing it with other refreshments were Mesdames Wm. Jacobs, Frank Tucker of Portland; A. B.. Snider, A. B- Smith Meade Kennedy, J. A. Johnson, Olin Ford, W. W. Woodbeck, R. F. Deter, A. L. Roberts, Al Peterson, Hugh Ro berts, J. C. Maple and the Misses Ouida Deter, Ellen Hart, Margaret Tucker and Louise Smith. Officers Installed At May P-T Meeting JENNINGS LODGE, May 17. At the suggestion of the Parent Teach ers Association, a meeting was called asking the fathers and those interest-1 ed in the Boy Scout movement to be present on Monday evening at the church. The result was that the organ ization of Boy Scouts is to be spon sored by the Grace Congregatinal Community church and organized as a branch of the church work: Mr. Krum gave a talk on. Scout organization, he being the leader of the Oak Grove pa trol. Rev. Snider and Messrs. Tillman, Hole, Blinestone, Starker, Jones, Trus cott, Newcomb, Robbins, Holloway and Pearson were present. The offi cers chosen were W. I. Blinestone, 1st Scout Master; Carl Starker, assistant Scout Master; H. Truscott, treasurer; R. L. Newcomb, secretary; C. R. Hol loway, general chairman and his com mittee men are to be: Dan Jones, Re lation to the Community; C. C. Hole, Troop personnel and equipment; Bert Robbins, Appeal to the Boy. Refresh ments were served by a committee from the Parent-Teachers Association JENNINGS LODGE, May 17. The May meeting of the Parent-Teach ers Association was held on Friday last, Mrs. Pearson presiding. It was the installation of officers. It was voted to give $10 toward the county health nurse. The banquet committee reported $21.47 was realized from the institu te dinner and with the $50 from the play on May 12. A goodly sum has been added to the treasury. A bouquet of cut flowers was pre sented to Mrs. Pearson as a slight to ken of appreciation for her untiring efforts during the year. The Association is grateful for the services rendered by Mrs. Bert Rob bins as secretary as much of the suc cess of the Association has been due to her efforts also. Miss Truscott's room had the honor of having the most mothers present, won the cash prize. Comedv Play Given At Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, May 17. "The Neighbors," a comedy by Zona Gale was presented by members of the Parent Teachers Association, at (t, the church on Friday evening May 12. Every available seat was taken and many were obliged to stand. The play was coached by Mrs. Florence Moore, a teacher of the primary grades of this school. All rendered their parts well. In the cast were "Grandma," Mrs. Edward Pearson; "Miss Dianthy Abel," Mrs. Blinestone; "Ezra Wil liams," R. H Hendry; "Peter," Cecil Rosenberry; "Inez Abel," Miss Flor ence Wilson; "Mis' Elmira Moran," Mrs. Fred Wilson; "Mis' Trot," Mrs. C. C. Hole; "Mis' Ellsworth," Miss Ruth Truscott. The Thereoux orchestra gave sever al numbers and were enthusiastically received. Little Miss Evelyn Moritz was heart ily applauded when she danced the Highland Fling to music on the Vic trola. Evelyn is taking up the aesthe tic dances under a well known Port land teacher. The proceeds amounted to $50. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS Visitor Honored At Afternoon Tea JENNINGS LODGE, May 17. Mrs. Ida Mansfield of Minneapolis was the motif of a pretty afternoon - tea, wuen ivirs. wm. jMontz asKea m aDout 20 to meet the Twin City visitor. "500" was the afternoon's diversion and the highest honors fell to Mrs. Olin Ford and Mrs. Bert Robbins. Mrs. Truscott received a useful consolation favor. Delicious refreshments were served. The invitation list included Mesdames Olin Ford, Bert Robbins, Edith Trus cott, Jerry Madden, Wm. Booth, Nor man Chapman, R. H. Hendry, R. G. Thompson, C. C. Hole, Fred Gardy, W. I. Blinestone, Edw. Pearson, Geo Gard ner, Carl Starker; Blair Miller, Fred Bretcher, J. Boetger, Ida Mansfield, Moritz. Mrs. Mansfield is to make an indefinite stay in Oregon and expects her son from Minneapolis soon. TOURISTS STOP OVER JENNINGS LODGE, May 17. The warm days are bringing the tour ists who are taking trips by auto. On Monday evening at Shady Nook camp grounds were two California machines. JENNINGS LODGE, May 17. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ihrig and three children spent Sunday at the A. F. Russell home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tucker and two children leeve this week for Santa Anna, California for Mr. Tucker's health. While in the south the family will visit a sister of Mrs. Tucker's who resides in San Francisco. Mrs. Warren Swart attended the an nual meeting of the Willamette chap ter, Daughters of the American Revo lution which was-held in the Arcadian Garden of the Multnomah hotel on Wednesday last. Luncheon was served and reports given for the year by the officers. The new officers were chos en. One of the interesting numbers of the afternoon's program was "Old Oregon Trails" by Mrs. H E. Warren. Lloyd Babler has received from the mumps and has given up his school work for this term and will do auto trucking in Douglass County making Yoncalla his headquarters. The dancing party gives, at Green"3 hall in Oak Grove on Saturday even ing was an enjoyable affair and was well attended by Lodge folks. As it was given by the Jennings Lodge Com munty Club the proceeds are to be used for the club house it is of inter est to know that the door receipts were over $47. The Theroux orchestra furnished the music. Henry Babler who recently returned from the hospital was pleased on Sun day, to have his daughter Mrs. E. Swartz with him, who arrived from San Francisco to spend a month with home folks. Mrs. John Wesley Smith had as her guests her two sons Carl and Fred Nipplolts of Multnomah Station and Mrs. Ida Mansfield of Minneapolis on Sunday in honor of Mothers Day, Mrs. Smith was showered with cut flowers and plants from her children some coming from Washington. Her daugh ter Mrs. Moritz and family also at tended .the reunion. Paul W. Schuman, a former resi dent of this place passed away at his home at the Chautauqua park early on Wednesday morning after an illness of five months. Mr. Schuman was a native of Germany but came to the United States when a small child. About 18 months ago the family ar rived here from Colorado for the ben efit of his health. There is a widow and one son Edson left to mourn his loss. The funeral was held on Friday a. m. from the Holman & Pace chapel in Oregon City and the services were conducted by Rev. A. B. Snider of this place. Bert Robibns is building a two story addition 16 by 32 on their house. It will have built in conveniences and a Maise and Helen of Portland spent Sunday at the Wm. Cook home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts and little sons spent Sunday at the Wm. Jacobs" home in Rose City Park. . Miss Ruth Truscott entertained the 3rd and 4th grade pupils at the River View Camp grove on Saturday last. Ice cream and cake were served to all her pupils. The social meeting of , the Jennings Lodge Community club takes place on Wednesday evening this week at the school house. Mrs. Murphy, the mother of Mrs. Norman Chapman, sustained a fall and seriously injured the cap of her knee. Miss Helen Bergman of Seattle 'is the week end house guest of Mrs. M. Dion. The Blinestone family are to leave this week for Eastern Oregon, visiting friends at The Dalles and going on to Bend. They will be absent three weeks and are taking a camp equipment and will enjoy their outing part of the time out of doors. The .Guy family have moved to Sell iwood. Mr. Guy having accepted a po sition as traveling salesman for a well known Portland drug firm. Mr. Guy has been an enthusiastic Christian En deavor worker and the family will be missed. Rev. Snider and wife will auto to Grants Pass where they will spend their vacation. They expect to leave on June 15th. Wilfred Ross is taking a respite from his office duties at the P. R. L. & P. Co. and is enjoying working out of doors making garden. A special meeting of the Grace Guild enabled the society to accomplish some of the work on hands. On Thurs day 6 women met and finished the quilting. Sandwiches and tea were served and a social time over the tea table made it a very pleasant time. The Ben Hur lecture recital was postponed until in June owing to other things coming in May. Dr. Clark is a noted lecturer and it is hoped a full house will greet him. Leo Cook and other members of the Junior Class of Milwaukie lygh enjoy ed their annual class picnic at Multno mah Falls on May 8th. Mrs. Frank Tucker of Portland is visiting at the R- F. Deter' home and rapidly gaining strength from her re cent operation. Mrs. Henry Woodbeck and Mrs. Carl Hinders of Vancouver were luncheon guests of the W. W. Woodbeck family of this place Thursday last. Mrs. 'Laura Newell has returned from Illwaco, Wash., after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Watson. The Milwaukie Whitney Boys Chor us of which Leo F. Cook is a member, left Friday afternoon on the steamer Mad aline for a concert tour, going to Kelso, Cathlamet and Astoria. About 200 boys of various points in the vi cinity enjoyed the trip. They returned on Monday morning. The primary election will be held at the Jennings Lodge church instead of the school house as heretofore. The iHHuiioiiiiniii'iiiiimiiii OSWEGO ITEMS Mrs. Cora Bullock imNHimiiiiiimi ft Douhle Birthday Party Is Enjoyed OSWEGO, May 16. A very pleasant birthday party was given in honor of Mrs. Ida and Muriel Wprthington Of South Oswego at the Worthington home on Tuesday. Those present were Mrs. Henry Yates, Mrs. Orin David son, Mrs. George Enrich, Mrs. Geo. Bullock, Mrs. Jack Curtis, Mrs. Ida Worthington, Mrs. Gaylord Worthing ton, Mrs. J. K. Worthington, and G. C. Worthington. A dainty luncheon was served after an instrumental piece was played by Mrs. Enrich, and a few vo cal selections were sung by Mrs. Orin Davdson, Mrs. Jack Curtis, Mrs. Ida Worthington, "Mrs. George Enrich. Lit tle Kathleen Worthington played an instrumental piece onTne piano which iwas enjoyed, after which all retired to their homes. Legion of Oswego To Give Program OSWEGO, May 17. The American Legion of Oswego plans for a musical program in the near futue. A commit tee was appointed to wait on Mrs. D. C. Christiensen who has offered her sevices to the boys and agree to fur nish the talent for the entertainment. A supper is also planned in connection with the program. The building plans were also discussed .but no action is to be taken on this matter fpr the pres ent. The post plans to have a full dress parade of all Oswego's ex-service men on Decoration day. A firing squad for ceremonies at the cemetery will al so be organized. Friends Entertain On 69th Birthday OSWEGO, May 16. A pleasant afternoon was spent Saturday when several friends were entertained at a birthday luncheon, honoring Mrs. Mc Ferne, on the occasion of her 69th birthday. Covers were laid for Mrs. P. H. Jarisch, Mrs. John Cox, Mrs. Jack Curtis, Mrs. McDaniels, " Mrs. Jessie Dyer, Mrs. Orin Davidson, Mrs. Warrren Scott, Olive McFerne and ,the hostess. Cement Sidewalks Are To Be Built OSWEGO, May 17. On the decision of the council all cement side walks now being constructed are to be ex- polls are to be open from 8 a. m. to 8 , tended tQ FifUl -gtreeL This mean3 T. Rosa going to Yakima. Washington and T. E. Sargent, who is making an 1 bath and sleeping porch will be added. overland journey to Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Helm and daugnters p. m. on Friday, May 19th. Through a new system the ballots are counted as they are cast. The total number of registrations for the Jennings Lodge voting precinct is 394 of these there are 213 male voters and 181 female. There are 261 registered -republicans, 107 democrats, 5 prohibitionists; 6 socialists, 15 independent. H. W. Stevens has been a caller dur ing the week. Mr. Stevens returned from California early in the spring, much improved in health and again is dealing in wood. I. M. Moyer of the Troy laundry was a business caller the first of the week. Mr. Moyer is planning on locat ing here. The Reade' family will return to their summer home at Roethe about June 1st. At present it is being paint ed and renovated. The river cottages of H. H. Emmons are all taken for the summer. The Bealey family coming during the week from Portland to spend the summer. The Lesbakker family are tenting for the summer under the tall firs at the Spooner homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Hull of Carver, Mrs. Cora Tillman of Tacoma and Mrs. T. E. Tillman and little daughter of Port land were Sunday guests of W. H. Tillman family. A. F. Russell is putting on a new room and remodeling their cottage. The Jennings Lodge teachers have been re-elected to teach this fall. The salaries are to remain the same with the exception of Miss Truscott who is to receive an increase in pay. that A, B, ' and C avenues will have five blocks of cement side walks on each, making a total of fifteen blocks of cement w&l'k. with those now be ing constructed.- Bids for the work are to be asked in the near future. Council Discusses Important Matters OSWEGO, May 15. Oswego Com mercial Club held an important meet ing at the city hall where they discus sed the water question and other mat ters pertaining to Oswego. On May 22 they will hold a mass meeting to talk over more important things. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Newton and daughter of Portland were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith Sunday evening. " Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord entertained at dinner Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Carl Betlike and Mr. and Mrs. Sumpton. Mrs. J: K. Worthington has been very poorly the last few days with rheumatism. Mrs. John Bickner left Friday to visit her father at Waldport, Ore., who is very ill. Miss Lucy Pollard is again working in the Mayes Drug store in Oswego. Mrs.- Chancey has returned from a visit to her mothers in Washington. Mrs. George James visited Oswego Wednesday afternoon!. Rev. and Mrs. Lacey of Estacada are visiting Mrs. S .E. Prosser a few days this week. - Chester Davidson has taken the Tel egram route in Old town ,and South Oswego. Raymond McKean is making his home at Aurora. The ladies of the Thursday After noon! Sewing club were the guests at a delightful tea at the home of Mrs. Harry Summers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lorenz are leav ing for 'Deer Island where Mr. Lorenz expects to try his luck at the store business. Mrs. M. c .Young of Wilson ville was in Oswego Friday working for the D. of H. Lodge. Mrs. Brown entertained the H. E. Club Tuesday. Mrs. Davis won first prize and Mrs. Wessling the consola tion. A splendid lunch w-as served by the hostess. Mrs. Wm. Schauper is at Amboy, Washington. The evening "500" club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock Saturday evening. First prizes were won by Mrs. I. A- Lord and Mr. Sav age Sr., consolations were won by Mrs. George Emrich and Leslie Savage Jr. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs .Carnie Annons of California was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates. Mr .and Mrs A.. Waldorf motored to Mulino to see Mr .and Mrs Walter Waldorf and family who- have be.en sick. Mrs. Otto Larson has returned from Mulino where she has been taking care of her sister-in-law, who has been sick. Mrs. Pete Emmott, Mrs. Geo. Em rich motored to Portland Friday. Mrs. Cora Davidson, Mrs. Glen Zim meron and Mrs. Geo. Bullock called at the Cook ranch- Monday afternoon where they planned a dinner to be giv en at the home of Mrs. Bullock, June 1st to raise funds for the M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Cox of Canby was in Oswego last week, Joe Nemick who has been in the Oregon City hospital with blood pois oning in his hand is now able to be home again WARM WEATHER CAUSES RIVER TORISE RAPIDLY Willamette Swells With Added Volume of Melting Snow; Paper Mills Watch Increase. Kitchen with v all modern built-ins. Full basement, garage and one half acre ground. Myers, owner, address Jennings Lodge, Oregon. The maximum temperature record ed yesterday in Oregon City was 81 and the minimum 54. This is a slight falling off from the high figure of Tuesday when local thermom eters climed to So. It is thought that the decrease in the barometeric pres sure may indicate a break in the hot spell. WATER PIPE TRENCH DUG OSWEGO, May 17. The trench for the water pipe to McLeans camps on the south side of the lake has been dug to the dam. There is considerable regret that the pipe is not to be ex tended into South Town but the water company explains ' that there is not sufficient head water to reach that elevation. LT PROPOSED STEEL TRUST WASHINGTON, May 16. The gov ernment probably will make an effort to prevent the proposed steel merger, It was indicated today when the fed era! trade commission ordered Ar mour & Co., Chicago packers, to dis gorge the E. H. Stanton company, meat packers of Spokane, Wash. v SHOWER IS ENJOYED OSWEGO, May 16. On Wednesday evening May 17 a shower was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Nel son, Sr., in honor of Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, Jr. a number of friends were present and the young couple re ceived a number of useful presents. Light refreshments were served. The Willamette river at Oregon City continued to rise yesterday. Of ficial readings at the local paper mills showed the upper river to be 19.1 above zero and the lower river 33.3. It is expected at the paper plants that the river will rise more rapidly in the course of the next few days. Officials at the mills are watching the condition of the river carefully as the protracted cold weather followed by a sudden wave of hot temperatures has brought the river up to a point where a continued rise would have a minim izing effect on the efficiency of the pulp grinding mills. Reports of the weather office show that the snowfall this year has been heavier than in many years past. Temperatures all through the North west continued to mount Tuesday with Wenatchee reporting 93 degrees, Umatilla 96 degrees and Roseburg 90 degrees. The maximum temperature at Port land was 85 degrees, which was -the highest of the season. Early morning reports from east of the mountains indicated that the high temperatures would continue to pre vail today. In Western Oregon the weather office forecasted cooler tem peratures today with the probability of rain. Frank Gillam, meteorologist and .acting forecaster during the absence of E. L. Wells, district weather fore caster, explained today that almost all of Portland's bad floods come when a long spell of hot weather follows a cool spring. Gillam said that there was still the chance that the hot spell would break in the Northwest today and that there would be a more gradual run-off of the flood waters than was now in-j dicated. NOTICE OF SALE In the County Court of the State of Oregon -for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter of the Estate of Silas M. Adkins, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Administratrix of the es tate of Silas M. Adkins, deceased will in accordance with the orders of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, on and after June 26, 1922, sell the following described real estate, to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in the Southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 4 South of Range 2 East of the Willamette Meridian; and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast 9 quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Sec tion 16, Township 4 South of Range 2 East of the Willamette Meridian, all in Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, at private sale for cash to the high est and best bidder; said sale to be made at the office of Wm. Hammond, Attorney-at-lav Beaver Building, Ore gon City, Oregon. JENNIE E. DIX, Administratrix of the Estate of Silas M.- Adkins, deceased. WM. HAMMOND, Attorney for the Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Executrix of the estate of William Warren Mars, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to pre sent said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my at torney, Wm. Hammond, Beaver Build ing, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated May 15, 1922. Date of first publication May 19, 1922. Date of last publication June 16, 1922. MARY MARS, Executrix of the estate of William Warren Mars, deceased. WM. HAMMOND, Address: Beaver Building, Oregon City, Ore. Attorney for Executrix. OSWEGO LOCALS Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr. .4 East Side Hill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDeaiars In - Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON II J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland MAN KILLED IN BATTLE FOR HOLLYWOOD LIQUOR LONG BEACH, Cal., May 16. One man was shot and believed drowned, four men arrested and a launch and two trucks together with 193 cases of liquor, were seized here early today following a battle between police and liquor smugglers at the harbor here. The trucks were said by police to have been, engaged by a motion pic ture company and police assert belief that the contraband liquor was intend ed for Hollywood. Color Bearer Visits Schools David Mc Arthur, of New Era, prom inent resident of that section of the county, was in this dty on, Wednes day. Mr. McArthur, member of the Meade Post No. 2, and color bearer for many years, came here to attend the patriotic ceremonies of the post held at the Eastham school and at the McLoughlin institute. Damascus Resident Here Adam Bell of Damascus, was among those coming to Oregon City on Tues day, remaining here until Wednesday. OSWEGO, May 16. The local chap ter W. C- T. U. met at the home of the president Mrs. Thomas Fox for their monthly meeting last Tuesday, Mrs. E. B. Andrews of Oregon City gave an interesting lecture. The meeting was well attended. Several Oswego people gave a sur prise party on Mrs. Verne Barkle (Leona Jarisch) at her home on the east side -in Portland. At cards Mrs. R Confer and George Emrich won the first prizes and Mrs. R. D. Johnson and Fred Gilmore won. the consola tions. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich, Mr. and Mrs. Confer, Mr. and Mrs. Confer, Mr. and Mrs. Gil- more Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickner, Mrs P. H Jarisch, all of Oswego also a number of Portland friends Mrs. William Bickner has been on the sick list " Douglas Gillies and son Howard of lAmboy, Wash., are spending some time in Oswego. Mr. Gillies is associat ed witn the Southern Pacific. . Aileen Worthington who is visiting at North Bend at the home of her aunts reports having a most enjoyable time. Mrs. Charles Gardner of Portland and Miss Leinnanon were the guests of Mrs. G. C. Worthington Sunday. Mrs. H. H. Eccles made a business trip to Oswego the latter part of the Leonard Halliman, Clackamas Coun ty assessor is here from Redland on .his annual business trip, while here he is at the home of his mother, Mrs. Kate Halliman, of South Oswego. Thinning out of the timber along the South side of the Lake is pro gressing rapidly. It is understood this in being done in oraer to airora a view of the lake to the property on the ridge. Mr. and Mrs. David Dalzell enter tained a party of friends Saturday evening. i OAK GROVE, May 16. Mrs. E. R. Brooks was a week end guest of her daughter Mrs. C. Vernon of Portsmouth. E. R. Ashby has wrecked his log house and has began the erection of a new one. C. W. Jenkins is doing the work. Irvin Julian is remodeling an old garage into a comfortable living room for himself in the rear of Mrs. Gar ringer's lot. We are glad to report Mrs. F. W. Roblin so improved as to be out again after an operation two months ago. Mrs. Lois Kennedy Sanderson who was suddenly stricken with appendici tis a week ago is doing nicely in the Oregon City hospital, where she un derwent an operation. The water commissioners will call a mass meeting soon it is expected at which time they will report estmated cost of installing Bull Run water. Mrs. V. .G. Benvie will spend Sunday and Monday in Albany on business and on Tuesday will go to Eugene to at tend the Rebecca Assembly and on her return will spend two days in Sa lem on business. Mrs. Benvie is a del- waukie Rebecca Lodge. She will also i 'a isniou or receive the decoration of chivalry at this session. The "500" party given by the Par ent Teachers association last Tues day evening in Green's hall was a suc cess, 60 persons being present and all enjoyed the evening. Cake and coffee were served. The first prizes were awarded to Mrs. E. Yocum and D. Palmblad. Consolations to Mrs. E. Brooks and A. Suster. The Married Folks Club met in Greens hall last Wednesday evening because of the repairs now in progress at the church. The Social Service Club of Oak Grove-Milwaukie met with Mrs. E. C. Youngs last Tuesday and the following officers were elected Mattie Pierce, re elected president; Josephine Daven port, vice president; Leora Kellogg, secretary; Alberta Smith, re-elected treasurer; Anna Palmblad, director. These officers with the two held over directors, Valeria G. Benvie and Viet ta Miller make the personal of execu tive board. The day being the birth day of the host. Refreshments were served. E. D. Olds was home from Goldson and attended the meeting of Musko- vites at Gresham Saturday night when a class of. 30 was admitted into the membership. Dalem Olds is reported resting com fortable after his operation. WARDEN HAS THRILL ON TRIP ON MOLALLA RIVER "Cap" Alonzo Burghduff, state game warden, might be said to have been full of Molalla river Monday morning. More strictly speaking, of course, he wasn't full of the river itself, but of his death inviting rowboat ride in it Sunday in company with two dep uty, wardens. Combining business with a few thrills, the captain and his two dep uties Sunday morning boarded a row boat in the north fork of the Molalla river, near the town of that name, and were carried down the swift stream to its confluence with the Willamette river, ending the trip at Oregon City. So fas as is known, Burghduff de clares, the trip had never before been attempted, due to the extreme shal lowness of the steram in places and its treacherous swiftness. Anglers along the stream were checked up. The trip was begum about 10 o'clock Sunday morning and was ended at 7 o'clock that evening. OREGON CITY GIRLS ARE GRADUATED AS NURSES Juanita Clapp, Ruth Elliatt and Stel- Oregon City were among the class who were graduated at the Good Samaritan hospital, Port land, on Friday evening. Alice Bol linger, former Oregon, City girl and at present residing in Portland was also a member of the graduating class Fern Yexley, of this city, was "cap ped" at the same hospital on Monday evening. This expression is said to designate the end of a certain period in the training program of prospec tive nurses. Miss Yexley prior to taking up her training in the Portland hospital was a student at the Oregon Agricultural College. AMERICA REFUSES PLAN FOR MEETING AT HAGUE GENOA, May 16 America's refusal to approve The Hague plan makes it extremely probable that the proposed conference to appoint a Russian com mission will be called off. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. William Sheahan, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Capen and Hattie E. Capen, his wife, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause ,to me duly directed and dated the 16th day of May 1922, upon a judg ment rendered and entered in said court on the 15th day of May 1922, in favor of William Sheahan, Plaintiff, and against Frank Capen, and Hattie E. Capen his wife, Defendants, for the sum of 1152.57, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 21st day of January, 1922, and the fur ther sum of $1119.17, with inter est at 7 per cent thereon from the 10th day of September 1919, and inter est on both sums at 7 per cent from date hereof and the further sum of $150.00 as attorney fees and the further sum of $15.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the fol lowing described rejal property, situ ate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: 'All of Tract Number Twenty three (23) and Lot 'E" of Tract Numbered Twenty-two (22) of Willamette and Tualatfa Tracts in Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution .judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 17th day of June 1922 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock., at the front door of the County Court; House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for IT. S. Gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the win in named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage here in or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J .WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By. E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 19th 1922. Comes from Sandy On Business Charles Sharnke, of Sandy, was among those to transact business in Oregon City on Wednesday. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is greatly relieved by constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICI NE is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition ot the mucous lining- of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube ia inflamed you have a rumbling- sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the in flammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acta through the blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thus reducing the inflammation and assisting; Nature in restoring normal con ations. Circulars free. AU Druggists. B. J. Cheney 4 Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Executor Named for Estate Near Boring A petition for the appointment of J. Gantenbein of Multnomah county as administrator of the estate of the late Christian Gantenbein of Boring, Clackamas county, who died April 23, 1922, has been filed with County Judge Cross. The estate is estimated at $1000 in personal property and $5000 In real estate. FOR SALE:. Team of sorrel horses be tween 9 and 10 years of age, also harness and wagon. C. D. Atchley, Jennings Lodge, Oregon. FOR SALE: Fresh cow and heifer calf 6 weeks old. C. D. Atchley, Jen nings Lodge, Oregon. FOR SALE: Modern bunaglow -at Meldrum Station. 5 rooms, bath and breakfast nook, large living room, fireplace and book-cases. Panel din ing room coved ceiling and French doors, 2 large bedrooms and closets. SUMMONS " In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Ruby Sechler, Plaintiff, vs. William C. Sechler, Defendant. To William C. Sechler, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 30th day of June, 1922, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want there of the plaintiff will take default against you and apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to wit: That the marriage contract' heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be dissolv ed and held for naught, and that the plaintiff herein be awarded an' abso lute decree of divorce from the de fendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon' City En terprise for six successive weeks pursuant to an order made by the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 13th day of May, 1922. Date Of the first publication: May 19th, 1922. Date of last publication: June 30th, 1922. JOSEPH, HANEY & LTTTLEFIELD, Attorneys- for Plaintiff, 511 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore.