Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 19, 1922, Image 4

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Published Every Friday
E. E. BROD1E, Editor and Publisher.
Eatered at Oregon City, Oregon, Post
office as second-class matter.
1 Year
6 Months i
1-3 Months -oU
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment is
not crelited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Advertising Rates on application.
March exports of automotive pro
ducts showed an increase of 38.9 per
cent over the previous month, ac
cording to statistics compiled by the
Automotive Division of the Depart
ment of Commerce. This is especially
remarkable considering that February
shipmnts increased 23 pr cent over
those of January. Passenger cars in
creased 44 per cent in number and
49.8 per cent in-value, totaling 4,471
cars valued at $3,831,432. Motor
trucks increased 29.9 per cent in
number and 41.4 per cent in value,
while parts for cars showed an in
crease of 26.7 per cent. Motor cycles
were exported to the number of 1,573
valued at $402,039, an increase of 59
per cent in value, while parts for mo
torcycles increased 48.2 per cent.
Motor trucking would undoubtedly
be resorted to in Rumania, owing to
the deplorable condition of the rail
roads there, were it not for the poor
state of the roads and street in the
country. The use of trailers is particu
larly unfeasible as the city streets are
generally paved with stones and the
country' highways and roads are in a
state of disrepair and full of holes.
The fe-nr trucks in use for transport
between Bucharest and the river ports
of Braila and Galatz need all their
tractive power in moving their own
loads, says Consul Palmer, Bucharest.
American motor vehicles especially
the heavier types, are very popular In
Poland says Trade Commissioner
Smith, Warsaw, in a report to the De
partment of Commerce, largely due to
- the fact of the surplus war stocks
sent into the country. At the present
time the sales of motor vehicles are
hampered by the low value of the Po
lish mark and the high price of gas
oline, which sells for from 35 to 40
cents (U. S. Currency) per gallin. The
Poles have consequently turned their
favor to the lighter cars with a lower
gasoline consumption. "With the excep
tion of motor equipment for agricul
tural purposes, the motor vehicles of
Poland are largely concentrated in the
cities and industrial centers. It has
been estimated from reliable sources
that there are about 2,500 passenger
cars in the country, of which 200 are
in the military service. Motor trucks
number about 2,700 with 1,200 in the
military and public service, and about
400 motorcycles, a large percentage
of which are equipped with sidecars.,
Motor accessories of recent issue
will readily find a market in British
Columbia, acocrding to Consular re
ports from that province. American
firms are gradually establishing fac
tories in Canada and consequently the
imports are diminshing from the 50
per cent of automotive products sold
in Canada during the last few years.
Until recent years most of the automo
tive products purchased in Canada
were imported from the United States,
but owing principally to the rate of
exchange and the high tariff on this
class of goods, American firms have
gradually been establishing factories
within the Dominion. Imports along
these lines have consequently dimin
ished steadily until now they are less
than 50 per cent of the supply. There
are about 50,000 motor vehicles in
British. Columbia which has a popula
tion of 700,000.
It is estimated from local data, by
the Consul at Teheran, that there are
812 motor vehicles in all Persia, 283
of which are in the city of Teheran.
Most of the remainder are in the var
ious larger cities of the country. This
number Is a large increase from the
TfteristratinTi takpn in March. 1920.
wnen mere were aDout iu passenger
cars ana i trucKs in an jpersia. rne
British, in their withdrawal from Per
sia during 1921, disposed of a large
number of Fords and perhaps a half
dozen trucks at auction. These cars
were nearly all in a bad state of dis
repair and it is doubtful if they will
be in service for more than a year.
The total number of motor vehicles
in Cuba at the present time number
19,689 passenger cars and trucks, ac
cording to an estimate made by Acting
Commercial Attache Jones, from fig
ures given out by the various dealers.
Havana is a "city of taxicabs" as is
shown by the fact that there are 5,688
taxicabs and 3,775 private cars. In ad
dition there are about 2,923 motor
trucks and 30 trailers in the city. Only
a small number of the cars in Cuba
are located outside of the cities ow
ing to the poor roads in the country.
Traffic conditions are congested a
good deal of the time due to the nar
row streets in the cities and large
number of taxicabs.
E. Donner, 606 Marion street, Port
land and E. G. "William of Gladstone,
were fined $25 each by Judge E. J.
Noble in the justice court Monday on
charges of fishing without a license.
The men were arrested by Chief De
puty Meeds and Deputy McDaniels.
They also arested Louis Luebeck, 601
Huge street, Portland, on similar
charges. He is to be tried in the ju-l
venile court.
Four traffic cases were tried Mon
day in the justice court. Ivan Ran
oye and Louis Minor were fined $5
and $10 respectively for speeding.
Archie Gibson and Ed. L. Gaffney
were fined $15 and $10 for using deal
er's plates on private machines.
Three of the arrests were made bz
Floyd D. Browne, state agent for this
district and one by Carl Long, coun
ty traffic officer.
Total of 15,747 Is 893 Less
Than 1920, Report Made
County Clerk Fred Miller
Shows; Decease Computed.
Party Average Is Maintained;
General Election Expected
To Raise Figures Materially
Clackamas County Registration.
Male Female Total
Republican 6852 4010 10802
Democrat 2411 1578 3989
Prohibition 66 99 16a
Socialist 175 78 2o3
Miscl. 309 169 . 478
Total 9813 5934 15747
Male Female Total
Republican 7.156 4238 11394
Democrat 2503 1664 4167
Prohibition 86 170 256
Socialist 226 110 336
Miscl. 319 168 487
Total 10290 6350 16640
The number of voters registered in
Clackamas county this year, shows a
decrease of 5.36 per cent over 1920,
when the last registration was taken,
according ,to the figures completed
Monday by County Clerk Fred A. Mil
ler. The total registration in Clacka
mas county is 15,747 this year. The
registration in 1920 was 16,640, or 893
above the present figure.
The decrease is accounted for by
the fact that 1920 saw a presidential
election, which is always the heaviest
perid, Mr. Miller explains. It is pro
bable he says, that with the increase
at the time of the general election, the
number will approximate that of two
years ago.
The total number of women regis
tered in the county this" year is 5,934
as against 6,350 two years ago. There
are 9,813 men and in 1920 there were
10,290. Republicans still bear the
same four-to-10 average to Democratic
voters who have a total registration
of 3,489 while the former are listed
with 16,862. Other parties, including
independents, show a decrease from !
1059 in 1920, to 896.
Oregon City Total 2,454.
The total registration in the 11 Ore
gon City precincts is 2,454. The male
list totals 1490 and the female list is
The detailed list for each of the 83
precincts in the county, follows:
(Key: R. Republican. D. Demo
crat. P. Prohibition. S. Socialist.
M. Miscellaneous, including Inde
pendents.) Abernethy Male: R. 65, D. 24, P. 0,
Si 6, M. 1. Total 96. Female: R. 25,
D. 10, P. 0, S. 4, M. 2. Total 41.
Ardenwald Male: R. 84, D. 32, P.
0, S. 2, M. 3. Total 121. Female: R.
72, D. 24, P. 2, S. 2, M. 1. Total 101.
Barlow Male: R. 78, D. 7, P. 0, S.
4, M. 7. Total 116. Female: R. 40, D.
16, P. 0, S. 3, M. 1. Total 60.
Barton Male: R. 55, D. 12, P. 2, S.
1, M. 3. Total 73. Female: R. 19, D.
7, P. 0, S. 2, M. 2. Total 30.
Beaver Creek Precincts.
Beaver Creek No. 1- Male; R. 42, D.
17, P. o, S. 3, M- 6. Total 68. Female:
R. 23, D. 9, P. 0, S. 0, M. 4. Total 36.
Beaver Creek No. 2 Male: R. 53,
D. 16, P. 0, S. 0, M. 0. Total 69. Fe
male: R. 20, D. 9, P. 1, S. 0, M. 1- To
tal 31.
Boring Male: R. 109, D- 23, P. 3, S.
0, M. 3. Total 138. Female; R. 58, D.
12, P. 4, S. 1, M. 1. Total 76.
Bull Run Male: R. 48, D. 16, P. 1,
g 3 Ml
Total 69. Female: R. 17,
D. 8, P. 0, S. 0, M. 2. Total 27.
Canby No. 1 Male: R. 100, D. 33, P.
2, S. 5, M 4. Total 144. Female: R.
59, D. 21, P. 2, S. 0, M. 2. Total 84.
Canby No. 2 Male: R. 57, D. 8, P.
3, S. 3, M. 2. Total 73. Female: R.
32 D. 10, P. 0, S. 1, M. 3. Total 46.
Canby No. 3 Male: R. 72, D. 23, P.
yl, S. 1, M. 5. Total 102. Female: R.
24, D. 15, P. 2, S. 0, M. 2. Total 43.
Canemah Male: R. 77, D. 23, P. 0,
S. 2, M. 2. Total 104. Female: R. 43,
D. 17, P. 1, S. 0, M. 2. Total 63.
Cams Male: R. 78, D. 18, P. 1, S. 4,
M. 3. Total 104. Female: R. 39, D.
8, P. 1, S. 1, M. 1. Total 50.
Carver Male: R. 85, D. 25, P. 0, S.
I, M. 4. Total 115. Female: R. 42, D.
II, P. 1, S. 1, M. 1. Total 56.
Clackamas Male: R. 121, D. 44, P.
0, S. 8, M. 3. Total 176. Female: R.
69, D. 37, P. 2, .S. 1, M. 1. Total 110.
Clarks Male: R. 58, D. 17, P. 0, S.
1, M. 0. Total 76. Female: R. 29, D.
15, P. 0, S. 1, M. 1. Total 46.
Cherryville Male: R. 36, D. 11, P.
0, S. 1, M. 7. Total 55. Female: R.
18, D. 2, P. 0, S. 0, M. 5. Total 25.
Colton Male: R. 91, D. 14, P. 0, S.
6, M. 3. Total 114. Female: R. 40, D.
9, P. 2, S. 3, M. 4. Total 58.
Concord Male: R. 79, D. 51, P. 2,
S. 2, M. 2. Total 136. Female: R. 73,
D. 41, P. 3, S. 0, M. 3. Total 120.
Cottrell Male: R. 78, D. 25, P. 0, S.
3, M. 3. Female: R. 40, D. 10, P. 2, S.
2, M. 1. Total 55. '
Damascus Male: R. 127, D. 37, P.
3, S. 1, M. 7. Total 175. Female: R.
64, D. 26, P. 2, S. 0, M- 0. Total 92
Dickey Prairie Male: R. 62, D. 26,
P. 0, S. 1, M. 2. Total 91. Female: R.
25, D. 12, P. 0, S 0, M. 0. Total 37.
Dodge Male: R. 32, D. 14, P. 0, S.
9, M. 0. Total 55. Female: R. 15, D.
6, P. 1, S-. 6, M. 0. Total 28.
Dover Male: R. 31, D. 12, p. 0, S.
1, M 0. Total 44. Female: R. 12, D.
5, P. 0, S. 0, M. 0. Total 17.
Eagle Creek Male: R. 79, D. 37, P.
1, S. 0, M. 5. Total 122. Female: R.
34, D. 17, P. 0, S. 1, M. 3. Total 55. .
Estacada No. 1 Male: R. 65, D. 37,
P. 1, S. 1, M. 1. Total 105. Female:
R. 40, D. 22, P. 1, S. 2, M. 1. Total 66.
Estacada No. 2 Male: R. 114, D.
43, P. 0, S 1, M. 5. Total 163. Fe
male: R. 84, D. 29, P. 1, S. 1, M. 0. To
tal 115.
Evergreen Male: R. 51, D. 25, P. 0,
S 6, M. 2. Total 84. Female: R. 31,
D. 11, P. 1, S. 1, M. 4. Total 48.
Garfield Male: R. 81, D. 13, P. 0,
S 1, Itf. 2. Total 97. Female: R. 42,
D. 2, P. 0, S. 1, M. 0. Total 45.
George Male: R. 34, D. 5, P. 0, S.
0, M. 1. Total 40. Female: R. 14, D.
3, P. 0, S. 0, M. 0. Total 17.
Gladstone Male: R. 108, D. 28, P.
0, S. 3, M. 2. Total 141. Female: R.
85, D 18, P. 3, S. 3, M. 2. Total 111.
Gladstone No. 2 Male: R. 127, D.
36, P. 2, S. 5, M. 5. Total 175. Female:
R. 102, D. 20, P. 0, S. 1, M. 4. Total
Harmony No. 1 Male: R. 73, D. 23,
P. 2, S. 1, M. 3. Total 102. Female:
R. 37, D. 17, P. 0, S. 0, M. 5. Total 59.
Harmony No. 2 Male: R. 113, D.
59, P 2, S 0, M. 7. Total 181. Female:
R. 86, D. 48, P. 3, S. 2, M. 1. Total
Highland Male: R. 50, D. 15, P. 0,
S. 3, M. 0. Total 68. Female: R. 18,
D. 9, P. 0, S. 1, M. 0. Total 28.
Jennings Lodge Male: R. 143, D.
56 P 1 S. 4, M. 9. Total 213. Fe
male: R. 118, D. 51, P. 4, S. 2, M. 6.
Total 181.
Killin Male: R. 88, D. 33, P. 3, S
3, M. 11. Total 138. Female: R. 48,
D. 25, P. 3, S. 1, M. 4. Total 81.
Lad Hill Male: R. 33, D. 11, P. 0,
S. 0, M. 3. Total 47. Female: R. 12,
D. 5, P. 0, S. O, M. 0. Total 17.
Liberal Male: R. 41 D. 16. P. 0, S.
5, M. 3. Total 65. Female: R. 15, D.
15, P. 0, S. 2, M. 2. Total 34.
Logan Male: R. 61, D. 22,. P. 0, S-
1, M 2. Total 86. Female: R. 36, D.
17, P. 0, S. 2, M. 1. Total 56.
Macksburg Male: R 112, D. 42, P.
0, S. 4, M 4. Total 162. Female: R.
49, D. 19, P. 0, S. 0, M. 2. Total 70.
Maple Lane Male: R. 80, D. 18, P.
1, S. 7, M. 10. Total 116. Female: R.
37, D. 14, P. 0, S. 3, M. 4. Total 58.
Marquam Male: R. 99, D. 34, P. 0,
S. 1, M. 6. Total 140. Female: R. 44,
D. 21, P. 1, S. 0, M. 3. Total 69.
Milwaukie No. 1 Male: R. 120, D.
34, P. 0, S 1, M. 10. Total 165. Fe
male: R. 113, D. 23, P. 1, S. 1, M. 3.
Total 141.
Milwaukie No. 2 Male: R. 103, D.
43, P. 1. S. 1, M. 11. Total 159. Fe
male: R. 65, D. 28, P. 1, S. 1, M. 3.
Total 98.
Milwaukie Heights Male: R. 160,.
D 69. P. 1. S. 1. M. 7. Total 238. Fe
male: R- 116, D. 59, P. 4, S. 0, M. 8.
Total 187.
Molalla No. 1 Male: R. 65, D. 53,
P 3, S. 3, M. 4. Total 128. Female:
R. 30, D. 36, P. 1, S. 0, M. 2. Total
Molalla No. 2. Male: R. 100, D. 71,
P. 0, S. 6, M. 7. Total 184. Female:
R, 53, D. 41, P. 2, S. 1. M. 4. Total 101.
Mount Pleasant Male: R. 77, D.
31, P. 0, S. 3, M. 3. Total 114. Fe
male: R. 39, D. 12, P. 0, S. 0, M. 2.
Total 53.
Mulino Male: R. 80, D. 15, P. 1,
S. 2, M. 3. Total 101. Female: R. 54,
D 17, P. 1, S. 0, M. 1. Total 73.
Needy Male: R. 125, D. 32, P. 3, S.
8, M. 7. Total 175. Female: R. 0,
D. 19, P 3, S. 5, M. 3. Total 100.
New Era Male: R. 84, D. 29, P. 0,
S. 1, M. 3. Total 117. Female: R. 36,
D. 13, P. 0, M. 2. Total 52. ,
Oak Grove No. 1 Male: R. 86, D.
45, P. 2, S. 0, M. 2. Total 135. Fe
male: R. 46, D. 32, P. 0, S. 0, M. 4.
Total 82.
Oak Grove No. 2 Male: R. 96, D.
32, P. 0, S. 0, M. 10. Total 138. Fe
male: R. 52, D. 40, P. 0, S. 0, M. 6.
Total 98.
Oregon City No. 1 Male: R. 60, D.
21, P 4, S. 0, M. 1- Total 86. Female:
R. 36, D. 12, P. 1, S. 0, M. 2. Total 51.
Oregon City No. 2 Male: R. 117, D.
31, P. 1, S. 2, M. 6. Total 157. Fe
male: R. 70, D. 16, P. 3, S. 0, M. 3.
Total 92.
Oregon City No. 3 Male: R. 106, D.
39, P. 0, S. 1, M. 0. Total 146. Female:
R. 71, D. 25, P. 0, S. 0, M. 2. Total
Oregon City No. 4 Male: R. 105,
D. 27, P. 0, S. 1, M. 6. Total 139. Fe
male: R. 75, D. 28, P. 1. S. 0, M. 0.
Total 104.
Oregon City No. 5 Male: R. 113,
D. 51, P. 0, S. 1, M. 3. Total 168. Fe
male: R. 90, D. 28, P. 2, S. 0, M. 2.
Total 122.
Oregon City No. 6 Male: R. 65, D.
25, P. 0, S 0, M. 2. Total 92, Female:
R. 34, D. 12, P. 1, S. 0, M. 0. Total 46.
Oregon City No. 7 Male: R. 96, D.
38, P. 1, S. 1,- M. 2. Total 138. Fe
male: R. 52, D. 29, P. 2, S. 0, M. 3.
Total 86.
Oregon City No. 8 Male: R. 114,
D. 38, P. 0, S. 0, M 6. Total 158. Fe
male: R. 92, D. 27, P. 1, S. 1, M. 0.
Total 121.
Oregon City No. 9 Male: R. 83, D.
28, P. 0, S. 3, M. 3. Total 117. Fe
male: R. 55, D. 22, P. 3, S. 2, M. 1.
Total 83.
Oregon City No. 10 Male: R. 96, D.
41, P. 0, S. 0, M. 5. Total 142. Fe
male: R. 58, D. 26, P. 2, S. 0, M. 3.
Total 89.
Oregon City No. 11 Male: R. 99, D.
32, P 1, S. 4, M. 11. Total 147. Fe
male: R. 42, D. 19, P. 4, S. 4, M. 3.
Total 72.
Oswego No. 1 Male: R. 99, D. 4S,
P. 0, S. 0, M. 0. Total 147. Female:
R. 93, D. 38, P. 0, S. 0, M. 0. Total 131.
Oswego No. 2 Male: R. 97, D. 33,
P. 1, S. 2, M. 3. Total 136. Female:
R. 62, D. IS, P. 2, S. 0, M. 2, Total 84.
Oswego No. 3 Male: R. 139, D. 44.
P. 0, S 1, M. 4, Total 188. Female:
R. 98, D. 35, P. 1, S. 1, M. 2. Total
Parkplace Male: R. 99, D. 23, P. 0,
S. 1, M. 3. Total 126. Female: R, 60,
D. 16, P. 0, S. 0, M. 4. Total 80.
Pleasant Hill Male: R. 72, D. 7, P.
1, S. 1, M. 1. Total 82. Female: R
30, D. 4, P. 1, S. 0, M. 2. Total 37.
Sandy No. 1 Male: R. 62, D. 12, P.
0, S. 5, M. 3. Total 82. Female: R.
26, D. 7, P. 0, S. 3, M. 1. Total 37.
Sandy No. 2 Male: R. 115, D. 13,
P. 0, S. 0, M. 1. Total 129. Female:
R, 54, D. 16, P. 0, S. 3, M. 0. Total 73.
Soda Springs Male: R. 50, D. 21,
P. 0, S. 3, M. 3. Total 77. Female:
R. 18, D. 5, P. 0, S. 0, M. 4. Total 27.
Spring Water Male: R. 43, D. 24, P.
0, S. 0, M. 1. Total 68. Female: R.
29, D. 8, P. 1, S. 0, M. 0. Total 38.
Suniny Side Male: R. 85, D 25, P. 2,
S. 3, M. 3. Total 118. Female: R. 38,
D. 9, P. 2, S. 0, II. 1. Total 50.
Tualatin Male. R. a6, D. 58, P. 6,
S. 0, M. 7. Total 167. Female: R. 49,
D. 27, P. 4, S. 1, M. 3. Total 84.
Union Male: R. 36, D. 17, P. 0, S.
0, M. 1. Total 54. Female- R. 13, D.
10, P. 1, S. 0, M. 1. Total 25.
Viola Male: R. 47, D. 12, P. 1, S.
4, M. 4 Total 68. Female: R. 24, D.
9, P. 1,'s. 2, M. 4. Total 40.
West Linn No. 1 Male: R. 150, D.
48. P 1. S. 2. M. 9. Total 210. Fe
male: R. 75, D. 39, P. 3, S. 0, M. 1.
Total 118.
West Linn No. 2 Male: R. 46, D.
17, P. 1, S. 0, M. 0. Total 64. Female:
R. 25, D. 18, P. 1. S. 0, M. 0. Total 44.
Willamette No. 1 Male: R. 96, D.
46, P. 0, S. 0, M. 2. Total 144. Fe
male: R. 71, D. 35, P. 0, S, 0, M. 4,
Total 110.
Willamette No. 2 Male: R. 33, D.
11, P. 0, S. 0, M. 0. Total 44. Fe
male: R. 24, D. 7, P. 0, S. 0, M. 0. To
tal 31.
Wilsonville Male: R. 67, D. 26, P.
4, S. 0, M. 0. Total 97. Female: R.
42, D. 11. P. 6, S. 1, M. 1. Total 61.
(Continued from page one.)
when it becomes impossible to see
them. The widening of the curbs at
the intersections of those streets with
Main street is also suggested.
A resolution commending the ef
forts of the Good Roads department
of the club in fostering a scenic high
way on the banks of the Clackamas
river, was adopted.
A resolution, extending the sympa
thy of the organization to the family
of the late George Pusey, Jr., was un
animously adopted.
Lewis F. Pridemore, superintendent
of the government camp at Mount
Hood spoke on the possibilities of the
development of the grounds on the
south side of the mountain as an all
year resort. He told of the sporting
possibilities of the vicinity and renew
ed the invitation to the local people
to visit the camp and to use their ef
forts in building it up as a summer
and winter playground for the people
of the state.
Reports were made by O. D. Eby
and H. G. Edgar representing the
South end road committee and the
playground committee. Affairs were
still in "status quo" they stated. .
Three state game wardens have
been sworn in as regular custom offi
cials, and were given authority Thurs
day to use every means to cope
with the activities of the fish raiders
at Oregon City, and were instructed
by Assistant Cusoms Inspector John
Klippel to "go the limit." It they find
boats on the Willamette river after
dark without lights in operation and
placed in a conspicious place as re
quired by law, they are authorized to
arrest all the occupants and bring
them to Portland and lodge them in
the federal corridor of the Multnomah
county Jail.
The invocation of the federal sta
tutes has become necessary through
the difficulties encountered by the
fish wardens in trying to prevent the
practice known as "dark drifting."
"It seems to me that the fishermen
at Oregon City have been taking the
law too much in their own hands,"
Klippel said. "They have not only
been violating the state laws, but the
federal laws also. We propose to see
that the federal laws are obeyed."
Flegel said that the United States
attorney's office would cooperate to
the limit in enforcement of the federal
navigation laws.
Deputy Game Warden Johnson re
turned toPortlamd Thursday and report
ed that the fishermen had threatend
to knock him over the head and throw
him in the river Tuesday night, when
he attempted single-handed to inspect
one of their boats and ascertain if it
carried the equipment required by
federal law. Johnson is one of the
three commissioned as a customs offi
cial. After Johnson made the report
he was told that he had full authority
to act under the federal law, and he
was authorized by Klippel to "go the
Klippel said he does not propose to
let the three specially commissioned
men handle the problem alone.Without
announcment the entire customs force
will go to Oregon City some night
and make a general cleanup.
PENDLETON, Ore., May 13. Floyd
Hall, a young ex-service man, this
morning shot his wife, Elsie Ellen
Hall, four times. She is alive, but
physicians expect her death moment
arily. Mrs. Hall yesterday filed suit for
divorce against her husband, and this
morning went to work as a waitress
in a local restaurant.
Three marriage licenses have been
issued this week by the county clerk.
They are: Jess A. Cantril, 21, Oregon
City, and Myrtle Kreuter, 17, Oregon
City; G. W. Dixon, 25, Dalbe, and Ada
Creason. 20, Oregon City; Jas. A.
Senti, 28, Portland and Mathilda Mi
chels, 21, West Linn.
Classified Ads
MONEY TO LOAN on farms over 10
acres. 6 long time loans on easy
payments. Arthur Graham, Canby,
No. 18679 In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas coun
ty. Department No. Dorothy
Eades. Plaintiff, vs. Thomas R.
Eades, Defendant
To Thomas R. Eades, the defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the . complaint of
plaintiff filed against you in the above
entitled cause and court within six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, and if you
fail to so appear or answer herein
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand
ed in her complaint ,to-wit: For a de-
I cree forever dissolving the marriage
contract existing between you and
plaintiff and awarding plaintiff, the
custody of Edith Evelyn Eades, and
Edward S. Eades, your minor chil
dren, and such other relief as may
seem equitable.
This summons is published' in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper
of general circulation, printed and pub
lished in Oregon City, in Clackamas
County, Oregon, said publication .be
ing made for six consecutive weeks.
The first publication thereof, being
Friday, May 5th, 1922, and the last
publictaion thereof, being Friday,
June 16th, 1922, all done in accord
ance with the order of Honorable
James U. Campbell, Judge of the above
entitled court, made and entered of
record in the above entitled suit this
29th day of April, 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic
Temple, Salem, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. George Reddaway, Plaintiff,
J. H. Garner and Eula Garner, his
wife, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a judgment order, de-
! cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 18th day of April 1922, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 17th day of April 1922, in
favor of George Reddaway, Plaintiff,
j and against J. H. Garner and t.uia
Garner his wife, Defendants, for the
sum of $615.00, with interest thereon
at the rate of six per cent per annum
from the Hth day of December, 1920,
and the further sum of $75.00, as at
torney's fee, and the further sum of
$18. 0q cost3 and disbursements, and
the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale the follow
ing described real property, situate
in the county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to-wit:
All of Lots six (6), seven (7) and
eight (8) of Block Sixty-three (63)
of Central Addition to Oregon
City, Clackama8 County, Oregon,
according to the maps and plats
on file in the office of the Record
er of Conveyances of said Clacka
mas County, Oregoa.
. Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
20th day of May, 1922; at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of
the County Court house in the City
of Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all
the right, title and interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C- HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., April 21st,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
NO. 18666
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, De
partment No Otto C. Buff, plain
tiff, vs. Myrtle Lusk Buff, Defend
ant To Myrtle Lusk Buff, the defendant
above named: In the name of the
State of Oregon, you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the Com
plaint of plaintiff filed against you In
the above entitled cause and court,
within six weeks from the date of the
date of the first publication of this
Summons, and if you fail to so answer
or appear herein, the plaintiff will
take a decree against you, forever dis
solving the marriage contract existing
between you and plaintitf and grant
ing to plaintiff such other relief as
may seem equitable.
Thi3 Summons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper
of general circulation, printed and
published at Oregon City, in Clackamas
County, Oregon. The date of the first
publication thereof, being Friday,
April 21, 1922, and the date of the last
publication thereof, being Friday,
June 2, 1922, all done in accordance
with the order of the Honorable James
U. Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled Court, which order was made
and entered of record, April ISth, 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic
Temple Bldg., Salem, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Charles
McGourty, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administratrix of the es
tate of Charlea McGourty, deceased,
will, in pursuance to an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Clackamas County, on and after
the 20th day of May, 1922, at the office
of Oregon City Enterprise, Oregon
City, Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon, between the hours of 9:00 a. m.
and 5:00 p. m. offer for sale and sell
to the highest bidder, at private sale,
rr Tiart cash, subject to the
confirmation of the above named
Court, the real property of said estate,
situated in the County or tiacKum,
State of Oregon, and particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
All of the land bounded by a
line beginning at the Southeast
corner of the Northwest Quarter
of the Northest Quarter of Sec
tion 35 in Township 1, South of
Range 4, East of the Willamette
Meridian, and running thence
North on the Sixteenth Section
line 48 rods and 10 feet; thence
West 20 rods; thence South to the
center of the Hood View County
Road; thence Southeasterly on the
center line of said road to the
south line of the Northwest Quart-
D C Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashie.
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3P.M
er of the Northeast (Quarter of
said Section 35; thence East on
said South line to the place of
beginning, containing six acres of
All offers or bids to be in writing
addressed to the undersigned at the
place above designated.
Dated this 19th day of April, 1922.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Charles McGourty, deceased.
JOHN OLSEN, Attorney.
413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Date of first publication April 21,
Dtae of last publication May 19,
No. 18675
In the Circuit Court of the State f
Oregon for Clackama8 County. De
partment No. Frank H. Begun,
Plaintiff, vs. Winnifred O. Begun,
To Winnifred O. Begun, the defend
ant above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled cause and court
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
tf you fail to so appear or answer
plaintiffs complaint, herein for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in his
complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of
divorce forever dissolving the marri
age contract existing between you and
plaintiff and granting to plaintiff suh
other relief as may be equitable.
This summons is published for six
consecutive weeks in the Oregon City
Enterprise, a newspaper of general cir
culatioq, printed and jmbliahed at
Oregon City, in Clackamas County,
Oregon, the date of the first publica
tion thereof, shall be Friday, April
21st. 1922, and the date of the last pub
lication thereof, shall be Friday. June
2nd, 1922, all done in accordance with
the order of Honorable James U.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
court, which order was dated and en
tered of record in the aboTe entitled
cause on April 20th, 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic
Temple, Salem, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Lydia Schoch, Plaintiff,
George Schoch, Defendant.
To George Schoch, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 2nd day of June, 1922, and if you
fail to appear and answer said com
plaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will
take default against you and apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for in
her complaint, to wit:
That the marriage contract
heretofore and now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant
be dissolved and held for naught
and that the plaintiff herein have
her former name of Lyfila Olson
restored to her, and for such other
and further relief as to the Court
may seem meet.
This summons is served. upon you by
publication in the Oregon City Enter
prise for six successive weeks pursu
ant to an order made by the Honor
able J. II. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court on the 15th day
of April, 1922.
Date of first publication April 21st,
Date of last .publication June 2nd,
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
511 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Pearl W. Prince, Plaintiff
George W. Prince, Defendant.
To George W. Prince the above named
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon; You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, which date of expir
ation is fixed by order of the above en
titled Court as May 19th, 1922; if you
so fail to appear and answer plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint, to-wit:
for a decree of divorce forever dissolv
ing bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between plaintiff
and defendant, and for such other re
lief as the Court may deem equitab:e
This summons is published by or-
der of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled Court.
The order is dated April 1st, 1922.
Date of first publication April 7th, I
1922. i
Date of last publication May 19th,
Address 905 Northwest Bank B!dg.,
Portland; Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County."
Ada May Swapp, Plaintiff
Albert L. Swapp, Defendant.
To Albert L. Swapp the above named
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon; You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the aboxe entitled suit
on or before the expiration six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, which date of expir
ation is fixed by order of the above en
titled Court as May 19th, 1922; if you
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate oui Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Honey loaned, abstracts tumlsa
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of'Oregon City.
Phone 405
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, or.
so fail to appear and answer plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint, to-wit:
for a decree of divorce forever dissolv
ing bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between plaintiff
and defendant, and for such other re
lief as the Court may deem equitable
This summons is published by or
der of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled Court.
The order is dated April 1st, 1922. j
Date of first publication April 7th,
Date of last publication May 19th,
Address 501 Northwest Bank Bldg..
Portland, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State o
Oregon, for the County of Marion.
D. W. Miles, Plaintiff,
Henrietta Stanford, formerly Henriet
ta Slaughter, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cee and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and "dated
the 16th day of March. 1922. upon a
judgment rendered and entered in
said court on the 9th day of March,
1922. in favor of D. W. Miles. Plain
tiff, and against Henrietta Stanford
formerly Henrietta Slaughter, Defend
ant, for the sum of $55.00, with inter
est thereon at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the 10th day of De
cember, 1921, and the further sum of
$17.00 costs and. disbursements, and
the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property in the
county of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
Commencing at the Southeast
corner of section twelve (12) T'p
Six (6) South, Range one (1) East
of the Willamette Meridian, in
Clackamas County, Oregon;
thence West 240 rods to the South
west corner of George T. Slaught
er's homestead; thence north 34
rods; thence East 160 rods; thence
North 46 rods; thence East 80
rods to East line of section 12;
thence South 80 rods to the place
of beginning and containing
seventy - four acres of land.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order, and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
27th day of May, 1922 ; at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., 'at the front door of
the County Court House in the City of
Oregon City, in said County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for
U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the
within named defendants or either
of them, had on the date of the judg
ment herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackams County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., April 28th.
. c
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix de bonis non
of the Estate of Mary L. Holmes, de
ceased has filed her final account as
such administratrix de bonis non, in
the County Court cf the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas, and
the Court has appointed and set Mon
day, the 29th day of May, 1922, at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day, at the County
Court Room of said County ia Oregon
City, Oregon, as the time ami place
for hearing objections to said final
account and the settlement of the
Administratrix de bonis non of the
Estate of Mary L. Holmes, deceased.
JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorpey.
Date of First Publication, April 2Sth,.
Date "of Last Publication, Mav 26th
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Joe Blue,
deceased and any and all persons hav
ing claims against the said estate are
hereby required to present said claims,
duly verified as by law required, at
the office of my attorney Wm. Ham
mond, Beaver Building, Oregon City,
Oregon within six months from the.
date of this notice.
Dated April 28th, 1922.
Date of first publication April 28th,
Date of last publication May 6th
Administrator of the estate of Joe
Blue, deceased.
Address Oregon City, Ore.
Attorney for Administrator..