V NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Pleasing Program Given At Est acada ESTACADA, May 3. The regular monthly meeting of the Community club was held at the high school audi torium last Friday night, with rather a poor attendance. G. E. Lawrence, vice-president, had charge of the meet ing. As there was no business to trans act ,the time was devoted to the pro gram. George L. Rauch, president of the Portland Ad Club, was present and gave a very interesting and infor mative address on Community clubs and their work and importance. The musical part of the program consisted of a vocal solo by Mr. Johnson, with Mrs Gates at the piano, and orchestra music by a trio from Portland, com posed of Miss Dwait, pianist, Cynl brocket, violinist and Duane Law rence, a nephew of G. E. Lawrence, celloist. Everybody enjoyed the excel lent music and gave the musicians a hearty applause. Tuesday morning as the early car was leaving for Portland, a pole just beyond the crossing opposite the News office fell hitting the rear end of the car, breaking two windows, knocking the' sign off the end and breaking the power line of the switch. However, the car soon proceeded on its way. Mis Maude L. Hughes, a niece of Mrs. G. E. Lawrence, who is visiting here, is spending the week with Port land friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Phil Adams of Port land, are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter at their home. This will be of interesting news to Estacada friends of Mr. Adams, he was formerly a resident of this place. Philip Hammond of Oregon City, visited Estacada Mnday. He is a can didate for re-election as representa tive for Clackamas county on the Re publican ticket. The Silver Star Restaurant, conduct ed by Messrs. Hauser and Ed. Linn, is to have an ice cream parlor opening next Thursday, May 11 at which time all adults who attend will be treated to a dish of ice cream and the kiddies an Ice cream cone, if accompanied by their parents. These gentlemen have gone to considerable expense to make their restaurant an attractive and pleasant place for the accomodation of the public .Everybody is invited to the opening. - People's Night at the Methodist church again this Friday night. A mus ical program will be given as enter tainment, by the M. E. choir. Ira Henderson of Slendale, Wash., was the guest of his old friend A. C. Ames Monday. A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. Will Dale of Portland, April 19. Will was a former Estacada boy. The youngster has been named William Jr. Dale. Mrs. F. C. Howe and Miss Lelia and "Ted" Howe were passengers for Port land Saturday -morning on the first car. Wood choppers were busy this week taking care of the trees that were blown down in Estacada park some time ago. " Mr. and Mrs, D. E. Eschelman and little son David, visited Portland last Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Moore delightfully enter tained a company of ladies last Thurs day afternoon at her pretty home on Terrace Addition. Those present were Mesdames H. C. Stephens, A. E. Sparks, U. H. Gibbs, Nina B. Ecker, J. W. Reed ana iviiss nuicutc H. B- Snyder is improving his res idence property on. Terrace Addition by buildnig on a kitchen and break fast room. Earl Kilgore is doing the work. The Smith Hardware Co. presented every child that came to their store last Saturday, with a balloon, which made the youngsters happy. The alley on Terrace Addition has been graveled and fixed up in. good shape and a street -light has been plac ed on the corner by the residence of J. P. Woodle. B. E. Byers, formerly of Estacada but now of Clatskanie, paid this a visit last Sunday. rVYv n N7ni rli hnra nf WV ganized here last 3 which time thej4 bers purchased and the ball park has been scraped and graded' and will soon be in a fine condition. The grand stand was also repaired and put in good shape. It is to be hoped by baseball enthusiasts that the enterprise will be carried out. G. F. Lawrence left on Monday for Marshfield and North Bend, Oregon, on a business mission. Mrs. Lawrence accompanied him as far as Portland where she visited for a few days. Mrs. Akens, who is a patient at the Lovelace hospital at this place, is re ported to be slightly improved. S. P. Pesznecker has been working down at Barton, assisting George For man to put in his spring crops. The windows of our business houses are now decorated with candidates pictures and the cordial hand-shake by these gentlemen is noticeable. We are wonderine how many babies are re ceiving the customary caress at this time. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Elott entertain ed a company of friends last Saturday night. Dancing was the principle amusement, ,-concluding with refresh ments. Dr. R. Morse was home but a few days when he became again seriously ill and was obliged to return to the Portland hospital. Mrs. Morse follow ed him the same day. They have the sympathy of the - entire community and all are hoping that the doctor's condition will soon yield to treatment administered by the best physicians in Portland. George Barr and Raymond Love- i lace paid a fine the first of the week for riding a motorcycle without a li cense. The Parent-Teachers,' meeting will be held next Tuesday night at the high school auditorium. This will be the last social meeting of the year. There will be a good program and re freshments will be served. Miss Nova Smith was hostess to about 18 high school students last Friday night, at her home. Dancing, cards and games, afforded amuse ment until a late hour, and the even ing's festivities were rounded out with a most delicious lunch. Miss Bertha Hillman, formerly of Estacada, champeroned a company ot young ladies from Oregon City to this place last Friday afternoon to witness the ball game between Oregon City high and Estacada high. Bqm At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hannah, Wednesday, April 19, a daughter to air. and Mrs. Homei Sarver. There was adjoint program of the lAdelphic and Websterian literary so cieties of the Estacada high school last Friday afternoon, which was a very interesting affair. Besides the "stunts" pulled off, there was instru mental and vocal music and the exercises closed withA aball game be tween Estacada high and Oregon City high, with a result of a defeat for Es- ktacada. The local order of Rebekahs enjoy ed a social evening at their meeting last week.' Games were played and the usual splendid lunch was served at a late hour. Miss Edna Petley of Portland, was the guests of Miss Johannah Lichthorn this week end. Miss Bertha Burns came over from Portland Saturday evening to spend the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Burns. Miller blacksmith shop has been en tered to meet the de). and for in creased business. Miss Maude Sturgeon has had a garage built at the rear of her resi dence. - . Kelso Play Proves Financial Success KELSO, May 2. One of the largest audiences to assemble here, was pres ent Saturday evening at the program and play given by the Kelso Woman's clu: aV j'jVmvWif the ight 11 A - - . . . i w m S Meadowbrook Items Frog Pond News MEADOWBROOK, May 2. Ben, Herman and Ruth Chindgren and Miss Lizberg went to Portland Sunday with the Colton Oratorio Society, to sing "The Holy City." Glenn Larkiris was Visiting Rela tives at Clarkes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Portland vis ited Sunday with Mrs. Moore's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Young. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Holman of Port land spent the week, end at their sum mer home "Oak Knoll." , Some of the Finnish folks had a May day picnic near Union Mills Sunday. Mary Alice Holman,, who is teach ing music at Willamette University at Salem spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holman. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, May 2. The' Mountain Road school will close May 11. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davids and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Young visited at the Lou Koellermeier home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hodge, Deward, Sylvia and Bernice Hodge attended the Liberty theatre in Oregon City, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson enter tained a number of friends and rel atives Sunday. The well entertained guests were: Mrs. Kiakanop and daughter, Miss Laura, and Mrs. Kate MoAskill all of Portland, J. L. Robin son and J. Morgan of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker visited relatives here Sunday. The Stennett family called on John Anderson and family last Wednesday evening. Miss Mary Koellermeier and Donald Hodge attended the base ball game at Canby played by Canby high and Mo- lalla. John Wagley has been elearing land for'L. S. Koellermeier. Mr. and Mrs. Rey Scoffern visited relatives here last Tuesday. Mrs. Marie Bernent Schmidt and sister Miss Agnes, spent Tuesday afternoon of last week with Mrs. Belle Koellermeier. A telephone meeting -was held at the local school house Friday evening and Mr. Keith of Peach Cove bought a share in our telephone company. Mr. and Mrs. J. Farquabson visited at the Neils Christensen Sr., home last Monday last Monday afernoon. The Hodge family spent Sunday af- tneroon at the Robinson deside. Needy News Items . NEEDY, May 3. School started again Monday, the teacher being home last week on account of Mrs. Ginther being ill. Mrs. Caruthers is on the sick list. Mrs. Jim Wilson is getting better slowly. Mr. and Mrs Spagle, Mr. and Mrs J. Yoder visited Sunday evening at Solon Kinzers. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood, Mr. and Mrs. A. Batchler, and Mrs. E. Batch- ler of Portland visited their mother Mrs. C. Smyth over the week end. Miss Leila Ritter spent the week with her mother, Mrs. Brown, of Portland. . Mrs. J. D. Ritter enterained friends and relatives Sunday. Mrs. Ned Learsfield was in' Oregon City one day last week. The program given by the "91" school Friday evening was fine. The only trouble the school house is not large enough. The Needy Community Club . met with Nnes Hilton Thursday. There were 25 ladies present and a good time was had. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Lears field, May 11. The Needy Community Club is mak ing preparations for a program -and basket dinner to be given at the Rock J. H. Gripp and family motored to Jerton Sunday and spent the day T friends, 'is. Hoffman- and family spent jjt the home of Mr. and Mrs. n where a big birthday din- ervea in nonor or a stag- ipagle called on Mrs. J. spent Sunday afternoon Cilson who has a very aisoning in her is home from I started to school out so long. friends of Miss to hear that she f e recital given in ladies and she has t old home town. Ipent Sunday with called on Mrs. L. 'ITEMS -Harold Johnson is listers, Mrs. Giles ister made a trip londay. x Json and family and jes and family paid islt on Friday even ly of a surprise. The Jut playing cards and ich a lunch was serv- r x a li-vi uva . fes spent Sunday in J fend Mrs. Fred Horner) : V, 'T7nlv r"" 1 -it" r churches on the East s working on a 'farm fer. His wife expects to f River this week. OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE. Carus Items CARUS, May2. Lunce Shockley at tended his sister's funeral last week in Tillamook. The Carus school children played Henrid Friday afternoon, the score was 13 to 15 in favor of HenricL Mrs. Even Lewis who underwent an operation is out of the hospital and is staying with Mrs.. Kate Jones in Port land at present. She is expected home some time this week. Miss Ona Renner of Oregon City spent the week end at the Gwilliam home. Mr. and Mrs. Lunce Shockley and Shockley spent Sunday evening at Stevens home. Bill Christener who is working in Oregon City spent Sunday in Cams. Mra ties of Portland spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs. Walter Fisher. Miss Minnie and Emerson Edwards motored to Oregon City on Saturday. The school children gave a surprise party on Orval Beach Friday evening. They all reported a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Lake Casto and daugh ters, Esther and Verna, passed through Carus last Sunday. Mrs. John R. Lewis called on Mrs. Imskip at Davis Sunday afternoon. Herman Smidt put in concrete for John Davis last week. Charner Jones is working near Mo lalla in a mill. He spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. A. Beach. Mr .and Mrs. Ingram of Portland were out on their' place last Sunday. The Carus Seniors ' played Beaver Creek last Sunday. The score was 6-0 in favor of Carua. Barlow Items BARLOW, May. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Cherrick had quite an excitement Sat urday afternoon when their house caught on fire. . Quite a little damage was done before it was extinguished. The fire was caused from a defective flue. Mrs. Carter of Portland spent a few days of last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bockler of Barlow. Mrs. Tull the Barlow postmaster is suffering from poison ivy on her arms. Nelson Klooster had a mystery hap pen to him recently. When he went to get his car where he had parked it in Canb it was gone. But when he got home he found it on the highway near Barlow with .the lights burned out. Miss Kris Una Nelson attended the dance in Canby Wednesday evening given by the United Artisans. The Barlow school give a program Thursday afternoon in honor of U. S. Grant's birthday. They had a number of songs and recitations. Harry Mel vin, a Civil war veteran, was present. Mrs. Scoggins went to Eugene Sun day. To spend a few days with her son. Harry Gardner, who is playing in the Pacific Coast league, arrived home from Vernon, Calif., Monday. In a baseball game played on the Barlow diamond Friday afternoon be tween the Barlow and Aurora boys, the Barlow boys took the honor with a score of 8 to 6. - Advance News Items .ADVANCE, May 2. All the farmers of our vicinity are busily engaged in tiling the soil. F. L. Koellermeier sold eighty-five sacks of wheat, last Thursday. George Moser and Loui3 Brook have been helping H. Toedtemeier plow. Wednesday D. Hodge came to Hen ry Koellermeier's on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. Idepboff attended a lodge meeting at Wilsonville Wednes day. Thomas Turner spent several days recently with his grandmother, Mrs. Schemer of Garden Home. . Clarence Koellermeier played at dances Monday and Wednesday even ing. Mrs. Mary Moser was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moser, Wednesday. J. Zimmerman was visiting his father-in-law, Sam Moser and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Christensen or Mountain Road visited at the J. Ider hoff home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherner and family were at the H. Iderhoff home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davids are vis itors at the H. Toedtemeier home. Visitors at the Sam Moser home were Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. O. Eisley, Louise Zimmerman and Ruth Moser. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moser, Eddie, Walter and Ruth Moser, Elton Drogao, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mosier, Mrs. J. Wilk en, Elsie and Tom Turner attended the baseball game, Sunday at Stafford. Herbert Thomas and Hary Grosser went to the game Sunday at Wilson ville. Oregon City visitors were J. -de Neui, Alfred de Neui, Elsa and Tom Turner and Wllsonville visitors were Mr. and Mrs. H. Koellermeier, Mrs. Frank Grosser. ' Beaver Creek News- BEAVER CREK, May 1. The Beav er Creek 'senior baseball team played its first game of the season yesterday with the Carus team. The game, which was closely contesed was played on our new diamond, next to the school grounds. The score stood 6-0 in favor of Carua. Our school is observing May Day this afternoon with a program and a ball game with the Cams boys. Our grammar school team won -another game from the Clarkes team Fri day afternoon, the score bein 10-3. PhiMp Wetmore and family and his parents of Clarkes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fblesong. " Mrs. John Cooke. Mrs. R. B. Carter, and Mrs. A. Beatie, of Oregon City, called, at the home of their brother, Robert Beatie one day last week. The Beaver Creek team is schduled to play with West Linn on our own diamond next Sunday. Eagle Creek Notes Will I BMH Hill f EAGLE CREEK, May 1. iG. Moehn ke and son, John Moehnke, of Shubel, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas Sunday. Mrs. Rosa Baker is again on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle and Mrs. FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1922. Viola Douglass, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoffmeister, Mr. and Mrs. Joj Haley and. Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass were entertained at dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister. Willamette Items Mrs. Spatz and family had as their guest over. Sunday Mr. Gilkenson of Portland, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Spatz. Maxine Tuor returned home Sunday after a weeks visit with her sister Audrey at Dallas who is teaching in the school there. Manley Caroll who has been very ill for the past two weeks is slowly improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. McLain and children, and Mrs. Spatz motored to Portland last Sunday. Grandpa Hill left Monday for eastern Oregon where he will spendthe sum-' tfier working on his claim. Mrs. Harold Graves of West Linn visited friends and relatives in Wil lamette last week. Mrs. Adamson and Mrs. Junkin were Portland visitors Saturday. Leonard Baysinger of McMinnville visited his sister Mrs. Clifford Wli liams last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Baysinger formerly resided in Willam ette and has many friends here. Josephine Sutton spent Sunday as a guest of Mrs. Webb of Canemah. Hallie Palmer of Portland was a guest of Mae Waldron over the week end. Homer McArthur who has been in Baker City for the past eight months returned home last week and is now working in the paper mills. Mayor and Mrs. Greaves were Port land visitors Monday morning. The following teachers were elect ed last week in the Willamette school for the next term. J. Bowland, eighth grade; Miss Shannon, seventh grade; Miss Frances Waldron, sixth grade; Miss Florence Fromong, fifth grade; Miss Thelma DeBok, fourth grade; Miss Mabel Larsen, third grade; Miss Elsie Fellows, second grade; Mrs Ldllie Dubbles, primary grade. Quite a number of Willamette peo- .ple attended the musical given at the Congregational church in Oregon City Sunday evning. The W. C. T. U. met at the Willam ette JVfethodist church on Wednesday afternoon. The Whitney Boys of Willamette with the Whitney Boys of Gladstone, Oregon City and Portland gave a most enjoyable program at the Oregon City Baptist church last Sunday evening. Many of the parents and friends of the boys from Willamette attended.. Sid Brown, Wm. Moo try, and Fred Baker attended the opening baseball game in Portland last Tuesday. " Mr. Anderson and daughter of Port land visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Carpenter on Sunday. Wm. Mootry is confined to his home with an attack of mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Williams, Mrs. Harold Graves and Mrs. J. Williams motored to Camas, Wash., in William's machine on Sunday. Mr. Schauble has a new building on Main street which was moved here last-week from Canemah. As soon as some alterations are made he will in stall his cobblers fixtures and be ready for customers. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Larsen of Staf ford visited at the Carpenter home on Sunday. Work on the new hall and feed store of Ewald Leismans on Main street is progressing rapidly. Mrs. M. J. Brown and children Sen ora and Murrey visited friends at Mel drum last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larsen and son Milner and Mr. andMrs. W. L. Snidow were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. J. A Roman of Oregon City. Mrs. Flora Condon and Mrs. M. E. Wallis of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll of Sumner Washington were guests at the H. E. Wallis home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross entertained at Sunday dinner the following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frederici, Gladys Fred ericks and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Franzel of Stafford. Parkplace News Mrs. Lester Brunner, who has been seriously ill suffering from inflamma tory rheumatism is convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holmes. Mrs. Isabel Freytag 'and daughter, Ethel, of Portland and Mrs. Hattie Pecht, of Austin, Texas, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Preager over Friday. The Parents Teachers Association gave a bazaar at the grange hall on Friday, April 28. The ladies made many pretty articles of fancy work. Chicken dinner was served from 5:30 p. m. a la cafeteria. There was a short program in the evening followed by a social time. Mrs. L. C. Himler has returned to her home, after visiting for a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Goodel, of Newberg. Abernethy Grange met at the regu lar session on Saturday morning, April 29, at 10:30. Several candidates were Initiated into the order. FROG POND NEWS FROG POND, May 3. Among the Oregon City visitors this last week were Mrs. Ed Sharp, Tom Turner, Er vin Sharp. The grange met Saturday with a large attendance. All report having a good time. It was planned to have a picnic on the 4th of July and a dance in the evening in the new hall. The next literary meeting will be May 12th. A good program is expect ed. The new grange hall is going up rapidly and some Portland parties were out trying to rent space for a hardware store thinking it was a good locality for hardware business. Miss Nola Turner visited -Miss Francis Randelin Monday evening. . Tom Turner visited Myrtle Aden Sunday. A surprise party was given Saturday evening on Mrs. Bill Elligsen. A num ber from Willamette, Stafford! and Frog Pond attended. Mark Baker visited George Aden Sunday evening. The Girls. Club of Stafford met Thursday . with Miss Eva Seedling. Those who attended were Mrs. Otto Pamperine, Lydia Moser, Mrs. Carl Eisle, Mrs. Wood worth, Dora and Myrtle Oldenstadt, Mrs. Ray Chris tina Elligsen. They will meet next with Mrs. Otto Pomperine. A large crowd attended the base ball game at Stafford Sunday, Tuala tin vs. Stafford, the latter being de feated by a score of 16 to 10. LAD HILL NEWS LAD HILL, April 26. Mrs. Will E. Purdy apd daughter Olive of Salem were visitors at Lad Hill Sunday. Leuis Parrott played ball with the Wilsonville team Sunday. Several Lad Hillers attended the game. Mrs. C. C. Loucks spent the week end visiting in Portland. A. L. McCully is again able to be out. Fred St. Clair who has been ill for some time is reported in a critical condition. Miss Lena Wilhelm had - an argu ment with the McCully goat recently and it is reported that trie goat naa the best of the controversy. Work is" progressing favorably on Market' road No. 6 between Lad Hill and Wilsonville. Mrs. Sovey spent a week visiting her son Clara. Mrs. Bruce case spent Saturday amd Sunday in Newberg with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hitchen attendedvthe funeral in Newberg of Frank J. Deach Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith are the proud parents of an 8 pound baby girl born April 25. LOGAN STEMS LOGAN, May 3. The boys have a new baseball ground by the Lower Lo gan store and have played games there already. The local team was defeated Sunday by 1 the Clackamas boys. Mrs. John Boss and daughters at tended the funeral of Mrs. Fred Alt of Gresham. Mrs. A. F. Sloper had the misfor tune to lose her handbag containing some money on a recent trip to Ore gon City. T. E. Anderson is planting several lacres to small fruits raspberries and strawberries. Six trucks leave Logan for Southern Oregon to begin the seasons work this week. The.r destination at present is Yoncolla: The annual meeting of Clear Creek Telephone Co. was held Monday May 1. The old board was re-elected. The present operator Mrs. Shultz, re signed and will leave soon The pa trons will miss her cheery "hello" as she was an efficient operator. ROSEMONT HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Day are again at home after a couple of months ab sence at Jefferson, Ore. Their little son, Arthur Bearnes Day, Jr., only four months old to the day, died on Friday, April 7, of pneumonia. He was taken Suddenly ill at 2 o'clock in the morning and died at 5:20 a lit tle over 3 hours after. The little chap had endeared himself not only to his devoted parents, but to all who ever saw him. Rosemont people in general extend their most heartfelt sympathy to Arthur and Mrs. Day in their great sorrow. Mr. . and Mrs. Armstrong have been called several times to the home of their daughter, Jane (Mrs. 'Frank Maroney) who has been ouite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Mooney are residing be tween Clackamas and Bauer's bridge on the north side of the river. Mrs. C. J. Day has been in Port land and Oregon City shopping for sevral days Rosemont has quite a few additions to its family lately, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson having purchased 5 acresjust opposite the Robinson place from Dr. Welch. It is perhaps one of the most sightly spots in Rosemont. Mr. and Mrs. Cass also bought a piece of iand across from Lou Ford's home place, buying it from Gene Horton very recently. Mr. and Mrs. Blaney have the Robinson ranch but the Robinson's will continue to live in their big, spacious home. Mr. and Mrs. Colacola have taken' the Gill Horton place. Sam Landi has gone away. David Shepherd has been in caring for the Shepherd acres and or chard as he and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shepherd wilr return from Scotts Mills this fall and resume living on their old home place. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blair, relatives of T. M. Lockett who lives on the Shepherd place, have gone to Park wood, (east of Eastmoreland) to live where Mr. Blair has secured perman ent work until Fall. Rosemont is still hoping they will decide finally to re turn and locate in its community. Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Lysteel are having city water piped to their place. On Wednesday evening, April 19th, a neighborhood surprise party, spon sored by Rosemont Community Club, was given to Mr. and Mrs. H. Reinke and family. A subscription taken by Alfred Anderson, from all neighbors and friends enabled Mr. Anderson to purchased one dozen, teaspoons. H doz. soup spoons, 1 cold meat fork, which Captain Hegdale presented a-5 a birthday offering to Mrs. Reinke. So Mr. Reinke would not feel slighted a box of cigars was handed him. The young folks of the Community put cn a creditable program under the direc tion of Mrs. Hegdale and Fred and sev eral local bits scored heavily with the audience. After this, the shoe box lunch sale was on and there was quite a trading of cheque slips and the young men weren't the only offenders. Coffee was served by Mrs. Hegdale, Mrs. Davenport, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Hall. Seventy persons -were in attendance and one good time was en joyed. The regular community meetings which were dispensed with for about six months are now resumed every other Wednesday evening and things and beginning to take shape at last. Incorporation papers have been secured through the kindness of Judge Dimick, the land will be pur chased by the time this goes to press, and on Wednesday the 26th, at the last club meeting with only 16 members in attendance $210 was pledged towards the building fund for the-club house. This with . promised donations seems to spell a real roof raising at last For the sinking fund the ladies and young folks are planning many evenings of entertainment for mem bers and their friends. The last meet ing on, the 26th was held as a surprise on bachelor members. Thomas Hage. For awhile things looked lonely and cold, but with his genial smile and extended welcome, Mr.. Hage fin ally arrived and all had one very jolly time g.fter the business meeting had adjourned. The next regular meeting will be at Mr. and Mrs. Slas Coney's on May 10th. Everybody is welcomed so remember the date. . After studying other large enterpris " tag community clubs, Rosefont has decided to admit members from West Linn, Willamette, Bolton, Hazeila, Stafford, Oswego any place, near. Mrs. G. J. Hall attended the Ad Club Follies in Portland recently. Miss Evanelle Hall was ill for some time with an acute attack of quinsy, but recovered and is happy in having missed only five school days during the siege. She, Fern Day and Ray mond Montgomery are three in the Senior class from Rosemont district. Their class day exercises will be held at Union high school on May 19th. The baccalaureate ceremony at the same place en Sunday, the 21st at 11 oclock and commencement will be on Satur- .. day evening, May 27th. Union High School Notes The U. H. S. baseball boys will play Molalla this Friday, May 5, on the Mo lalla field. Those on the U. H. S. team are: Elmer Simpson, Gordon Hammerlee, Ed Donelly, Sidney Brown, Walter Brafiy, Hickman, Ar leih Read, Lawrence Doty, Subs: Leonard Green, George Pepoon, Ellis worth Smith. The second year cooking class of girls are giving a dinner this Friday for the teachers at West Linn. The menu is to be baked salmon, fruit cocktail, mashed potatoes, fruit salad, ice cream, cake and ice water. The members of the class are: Zelma Mc Donald, Evangeline Christiansen, Dor they Barlow, Dorthey Fox, Elsie Junk ens, Rubie Hogan, Erna Fisher and their instructor, Miss E. Minerva Glea son. " There are only three more weeks of school for the students at West Linn, many are glad over the fact and many are sorry to think of the fact, also many are planning to work during the summer months. All the students will be receiving the U. H. S. Green and Gold annual in about a week. Meldrum Notes Several couples from Meldrum at tended the Eastern Star Ball Friday evening at the Crown Willamette An nex. Mr. and "Mrs. R. M. Henry of Rose City Park, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.,McBride. 'Miss Anna Eastham of Portland, was a dinner guest on Saturday at Mrs. Murray Bunn's home. Mrs. Eearl Seeley of Portland, spent Saturday at Mrs. G. M. Caldwell's home. Mrs. Mabel Symthe of Portland, was a Monday visitor at the home of Mrs. R. M. Meyers. Mrs. Thomas Grady was greatly surprised on Tuesday, when four of her friends thte Mesdames Hurd, Har ris, McCue and Beavis of Sellwood, came to spend the day with her. The ladies hiked froin Sellwood to Mel drum. MrTand -Mrs. J. O'Leary and Mrs. J. Miller, of Spokane, were visitors on Wednesday at Mrs. Thomas Gra dy's home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer White of Kal ama, Wash., spent a few days at the. home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. White. Arthur Erickson of Alaska is home with his mother, Mrs. Matilda Erick son for a three months vacation. This is Mr. Erickson's first visit to Mel drum in three years. Two weeks time was spent in making his trip from Alaska. Dr. Elsa Patton-Sheppard, of Port land, called on Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bunn on Sunday. Robert Williams and Lawrence Sharp were visitors on Sunday with A. N. Meyers for salmon fishing. Miss Dolly Grant, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mrs. Alex Gill. Ray Shupe, of Gladstone, has pur chased two lots of the Madison tract at Meldrum. ' uniwiMitiiitii Res. 251-W I Phones: Off. 80 EMORY J. NOBLE I LAWYER : Justice of Peace 1201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City. leHiiiiiiiinniHiiMinHtiiiiiiiuHuiniininiimHiiHiitiiim 4 ,,,.,..,...,.... 3 Pacific Phone: Office 52 Residence 304-M I CHARLES T. SIEVERS, f Lawyer Oregon City, Ore. ilHiiiuiiiiinuiHiiinniiiuiHiHnHiiimiiiiuiiiiiiHllimtH Q MtllMtmilMUHUailtMIIIMUtMMHIItlinilflHIIIMMIIMmMK I GEORGE HOE YE f CHIROPRACTOR Caufield Bldg. Phone 636-W Oregon City, Ore. 6 Per Cent State School Money to Loan on Farms 1 I SCHUEBEL . BEATTIE I I Bank of Oregon City Bldg. i I Oregon City, Ore.