Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 28, 1922, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week YourSubscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Surprise Party Is
Given at Redland
REDLAND, April 24. A delightful
surprise was given in honor oi Miss
Annie Hindle on Saturday evening,
April 22 at the home of her cousin,
Mrs. W. H. Bonney, the event being oc
casioned by her birthday.
The house was tastefully decorated
with trilliums and daffodils.
Tt?e evening was spent in games,
music and singing, and everyone thor
oughly enjoyed the pleasant time af
forded them. Refreshments were serv
ed during the course of the evening.
Those present were: Misses Agnes
Braatz, Mary Braatz, Mrs. Bonney,
Misses Jessie Bonney, Edna Bonney,
Alice Funk, Annie Hindle, Icelia
Hughes, June Kirchem, Catherine
Koch, Marrabee Ripley, Frances Shan
non and Mary Shannon, Messrs. Alli
son Allen, Frank Allen, W. H. Bonney,
Alva Bonney, Eugene Bonney, Chester
Bonney, Fay McClure, Johnnie Fullam,
Walter Funk, James Hamilton Lome
Henderson, Jack Hindle, Lloyd Hindle,
Lee Kirchem, Ernest Koch and Lester
Kelso Women's Club
Plans Benefit Play!
j Clarkes.
KELSO, April 24. The Woman's ! The senior baseball team expects to
Club of Kelso will give a play entitled : play with Cams next Sunday.
"The Minister's Wife" on Saturday I Chris Rictor spent Saturday and
evening, April 29. A small admission j Sunday with his family near Beaver
of 15 cents will be charged all but j Creek. However he will return to Port
grammar grade children. Besides the ! iand Monday where he will have his
play the program will consist of retid- j eye treated.
ings, instrumental music from Cottren
and singing by Sandy quartette. Coffee
cake and sandwiches will be sold.
The proceeds will be used to swell the
piano fund. Everybody is invited to
attend and help a good cause along.
Christ Gantenbein, a farmer living
near Boring, died Sunday afternoon
suffering a relapse from the flu. He
leaves a wife and four children.
Miss Wetlauf er Is
Bride Ot Portlailder!
CLARKES, April 24 Miss Pansy
Wilhamina Wettlaufer, the daughter
nf Rot anrt Mrs. W H. Wettlaufer be- !
came the wife of Ray Buchheit of Port- j to Portland on business last week,
land on Monday, April 17 in Portland ; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cooper of Ore
at the home of the groom's parents.! gon City called at. the Shockley home
The ceremirav was nerformed by Rev. i on Friday. ,
H. Wettlaufer the father of the bride.
mv. immprfiaro friend and i
nUmDer OI immediate menus I
relatives were present and a wedding .
dinner was servd by Mrs. Buchhit,
,1. P il. .. ir... ..... n .i ,1 tli?-, noorlv.
IlJULliei t 1 lilt" giuuui auu iuo .1 " - J 1
wedded couple are making their home
. . . . , x ,
in Portland, w e wisn tnem great nap-
piness and success.
Claude Bottemiller and I. Cook were j
in Oregon City last Thursday .
The Beaver Creek school base ball j
team played ball with the Clarkes
school team on Monday April and
Beaver Creek beat Clarkes school, the i
score being 20-3. The Ardenwald base-
ball team and Clarkes played on April j
21 and Ardenwald beat Clarkes the j
score was 23-20. I
Mrs. I. Cook visited Mrs. V. John !
Glove (nee Miss Lillian E. Yager) of ;
Portland last Thursday. !
mvc nartrTa t. t0 noo TVTi Vin. !
let Wettlaufer, of Portland, visited her i
r,r0nt T7ov- w TT wottliifor and !
family for a short time.
Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Wettlaufer and
daughter Myrtle and son Irvin attend
ed the wedding of their daughter and
sister Miss Pansy W. Wettlaufer of
Portland last Monday.
Mrs. Rudolph Haag, nee Miss Eliza
beth Marshall, and two children are
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Marshall and family for a short time.
August F. Buche and son Carl pur-'
chased a new truck and the latter is
hauling lumber for Hult Bros.,, ot
Colton with it.
W. H. Wettlaufer bought a team of
horses last week and he intends to
do losrgirg with two teams for tVie Al
bert Larkins sawmill.
Melvin and Bernice Lee visited their j
grandfather, Peter H. Sager and fam-
ily on Easter Sunday.
Miss Mary S. Bottemiller spent last '
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. j
George L. Kruse and Mrs. W. H. Wett-1
lauter. -
Ralph Caples hauled a load of furni-
ture for Moehnke Bros, last week from j
Mrs. Isaac Cock was in Oregon City
last Wednesday and Thursday.
Clifford Cook and Elmer Rogers
were in Oregon City last Saturday.
Edward Bottemiller and tamiiy or ,
Portland visited George Hofstetter and ;
lamuy iasi ounua. -f
Uiaude and Marry hKttemiiier were
in Oregon City last Sunday evening, i
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Clarke and fam-;
ily visited Mrs. Clarke's afther, P. H. '
Sager and family last Sunday. j
Claude Bottemiller was in Oregon i
City last Friday. '
Misses Mae and Alice Rogers and
Helen Rugg of Oregon City visited
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rogers and family ;
over Sunday. !
The Clarkes school is planning on j
giving a play at the grange hall on ,
Saturday evening, May 6.
Walter Lee of Oregon City" was in i
Clarkes last Sunday and visited some
of his friends.
George Tyler of Portlan, Maine, vis
ited some of his old friends in Clarkes
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Ringo and
son Bovd and daughters ' Adele and
Alene visited Mrs. Clyde Ringa's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gard
and family last Sunday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foglesong of ,
Beaver Creek visited Mrs. Foglesongs i
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wetmore last
Sunday. :
Mr. end Mrs. Oscar Minor and fam-;
i'r spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Rogers and family. (
Miss Pearl Wallace is working for
Mrs. Ch?r'es Ralph of Oregon City.
Games Are Won by
-Beaver Creek Team
BEAVER CREEK, April 24. Our
school boys baseball team won a game
from the Clarkes team last Monday.
Last Friday afternoon they played the
I Holcomb team and won with a score of
j 44-4. The Beaver Creek team seems to
; have some extra good players, as it
.has won every game thus far.
" The local grange entertainment giv
en on the loth, was a decided success.
Nearly 200 people enjoyed the program
of songs, instrumental music, and reci
tations followed by a short play.
"Waiting for the Trolley." A cafeteria
lunch ended the evening. The proceeds
were $59.15.
The local W. C. T. U. met at the
home of Mrs. S. P. Londergan Wednes
day afternoon. A new member was en
roiled, and some contributions for the
Orphans' Farm Home were received.
Mrs. Andrews of Oregon City came out
and gave them further instructions.
Twenty members of Central Grange
attended the recent session of Pomona
grange held at Parkplace.
Mrs. D. I. Jones' mother has return
ed from an extended visit in the East
She spent three months in Lincoln,
Mrs. Margaret Bel! of Oregon City
is visiting with fiiends here and at
j w. Morris and wife were visitors
in Beaver Creek Saturday.
Lewis Paulson spent Sunday
relatives in Portland.
Cams News Notes
CARUS, April 24. A number of
friends gathered at the home of Mrs.
John R. Lewis Friday afternoon the oc
casion being .her birthday.
f. .1 AT.. .1 I 1 w. .. nnA .Vi-M
dren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Airs. John Hughes ot Heaver
Mr. and Mrs. Al Schoenborn enter
tained a card party Friday evening.
Herman Smidt made, several trips
Lunce Shockley worked a few days
on his place at Mount Pleasant last
i, :
A. Edwards and daughter Minnie
and son Emerson attended a recital j
. . , . . .
Oregon City given by Miss Sayde
Evelvn Ford Monday evening.
1 Mrs. Even Lewis underwent an op
- - . -
eration in the St. Vincent hospital in
Tne reportg are that she u getting
along as well as can be expected.
Charner Jones went to Blane. Idaho,
recentlv is workine on the highway.
Henry Vonderahe and Chas. Steiner I
0f Beaver Creek are finishing up the I
prune drier for Herman Smidt.
Mrs. George Ingram was on the jury
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Calveryl, Jr., of
Estacada were the guests at the form-
er's mother, Mrs. John Calverly last j
week. j
Arthur Kittleson lett last weeK tor'
Bend, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Gwilham and
daughter Janet and Mary Davis were
dinner guests at J. J. Mills home at
Butteville Sunday.
MOUNTAIN ROAD, April 24. The j
farmers of this vicinity were all busy i
last week with farm work. j
Those from here attending the base
bail game Sunday played by Crown j
Willamette and Kirkaatricks were: i
W illamette and Kirkpatncks were:
an(j Mrs. joho Ro'jinson, Mr. and !
Mrs. Louis Koellermeier, A. J. Hodge, i
Deward, Sylvia, Bernice and Donald
AValter Christensen worked for his
brother Neils several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs.. Koellermeier of Ad
vance motored over to L. S. Koeller
meiers Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Earl Tiedeman visited relatives
here last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker of Willam
ette motored out to the Baker farm
Sunday evening.
Fred Zimmerman who was a resi
oent of tnis district for several years
but now resides in Portland was sell
ing fish to the neighbors here last
Mrs. Belle Koellermeier visited Mrs
J. Bernert of Petes Mountain last Fri-
Elmer Erickson of Oregon City was .
in tnis district last Wednesday demon-
strating Ford cars. i
W1LSONVILLE, April 24. The Wil
sonville baseball team kept up their
record or no "loses" today by defeating
Tualatin to the tune of 5 to 4.
It was anybody's game up until the
last of the ninth when a single by Say
and a two-bagger by HasSelbrink
cinched the game.
BARLOW, April 24. Miss Dorothy
King who has been staying with her
grandmother in Washington and has
been attending school there also, re
turned to her home in Barlow for the
summer vacation.
In a baseball game played at the
Barlow baseball grounds Friday after-
noon between the Barlow and Canby
boys the Canby boys took away the
honors with a score of 14 to 3.
Mrs. Adread Newstrum and children
cf Scappoose are spending a few day3
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Kloster of Barlow,
Miss Vernie Kimsey spent Easter
vacation with b.er parents Mr. and Mrs.
Tull and returned to Mount Ansel
where she is attending high school.
Eagle Creek W. O. W.
Give Entertainment
ESTACADA, April 26. Eagle Creek
Camp, W. O. W-. had a banquet din
ner at the Estacada hotel last Satur
day night, after which they gave an
entertainment at the high school aud
itorium, consisting of speeches and a
three-reel picture. They had as a
guest I. I. Boak of Denver, Colorado,
head consul of the Woodman of the
World. There were other distinguished
guests present, also J. O. Wilson, head
manager, deputy head consul E. P.
Martin and district manager F. A.
Beard the latter gentlemen beSng from
Portland. The high school auditorium
was crowded to see the pictures and
hear the distinguished Woodmen of
the World. The Eagle Creek Camp
formerly held its meeting at Eagle
Creek, with about fifteen members.
They decided to hold meetings in the
Odd Fellows hall at Estacada, and
since that time there has been a drive
for new members. In a few months
time they increased their membership
to nearly 100.
An impromptu lance was given in
the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday night,
which was enjoyed by a large num
ber of couples.
R. H. Carter, who resides at River
Mill, and has been very sick with
pneumonia, is reported to be on the
gain now.
Mrs. J. E Gates visited
last Saturday.
As a preliminary step to the build
' ing of the Standard Oil tanks in Esta
cada, signs have been placed on the
streets pointing to the proposed site,
which is located lust west of the Es-
tacada Cannery.
Neal Bronson returned from Port-
I Innrl 7.1 r . CntlirQff '1 .1 rl vimr 1 1. ft T1
lauu last ...ii. iii 11 1. n 1 1 noa ti v v, ' i i
! ioH w Htti r,h. ni-.r.v
uronson. t
Arthur Petley came over from Port-: Lawrence
land Sunday to visit some of his boy j Bora To Mr. and Mrs. D A Dyke
friends. man, in a Portland hospital, Friday
Mrs. Anna Mickulicky came over ! evening, April 14, a son, Mr. Dyke
from Portland for a few days last j man is connected with H B. Snyder
week to look after property here. in the Peoples store, having recently
Curtis Lawrence visited his par -
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lawrence at
this place over the weekend. He
accompanied by Miss Dols:e Robinson. ,
who. intended to remain for several;
days, but was called back to Port- j
land on account of the illness of he-;
aUnt- " 5
The Community club meets this Fri-
day night at the high school auditor- .
ium. A good program has been ar-j
Thomas Morton and H. L. McKenny j
who ana now occupying tne same
room with their stocks of general dry-1
wmH and rrmlrPi hnvo nniniin
j goods and groceries, have a unique
.- n - - - . - 1
way of advertising. They call them-
selves the "Square Deal Twins.
Dr. and Mrs. Morse returned from
Portland last Thursday. It will prob I
ably be some time before the doctor j
can resume his nraetice. !
tn ATnlalla last FVirlai- tr, nlav the first
iase ball game of the season, with
Molalla high. The Estacada boys are
mostly freshmen who belong to th
team this year, and unexperienced and
while they played well, yet they lost
out. '
The local Rebekah order had a j
"bee" last Saturday and cleaned the !
Odd Fellow's hall .Combining business
with pleasure, they enojyed a
n;T,:. ;
p .
umner at tne nam. j
ivirs. ai. n. noyie oi roruaua, was
i here last Saturday to organize a class
I in music. Mrs. Boyle is well known in
Estacada, where she resided a few
i years ago, as a very talented musician
and is a competent piano instructor.
' Peoples' night at the M. E. church
j last Friday night, was enjoyed by a
i large crowd. The program was mostly
given ' by the children, after which 1
games were plajd.
w- F. Cary went to Sheridan last !
Monday on a business trip, returning j
Tuesday morning.
sei vices ai uie wins- ,
There will be services at the Chris
tian church Sunday as usual, with Rev
Atcheley of Portland officiating.
Mrs. c- Rvnning visited friends at! master uriDoie oi ruiuau
Gresham last Saturday. j Mulino visitor last Saturday.
Harry Johnson has leased the build- I Funeral services for the late Lor
ing on Main street, now occupied by ! enzo D. Adkins wert held at the Hol
Roy Way, and will move his shoe re- i man & Pace chapel in Oregon City
pairing shop there about the first of Sunday afternoon at 2 P. M.. Inter
May. The building he now occupies j ment was in the Zion cemetery at
will be occupied by Dr. Rhodes the j Canby. Rev. Carodoc Morgan conduct
osteopathic physician, as an office, j ed the services.
Dr. Rhodes expects to move here from J xhe farmers around Mulino are
Fqrtland as soon as school closes
Born To Harry Johnson and wife.
on April 14, a girl. -
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Amer
ican Legion, will have their regular
meeting Monday night in the I. O O.
F. hall.
Mrs. W. A. Heylman were passen
gers for Portland last Sunday morning
Mr- Heylman returning the same.day, j
uut e miier remained until Monday
Miss Catherine Pieffer of Portland',
cousin of Mrs. Burt Moore, spent the
week end in Estacada.
Mrs. - Thomas Morton visited Port
land last Friday on business connect
ed with the store.
Mr. and Mrs A. E. Sparks entertain- j
ed a party of relatives and friends last I
Sunday, from Portland. They were
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitcheltree, Mr. and j
Mrs. Frank Morrow, and two sons, j
Frank and Walter and Miss Ruth Sal-
ing. After a bounteous and delicious j
amner, sucn as Mrs Sparks- is noted :
for preparing, the party drove to the
river to get some fish, but "nary one"
did they catch. The day was a most
enjoyable one to all of the party.
Mrs. Maude Graham, wno is teach
ing at Seaside, was a week end visitor
in Estacada at the Margaret Shock
home. Mrs. Graham taught in the Es
tacada schools a few years ago.
A very sad accident happened to
the little daughter of W. H. Dwyer j
of Garfield, last Friday by which she
loses one eye, when a chjp flew up and
punctured the ball of her .eye. Dr. C.
K. Carey of this place was called
and dressed the wound, but later the
little girl was taken to a Portland J
'How Life Begins,
four reels of Na-
ture's Story, was given Monday night
I at the high school auditorium by the
j Oregon Social Hygiene Society, to a
I fair sized crowd '
Jones Park and family and Mr; and
j Mrs. I. M. Park left on Tuesday for
j Appleton, Wash., where they have
( leased a large tract of timber and will
operate a saw mill.
The I. M. Park farm in Springwater
has been leased for the coming year
to L. M. Henthorn.
A committee of Rebekahs composed
of Mesdames R. H. Carter, Dan Matt
son and Gerald Wilcox, conducted a
silver tea at the Estacada hotel Tues
day afternoon.
George Kelly, of the P. R. L. & P.
Co., was an Estacada visitor Tues
day. Miss Frances Murphey, who has
been in Estacada for two weeks on
account of Illness of her grandmoth
er Mrs. Allen and aunt Mrs. Surfus,
returned to her home in Portland Mon
day. C. S. Allen and wife, accompanied
by Miss Frances Murphey, visited rel
atives and friends at Bull Run last
W. Kraacke, of Portland, has been
in Estacada for several days making
repairs on his building on the comer
of Fifth and Main streets. He is fix
ing it up into living rooms and will
paint it new on both the outside and
Hon. Louis E. Bean, candidate for
nomination on the republican ticket
for governor at the primary election,
was an Estacada visitor last Wednes
day. He was accompanied by Lloyd
Riches, editor of the Malheur Enter
prise, of Vale, Ore.
B. O. Boswell, collector for the P. R.
L. & P. Co., paid his monthly visit
here Monday. Mr. Boswell lived iii Es
tacada for a number of years, but now
j rsiflM at firesham Hps lately boueht a
fine home at that place.
Mrs. Augusta Simmons, sister of
Mrs. G. E. Lawrence, E. R. Simmons
j ' n n d g w Lawrence and
1 . ltC.'.. " , prnn,i
! '"Til." :
Sunday and were guests of Mr. and
Laurence and famlly-
Miss Maude L. Hughes from Los
, . ... . - , ;
Angeles, California, is here visitin
' ! t th home of her aunt. Mrs.- G
1 come here from
j Washington. .
near Vancouver,!
jXT,,!:,, lVpWS Ttfnm
lUUllllU liens iiumo
feasro waiter
w P. $ HnwaTf Robt SnoU-
Waldorf Bame Howard iod
grass attended the ball game in Port
land last luesaay.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Danit'.s made a
business trip to Oregon City last
Messrs. Herman Taiylor and Herman
, , ; . n Mow.
schoener are planning to go to New-
( acnotjuer art? .vm-nn i ' f &u .vr ..-
j to work this summer.
Mrs. Ella Dodge visited relatives
here Thursday "and Friday. She lives
i near Colton.
Charlie Thomas, an auto salesman
of Canby, was a visitor at the Joe
Daniels home last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Enckson and
chihlrtn of uregon uiy were .eM-
! end visitors at the August Erickson
j heme.
Mrs. chas. Haines and son Donald
f.f Portland were the guests of Mr.
aE(1 Mrs. Walttr Porter Friday ar.-1
Satu) av
xf "nllarlM Noblett and son Albert
of Needy were Sunday guests of Mrs.
(Nobittt's mother,
Mrs. Catherine
Mrs. Howes visited Mrs.
Taylor last Sunday.
Born, to the wife of Louis Hylton.
an eight-pound son on April 24.
Rennie Pasco has traded his prop
erty in Mulino for property in Oregon
City and with his family has moved
to that place,
Mrs Otto striker and daughter
Grac6 were Muilno visitors Suiday,
B F Bonney went to
Colton last Sunday to attend church.
. o . . ... po!aHvft, iil Mon-
j day.
taking advantage of the good weather
and .are busy farming from
morning until late at night.
Advance News Items
ADVANCE, April 25. A member of :
tae federal veterinary board, Mr. Lod- j
erhas tested Julius Inderhoffs cows. !
He will report on the test Jsaturaa;'.
A farewell party was given recently j
on Otis Robbins of Frog Pond. Otis
is going to Grant county. Those who j
attended from Advance were Miss
Martinazzi, Elsie and Tom Turner and I
Harry Gosser.
Julius Iderhoff purchased a working
Visitors at the school this week
were Alfred de Neui and Forest
D' Hondt.
Mrs. Ruby Koellermier visited her
parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson of
Frog Pond last week. '
Lillie Moser is now wonting in ure-
gon City.
Elsie and Tom Turner spent the
week end with their aunt and uncle
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schemer of Wil
lamette. Eighth grade pupils that were ex
empted in spelling and arithmetic are
Chester Koellermeier and Walter
Moser, While Elton Dragoo is in
arithmetic and Elsa Turner is in spell-
ing. Sixth grade pupils that were ex
empted in spelling were Lester Koel- j
T?i-hard Chesmore. I
lermeier and Richard unesmore.
Oregon City visitors were Mr. and .
Mrs. H. Koellermeier, Alfred de Neui
and Elton Dragoo.
Canby visitors this week were
L: Toedtemeier,
H. Iderhoff, H. B. j
Mrs. Cora
Commercial Club
Names Commtitees
OSWEGO, April 25. The Oswego
Commercial Club met at the city hall
Monday with a good attendance. The
important business of the evening; was
the appointment of several committees
by President Norman. The finance
committee Dr. Cameron, John Bickner
and Dale Sigier; steering committee,
Leslie Savage, D. K. Dalzell and Wil
liam Ewlng; social committee, Mrs.
Walter Wessling, Mrs. Warren Cam
eron and Mrs. Charlie Bickner. The
board are Mrs. Wessling, Mrs. John
Bickner and Mrs. Leslie Savage, Mrs.
O. C. Merrick was appointed to handle
publicity. The club indorsed C. N.
Kruse as county commissioner, as he
comes from this part of the county.
The club voted to meet everyother
Monday at the city hall at 8 o'clock,
next meeting being May 1. President
Normand urges ever member to be
present with a new member.
J. W. Bickner Honor
Guest on Tuesday
OSWEGO, April 25. On Tuesday
evening Mrs. Lewis E. Smith enter
tained a number of friends at the
home of J. W. Bickner, honoring Mr.
Smith on his brithday.
Five hundred was played, prizes be
ing won by Dr. and Mrs. Cameron. In
addition to cards, dancing and a deli
cious supper was enjoyed. Those who
came to extend their congratulations
to Mr. Smith were Mr. and Mrs. Guy
P3- Dr- and Mrs- " arren Cameron,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosentretor, Mr.
! and Mrs. J. W. Bickner, Mr. adn Mrs.
Merrick, E. G. Zellar, Mr. and
Mrs. David Nelson Jr. and H. V.
j Quaue
irthday Party Is
Enjoyed at Oswego
OSWEGO, April 25. A very plea-
! cant ovoninf was Bnont a t tViA hnmP
- . , - -
of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ravan Friday. In
honor of Fred demons, son of Mr.
: and Mrs. W. L Cameron. The even-
ing was spent in dancing, singing, and
playing games. Dainty refreshments
were served and a beautiful birthday
cake prepared by Mrs. Raven was en-
Joyed by all. Those attending were Dr.
' Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Rav-
Roberts MJm DeHa
Davis, Miss Alice Zellar. Mis Mvrtle
i RobbinSi Mlss Norma Neely. Messrs.
j Earl and pank Schauble, W. AVes
i siintr. Wm. Burke. Harold Hoffman
i and tne guest of honor Fred demons
. -
woodcraft Lodge
Get New Members
v OSWEGO, April 25. Neighbors of
Woodcraft are making great headway
j in toeir earnest drive ior increase u
ou.,,..-,. ..0
j new memDers were enroliea into tne
i worfc of ttl& order while 8 new appli-
Iv""l v
plated into the Circle next meeting.
j Thenew members were iniUated by
ead camp driU team of Portland
11 JI h.e f
I Muaruiau presiueu over me uusuiig
A aelicious iuncheon was served to
j Tlree SeCtlOllS of
OsWe"0 Iay Ullite!
OSWEGO, April 25. A meeting was
held in the Oswego school house Sat- ;
urday evening April 22 at 8 o'clock. !
to discuss the question of uniting with j
thft Tirpspnt tyttv nf Oswfim Jin:l male- !
ing one town oi the three. At present!
is in three different parts called
Town, South Town and
Town. Some are very strong to con-i
solidate and others are against it, sa f
it cannot be settled at present.
T?,r,- "COO" 1,,!
JL Veillllg DUU 11 LIU j
-p) ,t T T? J i
J- artV AS XLlllOVeQi
OSWEGO, April 25. The Evening
"500" club met at the home of Mr. and
Mis. Henry Borghorst.
Dr. Sumptoon of Portland were in-
j vited guests and a very interesting
game of "500' were played. Mr. Sav-
age, Sr. and son Leslie Savage also
Mrs. Savage woa prizes. Mrs. Carl
Bethkie and R. D. Fulton
won second prize also. A
very delicious luncheon was served by
tne hostess and a most enjoyable
evening was spent.
OSWEGO, April 25. The Oswego
Women's Club met recently at the
home of their president, Mrs. G. How
ard Pettenger. After the short busi
ness session an interesting speaker,
Mrs. John Scott, told of her recent
trip through Scotland. Refreshments 1
were served by the hostess wno was ;
assited by Mrs. John Davis. A large at-.
tendance was there.
OSWEGO, April 25. A party of
friends gave Mr. and Mrs. Wessling
a surprise last Saturday evening.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. :
Mrs. John Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Normand, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Savage,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson, Mrs.
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffey.
uswtuu, April zo. ine laaies
Aid met at the home of Mrs. Charlie
jonnson wnere they neia tneir silver
tea. A large attendance, was there and
a neat little amount was collected to
help toward the expenses of the
OSWEGO, April 25. Robert Ralph,
Mis3 Jessie Black and Mrs. James
Reilly, cf Portland were the guests ot
Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich. of South
Oswego Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomas, Mrs.
Griffey and Miss Mabel Robertson
motored to Sandy, Sunday to see the
great smelt run.
Otto Larson of Altoona, Wash., is
at home with his family for a few
Arthur Anderson left Sunday for
Alaska where he is the foreman for
a cannery company.
The M. E. church is holding church
in the I. O. O. F. hall while the church
building is being plastered and kal
scmined. ,
New-bunkers are being constructed
at the county rock crusher in Sonth
P. R. James of Newberg was an Os
wego -visitor Saturday. He went fish
ing and landed several nice trout.
The Crown Willamette Pulp & Ja
p'.'t Company log hoist is running
Master Wallace Worthington was
tea lucky fisherman, to catch the 15
incli trout, which goes to show there
is a few good trout left.
Frank Anderson is preparing for his
ainuai fishing trip to Alaska.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davidson of Is
land Illahee farm visited their son O.
K Davidscn and wife Mabel at their
Lo".ie Sur.'lay.
Several lots have been sold recently
by C. B. Hall, and several exchanges
of property have been arranged by
Elmri Shipley well knovn Os-.vego
man, was married recently to Miss
Fisher cf Tillamook. After a short
visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ship
ley returned to the coast, where they
will make their home.
Mrs. I. W. Bickner was the dinner
guest of Mr and Mrs. William G.
Wcightman at the Benson Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Emmott and
small daughters Marion and Ethel,
also Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worthington
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Olivf Worthington Sunday.
Mr. slid Mrs. Henry Yates, Mrs.
Eugene Worthington and Airs. George
Enrich n otored to Portland Monday.
Mrs. Schively has just returned from
;i tr.. :o r:oattle where she viVted her
Mrs. Emma Chuck is moving from
her home in South Oswego to Port
land to a house she has recently
bought. She expects to rent her Os
wego property for a time.
Mrs. Mary Haines is visiting at the
home of her daughter Mrs. Grant
White in Canby for a few days.
The Dorcas Society met at the
home of Mrs. Tom Clinefelter on Wed
nesday afternoon with a good attend
ance. Mrs. Rose of Portland was a guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Em
mott the later part of the week.
Melv511e Baxter and Roy Charles
hiked from Oregon City to Oswego
Lake Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Wessling, captain of the team
recently organized of the Neighbors of
Woodcraft, is doing some excelelnt
'.vork drilling. She expects to initiate
a number of candidates next meeting
wLh the new team.
With a view of providing more ade
quate quarters and making them more
up to date, the Oregon Iron & Steel
company will shortly erect a new con
cession house at the east end of the
Oswego lake, following its lease of the
concession for the coming season to
S. E. Cox of Oswego, who has had the
lease for the past two years. The new
house will have an area of 1000 square
feel- nnri Will ho rn-ru-i1of I x- i 1 1 v i ii (r
rooms for the concessionaire and will
nave gas anu electric ngnts.
OAK GROVE, April 24. A big sea-
?a is looked, for this year at Oak
vjr,",c uca'lJ1- 1 ,,e receui nice weaxa .
esut buuie out aireauy. it is ex-
camp au summer on
the grounds-
The dance Saturday night by com-
munity club was an enjoyable affair
as has been the others this season.
With spring comes not only the
flowers and buds but the effects or
poison oak of which an abundance
grows in this vicinity several are feel
ing the effects of same. Mrs. H. E.
Wrjlcox being a great sufferer from it.
Her face is badly swollen as to un
recognizable. The Sociay Service club
asks all residents to join with them in
a war on poison oak. Kill it some way.
Several members of community club
with wives and friends enjoyed the
social at Jennings Lodge last Wednes
day night. All report a delightful time
and the night was fine for the dance.
The many friends of David and Pan!
Palmblad are sympathizing with them
on account of the death of their father
who was buried Sunday at Gresham.
Several donations have be'n mf!e
recently toward ccmple: ion of church
and it is expected many more will be
coming soon under the direction of
Mrs. J. Waldron.
Many of us learn gratefully that
court has declared certain roads in our :
district county roads which sounds
as though some work may be done on
them at some time. Everything comes :
to he who waits.
While the death of Sarah A. Webster
of MMwaukie was not wholly unex-1
; pected yet her friends here were pain-
ed to learn that she passed away early
Saturday morning. The funeral was
held Tuesday at Finleys Mortuary,
j Portland. The Rebeccas of which she
was a member attended
in a body and
toot part in the burial services.
The pupils Of Concord school will
have a new school next fall as an
amount of $1300 was voted at a recent
meeting, also to purchase more land
and school equipment. The school
had outgrown Its capacity and during
past two years has been over crowded.
The schools In all districts are grow
ing and needing more rooms. Manj
people coming to the rural commun
ities and many more will come during
the coming year. !
The Parent-Teachers gave a far.
well party last Wednesday to Mrs. J
Norberg at home of Mrs. H. L. Olson.
Mr. and Mrs. Norberg and daughter
Edith will soon leave for Tillamook
where Mr. Norberg has business inter
ests. The entire corps of teachers in Oak
Grove school were re-elected at a re
cent meeting of school board. It is not
stated whether for nine or ten months
term. There has been much opposition
brough to bear upon the board by the
tax payers to the ten months term. It
was expected the beard would bear
that in mind when engaging teachers
next year.
iDellen Olds was transacting busi
ness in Oregon City Momday. ,
Mrs. L. V. Landsverk is critically
il lat her home on River road.
DODGE, April 24. Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Colson and family spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Hedges.
David Horner, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Horoer and family went to Ore
gon City Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs
Fred Horner sang with the Colton
Oratorio Society lm giving the "Holy
City" at the Congregational church.
Mrs. Jochimsen made a trip to
Portland Thursday to set her nephew.
Rpsa B. Ten Eyck spent the week
end in Portland shopping and visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Lacey and Ivan Lacey
and wife and Mrs. John Keller went to
Oregon City on Thursdaiy to attend
the funeral of Mason Wrarnock.
Kenneth Keller celebrated his 9th
birthday April 20 by having his cousin
Lloyd Kaake and David Horner to
M. Pedersen has gone to Portland
and expects to stay indefinitely.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller spent
Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Joe Keller
at Viola.
WASHINGTON, April 26. Negotia
tions betwen the American Legion and
the senate finance committee are pro
ceeding satisfactorily, but the reports
of an abandonment of the house bonus
bill are untrue. The suggestions of
Senator Smoot that a paid-up insur
ance policy be given as a substitute
for adjusted compensation certificates
has been declined by the legion. It
was Mr. Smoot's own proposal and
not that of the finance committee.
j FORTH WORTH, Texas, April 26.
! Forty-six persons are dead or missing
i in the Trinity river flood here, a re
! vised list indicates.
Forth Worth today was surrounded
i on three sides by a sheet of water ex
I tending over an area estimated at
I twentjy-five to thirty square miles.
The property damage will be about
$1,000,000, according to estimates.
GENOA, April 26. Seven categori
cal questions will be presented to Rus
sia by the convening powers of the
Genoa conference today. Prompt an
swers are demanded.
Lloyd George, no less than the
French, is determined that the soviet
delegation's evasions and contradic
tions, which have brought the parley
dangerously near disatser, must cease.
. -
! HOOD RIVER, April 26. Darting
I suddenly under the driving shaft cf a
j freight locomotive at Sonny, six miles
west of here, twenty months' o'd Wil
liam Sunday was killed instantly Mon
day night when his head was crushe l
by the eccentric.
Off. 80
Res. 251-W i
Justice of Peace
201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City. I
i Pacific Phone:
Office 52 Residence 304-M
1 , Lawyer v
! Oregon City, Ore. f
Caufield Bldg.
Phono 636-W
Oregon City, Ore.
ninmini,n,H,HHHmMi 3
6 Per Cent State School
Money to Loan on Farms
Bank of Oregon City Bldg. I
Oregon City, Ore.