OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21,1 922. Page 7 The County Court V EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1922 ROAD DISTRICT No. 11 A. Math er, $90.25; V. C. Jackson, $18.40; Os wego Lake Water, Light & Power Co., $57.35; G. S. Bullock, $554.20; G. Hun sucker, $59.80; J. Thomas, $26.14; J. Quigley, $26.14; II. Worthington, $2. 49; Win. Lorenz, $4.47; C. H. Mc Ferron, $12.45; Dan Reynolds, $12.45; J. H. Cox, $82.22; F. E. Davidson, $197.55; Lloyd Davidson, $14.94; F. E. Whitten, $34.93; J. P. Cook, $29.88; F. E. Davidson, $15.96; O. C. David son, $13.72. ROAD DISTRICT No. 12 Standard Oil Company, $500; Standard Oil Com pany, $500; L. Endizzi, $7.17; E. M. Lecker, $7.47: A. Worthington, $15. 96; J. Sigrist, $7.47; J. Johnson, $7. 47. . ROAD DISTRICT No. 13 A. A. Wood, $28.69; E. L. Baker, $4.99; F. Chapman, $9.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 14 Hogg Brothers, $110; George Oldenstadt, $14.97; Smith Turner, $17.46; Fred j Schemer, $7.48; Amos Mays, $1.24; J. M. -Turner, $27.93; H. Gephardt, $22.-i 24. j ROAD DISTRICT No. 15 N. S. ' Oldham, $9.98; Sam Moser, $3.99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 16 Schu.d j Brothers. $23.00: Portland Railway Light and Power Company, $16.38; O. P. Roethe, $134.70; D. J. Abbey, $22. - 45; J. S. Blair, $1.24; C. D. Atchley, $6.23; H. C. Faulk, $12.45; Ira Hart, $2.49; Hans Baumgartner, ?l.4t, J. S. Booth, $11.20. ROADD ISTRICT No. 17 Ciacsa mas Garage, $2.72; J. W. Hart, $133. 96; W. E. Godsey, $3.45; Verdenius Robinson Motor Company, $5.33; Mil waukie Service Station, $9.00; Stand ard Oil Company, $63.52; Schuld Bro-j son, $27.45; Loyd Bowers, $24.95; Ru thers S458 75: W. H. Ofunsell, $60.00; j f us Kraxberger, $39.91; Herman Wm. Strange, $69.86; Earl Atwood, Harms, $19.96; D. C. Harms, $4.99; $39.92; R. Atwood, $39.93; D. Kanne, Will Gibson, $9.96; Ppt'Gibson, $8.71; $29.94; Jno Davis, $9.98; H. Ameele, Rudolph Klaus, $35.89; C. II. Lorenz, $52.29; W. H. Counsell, $99.75; G. $17.46; Lather Lorenz, $4.98; Harold Beecham, $47.31; C. E. Battin, $47.84; Gribble, $7.48; Wm. Gebert, $4.99; H. Stratton, $14.94; G. Hartung, $14.- John Kummer, $4.98; Ben Krause, $4. 94; Jno. Young, $19.92; F. Walthers 98; Wm. Heinz, $14.97. $14.94; C. Parry, $12.45; O. Walsh, ROAD DISTRICT No. 50 L. G. $3237; C. H. Counsell, $35.88; Geo. Wrolstad, $3.00; A. L Yoder, $8.40; Haylet, $27.39; T. E. Bruck, $17.45; J. R. pitts, $32.65; Ott Lucht, $1.87; H. Imel, $24.95; Peter Schuld, $184.69; Jo Lehman, $3.11; M. F. Day, $1.24; Seth Cook, $234.52; Art Wetmore, h. L. Jackson, $4.99; Leon Judd, $1. $195.15; S. Gibson, $73.40; E. Daue, 24; Amel Fuher, $1.24; C. F. Jackson, $76.76; D. Mazzie, $189.82. . $9.97; G. E. Wylund, $33.43; E. Good- ROAD DISTRICT No. 19 Schuld j at, $3.73; Claude Yoder, $3.73; O. A. Brothers, $22.50; Pete Schuld, $43.10; Giger, $3.73. J. W. Schuld, $21.00; F. M. Townsend, j ROAD DISTRICT No. 51 Roy R. $9.97. I Ridings, $12.45; John Colton, $4.98; ROAD DISTRICT No. 20 Matt Dan Edwards, $19.96; G. C.Bentley, Greenslade, $14.90; C. A. Vincent Co., $29.70; Joe Papsch, $49.33; Hugh Laye, $43.57; Walter Hall, $38.58; Walter Young, $90.83; Lawrence Stradley, $14.94; Christ Eckert, $29. 88; Herman Siebert, $47.83; Carl Wolfhagen, $28.63; II. Branson, $14.- ROAD DISTRICT No. 21 Schuld Brothers, $33.00; Damascus Tele phone Co., $2.95; Portland, Railway, Light and Power Company, $54.18; Jake DeYoung, $75.38; Philip Schan ten $34.93; Albert Hoffmeister, $7. 47 -'August Walch, $4.99; Emil Exely, $4.99; Arthur Gran, $4.98 ;W. L. Shark ley, $4.98; Oscar Noreen, $2.49. ROAD DISTRICT No. 22 Eri & Jonsrud, $13.25; Schuld Brothers, $76.-00- Portland Railway, Light and Pow er' Co., ' $45.36; Portland Railway, Light and Power Co., $25.20; Portland Railway, Light and Power Company, $66.78; M. H. Wheeler, $63 84; J. A. Imel $26.14; W. E. Wheeler. $69.86; Victor Johnson, $19.99; C. J- Lekberg, $42.41; V. H. Hillyard, $29.94; C. A. Wheeler, $14.94; Frank Van Dolmen, $29 94; S. S. Waybill, $2.49. ROAD DISTRICT No. 23 Schuld Brothers, $53.00; Eri & Jonsrud, $10.-00- Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, $99.53; Fred Wagner. $43. 87; F. G. Wagner, $13.71; F.-nk Beers, $4.99; D. S. Robertson, $4.9b, W H. Bancke, $7.48; Elbert Killen, $4.99; L. L. Griffin, $4.99; Peter Haughlum, $20.58; Alvin Andrews, $2. 49; Albert Ault, $2.49. ROAD DISTRICT No. 25 Portland Railway, Light and Power Co., $38. 36; Sandy Lbr. Co., $50.00; Paul R. j Meinig, $17.40; ueorge a. ien $26.18; Nicholas Vanderhoof, $9-96; Otto Aschoff, $4.98; Henry Helms, $4.98; Carl Helms, $4.98; J. A. Rob erts, $6.22; ROAD DISTRICT No. 26 Paul R. Meinig, $4.60; Sandy Lbr. Co., $6.55; Carl B. Schilling, $22.41; Joe Hilsen copf, $22.41; W. A. Stone, $40.89. ROAD DISTRICT No. 28 V. Wid mer, $J3.96; Henry Herman, $14.35; Will Bell, $14.35; Gust Finger, $7.47. ROAD DISTRICT No. 29 En & Jonsrud, $15.25; D. L. Erdman, $7 98; A M Mowrey, $17.46; C. -Hansen, $17. 4S; E. Borling, $7.47; H. Ackerson, $8.71. ,. ROAD DISTRICT No. 31 Eli Swales, $43.57; Clarance Swales, $54. 78; John Tschopp, $48.17; Henry Tschopp,$ 101.04; Henry Swales, $154.78. ROAD DISTRICT No. 33 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Company, $121. 50; Parkplace Store, $1.00; R. Mat toon, $70.20; C. R- Livesay, $33.88; J. R. Livesay, $13.68; O. W. Imel, $4.97; E. R. Graves, $3.73. ROAD DISTRICT No. 34 Hal Lind sleyi $17.46; E. L. . Blackburn, $12.44; C. T. Blackburn, $17.95. ROAD DISTRICT No. 35 J. E. Mc Cluer, $10.00; Braatz, Wm., $15.96; Johnson, A. E., $2.49; H. A. Allen, $11.-98; Wm. Braatz, $11.97; A. E. Johnson, $14.95; Emiel Larson, $7.47;. Iewis Norman, $7.47 ; Guy Brown, $7. 47; Fred Mueller, $7.47; Gus Lesch, $7.47; Linn Hulet, $8.47; Allison Al len; $4.98; Wm. Carlson, $6.22; Wm. Lewis, $3.73; Swanson, Chris, $4.98; Alva Bonney, $4.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 36 Standard Oil Company, $13.75; J. Hamilton, $4. 99; ROAD DISTRICT No. 37 A. J. Co ta, $11.97; C. L. Garinger, $3.73; Hen ry Grossmiller, $3.73; Eli Fellows, $3. 73; Burt Cole, $2.49; August Martin, $9.96; Herman Moehnke, $"3.74; Tom II Paek, $4.98; John Wiegle, $2.49; . $2.49; Richard Griff- ith, $16.95. ROAD DISTRICT No. 38 J. Miller, $11.00 ;Smith Hardware $1.99; P. T. Monroe, $35.65. W. Co., ROAD DISTRICT No. 39 Fee- - J V - liean- Railway Express Co., $4.89; ! Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $99.75. i ROAD DISTRICT No. 40 Wm. jHeld, $2.49; John Marshall, $13.69; A. ; H. Miller, $17.95? j ROAD DISTRICT No. 41 Paul ; Meinig, $7.40; H. H. Udell, $3.24; H. jR. Devlin, $1.24; A. W. Anderson, $1. i 24. j ROAD DISTRICT No. 42 N. A. So jrenson, $11.21; O. Rask, $11.21; E. ; Austen, $6.23; A. Svanson, . $2.50; Ed ; Johnson, $17.96. i ROAD DISTRICT No. 43 Geo. I Blatchford, $32.00; W. Waldorf, $25. 05; The Good Roads Machinery Com ipany, $36.20; Edw. Feyrer, $17.95; Ar- thur Scott, $29.95- George Boyer, $16. l8; Henry p. Newell, $18.67; George Ball, $2.49; J. M. Strean, $2.49; Jeff Davies, $2.49; Jack Feyrer, $4.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 44 Oregon Foundry, $51.85; J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, $9.00; Hogg Broth ers, $1.50; E. L. Palfrey, $13.96; R. W. Davidson, $39.90; C. W. Herman, $1.99; S. A. Cordill, $2.49; A. Butter field, $29.94; R. R. Welch, $2.49; Gus Simmons, $2.49; A. Lewis, $2.49; Paul Robbins, $2.49. ROAD DISTRICT No. 45 H. Fisher $11.97; Walter Fisher, $3.72; E. O. I Fisher, $7.48. 1 ROAD DISTRICT No. 46 Road j Builders' Equipment Co., $46.50; Wm. j Beeson, $2.49; Clarence Johnson, $2.- j 43 ; W. R. Ayers, $2.49; Almon John son, $2.49; Chas. Dietz, $2.49; Geo. : Koehler, $3.99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 47 Oregon I City Sand & Gravel Company,$ 5.05 jSporalsky, $4.99; Fred W.Sohn, $5.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 49 S. S. Gib .73: Rov R. Ridings. S21.94. ROAD DISTRICT No. 52 C. D. Groshong,$ 2.49; A. M. Groshong, 48: R. F. Wvland. S1.24: Rich Jonlin. $3.73; G. M. -"Groshong, $2.49 ROAD DISTRICT No. 56 R. H. Long, $1.24; A. Wood $1.24; R. Schue- bel, $9.97. ROAD DISTRICT No. 58 Harry Kitching,$ 4.99; Walter Looney, $3.- 73; Charles Fantz, $4.94; W D. White Head $17.46. ROAD DISTRICT No. 59 W. H. Douglass,$ 11.99; P. C. Murphey, $1. 87. ' ROAD DISTRICT No. 60 E. Young $4.98; Charles Rettinger, $4.99; Chas. Chinn, $9.98; Geo. Randall, $4.99; John Braker, $2.49; $19.47. ROAD STRICT Trapp, $2.00 Hogg W. G. Randall, No. 61 Brothers, -I. F. $3.90; Maxwell Telford, $97.75; Harry Ham $53.53; E. Hatch, $53.53; - J. H. Sheer, $56.02; I. J. Trapp, $23 65; A. Warner, $83.53; George Meade, $43. 57; I. F. Trapp, $17.42; S. Nash, $24. 89; Otto Sillen, $28.63; A. H. Sheer, $11.20; James Curry, $4.98; Newton Jones, $3.73; John Stalick, $3.73; Frank Toering, $19.91; Henry Scheer. $35.94; John Scheer, $17.94; S. Nash, $16.44; Eldon Swick, $13.45: C- Swick, $1.49. ROAD DISTRICT No. 62 D. O. Day, '$10.97; S.M. Coey, $3.73; N. S. Oldham, $31.23; Frank Fisher, $1.25. ROAD DISTRICT No. 63 Standard Oil Company, $2.70; G. Notdurft, $11. S6. ROAD DISTRICT No.- 64 Road Builders' Equipment Co., $36.50; S. A. Yoder, $10.00. SPECIAL No. 11 G. Hunsucker, $4.48; J. Thomas, $3.73; J. Quigley, $3.73. SPECIAL No. 16 Standard Oil Company, $125.28. SPECIAL No. 21 C. A. Vincent Co., $85.60. SPECIAL No. 26 A. Carl Power, $4.49; Lee Philips, $4.49; Thomas Kubitza, $1.24. SPECIAL No. 26A Harry Nichols, $17.46; John Mitchel, $3.11; Thos. Ku bitza, $6.85; Lee Philips,? 8.10; Lee Philip. $3.75; ROnald Petty, $6.22; Gus Hein, $1.55; Pat McKnight. $3. 73; Bill Dockery, $2.49; Bert Dockery, $1.55; John Dockery, $1.55; A. L. Mat tingly, $3.98. SFECIAL No. 33 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Company, $232.20; C. R. Livesay, $25.92; C. A. Mann, $2.49; J. R. Livesay, $3.73; R. Mattoon, $139. 95. SPECIAL No. 35 S. F. Scripture. $.75. SPECIAL No. 39 Smith Hardware Co., $39.65; J. B. Robertson, $2.49; E. T. Davis, $17.20. SPECIAL No. 40 Albert Lins,N$9. 96; Wm. Lins, $18.70; Chas. Kaufman, S8.97; Anson Johnson, $4.98; Henry Reimer. $7.47; A. H. 'Miller. $15.96. SPECIAL No. 43 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $99.48; M.A. Olsen, $12. 40; Royal Olsen, $8.68; C. E. Wld strand, $7.99; Dick Lampman, $9.30; C. B. Mann, $11.16. SPECIAL No. 46 Sam Hess. $17. 47. SPECIAL No. 50 G. E. Wyland, $1.99; E. Goodat, $1.24; Claude Yod er, $1.24; O. A. Giger, $1.24. SPECIAL No. 61 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Company, $51.80. SPECIAL ROAD No. 19 State Highway Commission," $1611.10. GENERAL ROADS Standard Oil Company, $81.01; Frank Busch & Sons, $.40; H. E. Cowgill, $12.66; Rus sell Grader Mfg. Co., $9.60; Clyde Clayton White, . Equipment Co., $28.50; The Good Roads Machinery Company, $595.24; Road Builders' Equipment Co., $1,200. 00; Clackamas County Auto & Tract- ior Company, $1,485.00; J. E. Hasel jtine & Co., $7.08; Straight & Salis- 1 1,.. i t no. S. F. Scripture, $21.75; t T , T jo- ff. -i r A T ; 1 1 1 t- Co., $7.95; Frank Hopp, $1.25; Board of Water Commissioners, $1.75; Frank Busch & Sons. $2.00: State In dustrial Accident Commission, $215.- 05; Feenaughty Machinery Co., $77.-R-.00; Oregon City Foundry, $2.00; The Estacada Sales Co., $475.40; J. D. Caldwell Co., $100.80; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $86.97; W. Waldorf, $23. 75; A. O. Meinig, $300.00; Harvey Gibson, $3.00; Roy Ridings, $3.00; Standard Oil Company, $398 84; Red daway Truck Line, $2.50; Wilsonville Ferry, $100.00; Carlton & Rosenkrans, Co. $13.55; Pacific Highway Garage, $20.18; The Daily Record-Abstract, $5.10; Portland Ry. Light & Power Co., $155.28; Clackamas County Auto & Tractor Co., $160.00; Mrs. G. H. Cattley, $125.00; .Willamette River Lbs. Co., $32.90; H. E. Cross, $10.00; Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, $7.85. DISTRICT No. 11 Myron E. Dunn and wife, $400.00; Anna M. Simpson, $400.00; Thos. F Ryan, Trustee, $1. 00; Robert Patton, $20.00; J. N. Pear cy, $1.00; -The Oregon Iron & Steel Co., $1.00. GENERAL ROADS Edward Rose Kilgallon, $50.00; Erickson & Co., $1. 20; Portland Railway, Light and Pow er Company, $25.20; Hogg Bros.. $124. 19; Abe Gilbert. $207.59; A. C. Scheer, $65.76; W alter Harvey, $65.38; S. A. Mead, $2.99; S. Nash, $17.45; Albert Scheer, $68.90; L. W. Davies, $86.27 ; T. C. Thomas, $89.26; Eldon Swick, $76.32; Walter J. Henrice, $43.89; C. !A. Wallace, $38.16; H. Elligscon, $id. 196: H. Fisher, $13.47; C. A. Wallace, $20.20; Roy Dent, $13.96; Alvin Heft, $20.94; John Heft, $20.97; Claude Henerici, $6.98; L. F. Rambo," $13.96; II. Ellingson, $10.47; Bert Wallace, $17.45; John Heft, $6.99; Alnion Heft, $3.49; H. Ellingson, $3.49; L. T. Ram bo, $3.49; Bert Wallace, $3.49; Roy Dent, $3.49; O. Striker, $39.92; Dick Striker, $39.92; Herman Fisher, $26. 94; J. Margeson, $35.92; H. Henrici, $94.81; C. -Henrici, $58.44; Parkplace Garage, $7.28; Frank Busch & Sons, $4.75; Standard Oil Company, $26.22; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $3.70; East Side Mill & Lumber Company, $473.95; A. H. Averill Machinery Com pany, $46.00; J. S. Fisher, $5.38; John Heft, $2.22; Charley Stenstrom, $21. 00; Stewart Mitchell, $20.13; Dlx Bro thers, $10.45; Willamette Harris, $53. 10; Larkins & Son, $80.22; August Martin, $10.00; C. L. Garinger. $4.0.00; Charley liiggins, b.uu; jiuu wus' & Co., $20.00; Hogg Brothers. $177.50; $S.-'Jlm llert' $': Roy uent. H. Ellingson. $2U.H4; Alvion. Heft $38.39; L. F. Rambo, $27.92; Herbert Ives, $10.47; Roy Dent. $6.98; Alvion Heft, $6.98; John Heft, $6.99; Claude Henerice, $6.98; L. F. Rambo, $3.49; John Heft, $76.89; Alvion Heft, $20. 94; R Dent, $20.94; Claude Henerici, I $13-96; f. Kamou, o.i.'jo; n. lingson, $3.49; Bert Wallace, $zu.si; F. Bluhm, $26.94; J. H. Margeson, $6. 98; Wm. Braatz, $9.73; A. E. Johnson, $4.98; Emiel Larson, $8.74; Howard George. $9.98; Linn Hulet, $4.98; R. W. Zimmerman, $8.47; F. E. Mills, $3.00. MARKET ROAD No. 1 D. T. Mel drum, $10.05; D. R. Dimick, $12.47; J. W. Garrett, $28.82; W. S. Gorbitt, $34.90; R. Clark, $7.49; Delbirt Fish er, $14.93; P. E. Boney $11.20; George Anderson, $14.94; George Williams $4.99; John Anderson, $1.24; H. Com er, $3.73; D. Countraman, $2.49. MARKET ROAD No. 2 Willamette Equipment Co., $65.00; Paul R. Mei nig, $195.12; Road Biulders' Equip ment Co., $110.25; John A. Roebling's Sons Co., $16.16; Hogg Bros. $30.50; D. T. Meldrum, $11.25; The Daily Record-Abstract, $5.70; H. H. Udell, $83. 33; H- R- Devlin, $21.16; A. W. An derson, $27.39; Herbert Udell, $31.12; J. M. Parks, $26.14; Harold Parks, $24.90; John Affolter. $14.97; Ray Hanson, $42.41; William Hanson, $21. 16; Frank Miller, $21.16; Geo. All- geier, $21.16; M. L. lieraigan, .i. MARKET ROAD No. 3 Estacada Telephone & Telegraph Company, $2.- 25; Paul R. Meinig, $134.63; D. T. Meldrum, $11.05; Geo. Pennell, $45. 71; W. H. Douglass, $10.48; Fred Hoffmeister, $2.49; Wm. Ingwood, $1. 24; P. C. Murphey, $1.24; W. H. Daug lass, $6.00. MARKET ROAD No. 4 Frank Busch & Sons, $2.80; Willamette Truck Ser vice, $2.00; Buffalo Roller, Sales Co., $29.80; Larsen & Company, $2.10; V. C. Jackson, $41.25; D. T. Meldrum, $6.25; A. W. Borland, $17.46;. A. H. Borland, $15.93; - Henry Koch, $54.89; H. M. Borland, $19.96; John Raicy, $53.88; R. C. Paine, $13.47; Loid Bor land, $9.98; F. Whitten, $48.65N MARKET ROAD No. 5 Hogg' Bros. $27.00; D. T. Meldrum, $9.85; E. L. Palfrey, $19.95; J. Streitmatter, $10. 57; Gus Simmons, $10.57; D. H. Rams by. $14.95; Pringle Shaw, $11.21. MARKET ROAD No. 6 Road Build ers' Equipment Co., $36.50; D. T. Mel drum, $6.25; A. A. Wood, $16.22. MARKET ROAD No. 7 D. T. Mel drum, $13.75; J. W. Miles, $17.10; Geo. Pennell, $26.12; The Daily Record Abstract, $4.50; Geo. Forman, $53.59; Frank Tiffney, $24.27; M. Johnson, $17.72; W. Tole. $2.49; L. L. Lake, $2.49; J. W. Miles, $39.18; Cecil Wells, $9.98; G. D. Hammond, $9.98; W. H. Rambo $24.95;" Lawrence Hull, $16.96; Chas. Simmons, $3.84. MARKET ROAD No. 8 A. Mather, $62.20; D. T. Meldrum, $6.25; E. Hin kle, $5.00; Geo. Pennell, $32.65; Wm. Braatz, $13.96; Allison Allen, $2.49. ELECTION Beattie & Hofman, Inc., $7.00; Fred A. Miller. $15.00. SHERIFF C. G. Miller Co., $.50; The Western Union Telegraph Com-' Pany, $1.57: T. M. Hurlbiirt S KO- r H. Elston, $4.00; L. A. Rail, $5.00; Wm. J. Wilson, $4.00; Banner-Courier $118.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $1. 50; J. C. Loundree, $7.50. CLERK Frank Busch & Sons, $1. 00; Banner-Courier, $182.00; Jones Drug Company, $1.95; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $140.00; Oregon City Enter- prose, $143.10; Fred A. Miller, $13.80; Banner-Courier, $84.95. RECORDER County Recorder, $12.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $521. TREASURER Banner-Courier, $161.35; County Treasurer, $10.00. ASSESSOR Huntley-Draper . Drug Co., $2.20; W. B. Cook, $7.05; Banner Courier, $4.75; Oregon City Enter prise. $1140.90. COUNTY COURT Huntley-Draper Drug Co.. $1.50; H.-E. Cross, $10.00; W. A. Proctor, $65.00; W. F. Harris, $90.00. COURT HOUSE Board of Water Commissioners, $16.00; Pacific Tele- i phone and Telegraph Company, $70.- 75; Estate Geo; C. Borwnell, $40.00; J. W. Jones, $9.00. CIRCUIT COURT Geo. Alexander. $8.00; Sarah Bell Pratt, $5.00; Rosey Pratt, $5.00. JUSTICE OF PEACE J. Dean But ler, $2.50; O.'W. Barnett, $2.40; C. A. Lewis, $3.00; David Nelson, $4.00; Banner-Courier, $2.50; E. W. Fowler, $3.00; John H. Comer, $3.00; Walter A. Beck, $3.00; W. A. Beck, $3.00 ;"J. P. Woodle, $8.85; Oregon City Enter prise, $10.60; E. J. Noble, $112.60; -N. J. Holgate, $6.00; Ed Fortune, $55.10. CORONER E. A. Brady. $43.00; Dr. H. L. Babb, $5.00; O. A. Pace, $41. 00; O. A.' Welsh, $10.60; Dr. Ross Eat on, $5.00; Dr. W. E. Hempstead, $5.00; Dr. Xhas. Carey, $10.00; Holman & Pace, $72.00. " SURVEYOR Hogg Bros., $3.00; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $45,20; Geo. Pen nell, $78.36; J. W. Miles. $15.00; Paul Dunn, $7.00; A. M. Kirchem, $5.60; A. W. Cooke, -$10.00 ; F. M." Townsend, $10.00; Louie Funk, . $5.20; A. C. Thomas, $7.00; D. T. Meldrum, $31.60; G. D. Hammond, $5.00; W;. C. Cowgill, Jr., $137.13; J. W. Milesr $59.88 G. D. Hammond, $84.84; Cecil Wells, $29.94. INSANE C. H. Meissner, $5.00; Dr. M. C. Strickland, $10.00; "Austin H. Huycke, $5.00; Dr. W. Ross Eaton, $5.00; Walter E. Hempstead, $5.00. SUPERINTENDENT Brenton Vedder, $52.82; Huntley-Draper Drug Co.. $32.37; Park-Shepherd Motor Co., $29.95. . BOARD OF HEALTH Otis M. Rich, $37.50; Dr. O. A. Welsh, $"11.- 70; Guy Elliott, $7.00. CATTLE INDEMNITY H. Paulson, $68.95; Johanson Bros., $50.00; Oscar Sporri, $11.66. INDIGENT SOLDIER Mead Post No. 2, $60.00. JAIL C. G. Miller Co., $1.20; Hogg Bros., $24.30; Hogg Bros., $4.50; W. J. -Wilson, $142.17. JUVENILE COURT Park Shep herd Motor Co., $23.21; Minda E. Church, $63.27; E. C. Lakin, $3.00; Walter E. Hempstead, $10.00; Jesse Keck,. $3.40; Clara C Patterson, $5.- 50. TAX REBATE J. H. Dunn, $38.52; Margaret L. Roberts, $10.10. PRINTING & ADVERTISING Banner-Courier, $29.10; Oregon City Enterprise, $30.25. SEALER J. F. Jones, $29.08. TAX DEPARTMENT Jessie Pad dock. $22.10: Alice McKinnon, $52.07; Veda Andrus, $36.29; Gordon "Vilson, $53.30; I. D. Taylor, $79.20; Urcil War- ren. $123.95: Mattie Burkholter, ?13S.- $23.3; ieien jones, $u.uu; w. j- Wilson $45.00." PROHIBITION L. Stipp $28.75. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIR AS- SOCIATION $500.00. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- LEGE $1150.00. CIRCUIT COURT Mrs. Bertha Wells, $112.50; Veryle Mumpower, $5.00; John F. Dicken, $9.20; John J. Jones, $10.80; James R- Carr, $7. 60; Harvoy Douglas, $7.80; "Frank Beers, $10.40; Joseph Brunner, $6. 80; John C. Bradley, $6.20; Baptist Campbell, $7.40. DAMAGES Earle C. Latourette, $710.75; COUNTY AGENT E. A. Hugh, $3. 75. POOR Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Boys' & Girls' Aid Society, $10.00; Anna Wetterlin, $10.00; Mrs. Sarah Solomon, $15.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saun ders, $5.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horn er) $10.00; Mrs. Lillian M. Johneon, $15.00; Geo. H. Newsome, $15.00; Ada La Baw, $8.00; Katie Plua'rd, $10.00; Wallace R. Telford (Michael Boyles) $12.00; John & Wm. Beers, $20.00; Mary Lock, $25.00; J. G. WTake, $15. 00; W. Hitchman (Ole Josendall, John Marris & August Johnson), $75. 00; Mrs. S. Beckman (Ben Munson), $25.00; Ben Landis, $20.00; Fred Wy der, $12.00; Karl Buse (Albert Veis en), $10.00; Maud Williams, $20.00; Thos I. Fredenburg, $12.00; John Nie- land, (James Seehorn), $25.00; George Bolin, $15.00; H. Sturdevant, $30.00; Charles Krebs (Tony Miller), $30.00; M-ra j Tn MumDOwer. (Matheson and Dick Myers). $60.00; Hilda Granquist. $25.00; Paul Schuman, $25.00 ; Airs. Jennie Paddock, 1 (Co. charge). $3.00: W. E. O'Donnell (W. L. Reynols). $16. 00; A. B. Buckles (Mrs. Berwick) orinn- 5nth Century drocery (Mrs. Reynolds). $10.00 (Mgda Olsen), $12.- 00. (Shoeman) $4.97. (Mrs. itejuu.u, $15.00; (Mrs. Clara Cramer), $10.00, (Mrs. Roberts) $10.00; Bannon & Co. (Feeble Minded Children). $134.98; H. 17! rvnaa (Mrs. AimiSOUJ, (Mrs. Jones) $15.92; (Doc Mosier,. $5.00" D. W. Grirtin ireei -lw., $6.00; C. E. Waistrom, iivirs. xvuudo, $10 00- Vina Lents (Oscar cmiLiu. $50 Oo C. C. Store (Tony Miller), $5.-- C C Store (Rosie Pratt), $20.67; C C Store (Mrs. uranquiau, -" Robbins Bros.. (Mrs. Howard). $10. M. u,. w Goheen, (Nelson boys) o- m. t- rharles K. Cary, (Mrs. J Matt Waldkirch), $27.80; J. C. Penny J ' i -iHJ . - -v Co (Doc Mosier), $l5.uo; uomisou,, $18.08; (Mrs. Ben Eby), $7.70 (for Verney Neff ana Jttose r-raiw . Drug Company, $i3.bu; uregou Hospital, (Ben Landis), $2.00: (Jlai Wilkins). $12.00: (Andrew Nelson), $40.00. (Sam E. Wright) $47.00; Mrs. Mary F. Carothers (Mrs. Pennington), $45.00; F. Madden & Co.. (Mrs. Wald kirch), $20.00; R, M. Cranor, (Clar ence Cranor and family), $5.00; W. H. Curtis, (O. W. Smith), $1.00; E. A. Hugh; (Mrs. Reynolds), $7.00; W. G. Masterton & Co., (Car Hire), $8.00 MURDER SCENE 18 CLACKAMAS COUNTY JHE0RY Frank Bowker Thought Slain As Result of Hot Dispute Over Cache of Liquor Near Here; Experts are Puzzled. INVESTIGATON TAKES UNEXPECTED TURNS Death Sack May Have Been Stolen From Hop Field Near Oregon City Is Contention. PORTLAND, April 19 That the murder of Frank Bowker, which was confessed to by J. Hecker, was com mitted in Clackamas county, is the theory advanced here today by expejf ienced criminoligists, who are inves tigating the case. Peculiar circumstances have devel oped which lead to the belief that the murder was the result of a fight, in which Hecker killed in self defense. The fact that the confessed slayer had a liquor cache in Clackamas county, leads to the belief that there - was some dispute over the booze here which resulted in Bowker's death. There is a possibility, it is said, that the hop sack in which the dead nlan's body was sunk into the river near Al bany, may have been stolen from one of. the hop yards near Oregon City. Representatives of-young Hecker declined to verify it, but the. new theory, held by old heads in place of that, of cold-blooded robbery, is that the murder occurred in Clackamas county. The associate was with the liquor. There arose dispute of some sort, they aver, in which Hecker or his associate or both were placed on tb defensive by Bowker, whs police said had revolver in bis pocket when he started out to view the li quor and that in the ensuing fight Bowker was -killed. They believe that had Bowker been killed deliberately for his money, there wou'd have been a plant outside the . machine and they maintain that Hecker, at the wheel, was taken unawares. ALBANY, Ore., April 19. Every method known to experienced grap plers is- being used to recover the murdered body of Frank Bowker, Portland musician, slain by Russell Hecker and dropped into the swife, muddy waters of the Calapooia river from the bridge two milesfrom Al bany on the Corvallis road. HUGE DERCiT APPEARS IN TREASURY ESTIMATE WASHINGTON, April 19. Govern ment finances are in the worst jam they have been in since the war. Se cretary Mellon estimates the total deficit for the fiscal year beginning July next at neariyhalf a billion dol lars. CongTess is on the verge of passing a soldier compensation bill as well as other measures for rivers and harbors. Nobody knows how much higher the deficit may go, tho officials estimate that if the soldier bonus bill should become law the amount of deficit may reach a billion dollars. SENATE VOTES TO PASS SOLDIERS' BONUS BILL WASHINGTON, April 18. Decision to pass a soldiers', bonus bill at this session of congress was reached to day by senate Republicans In party conference. The vote was 36 to 9 on a resolution offered by Senator .Len rott, Republican, Wisconsin. MOTHER SLAYS INFANT AND SWALLOWS POISON NEWARK, N. J., April 14. Mrs. Maud Fancher, who swallowed poison yesterday after slaying her baby son, Cecil Raymond, hoped to guide her husband to happiness as an emanci pated spirit. She is at death's door in the City hspital. MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loans Preferred PAUL C. FISCHER i Beaver Bldg. Oregon City i f Holman & Pace j I FUNERAL ! I DIRECTORS j I Homelike Efficient Courteous i ? I Telephone 86 f 7th and Water Sts., Oregon City iNIIHHMHIIIIIINIIMHIHIIinWmiHIiH II f MIM ....". ...,..,. j Dr. Harry W. Paine I Osteopathic Physician j 1 Beaver Bldg. Oregon Cityf iiniiimHimillHttiHHMilliiiiiHiiiiiii - HOOD RIVER PORTION OF LOOP ROAD IS IN DOUBT HOOD RIVER, April 19. Alarmed I over an announcement of the United States forestry service office at Port land that an allotmrnt oi about $2.", OOo for a lateral road connecting the Mount Mood !oop fc'j'z.vry with Coo per's spur ana Cloud Capp inn may be lost necause of inadequacy of accom- I modations at the inn and the failure j of the lessee, Somer A. Rogers, to i meet federal requirements in the way of- improving lhe hostelry, the Hood River county Commercial club has, by resolution, urged that the forest service bring pressure to force ade- ) quate hotel accommodations at the ! inn. The resolution wa3 introduced by W. A. Langille, who declared that the forestry office, under existing condi- j tions, would hesitate to proceed with ' the proposed snow line road, a neees j sity, if the snow peak is to be made j available to the motor tourists who drive thence by the Columbia river highwav and Mcunt Hood loop road. I CROWN WILLAMETTE TO IMPORT CANADIAN PULP ASTORIA, April 19. With the ar rival of the British steamer Canadian Rover April 28, the practice of carry ing paper "pulp from the Crown Wil lamette Paper company's mill at Ocean Falls, B. C, to Camas, Wash., via Astoria will be instituted, it was announced Tuesday. The first o f these shipments, which will average 1600 tons monthly, has been delayed until this month by the severe weath er, which necessitated the closing of the Canadian mills. HAYS ANNOUNCEMENT LOS ANGELES, April plete surprise, in fact a the way Roscoe (Fatty) day terms the news that president of the Motion ducers and Distributors, 19. "A com . shock," was Arbuckle to Will H. Hays Picture Pro- Inc, had bar- red him temporary y, if not forever. from tho films. Mrs. Roberts In City Mrs. Hugh Roberts, of Jennings Lodge, was among those coming to this city on business on Wednesday. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thahkg and appreciation to our many friends and relatives for their sym pathy, kindness and floral offerings during our bereavement. MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR DAY, MR AND MRS. J. B. BERGLUND, MR. AND MRS. C. J. DAY. . $500 REWARD A reward of $500 is offerel for in formation that will leal to the arrest and conviction of the person who mur- . dered Everett E. Davis, near Wilhoit in November 1921. Reward holds good until December 31, 1922. Any informa tion should be forwarded to Schuebei and Beattie, attorneys, Oregon City. GRANVILLE DAVIS. - SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas'. George Reddaway, Plaintiff, vs. J. H. Garner and Eula Garner, his wife, Defendants. State Of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated th 18th day of April 1922. upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 17th day of April 1922, in favor of George Reddaway, Plaintiff, and against J. H. Garner and Eula Garner his wife. Defendants, for the sum of $615.00, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 11th daj: of December, 1920, and the further sum of $75.00, as at torney's fee, and the further sum of $18. 0q cost3 and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale the follow ing described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: All of Lots six (6), seven (7) and eight (8) of Block Sixty-three (63) of Central Addition to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, accordinc to the maps and plats on file in the office of the Record er, of Conveyances of said Clacka mas County, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 20th day of May, 1922; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court house in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redehSption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. ... By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., April 21st, 1922. SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE, Attorneys for plaintiff. . SUMMONS NO. 18666 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, De partment No Otto C. Buff, plain tiff, vs. Myrtle Lusk Buff, Defend ant To Myrtle Lusk Buff, the defendant above named: In - the name of the (State of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Com plaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled cause and court, within six weeks from the date of the . date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so answer or appear herein, the plaintiff ' will take a decree against you, forever iis I solving the marriage contract existing between you and plaintiff and grant I ing to plaintiff such other relief as may seem equitable, j This Summons is published in the ! Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper ! of general circulation, printed and : published at Oregon City, in Clackamas j County, Oregon. The date of the first publication -thereof, benig Friday, April 21, 1922, and the date of the last publication thereof, being Friday, June 2, 1922, all done in accordance with the order of the Honorable James U. Campbell, Judge cf the abbve en titled Court, which" order was made and entered of record, April ISth, 1922. WM. G. MARTIN,' CAREY, F. MARTIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic Temple Bldg., Salem, Oregon. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon, For Clackamas County, j In the Matter of the Estate of Charles j McGourty, deceased: I Notice i hereby given that the un dersigned, administratrix of the es tate of charlea McGourty, deceased, will, in pursuance to an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, on and after the 20th day of May, 1922, at the office of Oregon City Enterprise, Oregon City, Clackamas County, State of Ore gon, between the hours of 9:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. off ei- for sale and sell to the highest bidder, at private sale, for cash or pat cash, subject to the confirmation of the above named Court, the real property of said estate, situated in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: All of the land bounded by a . line beginning the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northest Quarter of Sec tion 35 in Township 1, South of Range 4, East of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence North on the Sixteenth Section line 48 rods andl0 feet; thence . West 20 rods; thence South to the center of the Hood View County Road; thence Southeasterly on the center line of said road to the south line of the Northwest Quart er of the Northeast Ruarter of said Section 35; thence East on said South line to the place of beginning, containing six acres of land. All offers or bids to be in writing addressed to the undersigned at the place above designated. Dated this 19th day of April, 1922. CECILIA McGOURTY, Administratrix of the Estate of Charles McGourty, deceased. JOHN OLSEN, Attorney. 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg,., Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication April 21, 1922. n Dtae of last publication May 19, 1922. SUMMONS No. 18675 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. De partment No. Frank H. Begun, . Plaintiff, vs. Winnifred O. Begun, Defendant. To Winnifred O. Begun, the defend ant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause and court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear or answer plaintiff's complaint, herein for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce forever dissolving the marri age contract existing between you and plaintiff and granting to plaintiff such v other relief as may be equitable. This summons is published for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general cir culation), printed and ' ypublished at Oregon City, in Clackamas County, Oregon, the date of the first publica tion thereof, shall be Friday, April 21st, 1922, and the date of the last pub lication thereof, shall be Friday, June 2nd, 1922, all done in accordance with the order of Honorable James U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, which order was dated and en tered of record in the above entitled cause on April 20th, 1922. WM. G. MARTIN, CAREY F MARTIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Lydia Schoch, Plaintiff, VS. George Schoch, Defendant. To George Schoch, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 2nd day of June, 1922, and if you fail to appear and answer said com plaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will take default against you and apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to wit: That the marriage contract heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant iJbe dissolved and held for naught and that the plaintiff herein have her former name of Lycria Olson restored to her. and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Oregon City Enter prise for six successive weeks pursu ant to an order made by the Honor able . J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court on the 15th day of April, 1922. Date of first publication April 21st, 1922. Date of last publication June 2nd, 1922. JOSEPH, HANEY & LITTLEFIELD, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 511 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore.