Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 21, 1922, Page Page 3, Image 3

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83rd Birthday of
Pioneer Observed
CANBY, April 19. Wililam Knight,
prominent resident and pioneer of:
Clackamas county, celebrated his 83rd
CANBY, April 15. A meeting was birthday anniversary on Monday, when
he.d m the school house of District ,QTrl.-i H;n,
No. 91 on Thursday evening, when
the subject for discussion was "The
Union High School." The meeting
William Knight was born in Pine
Creek, Alleghany county. Pa., April IT,
1S39, and was the son of late Joseph
w as presided over by Dan Shroek and Sarah Knight. He came acros3 the
plains by ox team in the year of 1863,
settling first at Willapa, Wash., where
he made his home for two years, and
from there to Butteville, Marion coun
ty, and after a three years' residence
in that place moved to Canby in 1SG9,
This meeting was well attended, and
much enthusiasm was manifested
among the patrons of the school. A
number of the residents of that sec
tion addressed the assembly, and a
strong sentiment in favor of the pro
CANBY, April 18. A. C. Schlabasch, day.
Mildred Henriksen was an Oregon
City shopper Saturday.
Violette Ledford and Pauline Rad
datz were absent from the Senior
ranks Monday. What was the trouble
girls? Didn't Easter day agree with
Dorothy Vaughn visited in Molalla
with friends Sunday.
Ian Marks went down to the smelt
run at the Sandy river Sunday, but
didn't seem to have the best of luck.
Clifton Smith went to New Era Sun-
posed union high school, was shown at thafc Ume there heing buJ. three
annougn no vote was lan-eu on sniaU homeg in that place, with for-
subject. est3 on ai Si(jes.
A similar meeting wa3 he.d at the A pre-emption claim was taken up,
Meridian school house on Friday eve- ms consisting of 14g acres wnjcn is
ning, presided over by Mr. Campau. ... , -.H,, th . a , nf
This meeting was also well attended.
and a vote was taken on the proposed
union high school, which resulted as
follows: Yes, 8; no, 3; neutral, 6.
As each district eligible to enter the
union high school district is repre
sented by a patron of the district.
the Knight family and in the heart of
the city
well known farmer of Hubbard, Mari
.on county, received but a few scrat
ches on the face oa Monday when ha
went over a 30-foot embankment on
the highway near Coalca Rock ton
Monday afternoon while driving in a
Dodge automobile truck.
Schlabasch, who is about 70 years
of. age, fell asleep while driving his
car down a grade, .when his car went
over and landed upside down near the
ooumern acilic railroad track. The
accident occurred near a curve where
there was no rail guard.
The wrecked car was brought to
Canby this afternoon and taken to the
White garage where it wiU be re
paired. . It required the assistance of
about a dozen men to drag the car up
Emery Peterson went to Oregon City
Saturday, Mary saw "The Birth of a
Nation," in Oregon City and Doretta
spent Saturday shopping there.
Clarence Miller has lessened the
number in the Freshman class by
leaving last Friday afternoon. We un
derstand that he ha3 gone to work in
a lumber camp.
lormmg a gent of trust, and at present time is clerk
men will meet at Canby on Tvednes-,of gchool District No 86 wMch posI.
oay evening, wueu me aiiaugcmcutiji
for carrying further the campaign for
establishing the union high school,
will be made. There are a number of
school districts where meetings have
not yet been held where this subject
is discussed. These districts include
New Era, Union Hill, Whiskey Hill
Afr KmVtit mrrmj tvtotvio PMiza- lne steep incline, employes of tha
bech Birtchet, of Marquam, daughter j highway assisting in getting the" car
of early Oregon pioneers, the mar-1 on the highway.
nage taking place in 1875.
Mr. Knight has held many offices
i P A YDV A -i to
his school records are kept in a most ! ".many irienas
practical manner. While not serving as ! ""i services or tne
r,iar-r f th ict.,-. tit- , , ! ;ate Gardner Whipple, old time pio-
and arrangements are under I director for a number of years. In 18S4 i ee' r Oregon, that were held at tha
hold formal meetings at these places. Q,QQ,, ,fr f Nhma!, ! Methodist church in this c:ty this af-
county, serving in that capacity for j rnoon at i:oUo clock Rev Boyd
Olga Miller and Evelyn Dalen mo
tored to Portland Sunday.
Forrest Baty attended the Liberty
In Oregon City Sunday afternoon.
Lena Sandsness spent " the week
end with relatives who reside in Ore
gon City.
Clara Kraus, Mary Noble and Wm.
Miller were the "Sophs" that attend
ed the part given at the home of
Easter Noble Saturday evening.
Mary .Noble spent Easter Sunday I
with Clara Kraus of Marks Prairie.
Irene Calson visited Julia Hoidding
Sunday evening.
Mable Collins accompanied by Wal
ter Uppendahl attended tne dance at
Macksburg Saturday,' Rex Barth was
there also.
William Ayers spent the week end
in Portland. He attended the Hippo
drome Saturday.
Waldo Westburg is back after a
week's absence of illness.
Sylvia Fisher spent the week end in
Portland and attended the "Liberty"
and "Natatarium" theatres.
Bernice Beeson attended the "Lib-
rigid enforcement of all laws and is j
favor of reconstructive, progressive !
legislation, better schools, the cultiva
tion of a strong stae pride, for in be
coming better Oregonians, we will be
come better Americans.
Mr. Starkweather is a Clackamas
county son, born and raised here and
has held held many positions of trust.
He was a member of the rural credits
commission which made a visit to
Europe to investigate the subject.
Pre-Easter Lunch
Is Held at Church
A pretty afar sponsored by Mrs. A,B.
Snider was a pre-Easter luncheon
held at the church on Saturday, April ! POPTI A wn I lCtV en
15. It was for the members of the Jun-1 rKJts-1 V I ihi
ior Endeavorers and the new group of! AT Mil I FON Fini I ARC
officers and the social committee tor ixiiLAlKJn UULLAKj
the quarter provided a appetizing
Executive Committee Decides
Ori State-Wide Solicitation
For Sale of Capital Stock;
No Opposition Is Expected.
the "Grand" Sunday evening.
erty" Saturday evening and attended! J?1"-. The tablf wa,s a"ractive with No Specific Amount Will be
Sought In Outlying Towns,
Popular Donations, Plan.
tion he had held for 43 years, and is
believed to be the only school clerk in
the world holding a position of this
kind for this length of time. He at
tends each meeting of the board and
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent
P.-T. Meeting Held
At Lodge April 14
Resurrection of
Christ Ohsefved
ton Vedder, of Oregon City, is assist
ing in arranging for these meetings
MM I nilDliOU A MM
IT ILL ruDLion
So far there have been about a dozen j
meetings neio. m m t""j trms. n,l t th yniratinn nf the
County School Superintendent Bren-, second term returneJ th,g oW home
town, and there has since resided. For
many years Mr. Knight has been justice
,of the peace at Canby, still in that of
fice. For a number of years he was
city recorder of Canby.
Mr. Knight is still enjoying good
health; makes his daily tirps to the
business section each day and, trans
acts his business. !
On his birthday this well known
CANBY, April 13. The students . . nH..
Canby high school are actively en-, .n th.g sectjon cf the count ' ,
gaged in getting out the annual pub-!
lication, which has been named "The j 7 .
Ca hi an," taken from the words Allglei S XiepiltatlOll j
"Canbv high school annual.". Miss j . , , T .
Cora Ausve, a senior, is editor-in-j X1 OI 5.,atCil IS -LOSt
chief; Louis Lorenz, senior, business j
manager; Walter Kraxberger, assist- j '
ant manager: Lloyd Kendall, athletic CANBY.
editor: Miss Opal Wheeler
editor; -Uiss Lorena liormg, social eu- . i,iIS Howard Keeled, Mr and Mrs. W
itor; Miss v iolet Ledlom ana unarieb
.Moore,, pastor, officiated Interment
was in the family lot in Clackamas
The floral tributes were in profu
sion and were from various parts of
the county. Many old time friends of
the deceased who reside in Clacka
mas, assembled at the Clackamas
cemetery, and attended the burial
Mr. Whipple's death occurred on
Miss Cora Ausve
To Give Recital
The festival of the resurrection of
Christ was veiy prettily and impres
sively observed at the Grace Commun
ity Congregational church on Sunday
At 10 a. m. the pupils of the Sunday
school assembled in the church audi
torium, where ferns, frilliums and East
er lilies wer aranged for the Easter
services of the forenoon. The ferns
making an effective . background for
the choir and orchestra which ren
dered special Easter carols and lent
the necessary atmosphere for thus
significant day in the church calen
dar. The singing of the Childrens Hosan
na was followed by exercises by the
tiny tots of Mrs. Kennedys class.
Among the numbers on the well ar-
f lowering currant and about 40 of thej
uuu.,ci 3CI cujucu me lUUCIieOU. j
Coming at 10:d0 games and contests
preceeded the luncheon hour and were
entered into heartily by those attending.
The. annual meeting of the Parent
Teachers Association was held en Fri
day, April 14 at the school house. Mrs.
Pearson presiding. Among the things
accomplished this year by the associa
tion of 48 members, was the organiz
ing of a Whitney Boys' chords under
Mrs. H. H. Hendry, installing of paint
ed signs on cunty road for protection
of children from auto accidents, hot
lunches, served during the winter sea
son was perhap3 the largest and most
sucessful undertakings, planting of
shrubs under the direction of Carl
Starker helped to beautify the school
grounds. Assisted in buying 20 volumea
of Book of Knowledge. A mrte cox
was provided and made a fund to be
used for flowers for sick. One evening
meeting, which was a "get-to-gether !
Many little fishes in the Sandy, Lodge
folks catching them with anything
that handy; housewives are frying
them in the pan, and Jennings Lodge
folks eating all they can, as a result of
Messrs O'Brien, Hendrici, Dain, Kig
gins, Kellogg, Traut, Roberts, Holden,
Randall, Holloway, Place, Naer, Madi
son,' Butler, Hobb, Fred Wilson's re
cent trips to the Sandy for smelt.
rangea program were exercises by four one was much enjoyed: was the
little boys of Mrs. Blinestones class, gratifying report given by the secre
Recitations were given by Louise tary, Mrs. Olive Robbins.
Smith, Winnifred Humphreys, Geral- Among the coming events Is tne dln
dine Hariow uaJ Newell Ford. A solo ! ner for the Clackams County Teach-
..... 1 in . i .- 1
' . - , Api 11 nr. a ijariy rormeu
literary - of Mr. and Mrs. Grant White. Mr and
Bates, subscription managers; Miss
Margaret Brown, junior, assistant ad
vertising manager.
The pink rose and the heliotrope
are the class flowers, while the class
colors are pink and gray, and the class
motto is "Ksse quam videri, uo oe 1 Weather condition were against the
rather than to seem). j party even when leaving Canby, and
The class rings have arrived, and i stin worKe atter their arrival at Trout
are proudly worn by the senior class. : Crek Villa, for on Sunday morning
These are of attractive design, bear-, they experienced a snow storm. De
ing the class motto forming a circle, , termined to at least get one fish, the
CANBY, April 19. Franklin Launer,
pianist, will present Miss Cora Ausve,
of bhis city, in recital at the Methodist
chnrcit in this city on Saturdav even-
11s. April 29, in a musical program.
Assisting during the evening will be i
the Girls' Sextette of the Canby high
II. Hair and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gra- school composed of Miss Eleanor Lent,
ham, of thi3 city, left on Saturday Miss Opal Wheeler, Miss Violet Led-
afternoon, laden with fishing tackle to trJ Miss Pauline Raddatz, Miss Lena
catch the first trout of the season. Sandsness and Miss Berdine Knutson,
The destination was Trout Creek Villa, to give several vocal selections under
a resort in the Molalla country, where t!'e direction of Franklin Launer.
fishing is always considered
by Miss Lila Dietz and the members
o Mrs. Geo. Gardners class. Wessons
from the Lily by Miss Kennedys class.
Mrs. Bablers girls gave the Easter
ers Association which convenes here
on May 6th. . Mesdames Truscott,
heads the dinner committee and she
will have five able assistants. Mrs.
S. J. Kiggins of Albany has purchas
ed an acre tract from Mr. Smith on
Adrtie street and -'ill build soon.
Mrs. F. F. Gump and two children
of Portland came out last Thursday to
assist her father, C. E. Carns in cel
ebrating his birthdav anniversarv
which proved a very delightful affair, i
A dinner was served at noon and en-!
jo.wsd by all present.
Dr. Jas. L. Scripture and Dr. F. B.
Paterson of Portland were callers at
the A. L. Roberts horns cn Cundar-
Mrs. E. A. Carter of Silverton spent
two dajrs this week with her sisters.
Mrs. A. B. Smith, of this place and
Airs. Sam Stevart of Sellwood.
Decision to move forward at once
with definite' plans for the 1925 ex
position unless there comes from the
people of Oregon a Tmandate to sur
render," was made yesterday by the
executive committee of the exposition
organization at Portland.
The committee made explicit an
nouncement that the big project has
not been abandoned, it expressed
"complete faith" in the undertaking.
Outlining policies and purposes the
committee made plain that it expects
no mandate to drop the exposition
project. On the other hand it cites
the mandate of Portland's voters in
favoring the fair.
In conformance with the prior vote
of Portland citizens, the committee
announced that it wil lask what they
reauthorize a tax levy of $3,000,000
for the fair, to be collected over a
three-year period. In addition, first
announcement was made of plans to
raise $1,000,000 in Portland througk
public subscription.
, Participation by the state at large
in financing the exposition, under the
policy outlined yesterday, will be left
to citizens oS. the state themselves.
Popular Subscriptions will be sought,
particularly in communities contigu
ous to the great tourist- highways,
but no counties or communities will
be confronted with specific quotas or
requests. It was made plain that no
specitic sum will be assigned .to the
messages which was interpersed with ! Moritz is chairman of tables and Mrs.
sacred songs by other classes signifi- j Humphreys of the dishes.
cant of the Easter time. At the morn- Miss Ruth Truscott room received
ing worship Rev. Snider had given j twenty-four votes and was awarded
much thought to his message and the the prize.
Henry Babler was taken to Oregon
City hospital on Monday, he has been ; tatP at lars-o
suffering for some days with stomach! By inferenr it w intt w
Portland is to be urged to proceed
with plans for the exposition, and
that any possible curtailment of its
scope will be a responsibility of the
citizens and vcters outside cf this
trouble. It is hoped by his many
Clackams County friends that it may
not be a serious illness Mr. Babler
; was operated on Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Wm. Jacobs has been called
j to the bedside cf her brother Geo. A.
; Shaver in Tacoma who was seriously
topic, "Easter, an Emblem of Right- 1 The annual election resulted in the ! injured in an automobile aw-Hpnt itth
eousness Triumphant" was a splendid t following officers: President, Mrs. were former residents.
sermon. The music under the direo j Norman Chapman; vice-president, Mrs.
tion of Mrs. R. H. eHndry was one of ' Altman; secretary, Mrs. Lawrence;
the special features of the observance j treasurer, Mrs. Florence Moore,
cf the Eastertide and the appropri- 1 vote, the president will go as a
ate exercises to commemorate the day I delegate to the National Council in Ta
was attended by about 2')0 people of 1 ccma on May 4 to 13th.
the Community. i Tickets will offered for sale on May
The baptism of Wilson and Benja- lst.with final return limit to May
min miner ana Kancy and Betty. Burco L 1 ne ceruncate plan with one
CANBY, April 19. Canby was well added to the impressiveness of the ser-: and one-third fare for the round trip.
represented at the meeting of the Al vice. ! ' The president and four delegates
Canby People Are
Al Azar Visitors
wbilp the center bears tne lettering j ,llpn nf ,, r.atv i,.-ti
"C H. S." and date '"22." j and cijmbed through brush but not Azar in Portland last Friday evening,.! The new church building is to be i will attend the County Council held at I Saturday from the Sound City.
The senior class play will be given j even a bite Grant hite, wiio has there being 15 members of the order ; dedicated on Sunday April 30 with ap- their meeting in June. , j Miss Frances Wood is much improv-
early in May. The title is "The Stren-1 made tne reCord.of never returning: un- Eoing from here by automobile The i prc-priate services. ,No subscriptions I Tne next meteing which conies the i ed after an illness of many weeks du-
turn B,rStre.have will lecture', and TshSw slfdes of the
flS a tvy days business trip j Blrd8 of Oregon. The admission will
LL TX t ? T Sundy after-: be 25 cenU to thig instructive lecture)
Al i v,CwCmt m f which wiU be iven at Community
Miss .Naomi. Wilcox has accepted j church
her first business position and is doing Tne komekeepers Home Economics
stenographic work m the Chas. Siev-1 scnool is to refrshs
OHn ForH ?7lZli P " " SatVTys- ments following the lecture under the
Olin Ford a t. avtlmg salesman wivu supervision of Mrs. Redington and
wpJiTm ' - i ' W1" 6nd a Mrs- Henr' Babler- th President of
week with his ramily, commg downon i th firar(i 0,,iIfl
uous Play," while the juniors have : ies3 having at least one fish found visitors were royally entertained.
chosen "Sally Lund" for their class j tIlat the fish were taking a day off Among those making the trip were
play. This latter will be presented j on Easter Sunday and refused to bite. Mr- Mrs. George Hardestry, Mr.
on Friday evening, April 28. j ' and Mrs. Max R. Boehmer, Mrs. R.
Graduating from the Canby nign rr p . t , Soper, Allen Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Ill-IILI lit V til 1
school in May will be Miss Cora Aus
ve, Miss Pauline Raddatz, Miss Eva
Kraus, Miss Violet Ledford, Miss Eas
ter Noble, Miss Eleonar Lent, Miss
Dorothy Vaughn, Miss Mildred Hen
riksen, Miles Noble, Charles Bates,
Noel Oathes, Louis Lorrenz.
; Parmenter, of Barlow, Mr and Mrs.
17: . T , no c i- Fred Weygandt, Mr. and Mrs. Hess
J. U5L JH.UI1 Ul OII1C1L and Mr. Skinner.
! ration.
will be taken at the dedicatory services I second Friday in May the new P.
as funds are already provided to clear j A- officers will be in stalled. j Lester Russell is again able to be
the debt. The church was built at a I Delicious hot cross bulls were served out after a siege of pneumonia,
cost of $10,000 and is a credit to the j D.v the following hostesses Mesdames . Mrs. Oliver departed on Wednesday
Community. Jerry Madden, Shepperd, Ross, Bline- to visit her mother, Mrs. Polack in the
stone ana Lawrence Sound City. Mrs Oliver will" remain
CANBY, April 17. An automobile
accident occurred on the Pacific high
. way near Coalca Rock on Saturday
night, when a car driven by a woman,
' whose name is unknown, crowded an-,
other car from the highway causing
the latter to go down a steep em
bankment, and injuring Mrs. Sam Cox
ot Oregon City, who was on her way
to Canby with her husband. Mr. Cox,
although badly shaken up wa3 not in
jured. Passing motorists assisted the
injured woman and toolc ner to the
Oregon City hospital, but attending
physicians found no broken bones.
She was able to leave the institution
this evening.
CANBY. April 18. At the regular
weekly luncheon of the Canby Boos
ter Club held at the Matthews res
taurant in liiis cily today, several im
portant discussions that were to have
been discussed were postponed un
til the next meeting, owing to some
of the members being in Portland at
tending the baseball game.
Members attending the meeting
were: G. W. White, E. F. Hov, H. B.
Evans. R. C. Smith, Clarence Eid,
Louis Lent, C. V. Prouty.'C. H. Shel
rlon. R Pfis'er, C. O. Thomas, Aaron
Wait, Melvin Eid, Mr. and Mrs. V.
The next weekly luncheon will be
on Tuesday at the Smith restaurant.
CANB1, April 19. With the present !
smelt run on now in the Sandy river, CANBY, April 19. Mrs. J. Carey, of
Henry Gurtler, residing in this city Portland, was in this city on Friday
says this reminds him of the first : visiting friends.
time the smelt made their appearance Among the Canby vsitors the first
in the Saiidy river, when the farmers . of tIve week were Mr. and Mrs. Marion
j would go to the banks of the stream i Claze, who have been making their
I and scoop up the fish and take them home at Rice Hill near Roseburg.
! away by the wagon loads and use them while in this city they were guests of
I for fertilizer. The fish, he says, were Mrs- Glaze's parents, Mr. and TMrs. Ed-
j so thick in the river that it had a ward Shull. Mr. and Mrs. Glaze are to
Diackisn appearnce. This was inr1905 : maKe tneir home in Sellwood, where
while he was residing at Fairview. f the former has taken a position.
! Mrs. Max Boehmer was among the
BALL FAN CLOSES SHOP ' Oregon City visitors, on Monday, go-
I ing to that city to look for a residence,
CANBY, April 19. Canby was large-! with the expectation of making her
Iy represented at the first baseball ' home there, where Mr Boehmer is
of the season in Portland today, and employed. It is probable that they wiU
one of the most enthusiastic residents : remain here for the present since de
going from here was J. W. Snyder, a ' s5raDle locations are scarce,
shoemaker, whose former home was! Mr- ana Mrs- Robert McCormack,
near Des Moines, Iowa, and when a of Portland, are reciving congratula
young man a baseball player himself. tions over the arrival of a son, born at
This morning Snyder was at his Utile : their home on Friday, April 14. The
shop at 6 o'clock, and ready to catch ; liew arrival has been given the name
the first Salem bus through to Port-! of Robert Knight McCormack. Mrs.
land. Order after order came in for ! Mc Cormack was formerly Miss Flor
shoe repairing on Monday, but Snyder j ence Knight, of Canby, and daughter
only shook his head and said "No work : of Mr- and Mrs- Anay Knight, former
tomorrow, for I am going to see that ly of this citv now" of Kennett, Cali
game, and don't care if I have to walk fornia. tQe grandfather a well known
60 miles, I am goins tn the. Pnrtianii 1 Southern Pacific employe.
game ana wager that vt-nA .iii !
Canby High School
CANBY, April 18 On Saturday, eve,
Fine Five and Ten Acre
Tracts in Canby Gardens.
"Well Located, Reasonable Prices,
Good Terms
Real Estate Agent.
CANBY, April 19. Member r,r th!
Kirk Rebekah Lodge enioverl rpfrtih-' April. 15, Mrs. I. W Noble entertain
ments at the I. O. O. F. hall on Tues-' ed in honor of her daughter, Easter,
day evening following the regular busi- whose 16th birthday deserved especial
ness session. .There was a large at-: notice. Easter's day of birth was East
tendance, j er Sunday. Not until she is seventy-five
In charge of the event were Mrs. w 111 Easter Sunday again be on the loth
Lee Eckerson, Mrs. Charlotte Blodwin ; day of April. Her many friends help
A. H. Knight. 'j ed her celebrate the evening by play-
j ing games and singing songs. At
eleven o'clock refreshments, consist
ing of sandwiches, cocoa, fruit salad.
; and cake were served. Many pretty
Salmon Fishermen
Reporting patches
Noth withstanding the inclemency of
the season, there were a few tish
caught here to give proof that the Chi
nook salmon will go on a strike oc
casionally in the Willamette. The fol
lowing persons returning to Madden
Landing took home the bacon in the
contradictory form of salmon. Mrs.
Hohn a 20 pounder; Mr. Morse, 8
pounder; Mr. Kelly, 20 pound one;
Mr. Curley one that weighed 8 pounds;
W. S. St. Johns 18 pounder; Mr. Russell-
got one weighing 21 pounds, and
Ward St. John catching the largest so
far reported which weighed 40 pounds.
The last three were caugnt Monday
and with Tuesday ushering in the fin
est weather we have had this spring,
the salmon season should be in full
swing by the latter part of the week.'
Many automobiles are arriving on
Tuesday afternoon with folks who en
joy trolling for Salmon.
, Liswyn, the summer home of W. B.
Jennings has been the headquarters
for their friends, during the past week,
while fishing C. Chase caught a sal
mon that tpped the scale at 37 pounds,
J. B. Wiltse caught a 28 pound one
and C. Tarana hooked a large salmon
which he fought for n hour, which fin- j
ally carried away part of his line.
At the P. T. A. cookecf food sale
j April 15 $23 was the amount of the
sale. VVhile this was not quite the
amount desired for the volume of
ltnslra nnr.Ttaood 1 . I... ! .. m 1
j " V"--.1 1 hi.! LUC uaiauce Will Ut!
paid out of the P. T. A, treasury.
Guild Entertained
At Jennings Lodge
Members of the Grace Guild were very
pleasantly entertained on Wednesday, care of Dr. Meissner for the past week
about lo days in Seattle.
J- W. Dain family entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Reinhart and Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Reinhart of Portland with, an
Easter dinner on Sunday.
Announcement has been received of
the arrival of a little son at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Seeley at Salem.
Glen was a former Jennings Lodge
boy, being the oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Seeley and his Clackamas
County friends are answering the?
stork " message with congratulations.
C. C. Hole who has been under the
afternoon at the church, when Mrs
J. W. Dain and Mrs. R. F. Deter were
the hostesses.
Mrs. Babler presided and led the de
votional. Reports of the cook food sale and the
banquet committee were very gratify
ing. Mrs. Burton of Chicago was an hon
ored guest. '
Cake and coffee were served to the
Mesdames Burton, Ross, Truiltt, Ro
berts, Losey Harry Williams, Wil
liams, Snider, Hoker, Gardner, Nelson,
Truscott, Moritz, Blinestone, A. ,B.
Smith, Babler, Waterhouse, Dain and
Deter and Miss Truscot.
The next affair will be given on
April 26th at the Guild room of the
church. It being the social meeting
something of interest has been plan
ned by Mrs. Hooker and Mrs. Pearson
who are the social committee for the j
is able to take up his business duties
Otto Naef is contemplating a visit
from a niece in Switzerland who sails
from her native land this week.
Robert Jobling and family enjoyed
an auto trip over the highway to Hood
River on Sunday.
A radio receiving instrument with
an "amplifier has been recently in
stalled by Nick Humphreys and little
son Jack and their family have had the
advantage of listening to the concert
given from the Hawley radio station
recently. j
- The primary election notices are be-
Mrs. Belle Robbins and son Howard
departed on Monday for Chicago, 111:,
were the motifs for an Easter dinner
before going on to Detroit, Michigan.
Before leaving for her new nome in
' ths -ast, many little informal affairs
were given last week in her honor.
On Thursday Mrs. J. C. Maple gave a
luncheon to which Mrs. C. D. Atchley,
Mrs. O. Randall, Mrs. W Ross, Mrs.
Jerj-y Madden were bidden.
On Saturday Mrs. Madden and Ross
gave a theatre party followed by supper.
Sunday Mrs. Robbins and Howard
wer the motifs for an Easter dinner
givn at the C. D. Atchley home. Cov
ers were laid for eight.
Monday being "visting" day, it gave
the pupils of the 'Jennings Lodge
school a holiday. Mesdames Altman
and MacDonald and Miss Truscott
visited . the Sunset and Canemah
schools. Mrs. Moore going to Oak
Mrs. Gerber and Mrs. A. J. Johnston
of Logan called on their brother Henry
Babler on Tuesday.
Vyvyan Dent has gone to California.
Mr. Dent has sold his property here
and is planning on locating elsewhere.
Mrs. Tillman spent Tuesday in Port
land with her mother, who has recent
ly returned from Medford.
G. R. Thompson and wife entertain
ed the Truscott family at dinner on
Mrs. Geo. Card was a business shop
per in Portland on Monday.
Mrs. E. C Grieve of Portland will
ing posted for the coming election held make an indefinite stay with her aunt,
on May 19th
The social given by the Christian
Endeavor for April was quite a suc-
Mrs. Julia Ullabrand.
The registration books which have
been in charge of Mrs. Julia Ulbrand,
Poisoned Dog Bites j Branch of P.-T. at
When Help Is Given'
Lodge Reorganized
Stage Time Table
01AUt' LMVtS O MINTTTlVS dTTL irifta i.ar.olvaA TKv otor
FORE SCHEDULED TIME Those present were Cora Ausve, Mil-
w W EEK DAYS I d'red Henriksen, Violette Ledford,
waiting room at Huntley-Draper ! Pauline Raddatz, Eleanor Lent, Easter
urug company, Oregon City, where Noble, Eva Kraue, Lucretia Hawes,
bus leaves on schedule time. Mary Noble, Clara Kraus, Luther Lor-
V. lTo C.itxr , M17. NfM-1 rin tlioc TVTiloc MnKlo Wil.
8:00 a. m.
f.io a. m.
9:45 a. m.
12:45 p. m.
4:15 p. m.
11:00 a. m
2:00 p. m.
5 : 1 FI n ' Tn
z:i0 p. m.
6:15 p. m.
I 7:45 a.m.
9:45 a. m.
12:45 p. m.
4:15 d. ra.
6:15 p. m.
8:05 p. m.
Fare 25c.
Miles Noble,
liam Miller, Ted Eid, Oscar Beatty and
Miss King.
Don't forget May 5! Senior class
Eva Kruas spent the week end with
3:35 p. m. her parents at Marks Pairie.
7:30 p. m. ; Those attending the shows at Ore-
gon City this week end were: Eleanor
8:30 a. m. : Lent, Noel Oathes, Mildred Henriksen.
Charles Bates and Louis Lorenz.
. Cora Douglas who is attending nor
mal school, visited in the Senior
room Monday.
. The Seniors came back Monday re
joicing to think that exams were over.
While Mrs. W. A. Kelly was adminis
tring an antidote to a Collie dog of J.
C. Maple, which had been poisoned,
she was sevrely bitten Dr. Mount
dressed the wound and Mrs. Kelly was
relieved of much suffering. It is
thought no serious results will follow.
Several Colies have been poisoned
The Parent Teachers Council which
was organized in 1917 but disbanded
during the war time, has recently re
organized with Mr. Bulter of Oak
Grove, as president; first vice-president,
Mrs. Miller; 2nd vice-president,
Mrs. Young; 3rd vice-president. Mrs.
Fromong; secretary, Mrs. Fenwick
lately, the poisoned meat being tossed j and treasurer, Mrs. . Edward Pearson,
ul " piace. it win meet quarterly
and the next meeting will be a picnic
luncheon on June 1st. Besides the of
ficers of the Council Mr. Vedder, Mrs.
Church and Mrs. Charles will serve
on the executive board.
into the yards of owners who had se
cured license for their dogs in the
early spring.
School on Economics
Is Held For Ladies
11:00 a. m.
2:00 p. m.
5:15 p. m.
7:30 p. m.
10:45 p. m.
The Homekeeoers Home Economics i
school is to be held at the Community
church on April 19th to Aptil 22nd
conducted by Elinor Meacham Red
ington. A membership ticket entitles you to
breakfast, lunch and tea for the four
days. It is desired the women of the
Community enjoy a four day rest and
relaxation, while they learn to cut the
corners in housekeeping.
County Interested
served. Rev. Snider and Mrs. Pooler
chaperoned the affair.
Mrs. H. H. Emmons motored to
Gresham this week to visit the Cleve
land family.
W. F. Hartnell of this place is ne
of the new panel of fourteen jourors
drawn in Clackamas County on Sat
urday. The new list to serve during the
term which opens on April 17th.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith were
nleased with a visit from their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smith of Willam
ette and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bierman
and two children of Oregon City. All
taking Sunday dinner together.
Mrs. Risley and her daughter Mrs.
Gilbert of Astoria have returned from
a six weeks visit in the Hawaiin' Is
lands. Gertrude Shelley of La Grande has
been the house guest of Miss Ellen
Hart during last week.
Verne Hopkins, who has been a pa
Of interst to Clackamas County gen
erally and especially to this district is
the announcement that H. G.. Stark
weather is. a candidate for the demo
cratic nomination for governor of Ore
gon. ,
His slogan is "Drive the public serv
ice corporation out of Oregon politics.
Save the home. He also favors the
cess. It was held in the church on Fri- ciOSed on Anril 18th ' Ptr
day evening April 14th, and about for- j registered' this time
ty attended. Games and music was i Mr. and Mrs. E R Miiw fnr
much enjoyed and refreshments werePencUetoil to v,sit a thi(j week
They . perhaps will stay during the
Mrs. Ella Phillips and Mr. and Mrs.
Williams of Portland spent Sunday
with the Harry Burco family.
I Among the added improvements at
tonaay Nook, is the garden plot ot
flowers wSich has been artistically de
signed by J. W. Dain.
The R. L. Newcomb home is receiv
ing the second coat of paint and many
choice shrubs and plants are being set
out at this attractive home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Floyd of Port
land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Brown on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L P. Cain of Roseburg
will arrive on. Friday for a visit with
their aunt Mrs. G. I. Truitt. '
Mrs. M. Dion was a charming host
ess when she entertained friends with
a 7 o'clock dinner on Saturday -evening..
She was assisted by ier mother
Mrs. G. I. Truitt. After dinner a tilt
at cards made the hours pass rapidly.
Enjoying Mrs. Dion and Mrs. Truitt
hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. R. Hen
dry and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Chapman and Norman, Ro
bert and Stanley Chapman, Mr. and
Mrs. G. R. Thompson, and Bobby and
Gretchen Tnompson, Mrs. Edith Trus
cott and Miss Truscott and Howard
Truscott, Calvin Evans, Raleigh
ruitt,. Mrs. M. S. Cain, Martin Cane
and Paul Cane.
E. G. White of Viola was a business
tient for several months haa r-tiiT-neH
Iir Local Candidate LTlei:
this place.
Tom Robbins underwent a minor
operation at the Oregon City hospital
on Tuesday.
Events of the week on the social
calendar are the "500" party at school
house given by the Community Club.
Admission 10 cents. Home make cake
and coffee will be 15 cents additional.
The funds derived are to be for Com-
mumty club house