OREGON CITY. ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1922. NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY : ' " , Correspondence From All Over the County Telling o Improvement and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripted Will Receive Prompt Attention. Ladies of Sewing -. . t . -m r . Club riave iVieeiAsuM-i ti?t h m aui-mumd ui exieusiuu vt luring road (or the A!- ger Logging fu. HAZELIA, April 18. A meeting or ; CUy KoC(jrilor j v Vtxdle visitod the Ladies sewing tjiuu ui was held recently at the home of Mrs, J D. Christiansen. Questions were dis-1 cussed on child training, some sew-; ing was done and lunch served. A l pleasant time was enjoyed. ! sovpral music lovers of Hazelia I went in to ettjoy Fritz Kriesler Wed nesday evening. The pupils of Hazelia school are working hard to help on tne Victrola fund, a sale will be held soon to help with this fund. m Duncan Christiansen, Jr., is enjoying Saturday reversals with the Portland "Whitney Boys and also an orchestra under Ted Bacon, his former teacher. Evangeline Christiansen is spending a few days at the University of Ore gon being one of the students invited from West Linn schoolto attend the meeiting of the ditoral staff held there. Several Hazelia folks enjoyed the Community dinner held at Oswego Thursday evening. Mrs. Eva Morgan who is visiting her daughter at Hazelia has been ill since her arrival. The April community program was a community sing and enjoyed by all. The school children espectally were to be highly commended on their good singing. Cafeteria lunch was served after the sing. Carus Item; CARUS, April 16. There was a good many people from Carus going to Sandy for smelt last week. A. Edwards and daughter . Minnie spent a few days in Portland with rel atives last week. Quite a few people attended the play at Beaver Creek Saturday night. The Stevens family were dinner guests at L. Shockley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler and family and Mrs. Tom Lewis spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Yergens and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis of Beaver Creek attended church at Carus and were dinner guests at Gwili'.am Sun day. Miss Laura Brenner and her moth er of Gladstone spent Sunday in Car us. Mrs. Peter Faurie cf Molalla spent Friday with Mrs. George Bliss. Mrs. Bud Weisser and Mrs. Harold Masrncss spent Thursday in Portland with Mrs. Eli Russell. . I Miss Minnie and Bill Edwardg mo- i tored to Oregon City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Evans and baby of Canby, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weismandel of Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs. Mueller of Highland were guests at the Bill Mueller home Sun day. Mrs. Kate Jones and daughter Mrs. Annie Evans of Portland were call ers at Carus interested in their farm ers at wrus imncsica in n.ci. ( r.rriiTifl hv I nil Mueller. They were accompanied to Oregon City with A. . n .i i . j ,1 V. . Allnni;. i Estacada News choir being composed of Mesdames G. ESTACADA, April 19. A large num- ! E. Lawrence, D. B. Bass, Harry Kitch ber of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs from ' ing. Edith Coleman and Miss Anna Dil Estacada attended the I. O. O. F. con-i ion. The gentlemen were Messrs. G. vention at Gresham last Saturday. A j E. Lawrence, John Ely, G. A. Ellis, W. drill team from this lodge won the M. Wade and J. G. Hayman. The Molalla carried ! music rendered was exceptionally off the trophy. Mrs. Cordelia Carter rvf this nlapfi was called UDon to give a response to the address of wel come, in the Rebekali assembly, which she did in a most charming and inter esting manner i i j iiiimi-iiii ... A . ti-in f ,i fJrAsh- I am Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton visit- The regular meeting of the order of ed at the home of the former's broth Eastern Star for this month was held er, Tom Morton, last Sunday. Tuesday night with a good attendance. , Mesdames W. H Grabeel and Irving At the conclusion of the regular Star ' Smith had a dinner party Sunday even- their husband's birth- ceremomes, cuaiaues wc i' 1 - ti " light refreshments served by a com.-j days. Mr. Grabeel is conductor and mittee of which Mrs Julius Kreager i Mr. Smith is the motorman on the car was chairman. i out from Portland at 6:30, which stays The Estacada schools close early this in Estacada all night, year commencement exercises to be j Engineer Sharp, who is employed by held May 16. -The high school is now the Railroad company at Three Links, working on a new play, which will : received a bad cut on one of his legs be presented at the close of school. i Sunday, which will lay him up for a Mrs. E. D. Allen, of Marmot, Oregon, few days, has been an Estacada visitor this week Mrs. Gibbs accompanied Rev. Gibbs and she attended the O E. S. meeting j to Milwaukie last Sunday, where Mr Tuesday" night. I Gibbs held Episcopal services, after W A. Heylman attended a Masonic which they visited friends in Sellwood meeting in Oregon City Monday night. ; until Monday evening. After an intermission of several ' months, Peoples' .Night at the Metho- , FROG POND NEWS dist church will be resumed, commenc- j ing on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. FROG .POND, April 17. Miss rv. - rr r-jrov has hpen nnDoiniea .fim n -j ti v nhvsician bv the P. R. L. & . . . . . - ti r c P. Co. W. F. Cary and family and Clyde Ecker motored to Portland Wednes day afternoorf Mr. and Mrs. ''Ted" Ahlberg and lit tle son, spent Easter day with Portland relatives. On TMondav. Anril 24. at 8 n m. at the high schoolauditorium, Henry M. ! Grant, executive secretary of the Hy-! the high schoolauditorium, Henry M. ! giene Society, will give a talk and four reels of motion picture studies, "How i Life Began." Open to everybody, young and old. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bruce of Port- ?and, were guests last Sunday at the P. M. Wagner and George Armstrong homes. Mrs. Chapman, of chico, California, 1 EKtacads a few days, this week visiting her daughter Mrs. Spangler, f Mr. and Mrs. Louie Brack spent the nurse who is taking care of Lisle Sunday with the latter's parents. Wagner. ' Myrtle and Dora Oldenstadt visited Miss Emma Wenstrom of Portland, Mrs. Louis Bracks Monday afternoon, was the week, end guest of Mrs. A. J2e- j Mrs. John Aden visited Mrs. Dick Moy. j Oldenstadt Wednesday afternoon. I I. Boak of Denver, Colorado, head i Mrs. Smith Turner visited Mrs. council of the' W. O. W., will be a guest i Gould Saturday afternoon, of " Fagle Creek camp next Saturday j A farewell party was given on Otis evening. He will be accompanied by ; Robins Tuesday night. Those who at the head manager, J.-O. Wilson and tended all report having a very good other notable members of this organ- time. ization. They will give an entertain-1 Mrs. Rabick of Stafofrd who has ment in the high school auditorium at j been suffering from pneumonia, pass o .'i!r g rYirY, Himo thcra will I erl awav nt her home Monday morning. be music and a 3-reel moving picture. - ; Everybody invited. George louitat wa a buMnesa vis itor at the MttniolU Moutlcty, J K. lVtoiaon ln oil TuesJav tor Oit'2un t'itv on Monday Sam liarr aud family moved into their new liousg last Friday. Mrs. K. Morse itinia over from Fort land last Friday and remained until Hie following day. She reports that the doctor is still slowly improving, in fact he was much better during the past few days. - Mrs. J F. Morgan of Portland, moth er of Miss' Catharine Morgan of the high school faculty, visited her daugh ter here the latter part of last week. The street in front of the feed com pany's store has been improved by several loads of gravel. Mrs. W. F. Cary went to Portland last Thursday and in company with her sister, Mrs. M. H. Boyle, they pur chased a piano for the Cary home. A large number of our residents have been making trips to the Sandy river to "scoop up" smelt. Those who were not ' privileged to go, were well and liberally remembered by their friends who had made the trip. Mrs. H. L. McKenney has been very ill. for the past few days with erysipe las, but is improving now. A man by the name of Paulena, who was working for the railroad company at camp No. 2, had his leg broken above the knee last Sunday, by a log falling on him. He was taken to Port- ! land on a special cr. j W. F. Cary spent a-couple of days in Portland this week. Fred Bartholomew and wife and . Mrs. C. C- Saling went to Portland last Thursday to attend the(funeral of their brother, Walter Bartholomew, who died in that city Wednesday night Mr. Bartholomew with his mother, ac companied the body to Heppner, Ore gon, for burial. Mrs. Jennie Batzel, of Portland, who was in Estacada last week getting a class in the Neighbors' of Woodcraft, an auxiliary to the W. O. W. suc ceeded in getting 32 names and the organization was made on Thursday night in Odd Fellows hall. Mrs. Guy Graham and baby arrived from Seatle Monday to visit here a few days before going to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Shock met them in Portland. Mrs. "Dora Haying of this place ac cepted service M the jury and went to Oregon City Monday, where court con vened. " Work -of laying railroad track has begun on the new grade up the Clack amas river, by the P. R. L. & P. Co., and the automobile travel has been eliminated. Mrs Jim Linn, who has been at the i camp up the river with her husband for some time, has returned to Esta cada. There was appropriate Easter ser vices in the morning last Sunday, at both the M. E. and Christian churches. The programs were given by the chil dren and consisted of singing, recita tions and litle Easter exercises, wnicn were entertaining ana reneciea mucn ... .i,t. tramoH thom In the evenjng regular preaching ser- . . . . ..-ij..,t 1, i vire was held at the Methodist church i when the pastor, J. F. Lacey, delivered ! a splendid Easter sermon. There was snecial music for the occasion, the tr.ond While working around the machin ery in his saw mill last Thursday, Ed. Douglass in some manner had his hand hadlv crushed. He was brought to Estacada and Dr. Carey dressed the wound. Mvrtlo Aden sneni saiuiuiy ami ocm- j.. . .. : . l- It;,... 17.onria 1? n 1 n in day with Miss Portland. Mr" and Mrs. Smith Turner and daughter Nola spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Nola and Norman Turner and Pete Koellermeier spent Sunday evening with Francis Randelin. Wri-i-!i Mnnttnns Morris's went " . . .' . t, o,nHv-!ahiriiaT smelt fishmg m the Sandy Saturday , , . Tom Turner spent the week end with Norman Turner, Ervin Sharp was an Oregon City visitor Monday. , Fowaid Turner spent the week end with his cousin Herbert Turner, Mr. and Mrs. John Aden attended the Easter services at the Wilsonville rhiirch Sundav evenine. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner were . -. -.:: rf..,1aj0 j Oregon City visitors Thursday. W. Douglas Given Pleasant Surprise EAGLE CREEK, April 19. Will Douglass butchered ten hogs last week, selling them to a Portland mar- ' ket. He made a business trip to Port land last Thursday. On Friday evening Will Douglass was pleasantly surprised by some of hi3 friends coming and spending the evening with him in honor of his 50th birthday. There were about 35 pres ent and all seemed to have a good- time The evening was spent playing games and cards. After partaking of delicious refreshments, about midnight, and then playing a few more games, listening to a recitation by Ed. chapman, all de parted for home. Eagle Crek Grange held its regu lar meeting at the Grange hall Satur day. There were about 30 presentin cluding visitors and children. A pleas- ent- In May, on the 3rd Saturday the grange will give its usual May picnic. Everybody invited to come and spend the day in our Cedar grove. There will be a good program. Mr. and Airs. Carpenter, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Robertson, Mr and Mrs. L. J. Palmateer and Mrs. Weatherby and little son of Garfield were Grange vis itors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass enter tained Mrs. "Viola Douglass during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and chil dren were the Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Moehnke, of Schuebel. Easter Program Is 1 Enjoyed at Mulino MULINO, April 18. Mrs. Agnes Buckley and Mrs. Churchill visited our school last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Daniels, M-r. and Mrs. Chris Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Waldorf made a trip" to Troutdale after smelt last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor were Molalla visitors last Wednesday. The Sunday school gave an Easter program at the church last Sunday evening which was enjoyed by a large crowd of people. The numbers on the program were very interesting and were well rendered. A few well chosen remarks were made by Rev. J. Ware. Prayers were said by Mrs. Thomas Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels and chil dren motored to Greenwood where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hobei t Eastman. Mrs. Eastman was a former teacher here in Mulino. The Ladies Club met with Mrs. James Davis last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bonny were Colton visitors last week. Miss Elizabeth Long was a week end visitor in Mulino. She was the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Long. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Holiday and chil-" dren were week end visitors at the August Erickson home.. Mrs. ;Gladys Herman of Beaver Creek was the guest of her father, Robert Snodgrass, Sr., last Saturday and Sunday. Claud Howard hag been appointed agent for Mulino on the Willamette Valley Southern railroad. Mr3. Jft Maloltt and little son were city shoppera last Saturday. Miss Margaret Tweedie and Vaye Harmon were Oregon City vistors last Saturday. Tom Fish who is in poor health went to Molalla recently to consult with a doctor. Herman Schoerner and Miss Vaye Harmon, Misa Margaret Tweedie, Misa Gladys Harmon and Vernie Radford motred on Columbia River highway last Sunday and enjoyed a picnic lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erickson were i Portland visitors Sunday. ADVANCE NEWS ADVANCE, April 18. The pupils of the school took the Vedder test, Fri day. This is the last one to be given and the children are anxious .to hear the reports on those who will be ex empt from examinations. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shawk'.ey of Mt. Pleas ant. Those that attended from Ad vance were Mr. and Mrs H. Koeller meier, F. Koellermeier, Miss Martinaz zi and Elsa Turner. Two school visitors were Fred Koe' lermeier and Henry Koellermeier. Both are on the school board and are in terested in school work. Clarence Koeller played at Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs. George Zinserling has been visiting her sisteri-n-law, Mrs. J. Ider hoff for the past few days. Mrs. C. Zinsering is now with Mrs. Iderhoff too. . Mrs. Carter was visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Iderhoff for the past few days. Mrs. C. Zinserling is now with Mrs. Iderhoff too. Mrs. Carter was visiting her sister in law, Mrs. Wilken this week end. Visitors at the Sam Moser tome Sunday were .Edward Marshall, Ed ward and Rudolph Zimmerman and Ruth Moser. Oregon City visitors this week were: Mr. Dragoo, F. Koellermeier, Mrs. J. Iderhomm, Elton Dragoo and Alfred de Neui. Those who were in Willamette this week were E. L. Toedtemeier, H. Ider hoff and J. Iderhoff. H. Iderhoff, J. Iderhoff and Mrs. F. Gosser were Wilsonville visitors iast week. Suit for Divorce Is Filed In Local Court f Suit for divorce was filed here on Wednesday by Sarah against Tony Muratto. They were married in Port- , land December 8, 1913. ! Homesteaders on Prairie Are Robbed ELK PRAIRIE, April 15. Ted Gray and Basil Leitzel gave invitations to their neighbors to attend a surprise party at the home of Richard Joplin. The party was in honor of Mrs. Joplin, who has often entertainra the young people in her home. The evening, which was April 1. was spent in dancing and merry-making. Mrs. Jop lin and Ted Gray furnished the music a portion o: the time, the Victrola gave them an opportunity to rest occasion ally. Luncheon was served at mid night. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gault and little sons. Robert and Law rence, Mrs. Chas. Tidd, Miss Rober son, Mrs. Neeley, Miss eHnderson, Vernon Tidd, Mr. and Mrs. F. Joplin, Basil Leitzel, Ted Gra, Lawrence Slo cite, Miss Zena Badger and Mrs. Bad ger besides the host and nostess, Mr. and Mrs. Richar d Joplin and their two sons Milton and Lawrence. It has been reported that the homes of two absent homesteaders have been molested. The first to be discovered was that of A. H. Hollingsworth. Rich ard Joplin was out hunting stocR, when he found fresh tracks in the snow leading to Mr. Hollingsworth'j cabin. Mr. Joplin, thinking that Mr. Hollingsworth had returned, went to the house, only to discover that it had been broken in to. Other locks in the cabin had been broken and property and keep-sakes had been strewn every where. It is not" "known just what is missing until a complete itemized list is taken. Mr. Joplin' immediately took steps to have the matter reported to the own er. Mr. Hollingsworth wrote that he expected to return a little later but in the meantime for Mr. Joplin to take charge of what ever remained. Mr. Hollingsworth also offered a reward of $50 for information in the mater, that would lead to conviction of the party or parties. A few days ago Mr. and Mrs. Freer returned to their homestead. The snowas on at the time, so they had Mr. Sloate bring them in, with his team and wagon. When near the claim, they had seme difficulty on account of the road, so Mrs. Freer walked to the house. Soon she returned to the men, saying that their, home had been j-obbed. Both food and keepsakes had been taken. Some were things that this couple had owned tor many years, even plates which were especially valued because of the fond memories they brought up about their wedding, had been taken. DODGE ITEMS DODGE, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Colson and family took dinner with the Giles family on Sunday. i)r. and Mrs. Hedges and little daughter spent Sunday at the W. E. Myers home. Mr., and Mrs. Fred-Horner visited at Colton Sunday evening and took j part in the Easter program e.t tne church. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis and little daughter of Garfield visited a few "days the past wek with Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Myers. Mrs. Parort from Vancouver is visit ing with her sister Mrs. Jochimsen. MOUNTAIN ROAD ITEMS MOUNTAIN ROAD, April 18. Sev eral of the neighbors from here and Peeta Mountain went smelt fishing last week and returned with plenty of fish. Deward and Bern ice Hodge, Marian Robinson and Lillie Moser of Advance attended a recital .given by Miss Ford of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Koellermeier and children attended a show in Ore gon City on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson spent Easter with relatives in Silverton. Mr. Koeler of Newport is working for Louis Koellermeier this spring. Mrs. K. E. Scoffern of Clatskanie, Oregon, spent a few day shere with relatives. John Anderson, Sr. was in Port- j land one day last week. Neila Pliristensen Sr.. sold his j sheep last week. Meldrum Notes Misses Gertrude and Helen Will lams and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore I Zimmerman of Portland were Wed- j nesday visitors at the A. W. Meyers home. Mrs. Robert M. Meyers spent last week at McMinnviHe with her mother Mrs. Bert Ruby. Burr Tatro, principal of The Dalles school, spent Saturday and Sunday with G. M. Caldwell and family. Mrs. Lucy Williams, Miss Lottie Ries and Mrs. R. D. Williams, of Port land, spent Sunday with A. W. Mey ers. Mrs. Chas. Meldrum and son, Fran ces, returned Sunday from San Fran cisco. Vern Hopkins returned Friday from the Milwaukie Open Aid Sanitarium, where he spent the last three months. Mr. Hopkins is greatly improved in health and is now stopping with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hop- Kins. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Sturgis and son of Portland, spent Sunday with Mrs. Sturgiss's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McBride, who recently purchased Meldrum property. M. J. Brown and family spent Sun day with Mrs. Murray Bunn. A. W, Meyers has completed Ris new bungalow by Meldrum Station and placed it on the market. Wm. Gardner was among the fish ermen on the Sandy on Monday, re turning with an abundance of smelt. ONE CHINESE KILLED IN ASTORIA TONG OUTBREAK ASTORIA, April 19. One Chinese Is dead and the others in the city are either hugging their homes closely in terror or are seething with excite ment as a result of an outbreak of what police feel sure are tong hdstili ties here late last night. MininM.iinr; 10 I'ilLLIUHrilnL 10, CONVICTED UPON LIQUOR CHARGE j Appeal from Decision of Kalamazoo Court; Sentence Withheld by Judge Weimer. GIRUS TELL STORY OF WILD AUTO RIDE Attempt to Take Women Outj Into Country , Is RecitebV By Victims of Detroiter. ' KALAMAZOO, Mich., April 19 John Duvail Dodge, Detroit million- j aire, and Rex Earl, an architect of , Kalamazoo, were convicted in circuit J court here late today on a charge of illegally possessing, transporting and furnishing liquor Attorneys for the defendants im mediately filed notice of appeal and Judge Weimer withheld sentence. The charges against Dodge and Earl resulted from a midnight auto mobile ride here on the night of March 11 when they invited three young women into their car and drove them, against their protests, into the country. During the ride, the three girls testified, they were offered li quor. Miss Emiline Kwakernaak, a West ern Normal school student, becoming alarmed, jumped from the machine and was seriously injured. The other women were Ethel Clemens, a nor mal student, and Sue Stenenga. TO FEATURE SCHOOL DAY School day will again this year be cne of the features -of the Gladstone chautauqua. Preliminary plans for the program are being formulated among the schools over the county and circulars, drawing the attention of the different teachers to the affair have been sent out through the local superintendent's ofifce. . The school day was inaugurated last year and met with such success that its repetition is planned. Num bers are furnished by the different schools and all of the pupils on that day are admitted free of charge. BARLOW ITEMS BARLOW, April 17.-Harry Gard ner who has been playing in the Pa cific Coast League baseball team ar rived home from Sacramento Sunday to spend a few days with his family in Barlow. Orville Widdows who has been spending a few days with his parents. Returned to Eugene where he is em ployed. Miss Loona Parmenter who is at tending school at Monmouth, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Barlow. Misses Dorothy Krueger and Kris tina Nelson strolled up to Lou Smiths to see the new baby. WILLAMETE ITEMS Beatrice Oliver in company with friends from Oregon City, attended the concert in Portland Wednesday evening given by the noted violinist Fritz Kreisler. Miss Olive.- is an ac complished young musician, a pupil of David Campbell, pianist, of Port land. Mrs. Mamie Miller and children of Sellwood visited t'riend3 and relatives in Willamette last week. Clem Dollar, with a party of friends from Oregon City motored to Sandy Wednesday, where they all enjoyed "easy fishing." They returned home with a couple of sacks of smelt. Garet Peters of Wilsonville has moved into his new homa recently purchased from George EUigsen. Owing to the bad weather work is not progressing aa rapidly as was hoped for. on the new butcher shop which will soon be erected in Willam ette. However work has begun and will be rushed to completion as scon as the weather permits. Roy Schroeder of Sellwood, visited friends in Willamette Sunday. Terry Barnes, student at the Albany college, spent last week with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barnes. Terry has made quite a name for himself on the campus where he has taken an active interest in athletics and is very popular. The School Masters club of Clacka mas county, met at Willamette Sat- uruay oi lasi weeK. a ousiuess uicei.- j ing was held after which a program i was given and at the noon hour a dinner was served by the teachers of j the local school. j A contract for the building of two , houses has been taken by W. Snido v.. These houses will be erected on the Iron company's land, known as Bland Acres. Waldron Hyatt, who graduated from O. A. C. in February, has left for Eastern Washington, where he wi'l be employed for the coming summer. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Risley and lit- ' tie daughter, who have been guests j at the home of Mrs. Riley's mother, Mrs. Lindquist, for several weeks, j have returned to their home in Ocean ; Falls, Canada. While here Mr. Riley built a very attractive little bunga- low on their place and it is hoped by FIFTY-FOUR YEARS AGO Taken from the Oregon City Enter- j prise Apirl 11, 1868. j Teachers' Certificates Granted On j Thursday last Superintendent Rand all, of this city, garnted certificates to Miss Mary C. Samson, W. W. H. Samson and G W. Hammersly to teach in Clackamas county. So far as oar knowledgeof the parties go, they are j each and severally competent, and de- j serve success. , ! Odd Fellows' Grand Lodge The Grand Lodge of the State or Oregon will commence its thirteenth annual session in this city on Tuesday, May 19 at 9 a. m- Oregon Lodge No. 3 has already began to think of preparations to receive the delegates. There will be twenty-five lodges represented in th Grand Lodge this year, aggregating seventy-two delegates. Tumwater Baseball Club On the 2nd inst., Tumwater Baseball Club of this city elcted officers for the season as follows: President, Master Eugene Dement; vice-president. Master JCoble Johnson; treasurer, Master James Warren; secretary. Master William Whitlock; directors. Master R. Singer, John Abbott, Clarence Francis. Master "William Warren, captain for first nine. The Portland Package of the Enter prise will go down on Saturday's Sen ator through favor of Purser Pope, leaving here at 7 a. m. reguarly. WTe shall aim to reach all of our readers by the first conveyance, after publi cation. The daily maiLervice to Os wego has been discontinued. Our friends will receive the Enterprise on Saturday morning by favor of Purser Pope. GERMAN ACT DISRUPTS CONFERENCE AT GENOA GENOA, April 18. Following all day conferences, the allied represent atives here today made public a statement declaring that Germany had violated the conditions she' pledgtd to observe upon entering the confer ence. The statement issued by the allied leaders said that the allies assume that Germany, by its act in signing the treaty with the Russians, has barred herself from further participa tion in the Genoa conference. ' 50 LIVES LOST: STORM SWEEPS THRU MIDWEST! CHICAGO, 111., April IS. Sweeping northeastward through the Middle Western states, a storm which had its' origin in the Rocky mountain region Sunday had passed over Ohio today, leaving in its wake death and destruc tion. A loss of nearly fifty lives was at tributed to the storm, which deve? oped considerable energy as it pro gressed eastward, taking- in many places the form of a tornado. CHARGE SAYS EVIDENCE , AT DAY INQUEST FALSE OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., April 10. Charges that testimony which Jean P. Day-and Mrs. Day gave at the in quest into the death of Lieutenant Colonel Paul Ward Beck is "untrue" were filed here with County Attorney Forest Hughes, just before the slain officer's body was put aboard a train to be sent to Washington for burial in Arlington cemetery. friends that they will return tn make their home here.. Miss Elizabeth Gourley of Portland, spoilt her Easter vacation at the home of relatives in Willamette. Mrs. H. Leisman visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smoker, of IIiiIstoro,"several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Britton have moved from Willamette to their farm near Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross and daugh ter, Helen and Gladys Fredericks, mo tored to the Sandy river last Sunday afternoon where they enjoyed watch ing smelt fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simpson have sold their place to Mr. and Mrs. Bar ker, who have taken possession. The seventh grade of the local school enjoyed a half holiday Friday afternoon while the floors were beii j oiled. ' ' Grace Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, was out of sclioo last week, being confined to lior ao.ne with the mumps. Mrs. Leisman and daughter Mary, were shopping in Portland last Satar -day. Mr. Dean, the local barber. hr stored his office supplies until ti?e ' new building on Mara street is coil;- : pleted. Mr. Schauble, also "home j less" during the construction of the j new building, "has temporarily install ed his cobler's outfit in the Clem Do'- j lar office building on Main street. i C. Khale has been ill at his ho ne ; for several days suffering from a very sore throat. Mrs. E. T. Mass of Oregon Ci. made a business trip to Willamete last Wednesday. While here she call ed on several friends. Mrs. Harold White, who has beeT in the Sellwood hospital for several weeks, returned to her home in Wi1 lamette last week. Audrey Tuor, who l is teaching in Dallas this winter, spent the Easter vacation In Willamette at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tuor. She returned to Dallas Sunday ac companied by her little sister Maxine, who will be her guest for a week. Mrs. C. Khale was a Portland visit-1 or last Friday. Special Easter services were given by the pupils of the Sunday school last Sunday morning. MIXED JURY SAYS UN NOT GUILTY Of SEX OFFENSE Jess Poyser Cleared of First Indictment; Thirteen Year Old Girl Is Complaining Witness for Prosecution- TWO CASES PENDING BEFORE COURT HERE Seven Women Accepted On ' Tribunal; Verdict Takes Hour and Eight Minutes. Jess Poyser, Clackamas county farmer, -was cleared Wednesday of the first of three indictments on statutory charges when he was found not guil ty by the first mixed jury to serve in the circuit court here.. After one hour and eight minutes, deliberation the jury, composed of seven women and five men released the defendant. The jury retired at 2:39. , . , Florence McKinnis, 13, appeared as. complaining witness against Poyser who is more than 40. The offense, it was alleged, had been committed two years ago. Violet McKinnis, sister of the complaining witness, is to appear as the principal for the state in an other case pending against Poyser. Poyser is also facing a similar charge in which oris Hirchman, 13. will appear as the complainant. The jury which tried the case Wednesday was composed of Grover C. Pomeroy, Mary E. Norris, Clara E. Anthony, Aurie Draptr, Eliza M. In gram, George DeBok, Robert D. Wil son, Charles Sharnke, Louise Kam rath, William Lewis, Nellie Alldredge and Augusta B. Haberjach. LOCAL INSTITUTE TO BE HELD IN JENNINGS LODGE The third and last local school in stitute for Clackamas county will be held at the Jennings - Lodge school Saturday, May 6, acording to the an nouncement made by Brenton Vedder, county school superintendent. In connection with the meeting a session of the Clackamas County Di vision of the Oregon State Teacher's Association will be held and a num ber of matters relative to the educa tional welfare of the county are to be discussed. Dr. C. A. Gregory of the University cf 'Oregon, Superintendent S. S. Dun can of Yamhill county and Miss Kath erine Arbuthnot of the state normal school will be the main speakers on the program. uuiiimmimmmmmniiiiiimmimmu Todav Is Here. Care for Your Eves Now. Tomorrow Never Arrives 19th year of practice. I Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist 505J4 Main St. Oregon City E S Opposite Postoffice 5 niiiiiuiiimmiiiiinmiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiir: ............m......-. Res. 251-W i Phones: Off. 80 EMORY J. NOBLE LAWYER Justice of Peace 201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City. Pacific Phone: Office 52 Residence 304-M I CHARLES T. SIEVERS, j i Lawyer I Oregon City, Ore. HNIIINiMNINIKIIIIIIilMlliniHIIIMIimiHlllmiMMlMMl: GEORGE HOEYE CHIROPRACTOR Caufieid Bldg. Phone 636-W ' f i Oregon City, Ore. I 6 Pei Cent State School 1 Money to Loan on Farms SCHUEBEL & BE ATT IE 1 Bank of Oregon City Bldg. I Oregon City, Ora. I lUHIMIIIIlllintllllillllll I N