Young People Are Gonf irmed Sunday . SANDY, April 10. Palm Sunday service at the Lutheran church was at tended by a large congregation and the service was very impressive. The following young people were confirni nian finished the course of study given in the parochial school: Richard Suckow, Oscar Krebs, Ben nie Hoffman, Helen Schwartz, Ella Schwartz, Anita Dobberful and Kva Krebs Oscar Krebs is from Tillamook, and he and the others will enter their respective public schools in the fall and some will take up the seventh and some the eighth grade work. Fine Time Enjoyed By Eastern Star SANDY, April 10 The Eastern Star Chapter had a delighful meeting a few nights ago. After the business session was concluded refreshments were served and then games were played. Those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lennartz, of Pleasant Home, Mr. and Mrs. Les ter and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Townsend, of Estacada, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Maulding of Boring, and "Uncle Mor Miss Lulu Eddy, Mr. and Mrs Ennis Townsend of Bull Run.. . v Sandy Womens Club Holds Regular Meet SANDY, April 10 The regular meeting of the Sandy Women's club' was held at the home of Mrs. Julius Sture on Thurday. Most of the after noon was taken looking after the final arrangements for the benefit dance and the study program was post poned until next meeting, which will ho lipid at thft home of Mrs. P. D. Eason. One name was presented for membership in the club. Those pres ent were Mri Blanche Shelley, Mrs. Sadie Bosholni, Mrs. Geo. Beers, Mrs. A. W. Bell, Mrs. Ed. Bruns, Mrs. Har ry Reed, Mrs. Myra Hoernicke and Mrs. F. D. Eason, Mrs. F. L. Proctor, Mrs Cyril Gray and Mrs. J. M. C. Mil ler were invite dguests. Delicious re freshments were served. Live Questions Are Discussed at Grange SANDY, April 10. There was a number of live discussions at the Sandy grange session Saturday. Thia grange went on record as desiring the abolishment of all unnecessary com missions, the statement being made that, fa a nairt official for every man, woman and child in the United States tfkflAV A resolution was also passed oppos ing rural school consolidation as fol lows: "Whereas. There is a movement im hand to consolidate our rural schools and to centralize the supervi sion of the same under one head, thus doing away with our school Doaras ana t-akiner awav the home influence and from th DUDils to the detriment of the same, therefore. Be it Resolved that Sandy Jarnge xno. 6ft, this 8th day pf April go on recora as hoi nor nnnnspd to anv such change in our school system.' The resolution committee consisted of A. C. Thomas, Mrs. W. F. Strack and Mrs. A. W. Bell. A recommendation was also made that committees be appointed to look up non-essential commissions that are functioning on (good salaries both in the county and state and be prepared to work with the tax-reduction advo cates. Benefit Dance at Sandy Is Success SANDY, April 10 The benefit dance given by the Sandy Women's club at the Odd Fellow's hall Saturday night was a fine success in ever way and a delightful social time was en joyed. The chair presented for the fund -by J. E. Metzger of Gresham brought $20.00 and Webb Roberts of Dover was the lucky fellow to bid on the rocker. The entire receipts for the affair amounted to $180.70. The club served the supper. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bell, Mrs. Jack Scales and Mrs. George Beers called on Max Wuinsche and family Sunday and Max said words could not express his gratitude to the Women's club for tkia great interest shown to him, his wife, and five children. Wuinsche has been laid up the past two year8 and i voHfat TT desired is now eiiLii oij . that his thanks be expressed through the Enterprise to all wno so Kinuiy o membered his affliction. a tv tii chairman of the IU.1D. -1 ' " . . Good Samaritan committee of the ciup, worked untiringly to make the affair a v. oaoietPil hv Mrs. Geo. success, alio w aa -- Beers and Mrs. Harry Reed other members of the committee. Mrs. JacK Scales was. chairman of the rerresn ment committee. Contract Made to Disp )ose of Bonds - SANDY, April 10. At a meeting of the union high school board a contract was made with the Calckamas County Bank of Sandy to sell $30,000 of war rants for the construction and eqnlr ment of the new building, plans Im which are under consideration by t. r board. CHOICE MEATS MBS. J. M. C. MILLER Correcpondent Easter Program Is To Be Given Sunday SAND Y.April 13. A big Easter pro gram will be given here Sunday night at 7:45 P. M. which will be well worth a large attendance. The following numbers will be on the program: Vol- j untary, Mrs. F. D. Eason; Easter an thems by Sandy quartet; reading, Mrs Shellev. sons. Dorothv Esson; Chil dren's sons and processional; recita tion, Ruth Esson; soprano solo, 'Ave Maria," Mary Junker Clinefelter; con tralto solo. Miss Marsraret Miller; sax- oohone number, Mr. Milliron; tenor solo, "Easter Even," Dr. Julius Sture nffertorv. Mr. Milliron and Mrs. Eason selection by Sandy male quartet; duet Mrs. Miller and Dr. Sture. Whistling of An Raster hymn. Jonne Shelley. Hymns; "Christ the Lord is Risen To- dav." by double quartet. "Christ "Percv T. Shellev and quartet Mrs. Clinefelter will sing the obligatos in the anthems. Demonstration on Spuds Held Monday SANDY, April 10. The potato dem on stration held today at the ranch of W. Bosholm was attended by about sixty neighbors. County Agent Holt was pleased with the quality and ixa f the 'RnlshoTri'"sDuds. saying they were about the best samples he had found in his various demonstra tions over the county. They are of the Burbank variety. The roads and , stormy day prevented a much large attendance. ODD FELLOWS MEET SANDY, April 10 The Odd Fel low's put on an interesting evening Tuesday at which time a visiting del egation was present from Montavilla and second degree work was put on during the evening. A "big feed" was enjoyed afterwards. PORTLANDER RENTS FARM SANDY, April 12. H. C. Hannan Ml Portland moved on the Ed. F. Bruns ranch last Monday. Mr. Hannan has rented this place for three years and has a family of our children. E. Grunert and family are moving from this place into a house near the Sandy cemetery which is also owned by Bruns. INSTALL NEW LOCOMOTIVE SANDY, April 12. A new 50 ton logging locomotive has been installed at the Dwyer logging camp. The new "monster" is an oil burner. The track settled so much because of the steady wet weather that the plant had to shut down part of the week. They were also short of men. SANDY LOCALS Marshall Davis SANDY. Aoril 10 was the "official" photographer for the graduation ana coniirmauon ciass of pupils of the Lutheran church and parochial school last week. I want to buy a good gentle medium sized horse. Phone 64. J. M. C. Mil ler, Sandy. BALED HAY for sale, clover or vetch, at my Dover farm. J. W. Exon. A midnight supper ws enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Dahrens Saturday night by Mr., and Mrs. Wal ter Krebs and family, Mrs. Carl Wend land and Mr. and Mrs. Gesch. Mrs. A. Kotzman, sister of Mrs. J. C. Loundree, who has been visiting here from Bend, left Monday for Al bany to visit relatives and friends. Geo. Gunderson was out in Sandy- ridge visiting neighbors recently. Farmer8 everywhere are telling tne same story of bad weatner prevent ing plowing and sowing of crops. Wm. Andresen has plowed a little for H. Lubke between showers. . Miss Mildred DeLaet of Poruana wa3 a guest of Mr. ana mrs. a. Bowers Saturday and Sunday. Misa Lucile McCarter was out lor the dance and Miss Hazel .Beers ac companied her home, remaining at Gresham until Monday. ATiaa Jean Proctor left on Monday for Brookland, Wash., where she secur ed a position as stenographer witn a large cannery firm. Miss Proctor grad ..otoH frnm Hi a Sandv hieh nchool last year then attended a business college in Portland. ttm Ttnma has moved all the fam ily belongings from the ranch over to the mill. R C. Frace Is getting along spienaia ly with the Robert Jonsrud house which is going to be a beautiful home, and the location on the Bluff road is ideal. C. E Seward of Eagle Creek, Route 1, drove into town the other day with his ox team. Seward says he lost three horses the past year and is glad he has the oxen to fall back on. He kept them most of the winter on straw, feeding grain when he worked them, and they are in good shape. "Zeke" Beers is putting in his spare time fixing up the inside of the house and helping the women-folk clean house. A new porch is to be added. W. G. Duncan is still going to Port land every other day to have his leg treated. The cast is still on his li b and it is not improving very rapidly. Tnlin "Rnrmeister recently went to Ts.iiint tn con bin bovs and took them to a show. The si year old waa all "eyes," and when a French girl riancfe with "not much ,-lothes on,' the little fellow yelled tii a cmwd roared with ! i-.rr' r. Mr-. ?:iie Pence, sister of P. T. FAIR PRICES a-nnH -InrlirA nf Meats. VOU'll ouying here where there are f u.any luscious Steaks, Chops and . oasts. Quality Meats Only. Gresham Meat Market A. J. W. Brown n OUT-OF-TOWN CHECKS are cashed without charge by this progressive Insti tution. This is just one of our many little services which we are glad to render residents of Gresham and tie surrounding district. Let us cash your checks on out-of-town banks and thus save you collection 'fees. Our object Is to furnish facilities to meet your ' every banking need. " FIRST STATE BANK Gresham, Oregon Shelley of Sandy, was here visiting her brother and family for a day re cently. Mrs. Pence is daughter-in-law of Rev. Pence of the Westminister church in Portland, and brought her husband to the hospital from Eastern Oregon recently. Alf noil whn recentlv mirrfiased th tmir.i- rniita from Jack Barnett to Portland is making daily trips and the Barnett family are preparing to move to Portland where Burnett will be con nected with his creamery business there. - Gus. Dahrens underwent a three days examination by a specialist in Portland last week. The doctor fin ally pronounced his trouble as "inner nerve" trouble and says it' will take a year to straighten out the trouble. In the meanwhile Dahrens has to be care ful and eat plenty of nourishing food and take nerve building medicine. Henry IQuam made a short visit to Sandy last week from Clatskanie. W. J. Hertwig, state president of the Anti-saloon League has cancelled the date for the movie announced here for April 14. . Sandy folk, please remember the date of the big entertainment at Kelso lis April 29. The affair is under the direction or tne women s ciuo auu is given for the piano fund for the school. The regular meeting of the Sandy community club will be held next Thursday night at 8 o'clock P. M. Everybody come.' NsTt lridav evening-. S P. M. is the date of the regular meeting of the lo cal Farm Bureau at the Odd Fellow's hall. It would be neighborly to attend the Easter all day program at the Cottrell community church next Sunday. Mr. Milliron was in town this week practicing the saxophone numbers he will play at the big Easter program next Sunday night. Mrs. F. D. Eason will be the accompanist of the even ing, and will play two organ numbers. Most of the high school pupils attended-" the potato demonstration at the Bosholm ranch last Monday. The five high school seniors have re ceived their class rings. They are busy as a hive of bees planning, for the "great" day. Desiree, Lorraine, Dualta, and Yvonne Strack all gave a number for the Grange program Saturday, beside singing in a chorus with Thelma Ha- gan and others. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Purceu spent oocoral rlava in Portland last week, having a delightful time with relatives. Chas. Scharnke has been "drafted" to serve on the jury. Mrs. Maggie Freel of Cherryville was also caiiea. Tt Sunday the Portland jitney brought out the largest load of pass engers since it has been running. Willie Fischer and Joe Haley are said to be starting to work at the Dwyer logging camp. 1 The store windows are all looking very much like Eastertide was at hand. Mrs. Harry Reed and Miss Hazel Beers proved very good floor mana gers at the Women's club dance . Mrs Dave Douglass was down from Cherryville to attend the grange Sat urday. A. Aschoff stopped over night at the Paul Meinig home while on his way to Marmot from Portland recent ly. He drew two charcoal sketches for Frances Meinig during the evening. George Krebs is home again from Tillamook where he" has been putting up a building for his brother. Andrew Oaks was down from the Zig Zag country laying in supplies a few days ago. Mrs. J. T. Ogden of Marmot was in trtwn a fw davs ago. Mrs. Ogden said the mill had to shut down often on ac- count or nign waici . mg w&uou is turning oue big timbers for the P. R. L. & P. CO. Mrs. Thomas Hagan came home a Tew days ago from another nursing case. Mrs. Florence Connors and Miss Elsie Lippold were invited to Firwood een Farm by Mrs. Anton Malar for Tvirtav nleht and Saturday. These guests enjoyed their visit greatly and much interested in fine regis-1 tered Jersey herd that are not only the pride of the Malars, but the country round about, . About 40 relatives ana friends as sembled at the home of "Grandma" Krebs after Palm service at the Lu theran church Sunday. Four long tables were filled four times, and be side enjoying a fine dinner there were games and music. Those preserft were the Charley, George and Walter Krebs families of this locality, Emil Krebs and family of Tillamook, Otto Krebs and family of Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Herman and baby of Sandy ridge, Tony Miller, Heinie Haselwand er, Henry Krebsand Alfred Wuinsche. MissElsl. Ei rb-r has been a visitor at the home of Mrs. E. Dodd for sev eral days. . Mrs. Frederick Meinig is still suf fering a great deal and does not seem to make any improvement. Mrs. Anna Hennessey still devotes a portion of her time as Mrs. Meinig's nurse. The yellow and black paper caps (club colors) looked very attractive on the Women's club members Saturday night, . A new volley ball and a ' fine new drum for the children of Mrs. Malar's room are the latest acquirements of the grade school. These necessary ad juncts were a gift from the Parent Teachers association and will fill a lone needed want. Traveling rings, are also ordered. Mrs. Dittert and WalteW Krebs made the purchases. Miss Margaret Miller attended a progressive dinner party last Friday evening in Portland. There were 56 guests in the party and they motored to five different homes and oen rest aurant and were served different courses at each' place. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McDougal of Newberg were in town Saturday. They took their mother, Mrs. Dodd home i wuu uavo uccu w. ) week, and they all went to Portland Sunday. The Kesterson children had a little taffy pull the other night and invited the Flinn children, Wilbur and Lola Dodd, to share their pleasure. Mrs. Burdick was among those on the sick list the first "of the week. Mrs. R. E; Esson suffered most of the past week with a severe cold and sore throat. Mrs. Esson had to miss the Women's club meeting and the dance. Mrs. J. C- Duke has been about laid up for a week with bronchial trouble but is slowly improving. Max Wuinsche is confined to his bed, and has practically no use of his limbs and back. His brother Alfred, who has been devoting himself in the two years Max has beenseriously ill is "one in a thousand brothers," the neighbors say, he gives all his time and strength in caring for Max and the family and in trying to keep up the farm work. Miss Bess Barotn and her sister Miss Verna Barton of Puyallup were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. C. Miller Saturday and Sunday. Miss Bess Bar ton, teacher in the high school last year and year before was gladly wel comed here by many of her old pupils and friends, and still holds a warm place in her heart for Sandy. A. li. Mattingly went to Portland to see Mrs. Mattingly and reports her condition as still serious. Mrs. Matting ly is very weak, -though she has im proved some since she was taken to the city. A transfusion of blood may j be necessary to relieve the aenemic i condition. Those present at a Sunday dinner served cafeteria style at the J. M. C. ; Miller home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo Ferret and small son, Misa Bess Barton, Miss Verna Barton, Miss Elsie Lippo'ld and Miss Margaret Miller. Mario Boitano took a trip to Port land last week, and also looked after phone troubles while he could do no farm work. Boitano says his tiny daughter asked: "Why does our Lord have it rain all the time?" AttiUio Cereghino- has finished aec orating the Hessel home and is now doing kalsomining and painting in Gresham and haB prospect of all the work he can do in Gresham. AttiUio, who arrived at Sandy 17 months ago on tint cneak a word of English is proving himself a capable and hon-1 est citizen, and Sanay can proud of the interest taken in him here. nfio Mnr nniHer was here as a guest of the Duke family for the week end in -r-. n.tnn covr her domestic science sewing and art work at Puyal lup keeps her very busy. Some pupils pass through her supervision every day. She hurried home for Mon day's school and had to cut out 3Qfl cos tumes that day for girls in her depart ment who are giving a play in con nection with the faculty. B. Nelson has picked up his courage again after .losing a valuable young Jersey heifer, two-' fine brood sows and twenty-five young pigs and a $200 horse, all within a week. "B"- fed the carcass of the calf to the sows, though it is supposed it was the over eating that did the damage. The horse seem ed to have throat trouble and the vet ernaries could do nothing. County Agent Holt says the only salvation for potato growers, both large and small, is to plant only one Of two varieties, Burbank preferred, and then maraet in new Dags so car ivia will be uniform. Much interest was shown at the Bosholm "dem" last Monday. ' j TVio TTrflnlr R Kerr familv are spending the Easter vacation at their summer domicile on the Bluff road. The family will attend Sunday school next Sunday and Mr. Kerr has prom ised to display a chart that is of much interest in Sunday school work. It is hoped there will be a good attendance. The Kerrs recently gave $3.00 toward the carpet fund, two other friends gave a collection of $2.50, so there is a fund of almost $15.00 on hand. JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent Finley to Lecture On Life of Birds JENNINGS LODGE, April 12. Wm. L. Finley, naturalist of this place, is to be one of the exhibitors at the Central Library, when the Audubon Society will have on exhibition birds and flowers, pictures and preserved specimens. The exhibit will be open from 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. except on Sunday, when the opening time will be 2:30 p. m. Many will avail the opportunity of this. On April 23 Mr. Finley will give an illustrated lecture on the Oregon birds at the Jennings Lodge school house. An admission of 25 cents will be charged for adults and 10 cents for children. The proceeds will go toward the Community Club fund. Morse Clan Meets ' To Honor Member JENNINGS LODGE, April 12. Twenty-two members of the Morse clan met at the home of Hugh Roberts, to extend congratulations to Geo. Morse on his 69 th birthday anniver sary. Flowers of the Easter season were about the rooms and at 5 o'clock a three course luncheon was served. The birthday cake was made by Miss Flora Alice Morse age 11 years and contain ed three candles the white for the past, emblematic of purity; green for the present, all verdent and glowing with hope; and yetfow for the future years that are left to do good for all mankind. Those present were Messrs and Mes dames S. F. Scripture of Oregon City, C. P. Morse of Irvington, Clare Maple and Arthur L. Roberts of this place, and Arthur L. Roberts or ims pi, Mrs. Ben Bruechert, Wilma, EUzabetn Bruechert. Calvin More Jr. William Bruechert, Flora Alice, Marjary and "U 5l.rLr ,;r Hugn uerr kuucs n-m TiiirVi Roberta Congratulations from Mr. and Mrs., H C. Painton of Rockaway, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tripp of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hayles of Airlie were reiceived dur ing the day which added to the happy famiyl gathering SociaTDance to Aid Club Enjoyea JENNINGS LODGE, April 12 Mr- and Airs. Wilson B. Miller opened their home for a social dance on Sat - urday evening, wnen tne mmu the Community Club planned an at-1 visits to luJ o-tTii of Bor- fair for funds for the new club house, to see her friend, Mrs O Neill of Bor Refreshments were serve and $17 wa8 ing, who is convalescing from a frac the proceeds realized. A three pieced tured limb. . Mnndav orchestra furnished the music for Mrs. C. D. Atchley spent Monday those who enjoyed tripping the light fantastic. other homea will be opened in tne near future for like affairs. The Jennings 'Lodge Community Club will give a "500" party for their social evening to be held on April 19th. 17 Salmon' Caught During Past Week jEurvixMixia iwuuia, ajiiu At Maddens Landing they had 17 fish to report for the past wees, iwo 01, evenjng with the Reed ramny in oen-. MrB Hugh Fleming on vu these were caught by amateurs, ; woo(j. Many of the house wives attending. Messrs A. Johnson and Daniel Jones Mis3 Janet and John Farrington, Mrs Albert Pierce and Mrs. Hugh of Jennigns Lodge. These gentlemen : Q &TQ pupjig cf the Gillispie school Fleming were the honor guests at a lavsr had the nleasure of catching a . Trt,-Q?rn worn nresented in a nynttiiv miwintd luncheon at the salmon before ana m consequence, w . 1 1 liava Viunnia enthusi-I tuejr tuuu luv-a. " astic with the excitment of the sport. This also indicates that risning is getting better since they permit them eelves to be ensnared by amateur anglers. The river is clearer than it has been any time thia spring. Little Jean Elkins Is Guest of Honor JENNINGS LODGE, April 12 Mr. and Mrs. Clare Maple entertain ed the J. C. Elkins family at dinner on Sunday, honoring little Miss Jean on her fourth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Elkins, Mr. and Mrs. Rush Mendenhall, Glen and Albert El kins and Miss Jean Elkins were the guests, all reside in Portland. EASTER SERVICE SUNDAY JENNINGS LODGE, . April 12 Easter services will be held at the church on Sunday morning. The ex ercises given by the Sunday school will commence at 10 a. m. The pastor has prepared a special sermon and special music has been arranged by the choir. Some little folks are to be baptised. WELCHES ITEMS SANDY, April 10. Snoyon the Mt. Hood Loop road is gone as far as the One Mile bridge. The dancing club gave a dance at Welches' hall last Saturday night and everyone had fine time. V Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Towney went to Portland last week end for a visit. Hallard Bailey moved out from Port land recently. Mr. and Mrs. Seibert were out from Portland to enjoy the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. C. I Henson . were Sandy visitors a few days ago. The Hensens' are having a spot cleared for a site on which they will build a residence this summer. Their daugh ter will enter the union high next fall. Both the "Welches' and Brightwood ,tinnl districts are in favor of uniting with the Union high school district, according to a recent survey of the situation. The middle road to Sandy is still in bad shape, but the Marmot way, via Meinsinger lane Is in good shape and there is no trouble in getting through. lUIIINIHimilllllll Mammoth Daffodils Raised at Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, April 12. Daffodils, the flowers which measures 3 inches across and with a stem 30 inches long, are being marketed by Carl Starker, the local florist. Last fall Mr. Starker sent to Holland for 1000 of the bulbs, which he purchased there for $90, but the time they arriv ed the final cost was $250. At the same time, 1000 St. Brugids anemones, Per sian Ranunculus were purchased, from England and are growing satisfactorily at the Starker-conservatories. JENNINGS LODGE, April 12 The regular Parent Teachers Associa tion will meet at the school house on Friday of this week. The election of officers will take place. The election comes a month earlier than usual, the last meeting in May will be given over to the initiation of those elected to serve for ensuing year. Our business is to come up and tea wiU be served. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS JENNINGS LODGE, April 12. Ira Hart is assisting with the work at the Christian Science property north of Roethe, the broadpromenades are being laid out and when this home is completed will be one of the finest in stitutions of its kind on the coast. Much of the work is to be done by the Henry Wemme Endownment fund. A number from this place attened the funeral services of the late Mrs. J. S. Roberts which were held at the Lerch undertaking parlors on Thurs day last. Rev. A. B Snider conducted the ser vices. A duet by Mrs. Olin Ford and Mrs. W. Moritz was impressively ren dered W. I. Blinestone, ;Carl Starker, tj w ' Hfindrv and A B. Smith were the pallbearers. The floral offerings - wiitifiil The interment - , as i j ceme Gardner has recently been honored as Exalted Ruler or tne . O. Hi. HaKSi Ol uitrguu vivj ed their meeting on last Friday even- ing. . . . WnH Tin. heen received by Mrs- Olive Kessi stating her son-in-law was quite ill. As he is a teacher in the Umatilla schools, his wife who Was ofrmerly Georgie Kessi, is taking up his school duties. tvto Ann Weiss of Portland is a business caller this week and spending business caiier tms ween, emu oc--"- part of her time with her brother Ben Wesley Barker and John Armstrong Mrs. Belle Robbins will be the in had a narrow escape from being spiration of a number of pretty af drowned on Sunday when their "boat fairs during this week, honoring her nnsized Their nsnmg 1 lost. st Mrs. Mable Pierce is making weekly j pn-,afan nnRnital . a." rttan hoBoital Wnh friends at Gresnam ith friends at uresuaui. Mrs R. F Deter and Quida motored xvira. . i,tti to Portland to the Frank Tucker home on Monday. Mrs. Tucker is able to see her friends again. Mr Young, son of the late Captain Young of Oregon City, is building a modern cottage on his Hull Ave. pro perty. . ., . Mrs E. O. Tagley and two children will leave on Monday for Bemidjl, Minn. Mr. Tagley will join them later, 1 planning on motoring mruu6u - j nesota with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. q Tagley aDOUt June iBu ; "j w jjain and wife spent Monday dramat jC art recital at tne nome . . i Trtri .iTT ovpnin? March tneir teaciier uii 1 iuc j 31gt Mrs Warren Swart, aunt of tne Pkon: Sllwoo4 887, Automatic East Side Hill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDeaUra In Lumber. Lath, Shingle and Moulding Mill Fool of Spokan. Avonu PORTLAND, OREOON j p: finley & son Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Farrington children, was among those pieseui at tne preuy arrair. Mrs. H. H. Emmons has been con fined to her home with illness the past few days. Mrs. C. W. Dilg of Portland spent Tuesday with Mrs. Tillie Moore. Mrs. R. H. Tabor entertained the members of the Women's Missionary society of the M. E. church on Thurs day last. Mrs. B. A. Hoag conducted the study and delicious refreshments were served, Mrs. Clarence Grant as sisting the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jefferies and son Kenneth were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C R Holloway. Mesdames J. W. Dain and R. P. Deter are to be joint hostesses of the niiild on Wednesday. It is the work meeting and sewing will be provided by the work committee. P. D. Gerald of Spokane was a week end visitor at Stone Gables. Carl Starker is assisting the Clarkes floral store in their sale of Easter flowers this week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Borton and daughter Frances and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Swart and Betty Lou were Sun day callers at the Swart and Newcomb homes. The supply of pies, cakes, cookies, candy and salads were soon disposed of on Saturday when the Grace Guild held their first food sale of the year. Mesdames Geo. Williams; Will Wood beck, G. W. Truitt, Olin Ford and Hen ry Babler were responsible for the success of the affair. About $30 were realized and will be used toward the support of church budget, H. M. Miller who suffered greatly from poison oak has been removed to the Oregon City hospital. Fred Bretcher is sremodeling his home. A fireplace is one of the new attractive part of the remodeling. W. I. Blinestone took the JCnights of Honor to the Portland Natatorium on Saturday evening where the boys en joyed a swim. Rev. A. B. Snider has supplied the pulpit of the Laurelwood Congrega tional church on Sunday evenings dur ing the past month, at the evening service. The Zebe Kessi home is receiving a coat of paint also barn and out build ings which greatly adds to its appear ance. Carey Deter and wife accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Deter and two daughters motored to Maloy for Sun day. H. W. Stevens and wife have return ed from California, both very much improved in health. William Bruechert of Portland was a week end visitor and enjoyed Satur day fishing., The best talent of the Parent-Teach-era Association are now rehearsing for a one act play, "The Neighbors," to be given in about a month. The affair is being coached by Mrs. Flor ence Moore. Jerry Madden, a. mail carrier of Portland, will start his vacation next Monday. It will be spent at his home here. Wm.! Booth captured a 22 salmon the first of the week. The pupils of the Jennigns Lodge school are planning a program in ob servance of (General Grants birthday on April 27th. - "" The last county test in spelling and arithmetic will be held next week. Ruth Alice Lawrence, Francis Park and the Chapman boys have returned to their studies after being ill with whooping cough. The ball game which was schedul ed to take place on Friday between Molalla and the home team took place . u". 0,1. a , 18 to 1 in favor of Molalla ,the visiting on Tuesday afternoon. Tne score was .cm. . . The Parent r eacners pre-nasier - - . 1 T T. sale will be" a feature of the week. It will be held at school house and the Mesdames Tillman, Pearson, Bretcher and Norman Chapman will preside over the sale. George Morse left on, Thursday to take charge of a chicken ranch re- lu Lanu n.i tc i .1..--...- centiy purchased by his son C. P. Derore sne leaves uu troit, micnigau. oue a paniea by her son Howard. They will i-Victi. i-Asirlen there I)OP- Ltttve up i"" - manently. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith are anti cipating a visit from their daughter Mrs. Mansfield of Minneapolis wha has been touring" California and last nas ueen luuiiug v""" week visited the Catalina Islands. Mrs. , . ... 1 rwocrrr taking Mansfield will leave for Oregon, taking the Northern route hime. J.J Tobin, a hotel keper of Oregon City, was out on Thursday looking after his property interests at this place. Mr. Tobin having a 5 acre tract east of Hull Ave., which he has owned for the past 10 years. Mrs. Henry Woodbeck and litue Miss Barbara were visitors with Grandpa and Grandma Woodbeck this week. ine Jjaun-try-eite uiw-uu,- j jg Deing demonstrated at the home of The Laun-Dry-ette electric wabui Wf.. Mw wW home of Mrs. Geo. Creightort of Ore- nf last week. guu i i-j vfii . j Covers were laid for six. 21S6S John P. Milter, Mgr. Montgomery and Fifth Portland