OREGON CITY. ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1922. CLACKAI GUIDE JL VIAS FY B YERS fl fl D ARMY -AND 94 THIRD STREET, OUTCICC POCKET Munson army last' solid leather SHOES 84.95 LEATMtO Every pair fully guaranteed p omenta hail rASTCwiflfi Largest dealers in surplus Army and Navy goods in Portland. When in Portland buy from us and save money. ' Write for our free catalogue. Mention this paper and get a free Souvenir. ,(Fare refunded on any purchase over $5.00). ; l" ARMY AND NAVY STORE "" COR. THIRD AND STARK ST, PORTLAND (The store with a reputation of good values.) Phone East 3510 121-123 East; Water Street Portland Top Co. Auto Tops Made and Repaired Seat Covers, Cushions And Curtains PORTLAND, OREGON THE Suddarth Studio PHOTOS THAT ARE DIFFERENT r A classy up-to-date Studio on the East Side A. C. SUDDARTH 407 East Morrison at Grand Ave. GEO. W. CROCKWELL, M. E. Naturopath and Spinal Therapist - 706-720 DEKUM BUILDING Specialist in Chronic Diseases and Female Complaints. Consultation Free. 16 years in Portland have never lost a case. Have cured hundreds. Why not you? No knife! No operations! No incurable case taken! If I can't help you I will tell you so. f FREE TREATMENTS THIS WEEK. Modern Fireproof RITZ HOTEL FRANK A. CLARK President and Manager Park and Morrison Streets Depot and Morrison Car at Union Station takes you direct to the door. One Block North of Bus Station PORTLAND, OREGON Harley Davidson Motorcycle . and Columbia Bicycles (The World's Leading Cycles) Sold on Easy Terms Bargains in Used Machines Motorcycle and Supply Co. Harley Davidson Service Center Third and Taylor, Portland, Ore. (Ask the Cops) WE SPECIALIZE in Short, Practical Courses. Decker Business College THIRD.AND MORRISON STS. (Keep on reading Mr. Typing, English, Spelling and SHORTHAND If you knew that a paying position was waiting for you 90 days after ntering our school would you do it? We assure you this. Every graduate has been placed in such a position. Write for detail informa tion on our home study course, if you cannot enroll for day instruc tion.. Twin "S" Shorthand School 618-19 Dekum' Bldg. Portland, Or. Phone Bwdy. 6950 Broadway 464 Oregon Welding & WELDERS AND N. W. Corner Fifth PORTLAND, NAVY STORE PORTLAND, OREGON TENTS Complete line of Army, Navy, Auto or wall tents at special prices. 4 AT LAST A Vulcanized Water-Proof Paint for the Farmer Absolutely guaranteed to stand the Oregon climate. Exterior for roofs, silos, hog houses, barns, fences ,sheds. Interior-for washable walls and floors in kitchen, milk house, dairy barn or anywhere. J. H. Burton Co. 344 First St, Portland, Oregon Main 526 Steam Heat, Electric Lights Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Brick Building Open All Night Phone Main 4861 TOURIST HOTEL Mrs. M. J. Walker, Prop. Half block from Oregon City Depot Cor. First and Morrison Sts. Portland, Oregon Transient 75c per day up. $3.50 per week and up... Free Bath to Guests. Phone Main 9143 ' Finke Brothers Manufacturers of all kinds of Barrels, Tanks, Fir and Spruce Staves, Heads, Etc. m i Also Dealers in Oak and Kazel Hoops 183 Madison St. Portland, Oregon All kinds of second hand barrels and kegs bought and sold. We solicit Clackamas Co. Business. For up-to-date Shirts, Ties, Hats 286 Washington Street MAT Portland, Oregon POSITION FOR EACH GRADUATE THIS Business School not only helps you TRY, it assists you to secure a position after you receive your diploma. PORTLAND, OREGON. Educator's talks.) Phone East 6516 "They Wear Like Ir(jn" Your OLD Carpets will make NEW Rugs. Western Fluff Rug Co. JAS. H. BILLO, Proprietor Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Resizing, Relaying Send for Booklet. 54-56 Union Avenue N. Cor.E. Davis PORTLAND, OREGON Night Phone Tabor 2986 Machine Works MACHINISTS and Glisan Sts. OREGON MUD ." .mi r i 1 DR. M. W. DAVIS Dentist - First and Alder Sts. i Catty corner from the P. R. L. -& P. Depot. ' v. 35 years Honest Service. The Nelson Forge Works SHIP SMITHING & MACHINE FORGERS A modern shop equipped to handle all new and. repair work. Machine Shop in connection. telephone East 2183 ' 231 East Water St., Cor. Main Portland, Oregon Heavy forging a specialty. , Traffic Laws are Enforced in Portland Avoid Theft and Damage by putting your car in Portland Parking Station Twelve hours for only 25 cents, Night or Day. F. J. Espel,. Proprietor Broadway just above Heilig theatre. Office Phone East 743 Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works JOHN C. BRUCHNER, Prop. Mausoleums, Monuments, Head stones and General Cemetery Work East Third and Pine Streets PORTLAND, OREGON BECOME A DOCTOR OF NATUROPTHY and know how to successfully treat disease. Naturopathy includes the use of such methods as: Dietetics, Hydrother apy,. Massage, Corrective Exercise, General Manipulation, Spinal Therapy, Light Therapy, Electro-therapy, Psycho-therapy, Hygiene and Sanitation. All conditions of disease are being treated successfully and safely by these Naturopathic Methods at the offices of Dr. Sargent, Dean" and Dr. Fransen, Director of the College. Come and be convinced. Consultation Free. Write for full particulars of College Courses or treat ments. ' " - Northwestern College of Naturopathy, Inc. 807 Dekum Bldg., Cor. Third and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREG'ON Pioneer Employment Co. (The Oldest in Oregon) If its Labor you want, we furnish it. Any kind. No order too small and none too large for our service. Farm and Hotel Help Yes Our service is Satisfactory Offices Portland Pendleton Phone or wire rush orders Broadway 2278. Res. Auto. 230-23 14 North 2nd St., Portland, Oregon 300 Steam Heated Rooms Ground Floor Lobby Rates, 50c to $1.50 Hotel Wabash C. P. JOHN, Proprietor. Corner -Front and Madison Streets Foot of Hawthorne Bridge Telephone Main 2876 PORTLAND, OREGON We are always able to accommodate you. Office Phone: Main 9109 CROWN PHILLIP SUETTER, Manager 285 Front Street Portland, Oregon HORSES BOUGHT. SOLD OR EXCHANGED. We buy for Cash or sell on Commission. Feed and Sales Stables. Special For Hire Rates to Responsible People. All Stock Guaranteed as Represented. WHY WORRY? I can sell or trae anything, anywhere. B.H.STEWART 'With C. W. Millership 165! Fourth St PORTLAND, ORE. 4 Tl XT" T71 T . Alt JVEjIX sjAKES iftEST READ Ask for BARKER BREAD ALL GROCERS HAVE IT. i r Our Motto: "The Golden Rule" C. Lu Becker Real Estate Farm Lands, Acreage, CityProperty For Bargains in cheap land "See Me" 133J2 First Street .Across from Alder St. Depot PORTLAND, OREGON Established 22 Years In Portland The C. Gee Wo Chinese 'Medicine Co. No operations. No poison used in our wonderful remedies, composed of the choicest Oriental roots, herbs, buds and bark, many of which are unknown to the medical science of this country. - Our' rem edies are harmless and have made many sufferers from catarrh, asthma, lung and. throat, rheuma tism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney trou ble, female disorders, etc., happy. Many testimon ials given unsolicited by persons, male and female, who have used my root and herb remedies. Call or write for information. THE C. GEE WOCHINESEMEDICINB CO. 162 First Street . ' Portland, Oregon IDA MAY COOK Teacher -of Piano CONCERT ACCOMPANIST Will accept out of town ' engagements. Studio 507 Columbia Bldg. Phone" East 2119 AUTO TOPS You can saVe money by repairing your own top. It is easy when we make the tops to fit. We can fur nish tops, back and side curtSins to fit all popular cars. Also trimming and hardware, such as bows, pads.asteners, etc. ' '. Write for prices. Standard Top Co. 642 Hawthorne at Eighth 1 - Phone East 6842 Phone EAST 6110 Buildings Bought, Sold, Repaired Dolan Wrecking & Construction Co. . Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Nails, Shingles, Doors, Windows and Plumbing Sup plies, New and Second Hand. Office and Yard 460 Belmont Street PORTLAND, OREGON dTT'TT'nGL watch us and OxLiCjUD OUR SEEDS GROW. The new seed store with complete Fresh stocks of Tried and True Seeds Ask for Price List.- Oregon Seed Store Main 6838 224 Yamhill St. Between First and Second Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Open Day and Night STABLES Main 5275 The House of '"Lucky" Wedding Rings FREE A Solid Gold Lucky Wedding Ring with every Diamond Engagement. Ring REINGOLD'S JEWELERS 147 Third Street Established 1SS2 The E. House Restaurant Come and See Us Open Day and Night 4 Home-made Pies and Cakes a Specialty Steaks, Chops and Oysters Between Alder and Washington 128 Third Street, Portland, Oregon Res. Phones: Tabor 6122, Bdw. 3054 Phone Main 6978 Pidcock- & Hazel Paints, Oils; Varnishes 145 First Street Portland, Ore. All work guaranteed Set of Teeth $9.00 Formerly $20 - Also Special Reduction on Crown , and Bridge Work. MODERN DENTISTS 2531C, Washington, Cor. 3d & Wash. B. B. Body & Top Works Better Built Bodies and Tops Auto Tops, Curtains, Cushions and SeatiCovers, Manufactured and Repaired. Auto, Bug and Truck Body Building and Repairing We install Wind Shields, Side De flectors and Plate Glass in Curtains. Oxy-Actylene Welding 345 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. Telephone, East 1198 Auto Sign Painting. LEARN Window Trimming, Show Card Writing, Commercial Art at Portland Display Men's School 330-336 East Morrison St., Portland, Oregon Night Classes instructed by Port land's most prominent display men. For information regarding courses and tuition, call at school or phone East 639. Wm. A. Hughes Co. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE. Phone Bwdy. 6808 Farms, Acreage and City Homes. For quick action list with us. Scalp Treatments Massage Dr. Marie Flimi, Naturopath DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Electric Treatments "for all aches and pains. Ladies Patronage Solicited. Phone Main 7413 30 First St. Portland, Ore. SCHOENHEINZ CUSTOM AND' REPAIR SHOE SHOP Oregon City, O regon pri m u VA'L-:': a-;- fc Cletrac Model F. is the Tractor farmers everywhere have been wait ing for. A Tractor that actually replaces three teams. One that does all the work of the average farm, that plows, discs, harrows, hauls. Plows an acre an hour. Travels between the crop rows. Full information and free literature explaining and Illustrating this marvelous little machine will be sent on request. O. V. BADLEY CO. Phonej; OREGON SHEET METAL WORKS FARM, BOAT AND RESTAURANT JOBBING AND REPAIR WORK - r " Tanks, Stacks, Hog Feed Bottoms, Silo Roofs, Black and Galvanized Sheet Iron, Sheet Tin, Copper and ZimV Eave Trough, Conductor Pipe, Ventilating Systems, Sinks, Steam Tables," Re-Tinning. . 146 FRONT STREET Crab Station " Bay Center, Wash. Tele. Broadway 7501. WESTERN FISH CO. 124-126 First Street CRABS . SALMON HALIBUT -CRAWFISH LOBSTERS SALT FISH OYSTERS OLYMPIA and EASTERN Get your fish orders before you take the cars, which stop at our doors. - Next door to depot. NELSON'S LADDER WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON Phone Main 3266 SAVE MONEY Buy direct from Manufacturer. Extension Ladders, Step Ladders, Fruit Pickers Ladders. Decorators Tressels, Ladder Jacks, Roof Jacks, Pressing Boards, Ironing Boards and Wood Turning. 'WEED' GROWN IN MANY LANDS j Almost' Every Country in the World Has Made at "Least an Attempt to Cultivate Tobacco. Some old English chronicles show j that the early cultivation of tobacco In cugianu was atienueu witn strange re sults. In 1655 the county hangman of Gloucestershire complained that men were so busy growing tobacco that they f neither had time nor inclination for sheep stealing. The opposition of the royal Stuarts to tobacco raising in Eng land is said to have been "for revenue only." It has been written that Charles II "prohibited, in order to maintain the revenue from its Import duties, the cul tivation of tobacco in England and Ire land under a fine of 40 shillings for every rood planted with the herb, ex cept in any physick garden for either university or in any private garden for physick or chirurgery." In 1GG4 the penalty was Increased to 10 pounds sterling per rood. It Is not generally known that to bacco is grown in nearly every country in flie world England, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, I China, Japan, Uruguay, Argentina, Java, ana so on throughout the world except in the extreme northern and southern latitudes where the tempera ture is too low. There have been various efforts during the last ten years to revive Interest in the cultivation of tobacco In England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Oldtime Football. Football may be a rough game, but It is quite gentle and harmless now compared to what It used to be. Way back In the Eighteenth century when the sport was in Its swaddling clothes, the type of ball used. was not so kind to the feet of the one who kicked It. Eighteenth-century footballs . were made of straw which was braided until a long rope was obtained. This was thrn wound and coiled into the shape desired. The finishing touch was to knock It around in water until it became hard and Unyielding. When the leather ball finally re- placed the old straw model, it was stuffed with horse hair until it be came hard and solid. The leather ball was at first scoffed at by the old timers who had played the game when straw nans were in vogue. i!;ven wnen j stuffed with hair, the leather ball was j regarded as a toy for weaklings who were afraid of injuring their feet. The parents of that age had more cause to complain about the roughness of Jtie game than have those of today, whose sons kick inflated pigskin in stead of solid balls of straw. Surely a Genius. A- niau in a small town had a son who returned home from dental col lege and opened an office for practice. At the end of a week the neighbors told one another that "practice" was Indeed the proper word ; and one of them even went so fnr as to suggest to the young dentist's 'jfond father that a man should be of a mechanical turn of mind in order to be a successful dentist. "Why," exclaimed the father, "Jim Is a genius ! One day last summer I sent him to cultivate the orchard, and a cultivator tooth caught under a root-; whereupon the boy took his pocket knife and tried to cut the root off. Put finding it slow work, he hammered his knife into the root with -a rock until he broke the blade. Then a bright thought came to him. Getting a club, he whipped the mules until the culti-J vator broke and he was free." Youth's $695 at Portland IT'S HERE! The New Model F TANK Type TRACTOR Portland, Oregon I Main 2146 PORTLAND, OREGON Steve Duemovich R. J: Johnson 267 Second St., near Madison C. GEE WO CURES CLAIMED REMARKABLE The C- Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. is an old established- fixture at First and Morrison streets Portland, Ore., having occupied their offices there for a period of twenty two years in which time they have worked up a wonderful practice. Dr. Wo is your typical Chinese gentleman, courteous, business-like, smiling, a man who effects wonderful cures when all others have failed. By his wonderful system of work in which he uses the Chinese herbs and remedies handed down from a line of ancestors who had a high degree of -civilization before some of our ancest ors quit hanging in trees by their tails he has made some really wonderful cures. Dr. Wo makes it a point to diagnose his case thoroughly and if he can do nothing with a case he is frank to say so, sometimes people who come to him have been given up by many other doc tors but if there is any hope left Dr. Wo can bring health back. He does not claim to be a miracle worker, and there is certainly nothing swell head ed about him, though he literally works wonders at times. TRACTOR COMPANY MAKES BIG SLASH The largest reduction made by any track type tractor company has just been announced by the Cleveland Trac tor company through their distributor for the Portland district, O. V. Badley. In conformity with the ldwer tone in other articles the price upon the Cle trac model F has been reduced $255, making the present price $695, f. o. b Portland. It is said that increased pro duction has made this new price pos sible. "We now have over 800 Cletracs in Oregon alone," said Bradley. "With the increased distribution planned, Oregon will stand out as one of the best tractor states in the West." Badley , has emphasized that the farmer of today can hardly ignore the economy in being able to play an acre of ground with a gallon of kerosene and that he has power which can work over an unlimited day without eating or sleeping; furthermore that whether the plowing i3 deep or shallow, the Cletrac is prepared to do the work. . n -pj -1 blierilt ASJiS T arOle For Long Term Man BEND, April 3. Belief in the inno cence of Gus Nelson, sent to the peni tentiary from Bend for a twenty-year term on a statutory charge, was ex pressed here last night by Sheriff Rob erts. Efforts are being made to ob 'tain a parole for Nelson. Guards Overcome; Big Sum Is Stolen DES MOINES, Iowa, April 3. Two masked bandits escaped with $10,000 in currency after overpowering two night watchmen and blowing open the vault at the Mandelbaum store here L early today. ROBBERS CAPTURED PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., April 1. An eight-day reign of terror in the Olympic peninsula was brought to a close this morning with th capture of two men said by Sheriff Phil Case to be the robbers of the State Bank at Sequim and the pair that held up the Discovery Bay Logging company Companion. aad killel a logger.