OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1922. age NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and .Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. -p-,. -W-. f r llie FrOgram LrlVen j T r ""I I I Jby lOmmUnity lUDj - j i ESTACADA, April 4. Piano music , by Mrs. J. E Gates opened the meet ing of the Community club in the high school auditorium last Friday night. There was no particular business to come before the club, but after some remarks on the Estacada library by Mrs. W. J. Moore, president of the Library Association, a motion was made and carried that the balance of the fund left over from the Community Christmas tree last'year, be presented to the library to apply to the debt for building. The amount was something like $32.00. All business being trans acted, President Stephens announced that Wm. M Stone of Oregon City would address the club. Mr. Stone's remarks concerning taxes was follow ed by a short talk frm C. W. Kruse, of Oswego, republican candidate for county commissioner. The audience then all Joined in singing "America," after which the play, "Dr. Cure All," was presented. This number on the program was sure a winnerand creat ed viciferous applause. J. E. Gates, as the doctor, thought for a time that he was in the ."Get Rich Quick Walling ford" class because of the large num ber of seven dollar patients, but the delusion was dispelled when the en raged patients commenced to come back. The fat lady was too lean, the short lady too tall, the slim lady too corpulant, the quiet girl too and the mustache- so much desired too red. However, the doctor's troubles ended happily when he married the rich widow who was seeking a husband and they departed for pastures new. Other members in the caste who so clever ly performed their parts were, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lawrence, Mrs. F. E. Burns, Mrs. Lloyd Yocum, Mrs. H. C. Stephens, Mrs. Gerald Wilcox, Mrs. T. Closner, and Misses Ruth Dillon and Florence Kendall. After the play, Chris Schuebel of Oregon City, launched a campaign for tax reduction. Following his interest ing speech was the last number on the program, a burlesque entitled "A Red Cross Demonstration," conducted by Mesdames G. E. Lawrence and Gerald Wilcox as nurses. Four gentlemen, J. E. Gates, Tom Morton, C. S. Allen and Clyde Schock, gallently volunteered their services to assist in the demon stration. They were first blindfolded and when the Red Cross nurses con cluded their "first aid" assistance in taking care of the broken arm, the gentlemen found themselves rocking a baby. The "stunt" was a new one in Estacada and the joke brought down the house while the "victims" grinned and took their medicine. Rev. Lacey of the M. E. church, is still suffering with his throat and is unable to talk some times. The Odd Fellows and Rebekas and their friends, are invited to a dance Saturday night, April 8, in the I. O. O. F. hall. Friends of Dr. Morse will be sorry to hear that he is still very ill and his recovery seems to be slow. , George B. Weatherby went to Fort land Monday to contract for some new machinery for the Estacada Packing Co. of which he is president. Mrs. Weatherby accompanied him. Dr. Mount of Oregon City, was in Estacada Monday in consultation with Dr. Carey over a patient at the Love lace hospital. Roy Wilcox was among the Estaca da visitors in Portland Tuesday. G. E. Lawrence and Jim Smith transacted business in Portland Wed nesday. Mrs.- G.' H. Litchorn visited Port land last Friday. Clyde Ecker was a business visitor in Portland a few days last week. Estacada is to have a resident law yer, who will soon arrive with his fam ily. His office will be in the Lich thorn building, the room next to the shoe shop. Pool tables have removed from the building occupied by Hauser & Linn and the rooms are undergoing a thor ough cleaning and arranged for a first class restaurant. The Junior class of the high school repeated their play, "The Masonic Ring" at Logan last Friday night and cleared about $20. Evangelist George, who has been assisting the M. E. pastor with revival services here for the past two weeks, held a meeting Sunday afternoon for the past two weeks, held a meeting Sunday afternoon for men only. His subject was "From Bartender to Evan gelist." . Estacada not only stands to the" front in many commendable enter prises, but it came into notority this week through an'item in the Oregon ian which said that Herbert Carlson has a cat only ten months old which weighs nine pounds. Only a few years ago a lady of this place carried off many blue ribbons and prizes with her Angoria and Persian cats. Mrs. Dora Herring of Estacada was among the number of women called for jury duty in the court which is now being held in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Linn were week end visitors in Portland. Perry Anderson and family have moved into tne resilience wuicu -"j recently purchased of Ed. Linn, on upper Broadway. O. E. Smith has gone to Athema, Oregon, where he has employment. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox and daughter Miss Mabel drove to Port land and Vancouver last Saturday, where they visited relatives until the next day, returning and visiting in. Gresham for a few hours. Rev. E. S. Atchley of Portland, will preach next Sunday both morning and evening, in uie i;m "u -"" j Mr: and Mrs. a. u. vjcui&c, emue lists, who have been assiting the local pastor,' Rev. Lacey with special meet ings in the Methodist church, closed their efforts last Sunday night. Hauser & Linn chose the name of "Silver Star" for .their restaurant The dance at Barton last Saturday night, attracted a number of couples from Estacada. Mrs. A. E Sparks spent two ui it 1 et iTt days this week, visums Pnrtland. in Louis Jones, who is a senior at Reed college, Portland, Is spending his spring vacation with his sister Mrs. Smiley Lovelace in Estacada. The Ladies' Aid of the M- E. church held tTioii- rptnilnr mnnthlv meeting ; t th f M Ma Smitll last Wednesday. " " Mrs. Wm. Dale was reported on the sick list the first of the week. The "Library Association held a meeting at the library last Monday afternoon at which time business rela tives to making a payment on their building was brought up and also other items of note concerning the property. R. G. Marchbank has leased the Reed building lately vacated by the Fair Deal store, and will move his pool tables and fixtures into it, from, the room over the confectionery. Mrs. Thomas Yocum was called to Dayton last Friday on account of the serious illness of her brother, Alfred Jones. ' - Mrs. C. S. Allen celebrated her birth day last Friday by visiting her sister in Portland. Miss Bertha Burns arrived home Sunday to spend a two weeks vacation. She is employed in the Portland hotel pharmacy. : Friends of the J. E. Shibley family are pleased to extend congratulations to them over the safe arrival of a son last Monday evening, March 27, in Portland. At the local teachers' institute held at Milwaukie last Saturday Bert E. Alward and L. V Clewtfrth, teachers in the Estacada high school, weri ap pointed on a committee to investigate and report on the suggested (Sanges in the course of study under the head of industry. Mrs. W. A. Heylman was a business visitor in Portland Monday. H. L. McKenny moved the Square Deal grocery across the street in the brick building with Tom Morton, last Saturday night and Sunday. Burt Moore is the proud possessor of a new car in the "bug" style. "C. L. Cleworth and Prof. Einerson are ' each riding around in new ma chines. W. H. Ritchey was able to go back to work Monday after being laid up with an injured eye for about a month. Needy Items NEEDY, April 3. The many friends of Mrs. M. Sampson and Miss Lola are glad to learn that they are at their home and Lola very much-better. Mr. and Mrs. Babb, Mr. and Mrs. G. Watts and Ike Learsfield were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Learfield of Needy. . Ben Wolfer, Jr., put one over on his Needy friends by bringing home a bride the 25th of March.- Very best wishe8 for a long and happy life. John Gahler and Chas Spagle were in Portland Monday. Mr. Gahler shipping a truck load of pigs. Mrs. Chas Hoffman viisted her daughter in Barlow one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoffman spent Sunday with the Kiels of Aurora. Quite a number of the .Needyites at tended the sale at Aurora Saturday. Miss Ruth Raddatz of Portland spent the week end with Mrs. Noblitt. Mrs. John Stenie spent the week end with Mis Lena Stenie: , Homer Fredrickson came Dome Sat urday with two nice cows and calves which he bought from L. B. Fry of Barlow. Mrs Askins and -daughter Minnie and Miss Bertha Craothers and Ruth Raddatz spent Saturday evening with the Noblitts. Albert Noblitt started to school Mon day after a week's absence on account of sickness. Eda Schaubar visited with Bertha Carothers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gripp visited Babbs one day last week. - Mrs. Smyth son and wife of Port land visited here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grim spent Sunday with L. Spangles. Mr .and Mrs. Dave Yoder visited relatives in the Yoder country sever al days last week. Mrs. John Stenie and two daughters of Canby and Miss Ruth Raddatz of Portland and Quinlin Miller, also of Canby, spent Sunday at the Noblitt ranch. - Simon Hastier came home Saturday bringing his wife home for a few days. She seems to be gaining rapidly. Carus News Notes CARUS, April 3. -Herman Smidt went to Sandy on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shockley of Mount Pleasatn called at the Shockley tome last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss motored to Oregon city last Wednesday. Those who attended the Sunday school convention at Milwaukie last week were Ed. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Gwilliam, Mr. and Mrs. John Kline. Mrs. Even Lewis went to Oregon City last week to consult her physician in regard to an operation on her throat. Mr. and Mrs. Lake Casto and daugh ters Esther and Verna, were guests at the George Bliss home last sundry- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Yergen8 and fam ily of Butteville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lewis. Quite a few of the Grange people of Carus attended the Grange at Beaver Creek saturaay evening. ; ' Miss Esther Moser of staiiora spem the week end with her aunt Mrs. Weis ser. George Bliss went to town last Mon day to have some dental work done.' Chas. Walbanks was on the sick list last week. - Mr." and Mrs. Peter Faurie and daughter Marguerite spent Sunday afternoon with the Bliss family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenborn en tertained friends at their home Friday evening. The play given by the Ladies Aia Friday evening was well attended and the proceeds were $40.80. Lady Live Wires ' . ,. " Meet on Thursday RED LAND, April 3. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stone and daughter were Portland visitors. The Ladies Live Wires met with Mrs. C. J. Staats Thursday. Sewing was done for the hostess, after which delicious- refreshments were served. Those present were Mesdames Will Phillips, A. L. Allen, J. Murray, H, G. Neville, and A. G. Staats; Misses Jes sie and Edna Bonney, Clara Pearl Neville and the Staats children. The next meeting will be at Geo. Arm strong's. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Bonney trans acted business in Portland Thursday. , Mrs. H. A, Allen, son Glen, and daughter Mrs. cartright, spent Thurs day .with relatives at Estacada. . Mrs. Gilbert Cortright and daugh ter, Phillys, spent Friday and Satur day in Portland visiting at the Poleha home. Mrs. Polehu and Mrs. Cartright are sisters. Mrs. Polehu and daughter, Clara Pearl, accompanied them home Saturday evening. Miss Annie Hindle of Oregon City, spent Sunday at the Bonney home. John Murray transacted 'business in Portland Monday. N H. iD. Bullen of Washington, D. C. was a Monday evening visitor at the Murray-Neville ranch. Mr. Bullen and Mrs. Neville are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips were Ore gon City visitors Monday. Mr. McClure was a Portland visitor Monday. The teachers of this community at tended the Teachers' -institute at Mil waukie Saturday. Hoff Man Injured By Flying Steel HOFF. -April 5. While making cord wood last Saturday a piece of steel flew from the sledge and entered the eve of C. J. Richtor of Hoff. Shortly after the accident he was taken to Oregon City and from there removea to Portland where he has been in tne hospital since. Attempts have been made to draw the steel from the eye with a magnet but as it has worked in behind the eye, the eye will pro bably have to be removed. Mrs. W. Clonstin. A. I. Morris and Mr and Mrs. A. L. Morris and their son, clarence, of Portland, were visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F Morris of Hoff. Saturday. The Beaver Creek school base ball team played their second game of the season with Maple Lane and Clearmont school combined, last Fri day, March 31." The first" game with Maple Lane alone was played March 17 at the Maple Lane diamond, the onrfi was 25 to 7. The score of the last game was 27 to 4, both in favorS of Beaver Creek. The Beaver Creek team has enter ed the Clackamas County School League and is to play Clarks, Arden wald and Holecome and perhaps others this season. They have a game scheduled for next Friday. Meadowbrook Items MEADOWBROOK, April 3. Mr. and Mrs. Mann of Ridgefield, Wash ington, are visiting Mrs. Mann's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hofstetter. Mrs. Peter Sehiewe is a little better but still quite sick. We hope she will soon be well again. Sunday visitors at A. L. Larkins were Mr. and Mrs. Will Standinger of Dickie Prairie, Frank Lane of The Dalles, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Orem, daughters Esther and sons Robert and Glenn, of Union "Mills. Mr. Thomson, who owns the place known as the Cooper place has made a bit of improvement and also put up some nice hen houses. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Young and little daughter, Ruth Helen, visited rela tives in Portland Saturday and Sun day. MEADOWBROOK, April 3. Chas-. Jones took some sheep to Cloverdale, Saturday in his truck for Hofstetters. George Hofstetter Jr. went -villi him and while there sold' a registered Guernsey calf. Clara Hofstetter who has been quite ill for several weeks is improving slow ly.. " . AirH TPter Sehiewe is quite sici. She had tile flu and suffered arelapse Kl Sehiewe came ot from Oregot C:fy o take care of ujr mother. Mrsh chas. Jones and son Hugh Thomas went to Portland Saturday to visit her parents a few days. Ruben Chindgren returned to O. A. C. Monday morning after 10 days visit at his home.- . The sad newB was received of the death of Lorenz Frey at Newport, Ore., March 18. Mr. and Mrs. Frey and fam ily lived in Meadowbrook for several years. Mrs. Frey and family have the sympathy of all old neighbors. A Farm Bureau meeting was held at the Meadowbrook school hous3 Tuesday evening, March 28 which wa3 well attended. W. A. Holt, county agri cultural" agent, gave an Interesting talk on potatoes. Clarkes News Items CLARKES, April 3. Misses Mae and Alice Rogers from Oregon City vis ited their parents George Rogers and family over Sunday. Mrs. I. Cook visited her father G. Marquardt of Oregon City over Sunday. Virgil Cook of Vancouver visited his parents I. Cook family last Sunday. Elmer Rogers and Jake Gard were in Oregon City and, Portland Saturday an'l Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Cook and son Clif ford. Miss Bernice Gard and Claude Boltf-milelr were in Oregon City last Saturday. The Clarkes school is intendn.;; to give a big play and "basket social on April 29. - Claude, Kenneth and Mary Botte miller attended a fine play given at the Colton high school on last week Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foglesong from Beaver creek visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wetmore last Sunday. C. White has erected a sawmill up i on the Stegeman place. Walter Lee of Oregon City was In Clarkes last Sunday. . John Marshall has erected a smaw mili upon his place near Highland. Claude Bottermiller, Elmer Rogers1 Jake Gard, Mary Bottemiller and Mr. and Mrs. I. Cook attended the show at the Liberty theater last Sunday. Walter Lee, Carl Buche and Miss Dora Wallace visited Claude and Mary Bottemiller a week ago last Sunday. Willamette Notes John Peters is here from Iowa visit ing his sister Mrs. F. E. Shipley and other relatives. Misa Anna Isnogle visited friends here recently. Mrs. Brandt and son of Oregon City were the guests of her sister Mrs. Everett Downey last week- The Fraternal Brotherhood of Wil lamette held a social evening Tuesday, March 28. A program was given after which refreshments were served. The evening was very much enjoyed by the large number presnt.- C. Dollar has purchasd from Luke Thornton the property formerly owned by John Nowak. Everett Downey has moved his fam ily into the house recently vacated by Mr. Baccus. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herald White on March 26 a 6 3-4 pound son. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leisman in honor of their son Richard's fifth birthday. Games were placed after which the birthday cake and .punch were served to Joanna Bennett, Vesta Cantrell, Joyce Porter, Donald Ream, Marion and Kenneth Baker, Everett and Mar garet Gary, Richard and Marshall Ieis man. - , Miss Harriett Snidow who is a stu dent at Corvellis is spending her Eas ter vacation at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Snidow. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley and small daughter of Ocean Falls, spent a few days visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Lindquist. Mrs. Riley was formerly Miss Mary Lindquist. Mr. and Mrs. Bankey and. family were the guests of the latter'g sister Mrs. Paul Truitt Sunday. Mrs. Myra Wood was agreeably sur prised on her birthday when a number of her friends came in to celebrate with her. Music and games were en joyed, after which ; delicious refresh ments were served to the guests, who joined in wishing .their hostess many more such enjoyable birthdays. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Greaves and children Herald and Ly dia, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mootry and children, Wm. Mootry, Jessie Mootry and Gladys and Harold Mootry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and sons Homer and Robebrt. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Rogers and Miss Ella Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson and children, Ethel, Lucille and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Mey er of Portland, Mrs. Earl Britten and daughters, Mary and Marjorie. There are' two new houses being built on Maple avrfhue, one by Carl Davis and the other by Lawrence Dra per. Parkplace News Abernathy -grange met at their hall on March 25 with a large crowd and two new mebers were initiated into the order. Mr. and Mrs. G. Addock have sold their home at Parkplace and are to leave for Missouri in a very short time to make their future home there. K. C- Felth spends his lesure time at his country home at Outlook, get ting the home in shape as he is pre paring to move out there for the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rittenhouse ot Clackamas Heights are planning on moving to their new home at Glad stone. They will build a modern home in the early spring. Miss Thelma Nachand, Miss Blanche Johnson and Harold Bernier attended the play "Professor s Love Story, giv en by the students of the Benson foiy- technic school in Portland. Mrs T. J. Bamett and daughter, Miss Mable, spent several days visit ing with Mrs. Barnett's oaugsier, Mrs. Fontana, of Portland, have re turned home accorapanied by Miss Fontainia. Parent-Teachers' association met at the Grange hall Wednesday afternoon. They are planning on giving a bazaar at the hall on April 28, proceeds to go toward building a play shed for the school The. ladies from the hill served refreshments to the teachers and members of the club. Mrs. Lester Brunner who nas oeeu c.ffVrinp from inflamatory raeuuia- tism is somewhat improved, her Place at school is being lined Dy mrs. McGetchle. Fred Lucas who has been employ ed in the Government Fishery for the past five years, has been transferred to Kodiak Islands. Alaska, left for the Islands on Tuesday. His wife and family will remain here for the great er part of the summer. Mrs. C. Martin of San Francisco, Cal., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. Muender, of Clackamas Highlands. Mrs. A. J. Anderson left for Salem Monday to transact business and also to visit with her sons who have charge of her farm. Mrs. J. Erickson ot Bonita. was m Oregon City on Monday on business and also visited with Mrs. K. C- Felth. Pomona Grange is to meet at Aber nathy Grange hall on April 12. Social nrnTv.ittoA to Mr Stone. Mrs. C Schuebel, Mrs. W. W. Smith and Mrs. Swallows Dining room com""0' Mrs. F. Beraer, Mrs. C. Rivers Mrs. C. Price. ' ADVANCE NEWS and ADANCE, April 3. A county school Institute was held Saturday, April 1. 1922, which took place at the U111?1 high schood in Milwaukie. It was the second one held this year. The princi pal topic for discussion was the course of study which will be changed this year. Others were: eighth grade ex aminations , and" a county graduation to be held at Gladstone. , Our teacher, Miss Martinazi attended. Several of. our people attended a sur prise party given on Mrs. Ida Turner of Frog Pond, last Friday. All reported a pleasant evening. Clarence Koellermeier played his drums at the Odd Fellows hall in Ore gon City Saturday night. , Mrs. Victor Borney is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Koellelmeier. She hag not been feeling well of late. The country air will perhaps do her good. Mr. and Mrs. H. Koellermeier spent the week end with Mrs. Koellermeier' s niece, Edna Yake at Portland. Sunday visitors at Dragoo's were Mr. and Mrs. Downey and family. For the past few days, Mrs. James Monger, sister of Mrs. J. Iderhoff, was visiting here. Mrs. Monger is from Veraonia, Oregon. After visiting her sister and friends she returned to her home. Clarence Koellenneir attended the W. OrW. meeting at Bolton, Wednes day evening. Frank Gosser spent several "days with his son a ad daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gosser of Portland, last week. - Elsa Turner was visiting her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schemer of Willamette Sunday. The Sunday visitors to Sam Moser's residence - were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Moser, Ruth Moser, Louisa Zimmer man, G. Schnare, Edward Zimmerman and R. Zimmerman. Ed. Toedtemeier "spent a few days with his brother Louis Toedtemeier last week. He returned to Portland Saturday. . Sunday visitors' at the II. Iderhoff home were. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schem er and family, Norman Turner and Clarence Weddle. Recent' visitors at DragooS" were Da vid Long, Emma DeBok, Thelma De Bok, Olive Dragoo and Alfred de Neui. Mr. and Mrs. G. Moser, Mr. and Mrs. Dragoo, Mrs. Sam Mpser, Wm. Koeller meier, H. B. Chesmore, Lillie Moser, Alfred de Neui, Fred Koellermeier and Chester Koellermeier were Oregon City' visitors this week. Portland visitors were H. Iderhoff, E. li. Toedetemeier, I. Iderhoff and TonWTurner. E. L. Toedtemeier, H. Iderhoff and Tom Turner were in Willamette last week. S. Murakami wa8 a Canby visitor Thursday. ' DODGE ITEMS DODGE, April 3. David Homer 'Sr. spent several days with his son Har old Horner at Springwater. Mrs. Tozier,' our substitute teacher, spent the week end at her home at Gladstone, returning again to Dodge on Sunday afteroon. The little two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Reichle is quite ill with bronchial pneumonia. Rosa B- Ten Eyck was a week end visitor at the Shibley home at Spring water. Irene and Alice Kaake took dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and family. -Mamie Marra spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Jochimsen. ' Barlow News Items BARLOW, April 3. Misses Nellie a nd Hazel Lawrence of Clackamas visited with friends in Barlow Satur day. , Mr. Penneli and son Lyle returned home Saturday from Cottage Grove. In the baseball game at Barlow Sun day afternoon between the Barlow and Canby grammar school boys, the Can by boys took the honors with a score of 6 to 4. Miss Dayton the primary teacher of the Barlow school is quite ill with the flu. Miss Gladys Tremayne ha s been taking her place. Mr. and Mrs. Porter and children visited with friends in Barlow Sunday. Mr; and Mrs. Martin Widdows and little" daughter visited recently with the former parents Mr. and Mrs. A P. Widdows of Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Lou-Smith are the proud parents of a son born Thursday March 30. The little one weighed 10V, pounds. Abe Widdows and Anton Nelson spent Saturday evening at the' L. C. Penneli home playing "500". Mis Elva Gronquist had the misfor tune recently of putting her knee cap out of place. Mr. and Mrs. Emery and daughter Lois motored to Elk Prairie Sunday afternoon. Stage Association Is Under Way at Salem SAEEM, April 5. Organization of a statewide stage and terminal asso ciation is uttder way, according to L. R. Applegate of this city,, who is in terested In the Salem Central Stage Terminal company. The plan, ac cording to Applegate, involves the in troduction of a number of large lim ousine type stages into- service thru out the state, installation of a ticket system, revision of stage routes, and other features which will make for a material improvement in this mode of transportation. , Portland Resident Here Miss Elmora Young, of Portland, was an Oregon City visitor Thursday. SUNSHINE and GLARING LIGHTS do not bother the person who wears Crookes " Tinted Lenses. They break the glare, softening the effect of the light upon the retinal field of the eye and re lieve a larger percentage of strain than white lenses. - - RELIEF is here, for you in a practical way. Do not delay caring for your eyes at this time. Nine teen years practical experience at your service. S Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist : S 50514 Main st- Oregon City J Opposite Postoffice i GLADSTONE NEWS & I TEACHERS RE-ELECTED; SALARIES ARE NOT CUT At a meeting of the Gladstone school board held Monday night, all of the teachers employed In the school there were re-elected for a year's term. Ex pressing themselves as well pleased with the staff's administration of school affairs during the past year, the board attempted no cut in wages. The feachers pay. at present ranges from $110 to $125 monthly, while the principal receives $150. J. W. Leonhardt is principal of the school. The teachers are: Mrs. Estel la Salisbury, Mrs: Velma Hogue", Gen evieve Evon, Laura Brenner, Margur iete Hammond, Catherine James and Anna Erickson. W. W. Leete was re elected janitor at the same salary of $100 a month. Mothers of Cradle Roll Entertained Mrs. Charles Baker entertained the Cradle-Roll Mothers-of the Christian church Bible school, at her home on Darmouth street Thursday afternoon in a most charming manner. The study hour was presided over by the super intendent, Mrs. Grant Olds, and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in needle work and socially enjoyed. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess who was assisted by Mrs. Christy. At the next meeting the study hour will be devoted to a re view of the past, three months' Bible school lessons all members are urged to be present. Where the next meet ing is to be held wiU be announced later. Surprise Party Is Given on Birthday Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wallace enter tained at their home in West Glad stone Saturday evening in honor of their, son, Lacy, the occasion being his fourteenth birthday anniversary. The evening was devoted to games and music. Many useful and beauti ful rememberances were received, the affair being a successful surprise on the lad. A large birthday cake was presented to him by his mother who served delicious refreshments to the following guests: Lili -Lund, Irene Caldwell, Dorothy Kyler, Lulu Lee, Mildred Kyler Troy Solomon, Robert Ellis; Jack Hempstead, Billie Gay, Wayne Vedder, Denny Prentice and Lacy Wallace. Gladstone to Have New Plumbing Shop A second plumbing shop Jn Glad stone is being built in West Glad stone on. Beatrice street by Beard Brothers of Portland. . B- L. Beared, who resides here is junior member of the firm. He has been connected with the plumbing business for sev eral years, and will be general mana ger of this department. L. A. Beard, senior member, resides in Portland and will retain the managership of the Portland branch. CATTOS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto entertain ed at dinner Tuesday evening in honoi of Mrs. Catto's mother, Mrs. - E. J. Alldredge, of Oregon City, who is spending the weet at the Catto home. A delicious dinner was served by the hostess, covers were laid for Mrs. E. J. Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Clarepce Alldredge and son, Beldon, of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto and Everette Catto of Gladstone. Miss Lucille Biggs, . daughter of Judge and Mrs. Biggs of Ontario, Ore gon, is spending the pre-Easter vacas tion with Miss Marjory Kead at me home of her paernts, Prof, and Mrs. L. A. Read of West Gladstone. Miss Biggs and Miss Read are students at the University of Oregon. The ladies of the Christian church are planning a cooked food and apron sala to be given at Patterson Bros', confectionary store the week preceed ing Easter. Mrs. All Blount and Mrs. C. A. Frost will have charge of the cooked foods and Mrs. F. D. Ellison and Mrs. Frank Nelson in charge of the aprons. The one-day old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Thompson, of West Gladstone, died at the family home Thursday, March 30. Services were held at the crematorium in Portland Friday after noon, March 31st. Mrs. Elvin Catto is confined to her home with tonsilitis, three operations have been performed. Dr. Guy Mount is in attendance. At present Mrs. Catto is slightly improved. . F. D. Ellis is suffering from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Mr. Ellis is iden .ied with the P. R. L & P. Co. Mojlte, the little year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dundass is crit ically ill wfith pneumonia following an attack of influenza. Dr. A. H. Huycke is in attendance, and the little one is slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crissie moved into the Schmid house. have County Agent Holt and family have taken up their residence in the Strei- big home. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Eby have ats their house guest this week the form er's father, S. M. Eby, of Vancouver, Washington. Mrs. Charles Legler and daughter, Mildred, spent the week-end with her brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leg ler of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rauch entertain ed Saturday and Sunday Miss Leath ers and Miss-Zanaker of the West Linn ' high school as the guests of their daughters, Misses Veitrice and I Vivian Rauch who are resperrtively sophomore and freshman students a? the institution. Rev. B- F. Clay, of Cornelius," was a Gladstone visitor Saturday, while here he was the guest of his son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clay.' Mrs. J. H. Prater who has been quite ill is very much improved. UUIICtMllNHIIU tttw MraMMimiiMiw w mm MmwiMmMHMiwimmmtiM K. E. Bauersfeld who suffered an attack of influenza, is able to be out again, .resuming his position at the Bank of Commerce the first of the week. Mrs. Bauersfeld and little daughter Glenna, were also quite i!L with influenza for several weeks, they too are improving. A number ot the ladies connected with the Gladstone Library will make a trip to Salem the first of the week to return the state books and to se lect others.- The ladies who will go are Miss Francis Cross, Miss Alice Freytag, Mrs. Fred Hayward and Mrs. Ralph McGetchie. Rev. Williams, of Fosfer, Oregon, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gault, Rev. Williams was called here to officiate1 at the funeral services of the late J. C. Paddock. - A well arranged program has been prepared, by the "Helping Hand" class, to be given at the silver tea at the home Of Mrs. T.E. Gault Friday afternoon from two until five o'clock. A general invitation has been extend ed. Mrs. Frank O'Dell, Mrs. Harry Wheeler, Mrs. F. D. Ellis, and Mrs. Fred North are in charge. Mrs. Charles Tooze of Oregon City, who recently returned Irom Oakland, California, visited with friends in Gladstone, spending Sunday with Mrs L. H. Strickland. Mrs. Clara Carpenter, of Corvallis. is" spending the week with Mr. and. Mrs. T. E. Gault. Mrs. Carpenter re sided in Gladstone and is looking af ter property interests while here. . Mr." and Mrs. Ralph Bulloch, ot Sellwood, spent Tuesday with the lat ter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Solomon of West Gladstone. Mrs. Elvin Catto is confined to her home with tonsilitis. Dr. Guy Mount is the physician, - two operations up-' on her throat have been necessary. Mrs. W. I. Rouan and Mrs. Dave Cat to are in attendance. Mrs. M. Davies and children of West Gladstone, spent Saturday and Sun day with her father, G. Robertson in Gresham. . . " Messrs Wallace and McKinney are putting in some concrete work for P. T. Oatfield about his home on the-Oat-field road. Contractors Wallace and McKinney recently finished up a con tract for Wm. Kreuger in Oregon City on Main street.near Tenth. Mrs. Simmons, who has been' the house guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simmons of West Gladstone, for the past month returned to her home in Viola, Mon day. While here Mrs. Simmons look ed after property interests in Oregon City. Mrs. C- Strickland spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Susie Sarver. of Estacada. " Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garner, of Portland were the guests Of Mr and Mrs. J. N. Wallace Friday and Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Garner formerly resided in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frommeyer. who recently sold their grocery and meat market on Portland avenue, have built two very comfortable tent houses on Exter street near the Petty home. Mr. Frommeyer is looking for a new location and for the present will make their home in Gladstone. Mr. and " Mrs. John Stone of Port land, were the guests of the former's aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKinney, or West Gladstone. Mrs. Grant Olds and Mrs. Theen will hold a " joint meeting of their i'Home Department" classes at . the home of Mrs. Ben Hayherst Thursday afternoon. The study hour will be devoted to a review of the quarters Bible school lessons. A general invi tation has been extended. S. M. Eby, of Vancouver, Washing ton, visited with friends in Bdgewood Tuesday. Mr. Eby formerly- resided on his farm on the Clackamas river near Edgewoad. Mrs-Blake In City Mrs. Blake, of Jennings Lodge, was among those coming to Oregon City on business Wednesday. lltaiMMMM Phones Off. 80 " "Res. 251-W I EMORY J. NOBLE LAWYER j Justice of Peace 1 201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City. tmtMMMMWMMMmMIMMtWMMlM,MtWtWWtWW,l fenMIIHIIIHfHlinilltlliniUIIHNtllUMIHIIIIIIIUIIIHIUIHMII S Pacific Phone: Office 52 Residence 3&4-M CHARLES T: SIEVERS, Lawyer Oregon City, Ore. iHiiiunHKuniMNiiiiHm IIMHIIHIIIIIld ! GEORGE HOEYE I CHIROPRACTOR Caufield Bldg. Phone 636-W Oregon City, Ore. ttllMMIimtMMtfttnMItMHMIM"M""tMI"tMIlt Catarrhal Conditions Catarrh Is a local disease preally influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acta through the Blood upon the Mucous Surfaces ot the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists Nature in doing its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. QltlMntMnMMtmnffmtMMttMMIIIIimMimMIMMtMMMUtHli f 6 Per Cent State School I Money to Loan on Farms I SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE 1 Bank of Oregon City Bldg. Oregon City, Ora. l$llllIIMIIIIIUIMININtUHIHIHIIIHI I lI'MtMUIIIIMtlMHIIIIM