Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 31, 1922, Image 8

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Get into the Big Puzzle Game, the Enterprise's
These Tricks Tempt Thoughtful Thinkers to Thoroughly Try Themselves
How many objects beginning with the Letter "T" can you find in this picture?
Daily, by carrier,
1 year. $4.00
Daily, by mail, 1
year 3.00
Weekly, by mail,
1 year 1.50
Daily, by carrier,
1 year. $4.00
Daily, by mail, 1
year 3.00
Weekly, by mail,
1 year........ 1.50
COPYRIGHT. 1922 by Tribune Printing Co. Willmar. Minn.
How many objects the names of which begin
with the letter "V can you find in this picture?
It's a big game in which everybody can take
part. Who can find the most such objects? -Take a
pencil and get busy. Everyone in the home, Pa, Ma,
Bobby, Mary Ann, Grandma and Uncle Bill. First
see who gets the most at home. Then combine your
list and send in the big list to the Enterprise office
and if your list has the largest number of correct
words you get a prize of $3.00.
But if with your answer you send in for one
year's subscription to The Enterprise you get $15.
If you send in two subscriptions you get $25.00 as
first prize ; and if you send in three subscriptions in
cluding one new subscription you get $35.00; and
if you send four subscriptions, including two new
ones, you will receive $50.
If the subscriptions are for the weekly edition
of the Enterprise, the prizes will be awarded on the
basis of one-half the amount paid for daily subscrip
tions. Schedule of subscription rates printed else
where on this page.
See table of prizes elsewhere in this announce
ment. There is no hitch or trick to this puzzle. It is
easy and above board. It's the contestant with the
sharpest eyes that will find the most objects and win
the big prize.
It costs nothing to try in the first class. You
will want the paper for another year anyway so you
might as well get into the second class. But to make
the game really exciting and worth while get into
the third class by sending us a new subscriber; or
better still, into the fourth class by sending us. two
new subscribers and win a prize of $35.00. With
very little effort you can break into the fifth class
and qualify for the $50.00 cash prize.
It's going to be some fun. Now who gets the
big prize? Can you find 50? Probably even
more ?
If three year's sub- If four year's sub
scription including scription including
If no subscription is If one year's sub- If two year's ' sub- one new subscriber two new subscribers
sent in with answer. scription is sent in scription is sent in is sent in with an- is sent in with an
with the answer. with the answer. swer. swer.
First Prize $3.00 $15.00 $25.00 $35.00 $50.00
Second Prize 2.5Q 10.00 18.00 25.00 35.00
Third Prize 2.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00
Fourth Prize - 1.50 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00
Fifth Prize - 1.00 2.00 2.50 5.00 10.00
Sixth Prize .50 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00
Subscription to the weekly edition of the Enterprise is $1 .50 per year. In event winner's subscription is for the weekly, the prizes will be
one-half the above scale.
Rules of the Contest
1 . Contest closes April 1 7, 1 922, and all answers must be mailed
on or before that day.
2. Anyone living in or outside of this city may compete in this
contest. Employees of this paper and anyone else connected with the
Enterprise however are barred from participating.
3. Answers should be written on only one side of the paper.
Write your name and address plainly at the head of your lists. If you
write of anything else use a separate sheet of paper.
4. Only English words found in the dictionary can be used. Ob
solete words will not be counted, however. N
5. A word used once cannot be used again as part of a compound
word ; and only compound words as given in the dictionary as such will
be allowed.
6. The same object can be named but once. This does not pre
clude however the naming of an object which is a part of another ob
ject. 7. The word may be given in the singular or plural form but if
the one is used the other cannot be.
8. The first prize will be awarded to the contestant whose an
swer has the largest and nearest correct list of words of objects (found
in the picture) beginning with the letter "T". Second prize to the
next, etc. Neatness and penmanship will not be taken into consider
ation, 'but every contestant should be careful about the spelling so that
no mistakes will be made.
v 9. Only one prize-will be awarded to members of the same
household, or to any group outside of the family who may have co
operated in the answering of this puzzle. .
10. The judges will be three well known citizens of this com
munity having no connection with the Enterprise and will be selected
for their fitness for such a task. The award of prizes as determined by
these judges will be final and each contestant agrees to abide by their
11. In .arriving at this decision the judges will allow one point
for each correct word. A margin of 1 5 incorrect words will be granted
to each contestant to allow for a possible legitimate difference of opin
ion; but each incorrect, word above that number will count one against
12. If two contestants tie for first place the first and second
prizes will be divided between the two pro rata according to their class.
The next highest will receive the third prize, etc. If three tie for first
place, the first, second and third prizes will be divided between the
three in same manner, etc.
1 3. Subscriptions turned in by contestants must be accompanied
by cash.
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