Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 31, 1922, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Youf Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Beaver Creek Boys
Take First Game
. '
BEAVER CREEK, March 21. The !
Beaver Creek junior baseball team ;
won the first game of the season from j A dinner was given in honor of Miss
Maple Lane last Friday afternoon, j Martinazzi by Mrs. J. "Wilkin on Wed
The score stood 24 to 7. The follow- ; nesday.
ing boys comprise the team: Heft and School visitors this week were Lame
Makinster, battery; Gordon Roberts, j Moser and Alfred de Neui.
1st base; Pete Santessen, 2d base;! Wednesday Harry Wheaton and Pete
Melvin Staben, 3d base; Jake Heltf, j Seely went on a wild goose chase in
short; Rout, Ted Wilson and Paulson, j our vicinity. Wonder if they caught
fielders. anything?
Word has been received by Mrs. j The visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Koei
George Havill that Mr. and Mrs. Harrie j lermeiers were George Robbins, an
Morehouse have arrived safely at San j uncle of Mrs. Koellermeiers from East
Jaun, Puerto Rico, and are enjoying ; era Oregon and Clarence Thompson,
fine weather. 'I Several of the young folks of this
' The members of the basket ball team j vicinity attended a dance at Lad Hill
gave a dance at Beacon Heights hall i Saturday evening.
last Saturday night. j Mrs. Win. Koellermeier spent Tnu"
Mrs. S. P. Londergan entertained j day with her mother and father, Mr.
the card club Saturday evening.
Mrs. Marguerite Bell of Oregon City
was an over night guest of Mrs. A.
W. Foglesong last Thursday.
Arthur Lindsley and Alfred Beatie
are at home from college for the
Spring vacation.
Mrs. osca" Orr was a Portland'visitor
Mr. Clipper was taken to the Mason
ic Home In Portland today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foglesong motor
ed to Highland Sunday and took Mrs.
Foglesong's brother Philip Wetmore,
from M. E. Kndles' to his parents'
home at Clarkes. Mr. Wetmore, who
was boarding at the Kandle home, is
recovering from an attack of the
Redland News Items
REDLAND, March 20. Mrs.
Stearns has been quite ill the
week with the grippe.
Mrs Frank Sprague and Mrs. Her
man Fischer spent Thursday with Mrs
man i-iscuer syic I
Fischer's daughter Mrs. Herman Wal- i
do at Maple Lane
Mrs. Gilbert Cortwright and infant
daughter Phillis Esther of Union, Ore.,
came Friday to visit at the H. A. Al
len home. Mrs. cortwright was former
ly Miss Grace Allen.
Misses Myers and Anderson were
week end visitors at Portland.
Mrs. Carl Staats and son George
spent the week end visiting relatives j
and friends in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Stone and daugh
ter Misg Edith, were Oregon City visi
tors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen and daugh
ter Miss Gertrude of Mulino visited
at the A. L. Allen home Sunday.
Miss Annie Hindle of Oregon City
spent the week end at the W. H. Bon
ney home.
Richard Palehn of Portland spent
Sunday with home folks. He was ac
companeid by his wife and little daugh
ter and sister, Miss Charlotte. Mrs.
Polehn and babe have been visiting
with relatives the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hulse and daugh
ters Gladys and Winnifred and sister
Miss Stella Hulse of Portland visited
at the Murray-Nevill ranch Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Sprague and daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Moulton Sprague were Ore
gon city visitors Monday.
Mrs. A. L. Allen and son Allison
transacted business in Oregon City
On Saturday evening several young
people of this community enjoyed a
birthday party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Smith at 1094 Michigan Ave.,
Portland. The party was given in hon
or of Miss Virginia Smith to, celebrate
Tier QiYteenth birthday. The rooms
were prettily decorated with ferns and
March flowers. At 9 o'clock a delicious
lunch was served to the following
Misses Icelia Hughes, June Kirchem,
Annie Hindle, Jessie Bonney, Maribee
Ripley, Mary Braatz, Virginia Smith
and Mrs. Smith. Messrs. Fay and Keith
MrClure, John Fullam, Lee Kirchem,
AlliP'on Allen, Jack Hindle, Alva Bon
ney, Frank Allen, Dr. Varon Smith and
Mr. Smith.
The party closed wishing Miss Vir
ginia many morebright and happy
Barlow News Notes
BARLOW, March 20. Miss Lavina
Widdows has been very sick at her
home in Barlow. -
t. r T5tnnAll who is employed at
Shedds, Oregon spent the week end
in Barlow where he visited his home.
Mrs. Chas Gardner is confined to
her bed with the la grippe.
Ed and Charles Dregnie, who are at
tending college at Corvallis are spend
ing a few days with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dregnie
Mrs! Wm. Kloster spent last week in
Parkplace taking treatments.
F. M. Smith has just erected a fine
4 room bungalow on his place at Bar
low. Mr. Flint has just sold his farm to a
party from California.
In a basket hall game played at the
Barlow school gymnasium Friday
evening between the Barlow and Can
by grammar school boys and girls. The
Barlow boys won score 38 to 4. The
girl3 tied score 14 to 14. Referee Miss
Laura Pennell and umpire, Miss Celena
Mr. Jensen of Portland visited with
his mother Mrs. Jensen of Barlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson are on the
sick list again.
Advance News Items
ADVANCE, larch 29. A road meet
ing was held at L. Toedtemeiers to de
cide on which roads were to be im
proved. The road supervisor is Sam
Moser, who has held his office for sev
eral years.
A representative of a life insurance
of Denver, Colorado, Chas. E. Gauber
vds visiting our district, Friday.
r.ranee members of our neighbor
hood attended the regular meeting atj
Tro Pond Saturday March ia.
The children of Advance school
tried for the Palmer Method Writing
button. Those who were awarded one
were: Elsa Turner, Chester Koeller
meier, Toma Murakami, Theodore
KlebA ard Ida Turner.
Miss Martinazzi, Elsa Turner and
i ts ii : . i. II Tfrtol. I
lermeier home, Monday.
On Sunday Harry Gosser and Tom
Turner Daid a visit to Mrs. Mabel
Yeomans on Peets Mountain. They re-
ported that the roads up there were
not lacking mud.
and Mrs. chas. Thompson, or nos
Elsa Turner spent the week end at
her aunts and uncles Mr. and Mrs. S.
Turner of Frog Pond.
H. Iderhoff, Ida Turner, H. Koeller
meier and Wm. Dragoo were in Wil
sonville last week.
Elsa Turner visited recently with her
aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. E. Seel of
Mrs. J. Iderhoff and daughter Isa
be!le and Ida Turner made a short
visit on Peets Mountain, Sunday.
Willamette visitors from Advance
were E. L. Toedtemeier, H. Iderhoff
and Wm. Dragoo.
Oregon City visitors recently were
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koellermeier, Fred
Koellermeier and Frank Grosser.
Dodge News Items
DODGE, March 20, 1922. We are
glad to report that most of the people
who have been ill with the grippe are
im ing E Jochmsen is 8tni
quite ill at this writing. j
School opened again on Monday, '
with Mrs. Pearl Tozier of Gladstone
substituting in the primary room until
Miss Keller is able to take up b,er
work again.
Mr. Everett, a Sunday school mis
sionary from Portland, visited
111 :
J TiAn-Mr O o ,1 -r1 1 1T Q Tl (
held services at the schoolhouse on
Sunday morning.
David Horner Sr. spent Sunday with
Mr qtiH -vTrs TTarnlrl Horner of Serine-
Cams News Items
CARUS, March 28. Mrs. Fred Sang
ler and Mrs. Tom Davis of Beaver
Creek called on Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Lewis last Monday.
The Ladies Aid met at the home of
Mrs. George Ingram Wednesday after
noon. Bud Weisser was a caller at Mulino
on Friday.
Chas. calverly who has been taking
a course in electrical engineering in
Portland has completed his course and
is now at home.
Gwilliams entertained company from
Portland last Sunday.
The Ladies Aid is to repeat their
play Friday evening March 31. Admis
sion 25 cents, lunch will be served
after the play.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Oregon City
called on Mr. and Mrs. Lunce Shock-
ley last Saturday.
y last saturaay. i
Miss Florence Jaggar who is attend- J
. ,1 : r- Im I
ing school at Eugene is spending her j
wpfiir'a vacation at home.
Wayne Stewart worked for Fred
Spangler last week.
The Misses Genlendra, Emma and
Maria Felin were Sunday guests at
Henry Schoenhorn last Sunday.
Miss Irene Makinster of Beaver
Creek spent the week end with Miss
Erma Caseday.
George Bliss was a caller at Beaver
Creek last Friday.
Mrs. Nettie jaggar ana son neeu
were Oregon City visitors last Satur-
day. -
Christ Josi went to Union Mills afte"
a load of posts last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ingram of Portland
were out on their place last bunaay.
Mrs. Lunce Shockley called on Mrs.
Even Lewis Wednesday afternoon.
John Lehmen attended a show in
Oregon City Thursday evening, and
was a night guest at the Snover home.
A meeting of the Cams pig club was
held at Fred Spanglers Friday evening. I ghip Eastern sailor today.
Those present were Earl Davies, Rich- j The Eastern Sailor -cleared from
ard Gwilliam, John Bliss, Melvin Stew- j Yortian,i February 14, in the trans-Pa-art
and Orval Beach. j cific service of the Columbia-Pacific
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffith attended ! shipping company,
preaching at Beaver Creek last Sun-1
Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss and fam
ily spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. John Hughes.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Linsley and son
Thierry of Henrici spent Sunday after
noon with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown and
Mrs. John Calverly was a xviunuu
caller Friday. -
Barlow News Items
BARLOW, March 28. Mr. and Mrs.
Nels Steffenson have rented out their
farm and home for one year and have
started on a trip to visit friends in
different cities. Mrs. Steffenson will
continue her visit in Astoria while Mr.
Steffenson eoes to Eastern Oregon to
look after his real estate there. -
Sunday schooll and preaching ser
vices were well attended last Sunday
with Rev. O. Skiptbred as pastor.
Edward Dregnie spent a week home
with his parents. He enjoyed the rest
from his college work and on his way
back to Corvallis made a three days
visit with his brother Charles at Mon
mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Oathout of
Woodburn visited their sister, Mrs.
Nellie Emery and family at Barlow a
week ago. "
Mr. and Mrs. Landsvark had the
pleasure of entertaining their daughter
Alpha of'Portland and their son Clar
ence with wife and little daughter of
Kflcn WOmflTI (,lllh
' v
Plans Piano Benefit
KELSO, March 27. The Woman's
Club of Kelso will give a play on Sat
urday evening April 22. A small ad
mission of 15 cents will be charged
which will go toward the piano fund.
Refreshments will also be sold after
the evening's entertainment.
The Woman's Club met last Thurs
day with Mrs. F." Rathkey. The fol
lowing ladies were present. Mesdames
E. Herz, M. Kligel, N. C. Peterson, G.
Eri, J. Hite, T. Dunn, R. Jonsrud, Obre,
Lin's Decker and H. Revenue, besides
the hostess Mrs. F. Rathkey. Delicious
refreshments were served. Mrs. E.
Decker signed the membership roll,
making a total membership of 18.
Eagle Creek Notes
EAGLE CREEK, March 27. Mrs.
Buckley, the school supervisor, and
Mrs. Church the truant officer, visited
the school one afternoon of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, Chas.
Murphy, Leslie Woodle, Ed. Chapman,
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass spent
a pleasant evening at the home of T.
n ifn T. n it lact VarlnariaV
,c j m w.ii T-.,rias ATrs. I
Ed Ss aniSdaughter. Betty
Jear were vising wfth Mrs. Viol!
i6 7 !,. xr. nd Mrs.
Tamest Duus Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and
daughter, Florice, were Portland visit
ors on Saturday.
Mrs. Rhenstrom was calling on Mrs.
Evans, and Mrs. Perry Murphy Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woodle and
children, and Malcolm Woodle and
family, were guests at the home of
Theodore Reid has sold his share j
of the eRid and Surface sawmill to ,
Ed. Douglass and Pete Clester.
Barlow News Items
BARLOW, March 29. A surprise
party was given at the home f Miss
a lota Zimmerman on last Tuesday
evening, in honor of her guest, Miss j
,i tj.ia T-ha evfnine
iijaiin iuaj ui runoiuu..
wo,! in HanPinz and Maying .
a.3 tiijvj vu -
(T'ITT1P5 IX TIM flt , late nUUT
lunch as served. Those surprising
Miss Edith were: Lloyd and Lucile
Zlegler, Olga Hollenbock, Lyle Pen-
nell. Laura Fennen, trnesL
Hove, '
dp.cirze Ziegier itoy
Gladys. Celena and Robert Tremayne,
Julia Snmoski. Fayne Wolfer, Florence
and Abe Widdows, and Aleta Zimmer
man. a bnv weiehine 10 pounds
I was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lou Smith
on Tuesday.
Four high school pupils which at
tend the Hubbard .high school from
Barlow will take part in the student
body play which will be staged there
on Friday evening, March 31. Those
taking part were Lucile Ziegler, Celena
Tremayne Loig Emery and Julia Su
. .
DODGE, March 28.--On Saturday
last, Dodge suffered the loss of a most
valuable citizen and neighbor in the
person of E. W. Jochimsen, who pass
ed away after one week's illness. It
would be impossible to speak too high
ly of him as . man of kindly disposi
tion and a helper in time of need. The
... ...iii ho upptiIv felt by many, ana
. I -,.nnttlV tn TliS
our hearts go oui m m "'.imu.j .
widow and children in their bereave-1
, - -i i,1ono nt '
ment. The funeral took place at
Springwater on Tuesday, and was at
tended by a large number of people.
A service in the church was presided
over by the minister, the Rev. Mr.
Weir. Amongst a number of most beau
tiful floral wreaths was one sent by
the Community Club, subscribed to by
residents of Dodge, who in a humble
way, wished to show their respect.
J. W. Marrs and daughter, Mamie,
are recovering from an attack of the
j Qn gun(iay evening, March 28. a
j baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
; prank Wilson. Both mother and baby
j are doing nicely. .
, cna3. Colson's nephew is visiting at
; the roison home.
SHANGHAI, March 29. One man
wn killed and 20 injured by an ex-
i Diosion on board the American steam-
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Renewed with heated ferocity, street fighting tnreatens to result in civi
thrown up and armed troops guard the streets.
Advisory Committee
Elected by Growers
ESTACADA, March 29. There was
a good attendance at the meeting of
the Oregon Growers' Association in
the Estacada district, last Saturday
afternoon in the lobby of the Estacada
hotel, for the purpose of nominating a
director and electing a local advisory
committee. C. A. Jacques was nomin
ated and the advisory committee elect
ed consisted of B. Schonberg, A. W.
Bockin, W. W. Tucker and H. D.
Trapp. A fifth committee will be elect
ed at a later date. Earl Peary of . the
Salem office Field Department, pre
sided. A large number of berry grow
ers were present. Plans are under way
wnereby it is believed that an arrange
ment agreeable and beneficial to
concerned will be workea out, placing
the fruit industry of tne Estacada dis
tricts on a solid foundation in one in
stead of several associations.
Harry Johnson attended the funeral
of his brother-in-law at Lents last Fri
day, who died from injuries received
by being gored by a bull.
Repairs on the Christian church on
upper Main street have been made re
cently. James Closer last Friday, fell from
the top of his saw mill and cut his
head quite badly. Dr. Carey was called
to dress the wound, which required
twelve stitches to close. It is thought
that there will be no permanent ef
fect. There was quite a delegation from
the local Rebekah lodge to Oregon
City last Saturday, to attend the 16th
annual Rebekah convention.
Nellie Currin was chairman of the
meeting and Mrs. Cordelia Carter was
outside guard. Mrs. Mary Eschleman
was elected as secretary for the next
meeting which will be held at Milwau
kie in the early part of 1923. Those
from Estacada who were in attend
ance were, Mesdames, Nellie Currin,
Elva Ahlberg, Cordelia Carter, Mary
Eschelman, Mae Kitching, Susie Kitch
ing, Lydia McConnell, Clara Boyer,
Elsie Fields Mary Posson and Gerald
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Sarver were pass-
engers for Portland Saturday wher
tne laner wut w
Mrs. W. F. Cary and cnnaren were
Portland visitors Sunday in. the Mt.
Scott district.
Mrs. G. E. Kiggins and little son
and Mrs. Fink spent the day in Port
land last Saturday.
Postmaster W. A. Heylman was a
business visitor in the metropolis last
As a sure sign of spring
the Boy
. . ,
Scouts are beginning to uecou.c
Mesdames E. E. Hannah and C. E.
Allen, members of the W. C T. TJ.,
j were out soliciting last Saturday for
:' the childrens Home, at Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore were ouj
.... - . . T ,1
ness visitors m t-onianu muuuj.
The Estacada public library isun-loi-
rtppn nhlierations to Mrs. W. J.
Moore, the president of the associa-
tion. for a donation of seventy uev
books, including fiction, religious and
historical copies. Part of them are now
on the shelves and the remainder will
soon be ready for circulation. The
library is still a most popular institu
tion and greatly enjoyed by all book
Mrs. Mae Reed and daughters, Mary
Alice and Florence June, while in Portland-
last Sunday met Russell Reed,
who is attending O- A. C, and visited
with him all day.
Sam Barr has commenced the erec
tion of his new residence in Terrace
Addition, just south of the cannery.
Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and baby Jean,
were Portland visitors last Saturday.
Work on the repairing of the Odd
Fellow building was continued this
week and they hope to get the build
ng in shape soon to be occupied
Br. Will Dale and wife or jforuana
CinnlT TrIOltrtro af th f hOmO Of
weio ouuucij .oi-.o - -
tne doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. WU-
tl.M rn1&
if am T9lA.
irs C. Chambers, who has been liv
ing in appartments at the Estacada
hotel for the past two years, left on
Saturctty for a short visit at Seattle,
after which she goes to Tennesee to
visit a son by adoption. Mr. Chambers
will join her next fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton came
over from Portland Saturday evening
to visit his mother'and other relatives,
returning home Sunday evening.
Miss Mildred Douglass was here
from Portland this last week-end. the
guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Viola
Mrs N. W. McMillan and the baby
left on Monday for their new home at
Roseburg, with Mr. McMillans brother
who has been visiting here for a few
days. Mr McMillan went Tuesday with
a truck load of household goods. The
McMillan's have been occupying rooms
at the Estacada hotel for some time.
The city drug store building is un
der repairs, a new shingled awning be
ing one of the new improvements.
Mrs. L. C. Posson went to Oregon
City last Friday evening -where she at
tended the Rebekah district conven-
tion on Saturday. Miss Leta accom
panied her.
Miss Ruth Saling was a week-end
visitor at the home of her parents, re
turning to Portland Sunday evening.
Frank" Morrow of Portland, visited
Estacada friends last Saturday night
and Sunday.
Mrs. C. W. Strickland, of Gladstone,
visited at the home of her sister, Mrs.
B. O. Sarver, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Starr have re
turned from Bend, Oregon, where he
was employed for several months, and
will again make Estacada their home.
H. H. Huxley and family moved in
to their new home, recently purchased
from John Dunseath, last Monday.
Mrs. John Dunseath arrived from
Seattle the latter part of last week and
packed and shipped her household
The program at the Community Club
meeting this Friday night promises to
be one well worth hearing.
The boys who were home from O.
A. C. for the spring vacation, have all
erturned to Corvallis.
Quite a number from this section
attended the funeral of E. Jochimsen
at Springwater Tuesday at 2 p. m. Mr.
Jochimsen passed away last Saturday,
March 25, at his home in the Dodge
section, after an illness from the flu.
He was a man highly respected and
bad many friends at Estacada. J. E
Gates of Estacada had charge of the
There was a good attendatce at the
Junior class play Monday night and it
seemed to be conceeded by all that the
play excelled all previous dramatic ef
forts which have been presented by the
hish school for some time.
William Fink and family have mov
ed into the Bland house, recently va
cated by P. S. Stamp.
Mrs. Harold Wooster and son and
Miss Lauvina Crawford of the Garfield
neighborhood, took the train here for
Portland last Friday to visit relatives
a few days.
The interior of Bob Marchbank s
confectionery has been beautified by
the liberal use of paint and pretty
tints of kalsomine.
Mrs. James Syms and little son were
Portland visitors Monday.
Mrs. F. E. Burns returned Sunday
from a visit of a few days with friends
at Clatskanie.
As there were no ojections for the
Standard Oil Co. to install two tanks,
one for gasoline and one for coal oil,
on the lots southwest of the packing
company's building, work will soon be
gin on the erection of the tanks. A
meeting called for the purpose of hear
ing any objections was held last Fri
day night at the City hall. At this
meeting, also, the City council settled
the controversy concerning a certain
alley in Terrace Addition.
Dr. C. E. Owen spent two or three
days in Portland the first of the week.
Mrs. F. C. Howe, accompanied by
her daughter Miss Leila, spent the day
in Portland last Saturday.
The Charles Dubois family were re
leased from quarantine last Saturday.
Ear! Shipley cams down from camp
j Nq Satulday aI1(j went to Portland
to visit his family until Sunday even
Lorrin Ellis spent the week-end here
with his parents.
The Junior class of the E. H. S. will
give the "Masonic Ring" at Logan hall
this Friday night,
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Standish left on
Wednesday for Newberg, where Mr.
Standish will resume his position as
fruit buyer for the Oregon Canning Co.
of that place. They have been living
for several months on their ranch at
Mrs. P. H. Batin and daughter
Elaine, of Portland, have leased, the
P. F. Standish ranch in Garfield.
Dr. McCali motored over from Port
land last Friday night to attend to
business connected writh the title of
his los in Terrace Addition, which he
recently sold to W. J. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Lemon of New
berg, visited at the Phil Standish home
at Garfield, last Sunday.
H L. Kenney, owing to the crowd
ed condition to his store, will move
into the building now occupied by
Thomas Morton and share the same
with him.
Mr. and Mrs. M- C. Williams of Gres
ham, were visitors in Estacada last
Work Is Donated
On Redland Road
RELDAND, March 2S. Many from
I here attended a road meeting at Ore
gon City Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Nevill went to
Portland Tuesday to bring home their
little daughter Clara Pearl who has
spent the past two weeks with her
There were 25 men volunteered their
service Wednesday and Thursday for
road work. They hauled gravel and
rocks to fill in bad places and now the
roads are in pretty fair shape.
Mrs. H. A. Allen and daughter and
granddaughter Mrs. Gilbert Cortwright
I war in Ireland. Barricades nave Deen.
Auto Enamels For The Mail
Who Paints His Own Car
The durable kind not affected by climatic condi
tions, withstanding the action of heat, old, rain and
snow. The lustre is permanent and is not dulled by
frequent washing.
C--.r4 rtxr?: Xfl
visited relatives at Gladstone Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stone and daugh
ted Edith were Oregon City callers Fri
day. C. J. Staats transacted business in
Oregon City Friday. x
Will Phillips and sou Bruce market
ed a large load of potatoes in Oregon
City Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen of Portland
came out Saturday night to visit at
the A. L. Allen home. Sunday they
all dorve to Mulino and spent the day
with the Don Allen family.
Temperance Union
Local Organized
BEAVER CREEK, March 2S. Mrs.
C. B. Andrews of Oregon City, organ
izer for the W. C. T. was here last
Wednesday and helped organize a lo
cal. Mrs. Ellen Schram was elected
president, Mrs. Gertrude Watts, secre
tary and Mrs. Leta Foglesong,. treas
urer. It was agreed to hold meetings at
the homes of the members and Mrs. S.
P. Londergan invited them to meet at
her home the second Wednesday in
A miscellaneous shower was given
last Thursday at the home of Mrs. D.
J. Makinster, in honor of her daughter,
Mrs. E. Shanifer, a recent bride. A
good time was enjoyed by all. The
bride was the recipient of many lovely
presents. Attending were Mesdames
S. P. Londergan, E. Shanifer, G. Havill,
O. Orr, A. W. Foglesong! F. Shaw, J.
Schram, E. Hughes, A. Thomas A. W.
Weidener, T. Davies, J. Coulter, and
D. J. Makinster.
Mr. Salstrand left last week for Cal
ifornia on business.
Mrs. John Schram and Mrs. S
Londergan attended a W. C- T.
meeting at the home of Mrs. C.
Eberly in Oregon City Monday.
W. E. Jones called on Dan Fellows
of Highland Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foglesong visit
ed with his parents at Molalla Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Morehouse have ar
rived safely in Puerto Rico and are en
joying fine weather, according to word
received by Mrs. Havill.
BISSELL, March 27. C. A. Johnson
and wife visited relatives at Viola last
J. K. Peterson spent the week end in
.Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen visited
relatives at Estacada last Sunday.
Mrs. Ted Harders visited her sis
ter Mrs. Snyder at Estacada last Wed
nesday. Mr. Rendlemas was transacting bus
iness last Saturday.
ESTACADA, Ore., March 26. At a
special meeting of the city council last
night, an ordinance was passed giv
ing permission to the Standard Oil
company to erect a distributing sta
tion in the southwest part of town
near the railroad spur.
Estacada and the surrounding com
munity have been served from the
sub-station at Parkplace, but the in
crease of business and the demands
for service in the country tributary to
this city has caused- the company to
erect this new station. It will 'Consist
of the necessary large storage tanks
and warehouse facilities. Supplies
handled in tankage will be transported
from the company's main station to
Estacada by tank car.
It is proposed to expend at least
$20,000 in equipping this station, and
to have it open for business within GO
Two Pennsylvar.ians have invented
a combination salt and pepper, a slide
shutting off whichever side of the de
vice is not in use.
Phones: SeUwood 6!7, Automatic
East Side Nil! &
Manufacturer mn dDealers In
Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Fcox of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
are made in a range of beautiful colors
from which to make your selection.
Stop at our store today and take home
with you a can of Sherwin-Williaraa
Auto EnameL.
Huntley-Draper Drug Co.
Exclusive Agents
Farm Loans Preferred I
j Beaver BIdg. Oregon Gtty
Homelike Efficient Courteous
Telephone 86 r
7th and Water Sts., Oregon Gity
Pacific Phone:
Office 52 Residence 384-M
Oregon City, Ore.
...,..,..........................,........... ......
H,,,,,) ftlfll Ilitll tlltlllIIMMUMIM$
Caufield BIdg. v Phone 636-W
I Oregon City, Ore. -
Phones: Off. 80
Res. 251-W r
Justice of Peace
1201-2 Masonic Temple, Oregon City.
MM. !
Specializes in
Extraction of Teeth
Crown and Bridge Work
"Plates That Fit"
10-11-12 Andresen BIdg.
Oregon City, Ore.
Catarrhal Conditions
Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ
enced by constitutional conditions. it
therefore requires constitutional treat
is taken internally and acts through the
Blood upon the Mucous Surfaces of the
gives the patient strength by improving
the general health and assists Nature m
doing its work.
AH Druggists. Circulars free.
, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
6 Per Cent State School
Money to Loan on Farms
Bank of Oregon City BIdg.
Oregon City, Ore.
John P. Miller, Mgr.
Lumber Company
Montgomery and Fifth
Portland --