DAY SPECIA'L'i, WHILE THEY LAST SATURDAY, MARCH 25th TINWiA URNITURE AND HARDWARE STORE DISH PANS, WATER PAILS, CAKE PANS, FLOUR SIFTERS, COFFEE POTS, ETC., ETC. Just 1000 pieces m this lot V"""7 quantities. None sold to dea lers. ( SALE OF i. K - -: v 1 AT A rvj - 155 11 ol BSa. DRI Ji AS R3 slieveable. Sale JFV j r??-'.-. ' ----- -. larch 25 th , ,it08SMirk liOfflftM III , j ' .' ... J& MLY L i lade. Y '. II Q and 7 ' i .; 75 c 'rames "' ' ' FURNITURE- ' fiyjl . : yROWARE Sale FQr Cash Only. fl ! i- pJr- O y y- w -rV,-.-,..,:-..J Lis Jl - - - lirftiiiiiini urn-n in iiiii ii..miii riMMimiiriimirm mwr at Sweeping We are out to Sell, Unload and turn Thousands of Dollars worth of seasonable merchandise into cash. These sweeping reductions in clude every article in our im mense stock (afew contract lines excepted). We are making re ductions that seem unbelievable, savings that are sensational and prices that not only defy competi tion but rival pre-war values, so come to this great sale; see for yourself and buy merchandise you will surely need at prices that may never be equaled again Spruce Ironing Boards Folding type $1.98 Razor Strop - . Genuine Duplex, cow hide. Regu lar $1.00 to $3.50 values. Special to close out 1 49c Extra Heavy Galvanized Well Buckets jj Regular $1.75 val ues. Now 98c Carpet Sweepers All metal "Hygeno" carpet sweep er. . Complete with handle. Saly price only . .$1.55 a m Reductions Sole Leather and Half Soles Repair your own shoes. 50c Half Soles, pair... 25c 60c Piece Leather, 35c 1.50 piece leather 95c 1.75 piece leather $1.05 Hand Seperator Oil Bring your own can. Price per gallon ;. , 59c A High Grade Axe Made of Carbon Tool steel, genuine hickory handle. Sale price only .......$1.49 10 Quart Galvanized Pails". 8 Quart Rinsing Pans 6 Cup Muffin Pans 10 inch Milk Strainers 1 0 inch Sieves , Perfection Graters 1 0 inch Pieced Colanders 8 Quart Flaring Pails I Quart I Cup Coffee Pots Japanned! Cuspidors Acme Sifters Fire Shovels Bread Pans, 9 3-4x4 1-2x3 inch Square Cake Pans, 9x9x1 inch STOVES JT. jt-m. JL Jt JELd at greatly reduced prices. If you ne a new range, take advantage of this opportunity.- Buy it now. " The "Queen" Steel Range Six hole top, 1 8-in. oven. Former Price $55. Extra special to close out $39.75 Presto Steel Range Polished top, leg base, large oven, nickel trimming. Former price $65.00. while &An en they last dftl UU The "Prince" Steel Range A high grade steel range with drop high closet doors, nickel plated base, polished top, 1 8-in. oven, etc. Former $54.00 price $90. Only.. GRANITEWARE The greatest bargains in years. One lot of 1250 pieces of gray graniteware including sauce pans, preserving kettles, wash basins, stew pans, milk pans, etc. Former values to 75c. "1 f All go in this sale for only m.JK Gray Granite Dish Pans As cheap as tin. 1 0 quart size 39c 1 4 quart size 4c 1 7 quart size 68c You must see these dish pans to ap preciate the real values, they are all first quality ware. -Every piece guaranteed. Extra Heavy Block Tin Dish Pans 10 quart size, regular $1.00. Sale price 69c 12 quart size, regular $1.25. Sale price .'...85c 17 quart size, regular $1.75. Sale price .' . 98c BUTCHER KNIVES 6 inch blade. Extra special. While they last 17c Six Pound Simplex Electric Iron with cord, full nickel plated, fully guaranteed. Regular $6.95 value now ........$4.95 Extra Heavy Lisk 5 gal. OiKCans with faucet.xReg. $2.75. Sale price ........$1.68 A Good House Broom Made of selected. material. Extra special while they last 35c Dust Pans Heavy Japanned tin. Regular 25c values. Now 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c Combination Strainer and Funnels... ...15c 8 inch Fry Pans - 15c 12 inch Wash Basins 15c 2 Quart Covered Buckets 15c 1 0-inch Scolloped Cake Pans u.. 15c 1 Quart Water Dippers ...15c i Sheet Graters 15c .15c 1 Quart Graduated Measures 15c Japanned Dust Pans 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 2 Quart Tubed Cake Pans 10x12 Drip Pans..:.... 6 Quart 1C Dairy Pans 14 inch Forged Spoons 1 0 inch Footed Colanders O Srte-1 "Monarch" Malleable Range Mirco process polished top. Made of malleable iron through- out. Regular price $I4U.UU. Sale price only I $89.50 Blue Enamel Combination Range Slightly used. Worth $225 new. 1 C Buy it now for u)l 1 J Second Hand Gas Stoves Acron 3-burner with oven 17.50 Vulcan 4-burner with oven 35.00 A. B. 4-burner with over 36.00 White Enamelware Extra heavy four coated. Guar anteed acid proof, every piece perfect. Heavy "Lisk" White Enamel Dish Pan, 1 4 quart. While they last $1.08 v Cups and Saucers 25c Wash Basins 25c White Enamel Plates.. 25c Milk Pans 25c Pudding Pans,.. , 25c Lip Sauce Pans 25c White Enamel Water Pails $1.65 4 quart Convex Kettles and Cover 87c 6 quart Convex Kettles arid Cover 98c 8 quart Convex Kettles and Covers 1.20 Heavy Tin Dairy Pails 1 2 quart size. Reg. 75c values. Now each 49c 1 4 quart size. Reg. $ 1 .00 values. Now each 59c LINOLEUMS, ,w Greatlv Reduced BRUSSELS RUGS, 9x12 size. Extra Special ...1 CONGOLEMRUGS Genuine Gold Seal Quality 9x1 2 size. Now - -- 9x12 GRASS RUGS. Regular Sale price i - HV '-We H r - - x I g Ij 15c 15c ...15c ..........15c ......15c 15c ...15c Aluminum Ware at Less Than Half Price Highly polished, heavy gauge, Aluminum Cooking Utensils, the kind that will last a life time. 1 quart Sauce Pans 15c 1 quart Pudding Pans ....15c 8-in. Pie Tins......': ...15c 8-in. Cake Pans ..15c WEAR EVER, 7-in. size, FRYING PANS Regular $1.20. While they last....49c ROUND ALUMINUM ROASTERS Regular $2.50. Sale price 55c ALUMINUM PERCOLATORS Six cup size. Reg. $2.25 value. Sale price....55c ALUMINUM DOUBLE BOILERS 55c Extra Special.... ALUMINUM COLANDERS Large size 55c SAUCE PAN SETS 3 nested Aluminum 'sauce pan sets 55c ALUMINUM DISH PAN 1 0-quart size, with heavy roll rim, beautifully finished and highly pol ished. As cheap as ordinary granite ware. Price only $1.39 CARPETS, RUGS GENUINE INLAID LINOLEUM Put down a permanent floor covering now while the price is down. Regu- d "1 CL Q lar $2.75 values. Now... DlUO Per square yard not laid. $15.00 $15.00 $10.00. - - $6.50 r