CM) CLACKAMAS COUNTY'S LEADING This is a sale without a paralell values without equal real, genuine, bonified reductions all over the store. Our immense stock of Furiture. Hardware, Stoves, Aluminumware, Dishes, Linoleum, Kitchen Utensils, Graniteware, Tinware, Wall Paper, Paint, etc., etc. Yes thousands and thousands of dollars worth of new and seasonable merchandise on sale. Do you need a new Mattress? "Here is a big mattress bargain that you can't afford to overlook. 40 Lb. Cotton Mattress 40 pound Cotton Mattress, covered with fancy floral ticking, roll edge, built in layers. Buy one (fC QQ now the price is only: I)J0 Simmons Steel Folding Beds Simmons Steel Folding Beds. U. S. Army Type. Price Q Cfl DJ.J)V on Second Hand Bed Davenport Second Hand Bed Davenport. Here' is a good' buy. This is a long model, solid oak frame. Imitiation leather upholstering. Extra special Large Aluminum 3 Piece Roaster Made of heavy gauge Aluminum metal. Guaranteed for 20 years. You must see these hoasters to appreciate the splendid C 7 C value. Regular $7.50. Sale price 3)). i J & REED GO-CARTS at Big Reductions hj 'tf rUnnin "UrtvJ Coom" carts. $40.00 AnnrH m4UT Special , fDCJJ. t O W CHINA TEA SETS v. i ' V. o :c.ii r 'StJ: 6 Cups and Saucers, 1 Tea Pot, 1 Sugar, Vf4'J 1 Creamer. Regular $7.50. fQ 7C Now D Om I D $29.75 Pillows Leather Pillows, regular size, heavy picking. Regular $2.50 on sale at $1.45 ea. Winchester Roller Skates Ball Bearing, regular $2.50. Our price per pair $1.85 One Lot of Aluminum Ware All large pieces Preserving Ket tles, Convex Kettles, Double Boilers, etc., on sale at ......$1.19 HARDWOOD DINING CHAIRS Extra special while they last $1.98 SOLID OAK DINING CHAIRS Genuine leather seat, full box construction. Extra Extra Special JJJ CARPENTERS NAIL HAMMERS Our "Cruso" brajad, drop forged steel, genuine Hickory handles. Reg. $1. Now "JL Rocking Chairs Hardwood Rockers. Pacific oak finish. A limited number $4.95 WALL PAPER FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING i Don't miss this opportunity. ' Beautiful patterns. Only per" double roll r 10c Bed Room Paper with dainty pink stripe and floral spray. While it lasts, only per double roll 15c Now is the time to buy Wall Paper for your spring house cleaning. If you can't paper now, buy while the prices are down and use it later. Bring us the size of your room. "Potts" Sad Irons Set of 3 with handle and stand. Regular $2.75. Sale price $1.89 Folding Breakfast Tables 36 inch size, either round or square $2.65 Hardwood Rockers with Auto Spring Seat Upholstered in im itation leather. Extra special at $9.85 Copper Nickel Plated Tea Kettles Seefmless bottom, electrically welded spout. Reg. $2.75 values. While they last $1.68 ea. Water Tumblers or Jelly Glasses Heavy horse shoe tumblers, large size. Sale price, each 6c Cups and Saucers Heavy Cable ware. 18c for cup and saucer. Wheel Garden Cultivators Just the thing for your garden or ' berry patch. A great labor saving device. Price only $5.00 ea. All Garden Tools Reduced Supply your wants now. Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, etc., etc., at 20 off A. Oaigaiira. Event WitiKout J.ic On Sale at Prices That Seem U Begiiiimg Saturday, ' I l f"!IMWyillH.III.IH,l l I .1.1.1 U UIH-IHIUMIM-M a ere Are the Facts: This extraordinary announcement as the result of a backward sea--son and delayed shipments. We bought new goods at new lower prices, Thousands and Thousands of dollars worth, then came the back orders that factories were unable to deliver before the first of the year. On account of the inclement weather conditions peo ple were unable to get out and do their, buying, the consequences are we are OVERLOADED with. merchandise. We must and will sell regard less of costs and profits. HAIRCLIPPERS Cut the children's hair, one hair cut almost pays the cost of the clippers, nickel plated handles, high grade tool steel used throughout. Extra special, while they last l 79c Nickel Plated Scissors of real merit. Small size 25c Household size 48c PRUNING SHEARS ' Here is a seasonable item that you will surely need. Buy a pair now for only ... 49c Pocket Knives at Reduced Prices Two blade knife, with genuine stag handles. Reg. $ 1 .00 value now 50c fFnu,M r SALE F 2 ft FOLDING RULES Back to pre-war prices. We re serve the right to limit quantities. Extra special 15c A HIGH GF HAND Si Our "Crusader" Brand, 2f This is a "Winchester" represents splendid valil money. Regular $2.00 v Sale price only Hact Adjusted to any size, nicks Sale price only . 50 ft. STEEL TAPES with nickel plated armor steel case. Reg. $5.00 value. Sale price $3.29 &2 " THE HOME 2fl