Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 24, 1922, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Mrs. Cora Bullock
CMl lMHMIHfHttttHtHimtfm4
Eagle Creek Grange
Takes New Members
EAGLE CREEK, March 20 Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister were Oregon
City visitors last Friday.
Roy Douglass and family who have
been ill with the flu or grip, are get
ting tetter and are able to be up
Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans were guests
of Portland relatives last week and on
arriving home Wednesday found an
eight-pound granddaughter awaiting
them, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Murphy.
Eagle Creek Grange held its regu
lar session at the grange hall Satur
day, with about 25, including children,
present. After a short busienss meet
ing, two candidates, Helen Johnston
and Gifford Hoffmeister, were initiat
ed in the first and second degrees.
Then an interesting program was ren
dered. A committee was appointed to
prepare the program and plan for the
May picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snider were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Linn
The spelling school held at the school
house last Friday evening was quite
well attended, and all who took part
were spelled down by Mrs. Baumgart
ners eighth grade pupil, Edith Evans.
This is the third time that Edna Evans
has had the honor of spelling down all
who have participated in the selling
matches. After the spelling "bee" a
short program was rendered, which
was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass were
the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Douglass.
Hazelia News Notes
HA7KT.TA. March 19. Don't forget 1
the meeting of the Community club
at Hazelia school, April 1. Community
singing, special numbers, and lunch
neighboring communities always in
vited. James Cook purchased some fine
sheep recently.
Miss Jean Wilson is home from O.
A. C. for a week's vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson who
have heen ouite ill with flu are slow
ly improving, Mr. Wilson now being
around the house. J
The ladies of Hazelia met last -week ,
with Mrs. James Zivney for their com-
munity meeting. They enjoyed the ;
afternoon in sewing and lunch was I
served. I
TVnTimui rrhristiansen is making!
plans to make R. I. Reds a business.
He has purchased stock from heavy
laying Mead strain and will incubate
his own chicks.
The Sophomores of West Linn gave
a candy pull recently at the ljjgh
school. Miss Evangeline Christian ten
their president attended from Hazelia
declaring the class had a "sweet" time
Most of the faculty were there to en
joy the fun.
The booster song for 1925 will be
for sale at the Community sing at
Hazelia school Apr. 1 also "Beautiful
Oregon Rose." A percentage of sale ot
same will be given for Victrola fund.
It would be a fine thing for every
community who has a club to .investi
gate the advantages of club study
made possible by the U. of O. thru
their correspondence courses offered.
The study of Oregon, Home Science,
Psychology, The Standard Town and
Community, Art Painting, American
Woman Writers are some of the in
teresting subjects our community
would be greatly benefited by, we
cannot say because we live in the
country we have no chance for keep
ing our minds fit. To say we haven't
time only means that we are indiffer
ent to the best things in life. Child
study, Child Welfare and Health Edu
cation are also a means of study tnat
brings the school and home most in
terest on the time spent.
Oswego, Hazelia, Bolton, West Linn,
Willamette. Stafford and Riverdale
school in Palentine Hill district have
been assigned to the district song
leader, Mrs. D. Christiansen, by the
Community Service Bureau of Port
land, any of these places wishing her
services for Community sings or for
special numbers on Community pro
grams will be served transportation
only expected.
Advance News
ADVANCE. March 20. Last wees,
Fred Ellisen, Sidney Sedling, Irving
Sharp and Mrs. S. Turner who are
on the grange committee to collect
subscriptions for the new grange hall
at Frog Pond were canvassing the Ad
vance district.
Some music pupils of Miss Eva Sed
ling, from here, are Alice and Eddie
Moser and Lester Koellermeier.
The new chicken house of W. Jaster
has been rushed to completion. Halt
of the model poultry house has been
finished and Mr. Jaster is now rais
ing Mr. Perry's chickens for he didn't
have room for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koellermeier, who
have been ill have recovered.
The pupils of our school took the
iraor Teati, TTYidav.
Our mail carrier, Chester Tooze, is
down with the mumps. He is replaced
by a substitute, for the time being.
Mrs. M. Chesmore has not been feel
ing well lately.
Clarence Koellermeier was initiated
in the W. O. W. Thursday in their
meeting place, the West Linn Gym.
A second cousin of Mrs. H. Iderhoff,
William Allard, succumed in Portland.
The lad was eighteen years old.
Otis and Ora Robins of Frog Pond
paid a visit to the H. Iderhoff home,
Chester Koellermeier and Herbert
Turner went to a movie in Oregon City
Saturday evening while Clarence Koel
lermeier played for a dance.
Visitors of the Moser residence, Sun
day were Mr. and Mrs -John Moser,
Louis Zimmerman- and Myrtle Bort-
laMiss Martinazzi spent the week-end
HIderhoff, E. L. Toedtemeier
and Mr. Dragoo were Willamette vis-j
itors this week. ' I
Wm. Koellermeier, Harry Qossdr
and mother were In Wilsonvill this
week. .
Oregon City visitors from Advaneo !
recently were Mr. and Mrs. S. Mosor, j
Fred Koellormeier. Theodora Klobo
and bother Lloyd.
Cams Items
CARUS. March 20. A. Bench and
son Orval who has been confined for
some time with the flu are reported
better. .
Herman Smidt transacted business
in Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kline called at
the Gwllliam home h&t Friday.
Allen Edwards and daughter Minnie,
and son Emerson, and Mrs. George
Bliss were Oregon City visitors last
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes of Beaver
Creek spent Monday -with the
Bliss family.
Alfred Geevier stayed at the App
Jones home last week.
Mrs. Evans of Portland visited
friends in Carus last Sunday.
George Bliss was a caller at BeaVer
Creek one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Russell and daugh
ter Myrtle were guests at Weisser
home last Saturday.
Mrs. London of Oregon City who is
ill has been brought out to the home
of her nephew Chas. Stewart in an
ambulance to be cared for.
Mr. and Mrs. Bliss and family went
to Molalla last Tuesday to Mrs. Bliss
sister, Mrs. Peter Faurie.
Mrs. App Jones and daughter Ilia
were Beaver Creek callers Saturday
afternoon. "
Carus school was again open Mon
day morning after having been closeo
for about two weeks. Miss Hansen, the
teacher has been sick with the flu.
Mrs. John Calverly was a Mulino
visitor last Friday.
Mrs. App Jones and children spent
Sunday evening with Blisses.
Mrs. Theodore Miller, and son, Otto,
and daughter, Gertrude, and Max
Brooks were Oregon City visitors Sat
urday. Mrs. Charles Willbanks called on
Mrs. Albert Schoenborn Thursday
Mrs. Fred Josi called on Mrs. Bill
Miller Thursday afternoon.
Stafford Notes
STAFFORD, March 20. Rosco Old
ham has his new one and one-half ton
truck, and has taken over the milk
route, formerly run by G. Ryser of
A committee from the Frog Pond
(Tualatin Grange) were around last
week soliciting subscriptions and do
nations toward building their new
hall. They were quite successful and
will give an entertainment the 7th of
April in the same cause.
The baseball boys have spent a num
ber of days getting their ball ground
in shape for practice, but the wet
weather sent them to cover.
The Ladies Circle met with Mrs.
Fred Ellegsen on last Thursday and
spent a very pleasant day.
Mrs. Voget, and family are well
again. The Nussbaums better, Mrs.
Jack Ellegsen threatened with a re
lapse, and others on the mend, so we
begin to hope the flu has flown for
As A. H. Gage was droving his sis
ter and daughter home from the Circle
Thursday, and axle broke and one
hind wheel ran off. Luckily they were
but a few rods from the garage, and
no one was hurt, as the machine did
not tip over.
The baseball boys are to give a
dance at the Maloy hall on the even
ing of April 1.
Clarkes News Items
CLARKES, March 20. Mr. and
Mrs: Roger T. Pickett and little daugh
ter Mary Louise went to Portland the
' ether week to stay with Mrs. picnett s
! grandmother and Mr. Pickett is going
j to work on the highway this summer.
I Richard Grififth is very ill with the
influenza and pneumonia in the Ore
gon City hospital but ne is improvm5
nicely was the last report.
George Dewey Grace went back to
Portland again recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones and little
son Alvin are visiting her parents Mi
and Mrs. W. JU- Lambert and family
of Salem for a short time.
Edward E. Grace went back to Port
land recently and he is married and
is living on a little place in Portland.
Claude Bottemiller and Theodore
Sager attended a show at the Colton
high school last Friday evening.
David Moehnke purchased a new
truck and is moving part ofhis saw
mill with it.
Irvin Jake Card who is very ill
with the pneumonia is improving nice
ly. Miss Clara Hofstetter who has been
very ill with the rheumatism for some
time is improving slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ringo are rejoic
ing over a new baby girl that arrived
at their home on Tuesday evening
March 14. Mrs. Clyde Ringo was
formerly Miss Ruby Ellen Gard of
Clarkes. The little one is the grand
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gard
also of Mrs. Lizzie Ringo of Clarkes.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller and
daughter Mary and sons Claude ana
Kenneth visited Mrs. G. Keller and
family of Milwaukie last Sunday.
Walter Lee of Oregon City was in
Clarkes last Sunday. ' ,
Miss Violet Martha Wettlaufer the
oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wett
laufer married George U Kruse of
Portland on Sunday March 12 at the
home of her parents. The newlyweds
are making their home in Portland and
we wish them great happiness.
Claude Bottemiller and Clara Buche
were to Oregon City last Sunday even
ing. '
Quite a few attended the musical
concert given at the Clarkes school
house last Saturday evening.
Uttle Ruth Buol who was vary S
witn tn Pneumonia. galling almtff
A. F. Nueh bought soma h iwtt
JL Brook lat Moday,
Mr. and Mm. Arthur rVelusonii if
Heaver Creek vUUut Mm, Arthur
FokIohour'. parent Mi ami Mm, Wet
more lant 8umlay
OAK CTtOVK .March 20. The Oak
Grove beach danro hall will be run
again this year dlspilc the fact that a
petition signed by a larne number of
the residents ot the district oppoHtnK
it was presented the oounly court
which judging from the report
brought him from those with pomonnl
knowledge of the moral and civil
codes about the grounds did not favor
thn trrantlnc the license for this yonr.
The county commissioners however
granted the license to 11. Trcgasum
and M. L. Hubbard with several pro
visions holding within the law with no
Sunday dancing. Mr.Tregaskls and
Mrs. Hubbard had leased the ground
last year for two years and this year
will complete the term of lease and it
is thought the owner will not re-lease.
The Good Fellowship club held a
pleasant meeting last Wednesday
evening in the school as the church is
not yet ready. The hosts of the even
ing was Mr. and Mrs. D. Oiler, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. II. C
Krum. A report that a needy family had
been assisted to the extent of $4 was
made. The next meeting will be held
in the church basment April 10.
The Helpeis Clifb at its last meet
ing elected the following officers:
Evelyn Little, president; Kathleen
Boyer, vice president; Genevieve
Davey, secretary, and Vivian Denner,
treasurer. The girls are making
Easter gifts for the "shut-in."
The Child Welfare Department o
the Social Service Club held a meet
ing Thursday beginning at 11 o'clock
with sewing, serving lunch at noon.
Business session and general discus
sion on child welfare closed the ses
sion. The meeting was held with
Mrs. Audra Link a member of the de
partment. Mrs. V. G. Benvie was a speaker at
the Milwaukie grange Saturday. She
was also elected "Court Mother." The
grange will have a general cleanup
day early in April.
Mrs. George DaMetz is enjoying a
visit from her father and mother Mr.
and Mrs. Skaggs from Baker, Or.
They may decide to locate here.
G. S. Davenpdrt is spending several
weeks east of The Dalles attending to
business interests.
Valeria G- Benvie was an over Sun
day guest of Mrs. Mary Cook, south
east of Milwaukie.
Mrs. D. Lofgren was Portland visit
or Sunday.
F. N. Little and family attended a
social affair at Ritsville Saturday
evening. Going by auto.
Rhetoric Professor
Visits Oregon City;
Speaks at West Linn
W. F. G. Thacher, head of the de
partment of rhetoric of the University
of Oregon was in Oregon" City yester
day, preparatory to an eastern trip
which he is to make in the interests
of the school. Professor Thacher is
making a research study of advertis
ing work with the view to developing
the study in connection with collegi
ate journalism work.
Professor Thacher visited West
Linn where he spoke to the high
school students. The school on the
west side, he says, ranks exceptional
ly high for a city of that size.
Coming to Portland
Dr. Melleiithin
in Internal Medicine for the
past eleven years.
Will be at
Benson Hotel
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday,
April 12, 13, 14 and 15
Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
" No Charge for Consultation
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate
in medicine and surgery ana is lic
ensed by the state of Oregon. He visits
nrnfedninnallv thft more imnortant
towns and cities and offers to all who
call on this trip free consultation, ex
cept the expense of treatment when
According to his method of treat
ment he does not operate ror enronic
appendicitis, gall stones ulcers of
stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful re
sults in diseases of the stomach, liver,
bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart,
kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh,
weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg
ulcers and rectal ailments. t
If you have been ailing for any
length of time and do not get any bet
ter, do no fail to call, as improper
measures rather than disease are very
often the cause of your long standing
Remember above date, that consul
tation on this trip will be free and
that his treatment is different.
Married women must be accoip
panied by their husbands.
Address: 336 Boston Block, Minne
apolis, Minn.
Farm Loans Preferred
Beaver Bldg.
Oregon City
Eutrpnn Club J
(flvtm I loyal Social
Mr. feitlgtiiii, NhHvM"ii1 HtfuHftlH'
tiu luui.ilu.i ttf Him IjImI"! 'Blt '
ul hup Ittttuu, 'hiMrnitar ""
imtot i.ltm kiIhb initiif, '!! rn
wuru iituinl itm.in flinil win iitiosy
Willow ftiitt Oreiinrt IH'i lt!l''1 )'
ll.ltab.U A iMlill'tltl 'M It'ti'ilk
ItllH'litMiH t,nVDil by Hie ItttnloH
witn wan B(ati3i1 i lior utotr, M(
KittMie Vnm anil Ml 1'ansy
walil, 'J'lin ititlf filmic very
(.loverly ttiTKnaml "Isiu or troiMid."
Oiullpt wltll lltti1o Mlltllo Of Mllttllt'
rut'K wer very rrHlvly nl "
tntilt (Imnit'sUUnts, Willi pIlM-o mnU of
Hlminrock. Tim ntury of Hi t'ra.
"Aid" w told In w vry Itttoroftlltijc
iiiuiiiKiH I. if Mn I' ! NciIboii A
iirouti of miiiisi from Um opera, to
luivo boon mutt: by Mm. Clood atm
Mm. Irf'oiihnriU, who wi-ro mifforltiK
colds, worn pluyml I be Vlctrolu.
Mr. Frank OhwhIiI iuik a group of
Irish soiigH. "Hoiikh My Mother Uod
to Sing." Mrs. frunk Nelson told tho
story of the opera "Monna Vanna"
which Is to bo glvnn In Portland In
the near future and many of the club
ore planning to attend. The next
mooting of th club Ts to be held at
the home of Mrs. L. A. Read in West
Gladstone, Thursday, March 30, this
being a called meeting. The study
will bo devoted to "Tales of Hoffman"
by Offenbach, and the "The. Political
Situation in Ireland." The guest of
the afternoon was Mrs. Lyle Gault ot
Portland. Those enjoying Mrs.
Good's hospitality were: Mrs. Frank
Oswald. Mrs. J. W. Iveonhardt, Mrs.
T. E. Gault, Mrs. Frank Nelson, Mrs.
R.' M. McOetchie, Mrs. Victor Gault,
Mrs. A. F. Parker, Mrs. W. E. Hemp
stead, and Mrs. H. E. Cross.
Olds Entertain For
Mrs. Ernest Ketchem
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Olds entertain
ed Saturday evening in honor of his
sister, Mrs. Ernest Ketchem, and
daughter, Miss Ruth, of Powel'. River,
B. C.. who have been their house
guests while . Mr. Ketchem ha3 beeu
receiving medical attention here. Mrs.
Ketchem is very much Improved ana
hopes to be able to return to her
home in about two weeks. The Olds
home was very prettily decorated
with daffodills and ferns. The eve
ning was devoted to music. Lyman
Warneck favored the guests with sev
eral vocal selections. A delicious din
ner was served by the hostess, covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. M. War
neck, of Mount Pleasant; Mrs. Ernest
Ketchem and daughter. Miss Ruth
Ketchem, of Powell River, B- C.; Mrs.
A. F- Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Gau'.t, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Olds, of
Gladstone; Lyman Warneck, Gordon
and Chester Hadsell, of Mount Pleas
ant, and Dale Olds, of Camas, Wash.
Friends Surprise
Miss Ollie Amen
Miss Ollie Amen was most agree
ably surprised by a number of her
friends who called at her home Sat
urday evening to help her celebrate
her birthday anniversary, which oc
cured on that date. Miss Amen was
the recipent of many beautiful and
useful presents. The evening was
spent in music and games. Refresh
ments were served by Miss Amen's
mother, Mrs. William L. Amen, Mrs.
Eugene Noon Good, and Mrs. Delia
Brenen. Those enjoying the evening
were: Misses Frances Cross, Ollie
Amen, Edith Arnold, Leona Daue,
fsertha Stillman, Goldie Hardy, Edna
Luna, Irma Roach, Dorothy Shearer
and Mildred Kyler; Troy Solomon,
Prentice Wallace, Arthur Whitcomb,
Manard Brendle, Albert Lund, Dennis
Wallace, Glen Amen, Clay Brendle,
Mr. and Mrs. Noon Good, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Amen.
Dinner Given For
, Departing Pastor
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Frost entertain
ed at dinner Sunday in honor of Rev.
and Mrs. B. F. Clay, who left for their
farm at Cornelius, Monday. Rev. Clay
has been pastor of the Gladstone
Christian church for the past six
years, two yearg ago he resigned and
moved to their farm, he was recalled
to the pastorate of this church by an
unanimous vote of the membership.
Rev. and Mrs. Clay were efficient un
tiring workers in the church and com
munity, and will be greatly missed by
every one.
Mothers of Cradle
Roll Entertained
The Cradle Roll Mothers of the
Christian church were entertained by
their superintendent Mrs. Grant Olds
Thursday afternoon. The study hour
was devoted to the Bible school les
son, after which a social hour was
enjoyed. The next meeting of the
mothers will be held at the home of
Mrs. Charles Baker on Darmouth
Miss Doss of Roseburg, is the house
guest of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Doss.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolle and little
son, John, Jr., Miss Mildred Kyler and
Troy Solomon formed a motor party
spending the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Bolle at Estacada. Mr. Bolle is
identified with the U. S. Fisheries at
River Mill, just above Estacada, on
the Clackamas river.
Miss Neta Waller and Hugh Olds
of Camas, Wash., spent the week-end
with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Olds of this city.
William Carpenter of Corvallis,
formerly of this place, is spending the
pre-Easter .vacation, at the home of
Prof, and Mrs. L. A. Read, of West
Gladstone. Charles" . Rankin, also of
O. A. C. i3 visiting the home of his
brother, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rankin.
Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Alexander spent
Saturday in Portland. Mrs. Alexander
is suffering from blood poisoning in
her hand, a very small scratch on her
hand became infected and resulted in
blood poisoning.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simmons spent
Kunday with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Hhockley, of Mount Pleasant.
Jointer Grimes is staying with his
nlsttr and family at Lebanon, his
hroHir-ln-law and three children are
!inflitiJ to their beds with diptheria.
On 1111.1a iclrl. seven years of age re
cntitly 11od of the disease. Mr. and
Mm, Orltnun. grandparents of the
i-hlM, r duffnrlnjr with the flu and
Vir utiftMo to attend the funeral.
liBt.fr will romaln indefinitely with
bin Mlntir.
Mr. uri'l Mrs. E. V. Edwards had as
Ihnlr Kunst during the week the lat
tr's nlKl.:r, Mrs. Pearl Washburn, of
Oorvalll. Mm. Waahburn also spent
th wf:k-nd with her parents, Mr.
and Mm, W. L. Wallace of Parkplace.
I Mr. and Mm. F. D. Ellis entertained
tho Intermediate girls of the Glad
utnna Christian church Sunday school
at their home Friday evening in a
mot enjoyable manner. The evenin
was spent In music and games. Those
enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Ellis' hospital
ity were: Matildia Hayward, Lola
Vedder Mildred Kyler, Elsla Sobln
skl, Dorothy Kyler, Delbert Hayward.
Wayne Vedder and Robert Ellis.
Rev. II. I. Oberholtzer ot Tacoma,
Wash.. wa8 the guest of Attorney and
Mrs. William Hammond last weee.
Mr. Hammond and Mr. Oberholtzer
were formerly classmates at college,
and had a most enjoyable visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaln Hansell of Lew
iston, Idaho, have been the guests of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Holms, ot Parkplace for the past
few months, returned to their home
after making a trip to Dallas, to in
spect the 950 acre farm they recently
purchased. Mrs. Hansell is recover
ing from an. attack of influenza.
Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Peterson of Le
banoni are visiting with Rev. and Mrs.
Hardie Connor of West Gladstone.
Mrs. Karl E. Bauersfield and little
daughter. Glenna Marie, are quite ill
with influenza. Mrs. E. E. Teepio,
mother of Mrs. Bauersfeld, is taking
care of them.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Clyde, who have
been ill are improved. Mr. Clyde is
able to be out again.
Mrs. Charles D. Legler and little
daughter, Mildred and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Frances of Moun
tain View, are spending the week-end
with her sister and brother-in-law. Dr.
and Mrs. V. L. Rochp, of Portland.
Mrs. Rocho was formerly Miss Ruby
Frances, of Oregon City.
Mrs. Charles D. Legier and Mrs.
Edward Rauch were guests of Mrs.
Harry Woolrich. in Portland, Wednes
day. Mrs. Woolrich formerly resided
in Gladstone, and is very well known
Mrs. Eugene .Noon Good entertain
ed the members of the Euterpean
club Thursday afternoon at her home
on Arlington street.
Mrs. H. H. Hulburt and Miss Edith
Arnold attended the Willamette B. Y.
P. U. ralley held at the White TempVe
in Portland Friday evening and had
the pleasure of listening to an address
given by Dr. Lucile Withers, medical
missionary from Fwatow, China. It
is planned to have Dr. Withers ad
dress members of the W. W. G. at the
Baptist church this evening.
The pupils of the sixth grade have
completed some very pretty baskets
for cut flowers, many of these have
been presented to the pupil's motn
ers, as rememberences and very
pleasing ones they make. Some have
stained the reeds while others are
enameled white, both are very effec
tive. Miss Evons is to be congratul
ated upon the success of her work.
Mrs. Edward Eby and little son,
Clenard, spent Wednesday with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. O. B. Taylor, who
is staying with her father, S. M. Eby,
in Vancouver, Wash.
Ernest Freytag, who recently un
derwent a surgical operation at the
Oregon City hospital, is much im
proved and exnects to resume his stu
dies at the Benson Polytechnical
school in Portland the first of the
Mrs. LaDeaux- of West Gladstone,
left the first of the week for South
Pasadena, Cal., where she will visit
indefinitely with her daughter. WhilJ
there she will look after the property
interests of her mother, the late Mrs.
L. O. Clyde.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Bowland, of
West Gladstone, spent Thursday eve
ning -with the former's .parents, Mr
and Mrs. J. R. Bowland, of Oregon
City. "
Mrs. A,' O. Alexander, who has been
quite HI. is much improved, and has
had as her guest, Mrs. Closter of
Barlow. Mrs. Alexander has re
ceived the announcement of the mar
riage of Mrs. Alvera Larson, who
formerly made her home with Dr. and
Mrs. Alexander, at the Electronet
Health home. Mrs. Larsen was quite
well known here and has a host of
fri mis to wish" her much happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. B'ake Bowlaud and
Miss Fayne Burden, were among
those to enjoy "the ball given by the
Crown-Willamette baseball team, at
the Crown-Willamette Inn, Friday
Mr3.- Olaf Hover, residing on Ore
gon City, Route 2, is in the Oregon
City hospital suffering from severe
burns to her face and body, caused
from a mixture of turpentine oil that
she was heating on the stove catch
ing fire.
Mrs. Hover's clothing caught fire,
and aiso some clothing hanging near
the stove. Before assistance arrived,
she was painfully burned and was
rushed to the Oregon. City hospital,
where she is reported to be in a crit
ical condition.
' The accident occurred on Thursday
while Mrs. Jlover was caring for a
sick child. .
U. S. Teacher Gives
Address at Oswego
OSWEGO, March 19. The Oswego
Woman's Club met at the home of
Mrs. W. S. Wessling, on Wednesday
with Mrs. Normand, Mrs. Thomas,
Mrs. Clinefelter and Mrs. Wessling, as
hostesses of the day. A nice sum was
raised for the club treasury and the
dainty luncheon was greatly enjoyed
by all. After the usual business ses
sion, a most interesting speaker, Mrs.
A. B. Millican of Prinville, gave a talk
on her experiences while serving as a
teacher and worker in government
'schools'in different parts of the Unit
ed States. In addition to her lecture
Mrs. Millican had with her a number
of curios, baskets and beads, that
proved of great interest to the club
members present. The next luncheon
will be given by the South Town mem
bers and will be held at the home of
Mrs. George Bullocks.
Honor Party Given
Campfire Guardian
OSWEGO, March 19. After school
Tuesday the Campfire Girls went to
the home of their guardian, Mrs. Les
lie Savage, where they presented her
with a beautiful gift and served ice
cream and cake ,as a token of love
and appreciation for the many good
times she has given them. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Savage,
Misses Edna Gray, Patricia Newland,
Marie Johnson, Gladys McDonald. Jan
nette Duncan, Nija Merrick, Hazel
deane Fulton, Marian Weidman. Alice
Norman, and Kathryn Wessling.
Birthday Surprise
Given Mrs. Waldorf
OSWEGO, March 19. On Saturday
evening Mrs. Otto Larson gave a
birthday surprise party on her mother
Mrs. Eva Waldorf. The evening was
spent in playing 500 and a delicious
lunch was served to Mr. and Mrs. A.
Waldorf, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Weidman,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Curtis, of Portland ; Miss
Daisy Herndon, of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Emmott, Mr. and Mrs.
George Enrich, Mr. and Mrs. Geo; Bul
lock, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf,
of Mulino: Mrs. George Cline, Mrs.
Mary Lorenz, Mr. and Otto Larson,
Airs, jonn niricKson, jjoiuibi nMtn-
son. Glen Waldorf, Earl Worthmgton,
Waine Larson, Vera Larson, Dick Wal
dorf, Tiny Waldorf, Marion Emmott,
and Audra CHne. Otto Larson won
first gentleman's prize, Mrs. Bullock,
ladies first prize and Mr. Yates won
second prize.
Social Is Enjoyed
, By Community Cluh
OSEGO, March 20. The dance ana
card party given by the Oswego Com
munity club at the grange hall, Sat
urday evening was financially a suc
cess. .The evening program was very
well carried out with the committee
in charge. After dancing and cards a
few very interesting talks was given
by H. Newlands, superintendent and
manager of the cement plant and W.
H. Wessling also Mrs. Dora Wilson,
in boosting for the community. There
will be another one of these get-together
meetings soon and it is to be
hoped there will be another good at
tendance. Birthday Party
Given Mrs. Burke
OSWEGO, . March 19. Mrs. Robert
Fulton had a number of friends Mon
day evening in honor of her sister
Mrs. Grace Burke, it being Mrs.
Burke's birthday. There were 5
tables of 500 and luncheon was served
to Mr. and Mrs. Savage, Sr.,Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Savage, Mr. and Mrs.
George Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Bethkey. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cen
ters, Mr. and Mrs. I. Lord, Mr. and
Mrs. George Emrich, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Borghorst, Mrs. Grace Burke,
Maurice Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Richards and the hosts. .
OSWEGO. March 19. The St. Pat
rick's entertainment and cafeteria sup
per given at the Congregational church
by the Sing Club and Dorcas Society
was a success, both as an entertain
ment and financially . The playlet
"Maggie and Giggs," was funny. The
songs were well rendered and the
workers felt well repaid.
OSWEGO, March 19. The Ladies
Aid of the M. E. church met at the
home of Mrs. Ray Wring, in O'd Town
Phone: Sellwood S97, Automatic
East Side Hill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an d Dealer In
Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Fcoi of 8pokane Avenu. PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Thursday afternoon. A neat little nm
was collected to help for repair ok
tho church.
OSWEGO, March 20. Mrs. Coekrm
who has recently returned after a
year's absence in the East is visiting
at the h"ome of her son Edward Coeh
rin. Mr. and Mrs. Rose of Portlanf vis
ited at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Emmotts this week.
William Gray is expected back front v
California soon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lorenz spent Mon
day at Camas, Wash., where Mr. Lor
enz visited his parents who hava just
returned from California.
At the last regular meeting of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft No. S6S they
initiated three candidates and have a
number of applicants for the ; ext
meeting. After circle was closed they
all enjoyed a very nice supper Im the
dining room.
Miss Shannon Pettinger was hostess
for a party of college friends who were
guests at the Pettinger home Satmrday
Eugene Waldorf was nom& over Sun
day. E. E. Wells of Talbot, Or., is a week
end guest at the home of his daugh
ter. Mrs. Albert Rosentretor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ludgate will occupy
the Hamilton home in a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson who
have been ill with the grip are slowly
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Worthinrtoa of
Lake Grove were visiting relatives in
Oswego Friday.
Mrs. Ruth Pesley of Portland and
Otto Erickson visited their parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Neilson are the
proud parents of a baby son arrtrlag
at their home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wamock of the
coast was the guest of Mr. amd Mrs.
A. J. Monk Saturday.
Wm. Prim has purchased the some
of Tom Fox.
Mr. Jackson, the blacksmith f Os
wego, is quite ill at his home i Port
land. A man was in Oswego last week en
deavoring to sell stock in a proposed
silver fox farm, to be started near Os
wego. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Prince have
come to Oswego to make their home
and are residing with H. B. Mayes and
his-sister, Mrs. Brown. Mr. Prince is
a drug clerk and will be connected
with the Mayes Drug Co.
The Artisans held a social meeting
last Wednesday evening to a large
crowd. Refeshments were served by
Eugene Worthington, Letcher Nelson,
David Nelson and Harry Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Berg of Portland also
Mr. and Mrs. Olson were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs Otto Larson Sunday.
OSWEGO, March 17. Although
two lower bids were received for 7
blocks of sidewalks, the city council
at Oswego last night awarded the con
tract to the third from the lowest bid
der and refused to explain its action,
according to Carl Battee, one of the
two other low bidders. The contract
was awarded to the Consolidated Con
struction company of Washington,
whose bid was $3234. Carl Battee &
Co. bid $2813.25 and O. M. Patton bid
$2700. Both of the firms whose bids
were rejected are Portland concerns.
SEATTLE, Wash., March 17. Po
lice today were investigating circum
stances surrounding the death of
Charles B. Legate,, veteran Seattle
patrolman, who was found dead in
an automobile garage on Main street
here early this morning. There were
two bullet wounds in the head.
Legate had recently returned to
duty after a thirty day suspension
for failure to "clean up" his district.
which embraced the area in the vi
cinity of the garage.
Catarrhal Conditions
Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
is taken internally and acts through the
Blood upon the Mucous Surfaces of the
gives the patient strength by improving
the general health and assists Xaiure in
doing its work. '
AU Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
I 6 Per Cent State School !
Money to Loan on Farms
Bank of Oregon City Bldg..
Oregon City, Ore. :
John P. Miller, Mgr.
Montgomery and Fifth