I OREGON CITY, ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1922. page 7 "'T'"l',Wm,,W'W''MWMWMM......WM,,M,M WWMMWllW.MtW.M ....MM.... I - MRS. ALTMAN SURPRtfirn ! HINIUIIWIItllNUHlMHialUIWNINIIUHMMIMIW ' 7 ' S I IS . j JENNINGS LODGE I MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent Guild Ladies of Lodge Entertain JENNINGS. LODGE, March 1. The Grace Guild was entertained oa Wednesday of last week at the chureh Mrs. Geo. and Mrs. Harry Williams being Joint hostesses. Mrs. Meade Ken nedy led the devotional and Mrs. it. Babler presided. Work on quilts for the bed to be furnished by the Guild for the Childrens Home took up part of the afternoon. Mrs. Woodbeck had charge of the social part and was it in keeping with Washington's birthday anniversary. Matching colonial pic tures at which Mrs. Geo. Gardiner and her group were successful. Mrs. Arthur Smith read "Mandy's Club which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Mac Hargue gave Romantic Scenes from the life pf Washington- which were accompanied by illustrations. A poem was clever ly given by Mrs. Woodbeck. who used the Guild member's names brought Howard age 17 years and a brother A. J. Robbins of tbis place. The wife has been seriously ill, but is recovering and as soon as her health permits will return to Detroit, Michi gan, to be with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan. JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1. The members of the seventh and eigth grades planned a delightful surprise for Mrs. Altman's birthday anniver sary which occurred on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Punch, fruit and wafers were served. Mothers of Cradle Roll Given Partv JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1- Mrs. Arthur L. Roberts attended a pretty affair in Oregon City on Friday when a party was given for tbe Cradle Roll Mothers of the Baptist church. Honoring Washington's Birtn day the decorations were in keeping with the occasion red, white and blue being effectively used. A delightful program of lullabyes, stories of Lin coln and Washington mothers and Mrs. Roberts favored with a reading "The Scientific Mother." Discussions DANCING PARTY ENJOYED JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starker wen charming hosts to a dancing party Saturday evening to which members of the Luncheon club and their hus bands were bidden. Refreshments were served. Enjoying the delightful affair were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Booth, Mr. and Mrs.-R. H. Hendry, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Chapman and Mrs. Blinestone. OSWEGO ITEMS SANDY l s 4hnmmii Mrs. Cora Bullock 1 f .4 NEIGHBORS GIVEN SURPRISE of round table questions on the child forth a great deal of merriment. Mrs; was also a popular feature. Refresh- Ida Closhessy assisted at the coffee ments were served and a birthday urns and in serving the cake. Those cake for tbe babies whose annivers attending were Mesdames W. Truitt, aries come in February, there being Hooker, Losey, Mac Hargue, Bline- three, it had a candle for each this stone, Gardner, E. P. Williams, Trus- was also enjoyed. cott. Snider, Kennedy, A. B. Smith, Woodbeck, Geo. Williams, S. Griffith, T rulers ATon AttTirlc Hugh Roberts, D. Griffith, Ida Clohes- -LAmgC J.aii -tt.HCIIU& sy, H. Babler, J. W. Dain, Rev. Snider, j m-ifin CfY-fTYtfn ll5 Franfc Tucker who is ill in the Email- j uel hospital in Portland. i JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1. The next regular meeting of the R. L. Newcomb attended the semi-an Guild which takes place on Wednes- uual ceremonial of the Shriners at th day March 8th will be a large tea to Pythian temple on Saturday which which the women of the entire com- was preceded by a buffet luncheon at JENNINGS LODGE, March. 1. Cecil Rosenberry was pleasantly sur prised by his immediate neighbors on the occasion of his birthday on Feb. 22. The evening was spent In music and games, after which refreshment were served. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS munity are to be bidden. The pro ceeds will be used for funds to furnish a bed at the Childrens Farm home at Corvallis. Mrs. W. I. Blinestone and Mrs. W. w- Woodbeck are to be joint hostesses and the W. C. T. U. mem bers of this place are to assisting serv ing. I promises to be the largest affair given by the Guild this year. Merchant of Lodge Passes Away Monday JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1 Christian Nordstrom passed away at his home on Monday night after an illess of several months with throat trouble. The deceased was bom in Sweden and was 42 years of age. He is surviv ed by a wife, Mrs. Freda Nordstrom, . and one son, Harry, also a brother Herman Nordstrom of Portland and an aged father in Sweden. The Nord strom family were residents of Texas and motored to the west two years ago and abouVsix months ago purchas ed the Jennings Lodge store and resid ed here, intending to locate permanl ently at this place. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. from the resi dence of the brother Herman Nord strom, 54 East 82nd St. South. The interment was at Mt. Scott cemetery arrangements in charge of R. W Gable. the Auditorium. A large membership was elected to tbe Al Kader temple on Saturday. The Daughters of the Nile, who has been styled the "Lady Shriners" held a delightful luncheon at the Multno mah at noon on Saturday which was followed by the ceremonial in the afternon with an evenings program of music, readings, card and special features for the members. Mrs. R. L. Newcomb attending and reports a splendid time. Uncle of Lodge Woman Passes On JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1. Mrs. Olive Robbins has been called upon to mourn the death of her uncle Thomas Hughes of Portland, who pass ed away on February 25. Mr. Hughes had but recently returned from Cali fornia and passed away with .heart trouble Services were held at Finley's mortuary on Sunday at 2:30 p. m. and Mrs. Robbins accompanied the re mains to Waukesha, Wisconsin, where they will be laid to rest. The deceas ed was 67 years, and had lived in Ore gon for a number of years. While in the Middle West Mrs. Rob bins will visit her mother in Chicago, 111. Mrs, Truitt Honors Mother's Birthday JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1. Mrs. w. Truitt entertained a birthday dinner given in honor of her mother Mrs. M- S. Cain. The occasion being her 84th birth day anniversary. Congratu'ations were received from i her five children and Mrs. Cain has the distinctiong of having 15 great j .Grandchildren. Mrs. Cain is enjoying Pioneer Mill Man Honored by D. A. R. JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1. Mrs. Warren Swart attended the ninth annual conference of the Oregon Daughters of the American Revolution which met in Portland. Many noted women attending the luncheon at the Multnomah on Friday noon. A feature of the conference was the dedication of the Johnson bronze tablet to b& erected at Milwaukie in honor of Dr. Levi Johnson, from whose lumber mill much of the material for the construc tion of many pioneer homes, was ob- : : .1 good health and comes from a long j lived family. Her mother Mrs. Latta ! , " -. ; 7 -, having reached her 100 birthday an- j bcllOOl beWinf AllQ niversary. " I Mrs. Cain has resided in Oregon 1.3 years coming west from Colorada ano settling at Oakland, Oregon. She. has been a widow 11 years and makes her home with her daughter Mrs. Truitt. A feature of the dinner was the birth day cake and places were laid fot eight George Robbins Is Laid to Final Rest JENNINGS. LODGE, March 1. The body of the late George Robbins who passed away in San Francisco arrivel in Oregon City on Saturday and Monsisinor Hillebrand conducted Cooking Club Starts JENNINGS. LODGE, March 1. A pleasing bit of school news is the a cooking and sewing club has been ornnized by Mrs. Purcell, County Club Leader. The club Includes mem bers of the 7th and 8th grade. B. B. BOYS ENTERTAIN JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1. The baseball boys entertained at a party at the school bouse on Friday night, each asking a little girl friend to the affair. Refreshments, games j and a general good time prevailed. The room was prettily decorated with tbA national nrlnrs nnr? Mps- the services which were he!d from ciampa Altman. Robbins. Totchel and Brady's undertaking parlors on Satur- I Misj Truscott chaneroned the affair. day at 11 a. m. The floral offerings I were many and very beautiful. The interment was at the Catholic ceme tery beside his mother, Mrs. E. Rob bins, who preceded him three years JENNINGS LODGE, March. 1. S. MacDonld of Oregon city was a business caller at Jennings Lodge on Friday Fred Martin of Portland came out to fish on Thursday and was so success ful that his friends enjoyed a trout dinner that evening. Mrs. Frank Tucker who is at Eman uels hospital is improving and her operation was pronounced very suc cessful. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lambert who has recently returned to this place to reside visited their neice Miss Ella Cross of Oregon City on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts of Portland visited this week with the latters sis ter Mrs. S L. Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Kopsland who arrived from Iowa last fall and spent the win ter in the Thompson cottage decidea to locate in Portland and moved to their new home last week. Mr. Turnbulfof the Meldrum district has disposed of his home to Mr. Mc- Bride of Portland. $7000 being the con sideration. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tucker and daughter of Portland spent Sunday with Arthur Roberts family. Mrs. Tucker wil be remembered as Oliv. Hughes a former Oregon City girl. Miss Florence Holloway of Irvington was a week end visitor at the home of her brother q. R. Holloway. Mrs. J. S. Roberts who has been confined to her home for two weeks is somewhat improved. The Shindler family are new comers of this week in our community "and are pleasantly located in a cottage on the Willamette. Mr. and Mrs. Emmons were honor guests at a "500" party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Morgan in Rose City Park on Saturday evening. Katherine Maddox is now on the 500 Party Proves . Enjoyable Affair OSWEGO, March 1. A five hundred party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Centers Saturday evening. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cox of Canby, Mr. and Mrs Henry Borghorst, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bethkey, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich, Mr. .and Mrs. George Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. Centers. The hostess served Ice cream, cake and coffee. Mrs. k. u. Fulton and George Bullock won first prizes, while Mrs. Borghorst and I. A. Lord took consolation prizes. Playlet Is Given By Oswego Pupils OSWEGO, March 1. The seventh and eighth grades accepted Miss Pet tinger's kind invitation . to attend the exercises given by her pupils on Wed nesday. The program consisted ot songs, dancing and a playlet entittled "The "Visit of Madamaselle Julie De Che Nule," Roma Confer playing the part ot this French visitor. Sybil Clinefelter took the leading role as Mrs. Clark, Elizabeth Merrick as Mrs. Adams and Victor "Vernon playing the part of George Washington. The chil dren did some very excellent work. Mrs. S. E. Prosser, assisted by her niece Miss Nellie Jefferson and Miss Gladys Bank. They served oyster stew to the boys in army style. Mrs. H. B. Savage has returned from Spokane, where she was called on ac count of the illness of her brother, Mr. Torrance. (Continued from Page 6.) in as soon as the Bruns mill is in oper action again. ineoaore strong was sick in Port land and had to miss so much school that he did not go back to finish the term and came out home instead. Miss caljsta de la Fontaine writes from Berkeley that the infirmary j there is over run with patients hav- nanes Austin visitea at tsaiem tne ing flu and tnat she is 8UDStituting PaWee" -i ' Ior a teacher who is HI with the same XM.. auu Mil o. iiiiu ouucisuu uaro i trouble lanen apartments in tne Aernl buua- Political Pot At ing. . Miss Lulu Wanker spent Wednes day with her parents in Hazelia. The Tigard Athletic Club defeated Oswego in a basketball game at the Tigard Hall Saturday, by score ot 23 to 17. Lloyd Haines and Wilbur Lind havte joined the army. , Ye Village Club gave another dance last Saturday evening. Little Ethel Emmott has been very ill the last few days. Mrs. Wm. Grey who has been in California for the past two months has uurned to Oswego. A. J. Monk has been ill the last two weeks. Mrs. B. Roley and little daughter Genevieve are both ill. Mrs. Eugene Worthington and Mrs. Zimmerman were Portland visitors Monday. The new pressing and cleaning man Earl Grosdidier has moved in the cot tage owned by Pete Emmott in South Oswego. Quite a few cases of grip are re ported during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson are the proud parents of a baby girl born SWeffO IS -DOllmffi Oliver Worthington and son Claud Dorothy Esson and Ruby Dodd were both out of school a few days last week on account of illness. Mildred DeShazer also had to go home on account .of fever and feeling badly in school. Miss Margaret Miller and Mrs. Mil ler surely had a birthday feast at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Harry Dodson, the occasion being in honor of Walter Dodson's "nth" birthday. Such a spread will not soon be forgotten. Miss Miller also had a birthday during the week but would not tell the day but the high school "youngsters" were too much for her and found out it was on Friday and when she arrived at her home in Portland Friday eve she found a post-card shower awaiting her which was a "truly" big surprise. Miss Lippold had a "hand" in the sur- prise. LLOYD GEORGE MAKES THREAT OIF RESIGNATION England Alarmed over Action of Premier; Attempt to Create Political Menace Is Said Purpose of Movement. COUPON SYSTEM IS GIVEN DEATH BLOW Meeting of Party Leaders Is To be Held; Election Said Probable Outcome of Split. LONDON, March l. The prime minister's threat of resignation . has been the political sensation af the day. Hints of Mr. Lloyd fieore-e's resignation have been current ever Fir'wood did not have any fourth ! ?C155 George Younger, heod of grade spellers to Join in the Grange OSWEGO, March 1. Discussion of the next mayor and city council of Oswego has already started. Mayor Hess, who has made an excellent exec utive, will be asked to run again, and his friends believe that he will be re elected with but little opposition at the next election which will be held in November. D. B. Fox the present recorder, is expected to be a candi date again for the same office. Mr, Fox is an old resident of Oswego. Needy Helped by Boy Scouts Work NEW BUSINESS CONCERN JENNINGS, LODGE, March 1. We are pleased to announce that Jen- "The deceased was 39 years of age j nines Lodge has a new business firm and was born in Indiana and came which is known as the Cozy Bedding west five years ago and resided at this Co. and makes and renovates mat place for one year when failing health tresses, also wool comforters and wil compelled him to go south and he lows. spem one year in California. j We wish Mr. Holden success in his Left to mourn his loss are his enterprise and hope his factory will widow, Mrs. Bell Robbins and one son grow. sick list. A number of our little folks are having the whooping cou?h among them are Miada and Carol Blinestone and eBtty Bretcher. The W. W. Woodbeck family spent Sunday in Vancouver, with their son Henry Woodbeck. Roy Good of Willamette was a busi ness caller on Monday. Mrs. Dion has taken a position in the sheriffs office in Oregon City. Miss Grace Davis attended the Ore gon city-Silverton basketball game al Silverton on Friday last. Leo Cook attended the Junior Class Party of the Milwaukie High, which was held at the home of Miss Mata Mayer of Milwauike on Saturda evening. Dr. J. N. Betteridge, a dentist of Portland has purchased a two acre tract on East Jennings Ave. which he is clearing in order to build at once. Miss Dorothy Wood has returned from the Good Samaritan hospital im proved but it will be some peks be fore she will be able to resume her duties in Dr. Rockey's office. Mrs. Ida M. Clohessy has returned to her Portland home after a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams. A large Collie dog attacked Paul the youngest son Of E. P. Williams on Hull Ave. and it was necessary to take" him to the family physician to have the wounds dressed. The dog is being offered for sale by its owners. Mrs. Langdon Spooner and little daughters, spent a week in Portland with home folks. Mrs. Minnie B. Altman, principal of this school has been honored with the office of finance committee of the Oregon State Teachers Association and was announced by President C- A. Howard of Marshfield on Monday. The pupils of Jennings Lodge school will give a St. Patrick entertainment on March 17th under the auspices of the teachers it promises to be a novel affair. The proceeds will be used for play apparatus. OSWEGO, March 1. The Boy Scouts, headed by their leader, Harry Grosline, were busily engaged Friday afternoon and Saturday, sawing and chopping wood for the needy folks in Oswego, and deserve much credit and thanks for their acts of kindness and willingness to do whatever was asked of them. Those who were interested in the cause wish to extend thanks to . Mr. Grosline and his bunch of happy huskies. i Three Celebrate on Birth Anniversaries OSWEGOt March 1. Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Gus Kiser and daughter Retha, celebrated their birthdays, with an interesting party at the home of Mrs. Johnson on Saturday evening. Those to enjoy the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Kiser and daughter Retha, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Rosencrants, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Al Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. John Hawke, Mr .and Mrs. Charles Hawke, Mrs. Cain, Miss Mable Hann, Miss Edna Murdock, Miss Lucina Kiser, E. McMangh, Ernest Kiser and New ton Livingston. visited relatives in Oswego Saturday. Paula Bockenfeld of the Failing school, Portland, spent the week end with Jannette Duncan. The "500" Club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. carl Bethkey, next Friday night. The Oswego Womans Club gave a dinner at the home of Mrs. George H. Pettingers Wednesday, charging 25 cents for dinner and each member could bring a guest if they so desired. Miss Bickner, Marion- Weidman, Janette Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan attended the Americanization meet ing on Wednesday night. Mrs. Gus Smith has been very ill the past two weeks. A birthday dinner was given David Nelson by his children Thursday even ing. Mrs. Sam Cox, Mr. Nelson's daughter of Canby, has spent the week end with her parents. FOR SALE: O. A. C. strain White I pshom breeding Cockrells. From high egg record, trap nested stock. Prices reasonable. M. R- Weidman, Couth Oswego, Ore. Oak Grove News Pupils of Oswego Stage Fire Drill OSWEGO, March 1. At the fire drill Monday morning, of the Oswego grammar school the pupils cleared tho building in 15 seconds. With close to 200 pupils we think that is a pretty good record for the school children. CLASS PARTY HELD OSWEGO, March 1. The eighth grade gave their class party at the home of Maurice Ranger on Friday evening.- They certainly enjoyed Mrs. Rangers dainty luncheon and also ex pressed regret because the president. Gladys McDonald, could not attend on account of her father's illness. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION HEIRESS SEEKS CONSENT Phones: Sellwood 537, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturer an dDealers In Lumber. Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Fcox of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON CHICAGO, Feb. 24. A pilgrimage to the patriarch of the Rockefeller families will be undertaken next week by Mathilde McCormick, 16, to obtain his consent to her marriage to Max Oser, Swiss riding master. John D. Rockefeller, world's richest man and Mathilde's grandfather, has never consented to the marriage. No word of congratulation was re ceived from him at the McCormick mansion after the announcement of the engagement. Europe's Problems Avoided 9SSEH3 J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 ' A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. Amer ica's program for world reconstruc tion has been outlined to the govern ments of Europe. There are signs that Prime Minister Lloyd George, at least, is trying to persuade Premier Poincare to follow it. Instead of a world conference on economic affairs at Genoa, including a variety of sub jects, the Vinted States believes Eur ope should first solve its political problems and reduce its armies. CREW IS JAILED KEY WEST, Fla., Feb. 25. All members of the crew of the American schooner Lewis Brothers -were held in jail here last night pending con clusion bf the .inquest into the death at s?a of captain I-.. B. Chute, master of the vessel. OSWEGO, March 1. Master Billie and Oscar Wanker celebrated their tenth and seventh birthday on Mon day with a number of schoolmates. Games were played and a delicious luncheon was served to Lee Smith, Bobby Fulton, Gerald Good, Lee Riley, Robert Nordmark, Lowell Shipley and Eugene Olsen. OSJJVEGO LOCALS OSWEGO, March 1. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller who have been the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. A. Waldorf the past week left Mtmday for Hawar den. olwa. They have been touring through Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Cal ifornia and Oregon. Mrs. Otto Larson "and son Vern, have been very sick the past week. Mrs. J. W. Bickner who has been visiting in California returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Erickson are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Turning at Goodwin Station for the week end. Mrs. B- E. Clancey left Sunday even ing for Spokane to spend some tima -vith her daughter Mrs. Phillip Flinv. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lorenz have been on the ick list the last week or more. Pete Emmott was very sick the past week but is some better at present. Mr. and Mrs. W- H. Monroe are the proud parents of a 10 pound boy. Mr. and Mrs. S- E. Cox of Canby and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Centers were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock Saturday evening. H. W. Martin and family who have been living in the Grove have moved to Willamina, Oregon. Members of the Harringtori-EIston Post American Legion of Oswego were entertained Friday evening by OAK GROVE, March 1. Mrs. Viei ta Miller has been ill for several days I but is improving. i Mrs. F. L. Simmons is ill at home of Mrs. F. A. Smith. J. R. Hann and wife are now able to be up and Mr. Hann walks a short distance each day. Orville Butler is ill with scarlet fever in a mild form. Mrs. Daisy Davenport is out again after a siege of grip. Elizabeth K. Matthews visited Port land friends over Sunday? Mrs. R. R. Davenport entertained friends from Portland Tuesday at luncheon. A small crowd attended the dance Saturday evening the last given by the Oak Grove improvement club but all had a good time. A card party was enjoyed Thursday afternoon of this week in Green's hall under the auspices of Political Department of the Social Service club. Helen E. Wilcox returned Friday from Minnesota with her son who has been and is still quite ill. Florence Little is able to attend school again after a week's illness. A roof is being placed over the old basement from which the church was moved to protect it from storm until Mr. Runcehouse can build there this summer. Mrs. Fred Holm entertained at a I Kitchen Party Tuesday in honor of I her sister Mrs. Hazel Merriman of I Chicago and her niece Miss Norma Ditters of Grants Pass. During the afternoon the guests witnessed demon stration of cooking in aluminum ware. Refreshments were served and spent a pleasant and interesting afternoon. spe!ling contest with the four-graders of the Bull Run school. Milderd Bosholm did hate to miss school the first of the week. It Is a fact that all good students feel badly to get behind even for a day. A five or six mill tax for five or six years will put up a splendid high school building, modern in every way. Are not your young folks worth It? Mrs. J. C. Duke and Mrs. R. Dittert were up at the grade school the first of the week to do some Parent Teach, er committee work. Carl Scharnke was home the first of the week and could sympathize with the rest of the "highs" who have been laid up. Pearl and Hazel Dixon were out the first of the week also, as was Mildred Surber, because of being ill. Mrs. R. S. Smith was a visitor at school Monday in Mrs. Connor's room. BULL RUN NEWS the conservation party organization, Busmeerea a revolt of some 50 "die hard" stories against the premier during the latier's absence at the Cannes meeting. . One outcome of that revolt was a practical split in the coalition and public abandonment of the so-called coupon system under which hereto fore candidates, whether conserva tive or liberal, entered the electoral contests under a united banner. Meetings of the government whips and the organizing leaders of the conservative party were held today to consider the new situation and, although nothing definite was de cided, it is expected that a meeting of the whole conservative party will be called at an early date. The general impression is that an election cannot be far distant. POLICE CAPTURE YEGGS Ray Kimbrough, aged 33; Harry Schwartz, aged 24, and John Spor. aged 28, are the three men who were caught redhanded in the building by a squad of policemen who were tipped off that an attempt was to be made to blow the safe. PORTLAND, March 1. Police ear ly this morning caught three alleged yeggmen while they we matin SANDY, March 1. There was a nice ' plans to blow the safe of the Ores dancing party given at the Bull Run bowling alley, Broadway and Oak community nan saturaay nigni. Mrs. streeL Ennis Townsend played the piano, Mrs. Alexander the violin and Mr. Eutler the cornet which made a "nice little orchestra" for the occasion. A good sized crowd was present and a plate supper was -served by the ladies at twenty-five cents, the fund being started for the purpose of buying lumber and seats for the hall. A series i of these parties will be given under the direction of the Bull Run ladies. Ralph Ganger a popular Bull Run citizen was a Sandy visitor one day during the week. Miss Hazel Beers attended the party at the community hall and her pres ence was much enjoygd. Nothing much can be done in the farming line yet as the ground is frozen too much to plow. There is a '.'dandy" bunch of fourth graders in the Bull Run school and they are "stamling at the bits" to go FOR SALE: 350 new and second hand sacks for sale. A. R, Daue. Phone 16F22, Clackamas. SUMMONS No. 18567 In the "Circuit Court of the State "of Oregon for Clackamas County. De partment No. Minnie A. Sellers, Plaintiff, vs. Floyd D. Sellers, Defendant, To Floyd IX Sellers ,the defendant over to Sandy and spell against the of Oregon, you are hereby required to Sandy "fourths.' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ganger and babies Phyllis hd Billy were visitors at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. John Mitchell. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and relatives, also the Masonic Lodge of Canby, Oregon, for their kindness and beautiful floral offerings during our recent bereavement. MRS. JANE SAMSON, - r, . LOLA LORRAINE SAMSON, MRS. NORA JESSE, MRS. ESTELLA SUMMERS. .. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to our friends and neighbors our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness tendered us during our re cent bereavement, also the beautiful floral tributes. MRS. BELLE ROBBINS. : HOWARD ROBBINS, A. J. ROBBINS. NINE KH-LED IN STORM MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 24. The death toll from the storm that buried half a dozen states of the Northwest and completely isolated some sections for the last 72 hours, today was known to be at least nine and it is feared thae when wire com munication is restored from other towns and cities will bring the total number to at least 15 dead and 50 injured. at-an BROKER FACES CHARGE BANK ROBBERY FAILS PORTLAND, Feb. 23. Yeggs tempted to burn their way with acetylene torch into the vaule of the Montavilla Savings bank, 2027 East Stark street, sometime during the night, but were - frightened away be fore they had completed their job and early reports indicated no money had been taken. The hole in the safe was about a foot square and took at least two hours to burn. The yeggs had reach ed the inside door and another five minutes would have allowed them to reach the interior of the vaule. The safe was still warm when the vice president arrived at 8 o'clock. An investigation showed that the safecracker had gained entrance to the building by jimmying open a back door of the bank. I appear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above entitled cause and court, within six weeks, from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within six weeks from Friday, March 3rd 1922, and if you fail to so answer or appear herein for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you, forever dissolving the marriage contract now existing between you and plaintiff and granting plaintiff such other relief as may be equitable. This summons is published for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City, Enterprise, a newspaper of general .circulation, printed and published at Oregon City, in Clackamas County, Oregon, the date of the first publica tion thereof being Friday, March 3rd, 1922, and the date of the last publi cation thereof, being Friday, April 14th, 1922, all done in accordance with the order of the Honorable James Uj Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was dated and en tered of record March 1st, 1922. WM. G. MARTIN, CAREY F. MARTIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic Temple Building, Salem, Oregon. NEW YORK, Feb. 24. Alleged to have defrauded thirteen or fourteen society women of at least $560,000. Alfred E. Lindsey, a broker of South Nyack, is being sought to face charges that he made off with the entire personal fortune of Mrs. Lil lian D. Duke, divorced wife of James B. Duke, the "tobacco king." Mrs. Duke charges Lindsey got all her cash, $325)00, and jewelry worth ?50.000. FOUR PAY PENALTY NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 1. Charles F. Petree, Tom Christmas, Otto Stevens and John McClure were electrocuted at the state prison this morning all in the space of twenty five minutes for the murder of George Lewis, of Knoxville, on May 30, 1921. The men went to their deaths with prayers. All except Petree met death calmly. An hour before the execution Petree became ill. STRIKE MAY Be AVERTED CHICAGO, Feb. 21. Announcement that he had taken a step in the direc tion of averting a nation-wide strike of coal miners was made here today by John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, as be entered into conference with the heads of railroad brotherhoods to present his "defensive alliance" pro posal of resisting contemplated wage reductions. Lewis declared that he had issued a call to operators in Western Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio and Indiana for a joint conference to be held in Cleveland, March 2. . The fingernails are affected by cer tain bodily diseases, thus forming an indication to the general health. INQUEST IS DELAYED CHEHALIS, Wash.. Feb. 21. The inquest scheduled .for today to hear evidence in the tragedy which result ed in the deaths of five children of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rhodes of Klaber, within half an hour after the mother gave them what she thought was Ep son salts, has been postponed until Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Deputy Coroner Weissinger returnel this morning from Seattle, where he took the liver and other organs of Verda Rhodes for further analysis. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Lu cien M. Davidson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Lucien M. Davidson, deceased. Any person or persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified according to law, at the office of my attorney, C. H. Dye, corner of 8th & Main Sts.. Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first nnh. lication of this notice. Dated Ma 1922. . FRANK E. DAVIDSON, Administrator as aforesaid C. H. DYE, , Attorney for Estate. io1 ? rSt time March 3rl, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Charles McGourty, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the 'said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my attorney John Olsen, 413 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon, or at the Oregon City Enterprise, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this no tice. Dated February 24, 1922. Date of. first publication March 3. 1922. Date of last publication March 31, 1922. CECILIA McGOURTY, Administratrix of the estate of Charles McGourty, deceased. JOHN OLSEN, Attorney.