Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 24, 1922, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Page 7
Continued from Page 3
h., 4 eents per for the next 100 and 3
cents for all over 200 k. w. h.
Similar reductions in power rates
are provided.
CANBY, Feb. 22. Miss Eda Shull
.spent the first of the week in Canby
as the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Shull.
Dollar Day Sale, F. W. Woolworth
Co. With evry $1 worth merchandise
you get any 15c article free, Saturday
Feb. 25th. Adv.
Among those attending the funeral
of the late Marion Samson and his
son held at Rock creek Tuesday after
noon were Mrs. R. Soper and Mrs.
Grant White.
Mrs. Jessie Martin and daughter, of
Yamhill, Oregon, are in this city visit
ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Porter. Mrs. Martin was Miss
Verna Porter, of this city, before her
marriage. She is also visiting among
her numerous friends.
Mrs. Fred Hampton is in Washing
ton as the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Walter Leisman. Mrs. Leisman was
formerly Miss Nell Hampton, of this
Salted peanuts, 10 cents half pound
on Saturday at Woolworths. Adv.
Miss Cora Douglass, student of the
Oregon Agricultural College, soent
the week-end in Canby visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Doug
lass. Miss Blanche Swank was a dinner
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Arthur
of the Cottage last Friday evening.
Miss Swank is the competent teacher
of the fifth grade here.
Don't forget Dollar Day, Saturday,
Woolworth's. Adv.
Inspected ",Sevr Oregon" strawberry
plants $4.50 per thousand. Walter
Nichols, Canby, Ore.
Canby High School
CANBY, Feb. .21. Friday evening
the state debate between Canby and
Woodburn was held in the high school
assembly room. A good crowd was.
out to encourage the debaters. The
subject was a difficult one, , but the
team handled it well. The Canby af
firmative team was composed of
Easter Noble and Ordon Cole, and
Woodburn's negative was Theoda
Gribble and Victor Hicks.
Our negative team, Dorothy Vaughan
and Corwin Hein, debated at Wood
burn against Homer Settlemeier and"
Violette Jacobs.
We are very proud of the showing
made by our school and beleive much
was gained by these contest even if
we didn't win.
Miss Eyre and Margaret Brown at
tended grand opera February 18 hear
ing "Madame Butterfly" and "II Trova
tore." Mr. Launer has changed our prac
tice night from Wednesday to Mon
day. The Glee Club made its second pub
lic appearance, Thursday evening, at
the high school debate.
The Glee Club members are now
learning "Kentucky Babe." We all
hope to fee able to sing it at the next
appearance before the public.
Those attending the Valentine party
at the M. E. church Tuesday evening
were: Eleanor Lent, Pauline Raddatz,
Mildred Henriksen, Eva Kraus, Vio
lette Ledford, Louis Lorenz, Noel
Oathes and Charles Bates.
In English IV class one day Mrs.
Cart'idge read a detailed description
of Sir Walter Scott and Lord Byron
from a beautifully illustrated volume.
The class enjoyed it very much.
Myles Noble has been absent the
last few days with a sore foot.
Louis and Cora reported on "The
Prisoner of Chillon" Wednesday while
the other members of the English
class chose shorter poems of Lord
Byron and reported on them.
Miss Eyre received several books
from the state library to be used in
American History. Some are good
source books and others interesting
stories connected with the period that
we are studying1.
Last Wednesday and Thursday the
Domestic Art class mended stockings.
Eleanor Lent took charge of Mrs.
Cartridge's room for about 15 minutes
of the last period Thursday, reading
to the Freshmen English class from
"Treasure Island."
The Teacher's Training II class has
been read'n? Roussean's "Emile" in
connection with the History of Edu
cation. They are soon going to study
Pestalorzi's "Leonard and Gertrude."
ppiiTie Raddatz and Cora Ausve
were the first members of the Book
keeping class to finish Set III and get
started on Set IV. We go into partner
shin with another person in this set.
Eleanor Lent enjoyed herself Satur
day evening at the home of Cora
Douglas, '21.
Thelma Dodge, Katherine Hein,
lone Fletcher, Margaret Brown, Olga
Hollenbach, Irene Smith, Hedwig
Kraxbereer, Lorena Hornig and Wal
lace Dalen were present at the St.
Valentine party at the M. E. church
Tuesday nieht. ,
Jovce Sutherland was absent last
week on account of illness.
Many of the Juniors witnessed the
debate Thursday night.
The cold wave must have swept
over the Juniors this week because
of so many absences. .
The Jnnlor Civic class had a spasm
of cnue-hing Friday afternoon so that
it was necessary to pass around the
conh drops.
Marearet Prown attended the grand
opera tn Portland Saturday afternoon.
Onal Wheeler took in a show at the
Hippodrome during the week end.
Otto Kiel is back in-school today
fter his long absence of sickness,
'"flu." '
Olera WHIle motored to Oregon City
Sunday aftednoon.
Iena Sandsness attended the Lib
ertv In Oregon City Sunday evening.
Mahle Oiling and Forrest Baty
were swone the Sophs that was at the
dance at. Macksburff Saturday nieht.
Trf?na Sandsness played guard In the
last half of the girls basket ball game
that took place at Milwaukie last Friday.
Mary Noble spent Sunday with
Sylvia Fisher of Canby.
-Mrs. Dye will take the place or our
English teacher Mrs. Cartlidge who is
sick with the "flu." We all are hoping
she will recover soon.
Anita Sehaubel went to Portland
Tuesday to see her borther Joe who is
still sick in the Sanitarium. He is
improving nicely. " .
Tho Sophs that attended the M. E.
church party last Tuesday were Syl
via Fisher, Mary Noble, Iva and Mar
garet Kueck, Ella Samuelson, Oiga
Miller, Nellie Berg, Lena Sandsness,
Forrest Baty, Fergus West, Ray
i u. , . ,
Boarflman, Rex Barth, Mable Collins,
Bernice Beeson, Lela Hess, La Versa
Craine, Evelyn Dalen and Clara Kraus
Gordon Cole took part in the debate
Thursday evening on the affirmative
He and his colleague. Easter Noble,
delivered their speeches with accu
Miss Eyre, the Freshman's registra
tion teacher, attended grand opera
Saturday afternoon and evening in
A great number of the Freshies
went to the Valentine Party given by
the Methodist Sunday school last
George Hollenbach played on the
boys' team at Milwaukie last Friday
night, and Eva, and Berdine Knutson
played on the girls team.
Quentin Miller went to Portland
Friday afternoon and returned Sun
day evening.
In General Science Mrs. Hutchinson
has required from every pupil, a re
port on some animal or living things
of the earth as related to physical
Wesley Mitts is very sick and was
unable to come to school Monday.
Market Reports
Eggs, per dozen 25c
Butter, ranch, per lb 30 35c
Butter, creamery, lb 41c
Roosters, old, lb 8 10c
Springs, per lb 23c
Hens, under 4 lbs 18c
Hens, over 4 lbs 22c
Veal, per lb 14c
Beef, lb, (live) 5 9c
Hogs, (dressed), lb 10 & 14c
Potatoes, (seed) per 100 lbs $1.25
Potatoes, 100 lbs ..$1.50 & $1.75
Vheat,. per bu $1.20
Oats, per bu .48c
Definite announcement that an at
tempt will be made at the forthcom
ing election, to recall the Public Serv
ice Commission and the appointment
of a- representative to carry on the
organization work of the Tax Reduc
tion League in Clackamas county
were the outstanding features of a
meeting at Busch's hall Wednesday
afternoon, attended by more than 200
Henry Theissen ot Milwaukie, was
appointed representative of the Tax
Reduction League for Clackamas
county. J. C- Cooper, head of the
league, spoke of the universal feel
ing which exists throughout the state
against the present high taxes. This
movement to organize a state-wide
league was receiving the support of
all shades of political opinion. He
contended that the blame fo rexisting
taxes laid not so much with the peo
ple who voted the measures as with
the legislature which submitted them.
School Funds Hit
Higher education he classified as
,a luxury and gave it as his opinion
that the people voted too much tax
for school affairs. The remedy for
this state of affairs 'was the forma
tion of a club here from which a del
egate would be selected to- attend the
convention to be held at Portland on
March 20, he said.
R, G. Duncan, of Portland who is
heading a petition to recall the Pub
lic Service commissioners stated that
he had at present sufficient signa
tures to place on the ballot the name
of Fred A. Williams and that in the
case of Fred G- Butchel a further
9000 names are needed, which he
hopes to secure in the near future.
The other commissioner. Hylen H.
Corey, would be taken care of in
Eastern Oregon
Judge Cross pointed out the bene
fits to be received from a taxpayers
league as it promoted a better study
of tax conditions and would be a
source of intelligent help to the coun
ty court in dealing with tax problems.
He asked that the voters decide on
some immediate action with reference
to the recall of road bonds. Under
present circumstances the county
court was in a difficult situation in
the matter of road work.
Move Is Approved
J. B. Brown, ex-president of the
farmer's union endorsed the motion
for a club as he foresaw that taxes
would increase In the future as they
had done in the past unless some com
bined move were made towards er
fecting a reduction.
C. E. Spence, who was delegate to
the Agricultural conference at Chica
go related briefly the work accom
plished in dealing with the present
and future problems of the farmer.
The conference aKho its delegates
were drawn from many other-scenes
of industry than farming had in his
opinion helped, since it had placed
the farmers viewpoint prominently
before the public. Whilst supporting
the tax league he showed at the same
time that whereas only 25 to 40 per
cent of the voters exercised the fran
chise yet 100 per cent considered It
their right to register criticism.
Membership cards were issued to
those desiring to join the tax reduc
tion league at a cost of 25 cents each.
A blank ballot was also handed out
with a view to obtaining the opinion
of the meeting as to what reductions
they considered most desirable."
The meeting was sponsored by a
weekly newspaper, with its head-,
quarters in Oregon City. H. H. Stal
lard, chairman of the Non-Partisan
league for Oregon presided.
An open derail on a side track just
north of the Southern Pacific depot,
caused the derailment of two freight
cars at 10:40 o'clock Wednesday
morning. W. Donaldson, a brakeman
on southbound freight 227 was slight
ly injuerd.
, ireigui was Dacicmg some cars
onto the siding,. wnen they were de-
nti - i . .
railed. Two cars fell sideways off
the track striking the steel stairway
which leads up to the bluff from Sth
street. The steelwork was the only
thing which prevented the cars from
rolling over across Railroad avenue
into the pressroom of the Enterprise
building. '
Donaldson, who was riding on top
of one of the cars was badly cut
about the head when he was thrown
to the ground. His injuries are not
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. H. F. Way. Plaintiff,
Grace A. Way, Defendant.
To Grace A. Way, defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified and required
to appear and answer the complaint
of plaintiff in the above entitled Court
and cause on or before Saturday, the
first day of April, 1922, and if you do
not so appear and answer, the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract heretofore and now existing
between plaintiff and defendant, and
decreeing that defendant have the
i temporary care, custody and control
' of the minor children, Rowena A. Way",
Herbert F. Way and Greville F. Way,
subject, however, to the further order
of this court, and that plaintiff and
defendant shall become and be ten
ants in common in the ownership and
title of Tract Numbered Sixteen (16)
Bland Acres, Clackamas County, Ore
gon, and that plaintiff is the owner of
Lot 7, Block 66, Oregon Cityi Oregon,
subject to the payment to defendant of
the sum of $50.00 and for such other
and further relief as'to the Court shall
seem meet and equitable in the
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the Fifth Judicial District of Ore
gon, which order was made February
16th, 1922, directing that the summons
be published in the Oregon City Enter
prise, once a week for six consecutive
weeks, .the date of the first publication,
February 17th, 1922, and the date of
the last publication, March 31st, 1922.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Ruth Ives, Plaintiff,
. vs. . v
George R. Ives, Defendant.
To George R. Ives:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against ybu
In the above entitled suit on or before
six weeks from the first publication of
this summons, to-wit: The 24th
day of March, A. D. 1922, and
if you fail to so appea r and an
swer for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
demanded in her complaint filed in
this suit, namely: A decree of this
Court dissolving the bonds of matri
mony and the marriage contract now
and heretofore existing, bewteen the
plaintiff and the defendant.
The summons is published once a
week for six successive weeks by or
der of Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge of
the above entiled Court, dated the 8th
day of February, A. D. 1922 directing
the publication thereof.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
714 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Date of first publication, February
10th. 1922.
Date of last publication, March 24th,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas
John Peterspn, Plaintiff,
M. Phillips, T. Ilias and L- T. Trepcov,
To M. Phillips, T. Ilias, and L. T. Trep
cov, the above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that John
Peterson the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency numbered 2199 issued on
the loth day of December 1920, by the
Tax Collector of the County of Clack
amas, State of Oregon, for the amount
of Seven & 87-100 Dollars, the same
being the amount then due and de
linquent for --taxes or the year 1916
together with penalty, interest and
costs thereon upon the real property
assessed to you, of which you are
the owner as appears on record, situ
ated in said County and State, and
particularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
North 25 acres of the N. of
S. W., of Sec. 28. Tp. 1, R. 5
E. W. M.
You are further notified that said
John Peterson has paid taxes on saia
premises for prior or subsequent years
with the rate of interest on said
amounts as follows:
1917 year's tax- paid Dec. 15, 1920;
tax receipt number 19306, amount,
$5.58; rate of interest 12; total,
1918 year's tax paid Dec. 15, 1920;
tax receipt number, 19307; amount
$5.46; rate of interest 12; total,
1919 year's tax paid Dec. 15, 1920;
tax receipt number ,18528; amount,
$7.90; rate of interest 12; total,
1920 year's tax paid, first June
1, 1921; tax receipt number, 11963,
amount $4.36; rate of interest 12;
total $4.92.
1920 year's tax Second , Oct. 5,
1921; tax receipt number, 16425;
amount, $4.28; rate of Interest 12;
total $4.84.
Said M. Phillips, T. Ilias, and L. T.
Trepcov, as the owners of the legal
title of the above described property
as ' the same appears on record are
hereby further notified that said
John Peterson, will apply -' to the
Circuit Court of the County and
Stae aforesaid for a decree fore
closing the" lien - against the pro
perty above described and men
tioned in said certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to appear with
in sixty days after the first publica
tion of this summons exclusive of the
day of said first publication, and de
fend this action or pay the amount due
as above shown together with costs
( and accrued interest and in case of
j your failure to do so, a decree will be
' rendered foreclosing the lien ot said
! taxes and costs against the land and
'. -ohnTfl n :) m Ctrl
This ' summons is published by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell.
Judge of . the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, an said order was made
and dated this Sth day of February,
1922, and the date of the first publica
tion of this summons is the 10th day
of February 1922.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Address 822 Chamber of Commerce
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
In the circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Olive Marsden, Plaintiff
William Marsden, Defendant.
To Villlam Marsden, the above nam--ed
In the Name of the State of Oregon;
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the expiration six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
summons, which date of expiration is
fixed by order of the above entitled
Court as March 31st, 1922; if you so
fail to appear and answer plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief pray
ed for in her complaint, to-wit: for a
decree of absolute divorce from de
fendant, with restoration of plaintiff's
former name, and such other- and
further relief as to the Court may
seem just and equitable.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court. '
The order is dated February 14, 1922.
Date of first publication February
17, 1922.
Date of last publication March 31,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address 310 Panama Bldg., Port
land, Oregon; . ... .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Mabel Susan 'Clarkson, Plaintiff,
Robert Clarkson, Defendant.
To Robert Clarkson, defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of plaintiff
now On file herein within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
hereof, and on or before the 31st day
of March, 1922, and in the event that
you fail, neglect or refuse to so appear
and answer, default will be taken
against you and a decree will be enter
ed herein against you, as prayed for
in plaintiff's complaint, dissolving the
marriage contract heretofore and now
existing between plaintiff and yourself
and granting to plaintiff the sole and
exclusive custody and control of Mil
ton Robert Clarkson, the minor child
of plaintiff and yourself, and for such
other and further relief as to the
Court shall seem just and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Oregon
City Enterprise at least once a week
for a period of not less than six con
secutive weeks by order of the Hon
orable James U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled court, made and
entered February iOth, 1922.
The date of the first publication
hereof is February 17th, 1922.
The date of the last publication here
of is March 31st. 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
511 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore.
No. 18340
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. O. A. Ritan, plaintiff,
Hendee Brothers, a corporation, and
The Waverly Association, a corpor
ation. Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, judgment
order, decree and order of sale issued
out of the above named court in the
above entitled cause, to me directed
and dated the 10th day of February,
1922, upon a judgment rendered and
entered in said court oi the -3rd day
of February, 1922, in favor of O. A.
Ritan, plaintiff, and against Hendee
Brothers, a corporation, defendant, for
the sum of $11,715,70, with interest
thereon at the rate of seven per cent,
per annum from the 3rd day of Feb
ruary, 1922, and the further sum of
$13.25 costs and disbursements, and
the costs upon this writ, commanding
me to make sale of the following de
scribed real property, to wit:
Those certain pieces or parcels
of land situate and be.ing in the
County of Clackamas, State of
Oregon, and being portions -of the
Donation Land Claims of Lot
Whitcomb Nos. 38 and 41, and Wil
liam Meek, No. 50, in Township l
South, Range 1 East of the Wil
lamette Meridian, and further
known and described as follows,
to wit: Beginning at the northwest
corner of a tract of land in the
Donation Land Claim of said Wil
liam Meek, conveyed by. Wm.
Meek and wife and H. W. Eddy
and wife to Seth Luelling by deed
dated October 31, 1857, and record
ed November 14, 1857, in Book "C"
at page 130, records of deeds for
Clackamas county, Oregon, said
. tract being designated in said
deed as "Lot 3d" and locally
known as the nursery lot; thence
running south 10 east 122.76 feet
to an iron pipe: thence running
south 88 31' West 419.1 feet to
an iron pipe; thence south 10 25'
west 50.1 feet to an Iron pipe;
thence south 43" 06' 30" west
554.49 feet to the Willamette River
at the low . water mark; thence
with meanders of the river at the
low water mark, down stream, 285
0; feet more or less, to , that certain
piece of land conveyed by Hen
dee Brothers, S. B. Hendee and
wife, O. S. Hendee and E. L. Hen
dee to Lottie Chase Smith on the
4th day of April, 1911, by deed
recorded at page 430 of Volume
120 of Records of Deeds of said
Clackamas County ; thence along
the easterly line of said Lottie
Chase Smith's land north 37' 5S'
east 144 feet, mere or less, to an
Iron pipe in the southerly line of
the right of way of the P. R- L. &
P. Company's railway; thence
north 4 east 30.63 feet to a pipe in
the northerly line of said right of
way; thence north 20 30' west
385.9 feet to a pipe at the north
east corner of said Smith land;
thence North 69 30' east 675.50
feet to an iron pipe; thence north
5S east 353.76 feet to an iron
pipe; thence south 28 31' east
331.55' feet to the place of begin
ning, excepting the right of way ot
the P. R. L. & P. Company's rail
way. Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order, decree and
order of sale, and in compliance with
the commands of said writ, I will, on
the 18 day of March, 1922 at; ten
o'clock in the forenoon, at the front
door of the county court house in
Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore
gon, sell at public auction, (subject to
redemption) to the highest bidder for
cash, all the right, title and interest
which the said defendant, Hendee'
Brothers, a corporation, had on the
26th day of March, 1914, the date of
the mortgage described in said decree
and order of sale, or since that date,
in and to the above described property,
or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order and decree,
interest and costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oreson.
By E. C. HACKETT. deputy.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Yoen Bldg., Portland. Oregon
Dated this February 17th. 1922.
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore.
Jan. 31.1922.
Notice is hereby given that Jacob
G. Martzolf, of Oregon City, Ore., who,
on August 16th, 191S, made Homestead
Entry. No. 06139, for Lots 1 and 2, Sec
tion 3, Township 3 S., Range 2 E., W.
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore the Register & Receiver of the U.
S. Land Office, at Portland, Ore., on
the 29th day of March, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam Braatz, of Oregon City, Ore.,
R-3; John Frazer, of Oregon City, Ore.,
R-2; John Ness, of Oregon City, Ore.,
R-2; Victor Neal, of Portland, Ore.,
20th and Quimby streets.
Act 6-9-16 Register.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the Matter of the Estate
Arthur Cliff, Deceased.'
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Administrator of the estate
of Arthur Cliff, deceased, will in ac
cordance with the orders of the Coun
ty Court ofthe State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas, on and after
Tuesday March 14, 1922, sell the fol
lowing described property, to-wit:
Situate in Clackamas County,
Oregon :
All of tract 30 Outlook, accord
ing to the duly recorded plat there
of, except land described in Vol.
145, page 376, deed records of
Clackamas County, Oregon.
Also the following described
.tract of land lying-and being with
in the boundaries thereof and
. south of the County Road, cross
ing said described tract, to-wit:
comemncing at a point 18.25 chains
East Of the quarter section corner
between Sections 13 and 11, Town
ship 2 South Range 2 East of the
Willamette Meridian, running
thence East to the Clackams Riv
er; thence down stream following
the meanders thereof to a point
due north of the place of begin
ning; thfence south to the place of
Also beginning at a point 10
chains East of the Northwest
corner of the fractional Northeast
quarter of the Southwest quarter
of Section 13, Township 2 South
of Range 2 East of the Willamette
Meridian, running thence West 10
chains; thence South to the inter
section with the West line of the
Horace Baker Donation Land
Claim No. 68, said Township and
Range; thence. South 9 30' West
tracing the westerly line of said
Baker claim to the northwest corner
of that certain tract of land describ
ed Vol. 152, page 40 Deed Records
of Clackamas County, Oregon;
thence East along the north line
of said tract described Vol. 152,
page 40 to a point due South of
the place of beginning, thence
north to the place of beginning.
at private sale for cash to the highest
and best bidder, said sale to be made
at the office of Wm. Hammond, Attor
ney, at Law, Beaver Building, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Administrator of the Estate of Arthur
Cliff, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator,
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas, has ap
pointed the undersigned, administra
trix of the Estate of Frederick W. Pat
erson, deceased. All persons having
claims against the said decedent, or
his estate, are hereby given notice
that they shall present them to the
undersigned administratrix at the of
fice of Jos. E. Hedges, Esq., 804
Main St., Oregon City, Oregon, with
in six months from the date of this
notice with proper vouchers duly veri
fied. -
Administratrix of the Estate of Fred
erick W. Paterson.
Date of first publication, January
Date of last publication February
24th, 1922.
D. C Latourette, President ' ' : F. J. Meybr, Cashie.
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000 00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
Joseph J. Didier and Louise . Didier
Woodward formerly Louise Didier
McDonald, Plaintiffs
M. O. Feudner and Agnes C. Feudner
his wife; Fred J. Meindl and Lorena
Meindl his wife, R. M. Tilton,
James H. Ashley and Sarah Ida Ash
ley, his wife, Defendants. "
State of Oregon, county of Clackamas,
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me directed and dated the
20th day of Jan., 1922, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court
on the 20th day of January 1922, in
favor of Joseph J. Didier and Louise
Didier Woodward, formerly Louise
Didier McDonald, Plaintiffs, and
against M. O. Feudner and Agnes C.
Feudner his wife; Fred J. Meindl, and
Lorena Meindl his wife; R. M. Tilton;
James H. Ashley and Sarah Ida Ash
ley his wife, Defendants, for the sum
of $4800.00, with interest thereon at
the rate of seven per cent per annum
from the 2nd day of January 1919, and
the further sum of $500.00, as attor
ney's fee, the further sum of $44.05
costs and disbursements , and the
costs of and upon this writ, command
ing me to make sale of the following
described real property, situate in the
county of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
"The land bounded by a Tine be
ginning at a stone at the most
Easterly corner of the James Mc
Nary Donation Land Claim in
Section numbered seventeen (17)
in Township numbered Two (2)
south of Range numbered two (2)
East of the Willamette Meridian,
thence South 26 degrees 12 min
utes west 3242.40 feet to a stone,
thence south 45 degrees west 68.40
feet to the center of the County
Road, thence on the center of
said road north 63 degrees West
3jjl.l0 feet, thence north-61 de
grees 48 minutes west 112.71 feet
for a beginning; thence on center
of said road north 51 degrees 48
minutes west 285.69 feet, thence
north 36 degrees west 174 feet,
thence north 66 degrees 40 min
utes west 667 feet, thence north 44
degrees . 30 minutes west 131.30
feet, thence leaving road, thence
nortjj 44 degrees 50 minutes. east
3510.80 feet, thence south 45 de
grees 08 minutes east 107.77 feet,
thence south 26 degrees 12 min
utes west 3443.10 feet to the place
of beginning. Except two acres be
ginning at a stone at the most
easterly corner of said donation
land claim, thence south 26 de
grees 12 minutes west on the
southeasterly line of said donation
land claim 3242.40 feet, to a stone,
thence south 45 degrees west 68.40
feetto a stone in the center of the
county road, thence on center of
said road north 63 degrees west
351.10 feet, thence north 51 de
grees 48 minutes west 112.71 feet,
thence north 26 degrees 12 min
utes east 20 feet, for a beginning;
thence north 26 degrees 12 minutes
east 456.85 feet; thence north 63
degrees 48 minutes west 200 feet,
thence south 26 degrees 12 min
utes west 414.35 feet, thence south
51 degrees 48 minutes east 204.46
feet to the place of beginning;
save and except also ten (10)
acres described as follows: Begin
ning at a point in the center of the
County Road known as the Oat
field Road, from which point the
stone monument at the easterly
corner of the James McNary Do
nation Land Claim, in Section
seventeen (17), Township two (2),
south of Range two (2) east of the
Willamette Meridian bears north
54 degrees 42 minutes 14 seconds
east 3581.61 feet distant, and run
ning thence north 44 degrees 50
minutes east 1752.37 feet to a point;
thence south 45 degrees 10 min
utes east 250 feet to a point;
thence south 44 degrees 50 min
utes west 1707.14 feet to a point
in the center of said Oatfield
Road; thence along the center ot
said road, north 66 degrees 40
minutes west 127.58 feet to a
point; thence north 44 degrees 30
minutes west 131.3 feet to the
place of beginning. All in the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, and being about thirty-eight
(38) acres of land remaining in
said fifty (50) acre tract."
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
25th day of February 1922 ; at the hour
of 11 A. M., at the front door of the
County Court House in the City of
Oregon City, in said County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the above named de
fendants or either of them, had on the
2nd day of Jan., 1914, the date of the
mortgage in said judgment, decree and
order described or since that date had.
in or to the above described real pro
perty or any part thereof, to satisfy
said execution, judgment order, and
decree with interest, costs and all ac-
cuing costs. " v
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. c- Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., January
27th, 1922.
Date of first publication January 27,
Date of last-publication February 24,
1922. -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
William Sheahan, Plaintiff,
Frank Capen and Hattie E. Capen, hir
wife. Defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are and each of you hereby I
notified and required to appear an
answer the complaint of plaintiff In
Coiumetcial, Real Estate Etv!
Probate oui Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
KHdg., Oregon City, Oregon.
' Attorney-at-Law
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estaits
settled general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Phone 405
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, (torn.
the above entitled Court and cause on
or before Saturday, the 11th day of
March, 1922, and if you do not so ap
pear and answer, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayei
for in the complaint, to-wit: For a de
cree that the property described In
the complaint, to-wit; All of Tract
Numbered Twenty-three "(23) and Lot
"E'of Tract Numbered Twenty-two
(22) of Willamette and Tualatin
Tracts in said Clackamas County, Ore
gon, be sold in accordance with the
law of this State and the practice of
this Court, and fixing the attorney's
feet at $150.00 and that the proceeds of
sale be devoted to the payment of the
costs of sale, the costs and disburse
ments of this suit, the amount of the
said note, the attorney's fee and the
amount of taxes, together with inter
est at the rate of seven per cent per
annum on the whole amount.
That plaintiff be permitted to be
come a purchaser t said sale, and
that defendants be forever foreclosed
of all right, title .interest and estate
in or to said mortgaged premises, and
that the plaintiff have such other and
further relief a3 to the Court shall
seem meet and equitable in the
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable J. D". Campbell,
Judge of the Circuit Court for the
Fifth Judicial District of Oregon,
which order was made January 23rd
1922, directing that the same be pub
lished in Oregon City Enterprise once
a week for six consecutive weeks, the
date of the first publication January
27th, ,1922, and the date of the last
publication, March 10th, 1922.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
804 Main SL. Oregon Cityf Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County. De
partment No.
Emma C. Harmon. Plaintiffi
John A. Harmon, Defendant-
To John A. Harmon, the defendant
above named: In the name of the
State of Oregon, you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the Com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled cause and Court within six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this Summons, to-wit: With
in, six weeks from January 20, 1922,
and if you fail to so answer or appear
in this suit for want thereof, the plain
tiff will take a decree against you for
ever dissolving the marriage contract
existing between you and plaintiff and
awarding to plaintiff the future custo
dy of Rex L. Harmon and Edwin M.
Harmon, your minor children; and
granting to plaintiff any other relief
which may seem equitable.
This Summons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper
of general circulation, printed and
published at Oregon city, in Clacka
mas County, Oregon; the first publi
cation of said Summons being on Fri
day. January 27, 1922, and the last
publication thereof, being on Friday,
March 10, 1922, all in accordance with
the order of Honorable James TJ.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court, made and entered in said causa
this 26th day of January, 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic
Temple Building, Salem, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County. De
partment No.
Edith Daniels, Plaintiff,
Lewis E. Daniels, Jr., Defendant, fc
To Lewis E. Daniels, Jr., the defend
ant above named: In the Name of the
State of Oregon, you are hereby requir
ed to appear and answer the Com
plaint of plaintiff filed against you in
the above entitled cause .and Court,
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this Summons
against you, to-wit: Within six weeks
from Friday, January 13, 1922, and if
you fail to so appear or answer said
Complaint, the plaintiff will take a de
cree against you forever dissolving the .
marriage contract existing between
and plaintiff and restoring her to her
maiden name of Edith Dickson, and
granting to her such other relief as
may be equitable.
This summons is published for six .
consecutive weeks in the Oregon City
Enterprise, a newspaper of general cir
culation, printed and published at Ore
gon City, in Clackamas County, Ore
gon. The first publication thereof, be
ing Friday, January 13, 1922, and the
last publication thereof, being Friday,
February 24, 1922, all done In accord
ance with the order of the Honorable
James TJ. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, made and enter
ed in said cause and Court, January
6th, 1922.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic
Temple Building, Salem. Oregon.